All Super Mario Sunshine Bosses Ranked Easiest to Hardest

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hey what's up y'all I'm ramblegaming the home of the gaming and before we start let me quickly go over the rules of this ranking system while I don't usually rank bosses with rematches multiple times on a list I am going to make a slight exception for Super Mario Sunshine now most of the boss rematches in this game don't change much about the battle but PD piranhas second fight is extremely different from his original fight because of this I'll be ranking both of his boss battles separately on this list all the other bosses with multiple fights in Super Mario Sunshine will only have their hardest battle ranked so that I don't have to waste time by repeating myself also what game would you all like to see covered next in the boss ranking series make sure to comment down below with the answer and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and notification Bell to never miss another boss ranking video ever again only seven percent of the people that watch my videos are actually subscribed seven percent so if you enjoy these rankings please do subscribe it would seriously help out so much anyways with all that said y'all let's begin the ranking foreign being one of the very first boss battles in this game Petey Piranha's fight is incredibly easy even for Mario boss this overgrown piranha plant only has two attacks for the whole fight barfing up brown goop onto the battlefield and Swinging his head on the ground if the player gets too close to him to defeat Peter frana all you need to do is shoot water into his mouth for a couple of seconds and then ground pound his stomach once he falls over repeat that about two more times and you win that's it PD Piranha's first fight is not threatening in the slightest and even new players should have absolutely no problem winning this battle uh oh there's a really big wiggler on gelato Beach and it's really mad because it's so mad it's going really fast where is it going nowhere really good thing defeating it takes about as much effort as eating a donut even though this boss might look threatening because of how big it is it is not a problem in the slightest during this fight there are always specific paths that the wiggler will follow no matter what and it will never charge directly at the player either in order to trip it up you need to spray these purple seeds with water when the boss is near them causing a sand pyramid to shoot up from the ground and flip the wiggler over but here's the thing the wiggler will never actually run straight over a purple seed so what that means is you can just camp near a seed spray it with water when the wiggler comes close watch as the wiggler gets flipped over and ground pound the crap out of his Underside as long as you stay close to the purple seeds you literally won't take any damage at all during this fight wiggler is an incredibly easy and simple boss to defeat [Music] foreign is actually the boss that you have the most encounters with in Super Mario Sunshine being five times in total its Fifth and final fight near the bishop Delfino Plaza is definitely the hardest out of them all but is still pretty dang easy in a way the polluted frana is very similar to Petey piranha you need to wait for it to open its mouth and then shoot water into the mouth in order to deal damage however the blue to front his mouth is a lot smaller than PD's and the amount of time in which it is open is shorter as well on top of this there are a lot more swooping stews that you have to pay attention to during this fight especially since the polluted piranha will spawn into ring them once it takes three hits of damage while this might sound like a lot it's really not you only need to spray at most a droplet of water at the swooping Zeus to kill them and while the plutoprana does take six hits to defeat you can deal that damage very quickly the polluted piranha is only marginally harder than pitifurana and the wiggler as it is still a very easy boss and definitely not a threat [Music] and here we have the fight against Monty mole in a cannon the only part about this fight that might trip you up is the very start as this Monty Mo will fire bullet bills at you until you get close to him these bullet bills that the montemo Flyers are special though as they'll actually do three hits of damage instead of just one which is a bit intimidating to say the least however when you get close to the Machi mole he will stop firing these deadly bullets instead just throw out ball moms out of the battlefield all you need to do at this point is spray these bombs with water and throw them back at him three times in order to win the battle now if the Monty mole kept firing his board bills for the entire fight then he would be much more deadly but since he only fires them when you're far away this boss fight also ends up being incredibly easy to beat as his bomb on face is simply just a joke and effortless to overcome foreign this big squid is also surprise surprise quite an easy boss the main reason that it gets ranked higher than the previous four bosses is because of how small the arena of the fight is as well as some minor annoyances in the bloopers moveset that can trip you up if you're being careless when you first approach the goober blooper it'll slam all four of its tentacles down and rotate them around the arena trying to knock you off thankfully you can quickly interrupt that move by just spraying the blooper in the face causing it to raise all four of his tentacles and slam that down at you all you need to do to avoid this attack is Jump when he raises his tentacles all the way up and then from there you can hop on these tentacles and pull them off of the Squid's body which is you know not gruesome in the slightest nope not at all once you do that to all four of gooper bloopers tentacles you can then go grab his mouth and stretch it out dealing one hit of damage thankfully this boss does only take two hits to defeat meaning after it regrows its four tentacles and vomits goop under the battlefield you just need to to repeat all those steps one more time and the Goof spewing squid will go bye bye it can be somewhat easy to make big mistakes in this boss fight if you aren't paying much attention especially since if you fall off the arena you'll probably take a couple more hits to the goop in the water below but as long as you're focused and jumping at the right times this boss is an absolute piece of cake [Music] you know out of all the King Boo fights from the mainline Mario and Luigi's Mansion games this one in Super Mario Sunshine is for sure the weirdest and least threatening here in this fight you'll be facing King Buu on a giant spinning roulette wheel and King Vu will just chill in the middle and spin a slot machine every time you splash him with water it's because that's what Foos do they spin slot machines um sometimes the slot machine will land on bad spaces after which King Boo will spawn about 4-6 enemies onto the roulette wheel granted these enemies can get pretty annoying but they usually won't do that much damage other times when King Boo spins the slots it'll land on the fruit symbols which makes King Boo throw a whole assortment of fruit onto the arena once that happens the player just needs to pick up a chili pepper and throw it at King Boo's tongue after which they can throw any fruit at him and it'll deal damage that's right you defeat King Boo by just throwing fruit Adam like what huh excuse me the only hard thing about King Boo is that sometimes he'll spawn in enemies like smoldering stews that can take a good amount of Health away from the player but at the same time there's literally a chance that the slot machine will land on a coin combo which will cause kingbu to just spew out of horde of them plenty enough to get a full health refill like what's that all about huh I don't I don't get it so many things about this battle with King Boo just confused me and even though it can be janky at times it's still incredibly easy to win especially when King Boo practically hands you coins like what do you want me to kill you bro foreign so just in case you thought it couldn't get any weirder now PD Piranha's arms are wings okay now we can just fly around by flapping them in the air okay don't question it and to bring them down you have to get these little pig balloons on your flood nozzle and shoot them at him okay got it Petey piranha spends most of the Second Battle hovering above the player and spewing balls of goop down onto the grass since you're fighting him in the main area of Bianca Hills he'll be moving around a lot during the fight so when you do manage to hit PD with a pig balloon he'll fall to the ground and spawn in tornadoes that will circle around him and throw the player up if they get hit by them after that you can fill PD's mouth with water once he starts trying to barf and get a hit of damage on him causing him to start flying and shooting the goofballs again while this fight is still fairly easy there's definitely a lot more to deal with here than in the other boss battles already ranked there's going to be a lot of goop on the ground during this rematch thanks to how many goofballs PD likes to spew out while he's flying because of this a lot of swooping stews are constantly going to be spawning in goopy piranha plants will also be spawning in during this fight enemies that have a lot more range and health than the swooping stews have pretty annoying right but as long as you're making sure to clean up most of the goop that this plant shoots down then you'll be fine this second boss battle with Peter piranha isn't really that hard but it is harder than most of the other bosses in this game foreign [Music] the most nerve-wracking boss to fight in Super Mario Sunshine in reality the phantomanda isn't hard to take down but due to its nature as well as its unpredictable patterns the fight can definitely be a roadblock to newer players the phantomanta starts the fight as a huge round Shadow slowly moving across the ground leaving behind a huge trail of electric goop in order to damage this boss you'll need to spray a good amount of water at it causing it to eventually split into two smaller Shadows these smaller phantomantas also break down into two smaller phantomantas which from there break down into four smaller Phantom matches and the process keeps going it takes quite some time to get these Manta Shadows down to their smallest forms when you are able to do that though just spraying them with a droplet of water will instantly kill them like that but because of how much the phantomanda splits up during this fight the patterns of each tiny Shadow can be really hard to track you might find yourself getting thrown around and taking damage a lot especially since the goop they leave behind also hurts you if you touch it once you kill enough of the smallish phantomantas the remaining ones will turn pink and start to chase you down even though this sounds threatening it's actually very easy to deal with since you can just run in a circle while spring flood and all the mini Phantom mantis will get killed before they can even reach you despite how simple this second phase is phantomanta is still one of the creepiest and hardest bosses in this game and is especially difficult to newer players because of how different it is foreign the fight against Mecca Bowser is also a very strange one and definitely not what you would expect going into this battle instead of fighting this boss normally on the ground like you do with almost every other boss on this list you have to fire rockets at it while riding a roller coaster a roller coaster mind you that's filled to the brim with turns and loop-de-loops that love to screw up your aim by completely messing up the camera this is especially annoying since you need the camera to be perfectly aligned toward Mecha Bowser in order to land a hit on him as one tiny misplacement will cause your rocket to barely miss the edge of the machine meanwhile the Mecha Bowser will fire bullet bills to track you down sometimes falling behind you and sometimes coming in front of you since you can't refill your health at all during this fight mistakes are much more costly and it can be somewhat hard to keep an eye on the bullet bills while trying to fire rockets at Mecca Bowser at the same time especially since flood your best companion will only tell you that bullet bills are coming from behind you like grow they're also coming from the front flood are you gonna warn me about that huh no well pretty cool in concept Mega Bowser's fight ends up being very janky and annoying overall and definitely one of the harder boss fights in Super Mario Sunshine foreign so if there's one thing that I despise in 3D Mario games it's boss battles that are entirely underwater not only are they frustrating not only are they usually drawn out but they're often pretty difficult as well all these things are true for the boss fight against Elon mouth number two on a ranking since you're completely underwater when fighting this boss you're slowly going to be taking one hit of damage every 15 seconds or so this might not sound bad since you do have 8 Health points overall in this game but because of how slowly you move underwater it ends up being much worse than you might think it is at the beginning of the battle you'll be slowly descending to the bottom of the lake where Eli mouth is resting while you're going down you'll have to avoid the poison bubbles rising to the top from an Eli Mouse eyeballs once you finally get near the bottom of the lake Eli mouth will rise up out of his cave and open up his mouth and what do you have to do to beat Ely mouth you might ask well my lovely viewer you you have to clean his teeth that's right let me repeat that you literally defeat Ely mouth by using flood to clean its teeth forget about Dr Mario dentist Mario is now in the house I guess but the catch is while you're trying to clean Eli Mouse teeth every now and then it will start spinning around and try to suck you in and if you do get caught in his mouth you'll be spit way back up to the top meaning you have to descend all the way back down again what fun some of the teeth in Ely mouth are a pain in the butt to get clean especially the ones back in the corners of its mouth you can get so focused on trying to clean that one stupid tooth that it's very easy to forget about your slowly draining Health it's especially annoying that you have to go to the very outer edges of the lake in order to get any health recovery meaning you spend a lot of time going there and back in order to actually stay alive as stupid as it sounds the fight against Eli mouth is a very annoying one and very difficult when compared to the rest of the bosses on this list but despite all that Ely mouth is not quite the hardest boss in Super Mario Sunshine you know in fact I don't think it even comes close to the difficulty of the final boss in this game foreign [Music] Bowser is just chilling in a freaking bathtub okay in order to defeat him you have to flip the bathtub over and then he falls and dies okay and yes this is also literally the final boss of the game okay don't even ask me what's going on anymore because I've just absolutely no idea as far as final Bowser fights go this one in Super Mario Sunshine is actually a lot harder than most mainly because of how janky and broken it is like I said before the only way you can defeat Bowser is by tipping the stone bathtub over in order to do this you need to go to the five end points on the outer edge of the tub Rocket Jump extremely far up and meteor ground pound exactly into the symbol down below if you missed that symbol and hit the stone around it the ground pound usually won't register now on paper that sounds fairly easy right of course it does but when you throw both Bowser and Bowser Jr into the mix things start to heat up very fast while he sits in the middle of his acid bathtub Bowser will continuously breathe fire in the player's path and every once in a while slam down on the bathtub to shake it and spill the acid meanwhile Bowser Jr constantly spammed you with homing bullet bills sometimes up to six or seven at a time this gets really annoying really fast as Bowser's fire combined with the bullet bills is not a fun combo but the absolute worst part about this battle is that you barely have any room to work with you're constantly running on the rim of the bathtub in this battle which is extremely thin and very hard to maneuver on while avoiding all the fire and bullet bills plus every time you smash into one of these meteor endpoints it'll break up into many pieces and quickly fall into the void while tons of acid splashes down onto the player there have been times where I've literally just clipped through the falling pieces and immediately died because of that or if I'm able to rocket jump out without being stopped by the acid I'll often miss the rim of the tub because it's so thin and land into the acid in the tub itself awesome right this final Bowser fight is incredible really hard when compared to every other boss in Super Mario Sunshine and its sheer stupidity only adds insult to injury I mean if you walked up to me a random day and told me hey Bramble someone Super Mario Sunshine the final boss is just Bowser in a bathtub and it's actually kind of tough there is no way I would have believed you but as it can be clearly seen that is sadly true Bowser's bathtime romp is surprisingly challenging to beat and in my opinion the hardest boss in Super Mario Sunshine [Music] well guys there you have it that was all the bosses in Super Mario Sunshine ranked from easiest to hardest did you enjoy the list if you did make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel and hey while you're here why not check out some of the other boss rings that I've done you can click on either of the two on screen right now anyways with all that said Bramble gaming over and out foreign
Channel: BrambleGaming
Views: 163,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Gaming, BrambleGaming, Bramble Gaming, All Bosses Ranked, BrambleGaming Boss Ranking, All Bosses Easiest to Hardest, Boss Rankings, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario, Super Mario Sunshine Bosses, Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Super Mario Sunshine All Bosses, All Super Mario Sunshine Bosses, All Super Mario Sunshine Bosses Ranked, Hardest Mario Bosses, Super Mario Sunshine Boss Ranking, Hard Bosses, Bowser, Gooper Blooper, Hard Mario Bosses, Shadow Mario, Bowser Jr., Rage
Id: howh6VA9sCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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