All 63 Hollow Knight Achievements in one Speedrun

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hi everyone gonna be doing the all achievements run today oh God [Music] so this is what anyone who gets partner on Twitch has to endure they have to go through and all achievements run otherwise they get endlessly bullied by the community of course you know I'm no stranger to that but um this is something that I have to do and I'm gonna do it it's not gonna be torture it's gonna be fun okay it's gonna be a good time so I have uh split notes up and the split notes are nice um I think methulhu made them so shout outs to methulhu uh they're definitely going to make the run a lot easier because I don't I haven't looked at anything related to the speedrun like literally nothing the only thing I've heard so some of the achievements have to be done on steel soul one of like you have to do two playthroughs of the game the second playthrough is on steel soul and that's where you get the majority of your achievements so if you die in that part you lose the save file and I mean that's it's a pretty big time loss especially because like you have to eventually go through the pantheons and stuff too for those achievements it's my understanding um Lou warned me multiple times like fire you have to practice if you don't practice you're gonna die and lose the Run and who's like man I've had to do this run like several times it's gonna be a nightmare if you don't practice and here I am no practice about to do a run so wait where do I find the achievements here they are this is the achievements menu for those who weren't aware this is all the achievements in the game there's 63 of them I'm not very familiar with the achievements in Hollow Knight personally so I don't know what half of them are but we're gonna have to get all of them because that's the goal of the speed run uh and then we have to beat the game and we do it on multiple playthroughs and it's going to be a good time and I'm not gonna lose it to steal soul and yeah we can get started modding API icon is still there what oh my God let me just fix that holy [ __ ] Sebastian thank you very much for telling me that Jesus let me just uh verify Integrity of game files real quick so I can submit the run after I spend 10 hours doing it I I actually I like long speed runs so I don't know maybe I'll enjoy it maybe I'll maybe I'll do another run right after we'll just do two of them in a row I'll like it so much actually I'm not sure because I saw scurry's run was like 11 hours and I'm guessing I'm gonna be around that speed like I'm not gonna be as fast as blue it's like 10 hours although I think the route's a bit faster now maybe get this busy I'm looking forward to eventually playing Ragnarok too look at that achievement pop-up the first achievement I think I think that's the first right one out of 63. second oh two out of 63. wait what was the first oh the first is false night okay I just wasn't paying attention so I have to get this Hornet grub for some reason I wonder why test of resolve 3 out of 63. let's go okay so I'm just going to claw I've done runs with split notes before and I'm just so nervous about like forgetting to read because I used to do that when I ran 112 all the time oh oh yeah this is a different patch uh uh well I forgot how to do the sea Pogo they made a wall so that it can't get to you on this patch come on team cherry that's one of that's one of the cool things that we can do oh I mean I understand I guess but no Journal in bold wait I want to be a rebel I get wait what if what there can't be any repercussions if I get the journal right it says that in Bolt no Journal what if I want the journal I'm I'm just I'm confused why we're getting grubs like you have to get all the grubs on another safe right I'm sure there's a reason but hail or oh okay good to know enter sanctum Norman one two one what are these notes oh God almost got a double there I always want a fireball when the boss is staggered like that because it'll teleport away and get hit by the fireball again what a time to be alive yeah [Applause] yeah save a guarded grub don't kill lad unless you want to okay the notes are great I wanted to kill the lad why do you do this to yourself it wasn't I had no choice I had no say in the matter this was forced upon me come on come on hey I'm surprised it worked hey I'm known as what camera thank you very much I hope that burp wasn't picked up on the mic it probably was because I burped directly into it I guess I'm special thanks so much Robin welcome to the god gamer [Music] wait in the wrong scene I fat fingered my uh uh oh oh my God my fever was on holy [ __ ] running valid oh no welcome to the god gamer again oops see like I I put my finger down onto the stream deck or onto the go XLR for the Reverb and my pinky hit the stream deck and scream how the [ __ ] did that happen uh uh open King station save and quit oh save and quit to the stack connection oh another achievement so much for so much for uh submitting this wait oh I just I already benched shit's already falling apart Inspire bench killed Norman too okay I know who Norman is now so Norman to down we had uh two main Coons they're big and like I kind of like that it's like more more cat but small cats are adorable too so I don't know but like seriously my mom's cats might have some sassy like if you try to like go to Santi to give him attention and hates it but if you don't give him attention for like five seconds they'll be begging for it how do why do cats brains work like that you know I was actually really sloppy I mean I haven't done a 112 run since like the beginning of last year so I guess should be expected achievements unlocked let's carry this old skull with us for fun come on to buy goodbye zote ah uh rescue a grub daddy grub what grub daddy grub oh that's like the grub closest to Grub father I guess that was that was a lot of fun to do oh I don't have his mystery what am I doing yeah I've never looked into that category but it looks really interesting oh another achievement I guess it's like the texture they like really soften up [Music] grub friend I've always had so much trouble dodging that oops I'm gonna die it's just like a preview of how the steel Soul Run is going to go but with a lot more beer dying is time loss yeah and also run loss for the second part just like you can kind of cheese sauce but like uh dealing with its attacks normally is pretty tricky for worms like gummy worms welcome to the god gamer Academy did I get the grub I did right I was just Auto piloting I heard the grub jar sound effects right I think I did right I just I wasn't looking at the screen I was looking at chat get the grub wait did I get the rub or not can anyone confirm let me let me double check I am not paying attention either yep okay [Music] why did I think I saved it I was just trying to trying to skip it bench where am I wait [Music] no that's fog Canyon what the f where am I going what grub do they want me to get Hunter grub is above right oh oh this one oh my God I forget this I'm just doing everything I can to avoid the grubs I guess speedrunner does all achievements run without knowing the achievements it just adds to the challenge safe grub between kids and kitty Kingdom search I just combined the words I did not read the CSA k es my brain is already melting ouch oh my okay we're dying on the steel Soul Run we have no chance the nail art oops look at this poor guy got stuck I've never I don't know if I've seen that before guy here to not revise my history thanks for the good luck oh I should be on the right side uh do color one do color two collect pale or oh I don't need to do color three okay Run's going all right I've been kind of getting lost a lot and dropping down to one HP here and there and not going the fastest but it's going okay overall I shouldn't be dark these guys I really liked sakuru it was it was a great game I struggled oh talking about struggling safe got another achievements um uh for banishment you have to kill Grimm and then you go into like um Ellen Cliffs after I think and do the Bell thing oh we do it right now so I guess yeah it's a big map hard to find everything yo Lego Mansions uh Chinese is faster because there's oh because there's less characters and it Scrolls a little bit quicker I'm glad you like it knockoff yo Riley yeah so it's dead so it is gone and we have completed banishment so saving quit to dirt mouth and pale ore from grub father okay yeah the neglect achievement achievement pops up when you pops up when you hit the skull in greenpath hi everyone I'm invalid the run's already invalid so it's okay I should be taking a break shouldn't I I should be standing up hold on let me let me Flex my desk oh God [Music] I'll stand up at least oh we're killing the nail Smith guys I didn't know it was happening wait that's it okay yeah I got the achievement oh this is this is the end of the Run I like this category you have to kill the nail Smith so chat can't even bully you for it like normally everyone yells at me don't kill the nail Smith I have to I didn't have any choice I'm trying to get a baseline happy okay the speed run just because it's invalid doesn't mean the time is important wait maybe I should take that back if I say Baseline then people are gonna make me do another run foreign one complete tell me to take a bathroom break might be a good idea credits are rolling is fine you have about three minutes okay uh yeah bathroom break this is only the beginning yeah this is that was the easy part this part of the Run we have to do all the hunters Journal gotta do one twelve percent [Music] on steel Soul oh God when you get back start a new game you're the old save if you want okay start the new save in the steel Soul mode go through King's past as normal the murder can come later bench equip Fury wait why am I equipping Fury I'm not using Fury get into Fury for false night wave this is steel Soul I'm not what I'm not using Fury strats what thanks a lot liquid I do not want to over charm optional maybe I should just unequip Yuri because I'm not using it I'm never using that [ __ ] in a steel Soul Run maybe when we get serious about the all achievements run we can use fury it's only like a few minutes time loss to restart the run over completely I'm surprised these notes are like methulhu said these notes weren't thorough what you got individual accounts for the Hunter's Journal that's insane that's incredibly thorough I would have just been like kill these enemies holy [ __ ] look at these notes my brain can't handle I'm just killing everything oh wait okay my brain can handle it too much text I'm just yellowing it I didn't read anything before starting blue told me to practice I'm like practice you kidding spoiler song Oh [ __ ] wait I'm supposed to kill stuff how am I supposed to kill stuff while dropping oh oh I'm dead I'm dying should I save and quit okay foreign I will save and quit if I have to that's what I said I'd do so I'll I'll do it I get down to two HP we're saving and quitting Soul tyrants collect salt iron Essence save and quit the sanctum bench okay I'm gonna Focus for this loose uh what are we doing the waterways kill the [ __ ] uh yeah that's actually it no more no Isthmus I go straight to Monarch wings okay what the heck why is my button working oh oh they ran away oh my God wait and I can just jump back up right what where'd they go am I using unbreakable charms I don't even do we even get them hey not bad okay gotta kill both the maggots and then save and quit out and next we're doing Cyclone slash it's going all right make sure to get the essence oh I gotta kill the magnet oh [ __ ] I don't have ismosphere wait a minute I don't have this mystery do I have to have to do it uh Fireball installs our wall skips I just didn't hit a soon enough stupid oh man I got the wings but I dipped should I just go get is Mystery maybe I should I have spell Twisters so I can do four Fireballs that no I I can do this I just need to make use of four Fireballs I thought I had three for some reason it's not like you can buffer it differently right okay yeah I totally have two fireballs and it still worked I have to we're good we're good deep breath everyone massive Moss charger grab the massive monster charger vessel okay that's that's what I just did optimally you just definitely want to go above the enemy for the Dives but it's just easier to dive to the side most of the damage from d-dark is from the Shockwave yo just in real light and yo Maxine I am pretty tired but doing good how are you well let's go up and do the awesome skip off we go that's longer route then we can kill more [ __ ] I guess we'll do that later yo nade oh I have isthmus tier I don't need to do it okay oh [Music] dreamgate to King station wait hold on this is not King station well let's kill some [ __ ] while we're here I'm gonna save and quit out for HP and I'm gonna get miners my murdering miners yeah Miners and Crystal Peak not children yeah I'll take a break after Lori and I'll get some food and it'll be probably like a 10 to 15 minute break so like not a baby tiny break a natural break uh I'm gonna pause the game before I take a break because I do not trust it unpaused and now I'm gonna take a 15 minute break be right back some that lentil Curry and I lied on the couch for like three minutes and I made a little protein shake [Music] we're playing it super safe I have a dream kit so it's fun you know the first thought that pops up into my head is what if I close this menu and get hit by the explosion a second time even though it's like I don't think that's possible but that's how careful I am being doing a great job following them I should use a bishop shouldn't I yes yes I should foreign thanks for hanging out dreamgate back to root room wait I didn't put a dream cape oh my God [Music] so right here then I assume I go up then right no I go to Trader alert don't die to trade our Lord you are in steel soul good point I'll just Place Trader alert really safe if I get down to two HP all safe and quit you see you think he'll be running this again [Music] honestly probably not but Maybe if it gets like 200k views on YouTube Maybe okay expression pass murder okay I'll get weeperson [Music] I need to see how many blue flies I need many wait did I pass it no [Music] my did I pass it I think I did oh my God [Music] I passed it again [Music] oh my God Jesus Christ oh there it is [Music] placed her three times like the whole point of a room Rando is to suffer a little bit so you kind of have to go into it expecting that embrace it you know foreign father do I have all the problems hopefully hope I didn't miss any and it's already invalid so so we can do this actually I should take a break be right back oh I did not get elegy did I what did I miss did I get the collector snap I don't have a map oh my God I guess I'll get the grubs after hi Mr Grubb unfortunate why you're a welcome dream male then we do flower quests ah what crop did I miss nearest here about the one on the way to dash master about the one in Bee Sten but I don't have enough essence what Essence am I missing did I just oh I'm missing 300 essence did I not get essence from one of the Dream Warriors holy it's a mess Jesus Christ the dream fight yeah I'm friends going okay it's kind of becoming a mess right now but I'll I'll be able to figure it out pretty quickly just gotta get these Maps hey Andrews Dash slash grub in Queen's Gardens uh oops I'm buying badges now do I need to buy these badges okay done oh it's been a while since I've done flower Quest but we got this as Santa keep my eyes peeled and I'm not reading Chad sorry oh Jesus Christ what a jump scare can you like Dash twice when you enter the room or something I forgot yo transcendal life is going pretty good a little bit tired from the speech run but we're going okay time it's almost six for me bring it back to King station okay hard to send me in the game love the grumbling oh kill first three enemies in Kalo one save and quit kill first enemy and kala one save and quit repeat color 3 until full Twisters are done oh my god oh that's where the notes end oh my what am I supposed to do on my own I can't do anything on my own after Carlos it's easy it's basically just Pantheon clean up oh okay good it's not bad hey Megatron glad you're able to uh catch the stream as well thanks so much for that three months welcome to the god gaming gamer my Strat normally is to just face tank and I'm not gonna deviate for my Strat on steel soul because it's still sold [Music] that was easy sometimes they're pretty hard to find hmm sorry Sports room oh okay well I have a lot of soul liquid I didn't pick up oh my God thank you um yeah that's important actually did that recently when I went to pick up a shipment I like picked it up shipped something else then I left without my box I just left it there Lawless Abyss climb yep oh perfect there we go uh so after this Purity is that is that um you have to let the nail Smith live so theoretically if I killed the nail Smith I'd have to do a completely new run and get all the nail upgrades again enter Pantheon one so I'll probably I guess I shouldn't should I do pantheons before cleanup I guess you do clean up and then end on the pantheon that'll be more fun right there's a boss that I'm missing right or pantheons there's at least one uh uh what what am I thinking chat help me out oh yeah flute worm yo whoa whoa riveting yep oh Pantheon time it's gonna be fun I haven't done pantheons in a long time I have no damage am I even using strength oh my God this is not a good Pantheon build I don't mind flukes but they are a little bit awkward compared to schatzel [Music] another achievement down [Music] [Music] huh nice tank straps it's like optimizing rooms so like man I suppose it's not horrible just weird no it's more than one hit Jesus way off it's actually like a lot of times in Holiday it's easier if you're aggressive because you get staggers in I don't even know I don't know why why why people uh [ __ ] I gotta Focus oh my God oh yeah it's probably I'm so tired thanks for the good luck okay oh yeah [Music] okay that's an achievement hello oh oh I got rated and wait hold on thanks for the raid uh I have a list of [ __ ] over top of my obs [Music] ER these are your favorite shirts dark romance oh that's the dark romance achievement is I forgot totally forgot what it was called oops dudes are done Brad I need those dudes as well Keen Hunter get in there better not be a random friend went right past door stop hey Witness Mr mushroom oh Canyon oh God I skipped I got seen so fast Prince would it be better YouTube content if you died like 10 hours in or worse I plan on doing more hey happy couple yeah I just don't feel like I add that much value so like it's nice that posting the video means that more people will see it but I've never done this before [Music] oh yeah stand on his hand hey [Music] done here you go nightmare King Grim oh God I'm too tired wait I gotta do nkg while I'm this sleepy oh I will just save and quit out so if I get low [Music] yeah Aaron was fine okay can only not die in Radiance or white balance but but the dream it's too right right allow that gotta kill White Defender before endings you gotta go do that too [Applause] endings and Mr mushroom so I'm missing one I don't know what that is 100 speed completion wait wait is that a thing ah okay and the seal Soul completion gotcha I banished yep now my first save wait so that means we just need to kill abstract or uh regular regular wrap and we're done oh yeah I have to go through the credits no I don't want to go through the credits I want it to end loads and some cutscenes oh Mr mushroom yeah made me sad when I did it yeah I mean it's kind of sad so but we got Mr mushroom to cheer us up I don't know like a boss or whatever area it's for though [Applause] honey skip so many faces there he's just oh the pale Port came thing I vaguely remember that sweet scream soup [Music] oh oh oh so I don't know how I dodged that seems incredibly slow yeah we are done 11 hours and six minutes well we had an intro at the start but 11 hours goddamn thanks for the ggs everyone I appreciate y'all hanging out through all the suffering I have to still go into the menu and show that I have all the achievements sorry oh wait I can't get it verified so it doesn't matter but I'll show you all so that you know that it happened for real yeah I was expecting it to be around in 10 hours so this is faster than I expected which is nice it time to check that I got all the achievements are so good and all done all achievements completed well we already knew that but just for the sake of uh it being official um but yeah thank you all so much for hanging out methulhu uh helped make the split notes for this and does like a lot of really cool speedrunning stuff so go check him out yeah have a good night everyone thank you all very very much for hanging out it was nice uh chilling and doing the run and everything bye everyone [Music]
Channel: fireb0rn
Views: 334,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollowknight, hollow knight, hk, team cherry, tc, indie, independent, indie game, independent game, metroidvania, metroid vania, metroid, castlevania, exploration, hard, hardcore, difficult, challenging, expert, video game, game, games, pc, computer, speedrunner, god gamer, challenge, all achievements, achievement, achievement hunting, hunting, achievements, achievs, 100%, 112%, all bosses, all, pantheons, pantheon, godmaster, godhome, journal, grub, grubs, steel soul, deathless, no death, everything, max, speedrun
Id: Sim1WcsQeXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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