Everything You Need To Know About Guilds In SOLO LEVELING | The Power Of An S-Rank Guild EXPLAINED

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guilts and solo leveling are so much more than just a joint group of highlevel hunters their revenue Rivals even the biggest of Corporations their power the strength of entire nations and their influence enough to sway even governments what makes guilds such an interesting topic to cover though is the unique way in which they've been integrated into solo leveling Society everything from the way they treat Hunters to the way they've commodified hunting just makes sense in terms of how it would be in our own Society they've turned the very Act of rating into a business one that's by far the most profitable in the entire world now so in a field where billions of dollars are at stake to gilza gate was nothing more than an investment it was a means to gain access and siphon any and all loot available from within them only after a strict four stage process was completed would any highlevel Guild truly consider the gate their rating finished so it's that way these guilds are portrayed as fundamentally different from the more traditional fantasy guilds that makes me want to talk about just how much they are especially since in the anime they're slowly starting to become more prominent we've seen hints as to the fame power and influence they possess but in this video here I want to portray the full scope of just how much of it they possess it'll be a spoiler-free breakdown of everything you need to know about them now since we are eight episodes in I'm sure you've all seen just how much more both the novel and monwa has to offer they're both exceptional compliments to an anime that's being adapted spectacularly I'm sure many of you have already read the Mana but if you truly want to experience solo leveling and know everything about s Jin Wu in this world of hunters you can read all about it right here with today's sponsor web novel as the host of both the web comic and the novel not only can you take in the phenomenal art the Mana is known for but you can also see firsthand that confident overpowered song that I've been talking about so much all those instances where he's eagerly awaiting the fight rather than letting the fight come to him are all here in the novel which I personally read on web novel you'll also learn so much more about guilds Dungeons and and Hunters all of which I find makes solo leveling that much more interesting then if you want to read power fantasies damn near just as good as solo leveling you can find all sorts of comics and novels just like it just download the app then search for solo leveling and what you'll find are recommendations for similar Dark Fantasy right alongside it so whether you want to read solo leveling or find a new story just like it you can use the link in the description to go right to it there's an absolutely massive library of isekai and fantasy waiting for you right here at web novel for now though let's focus on solo leveling for guilds I think the best place to start is with what they do their primary purpose is to organize hunters and clear Gates but in the decade that Gates have been around for now they've grown from this vital institution that protects the people into something more like a Hunter talent agency combined with a gate clearing business they immediately head hunt any Hunters that's rank b or above get them raid ready as fast as possible then send them out to De clear Gates so that more money can be made in and the process repeated it's not the exact way it works for every Guild but it seems the direct goal of most is to grow their ranks and accumulate power power which can only be attained through money this is something that'll make sense a little bit later but for now just know that money and power go hand inhand with guilds as for the way guilds acquire business well when a gate opens up it's immediately investigated by the Association the association measures the amount of magical energy being emitted from the gate then based on that it'll assign the gate rank this rank would then dictate the gate's level of difficulty and that alone would be enough for a guilt to determine whether a gate was worthwhile or not mainly because difficulty determines the level of monsters and the higher level of the monsters the more valuable the loot so it's when a gate is finally deemed worth doing by a guild that that's when they must partake in a bidding war in order to acquire the rights to it they can't just show up and walk in because until given a permit that says otherwise all gates are fully owned and under the jurisdiction of the association as the group that over oversees all Hunter activities in the entire country they alone have the power to determine who can do what with Gates so guilds spit against each other to acquire whatever Gates they see fit and the ones that remain are usually left to either Freelancers or the association Hunters it's a standard process that typically leaves b and a rank dungeons to the larger guilds C- rank dungeons to the small guilds private parties and Freelancers then D and e- ranked dungeons to the hunters too weak to join anyone but the association it's tough to say just how much each of these skates would sell for but we do know that the standard price for C ranks are between $50,000 to $75,000 the return from them is at most $150,000 So based on that logic you can expect guilds to bid upwards of 50% of what they plan to get back in return then as it is with most things in the hunter world the money earned from Gates goes up exponentially the higher rating it is likely making B ranks worth somewhere in the millions and a ranks that would expect to be up there in the hundreds of millions I mean why else would jinho be giving away $22 million just to become a Guild Master there was just that much profit to be made in the gate clearing business it's hard to convey exactly how much but the way the novel describes it is that the profits are enough to rival even the largest corporations there were copious amounts of money to be made from the sale of magic crystals monster corpses and items like artifacts and runestones sure you didn't have to be a hunter to deal in this type of business but whatever transactions were made with them had to be done using a guild as an intermediary they were necessary middleman that formalized the sale of high ranking Goods like these naturally this meant they received a cut of whatever was sold so if you wanted to maximize profits and keep them to yourself your best bet was to either join a guild or make a guild of your own the only issue with that was that there were several rules that guilds needed to abide by yes they did get plenty of benefits like reduction in tax when selling loot but that didn't all the others came in exchange for being on call permanently if there was ever a time when the association or government requested your Aid regardless of where you were or what you were doing you would have to go whether you wanted to or not a guild simply could not ignore a summons from the association if they did I'm sure the penalty would be Guild disbandment or even the loss of their hunter license but more than anything the people responsible would have to deal with the disgrace of it all they would have lost their reputation as the Protectors of the people and not a single nation on Earth would trust them to be able to fight for them again like who's to say that they won't just ignore that call to act again so while being in a guild definitely came with its perks it wasn't a decision that came very easily for a hunter what I mean is that because of the risk the hunting part of the job came with choosing the right Guild often meant increasing your likelihood of survival an interesting fact that ties directly into this is that the success rate of clearing A- rank Gates is actually higher than the success rate of clearing lower ones you may think that a less difficult raid would make it easier to be completed but when the lower rank raids are being taken by Guild Str driving to make a name for themselves that also means they're willing to put a whole lot more risk on themselves this often means going in with underleveled and underere equipped Hunters General lack of synergy since some of the hunters like the haven't fought together then allaround disorganization since the Guild Master sites are simply set on making money this in turn leads to more accidents and it's those accidents which place smaller guilds into a much more ambiguous situation when compared to larger guilds it makes them have to constantly Recruit new Hunters despite them not actually being the best fit or even the right level now when a large Guild does finally obtain the permit for a high ranking gate they know how much money is on the line for completing it and as such will dedicate every resource possible into doing so not only will that turn into copious amounts of money for them but by completing the raid without any hassle whatsoever it would show the association they're capable of doing more in the future I mean when you get to raids as difficult as the a rank getting the permits for them was more than just outbidding the competition you had to show your Strike Force was truly capable of it so when taking into consideration the difference in priorities between a small Guild and a large Guild it's only natural you as a hunter would feel more safe joining a large Guild small guilds tended to lose people more often in pursuit of making it big whereas large guilds focused on securing the big scores in a way that was streamlined and efficient its two approaches to what was essentially the same task yet one was refined and the other rough the former of which just happened to be the safer one if if I was to compare this difference to anything it would be best to think of it like a startup versus an already existing Mega corporation like if a startup wanted to grow its business and cover its finances it would have to take on clients it probably couldn't handle and constantly expand until it got to the point that it could handle them generally that made their situation a whole lot more volatile but it also meant they could expand their business faster now exchange clients with Gates and expansion with the constant recruitment of new hunters and that's pretty much the Relentless cycle smaller Guild guilds have to deal with it's just when a small Guild fails they're also losing people not just money now unfortunately choosing a guild wasn't a privilege every Hunter had access to since at the end of the day everything boiled down to rank the E and D ranks were rarely if ever considered then the C ranks were who the small Guild recruiters would start lining up for the B rank was where we start getting into large Guild territory and it's here the hunters within start to get a true choice in things they would either get an attractive offer granting leadership or part ownership with a small Guild or a fat signing bonus as a standard rotation member in a large Guild really it was mostly up to personal preference since the difference between the two was would you rather be the head of a snake or the tail of a dragon the a rank was where large guilds started to make substantial offers and along with it came the promise of things like Fame and Fortune Fame because you were guaranteed to be part of the Guild's exclusive primary rating Team B Fortune because the financial reward from high ranking dungeons was immeasurable combine this with a signing bonus in the millions and you've essentially established yourself as one of the most coveted hunters in the nation should any of these offers not be to your liking though the A- rank was always enough to go independent and create your own guild at that point you were strong enough to attract competent enough hunters and the money you'd make together would be enough to support a small or medium Guild so whenever looking at Hunters at the A- Rank and above joining a guild wasn't really necessary for them since the money and power already came with the territory what joining a large Guild Prov Ed that no one else could though was that potential of Fame should you become part of the main Strike Force you see unlike small guilds where the number of hunters was only enough for one Strike Team larger guilds tended to have enough to have multiple there was The A Team which consisted of the best The Guild had to offer and they alone would be the ones to go through and complete higher rank Gates the rest were teams of mid to lowlevel Hunters and they would be sent to complete Gates not worth doing by the main team occasionally they would have stronger members lead raids with the weaker ones but that was is mostly for training so that the less experienced can become better so with a constant influx of rookies bolstering their ranks there was always a need for veterans to help them get experience a luxury the small guilds unfortunately couldn't afford and is actually the core reason behind their increased number of accidents in any case should you be strong enough to earn a core place on a large Guild's a team then that was the equivalent of being on the starting lineup for an All-Star sports team your name would be known to everyone who was a fan of the sport and your is as a celebrity pretty much cemented this is due to the amount of press large guilds tend to get and it's actually portrayed quite well in the anime to explain a little bit more though the relationship between a hunter and a guild was pretty similar to that of an Entertainer and a talent agency The Guild was the platform through which Hunters became known and the hunter was the star over which guilds would fight for so say a new srank Hunter had just made their appearance the amount of resources every Guild would put in to recruit them would be Limitless and the coverage of what Guild that person was going to sign would be incessant it's an event that would attract the attention of the entire nation and is actually the reason every Guild tends to have one or two informants planted within the hunter Association since they're the first to know about everything Hunter related Not only would an informant get more details on Gates worth bidding on but they'd also be the first to know about what Hunters were worth recruiting the primary asset that makes guilds what they are in this world even if a hunter wasn't going to sign with them immediately just building a relationship was an essential part of starting the process so it's all this extra stuff in a field that should just be about killing monsters that really makes guilds so much more than what we usually get I mean they've even gone so far as to give us a subtle look into the dynamic between a Guild's administrative staff and the hunters they manage since the number of capable Hunters are finite it wasn't so easy to replace them as it was with a regular worker that being the case the workers would always take extra care to mind the hunters and the mood they were in they did didn't want to do anything which would make the hunter leave since every Hunter was a valuable part of making the guild larger and stronger it was an additional burden that only these non-hunter Guild workers were privy to now to finally focus on the actual Act of rating this here was how the guilds capitalized on their Investments it was the core money maker of their entire operations and the sole reason they could grow to the size and scale they were at just like how it is in any business though the act of making money from dungeons had been refined to an art a four-stage process that ensured every last bit of profit could be made from it so first The Raid team would enter and eliminate every monster aside from the boss then after that a retrieval team would go in and drag out all the monster remains next a mining team would enter and extract whatever minerals and crystals were embedded into the wall then after that the raid team would go back in and finally kill the boss thus closing the gate and ensuring everything that could be sold for money would be sold for money whether it be bones hide flesh or teeth every every single part of a highle monster was deemed useful in some way so it was only after that and the crystals and the ores were siphoned from the dungeon that the guilt would consider the gate fully conquered it was the optimal process to ensure every ounce of profit could be made from it that money would then be put into buying more gates and recruiting even more hunters and it was through this Loop that a guild would constantly grow itself forever expanding in hopes of one day becoming the largest Guild in the entire country that's not always the goal of every Guild but it is the general ideal for those already large enough to compete for it but yeah that's the full extent of how guilds work in Solo leveling a core aspect of the series that I think everyone should know about if you want to see more lore videos just like this then be sure to leave a like and let me know in the comments now before I go I'm just going to leave this as a little [Applause] teaser
Channel: AniNews
Views: 131,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aninews, solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling explained, ani news, aninews solo leveling, solo leveling episode, jin woo, sung jin woo, solo leveling guilds, top guilds solo leveling, solo leveling hunter, what is solo leveling, solo leveling lore, solo leveling novel, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling cha, solo leveling s rank hunter, solo leveling strongest, s rank guild, s rank hunter, guild power, guild solo leveling, solo leveling power
Id: 9aGO3yEi-zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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