I Built The STRONGEST Raid Team in Solo Leveling's History (SSS+ Rank)

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today I am building the strongest possible raid team in Solo leveling after all the normal rules of solo leveling used to be as following no matter the rank of the gate no matter the strength of the hunters all raid parties need to be comprised of at least 10 individual Hunters of course this rule was indeed B for the sake of s Jin Wu in the later stages of the manwa but let's suppose this did not actually happen how would the strongest 10 member Squad look like well I'll go through every Hunter type in Solo leveling and choose only the strongest possible candidate and at the end of the video we'll be left with the strongest r team in Solo levelings history this squad would even Crush any of the nine monarchs without even breaking a sweat but before we begin a few ground rules number one monarchs rulers and beasts will not be considered only hunters even if they do have the help from the rulers or monarchs that still counts and thus these candidates are eligible to be selected number two obviously we can only use each character once otherwise this list would be just 10 Sun Jin Woos number three we must add one hunter from each Hunter type meaning a Healer a mage a fighter a tanker an assassin and a ranger this leaves us with another four empty spots that can be filled with any other hunter in these four spots we will have three bonus places and of course on top we will have the leader of the operation number four we can add any character we want from any timeline why did we add this rule well you'll see in a bit number five sonin Wu takes only one spot and thus his Shadows do not count as an additional entry in the 10-man squad you can summon them but we assume this is just part of his power let's start with a position that is absolutely necessary for every raid Squad the Healer surprisingly we only saw four healers throughout the solo leveling manwa and these are leeji that is a b rank healer Jung yam that is an A- rank healer akari Shimizu that is an s-rank healer and Minong Yu that is also an s-rank healer out of these four options it's obvious that the two main candidates are the Japanese akari Shimizu and the Korean Minong Yu when it comes to aarish Shimizu her screen time was limited to the jedu island raid despite her being praised and her abilities being recognized by even the strongest Japanese s-rank Hunter goto ryuji the fact remains that we did not really see much of her when it comes to Mong Yu now on the other hand he did showcase more abilities and he did seem to be a bit stronger and more skilled than his Japanese counterparts his healing magic was so Advanced that he could basically bring Hunter chop back from the dead he could use buff magic to make the hunters next to him even stronger he could use disguise and he was even stated to have the fighting capabilities of even an a rank Hunter something that's not the case for the rest of healers normally they are very weak when it comes to combat ability after all healers are meant to be healing people and not actually fight in the front lines even though that normally should have been the end of it here is where it gets tricky as you know there were five National level Hunters that were given this title after successfully helping defeat Kish a monster so strong that it could literally destroy the whole world without the intervention of these five individuals well one of those five National level Hunters was a Healer his name not even mentioned given that the five s-rank Hunters who killed cish were each given the authority equal to that of a Nation it's fair to say that this Hunter would probably be a better option than men bongu however since we don't even know his name I think it's better to give that place to Minong yu instead okay it's obvious that we're off to a great start however there's still nine positions left to cover and the next one is the fighter here there are indeed quite a lot of known fighters in the story 13 to be precise one D- rank him s shik that is obviously out of the equation two a rank hanekawa and Wu Jin Chul that despite being incredibly strong are also out of the equation why well because there are nine different s-rank Fighters the list includes the Japanese atsushi Kumamoto Tatsumi fujishima Kane taata Kenzo Tanaka minu hosino and goto ryuji there are three Korean srank Fighters Juan dongu that later on became greed chahin and be yunho and finally the strongest hunter in China Leo jigang from the Japanese Hunters goto ryuji is obviously the strongest and when it comes to Korea now all three of them are around the same level but which of these four should we choose thankfully we don't have to think about it long enough because the Chinese Hunter Leu jigong is stronger than all of them he is both one of the five National level Hunters as well as a ruler's vessel he is so strong that he was considered the second strongest hunter in the world that is of course before s Jin Wu shook the world with his power as the vessel of a ruler and a national level Hunter jigong is one of the strongest hunters in the world he was also the strongest hunter in Asia until Jin Wu surpassed him in strength and was noted to be vastly superior to goor ryuji Japan's strongest Hunter jigang can move at immense speeds as displayed by how he was able to swiftly behead a giant before it even had a chance to counter his attack he had immense strength ability to fire off explosive energy blasts with the swing of his sword and even access to rulers Authority it's fair to say jigong is an important addition to the moving on to the Rangers here our options are quite limited or should I say we don't even have that option to begin with you see there was only one option limb take you a Korean s-rank Hunter who specializes in archery magic one of his most important assets is his enhanced durability as proven by how he was able to retain Consciousness and get back up after getting slugged in the face by the ant king he can instantaneously create magic arrows from his hands and let me tell you these arrows pack a good punch as they were able to not only damage the interior of the Korean Hunter's gym with little trouble but also easily Pierce through through the ant Queen's skin finally limb is such a skilled Archer that he is able to deliver precise shots to his opponent's weak spots whenever he is given a chance despite our lack of options I'm not really complaining we still added an s-rank to the team next we have the Assassin spot here again we have very limited options two to be precise the first is Kang Tei a Korean B rank Hunter and iei isawa a Japanese s-rank Hunter so yeah our option here is quite obvious despite not having seen much from IE we did see his impressive ability to move at tremendous speeds if you recall he was able to travel so fast that he was seen as practically flying across jedu Island given that he is an s-rank Hunter it's also given that he has the standard stealth ability that was stated to be the default ability of all assassins this skill allows the user to physically blend in with their surroundings and hide all traces of their presence essentially turning themselves both physically and magically invisible so far we've added four members in our Squad three s-rank hunters and another srank hunter that is also one of the five National level Hunters let's continue to see how much stronger this raid party can become next next we have the tanker for this spot there are eight candidates the first is the d rank Hunter Yu Jin ho there are two C- rank Hunters Yun kijun and hang dongu three aank Hunters Kim jul that later on became Iron bak dongu and Son kihun naturally none of them is an actual candidate because we still have two s-rank Hunters the first one is the Korean madong wuk and the American Thomas Andre as his title of the number one hunter in the world naturally we have to go with Thomas Andre once again Thomas Andre is both one of the five National level Hunters as well as a ruler vessel he was literally able to hold his own ground against the Beast Monarch so yeah this dude is surely no joke and as a result he is surely the best candidate for this spot and next we have the Mage spot that has seven named candidates two Korean C rank Hunters Shuan and Son chiu one B rank Hunter Bak hijin one A- rank Hunter Gina and another three s-rank Hunters the first is the Russian Yuri orloff the second is the Japanese K and the third is Choy jong-in without singing that K is weak her I tend to lean more towards Choy jong-in that was dubbed as quote the ultimate Soldier and Yuri orloff that Japan immediately turned to when they had to deal with a dungeon break in Tokyo even though either of them would be a good option here I would like to use a trump card and say that I would go with another option sidartha bachan you see despite having no image for sidartha we do know that the Indian Hunter was ranked at number four in the world Hunter ranking and he was also both one of the five National level hunters and a ruler vessel it's true that we don't know much about him but it is estimated that the hunter is a mage type if that's true then there's no other option for the Mage position other than having filled all the specific Hunter type positions we now move to the most exciting part of the video the three bonus positions and later on the leader of this raid for the first bonus position we will add none other than S IL Juan AKA jinu's father even before becoming a ruler's vessel Juan was an s-rank Hunter what of the first in Korea actually however due to the fact that the ranking system didn't exist at that time he was never recognized by the public for his strength 10 years before the events of the main storyline everything went wrong when IL Juan got trapped inside a dungeon during a raid leaving his family to presume him dead and his wife to raise their children on her own before he could die of starvation however Ilan was found by the rulers who made him one of their seven vessels and gave him the mission of killing the new Shadow Monarch who was soon to be born as he didn't have a way to escape back home Ilan had no choice but to accept their demands however upon finding out that the shadow Monarch was actually his own son he decided to fight alongside his son against the other monarchs since this now aligned with the ruler's interests both Father and Son s were on the ruler side but how strong was Juan well let me tell you he's probably the strongest Edition we have had so far in the video after Jin Wu killed quesa and two surviving monarchs attempted to finish Jin Wu off for good y Juan jumped in and slammed his foot into raan's face sending him flying into the frost Monarch and causing the two of them to crash through several buildings fighting against two monarchs at the same time yeah this dude is the definition of built different I guess this runs in the family huh even though Juan was later overpowered by the two monarchs well his son stepped up and finished the job for good for the second bonus spot well let's not get too far from the S family because we are now adding s Jin Wu son as the son of the Shadow Monarch suho is one of the strongest humans alive by the time he was in high school he had already far surpassed the average s-rank hunter in power and was already so strong at that point that only Jin Wu could defeat him in a one-on-one battle by erasing his memories Jin Wu took suho in secret quests every now and then to polish his body and skills suho was put against all of his father's shadows and even though some of the strongest Shadows were not fighting at full strength suho managed to defeat everyone that was put in his way with more training and guidance from Jin Wu suho could very much surpass yes even his own father for the third bonus spot we have three different candidates all of which being vessels of a ruler the American Christopher Reed the Brazilian Jonas and finally the Korean chairman gooni for gooni we will assume he is in his prime in order to make this even more interesting let's compare Jonas and Christopher Reed for starters as for Jonas he was one of the strongest hunters in the world unfortunately the full scale of his powers were never put on display as he was killed in an offscreen fight what we do know however is that he held the number six in the world's Hunter rankings now how about Christopher Reed well we don't know much about him either but what we do know is that he was number three in the world's Hunter rankings so in the very least it's fair to assume he was stronger than Jonas which leaves us with the task to rank who is stronger between Christopher Reed and Prime goon he you see when we met Goan he he was an old man that was surely not at his prime dat but was he weak not even close as a vessel of a ruler ghe was one of the strongest hunters in the world and easily the second strongest hunter in Korea after Jin Wu however his old age prevented him from using his powers to their Ma and fighting for prolonged periods of time on the last day of the international Guild conference back in America GOI was still working at his office late at night just before he was about to head home he suddenly detected some kind of barrier around him and was caught off guard when the frost Monarch suddenly appeared out of thin air on a couch on the other side of the room although he quickly deduced that he wouldn't be able to win could he refus to go down without a fight and Unleashed his powers in order to buy enough time for Jin Wu to arrive although he was able to fight evenly with the frost Monarch at the start his body eventually hit its limit and left him wide open for the Frost Monarch to fatally stab him right through the chest get where I'm going with this even though he was old he could still fight a monarch on equal ground and the only reason he was not able to go toe-to-toe with him all the way to the end because his body was not able to withstand his own powers if he was in his prime days which is the exact form we are considering then his fight with the frost mon could have gone a completely different path he had immense strength durability and speed I mean he was strong enough to easily deflect an energy blast from the frost Monarch with his bare hand he was able to remain conscious for a significant amount of time after the frost Monarch stabbed him through the chest and even gather enough strength to fling a fireball at the ladder only missing by a hair's breath and when it comes to speed he was able to keep up with the frost Monarch in their brief battle and prove to be agile enough to even Dodge some of the ladder's attacks from Point Blank Range now when compared with Christopher Reed this becomes very difficult to rule that's because Reed had to fight against three monarchs at the same time when he was being ambushed by them so we don't really have an equal measurement to compare the two if I had to pick only one then I would probably go with chairman gon he but at the end of the day this is purely speculative let us know who you think is stronger in the comments down below Christopher Reed or prime gooni and finally we reach the last spot on our 10-member team the leader of the raid now who should we choose I mean this is quite a difficult question right I'm just messing with you we all know it's Sun Jin Wu by the end of the series Jin Wu is so strong that he can literally defeat all the other eight monarchs on his own without any help from anyone other than his Shadows of course as the perfect Shadow Monarch son Jin W commands multiple beasts that are literally stronger than anyone in this 10- member rate igis beru haish Bellion those are just some of the strongest Shadows s Jin Wu has and I seriously doubt anyone here can defeat these Shadows on their own let alone 10 million of them while they also instantly regenerate on the spot with the help of sun Jin Wu through the consumption of his own now endless mana and that was only what his Shadows can do what about the legend himself as the second Shadow Monarch Jin Wu possesses tremendous physical strength even before obtaining his true power he was strong enough to punch a large hole through the statue of God's face and beat Thomas Andre one of the five National level Hunters to the brink of death all with just as bare hands his speed is off the charts he can regenerate and heal himself he can constantly level up and get stronger even during battle he can create an armor around his body he has an abundance of incredibly overpowered weapons including daggers swords or even magical items that can enhance his or his Shadows abilities by simply stabbing an opponent he can use paralysis debuff and pretty much cause any kind of insane and highly destructive damage to them stealth blood lust quick silver mutilation dagger Rush ruler Authority dragon's fear Shadow extraction Shadow exchange and even domain expansion well it's not exactly called domain expansion per se but yeah it's called Monarch's domain all of these are just a view of his insane abilities Jin Wu was their leader it's fair to say that this raid team could take absolutely any opponent on without even breaking a sweat check out this video where we Rank and explain all the main Shadows of San woo go on check it out
Channel: Domain Aniki
Views: 66,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strongest team in solo leveling, strongest squad in solo leveling, strongest raid team in solo leveling, strongest characters solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling cour, solo leveling strongest, solo leveling power level, sung jin woo, sung jinwoo, arise solo leveling, solo leveling edit, solo leveling facts, domain aniki, domain aniki solo leveling, anime balls deep, yeagerists, solo leveling analysis, solo leveling anime balls deep, solo leveling episode
Id: ILcJjnxJ5rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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