5 LEGENDARY SITH LIGHTSABERS YOU NEED TO SEE in Star Wars Jedi Survivor Lightsaber Customization

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what's happening everyone and welcome back to a brand new Star Wars Jedi Survivor video and in today's video I'm going to be showing you my top five Sith or dark side user lightsaber Recreations in Star Wars Jedi Survivor before we get fully into this video these are all lightsabers I've already recreated in the game and the links to the full guides on each individual saber will be down in the description below before we get into this video please bear in mind this is something I say in every single one of these videos that it is not possible to 100 accurately recreate every single lightsaber from the Star Wars Universe in Jedi Survivor because there aren't every single lightsaber component from the Star Wars Universe in the game we have to mix and match the components with the materials to try and get the lightsabers as closely as possible through the iconic lightsabers we are trying to recreate so let's get into the first lightsaber the first lightsaber we're going to cover in today's video is Darth mauls now this is one I've seen a lot of people copy since so I've taken that as this is a very good Recreation of moles lightsaber in Jedi Survivor in order to create Maul's lightsaber what you want to do is select the santari cree emitter because it's got that sort of flat tip and then also sort of fans out as it goes down the emitter which is a similar shape to what moles is I went for the hermit switch to add those nice red buttons which are a big staple on Darth Maul's lightsaber I went for the sanctuary grip mainly because moles saber seems to have a lot of rings of a lot of lines running around the hilt of the lightsaber and then I went for this duelist pommel for the same reason really the second part of the double bladed lightsaber I went for the santari cree grip again for the same reasons I also went for the hermit switch again to add the red button on the second part of the lightsaber again and I went for the santari cree emitter as well to give the same effect as the emitter that we selected on the main part of the blade when it comes to materials this is a really simple one I selected Imperial Chrome as the primary I selected Imperial Chrome again as a secondary Imperial Chrome again as the accent and then Imperial Chrome for the group as well this is because Darth Maul's lightsaber does just seem to be one sort of silvery metallic color with the red buttons and I really like how the Imperial Chrome looks on This Server I left the condition as pristine and I selected the red lights in the blade and this is the lightsaber you are left with I don't think this is perfect but I think it's a very good Recreation of Darth Maul's lightsaber in this game especially with the hermit switches which add the red buttons to the saber which I don't think you can get otherwise the next item we're going to be taking a look at is one of my favorite ones in the game and that is kylo Ren I know a lot of people are probably going to complain now that he's not a Sith but I did say dark side users as well so what I did to create kylo Ren's lightsaber in Jedi Survivor was select the hermit and meta purely because it's got a nice flat Edge which kylo Ren's emitter does have I then selected the patient's vents purely because these vents are quite cylindrical and quite short which resemble kylo Ren's I just wish they were a little bit thicker a conference I went for the scrapyard switch purely because it has exposed wiring which reminds me of kylo Ren's lightsaber which does have the red wire running right the way down the grip however for the grip I've gone with a patient's grip because kylo Ren's lightsaber does actually have lines running up and down the grip a lot of people recommended the assembly grip but I really don't like it and I think it's far too exposed compared to what kylo Ren's is kylo Ren simply has like one or two wires running down it but is for the most part complete the assembly grip is way too exposed and the patient grip I feel resembles it a little bit better I went for the stero gender pommel purely because kylo Ren's pommel does have some vertical lines on it as well but because this is a cross guard lightsaber we have to then select the patient's grip again to get those Lines continuing up and down the grip and then for the final Pummel I went for the gyro to Pal pommel because I think it's got those lines running up and down the pommel and it really resembles kylo Ren's lightsaber quite well when it comes to materials for this lightsaber the primary material selected was too torn dark because kylo Ren's lightsaber does have accents of gold on it as well as being an overall dark material and this gives it a nice effect which resembles kylo's saber the secondary color I went with Inquisitor dark gray the accent I went with inquisite a dark gray again and the grip I went with Inquisitor dark gray again now the reason for The Inquisitor dark rare materials is because I don't use this lightsaber as pristine I use it as well kept and the inquisitive dark rare material really has a nice weathering effect when you do turn the condition down to well-kept which I think resembles kylo Ren's lightsaber quite well again after that I selected the red lightsaber blade and this was the lightsaber I was left with now I do think it looks really good and I think it resembles kylo Ren's lightsaber quite well however in this preview you can't see the vents so when I switch it over to changing the vents degrees you can see that it does resemble kylo Ren's lightsaber a little bit better when you do get to see the vents in action and you can see that exposed wiring and I think this lightsaber comes together really is one of my favorite ones I've created because I think the resemblance is really good on this one the next slide table we're going to be taking a look at is starkillers from the Force Unleashed one and this is one that I think you can get fairly close but unfortunately we don't have an exposed Crystal component in the game so we have to kind of make do to start off with I went with the rebel hero emitter because it's the closest one to starkillers however if you don't have the rebel hero components pack you can also use the serenity emitter since it's fairly close but not exact I then went for the scrapyard switch because it's the closest I could find to having an exposed Crystal since part of the switch is missing and it's a little bit more exposed than others the grip I went with the serenity grip now the reason I went for this one is because the crystal actually does glow through the serenity grip given the whole lightsaber a bit of an exposed Crystal feel but it's still not 100 perfect and you're more than welcome to use any other grip that you prefer then for the pommel I went for the assembly pommel since I think it fits the whole style of this lightsaber quite well and the whole lightsaber is fairly close to starkillers but it's not 100 perfect for the materials I went with the primary of dunium and then I went with a secondary of dunium as well the reason for this is because starkiller's lightsaber isn't like a bright shiny silver or a bright shiny Chrome it does look like it's got a little bit of wear and tear and I think the Dunya material does show that a little bit for the accent I went for plastoid black I have used copper as well in the past this is just completely down to use since the accent isn't a huge part of this lightsaber then for the grip I went for plastoid black to try and get it closer to starkillers that he uses in the Force Unleashed one and then I left the condition as pristine but you can use it as a little bit more worn or ancient since starkiller's lightsaber does have a little bit of wear and tear then I selected the red blade and this was the lightsaber I was left with I think it looks pretty close to Star colors I think the emitted definitely gives it that sort of vibe and with the grip that does allow the crystal to Glow through a little bit you do get the whole Starkiller Vibe with this saber but it's obviously not 100 perfect and it was never going to be on to our next lightsaber which is Darth Vader's this is one that has been requested by a lot of people and it's fairly straightforward to make as long as you have the rebel hero components with this one I chose the harmony emitter simply because it's the emitter that has the closest shape through Darth Vader's lightsaber in the game and it allows you to get a nice black color on the emitter too much Darth Vader so the switch I went for the rebel hero switch because that is basically Darth Vader's switch and it's the closest you're gonna get in the game the same for the grip I went for the rebel hero grip because it basically is Darth Vaders again and it's the closest you're gonna get by a mile and then for the Pummel I went for the rebel hero pommel but you can choose any if you really want to the pommel on Darth Vader's actual lightsaber is way smaller than the rebel hero Pummel but none of the pummels are really that accurate in this game for the materials I chose a primary of Imperial Chrome secondary I chose as plastoid block to allow us to change the emitter and the switch to a black color which matches Darth Vader's lightsaber for the accent you can choose whatever material you like because it only seems to change a tiny little slit in the emitter for the grip I went for plastic black because that is what Darth Vader's grip is and for the condition I left it as pristine and I chose a red lightsaber blade again and if you follow this guide this lightsaber on screen is what you're going to be left with and I think it's a pretty good Recreation of Darth Vader's lightsaber in Jedi Survivor it's not 100 perfect it was never going to be the same with all of the lightsabers in this video but I think it's a pretty good attempt the next lightsaber is Darth sidious's or Emperor Palpatine's Jewel wielded blades what I did to recreate these was select the santari cree emitter simply because it's quite dormed like Darth Sidious is from the Star Wars universe and it also allows the tip of the emitter to be a different color from the rest of it like Darth Sidious as is I used the NL Cordova switch simply because Darth City as lightsabers have a gold ring running around them where the switch is and the no Cordova switch allows us to recreate that for the grip I went with the harmony grip and this is mainly because of the two strips running up the harmony grip like Darth Sidious has again and it allows you to change the main body of the grip so it is a different color too the strips running up it to get the lightsaber closer to Sidious and for the pommel I went for the scrapyard pommel simply because it's got a little knob on the bottom which is funny to say like Sidious does as well for the second lightsaber you want to choose the harmony grip again for similar reasons the no Cordova switch again for similar reasons and the Santa recruit emitter for similar reasons as well for the materials the primary material I went for was electrum plated to give you that gold color that Darth sidious's lightsabers have the secondary color I went for chromium because on cydius's lightsaber this material is in silver or Chrome it's a slightly off-gray silvery Rose Goldy kind of color and chromium was as close as I could get to that for the accent I went for electrum plated again this is for the tip of the lightsaber and the tip of Sidious lightsaber in the Star Wars universe is a sort of rose gold color however I couldn't get that color to match using the colors in the game so I went with electron plated instead and for the grip I went for two tone Chrome because sidious's grip in the Star Wars universe is a sort of Rose Goldy kind of color and this two-tone Chrome was as close as I could possibly get I left the condition as pristine and I selected the red blades and this is the lightsaber I was left with I do think it's a pretty good Recreation obsidious's lightsaber in Jedi Survivor it's obviously not 100 accurate because Sidious lightsaber is mostly smooth where this lightsaber obviously isn't and that's mainly because we don't have any sort of smooth grips in the game which have strips running up it so we have to mix and match the components and the materials to get as close as we possibly could and this is the best I could do and those are my five top Sith lightsabers so far in Star Wars Jedi Survivor I do think they are all pretty good Recreations of iconic lightsabers from the Star Wars Universe there obviously aren't 100 accurate because they can't be we don't have all lightsaber components from the Star Wars Universe in the game like I said we've got to make do and mix up the colors and the components to try and get the lightsabers as close as possible to the ones we're trying to recreate and I do have a lot more to come with this series so I would like you to let me know down in the comment section below which characters you would like to see me recreate in Star Wars Jedi Survivor also make sure to check out all of my previous videos to see who I have covered so far I do have a bit of a list and it is ever growing and hopefully I'll get around them all eventually if you have enjoyed this video please make sure to smash a like on it to show support for the series and the game on the channel and if you are new to the channel and you've enjoyed the video please make sure to subscribe to be kept up to date with all future Star Wars Jedi Survivor releases but other than that I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Axrora
Views: 135,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars jedi survivor lightsaber customization, jedi survivor lightsaber customization, star wars jedi survivor darth vader lightsaber, jedi survivor darth vader lightsaber, star wars jedi survivor starkiller lightsaber, jedi survivor starkiller lightsaber, star wars jedi survivor darth sidious lightsaber, jedi survivor darth sidious lightsaber, star wars jedi survivor darth maul lightsaber, jedi survivor darth maul lightsaber, star wars jedi survivor kylo ren lightsaber
Id: RyRQ-lJHkqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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