Oda Finally Reveals THIS About Blackbeard!

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The Blackbeard pirates have FINALLY MADE THEIR MOVE! And while it wasn’t the jaw-dropping event we all hoped for, the information we got in this chapter about Blackbeard is truly STUNNING! Because we may finally know his next move and the reason the Blackbeard pirates came to Egghead in the first place. AND IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH we finally had a solid clue about the secrets of Teach's dark past that you might have missed in the original Japanese. Because as we see in this chapter, two of Blackbeard’s main officers are just about to leave the island when Saint Saturn comes crashing down at their feet. And based on this MIND-BLOWING interaction, I think I’ve FINALLY cracked the mystery of what the Blackbeard pirates were doing here in the first place. And to set this up, let me take you back to chapter 1059 which was the very first time that the genetically enhanced Seraphim were introduced in the story. And now, who else was in this very same scene? Well, that would be Blackbeard of course. And the thing that surprised most of us was that Blackbeard seemed legitimately scared of these things and their MONSTROUS powers. They are seriously an entire army all by themselves, with INSANE speed, power, recovery, and on top of all that they each have perfect devil fruits to match their unique fighting styles. And so based on that experience of nearly being wiped out by the Seraphim, I truly believe that Blackbeard has been trying to figure out a way to take these indestructible powerhouses all for himself. And he may have finally done it. Do you see where I’m going here? Yup, so let’s dive in headfirst and explain exactly how Blackbeard is going to take control of the Seraphim. Because as we saw in the current chapter, one of the Blackbeard pirates on Egghead is Caterina Devon, who ate the Nine Tailed fox fruit which allows her to sahpe shift into anyone else. We first saw this game-changing ability in chapter 925 where she transformed into the former invisible fruit user. Now, we never really knew how her powers worked, but in this chapter we got a hint of that when she touched Saturn and then said “Mission Complete”. And while I've already seen this single line send TONS of people down the rabbit hole of what this secret mission could be, and we'll discuss some of those possibilities in just a few minutes. But first let’s stick with the main idea centered around the Seraphim. The reason that all this is possible in the first place is that when Devon touched Saturn, we can reasonably assume that she can now transform into him. I mean, this is exactly how the Clone Clone fruit works, where Mr. 2 Bon Clay had to touch a person before he could turn into them. So let’s assume Devon’s powers are the same because if she could literally just turn into anyone she wants without any restrictions that would be such a busted ability. Now the reason this ability is important to the Seraphim theory is because earlier in the arc we were introduced to the command structure for the Seraphim. Which if you remember, the highest tier of the command structure is the Five Elders whose orders basically cannot be overruled. So all this means that if Devon can now transform into Saint Saturn then she could theoretically be able to command the Seraphim anytime the Blackbeard pirates run into them on the battlefield. Which, honestly, just sounds like the perfect sort of sneaky plan that Blackbeard would come up with. It’s like he saw an opponent he really didn’t want to fight, so he figured out a way to get them on his side. Now, you may be thinking this is all speculative. And you’re right of course, but let’s go through some other pieces of evidence for why this makes so much sense. First, from the chapter, it actually seems like Devon and Van Auger weren’t exactly expecting Saturn to be here at all. And why would they because no one knew Saturn was here until he showed up in his demon form on the island. But this fact alone helps us understand why Devon said that Saturn showing up here makes their mission so much easier. Because I believe that Blackbeard sent Devon and Van Auger here to find some way to control the Seraphim. That could’ve meant finding something like an authority chip which can let anyone give them orders or maybe having Devon copy the appearance of one of the Vegapunks who can also issue commands. But clearly with all the chaos going on, those two things would’ve been very difficult, so when Saturn fell into their lap, it made their mission so much easier. Which I mean, wow, if this really works out like the Blackbeard pirates probably hope it will then they are going to have an UNBELIEVABLE advantage whenever the Seraphim are on the battlefield. And even if we don’t see this show up again for a long time, I think it could be the perfect twist to turn the tide of an all out war between pirates and the world government. Plus, wouldn’t it just be so fitting that the Seraphim also eventually switch sides since we’ve already seen the Pacificstas change over to Bonney’s side for good? Just a bit of dramatic irony if you ask me. Of course, that’s not the only option for why the Blackbeard pirates are here. For example, being able to impersonate a member of the Gorosei has insane benefits on its own, which we’ll discuss more later on. But since I don’t think that was their original mission, another idea is that they were here to steal the poneglyph copies from the Straw Hat’s ship. Which I mean, come on, there are literally no other perfect characters to sneak in somewhere without being noticed than someone who can teleport and another who can transform into someone else. So yeah, still not leaving that option off the table. However, one common theory for their presence was for them to kidnap Robin, and that honestly doesn’t appear likely anymore. I mean we just saw her two chapters ago and she clearly isn’t with them now. So Robin appears safe at this point. Whew. However, that doesn't mean they didn't steal some other technology that the former admiral Aokiji told them about, but I’m gonna stick with the Seraphim theory for now. Speaking of theories though, this interaction at the end of the chapter also dropped a line that was something like throwing a whole can of gasoline onto the MASSIVE dumpster fire of Blackbeard theories. Because when Devon said that Teach is "special" and Saturn responded that his lineage is as well, my mind just about BURST! I mean, like WOW! One piece fans have literally been speculating about Blackbeard’s mysterious past since his introduction over twenty years ago. So finally hearing a confirmed hint that SOMETHING is unique about his past is just such an amazing feeling because it feels like we could soon be learning about one of THE MOST IMPORTANT mysteries in the entire story. To recap why Blackbeard is so mysterious though, here is what we do know about Blackbeard’s special abilities. Ever since his first introduction in Jaya, Luffy and Zoro knew there was something off about him. In fact, those two famously called Blackbeard “they” almost as if they were referring to Blackbeard as more than one person or personality. Then of course we have the former Yonko Commander, Marco, stating that the structure of Blackbeard’s body has always been weird and that might be why he could eat two devil fruits. Then during the Oden flashback in Wano, the apprentice-aged Buggy told a young Shanks that Blackbeard is rumored to never sleep. Plus we have his connection to the number three which has always stood out, and the fact that sometimes he is a straight up coward and other times he is an evil mastermind. So yeah, there is obviously something going on with Blackbeard and the theories that he has multiple personalities or bodies that could explain his ability to eat multiple devil fruits. But back to the topic of his family lineage we’re of course going to talk about what I think, and you might be surprised that there are more clues about the true nature of Blackbeard's Special lineage than are obvious on the surface. Because the first thing that people are probably going to think of is that Blackbeard is related to the Buccaneer race that we’ve recently learned about through Kuma’s backstory. And I want to be clear: This is an entirely possible scenario. There are still many more mysteries about the Buccaneers and their unique abilities that we still have to learn about, so if Blackbeard is a descendant of the Buccaneers that would be a good way to surprise us with some more insane powers. BUUUUTT! There is some evidence that could show that Blackbeard is NOT a Buccaneer, starting with the actual word that Saturn uses in Japanese. Because in actual word Oda used here is kettō, which typically refers to a more direct lineage - such as to parents and grandparents - or in general like a family line. And while that may not seem important, the word that is used when discussing the Buccaneers is more similar to the word for a race of people, such as the Asian race for example. So already there is a difference there that hints that the Blackbeard/Buccaneer connection isn’t so clear. And if that wasn’t enough to make you question, then listen to this. Because ever since we started Kuma’s backstory, we have clearly been shown that the world government has made it a mission to completely wipe out the Buccaneer race. In fact, as soon as the government learned that Kuma’s family were Buccaneers, they immediately captured them and sentenced them to slavery. Saturn even makes it clear that he wants to stamp out the Buccaneer race and Kuma. So if Saturn knows that Blackbeard is a Buccaneer, wouldn’t it be very strange for the world government to let him become a Warlord? I mean the only reason they let Kuma join was because he was virtually already their mindless cyborg. Honestly, it seems more likely they would go after Blackbeard if he was a Buccaneer since that race is such a big threat to the world government. Of course, Saturn could not have known Blackbeard was a Buccaneer at the time or this could be a case where Oda didn’t have everything planned out way back then, but still, this one is another big obstacle to Blackbeard being a Buccaneer for me. So if he’s not a Buccaneer AND we are more specifically talking about his family line, then that leaves us with one MAJOR option for what they are all talking about here. That is of course that Blackbeard is the son of the pirate who nearly took over the world, Rocks D. Xebec. And we’ve talked at length about this topic before, so I won’t go over it all here, but this could certainly be another big step towards the reveal that Blackbeard is somehow related to Rocks. If that’s the case though, we have to ask what makes him so special. And this one is still really tough to answer. We still don’t know that much about Rocks’ special abilities, so it’s nearly impossible to say anything else about Blackbeard just based on a connection to Rocks. Which takes us back to the question of his family line. Again, the Buccaneer race is still an option, especially since there seems to be something weird going on with Kuma’s soul and an unexplained ability. Then there could be some unexplained power because he is Rocks’ descendant. However, those aren’t the only options. In fact, I have two more with one that is just so incredibly spicy. But first, I’ll throw out the idea that he is somehow related to the Celestial Dragons. I mean, that would explain how Saturn knows about his family line. Plus, we’ve already seen the Celestial Dragons throw out half-blood kids when they no longer need them, so that could explain Blackbeard’s orphaned childhood. But the REAL IDEA I want to talk about is a connection between Blackbeard and another of the most mysterious tribes in one piece. The Three-Eye Tribe. And in case you forgot, we were first introduced to the three eye tribe with Big Mom’s daughter, Pudding, who as we can see, literally has a third eye in the middle of her forehead. And coincidently, Blackbeard has already captured Pudding from Big Mom’s territory. Initially, we all assumed he did this because he wanted to use the Three-Eyed tribe’s ability to hear the Voice of All Things to read the poneglyphs. But we also have to question how he knew about this ability. Well, what if it is because he is also a descendant of the three eye tribe?? That could explain how he knew of her ability and that it was important to capture her. So yes, in fact, I am saying that Blackbeard might actually also have a third eye right in the middle of his forehead. I mean, have you ever seen him not wearing a hat or bandana covering parts of his massive head? So just saying that this is a definite possibility. And if this is the case then maybe their lineage holds the key to understanding Blackbeard’s mysterious powers. Regardless, all this has just got me so excited for learning more about Blackbeard in the future, but let’s also discuss the other STUNNING REVEAL from the very end of the chapter. Because at long last we finally see one of the most scum bag character in all of one piece make his return. Of course I'm talking about the swamp man Caribou showing up next to Devon and Van Auger. And let me remind you that this miserable human has lucked some GAME-CHANGING SECRETS! In case you forgot, Caribou knows that the mermaid Princess Shirahoshi is the ancient weapon Poseidon AND that the Ancient Weapon Pluto is somehow trapped in the walls of Wano. I mean, seriously, this information is just about the most top secret information in the entire world, and I’m not sure ANYONE else besides the Straw Hat crew knows these secrets. So the fact that Caribou so desperately wants to join the Blackbeard pirates means he fully intends to tell Blackbeard what he knows. He basically said as much back in chapter 1056. So unless Van Auger and Devon reject Caribou - which would honestly be hilarious - then we have to assume that Blackbeard will very soon know the location of these ancient weapons and make a move to somehow capture them. Which, if he can somehow do that, and use the powers are part of his world conquering agenda, then man we're in for a rough fight. Anceint Weapons on top of possibly the Seraphim as well. He might just be way too overpowered for ANYONE to stop. Of course, we also know Blackbeard is desperate to join the World Government as a recognized king. And while we still don't know why, I previously speculated that he simply wants access to Mary Geoise so he can sneak in and steal some secret power or maybe even confront the world's secret ruler. However, while those plans don't appear to have worked out just yet if Devon can now turn into Saint Saturn, then Blackbeard and his crew could sneak into Mary Geoise using the stolen identity. And if we also consider that there’s also the distinct possibility that Devon and Van Auger made copies of the Straw Hats Road Poneglyphs, then Blackbeard would be truly on the path to finding the One Piece and taking over the world. He still needs one poneglyph of course, but if he is searching for the last one then this could be setting up a mouth watering clash in Elbaf where we all assume the last Road Poneglyph is waiting. Speaking of Elbaf though, can we just appreciate how truly excited Usopp was to see his giant friends? Like seriously, if there was anyone in the world who he would have loved to see it is these guys. Because not only are the giants from Little Garden here, but we also see the giants that Usopp befriended back in Enies Lobby. And with these giant reinforcements, it really seems like they are going to sweep through the marines and clear a path for the Straw Hats to escape. To do that though, Sanji might need to step up in a big way. However, much to many people’s surprise he actually did just that when he stood up to Kizaru in this chapter. Because when he blocked the admiral’s laser and then dropped the cold line that love is more powerful than light, I got some shivers running through me. Plus anytime Sanji lights up his cigarette you know he’s about to give it his all and bust out something heroic. I do wonder though if there is something more to the fact that Sanji gets stronger when he is protecting a woman. I mean, even in this chapter we have more discussion about the power of belief when Bonney and Luffy are talking about Nika. Clearly, Bonney’s powers rely on believing in what is possible, so who is to say that Sanji can’t also get a boost from a strong belief in his duty to protect a woman. While we're talking about this scene though, isn’t it just awesome that Luffy doesn't even know who Nika is? He doesn’t care about the history or the importance of what people think. He just wants to be free and protect his friends. Which he does exactly that by pummeling Saturn with a brand new attack. Interestingly though, Saturn’s mysterious “eye” attack actually hits Luffy. So it doesn’t appear that Luffy is immune to it because of strong haki like we previously thought. It didn’t do anything though because he just shrugged off the attack. Zoro on the other hand is not having it quite so easy. Because he is STILL fighting the leopard man, Lucci, which honestly is more surprising than Sanji stepping up and blocking the laser beam. Because I think we all thought Zoro would win this fight pretty easily since Luffy took Lucci down with no sweat, so to see them still fighting is a bit of a shock. Surely it won’t last much longer though because Jinbe is coming to help, but maybe Zoro still needs more growth than we thought if he is truly going to stand any chance of becoming the world’s strongest swordsman. And honestly, from this showing here, he might be the furthest away from his dreams than any of the straw hats, but if you want to see how much each of the straw hats have grown throughout the story and how close they are to their ultimate dreams, you can watch this video right here. As always, I would love it if you would like and share the video. It really helps the channel and don’t forget to subscribe for more one piece content like this. Shanks for watching, and I hope to see you in the next one.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 373,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter, one piece what if, what if luffy, one piece chapter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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