Every Character Luffy Has Defeated In One Piece

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Giants. Robots. Dragons. Gods….Clowns…  literally no one is safe from being taken   down by Monkey D. Luffy. The hero of  One Piece has spent decades punching   some of the most punchable faces ever to  appear in manga and anime and today we’re   talking about every single character that  Luffy has defeated throughout the story. And the very first thing Luffy did when he  set sail as a pirate was punch the lights   out of the Lord of the Coast. He finally  got his revenge on the Sea King that took   Shanks’ arm in the form of a knuckle  sandwich - and in doing so he finally   proved he wasn’t the same kid he used to  be. Luffy was ready to be a real pirate. After a poorly timed whirlpool, Luffy  found himself barreling toward the Alvida   Pirates…literally. After meeting his most  pink friend and future Hero of the Marines,   Koby, Luffy set the unwilling cabin  boy free by punching his boss - the   most beautiful pirate on the seas other  than Boa Hancock - right into the sea. After that, Luffy ran into some opposition while  trying to recruit his first crewmate. ****A lot of   fans remember Luffy fighting Axe-Hand Morgan  after freeing Zoro on Shells Town. However,   Zoro was actually the one to finish the corrupt  captain off. In one of the biggest low diff   matchups of all time, Luffy actually defeats  Helmeppo, who was threatening Koby with a pistol. And then immediately after that battle,  Luffy beat up Koby, in order to give   the marines of Shells Town the impression  that they aren’t actual allies. After all,   what kind of ally would beat the snot out of one   of his best friends? [whispered] (It’s the  kind who wants you to live out your dreams) Moving over to Orange Town, Luffy came face  to face with the Lion Tamer Mohji and Richie   the Lion. And while Richie probably should  have been caged, it was actually Luffy who   found himself locked in a cage on this particular  occasion.However, nobody can keep Luffy locked up,   especially when he needs to fight on behalf  of Chou Chou, one of anime’s best dogs. Luffy couldn’t settle for simply beating  up Mohji. He needed to fight his boss.   This was Luffy’s first fight against a fellow  devil fruit user, making it a real challenge,   but once Luffy and Nami managed to  tie up all of Buggy’s body parts,   Baby Buggy didn’t stand a chance and he got  Gum-Gum Bazooka’d into the stratosphere. By the time the crew arrived in Syrup  village, Luffy had already taken out a lion   so Certified Cat Boy Captain Kuro didn’t  stand a chance. Kuro’s claws were sharp,   but Luffy’s wits were sharper…Okay, that’s  not accurate - Luffy doesn’t have any wits.   His strategy was actually just so dumb it  actually worked. He wrapped his rubbery   limbs all around Kuro so he couldn’t use  his speed to his advantage and then gave   him the headbutt to end all headbutts  in the form of a Gomu Gomu no Bell. All that Syrup Village business really worked  up an appetite, so Luffy and the gang’s next   stop was the floating restaurant, Baratie.  Unfortunately, they weren’t the only ones   who showed up without a reservation. Along  came Don Krieg, who led the largest fleet   in all of the East Blue. After Dracule Mihawk  sliced up his fleet and ships in the Grand Line,   he tried to take the Baratie for himself. However,  despite his underhanded tactics of using poison,   spikes, cannons, and more - he couldn’t compare  with Luffy’s brute strength and was wiped out. With Don Krieg defeated, there was only one pirate  left in the East Blue who was more powerful and   infamous: Arlong. This sawshark fishman gave  Luffy his most difficult fight yet, but the   stakes were personal. The fight ended in the map  room where Arlong had tortured Nami, forcing her   to draw maps since her childhood. He brought down  Arlong and his entire park with a Gum Gum Axe. Entering the Grand Line, Luffy wouldn’t take  another W until Little Garden where he went up   against the Candle Man Mr. 3 - whose real name  is Galdino, it turns out. Most of the crew was   nearly turned into a Wax Museum, but Luffy Waxed  On and Waxed Off until Galdino was Gal-decimated. On Drum Island, Luffy dethroned  Wapol, a cruel king with a bad   case of the munch-munchies. This was  the first monarch Luffy would punch,   but it certainly wouldn’t be the last and  in doing so he turned the Drum Kingdom   into a democracy when Dalton was elected the  leader of the newly dubbed Sakura Kingdom. And Luffy went from beating his first king to his  first Warlord, when Luffy defeated Crocodile in   round 3 of their fight. After being knocked  down twice by the sand user, Luffy beat him   up using nothing but his own blood, sweat, and  tears…but mostly his blood, which hardened the   logia user’s sand and allowed him to be battered  right through the ceiling of the Tomb of the King. The crew’s next destination was Jaya, where Luffy  was able to demonstrate how much he’d grown to   resemble his mentor, Shanks. When Bellamy picked a  fight and made fun of Luffy’s dreams, he sat there   and took it because he wasn’t worth the trouble.  But when Bellamy hurt one of Luffy’s friends,   then Luffy got serious. The spring-spring man  bounced all around Jaya, but Luffy didn’t need   to use his devil fruit at all. All it took was a  single punch to break Bellamy the Hyena’s spirit. Once Luffy and co found themselves on Skypiea,  they went up against Enel’s Priests. Luffy   helped Sanji out against Satori, but Sanji made  the finishing blow. Luffy’s real battle on the   island was against God. Or at least, somebody  who considered himself a God. Enel had never   met an opponent who wasn’t instantly incinerated  by his lightning strikes, but was in for a huge   surprise when Luffy’s rubber body was completely  immune to his attacks. Even without his lightning,   Enel still put up quite a fight using his  observation haki, which he called “Mantra.”   However, in the end Luffy defeated him  and rang the bell in the City of Gold. The next opponent was back on the Blue Sea on  Long Ring Long Land, when Foxy the Silver Fox   challenged the Straw Hats to a Davy Back  Fight. In the final round of the game,   the two captains had a one v one match up.  However, Foxy’s Slow-Slow beam was so hard   to deal with that it took Luffy’s ultimate form  to defeat him: Afro Luffy. Despite Foxy’s tricks   and traps, nothing could defeat the boxing  prowess of Afro Luffy, and he won the round. The next opponent was even more difficult for  Luffy to fight than the near- invincible Foxy.   However, this one wasn’t physically difficult,  it was emotionally difficult. On Water 7,   Usopp challenged Luffy for the ownership  of the Going Merry, the crew’s ship that   needed to be replaced and suffering extreme  damage on their adventures. Usopp used all   of the resources and knowledge he’d gained about  Luffy’s weaknesses throughout their adventures,   but ultimately was completely  outclassed by his captain’s strength. When the crew stormed Enies Lobby, Luffy’s  first victim was the CP9 agent Blueno,   who ate the Door-Door fruit. However, even for  someone who can make doors anywhere, there was   no escape from the insane speed of Luffy’s Gear 2.  The fight against Blueno was Oda’s way of showing   off the strength of Luffy’s new Gear techniques  before Luffy fought his real opponent of the arc: Rob Lucci. This leopard zoan fruit user  gave Luffy his toughest fight yet. This   CP9 Power House was willing to carry out  any order on behalf of the government,   all to satisfy his immense bloodlust.  Lucci devastated Luffy with the secret   techniques called the Six Powers,  particularly his strongest attack:   The Rokuogan. However, Lucci finally met defeat  on the receiving end of Luffy’s Jet Gatling Gun. Before leaving ****Water 7, Luffy’s  grandpa showed up to crash the party,   leading to a quick rematch with  Koby. As everyone would predict,   Koby didn’t stand a chance - but he  sure is getting stronger, though! Luffy’s next terrifying opponent  was on the horror-themed island of   Thriller Bark. The Warlord Gecko Moria  resurrected his ultimate zombie, Oars,   from the body of a fearsome Ancient Giant. Things  looked bleak for the Straw Hats, but Luffy took   a ton of shadows into his own body in order to  transform into Nightmare Luffy and crushed Oars. Up next was Moria himself, the next Warlord to  fall to Straw Hat Luffy. Even when Moria used   Shadow’s Asgard to suck 1,000 shadows  into himself and boost his strength,   he wasn’t able to beat Luffy. With every punch,  Moria spit up shadows, unable to control the   power of so many at once. After that fight,  though, nothing happened on Thriller Bark. When the crew arrived at Sabaody Archipelago, they  were ready to tackle the New World. Unfortunately,   those plans went sideways when they went to rescue  their mermaid friend Camie from a slave auction.   ****When the Celestial Dragon St. Charlos shoots  Hatchan, Luffy does the morally correct thing   that anyone should do when encountering a  slave owner and punches him into oblivion. After Kuma gives Luffy an all-expenses  paid trip to Amazon Lily, he finds   himself in Trial by Combat against a black  panther. But as the real King of the Jungle,   Luffy showed Bacura the panther who’s boss. After that, Boa Hancock’s sisters Marigold  and Sandersonia went up against Luffy.   Luffy probably would have taken a definitive  victory, but the match was called off when   Luffy went out of his way to hide the Mark of  the Celestial Dragons on the Gorgon Sisters’   backs from the women of Amazon Lily,  thus stealing Boa’s heart for life. For the whole Marineford Saga, Luffy was  way out of his element. He took out a lot of   fodder in Impel Down, but he failed to take out  any big opponents.Luffy was truly in his L era   here. However, the ever-dependable Koby was there  as always to be taken down by Luffy in one hit. And technically, Luffy did  also knock out his own grandpa,   Garp the Hero of the Marines. I mean, Garp  didn’t fight back whatsoever…but still,   he did knock him down on the  way to the executioner’s stand. After taking a couple years off to power up, Luffy  was back in business when he returned to Sabaody   Archipelago and took out the Pacifistas that  used to give him trouble like they were nothing. While descending to Fishman Island,  Luffy made friends with a giant   kraken the only way he knows how…by  punching it as hard as he could. However, he wasn’t trying to make  friends when he punched Hody Jones,   the leader of the New Fishman Pirates as hard as  he could. The battle against Hody Jones proved   just how much stronger Luffy had become  over the timeskip. Hody Jones was powered   up by an insane amount of Energy Steroids,  and was fighting against a fishman while   underwater…even though he was a devil fruit user.  And even with that massive handicap, Luffy took   him out and destroyed the giant ark, the Noah,  with his Red Hawk and Elephant Gun techniques. The Straw Hats’ next destination was Punk Hazard,  where Luffy lost the first round to Caesar Clown   who deprived him of oxygen using his devil fruit  powers. However, in round two of the fight,   Luffy figures out Caesar’s trick and learns  the distance he has to stay away in order to   keep breathing. Luffy clowns on this Clown  with his awesome Grizzly Magnum technique. After Punk Hazard, Luffy partnered up with  Trafalgar Law and the allies went to take   down Doflamingo. Well, actually they went to  destroy the Smile factory so that Kaidou would   take down Doflamingo, but we all know how  well Luffy can follow a plan. So instead,   Oda brought us to a gladiator match where  a suspiciously familiar contestant named   Lucy fought to try to get the Mera  Mera no Mi that once belonged to Ace. At the coliseum, Lucy, who was shockingly  revealed to be Luffy in disguise easily   brought down the giant Hajrudin, who  would go on to join his Grand Fleet. He also fought an old pirate named Don Chinjao  who was once a rival of Luffy’s grandpa,   Garp. Despite Luffy having nothing to do with  that old conflict, Chinjao held a grudge and   wanted to take it out on Luffy. This gave  Luffy a chance to practice his conqueror’s   haki and with a powerful punch, he gave Don  Chinjao the pointy head he missed so much back. After Chinjao, though, came the first  real test of Luffy’s strength since the   timeskip. Everyone Luffy fought to this  point, he hadn’t had to give his all,   but Doflamingo pushed him to the limit, forcing  him to reveal his new ultimate technique:   Gear 4. Base Luffy couldn’t keep up with  Doflamingo’s crazy strength and speed,   but once he transformed into Gear 4, Bounce  Man wiped the smile off of Doflamingo’s face   and he defeated the Celestial Dragon and  ended his terrible reign over Dressrosa. Cracker After Dressrosa, the crew set their eyes on  the Four Emperors. In order to save Sanji,   Luffy invaded Big Mom’s territory of Whole  Cake Island. In order to get him back,   Luffy had to take down two of her  Sweet Commanders. First was Cracker,   the warrior who fought with hardened  biscuit soldiers. Unfortunately,   Cracker couldn’t make enough biscuits to deal  with Luffy’s appetite. After eating his fill,   Luffy used those extra calories to turn  into Tank Man, and Cracker got cooked. Katakuri Luffy’s hardest fight yet, though, came in the  form of Katakuri - the future sight master who   could predict his every move. Katakuri’s stretchy  mochi fruit gave him the mirror image of Luffy’s   own powers, which was fitting since their  fight took place in the mirror world. Over   the course of their long battle, Luffy developed  his observation haki, allowing him to see briefly   into the future. The battle almost ended in a  draw, with both fighters seemingly down for the   count, but Luffy was able to get back up and  escape Whole Cake Island with his crewmates. In act I of Wano, Luffy’s first  opponent was the Sumo champion   Urashima. Despite Urashima’s superior  weight class, he was no match for Luffy. This lion-bellied Gifter on Kaidou’s crew was  also outclassed by Luffy, who defeated him with   a Red Hawk attack, reminding O’Tama of Luffy’s  brother Ace. Of course, none of these battles on   Wano really required Luffy to go all out. None  except the person you’ve all been waiting for: Kaidou: The World’s Strongest Creature  gave Luffy the fight of his life. Kaidou’s   draconic transformation and command of advanced  conqueror’s haki made this emperor more powerful   than any foe Luffy had fought before. In fact,  Kaidou was so strong that he defeated him twice   and then seemingly literally killed him after  that. Unfortunately for Kaidou, that led to Luffy   awakening his devil fruit. After that Gear 5 Luffy  went Looney Tunes, using dragon form Kaidou as a   jump rope and sending the King of Beasts to the  magma beneath Wano’s Mt. Fuji. With this battle,   Luffy truly became Joyboy’s successor and earned  his title as one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. After the Land of Wano, the crew headed to Egghead  Island where they reunited with some old rivals:   Rob Lucci and Kaku, who had been promoted  to CP0. These guys seem to fail upward just   as much as Buggy. Even though Rob Lucci had  also awakened his zoan fruit just like Luffy,   he just couldn’t keep up with the  wild abilities of Gear 5 and was   at a disadvantage when Stussy ended  the fight by putting Lucci to sleep. A much more suitable opponent for Gear 5 Luffy  is the admiral who showed up after CP0: Kizaru,   who demolished the crew alongside Kuma two  years prior at Sabaody Archipelago. However,   now Gear 5 Luffy can fight the Light  Fruit user on roughly equal footing,   the match ending essentially in a  draw with both fighters immobilized. But if this match was a tie, what about the  matches that Luffy outright lost? Most of the   time through sheer willpower, Luffy is  able to pull ahead and beat characters   many times stronger than himself. However,  on surprisingly numerous occasions on One   Piece he’s been fully and utterly defeated.  How many times? And by who? Well, you can   find out exactly when and how Luffy has lost  throughout the series in this video right here.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 172,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter, one piece what if, what if luffy, one piece chapter
Id: CgIoX9rvBFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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