Alienware M16 RTX 4080 Live Unboxing, Benchmarks, Display Test, Flex Test, and More!

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what's up and welcome back to another live stream with Gizmo slip Tech today we're unboxing the Alienware M16 with the RTX 4080 QHD 240Hz display I9 13900hx with four m.2 slots on the inside of this bad boy um 16 gigs of RAM I believe in a one terabyte SSD I can't wait to check it out see what the inside is like to be able to house four m.2 ssds and the 16 is chassis that's kind of insane um we're gonna get started here in just a moment I want to make sure everything is good to go with the live stream and everything is working properly and then we'll be good I want to make sure everything is good very nice very nice uh it well we're getting started here I would love it if you guys gave the live stream a uh a like and if you want to see more of my live streams obviously subscribe for more subscribe and hit that notification Bell as well now uh there it is okay so I'm just gonna post this live stream over on the community tab so more people are aware of it as we go along here we're going to be doing a ton of different things with this laptop today we're gonna take it out the box see what's inside the Box we're gonna take a look at the manuals we're going to take the bottom of the uh chassis off if we can we're going to be an adventure we're going to test that out we're going to see if we can undervolt it we're going to do cinebench R23 I don't know if we'll be able to undervolt it or not Alienware May lock that down we're gonna check out the new Alienware Command Center software that's supposed to be updated and upgraded and better than ever supposedly and uh what else so we're gonna do a display test we're going to do time spy test and we're also going to hop into Hogwarts and check out the performance in the latest and greatest Hogwarts Legacy game um that way we're gonna also be able to kind of do a little comparison with the Asus strix G18 in the Stream which I also did a live unboxing recently for so what's up everybody don't be shy if you have comments or questions about the Alienware M16 we're going to try to focus the chat around the M16 today so let's get started huh all right so first of all we've got Alienware logo right here with uh one six which is also on the the top of the laptop lid on the back another Alienware logo and it's kind of got this nice subtle printing on the outside of the box which is a bit higher class than what some of the other manufacturers I think it's better than the strix box at least on the outside so let me get the other camera setup here so you can get the full experience for the unboxing here all right raise this up a little bit tilt it down all right now we gotta go here uh grav says please compare 18 inch for 16 inch size we will do that because we got the strix G18 right over there we can set them side by side and and see what they're like all right uh is this still one terabyte or smaller it's a one terabyte I believe okay here we go [Music] all right so on the right side we have our laptop on the left side we have our power brick let's come down a little closer all right let's check out the power brick first so the cable let's put that on the ground for now and let's see how long this cable is the old extendy test all right so it's about six uh six feet long or so my full span we got the mama jama the big 330 watt power brick with this guy and it's a monster it's the uh the big one the the typical one it's not a gan power adapter that's uh you know usually considered thinner and lighter this one's going to be your traditional power adapter it's going to be a bit heavier and beefier um foreign you can see the power the power adapter size difference here it's it's pretty noticeable difference in size between the 330 watt from Alienware and the uh the 330 watt from Asus this year I I really got to say that the Asus one is definitely going to be more compact and a little bit lighter though it's about the same weight I wouldn't say the weight is really where it's at it I don't think that that should probably make a huge difference in your decision making Factor on which laptop you buy but it does should wait have a little Factor you know um what are the difference between this one and the 18 except the screen size display options are different between the Alienware M16 and the Alienware M18 um the pricing is going to be different because the Alienware M18 is likely going to be more expensive the what else there might be I think there's a few more a couple more ports on the 18 inch I'd have to do a little more detailed breakdown but we can we can dive into that a little later so we've got this plastic it doesn't want to come up right away got to try to figure out how to I don't want to rip the plastic if I can oh you got to do these ones first I think I'm just gonna slide it out the side there we go all right beautiful there's the laptop it's very it's it's honestly it's a bit thinner than I thought can you guys see that okay let me move one of my lights so you can see the side of this I mean we'll get more shots of it in a moment anyway that's fine but it's a bit thinner and small lighter than I thought it was going to be still feels Hefty like you could kill a zombie with this thing like a chop um yeah cool all right so quick examination of the stickers we got some Alienware stickers which are pretty cool and I'm just going to put this right here for now all right so we've got some Alienware stickers you guys see that okay pretty cool actually it looks like high quality stickers anything more M16 R1 is the name of this laptop got a webcam and microphone at the top of the display power button is on the right side on the back we have our two Thunderbolt fours our ethernet USB a headset port on the left side yeah full-size SD card slot DisplayPort power adapter port looking pretty sweet so there's the manual warranty and regulatory information I don't think you're gonna really be able to read this but for your reading pleasure if you really want to look at it I think the the most interesting parts of the warranty agreement is usually for me whether it's transferable to someone else and how long it lasts because some manufacturers saw for two years some offer only one most of them offer only one and some offer even accidental protection depending on where you buy it so Chris G are we going to compare this versus the G18 yeah we're going to compare this against the G18 um as we go along and I'm going to show it side by side with the G18 Okay so I'm trying to find where it says how many years this is going to be but I'm not seeing it well I'm not sure okay so here's another uh Alienware card it has a little statements about 1996 we built out set out to build the most Innovative and high performance computers for ourselves and our fellow Gamers and it's got more there you can pause it if you want to read it but yep so that's the stuff on the inside of the box I think that's everything that's in the Box very nice let's go ahead and I'm going to open this up nice okay so there is no there is no um felt cover on the keyboard or anything so I was going to take that off and put that in the box if if it was there but there's not one so I'm going to close the Box up and put it away now introduce [Music] all right so what do you guys want to see first where's the part on that card where they sold the souls to Dell what yeah I thought you're gonna say sold their souls to the devil and then you said Dell and I was like wait that makes sense too I mean I I really don't think the Alienware sold their souls to the devil or to development LOL um okay [Applause] here we are let's go ahead and get this thing plugged in this is definitely a very beefy power adapter brick hmm okay yeah yep okay before we do that let's actually go ahead and take this bad boy off uh the bottom off of this bad boy all right that'll be step one every video every unboxing okay I like the keyboard feels good this feels like a really high quality build from Alienware this year feels it feels like a a slight step up from the G18 because of this metal top lid and metal bottom that definitely gives it a more premium feel it still has a kind of a plasticky feel like a rubberized I don't know if it's plastic or not but it's kind of a rubberized feel when you in the inside of the laptop all right which does feel good to the hands you know all right so let me get the screwdriver out there's a link in the description down below if you want to get the same I fixed it toolkit that I have here is that a built-in laptop stand in the bottom kind of so you guys you guys can probably see this right let me make sure it's in focus um we've got this ring of rubber all the way around that gives it some nice separation from your desk surface should help improve the airflow in the chassis which is very important for thermals how much for this one it's in the uh video thumbnail it's 25.99 from Best Buy and there's a link in the description to to picking it up or you can go on my laptop list and check it out there it's interesting I think these are pop-up screws in the corners here alienware's been doing pop-up screws too sometimes um let me go and flip this around also into the am if you guys are interested in some shirts there's a link in the description with the discount code for the NTA the am shirts that I wear in my live streams sometimes so go check them out it does help support me as a Creator if you do end up using them and yeah it looks like both of the screws in the left and right sides are pop-up screws so we've got separation of the chassis from the bottom right here and also right here so you can use either side to get the start of the the chassis being popped off now the question is will this beat the G18 you reviewed the other day that is the question um and I can tell you for build quality I already give the Alienware M16 like an extra few points because this is more solidly built than the the G18 because it's got this metal bottom and metal top so it's an entire metal enclosure except the rear looks like it's plastic this rear butt end is plastic but having the rear button be plastic is probably really good for thermals because then this is going to be the hottest part of the laptop because this is where all the exhausts are well not all the exhaust there's huge exhaust on the sides too but um the fact that that there's uh a lot of the the biggest exhaust is usually coming out the back so this helps this should help our thermal situation not getting too hot um you know transferring because a lot of metal chassis have the heat transfer throughout the whole chassis and the whole chassis with the metal chassis eventually becomes a heat sink which is not great right so but I don't think we're gonna have that problem as much with this this laptop so I really I really like what Alienware did with the uh the chassis design so far with my hands on it feels extremely rigid and the bottom is that the bottom since there's two pop-up screws it's definitely going to be easier to remove than most laptop bottoms too and Alienware is clearly expecting people to do custom upgrades because they included four m.2 slots in this thing so all right can we get this thing off now we can there it is okay so let's go ahead and put this guy back down into the light and get everything situated here all right so for 23 9 with a coupon at Dell so um you might be able to get it for a discount with Dell unfortunately if you end up using the coupons um sometimes that doesn't that basically Cuts away any support for me as a Creator that's the only downside to using the coupons like honey and some other stuff so but that's okay if you guys end up doing that I totally understand that you'd rather save some money so anyway are you guys ready for the big reveal here we go three two one whoo okay so how did they do this I see okay so we have two 22 80 ssds on the right side on the left side we have two 22 30s all right so that means that you're not going to be able to do four full-size m.2 ssds with this machine that is kind of a bummer because the 2230s have much smaller uh SSD sizes and I believe they're usually more expensive so you only get two full-size ssds basically and you can do a 2230 here as well there is a screw to switch it over to the 2230 size uh but that's that's too bad in my opinion that's too bad that's a little disappointing I'm not gonna lie but it's still cool that there's four slots you could still get some cheaper upgrades like throwing an extra one terabyte ssds into each of these or something or I think they go up to two terabytes at their largest uh at least that's what it used to be I'm not sure now okay so taking a look at the ram here we've got ddr5 4800 SK hynix Ram I'll go ahead and zoom in on that here in a moment but uh let's take a look at the thermal solution real quick so as best we can at least we've got one fan here two fan here third fan here so we've got a three fan design with this third fan only going out the side and I believe that is the mouse side as well so that's not great if you like using Mouse on the right hand side okay um let me go ahead and unplug this battery and I'll try to pop the ram out foreign so our battery is now disconnected let's go ahead and take a look at this Ram up close Gizmo what's the best RTX 4090 laptop so far the two highest performance uh 4090 laptops the MSI gt77 and the xmg neo17 both of those I've seen have cineben or time spy scores over 23 000 and so basically I think both of those laptops are being overclocked above 175 Watts um by the manufacturers against nvidia's wishes probably I don't know that's Nvidia is trying to lock it down to 175 but those laptop makers are like we know that the laptop can go higher performance so they want to push it because they know that users want the performance out of it um I'm not sure the best way to measure that maybe using an external power reading okay so tool that might be the best way to measure it and comparing because I'm curious what the true wattage is on those laptops but then I really don't think that they're only 175 Watts okay so can you guys see this Ram that's the ram so it's eight gig one rx16 pc5 4800 B SEO 1010xt Ram all right this is our Wi-Fi I'm not going to take the covers off of these oh there's another fan here there's actually a fourth fan that I didn't notice it's like a small little guy let me pull back out all right let me I'll kind of zoom in on it here so you guys see that there's a fourth fan here it's a little it's a little guy it's not very big but it looks like it's just generally designed to move air through the chassis would you recommend the MSI Raider instead of the Titan I'm confused with almost a thousand dollars extra is coming from um the thousand dollars extra is coming from bigger ssds more RAM a better screen and a more extensive cooling solution in the gt77 although those things cost extra money so um but uh yeah if I were to buy a gt77 or a ge78 I think I would go gt78 just because I need something a little more portable if you don't need the extra portability then I think the gt77 makes more sense if you're going to spend that much might as well get the best but if I was buying a gt77 I also would only get the uh okay the battery is now plugged back in I would only get the the 40 6 9 or 45.99 variants with the RTX 4090 I wouldn't get the 52.99 128 gig version because it comes with slower RAM and I don't need 128 gigs of RAM anyway I only need 64. so all right so that's the internals uh this is a vapor chamber cooling system on the RTX 4080 and 4090 for the GPU and CPU and it does have element 31 liquid metal but it is an inverted motherboard it looks like so if you need to re-paste this guy you're going to need to uh take this thing completely apart that's kind of a big downside if you ever do need to repaste it now I don't think you will as long as the application initially is good you probably won't need to replace it for at least probably 10 plus years um let me go ahead and zoom back out again so you can see the whole thing so on the left side right here we have our speaker down firing speakers I believe there are also up firing speakers on the top and just to recap everything we have our 86 watt hour battery right here it's a large guy though must be very thin um looks like it's user replaceable you just got screws here that's nice so you got four SSD slots uh two 2230s and then 222 80 slots here Wi-Fi here one fan on the this is actually the left side when you flip it back around but it's on the right side of now then we have a metal fan and then we have two fans over here on the left side and uh both of these are gonna go out the side exhaust and rear exhaust oh this one goes out the rear as well so air is going to move very interestingly through this chassis and I think this fan is very interesting because it should really help keep the center of the chassis much cooler than your typical metal chassis like um because that that's one of the biggest issues right now I think with metal chassis in general they just end up tending to get really hot overall so you see companies like Razer and now Alienware also adding this middle fan and and Asus also adding the middle fan to just move air out the chassis and help with overall thermals so it is a very small fan though I wonder how big of a difference it'll actually make now when you're putting this thing back together you'll want to make sure these little latches along this Edge go in to the back first and then you press down and you're going to want to do the pop-up screws as well okay so that's in there correctly does the mini LED on the G14 look good in person or was the improvement from the 22 22 version not that noticeable so the screen looks good but it didn't look as good as like the scar 16 mini LED and that's because the g14s mini LED display only goes up to 600 nits brightness at its peak with a 500 500 nits base where the scar goes up to 1100 nits brightness as its peak and 600 watt nits brightness at its base so the G14 is just going to be a lot a lot brighter sorry I mean the scar 16 is going to be a lot brighter and the and so on the G14 I would probably actually go for just the standard nebula display and then get the anime Matrix in the back because you only lose 100 nits of total brightness for the G14 Okay so time to pop this guy back together again which it's a lot easier if I hold the laptop in my lap instead of so in general I try to get the initial pops just getting started and then I'll do the pop-up screws and uh because you really need these pop-up shoes are going to fight you as you're trying to pop it back together and if you just screw them in right away at the beginning that'll get the chassis actually started to being popped in anyway so so get those pop-up screws in now you get it all that's popped in popped in okay so it's all back together again as far as I can tell beautiful all right let's put the screws back in of course totally didn't not forget to put the screws back in okay uh looks like we've got a super chat from Jordan thank you very much Jordan it really helps um support me as a Creator um Jordan says in the market buying your videos have been amazing thanks dude for your nice comment that's really generous and kind of you to say Anthony Martinez says when I took mine apart it honestly did not feel like metal compared to the x14 that was metal interesting like no this this feels like metal to me it's got like a cold it's cold to the touch where plastic you know doesn't get cold to the touch so it's definitely conducting heat like a metal object would but thank you so much Anthony for the uh for the for the support as well the five dollars both you guys when will you get the 2023 G14 uh that's not for up for sale yet as far as I'm aware if it is up for sale let me know and I'll try to order one but I'm gonna try to get that in as soon as I can that's definitely a high demand laptop that I want to do as quickly as possible okay so now we're now but maybe now would be a good time to show the comparison side by side with the strix G14 too so let me go ahead and do that before we plug everything in and it gets all hot all right so there we are so the uh the width is the only thing that's wider the depth is almost identical between these two laptops but the the width right here that's it you know Alienware has been known to be quite um quite large especially deep because they always have this extra back area that gives them a lot of ports and exhaust so it makes sense that they're just as deep but just wider on the 18 inch so I like the asus's design in terms of portability especially for us 18 inch chassis overall something a lot more impressive in my opinion let's zoom in so you guys get a little better view of it but it's uh it's quite impressive honestly they're both I really like both of them honestly so the biggest difference between these two is the ports and the fact that you have the ports on the back for the G uh or the m the M14 you see that okay so the thickness the M16 is definitely thinner that's what I would say my feedback into the M16 is it's clearly like a noticeable noticeably thinner machine so the M16 really only like kind of looks thicker because of that rubber foot that's underneath it but when you don't factor in that rubber foot it's not as big of a difference uh real logic with the two dollar Canadian donation that's very nice um thank you very much for the support the question is did Asus say if the G18 supported higher speed Ram Asus said it does not support higher speed Ram confirmed yet but they're actually looking into adding support for user upgradeable Ram to 5600 so um they didn't confirm 100 that it's going to come but it seems likely because it's basically I think it's adding in more bios options because the motherboard should support the increased Ram speed Anthony Martinez with the 20 Super Chat thanks so much man I appreciate these this um that does help support me as Creator again I know these things are expensive and I know the community is very happy and how in depth you are being with this new M16 thank you yeah I'm just my goal as a Creator is to be literally as helpful as possible to people so and I've bought 100 you know not hundreds I bought probably I probably bought close to 100 laptops now um and it sometimes can be very hard to find Reliable good info you know comparing different laptops and that's that's what I'm trying to provide for people so you can do easy comparison shopping and that's a big focus of my sheet and my channel in general just trying to be as helpful as possible so thank you so much for the 20 Super Chat um okay are we ready let's zoom out the keyboard backlight is gorgeous this is a high quality keyboard backlight it's better quality for sure than the strix g18s keyboard backlight like this this is like equal to the highest tier keyboard backlight for sure okay let's try to turn it on because I actually never pressed the power button but these lights came on which is interesting so I press the power button once but maybe it was already starting I don't know that was a little weird let's try pressing it again all right so now maybe it's turning on notice the power button is an RGB multi-color power button um go and give you guys a little close-up of this keyboard so you can get a better idea of its quality and the the brightness so this was flashing different colors a moment ago right now it's just solid blue looks very bright on the camera though but you notice how the the keys here all the FN F1 F2 F12 all these key functions are lit up and all the secondary key functions are also lit up which not all backlight keyboards do that so that's really nice that the M16 does that you can see the the layout here it's got decent spacing all the keys are a reasonable size we've got on the right side we've got our volume up and down mute and mic mute see if I can get this thing too Focus for me all right so on the right side we have our volume up and down mute and microphone mute a delete button an end button and a home button so the delete the home and end buttons here are here at the top page up and downs are integrated into the full size arrow keys which is a bit different um this keyboard feels fantastic the keyboard is really really great guys it's got a good feel I don't think this is I don't think this is the Cherry MX keyboard unless it's a silent one because it doesn't it's not a very loud and clicky keyboard so the actual texture of the keys are slightly rubberized it feels like like it's like this not quite as rubbery feeling as this the keyboard deck this is like a a very rubbery overall feel but the keys are a little bit more plasticky but still a slight rubbery texture I think they're just plastic Keys though but with like some kind of coating on them can we talk about that VCR sized power brick and no USBC power delivery support interesting okay so uh the Alienware screen finally turned on and uh here we go Anthony Martinez with another 20 Super Chat by the way thank you so much Anthony you are rolling in the money um okay I am personally not always getting sorry I don't know maybe you're not rolling in the money and this is really hard for you to donate either way the donations are appreciated uh I am personally not always gaming and a power delivery option would have been great for when using it in simple documents and simple browsing I believe yeah especially given the size of that power brick it'd be really nice to have the option of power delivery wow the screen was not as bright as I uh wow okay so when I move the mouse the screen got brighter it said no power uh no time of day set so it wasn't loading past the bio so I just hit continue I don't know maybe that's a little weird that it's not set already or whatever but is the RX 7800 XT worth it are you talking about like a laptop version of that uh it might be worth it but I don't know that it'll be worth the the wait because so far AMD has not announced a 7800 XT they've only announced the 7700 like s or something like that so uh their highest end models they've not announced yet I think they're still working on them I guess but either way any any AMD next-gen gpus are going to be at the end of Q2 start of Q3 I believe this year so like talking like June time frame probably at the soonest and um yeah okay so initial display impressions are good there it's a very bright vibrant display and I'm very curious to test it out with my display Checker because the display is probably the biggest drawback to this machine and if the displays actually better than anticipated let's say this is a 500 Niche display and Alienware just didn't label it correctly on their website that makes this machine so much more competitive with uh with the G18 okay getting connected to Wi-Fi can you test the Asus Rog G18 next I already did that in a previous [Music] um I already did that in the previous live stream so go check out my previous live streams that I did the last couple days if you want to check out the strix G18 Anthony Martinez when you change the ram heads up for whatever reason my M16 hung for almost 10 minutes before it actually booted it was pretty heart stopping interesting well I'm not going to be changing the ram in this but that's good for people to know since you've already done that um Luffy says do you think the strict scar 18 not being mini LED is a game breaker no I don't because the display the scar 18 has is incredible it's already so bright and vibrant it's gonna be so hard to not be happy with it in my opinion um all right chat what are we gonna name this Alienware M18 looking for goofy let's see let's see some suggestions um [Music] we uh for the strix G18 we had strix mixed strict face but it was too long so we had to go some go another round we uh route we'd ended up with thunder thighs for the Alienware M18 so uh Tupperware the wallet breaker um hmm [Music] still waiting for some better suggestions y'all come on we're gonna do better than this do wallet breaker Gary Argo okay come on chat we can do better than this what's something that we can do with Alienware name maybe um not an alien hmm hmm come on we can do better than that still I think I think we can do better than that let's see here ah how about where's your alien instead of Alienware well no I don't know getting the M18 yes I did order an Alienware M18 the alien nature we're gonna go with that that's good enough I like it I I have uh the alienator we're gonna we're gonna do that one all right drippy wear all right so we're uh still going through some windows set up here it's uh starting up and I believe rebooting configuring windows and everything um shall we go over the ports for a moment okay on the right side nothing all just uh fan exhausts there's only fan exhausts and then I believe this is a speaker Grille right here on the left side we have our headset Port USB a and then we have a two and a half gigabit Ethernet port right here on the back power adapter port full-size SD card slot mini display port HDMI 2.1 USB a and two Thunderbolt four ports right here so I really love the ports on this machine I kind of wish there was three usbas but the fact that they have two USB or Thunderbolt fours kind of makes up for it and the fact that they have everything including a full-size SD card reader and a mini display port is just it's really really fantastic the M18 I believe has one more USB a I if I remember correctly so um the M18 has slightly better ports all right so we got to go ahead and sign into windows all right we're getting signed in okay checking out chat one really weird port to place I believe you made a really weird place to put the uh ethernet yeah I agree I usually would say ethernet belongs on the back if they do add an ethernet port um especially since there's already so many ports there okay uh we are ready to do when does hello are you ready to set up your windows hello for faster sign in and more security mm-hmm okay that's it you're all set okay so we'll see how well the windows hello works as we get uh get going so I gotta create a pin here no number pad on this so it's uh a little less convenient when you're logging in having a number pad is is nicer if you don't have Windows hello because you can just quickly like does it do your little number pad pin and you're good to go so we're coming back over here again uh let me go and zoom in on the display a little more so I always turn off these privacy settings unless there's a specific reason like you're using their mapping software or something but basically I don't want Windows you know using my information for um let's see here can I just hit next I don't have to say I read their privacy statement which is interesting um let's continue on will decline decline if I was buying this laptop I'd probably accept those free offers at least for now but especially the game pass you can play some games sweet games for free for at least a little while so initial impressions of this display is that it's more than 350 nits it feels brighter than that it feels 400 or higher I think uh we'll have to do the display test because that's one of the biggest questions about this laptop how bright is the display um JT Wizzle says ethernet and SD card locations need to be swapped I agree that would be a smarter move on the design but they maybe had a reason for switching it like that um because yeah usually when you're swapping in an SD card quickly you're you don't want to stand up and look behind the machine to put it in right but in Ethernet you only need to plug that in once when you get the laptop set up so it's okay to have it in the back it's better to have it in the back I think and it's out of the way then it's not a visual eyesore you know if it's on the side then you can see it all the time but a lot of laptops have it on the side still it's just if it's optional I'd like to put it on the back all right Daryl says what's the difference between a PC and laptop graphics card thanks good question Daryl uh this is something I talk about a lot on my channel and in my reviews the laptop version of the RTX 4080 is not the same thing as the desktop 4080 it is uh significantly lower wattage and in the case of the 4080 desktop and laptop there's a different Cuda cores different uh like total vram there's a different um total wattage all those things can significantly impact performance now an RTX 4090 has the same Cuda cores as a RTX 4080 desktop so an RTX 490 laptop is the same as a 4080 desktop so that gives you some reference there but it's with a lower voltage RAM and more power efficient lower overall wattage so the um definitely don't expect full desktop performance with these new laptop gpus for the equivalent name but it's shockingly high performance on these new laptop so these new laptops laptop gpus are shockingly good in my opinion they're better much better than I anticipated I was anticipating more like a 20 to 30 bump in performance and we're getting more like a 40 to 60 bump in performance depending on the resolution you're getting um at least from a generation tier to generation tier jump like this is the second best laptop GPU this year in this laptop and um the second best from last generation the 3070 TI is the one I would compare against this GPU so we're talking 40 to 60 bump from that GPU so all right so we are in Windows let's pop over to Alienware Control Center and check that out first and then let's do a display test that'll be our next second thing because this display is the biggest question mark for a lot of people I think so all right so getting my mouse switched over from my Legion over to here we are going to try to skip this hit remind me later all right so my Alienware this is your One-Stop shop for everything related to your Alienware get started learning about your device and engaging with the community oh man this is not just a software to control your anything where it's also your next social media platform experience okay um let's start with exploring the device system health and then where system manuals so you have your Alienware system manual here overclocking interesting so there's bits on overclocks let's zoom in on and make sure you guys can read this okay overclocking is a way to custom tune your computer or adjust the power voltage core memory settings and other key values for ultimate performance I wonder if they're supporting overclocking for example with like Intel Intel XTU and undervolting that would be super interesting if we can adjust that um for Alienware M15 and m17 systems it's showing so it's not even this laptop oh boy that's not great so yeah these Alienware systems aren't even this this manual is not even for this laptop it needs to be updated so hopefully Alienware gets on top of that that's not good in my opinion don't want people reading about the wrong stuff you know all right uh how do I get to actually adjusting this thing where do I go this is not intuitive Alienware what is this explore where if I can't figure out how to adjust the power profiles where do you go here all right is there another like is this not the command center is this just like an info attainment thing Alienware Command Center is this a new application okay I don't think that was even the command center it didn't have a name in the top left and it would look like it was the command center but I don't think it was it's just kind of like a welcome to your Alienware laptop screen and I kind of wish it wouldn't show up uh technical Technicolor tube says that's not the command center man thanks for thanks for making it clear now that I already figured it out [Laughter] the Alienware Command Center grid box is there so I mean that's that's my fault that's not that's not nearly the worst fault I should have I should have recognized okay so this Command Center let's see our home this all looks exactly the same as the previous Alienware Command Center I wonder why it's not interesting nothing here looks any different do we need to update this the UI is bad wouldn't blame you yeah um I gotta grab I'm gonna do the display test next here so let me grab the drivers they fell down on the table okay all right I really need to get a uh USBC the USBC cable because these laptops that only have two usbis now I don't have a third usba slot to be able to plug in the next item like my display it's not detecting my drive yeah let's see here taking a little while to pop up hmm real logic says that's the exact same Command Center I have on my X17 R2 yeah it'll probably auto update this automatically if it works I've had such problems auto updating Alienware Command Center um let me try unplugging this and plugging it back in I mean it's it's bading like it's being detected but it's not actually popping up with the drive my drive did just fall off the table I hope it's okay ah there we go my SSD inside my external drive had popped out of socket probably in its fall so now I could probably un unplug this and plug it back in there we go and now will it show up I'm seeing it okay there we go all right um so we're gonna get steam we're gonna grab a cinebench we're gonna grab the spider 5 Elite we're waiting there we go and HW info afterburner don't do that all right and we need cinebench R23 all right we're going to start with these programs um and we also need to get did I grab the spider five Elite we'll see Vicky says three battery cycles and a new laptop is normal I'm confused about your question Vicky um what are you asking specifically about the three battery Cycles uh fatulation it won't appear check the Disk Management and probably assign a letter to the drive um so usually it does appear automatically with Windows flatulation and it did it just like my drive was just unplugged from the because this is an external SSD enclosure and it fell off the table a moment ago and that's why I didn't didn't come up now I'm hoping I'm really hoping I didn't damage anything here because it just fell can I run this now three battery cycles and a new laptop is it normal battery Cycles count and the battery report from Windows got you um I would guess that the manufacturer probably does do some testing on each machine to make sure it's all working how it's supposed to so I wouldn't worry about three battery Cycles that's not a big deal I don't think okay so next we have um gotta grab the spider five real quick [Music] so many drawers in my desk I can't keep track of where everything is in the desk it's kind of crazy all right uh foxhound says hi my friend I know this is unrelated but I'm awaiting my aura 17x to ship has a laptop even technically released yet yes on February 8th the aura 17x officially launched or was released um my order hasn't moved on NewEgg and thought they launched on the 8th so I had uh I ordered six different laptops and only the laptops from Best Buy actually shipped to me because Best Buy is much better I think in general about only listing for sale laptops that they have on hand and are actually capable of shipping out some some laptop manufacturers out there like um B H Photo and notice how I said that was a with a little bit of disdain uh but being a Soto it's a legitimate website they just sometimes will list laptops for sale that they don't really have in their stock you know so basically I'm guessing what happens is B H Photo lists hey hey we're selling the aura 17x and then gigabyte says cool we'll send you 20 of them and BH photo takes 100 orders for them and then now they can only ship 20 of them out and so then everyone's left you know waiting for their laptop for so long um and that's the way it is that's that's the business right now it's kind of silly but all right foreign I think that's all the things we want to test today we're going to do steam install for time spy cinematr23 HW info um I kind of want to download let's go to updates interesting Alienware update is this a different okay that didn't came up with a weird I'm trying to get to Windows update I'm sure we're gonna have some some updates uh sandor and with the five dollar Super Chat donation thank you so much man um hi thanks for the info and for doing or thanks for doing these kinds of tests I I can I wait for Lenovo so I'm guessing you mean you're really excited about the Lenovo Pro 7i yeah I'm very excited about it too um I think it's gonna be really really great [Music] um at least the raw performance and the price to Performance for the the pro 7i looks to be one of the best for this year especially in any 4090 based device so how much is the stealth 14 it's going to depend on the configuration it's going to start I think the configurations I saw was starting around fifteen hundred dollars um give or take a hundred or something dollars but the stealth 14 looks actually pretty promising this year but I don't know that it'll be better than the zephyrus G14 the build quality seemed better on the stealth 14 like it's It Felt Like A Better Built device um but the performance on the G14 seems to be engineered better based on my Impressions and the capabilities that the manufacturers have rated the laptops for so all right um did Alienware Command Center show any updates in the Microsoft store good question so we can test the display while things are updating in the background um let's go Microsoft store because I know that Alienware Command Center can be updated from the Microsoft store that's kind of how Alienware was having it done I'm just gonna search Alienware and see what comes up I'm wondering if this is so early that they just haven't updated the Alienware Command Center yet I don't know it's going to it's time to go Google I don't want to bang it I want to Google it uh let's go to Google [Music] all right and we're gonna go Alienware M16 40 80. uh command Center all right so here's the here's the place where you could buy this right now I'm curious let's go instead go to uh drivers can we get the drivers section to just pop up here otherwise we're going to go to drivers and downloads or maybe maybe there's a place on this page under support get started drivers and downloads I want to find it manually Alienware Command Center updated February 8th perfect we'll want to do the full installer I believe it's downloading this this Alienware Command Center can you see this it is crazy it is 1.1 gigs what what I can't believe it's 1.1 gigs for a just a utility that is nuts to me um okay wow but we definitely want to get that updated and check that out so Bachelor says there's a bios update in there as well yeah that's a good idea to grab that uh weird I guess it wasn't done copying for some reason I thought it was done several minutes ago interesting this is going so slowly foreign fatal yusion what I'm just gonna call you Fatal okay at least I didn't call you a fetalution okay that's a step up uh I hope you don't mind me messing up your name every now and then I'm just trying as best I can here all right uh oops we need to go we're just gonna we might have to recopy cinebench basically there we go all right so now I'm going to go ahead and switch the camera I gotta log into um do the old code for the spider all right foreign let's see if that's correct cool it is all right so we've got it installed now let's go ahead and see how bright this thing is I'm really curious this is gonna be like probably the I don't know if it's the number one factor and whether I'll recommend it obviously the performance is the number one factor but I'm not that worried about the performance sucking I'm more worried about this so all right we're gonna do our gamut and our brightness tests there we go all right so we're going to lay the screen back set that sensor just right it needs to be flush with the display for it because it's got a little rubber edging around it yeah the display is set to maximum brightness that is very red it looks more oranges on the stream but that is extremely red obviously a very vibrant display here I've got in front of me now like the colors every time it switches it's just like a punch in the face like visually to the eye it's so like strong okay all right so Troll Lord says oh man I'm late I subscribed but didn't get notification you gotta hit that notification Bell otherwise you're gonna miss the live stream all right so we're ready for our brightness test so we need to set our brightness all the way down to zero and brightness is set to zero now we're gonna make sure that we're set in the right spot it's going to measure this so this test measures the brightness and the contrast at different levels of of uh brightness setting all right so we're gonna go up to 25 percent now [Music] um we just have to do it to 20 we gotta do the best we can but Chloe Baddock says I so want a mini LED to screen screen yeah like don't get me wrong these this display is going to be good but a mini LED is gonna be better without a doubt scar has more RGB and a better audio transparent I think you mean compared to G Series yeah that's true the speakers should be upgraded on the the scar versus strix G Series and uh all right so we're at 75 brightness 75 brightness now gt77hx is not available in Canada that is disappointing I want to make a note that I can adjust the display brightness without having to do FN plus that so if you press the FN button it actually makes it do you know like the F9 key or whatever instead of the brightness so now we're at 100 brightness on the display it's doing the measurement here and then I think we'll get our results all right so we got uh for our results we got 100 srgb and I want to make a note here that uh my calibrator here I don't think is perfectly accurate so I I believe that uh it's from what I've tested it's about 10 high when measuring Adobe RGB and the P3 color gamut so this says I'll zoom in on the results here so you can see them a little easier uh it says 100 srgb 91 Adobe RGB and 90 of the P3 color gamut all right um so it's probably accurate that it's 100 DCI P3 color gamut and our brightness it is only 342 nits it's not a 500 nits display it's not okay so it gets down to 17 nits at the lowest end with the highest contrast ratio the brightness gets up to 342 nits which is still a very bright display when indoors but it's not like Ultra brights like blindingly bright you know um like I've used 350 nits displays for a long time and very been very happy with them but it's just not quite as awesome as a 500 nit Plus for sure so definitely a drawback here but at least it's a colorful display and it has decent contrast ratio as well all right I believe our download is complete let's open the installer here and let's hope everything installs correctly Salem says hi any info about which laptops we can expect next so next the next live unboxing will probably be the xmg Neo 17 unless I get the blade 16 or 18 in yet uh early then I'll probably prioritize that one but um the xmg neo17 is just a pre-production unit so I can't do full tests on it anyway so I'm just not prioritizing that one as much yet but uh I do have the liquid cooler with that unit and so it should be able to basically be equal to the most powerful gaming laptop visually uh for from a GPU perspective uh so yeah so next is either going to be the xmg Neo 16 or sorry an xmg neo17 or the blade 16 or 18. um and then we're going to continue doing our benchmarks with the strix G18 um I want to just do a ton of different benchmarks and uh like my goal is like to do 50 games with each GPU this year not on every laptop but do at least 50 games with an RTX 40 50 40 60 40 70 40 80 and 40 90. so we can do a detailed like comparison on performance um and that way we just get a lot of data and a lot of people can figure out if how well you know how well each laptop GPU can play their specific game that they love um you know because there's lots of different gaming communities out there and they all want to know like can it run fortnite can it run Apex can it run CS go and obviously it can run all of those things just fine but so we're down we're installing that someone mentioned that there is going to be a bios update I'm looking for it I'm not s oh there it is okay this is released literally yesterday but it's probably going to come through Windows update anyway if we do the Windows updates so this 1.1 gigabyte application is is heavy it's really heavy it's taken like five minutes for us to install this thing now it's not what I like to see I much prefer it when manufacturers um keep their Control software like light light weight like a small overall size small quick installs quick updating and only the minimal interface required to do everything you need to do like keep it as minimal as possible so alt stand compared to the g16 this one is smaller less bright and a weaker CPU but costs more um so the g16 I'm not sure if it's smaller the G18 is the one I compared side by side earlier in the Stream the g16 will probably be more similar in performance I'm guessing so we're still installing here hey Gizmo is this your personal unit or a Dell review I spent my own money so that I could review this laptop for you guys um so yeah and if you guys want to help support me while this is being installed I can talk about some of the best competition for this laptop um I was going to do this anyway and now since we're waiting for it to install it's a good time to do this so the best way for you guys to support me without donating or spending money out of your own wallet some of you guys already donated today and I really appreciate it um but don't feel like you have to you know the best way to support me as a content creator is to use just use my links um when you go to buy a laptop because that's what's gonna give me the most money without bothering you guys really the only the only tricky part about the laptop links is that uh you can't use honey and you can't use certain coupon codes and other stuff like that which I hate I hate not you know I hate preventing you guys from saving money so if you can use a coupon code go right ahead or whatever but um but just know that if you want to support me you can turn off honey or not utilize that when you're buying a laptop because that does I found out just recently that that actually prevents any affiliate Revenue to come back to to me um which I found a little surprising but don't worry about that just try to get the best deal you can on the laptop so right here is the laptop comparison spreadsheet I have started putting benchmarks on here we've got the strix G18 right here it's up here on the list now we're going to be we're going to be adding a ton more benchmarks a Times by cinebench R23 Red Dead 2 on Ultra and I'm just going to zoom in on this makes a little bigger so you can read this text a little a little bit better but um we're going to do Red Dead Redemption 2 on ultra settings no dlss no Ray tracing no frame generation God of War is going to be dlss enabled on quality so one game with dlss enabled on quality and then cyberpunk and no frame generation and then on cyberpunk we're going to do ultra with so the ultra preset QHD plus all these will be like PhD plus frame generation on and dlss on on quality so they'll be basically like a raw rasterization Benchmark a dlss benchmark and then a frame generation plus dlss Benchmark here on the sheet I've also added GPU average temperature CPU average temperature and then the max fan noise that you're going to get like the loudest possible fans from 12 inches in front of the laptop measured by a decibel meter that I'm going to start putting those into the sheet here it's part of every review I do anyway um so there'll be those benchmarks for you guys to compare with and you can always expand this right here as well to look at these side by side and compare them and you can even check out um my full reviews as well so uh of the laptops we're going to be putting them in here inside this list so right here you can see my unboxing video is already on here so you can find the links to videos there's going to be Benchmark Source links as well as we add benchmarks uh to the list we're going to also put in where we found the link so you're gonna be able to trace around and find even more data like more reviews of these laptops not just my reviews I'm going to include others as well so I'm going to be pointing to more reviewers so you guys will be able to find as much data on each laptop as possible basically in one location that's kind of I want it to be a giant compendium of laptop uh details and benchmarks so all right so we had an error when we're installing Command Center surprise surprise like this always happens with Alienware um this says install Shield warning wizard another instance of the setup is already running please wait for the other instance to finish then try again ah why why can't Alienware design a proper installer to like make sure that everything's closed exits anything that could be an interfere with the installation and I yeah okay so this this says Alienware Command Center package manager has been successfully installed or restart is required so we're going to go ahead and restart the machine there we go so we're restarting the machine now um and Windows update downloaded as well so it's going to go through some Windows updates and may even do a bios update automatically for us here so Troll Lord asked how much was the M16 is it also the high-end version so this is like the middle tier version or like the upper middle it's a RTX 4080 for uh 25.99 Damon I wouldn't put Alienware comment Center on my PC if Dell paid me yep uh if if only you could control the fans and everything without the Alienware Command Center um then yeah it would be worth not having it on there but in the past when I had Alienware area 51m I would use the Alienware Command Center to change the fan profile and then I would basically turn off so I would set it to like high performance mode or full full speed fan mode and then I would exit Alienware Command Center and control the CPU undervolting and performance through throttle stop and uh the the GPU overclocking I would do through afterburner so I wouldn't even use alien Command Center to do anything other than just the fan speed because yeah yep so anyway uh melam said yo Gizmo was going to ask if you wanted your deals comparisons site pinned on the r gaming laptop subreddit uh Mountain feel free to pin that that would be great I think I'm just here trying to help people so if you guys think that that's helpful and useful to people please pin that at the top of the the subreddit that'd be great uh guala guala says why Dell decided to make the 18 inch M series not X Series this means bad display and worst build quality speakers versus the x16 so the reason that they went M16 versus x 16 in terms of naming schemes is the X Series is supposed to be super thin as thin as possible um not really light but thin thin and heavy it's weird but um yeah the the x 16 is the more expensive variant I believe you know if the pricing all the same specs on the inside the x16 probably costs a little more but honestly this is not much thicker than the x16 that I have you know that I've I've seen in person when I was at CES uh this is shockingly a fairly portable system um so Damon says you can't control the fans with something else uh I maybe there there may you know eventually especially eventually there'll probably be some kind of third-party fan controller software that someone's going to develop so that way you don't have to touch Alienware Command Center I don't know but not that I'm currently aware of let's see if Windows hello is going to find me it found me basically as soon as I pointed the laptop camera at my face it instantly found me so that's pretty sweet um Chloe says there are usually it's on GitHub there you go you know I'm not going to do that in this stream but yeah there might be a way to use this laptop without Alienware Command Center which is probably better um but maybe it'll be maybe this new one will be better than what you're thinking let's find out right so Command Center is it different now it's thinking this is why I don't like the Alienware Command Center the update process is usually terrible um you know like you you let's say like I was a student when I had the Alienware and I would go into class sometimes and I would have fans on Full Speed from gaming the night before I opened the laptop up in the middle of class and it's like and then I'm like stop I need to change the fans and then Alienware Command Center will detect it needs to do an update and then it won't let me access fan controls until the update fully completes and then it won't it literally won't let me um get the update because maybe I don't have internet in the classroom or something uh and then I'm just sit there stuck either having a really loud laptop or putting it away and I think that's a terrible user experience so that's my review of the Alienware Command Center in the past hopefully this is better I really hope it is um the loading animation looks like it's from 2008 yes the fan noise be giving me PTSD in the class what hope at least the new models get remade re remed remedied I think is what you're trying to say um how bad is the screen at being a 300 nits no the screen looks good I mean the screen is a high quality very colorful display all right so we're we're in the command center it's working again um we're going to set the sucker to full speed we're going to get HW info can you guys hear it here's the fans [Music] so the fans are probably full speed now I mean they'll sound bad they're not insanely loud they're probably about like 55 56 decibels somewhere in that range um for full speed and they had a nice gradual ramp up to full speed so cinebench R23 which gaming laptop has a glossy display I don't know I don't think I can't think of any they're almost all matte or like semi-gloss like this is not like it's got a slight reflection to it it's like semi-glossy I don't know yeah it looks like looks like cinebench didn't copy successfully so we're gonna have to uh copy it back over foreign low until the latest updates waiting to see your score interesting I haven't installed that bios update yet we should probably do that before we do this because it may significantly impact performance I hope my SSD is okay because it's taking a while to load the SSD from the USB which is different oleds are glossy there you go yeah maybe some like OLED from last year really nice display Brax Tech another laptop for us today that's right we got the M16 today so it looks like we might be running into problems with this SSD it's very sad if this is broken this is my SSD enclosure you can see it basically this two and a half inch SSD drive popped out of it was dropped a little bit ago onto the floor drop test uh so far the M16 is disappointing just errors hmm are you saying the one that you have Troll Lord for some reason the CPU scores are horrible on this thing um well maybe they weren't testing it correctly I don't know I might need to find another methodology for transferring cinebench because this thing may not want to to go we're not getting it to go I'm gonna try the rear USB [Music] I don't think that it's alienware's fault that it can't transfer this SSD right now it's I I think I may have broken my SSD or maybe the enclosure is broken I gotta think about where my another I need to think about where another flash drive would be you know I can just download cinebench all right okay checking chat again how's the build quality on the all metal aluminum it's really good aniket I really I think this thing is really well built it feels solid like a tank better than the strix G18 that's one area where this build I think is better and I need to adjust the ratings on my sheet a little bit up for this one um because it's it's probably the closest to the Alienware build quality overall uh or sorry closest to the Razer build quality overall out of the laptops I've seen so far uh guala says you have a long experience reviewing gaming laptops can you tell me which company is the most reliable and how bad is Razer is it good but people being unfair so um my issue with Razer is their customer support can sometimes not be very good um and you're also sometimes paying a premium price so and maybe not always necessarily getting his premium experience but this year especially the performance is much better on Razer um in terms of reliability I think every company has problems and that's why I almost always get an extended warranty of some kind with a laptop purchase that I plan on keeping for two three years so we're going to try doing this uh bios update for Alienware M16 I clicked it I double clicked it once already I'm waiting for it to kind of load here I don't know why it's taking a while so um Dell firmware update utility current version is 1.0 okay so none of this is an update for us we already have the latest and greatest on our bios we don't need to do any updates um let's go ahead and whip up cinebench R23 [Music] first Benchmark of the stream woo all right FTC says I guess we'll subtract just a quick question is the screen taking video input from the Nvidia GPU directly or does it route through the igpu on the CPU so this laptop has a mux switch with Nvidia Advanced Optimus um that's my that's my understanding we'll try to get into that here soon I don't know there okay the control panel wasn't running in the bottom right corner but right here you can see the indicator there telling you whether the RTX 4080 is active or inactive and right here we can set whether we want to be on integrated graphics um so this is Advanced Optimus automatically switching Optimus is like using the integrated GPU and then Nvidia GPU mode only this is how I Benchmark using the Nvidia GPU only which activates the Nvidia GPU so um so now we just switched from integrated Graphics over to here um looks like we need to restart a bench there we go all right and it looks like we are looks like we're reading everything so let's see what we get Advanced benchmark boom so right away our CPU package is not getting that hot we're only going up to 81 degrees our we're pulling 158 Watts that's really great um oh now we're jumping down only 52 Watts on the CPU that's not good it was pulling 150 and now we jump down to 55. only 23 000 in cinebench that's definitely a driver or bios update required maybe we'll be able to fix this in um Intel XTU so right now we're pulling we pulled over 100 at the start but already five seconds in we're down to 53 Watts our CPU is only 52 degrees insanely cool CPU running by almost no performance or not no performance but less performance than anticipated so um I'm anticipating they need to update their Command Center and power limits again some kind of software update uh maybe we can set that in here let's do overclock one can I overclock one where where do we even set this to a new profile where do I even change any of the settings here I guess you can't change any of the CPU settings CPU settings are are locked it looks like and here let's try instead of full speed let's try um performance mode and see if that improves our CPU performance all right so our CPU package power is pulling 132 148 157 107 and 54 we're already down clocking severely again uh so next step for troubleshooting we're going to go to Intel XTU download and we're gonna see if we can change if we can troubleshoot and tweak the power limits on the CPU and boost the performance because that's basically like silent level um performance levels and they've basically got the performance levels mixed up or something's not applying in the background so I would certainly expect this type of issue to be fixed in a software update soon after the laptop launches it's very silly though that they didn't get this fully fleshed out before shipping the product because this is a core functionality requirement for the user to have a great experience right so um yeah yeah FDC um this has a direct connection so you're saying that your XPS 17 4k monitor is sluggish because that's got the integrated GPU yep and this does not do that this is a direct connection through advanced Optimus and a mux switch so yep yep yep no problems with that which 18-inch laptop give you full wattage on both the CPU and GPU um yeah the Razer Blade 18 is going to have a lower wattage CPU but it's going to be moderately high like it's still good performance I think but it's not going to be Max performance now the gt77 is going to be the maximum possible performance the scar 18 the strix G18 is going to be very near the maximum possible but with the G t77 and I believe the GE 78 you're going to be able to manually adjust the power limits in Intel XTU I believe MSI is leaving that unlocked as long as you have the BIOS section uh like checked to allow you to overclock um there's a guy on our Discord so there's a Discord for my channel if you don't know about it there's a link in the video description already you can pop over to the Discord and there's a lot of laptop people on there and you can ask questions or talk about laptops or talk about the videos that I'm putting out or share your own benchmarks and ask questions or troubleshoot whatever you want to do on the Discord but there's basically a community there and I'm letting you know because I forgot to mention this in the last few live streams I keep meaning to mention it um and uh anyway there's a guy on the Discord on the gizmoslip tech Discord and he has a gt77 and his bios um he had to do a a CMOS reset on the gt77 because he's trying to overclock the Ram from 4000 to 4 800 and uh so and that reset his overclocking capability so we had to go search through the BIOS and he found the setting that you you switch it from overclock enabled or disabled so you you can overclock the MSI gt77 full manual control to push it to the thermal limits or whatever you want to do with that and as far as I know Asus is not going to let you do that this year I did a I did ask the Asus uh rep and he said uh that they don't have any plans on letting users go above 140 Watts for the long power limit but that's still excellent performance and it does automatically keep your temperatures in check um it seems like Asus did a good job testing the power limits to make sure that you're getting great performance and keeping the temperatures at a reasonable level so I really I think it's not too bad for in my opinion that they haven't allowed overclocking uh because they're already basically pushing it right to like the very close to the to the maximum limit but you're not going to be able to do like setting world records and stuff like that um this guy with the gt77 he said with a slight OC he's gotten like 33.7 000 uh I think instead of bench R23 with the gt77 so almost 34 000 and I and with a bit more tweaking maybe 34 000 plus is possible with the gt77 so very interesting run the Alienware updater it may help we'll see now I've noticed that I've been talking for a couple minutes and we've just been sitting here waiting for Windows update interesting interesting so we're going to give it time because Windows updates sometimes take like 5-10 minutes and I don't want to shut it off in the middle of the update now our power button is full rgbing right now so let me go ahead and try to show that it's like going I don't know if you can see it on the live stream it's like so bright that it's kind of but it is going like blue yellow orange right now but it was I've Seen It Go like green in other colors too so pretty cool that it's a a multi-color RGB power button and is there anything else yeah so this this is also RGB right here and I don't think I really showed this RGB on the back see that we've got an RGB bar on the back and this can also do multi-colors it's not just blue it's just blue right now because that's what the settings are set up for so this live stream is showing you the authentic user experience for Alienware users uh having to go through software updates that may not be ideal um but if the product is good then maybe it's still worth going through this experience um we'll see and hopefully you know users let's say like a month from now won't have this issue either you just hit auto update and everything works properly so is there an option for Always plug in in BIOS battery settings not sure to keep it uh at lower than 100 good question cream I don't know if Alienware offers the ability to set it to for example your battery down to 60 to like preserve the life of your lithium ion battery um I'm not sure so Anakin says verdict 2599 insane value at Alienware m16. um I wouldn't quite go that far yet it is good value I think if we can get it working properly so I don't anticipate we will it's just taking time koala says if the gt77 screen is 18 inch I would have bought it I think it I think they will screw the customers next year dropping an 18 inch I think the best one to buy is the scar 18. interesting interesting idea I do think that the gt77 would have ideally been an 18 inch machine that would have been great uh Ash asks anyone know when a 40 60 70 laptops will be released they're going to be released on February 22nd so that's when we're gonna be able to buy those and it's going to be great oh I'm trying I'm trying to see if I can get some companies to send me 40 50 40 60 or 40 70 laptops early so I can actually test them and be able to release benchmarks on day one but so far I haven't any I haven't got any confirmed companies to send me uh 40 50 40 60 or 40 70 yet but even if they don't I'm going to order a couple of them at least so I can at least get some Hands-On and live unboxings like what we're doing today so it's been I think close to 10 minutes now waiting here at this this screen what do you guys think uh should I start should I try just is it stock it's risky it's anytime you're doing Windows updates or anything related to like potentially the BIOS forcing it to turn off is risky you might end up corrupting your bios and having to do like a CMOS reset so uh Chloe says bricked question mark maybe especially if I turn it off forcefully now that would kind of be my fault but I want to give it five more minutes so right now it's 405 we'll give it to 410 that'll be about 15 minutes on this one screen I would think that if it was going to make progress it was going to make progress by 15 minutes there it's finally making progress good okay I'm glad I waited yeah because forcing it off in the middle of reinstalling crucial systems information is not good not recommended Okay so Windows hello hi are you there it is okay it did work it just didn't really show it um all right we're back we're back into windows let's see if intel XTO works I I break my Google pixel doing that not fun yeah you anytime you're doing important system updates never Force the machine off always keep it under Shore power and make sure that uh you don't force it off even if it's stuck I would say at least let it go for a half hour to see if it'll it'll fix itself or not [Music] um all right so this is the screen here we can adjust our wow there's a lot more controls in here than there used to be I like it um I'm gonna have to change the battery on my camera here real quick I see it's almost out so I'm going to do it preemptively okay all right boom all right so this is Intel XTU um this allows you to adjust your core clock speed targets as long as the manufacturer basically lets you because depending on how their bios is set up you may not be able to access these menu or if you open Intel XTU they may be grayed out or alternatively it just may not take like if you if you try to change any settings in here it just won't actually change anything so you'll notice right now turbo boost power Max is set to 55 Watts that's the reason why our cinebench R23 score is sucking so we're going to try to boost that Beyond now I'm gonna before I do anything else now my understanding is that Alienware Command Center uses Intel XTU to change your settings that's what Alienware has told me in the past that said because it basically Alienware Command Center uses into LX to you to make the system changes okay so that's why you really can't use both of these applications at the same time so I'm going to go ahead and just open the Alienware Command Center and set it to full speed now that it's set to full speed I'm going to close Alienware Command Center I don't want to open it again it may impact performance or change the numbers that I have in here back to what it was so let's see if we can set our long-term Power Max we'll try 130 to start with all right and our short term we're going to bump up to 175. it may not actually pull that much power but let's see if we can do it save we're gonna go uh 132 175 save all right apply and it looks like the settings took so now we got to test it in HW info we're going to pull up HW info 64. and we're going to also pull up cinebench again and let me check chat uh fatal I couldn't change it balance to Performance that's um I tried it didn't there was there was only balance it was the only option maybe inside of here you can change something okay best performance I just changed it inside of Windows to best performance Maybe that can also help something I don't know we'll see um did that change anything in here I don't think that changed anything and when until XTU let's find out if our performance is better now our package power is pulling 169. 165. our our temps are already at 93 degrees 185 Watts to the CPU there um right now we're in a 10 minute test I gotta change it so we're not in a 10 minute test but we've reached thermal throttling on the CPU which makes sense um this is much better performance Let's do let's not do a 10 minute test right now let's let's turn that off and let's do a short term test air let's let's give it a moment to breathe okay we're gonna give this Alienware a moment to breathe we're gonna pull we're just gonna pull this sucker all the way up all right 185 185 all across the board this is probably a bad idea all right uh uh let's do 175 across the board all right 175 Max that's what Asus does as their Max we'll do 175 for our Max for our CPU power limit and let's see our short and our long and we are going to just see what set image score we get I'm not going to look at HW info we're just gonna we're just gonna punt it here all right yes my hero Academia I just finished catching up on the manga I am all caught up on the manga and the anime it's great uh does Alienware M18 have full wattage for both the CPU and GPU uh because it's a huge laptop yes it should 31 000 for our cinebench score all right that is so much better so much better look at that 31 000 all right so now we have ourselves a proper I9 13900 HX so um and we have it through Intel XTU support so that's fantastic um shall we try a voltage offset it's interesting like if I set this I apply this is that is that a 30 millivolt over volt or an undervolt because I don't want to overvolt this thing I want to undervolt it overvolting it's going to cause it to get heat up too quickly yeah it's because in XTU used to be able to you used to have to put it to a negative 30 and now it's just saying 30. fans sound loud yeah they are pretty loud right now um yeah right now it's not showing any voltage offset at all being applied but yeah if I look here it says avx2 ratio offset and negative offset applied on a per core ratio so this is um Downing your clock speed when using uh rendering with the avx2 codec basically uh I don't know if it's a codec I think it basically though that's basically what if so when you're rendering video files like say in premiere it's going to reduce your core clock speed um so that your laptop doesn't overheat basically try throttle stop to undervolt um you shouldn't run throttle stop and Intel XTU at the same time it can cause issues all right so for right now let's go ahead and just we're gonna start a 10 minute run and we're gonna run it and see uh what these temperatures are like long term with these wattages it's gonna basically get to Thermal throttling level is my prediction and then so right now it's pulling it pulled over 180 wattage there 175 right now so this is the package power that I'm on right now and so 178 we're already so because we're because we're basically overclocking this it's it's not technically an overclock but it's basically supplying all of the juice that you could possibly Supply that's what we're doing right now um and we're at we're hitting thermal limits at 97 degrees our core temps actually only on two of the CPUs we're getting close to Thermal throttling um I think thermal throttle is supposed to be 100 degrees but we've hit thermal throttling on four of them now we'll probably hit thermal throttling on more and more as we go along here um but it's impressive that it's not perma-thermal throttling at this insane power limit all right um wow hopefully this doesn't cause heat waves in the states I like your sense of humor there Ash that's funny all right um I really wish more laptops ran the 13 900 HX chip seems like there's not that many using that specific chip I think there's quite a few actually so now we're hitting 99 degrees Celsius Non-Stop I'm going to try raising the back of the laptop and seeing if that improves the airflow all right so I just raised the back of the laptop up like a half inch with my SSD drive let's check out our clock speeds what are we clocking at right now also our CPU package power has dropped so we must have passed they must let you increase the power limit temporarily and then they lock it down so the long power limit is not changed um so this right here the turbo boost power time window is set to 56 seconds we can raise this to all the way 128 seconds um but let's see if that changed anything probably not yeah it raised the power limit back up we're hitting 145 Watts again um so 128 seconds that's two minutes eight seconds of the highest level of performance before it starts throttling more severely right now we're doing 145 150 watts and it's not it's not throttling we're in the 70s and 80s okay a couple of the cores went to 90s so this cooling system setup in the M16 here is just about as good as the Alienware or sorry as the strix G18 it's in the same ballpark of thermal dissipation and clock Speed and Performance but this this is going to throw off our our 10 minute times uh our our performance for a 10 minute your audio is out of sync okay hold on foreign let me know is the audio better now testing testing and there we go all right so we've had our performance jumping all around in this in this test and like our power limits went up to 180 175 at the beginning and then after a couple minutes it went down to 65 watts and then I went in into XT Intel XTU and changed the long power limit boost window and that changed it back up and now it's boosting to 140 Watts and it hasn't gone down to 65 Watts again which is interesting it's it's jumping right now between 128 and 140. so and and in that range right around 128 to 140 our temperatures have stabilized in the 58 78 80 . it's like the 70s and 80s mainly like low 80s mid 70s is the temperature across everything our average temperature for the whole test so far has been 68 degrees across all cores that is really good I'm going to reset it again and see what our average is here in the second half so yeah basically 130 128 package power 135 so interesting and our core clocks speeds they're doing 3.9 3.9 3.9 and then our e-cores are doing 3.3 so when you compare this processor the i-913 900hx which is a lower tier Bend CPU we're getting about 200 megahertz less than the strix G18 like 150 to 200 megahertz less across the whole chip on all of the cores at least all of the P cores like the performance cores I always feel a little weird calling them P chords but they are what they are um still this is this is very good and this is without any undervolt so I'm anticipating our score is going to be pretty good but for a few minutes there it was lower we only got two minutes left so we should finish this test out um but this this 10 minute test is score is not going to be anywhere close to the ideal 10 minute test can you game on a laptop for five hours straight with maximum performance or is it normal for heat and noise to increase I'm new to gaming laptops so um basically as you play a normal game your laptop fans will ramp up as the temperatures on the components increase in heat so if the temperatures on your CPU or GPU go to like 80 degrees then your fans are going to start increasing their speed and a lot of companies let you manually tune your fans to however you want them to be um with a fan curve so basically as the temperature goes up you can manually set the fans to go higher and higher that's what a fan curve is and um what I have going on right now is called Max fans full full speed on the Alienware M16 Command Center and that's basically running the the fans at maximum speed no matter what and so the the loudness of the device is as loud as it can possibly get right now and I'm guessing that the decibel sounds are probably 56 to 57 decibels right now I would guess um so very it's very loud our average temperature across the whole thing right now is 77 degrees but our P chords are in like the 80 degrees range we did have a peak where we hit over 100 degrees on the package so there's something on the package maybe the vrms are something that's hotter than the the core Temps um and and yeah so we've averaged 134 watts of continuous power through the CPU during this since I've reset it for the last three minutes our overall 10 minute score is foreign it's not oh hold on it's not done yet did I get it in time huzzah just in time 28 000 174. so that's the score we got with these settings in Intel XTU which is 175 Watts with the power boost window to 128. um okay so this right here this is the indicator telling us we cannot under volt the CPU under volt protection is enabled and will prevent voltage from being set below the boot time voltage oh maybe we can can we undervolt this in the Bios Maybe uh Ash Ketchum this is that test was not with any undervolting so let's check out the BIOS and see if we can do any undervolting in the Bios wow it's so quiet now I'm pressing F2 and f8 just in case it's one or the other I think we got into the BIOS okay here we are here is tobios is it gonna let me yeah it does okay um wow this is a lot of information here in the Bios it was letting me use the mouse now it's not moving it's like stuck over here uh uh interesting can I use arrow keys well the mouse moved what is going on with your bios Alienware if you use this in a college library you will be kicked out maybe I mean in a big open area like that it's not going to be as loud so the the mice the mouse keeps moving I'm trying unplugging my mouse entirely maybe that's causing the problems and I'll unplug my SSD as well don't need that plugged in anymore okay so now I'm getting control okay yeah I think it just didn't like my mouse all right so our boot configuration all right so first overview we can see the overview of our machine we've got 16 gigs of DDR Ram 4 800 megahertz for our memory speed dual Channel QHD plus 2560 by 1600 our BIOS version is 10.79 boot configuration integrated devices so you can enable or disable the camera so if you don't want the camera on you can actually disable it here you could also turn off the microphone interesting Thunderbolt boot support type c dock override it's impressive there's a lot of options in here a lot of custom customizability we can you can turn on and off the um pciem.2 slots our display brightness brightness on power set to this brightness when running on battery okay so you can set it to automatically dim the brightness of the display by 50 when it goes to battery which is set to um check this will turn on eco mode to increase battery life during to just reduce display brightness you have your network connection your power battery can battery configuration when enabled this allows you to system to run on battery during Peak power usage hours use the table below to prevent AC power usage between certain times of the day so you can enable it to do Express charge so it charges as fast as possible or you're going to primarily be using the power adapter here so that means that you can increase the life of the the PC so it's going to not it's not going to charge the lithium ion battery very high unless you change this you can also set a custom power charging range so that's also pretty cool so you can set it's like only charged to 80 percent by default which will make your lithium-ion battery last a lot longer only do that if you don't really need that long of battery life on a regular basis you can also set a battery charging schedule wow this is complex I like this bios overall thermal management currently set to ultra performance block sleep enable lid switch power on lid our security so some security stuff in here password you can set a system password an SSD password um updates you can update your ufei or your bios system management you got your keyboard you can enable or disable all the num lock which this doesn't even have a numpad okay but your FN lock options this is nice because you can basically make it so that um you're locking the F1 keys or you're enabling the secondary function keys uh you can switch between them as a primary function which is nice pre-boot Behavior adapter warnings so if if there's no power adapter and it's already low battery it'll warn you that you're almost gonna die visualization support performance this might be where we can undervolt if we could this setting allows you to change the number of atom cores available in the operating system so for example if you wanted to turn off your e-course because it's messing with your some application that's not compatible with the e-cores it's rare but it does happen maybe certain games or certain applications crash with them you can turn them off you can turn all your e-cores off with probably just clicking the zero right there um enable hyper threading enable turbo boost enable overclocking how do I turn off overclocking okay at the very bottom TCC activation offset this option allows the cpu's TCC offset higher TCC offset will moderate the CPU performance what does the TCC stand for offset is usually used when describing an undervolt what would I need to set here so it's between zero and 15 are your options here is this an undervolting I don't know that it is no that setting what temperature it throttles at okay so interesting so this allows you to maybe set your um maximum temperature lower if you're wanting to have your your target temps decrease is basically what chat is indicating to me um that makes sense that's pretty cool though that they have so many options in here it's a shame I don't see any undervolting options got here late did we see any improvements in temps over 2022 can't mentally hand it all the time at 100 degrees in 2022 especially X Series so he has the camera you're going to be able to set your temperature targets based on your power limits using Intel XTU manually by default this thing runs crazy cool because the power limits are very low um you got your system logs I think that's everything in this I'm not seeing any other way to uh undervolt here so I didn't actually change anything interesting all right so do you want to say the changes no we didn't change anything of value so I don't want to accidentally change anything um so interesting uh so no undervolting as far as I can tell on the M16 that's a shame I would have loved to see a little undervolting action that would have been sweet um what else hmm um my initial impressions of the M16 CPU performance are that it's phenomenal but you have to be able to manually use Intel XTU like I did in today's video otherwise it's struggle town until they fix the drivers all right so Windows hello did work it's a bit of a delay like it's like still loading and then suddenly it's boom you're in Windows um not as smooth of Windows hello integration as I would like but it's probably something that would be fixed in time all right are we ready for some time spy action or are we gonna do cinebench one more time because we didn't really get a good let's get a good cinebench score let's get a good cinebench score and then we'll move on to Time Spa I want to get a good 10 minute set of bench score bam so hard to buy a scar 16. yeah it is it's sold out everywhere as far as I know how would you rate this 16 versus other 40 series 16s is there any better price for these specs um the main so the main thing I would say uh notice how Okay I want to point out right away here that our power limits have been reset they're no longer to what they were you know Alienware Command Center probably resets them on boot so you would need probably something like throttle stop service running required Alienware Command Center service is loading please give it may take up to 30 seconds okay so Alienware Command Center service takes time to load that's kind of not great I definitely would appreciate it if Alienware made their there's software much lighter weight all right so we're going to set this down to 175 again or up to 175 for this test all right so we've got everything set to Max full power system throttle or full fans 175 Watts on the CPU and the GPU oh wait come back we want to raise this up to 128 seconds all right are we ready 10 minute throttle test let us begin our CPU package power is 170 to 183 169 here we go our temperatures are we're going to climb it all the way up to the Max and we're going to see what we can do here pulling 179 watts to the CPU 170 our clock speeds right now are 4.2 gigahertz awesome that is awesome um especially since that's matching what the higher end CPU was doing or very close to it what the Asus CPU is doing not long term but at least in the short term all right I'm gonna go ahead and zoom in so you can see a little better on these numbers and you can see our our temps on our package is 99 degrees 168 Watts I just love that we're able to overclock this CPU or at least set our power limits manually that is a huge bonus even if it's you know not necessarily on the risky side but it is on the not perfect if you want to keep the laptop stay for 10 years I wouldn't recommend doing this I would say set a more reasonable temp Target and try to keep it under like 90 95 degrees long term if you want to keep the laptop super long so uh probably more like 130 140 power limit is probably more what I would set if I was keeping this laptop myself um that said we want to see what this thing can do so we're just letting it fly right now foreign HX no longer an option on the M16 an M6 M18 spec sheets uh did they cut it I don't think they cut it I just think that they didn't have access to probably that enough of those chips to offer it for sale is my guess so they went with the chip that they have available right now but they'll probably have the higher end options later on in the year that's my Cur personal guess but maybe not we'll see okay I'm gonna be right back hopefully this thing has no issues while I'm gone but so far we're just pulling 155 Watts right now and basically we're thermal throttling down from our 175 watt Target 160 Watts and right now the laptop is raised like a half inch so averaging 4.1 gigahertz I'm going to leave is this good this is probably the oh I just make this taller there all right so we got our package power right here and we got our we got a p chord right here at the top let's scoot this over a little bit there we go all right and now we got our P cores and our package power there we go all right perfect we're going to see everything in one screen now this is making me want to cancel my order hey I'm here to inform you make decisions with your wallet however you're going to make them all right I'm just providing the info for you to make your decisions to me this information doesn't mean that you should cancel your order as long as you're willing to deal with janky software that's that you if you're willing to deal with the software I think this laptop is going to be good so far that's my initial impression especially if you know how to use Intel XTU then this thing is becomes in some senses a little more attractive than the scar 16 because you can't increase the voltage on or increase the wattage sorry the power limits on the scar 16. you're limited to 140 watt maximum for the long long power limit so yeah so in some senses this machine should be faster than the scar 16 in a head-to-head comparison but that's going to be with you pushing the CPU manually to the maximum limit but like I said what I would do if I was owning this laptop is I'd probably set it to like 140 Watts manually which is basically what Asus is doing anyway and then you're going to get probably basically nose to nose like right like very similar performance side by side but the scar 16 might slightly outperform it because it has a better Bend processor Dell is stupid for making bad software controls yeah Chloe I would I wouldn't call them stupid but you can call what you want it's certainly not ideal like they need to make their they need to make their software lightweight you know low demand easy to update and always prioritize the user being able to change the performance settings immediately and quickly before being forced to do an update or whatever that's my feedback so far so I'm gonna be right back I'm gonna get more water sorry okay foreign I'm so I'm still alive okay making plans for the weekend gonna go to a crawfish restaurant and then go bar hopping tonight in Houston so that should be fun with some friends I was thinking about mounting this to the camera but then it's backwards and yeah it's fine okay so right now temperature of the keyboard and deck um right side of the keyboard in front of it by the arrow keys is cool touchpad is cool left side in front of the keyboard is cool wasd keys are warm not hot but warm middle of the keyboard is a little warmer but not hot right side of the keyboard is just a little warm along the top these are fan intakes top middle is warm left side's cool so overall the chassis itself is not that hot so it looks like the whole time that we've been running the test we've been averaging 159 watts of power to the CPU that is a fantastic that is really really great look at those fans go geez yeah the fans are going okay 19 seconds left let us see what we get I wish we could under Vault that would probably boost our score by like a thousand or 500 at least this laptop needs a Runway because it's a jet engine about to take off that's the joke right yeah okay 30 000 193 that is higher than the strix G18 uh that got 29 000 something let's go and put this in to the sheet so here we are on the sheet now let's go down to the Alienware M16 I want to update this okay there we go so Alienware M16 we got 30 193. oh that's the wrong column we want to code it into this column all right thirty thousand one ninety three and the strix G18 got 29 819. so this got about 400 points more than the strix G18 and this has a lower spec CPU it's because we were able to push it to a higher power limit that is why um we're gonna do one more test just a raw basic quick run test a single run because we didn't really do that after we changed the power limits let's see what we get this will only take like 10 seconds to do so that's very good thirty thousand nine ninety that is heck an impressive super freaking impressive all right so time to install time spy let's go and then we're gonna do some Hogwarts action so that's our next stop after this foreign what is your number one laptop choice if you could choose let me know in the chat below and why what is like the top feature that you're most that you think is the most important that's like making you lean towards that machine Legion nine that's that's not even a thing because Legion uh Daniel Martinson scar 18 but what is the reason um all right 3D mark install you would pick a MacBook Pro 16 M2 Max any day if you didn't need to program with Cuda interesting that's interesting see I would never pick the MacBook up because I want to play games and uh and I need a higher high resolution high response rate display and uh the MacBook displays are great but I have yet to see a Macbook display with a fast response rate um are the new ones over 60 hertz yet last time I checked they're only 60 hertz still but really bright and vibrant so yanto says got to be an xmg Electronics Tonk Fang with a 4080 and a little water cooling interesting that's uh that's interesting Anto so you'll want to definitely come back for my live stream with the xmg Neo 17 it's in a box just like right outside my door right out here so Anton ax asks did you like the G18 I really like the ga team if you want a moderately priced big display laptop it's it's really great um so far very few things to complain about the biggest thing I think right now is the coil line I keep noticing it on my unit so I think that might be a deal breaker for some people and make them want to return it um and I gotta say I haven't noticed any coil line on the Alienware uh yet but we haven't ran any GPU focused tests yet so macro Pros are 120 hertz on the new with an Adaptive refresh rate nice that's a lot better I'm curious if the 120 hertz refresh rate still has a good response rate though because just because you have 120 hertz it may still have a lot of ghosting or whatever issues for um gaming but that is a lot better than previous so nice what causes coil line so there are coils electric literally coils of wire in the vrms that they send electricity through and coil lines cost when you send a high amount of electricity through those coils and they vibrate um and they cut it's like it's like a whiny sound um and it can really bother some people and other people just don't care or whatever but it doesn't bother me at all when the fans are going but when I'm in like performance or turbo mode and I load up into a GPU heavy task and the fans haven't ramped up yet all you know all you're hearing is just like the coil line going on with the strix G18 so um it's like louder than the fans initially and then once the fans go all you hear is the fans pretty much but um I think that's going to bother some people if you use headphones you literally won't hear it at all through your headphones probably so um it depends on your use case whether or not it's going to be an issue for you I think Jordan Lou says I'm thinking a strix 16 40 80 or a 7i pro you mean Pro 7i but yeah uh Jiraiya says the response time is trash I think you're talking about the max yeah the response time probably for the 120 hertz display it's probably still trash compared to like a good gaming display um the only thing about Apple is it's pushing for its own software systems programming language and propriety proprietary apis like metal um yeah Apple's all about you need our software you need our um Hardware you need everything to be in a streamlined setup and it all needs to be compatible with everything that's within the Apple ecosystem and I I love that and I hate that because Apple does closed in systems so like you wouldn't be able to probably use a tool like Intel xdu to overclock your MacBook yeah Apple's probably going to just prevent that from happening um so yeah apple ends up with a very streamlined ecosystem but just doesn't allow for user customizability or upgradeability or repairability sometimes and that can just be really damper on the user experience for a lot of people and so that's why like I hope Apple doesn't crush the PC space into non-existence right now I don't think they will there's a strong balance between Windows and Apple um but if Apple were to like start competing across all the different PC spaces better which they they have been doing better and better job over these years they might actually they might actually be able to really hurt the PC space say 20 years from now I could see apple completely killing the PC market maybe eventually right now it's not a thing that's not happening at all right now but their technology is better I think than what Intel is doing so um not better than what Nvidia is doing with 3D graphics cards but maybe eventually they could try to compete in that space and win um Riva tuner is locked up for some reason there we go okay um that was weird it was like a different application was in the foreground versus the background all right so we're gonna turn on our temperature usage core clock power we're going to turn on our limit limits this shows us how we're being Limited and then we're going to do our overall CPU temperature and CPU usage we'll do frame rates frame rate average and our one percent lows apply and then we got to do our benchmark keys I wish I could just Auto configure this and just keep all the configurations the same every time I install afterburner if anyone in chat knows how to do that please email me instructions on how to do that because I could not figure that out it feels like there should be some way to set that up so that it's the same every time though all right and here we go I think we're ready uh yanto says are you planning on testing the 80 watt 4080s and some benchmarks online are making these seem like great low power gpus and be great with a ryzen CPU interesting I have not uh tested any low watt 4080s I may end up doing that but uh which which laptops have a low watt 4080 like a uh like the zephyrus G14 for example but that that goes to 125. um maybe like this stealth series is an 80 watt I don't MSI maybe I don't know which which review you should just email me the review so I can look at it um for whatever 80 watt 4080 you're talking about all right time spy are we ready to run this thing I think so checking thinking everything through I believe we're ready to go run here we are guala says if Apple just brings the top 10 games from PC to Mac it's game over for PC laptops and desktops the thing is they aren't even interested in gaming only Mobile gaming so you end up with a boring machine yeah that's a big part of it um I feel like apple feels like if they were to try to cater to the PC gaming crowd they would end up alienating their professional crowd but like why don't they just make like a Mac that's focused on the gaming side like a Mac G or something you know like a G Series or you know something like that um and it's like a little bit thicker laptop than the typical MacBook Pro and and then they you know have a high refresh rate 240 hertz display on it instead of the slower refresh rates and then they tuned the CPU and GPU to be focused on gaming instead of productivity if they did that they would be able to compete really really well but they would need to also have a big push initiative to uh uh Port like thousands of PC games over to Mac not just the top ten they would need to do like hundreds of them to towards thousands of them um so that's my initial thoughts all right so taking a look at what we got show me what you got um 175 watts to the GPU there we're bumping up to that 175 watt limit I love to see that that's great our boost clocks on the GPU are also excellent at 24.60 24 30. um we're hitting High GPU utilization and notice our GPU temperatures at 56 degrees they haven't spiked up much yet but let's look at those temperatures as this test goes along those are icy cold temperatures for Times by most laptops would already be at 75 80 degrees by now um wow okay I'm I'm really impressed with those temps it's still not going above 60 folks it did not go above 60 that whole first test um I'm pretty sure the strix G18 didn't stay that low I think it went to the low 70s I think I'd have to review it uh I'm really curious I'm gonna pull that up I am going to pull that up right now so I don't just say what it is without looking it up but I have a feeling it it went to the mid 70s let's see okay so the strix G18 hit 70 degrees in cinebench or sorry in time spy 72 I don't know if it was on Max fan mode or not though so that's the main question it needs to be running the same it might have been in turbo mode but wow these Tabs are insane on this M16 3 degrees that's the highest I've seen all tests this whole test so far all right geez yeah so the strix ga team got up to 81 degrees at the end of the test for test one wow now that that may have been only turbo mode on the strix G18 so take that with a grain of salt right I need to make sure that that's if it was Max fans what's Max fans versus max Sans because we're running Max fans here and CPU attempts are shooting up all the way I went up to 100 degrees Celsius there for a moment oh shoot you guys can't see the tests oh I'm gonna have to redo this I gave you the play-by-play oh man we got 19 536 that's 500 more than the strix G18 that is impressive um what did we wait what was our crap what was our CPU score okay all right um this window is so bright it's blowing out the rest of my screen chat I am sorry that the camera was not in the right position we are fixing that uh for this run we're gonna do it again not Times by extreme time spy here we So it's 15 717 for the CPU score um okay so this is this is the strix uh G18 so you can see the temps went up to 81 degrees um and if I jump ahead the strix G18 got 15 880 in manual fan mode and 19 000. so let's see here I want to make sure yeah so that 81 degrees was with the turbo fans not manual fan let's see what what our temperatures were in this is our temps in manual fan mode so 73 74 the Alienware is still doing a lot better Temps on the GPU 78 degrees on the strix G18 so pretty insane let's do this again sorry we missed it on the first run um my exposure is all wonky on here because the background there I'll make it big there that could be better um the background is kind of dark and then the foreground's white and it makes everything look all weird um Ammon Smith any word on the 490s can be purchased on Alienware no word yet thank you so much for the two dollar Super Chat I'm on um it's uh does mean a lot to me when you guys support me thank you very much but uh yeah appreciate it haresh haraji says I'm getting an X17 3080 TI I9 13th gen for 3 800. wow I don't think I would buy that for that price unless that's an international price um it I if you're going to spend 3 800 I would definitely go for a 4 000 series GPU laptop it's it's a huge upgrade in performance I would only go RTX 3000 Series if you're spending in like the 1500 like between a thousand and like 2 000 range that's what I would go for maybe a high powered 3080 TI or 30 70 TI in this current market um scrolling down here Vicky Vicky says no G18 will win um all right here we go look at these juicy performance numbers um interesting the wattage on the GPU was not going up to 175 it's dipping lower than it did the first time um interesting so it's now it's 175. I wonder why it was dipping lower there for a little bit it was like down to 160s it should be like basically going at least 170 plus this whole test for the most part um Stephen on Ashley says love these daily streams Gizmo thanks Steven um fatal says G18 already lost K cool um Vicky says CPU wattage well CPU wattage is going to be extremely low in time spy I see it's not reading correctly again um we need to add that in HW info instead of using afterburner for that yeah these temps are insane they're so good now you guys can see these temps right yeah okay these temps are just incredible they're so good um the GPU in the first test did not go above 60 degrees Celsius pulling 175 Watts how crazy is that and it makes me wonder can you actually overclock this GPU to like the MSI gt77 levels of performance getting like 23 000 sentiments and then like with an RTX 4090 and probably over 20 000 with an RTX 4080 like we have in this laptop haha probably like okay 61 degrees that's the highest those temps are bogus okay so um the reason why okay interesting so we got 19298 on our second run uh which is a little bit lower awesome awesome sauce really really impressive overall our CPU score is a little bit higher right so the M16 is is at least this silicon is tuned to go a little higher if I go over to yesterday's clip here and I go into here you'll notice our clock speeds here are at 2300 megahertz so it's almost like the Alienware is tuned to overclock let's go a little further yeah so it's like tuned to overclock because we're hitting like 2400 megahertz um boost clock so we're just hitting higher boost clocks it might be the Silicon Lottery but I'm guessing that they the engineers at Alienware tuned to the GPU specifically to pull a little more wattage maybe even above 175 and hit higher boost clock this does have a vapor chamber with liquid metal element 31 which is basically liquid metal as far as I know it's like uh I don't know if it's pure gallium but I think it's pretty close okay I'm gonna run it one more time see what we get for our third run because that was a pretty good amount of variance between everything oh before I do that can we check Nvidia Max temperature the max temperature on the Nvidia GPU is a 70.6 on the hot spot and 64 degrees on the GPU temp crazy so good so good well I do a similar stream on the x16 I might I currently don't have plans to do that anytime soon I don't have an XT x16 coming my way so guala guala says should 1080p resolution give you better fps on a 4090 laptop or will you end up with slightly with slight performance over 2K and 4K because of CPU bottleneck so 2K screen is always better than 1080p for 40 90. uh no you're going to get a performance boost going down to 1080p especially in Esports games um but it's gonna it's gonna depend right but you'll still get a small performance boost because there's less calculation to be done um at 1080p unless the game is hard CPU bottlenecked at like all resolutions which is really rare like even in CS go which is a CPU bottleneck game we were going we went from like 500 FPS on the 6G 18 and QHD up to like 700 or 600 something at 1080p so obviously over 500 FPS is plenty for the G18 even at QHD so I think that is the better Sweet Spot in general I think QHD 240 hertz is the right sweet spot for most people unless you're maybe playing a game like Warzone where you're trying to get as many FPS as possible and you're still not hitting that 240 FPS um cap then 1080p is going to be easier to hit that 240 FPS Target row rod says I was regretting ordering the M16 and so I saw your live stream thank you yeah know this the cooling on the M16 is next level the the overclock we're getting on the GPU is phenomenal at the same time so in terms of raw GPU performance the M16 is actually performing slightly better than the G18 at least in time spot doesn't necessarily mean in actual games it's going to do better um we got to actually do the game test and find out but in theory it should be a few percentage points faster than the G18 in terms of raw performance um and and it I think that will likely translate over to gameplay uh but it might not we'll see does the keyboard have any hot spots where you feel these temperatures um the wasd keys are a little warmer than say the keyboard rest but they're not hot none of the keys none of the chassis where you would normally touch right now is hot at all they're just like slightly warm which is great and that's probably the work of that little middle fan moving air around that middle of the chassis and out the back so helping keep the overall chassis temperature much better than past Alienware M laptops when will you test actual games um right after this we're going to do the Hogwarts next that's the next test we've already done the display test so we've taken off the bottom we've ransed in a bench we overclocked we did send a bench out the box which is only like 18 000 but it's just I'm not even gonna count that score because that's just a driver issue um yep overall as long as you're willing to deal with finicky software this laptop's gonna be awesome it's going to be great not quite as great of display but still a good enough display to be happy with if you're gaming indoors and mainly using it indoors graphic score of 19 458 for the time spy really really great CPU score of 15 587 and if we hop over to the G 18 we can see that our CPU scores are very close this beats the GPU score or the CPU score in turbo mode but not in manual mode so it's it's competitive right up there with what you'd expect the CPU score to be versus the competition let's go ahead and get Hogwarts installing and see how well this machine runs Hogwarts and I'm going to be doing a live benchmarking stream with this laptop um sometime soon not probably tomorrow but within the next few days so or yeah within a week I will say I'll try to do a live benchmarking stream with this within a week um now while Hogwarts is installing let's go ahead and take a look at the top laptops that this laptop is competing against so this will be a quick like spec feature comparison for the money and I think there might be a couple other laptops to consider in here uh and I need to do a little bit more research just to make sure because I think there's more and more competition around this price point this is twenty six hundred dollars for this machine so we're going to be looking at that so first of all let me go ahead and update the list so you guys get all the latest benchmarks um my guys uh Kalyn and Ellie are currently in the process of updating this list and if you subscribe to follow the list you're going to get these updates that I'm putting out right now add more benchmarks for more laptops so like this kind of update it's just a brief summary of what the update is so those 15 people just got an email telling them hey I updated the list um so if you want to follow the list just click this follow button and it'll email you now whenever an update goes out um Okay so top laptops competing with this laptop we're going to set our price Target um to 1800 to 28.70 all right so these are all the laptops in this price range we've got the strix G18 the legion Pro 7i Alienware M16 aorus 17x which costs 100 more MSI ge68 it only has a 4070 don't get that for that price point that's a bad deal um that's definitely not the way you want to go or a 17 H this has a 360 Hertz display might be an interesting option if you're looking for a cheaper Esports option otherwise I probably wouldn't recommend it I'd recommend a QHD display with a higher TDP GPU the Alienware M16 there's also I think an option for four uh 480 Hertz display if you're an Esports player for the Alienware M18 I would explore that option as well I believe we have a Dell link here so you can go over to Dell and look up do they have this so they don't have the display option currently available for the 480 Hertz but they should in the future so if you're patient you could go ahead and get a 480 Hertz uh display there and if you're like a big Esports gamer that's probably the best Esports laptop that you can buy in this price range uh stealth Studio 17 with a 4080 it's gonna be a little thinner but I wouldn't recommend it um unless even even if you're looking for something more portable I wouldn't recommend it it's just got too low of tdps and it's not thin and light enough for the the performance you're sacrificing so between the M16 I think the main competition is the strix G18 the Lenovo Pro 7i the rs-17x yeah those are the really those are the four these four guys right here are going to be the number the top four laptops to consider right around this 2500 to 2800 price point and um I would not be surprised if the M16 ends up with the highest level of Performance Based on the performance we saw in time spy but we need to do more testing to verify and and everything and the M16 also lets you overclock or UPS up up the power limit on the cinebench um sorry on the CPU allowing you to push higher performance in CPU but it's not by much it's just a small percentage increase so I don't think that's that big a deal um I don't know if the legion Pro 7i will let you do that or not they might now um yeah in terms of availability I think the M16 is currently available the pro 7i is also available for pre-order on a lenovo's website um I don't know I think the Alienware M16 is probably your number one uh choice if you want to get it anytime soon Dell usually has a high amount of volume so you should be able to get that quickly the aura 17x I'm also anticipating um not too much demand for that uh well there's going to be a high demand but it's not going to be super high so you should also be able to get an rs17x um it looks like it's available for order now but it did sell out uh for a little while there so I'm expecting these laptops to all come into stock and be available and then unavailable off and on here and uh I wouldn't be surprised in the next week or two if all of these were to sell out at least temporarily or not be available quickly anyway um Chad if you have any questions on those laptops please let me know um Hogwarts is still downloading it's downloading at 41 megabytes a second it estimates 25 minutes remaining on the install Chris X asks why is the strix G18 or g16 more expensive um where do you see that it's more expensive I don't the strict the strix g16 currently doesn't have any price in the US and I'm anticipating that it'll probably be the same price as the G18 or maybe a hundred to two hundred dollars lower that's my current price prediction because a 16 inch chassis with the same features should be a little bit cheaper that's that's my to my best knowledge but if you have a place where it's for sale hit me up email me the link so I can put it on the sheet or at least update the price on the sheet for everyone because I want to try to include as much information on the sheet as possible uh since the display is only 300 nits could you Max the brightness now and compare it to the G18 with 500 nits oh that's a good question yeah let's do that since we're waiting for the install let's pull it up side by side all right um all right so we're gonna do a screen side-by-side comparison Alienware M16 versus the strix G18 does the strix G18 look too thick and is it hard to carry um I don't think it'd be that hard to carry but I'm not someone who would worry about that too much um I did do a side-by-side comparison earlier in the live stream if you want to see them right on top of each other all right um I gotta plug in the I gotta plug in the G18 guys hold on foreign s on that side of the wall gonna have to stretch it uh are you guys getting stream lag foreign let me okay we're almost almost ready for this display test is it look good let's see here you guys see it I'm trying to make this little thing as small as I can let's change between a few different options here I gotta say color wise I feel I I feel like the M18 look I feel like the M16 might be slightly higher colors but it's very they're very difficult it's very difficult to tell that I can tell that the um G18 definitely gets brighter like it's like right in the Peaks here it's just it's a little bit brighter but in terms of how the color punch hits you as a user the colors on the M16 might be just a little bit more impactful a little bit more noticeable but it's that also might just be the angle that I'm looking at them so I'm looking at it straight on now the colors look like pretty much identical but that is definitely a a slightly brighter display like visually I can tell looking at them that it's the brighter display oh could you also test the speakers good question that's we can do that too while we're waiting for um Hogwarts to download okay so this will be the last image and yeah I don't I I don't think that this display should stop you from buying the M16 this display is gorgeous but the G the G18 display is bigger you know so it's going to be better if you want to do lots and lots of gaming on the display itself you know so okay okay let's do a speaker test y'all so I can't use the sound I can't use the the song that I had used previously because I ran into some copyright issues with it so we're going to use a different ready to use a different song what about fan noise um fan noise I'm just gonna set it to I'm gonna say it's performance um fan noise is I think a little quieter on the G18 overall when they're both at Max fans like the M16 has more of a whistly sound to it um but the um the cool temperatures on the M16 really shows that you know you can get uh really great temperatures on the M16 so I don't know I'm sure there's some kind of balance fan mode um where you can get good temps and the fans won't be too loud I bet okay we need to go to actually let's go to Art list for the speaker test um speaker test let's do it also I hate this blue keyboard like can we try to change this keyboard all keys rainbow wave oh that's so much better looking yes that's what I'm talking about that is that's good all right uh I really love the way the keyboard looks it's it's a really nice keyboard vibrant keyboard uh let me get signed into artless so I can do this music test cool all right we can play a good amount of music through here because I already know that it's not going to have any licensing problems yeah I don't know which one to do uh uh let's try this one for now [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's kind of hectic on The Daily baby [Music] foreign close to the speaker [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] so in here I can set different um Dolby Atmos levels of audio I would say that the sound to me is not as clean as the G18 the mids and Highs are not is clean the base is also not as strong I think the speakers are pretty loud um that's why I was kind of getting in here and I wanted to try a couple different modes I'm going to try Dynamic and see if that works well let's see [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right last song Let's see what this sounds like underrated on the noise okay so my opinion is the mids and highs could be better the lows are there a little bit it could also be better I'd give it uh like a seven maybe a 7.5 just a little bit worse than the strix G18 still above average compared to cheaper notebooks for sure um but not amazing on the speakers I wouldn't call them amazing so there's your speaker test that's the best I can do for now um I want to do a decibels test I need to start getting that out again Asus always wins in sound often does yeah it really does not always but I would say I would say often these are also down firing speakers so if you're um on if it's on a table it's going to sound a lot better than if it's on your lap and it's like just shooting away from you so my Lenovo Pro 7i I think sounds better than this I don't know better than the G18 too but not as good as my scar used to be um okay is Hogwarts done downloading yet yeah so Hogwarts I would say the internet speed the download speed I'm getting on this is not as good as what I was getting on the G18 I don't think it took this long to download this game but overall man this I can see why this laptop would be pretty compelling for a lot of people one of my lights just went out okay having to deal with lots of batteries with all this uh this filming setup I need to try to make sure all my lights and cameras have permanently plugged in it will make my stream live streaming uh better so let me check chat it could also be steam slowing the download speed maybe but I'm guessing like I think I was getting closer to 60 megabytes uh or megabits downloaded on the ga team when I was downloading games and so this is like 20 megabits slower and usually it's related to the Wi-Fi but we didn't update the Wi-Fi drivers yet on the M16 so that could also be an issue we need to go through all these it's like I had to do like five cycles of Windows update on the G18 so after the the stream before the live Benchmark stream you could also change out the Wi-Fi chip for like 30 bucks and get upgraded what's my favorite gaming laptop I don't know yet um probably the gt77 or the blade 18. those are very specialized and different but that's kind of the two that I'm leaning most well I'm not real I've already ruled out buying the gt77 for myself because I don't want a laptop that's quite as deep as that because it won't fit into my filming backpack that I carry all my camera gear with me um so I need I need a laptop that'll easily fit into that backpack which the blade 18 is like not much bigger than my Legion Pro 7i so so yeah um and honestly after testing this Alienware M16 I'm like this thing is really nice and it's it if I could buy a Top Line spec with the M16 I I'm not against I'm not against considering it because we do have that full-size SD card slot in it and I'm curious how fast that SD card slot is we could test that I don't think I need my SD card slot um Let's test the SD card speed okay so I've got a I've got a bunch of video files on here all right so this is a Ultra fast UHS 2 or I can't remember the exact name of it but it is a super fast uh SD card with Let me show it'll show it to you here foreign this is the card okay so it's a pro grade 256 gig 300 megabytes a second uh read 250 megabytes a second right with the double strip for reading and writing really quickly um can you change the RAM on the M16 you can change the ram yeah it's they are they are not soldered and they're both upgradable without flipping the motherboard over okay so here's a five gig file let's see how fast we get on the transfer speed foreign so I don't know if you guys saw that I'm gonna do another I'll do another copy but it was so it started at over 200 there but we're doing 145 yeah about 180 megabytes a second not 180 gigabytes a second that would be insane um but yeah that is very that's still very fast so it's varying between 140 to 180 in that range um with this high speed SD cards so that's certainly like a UHS too fast SD card reader not like one of those cheap ones it is actually utilizing the at least close to the full speed of the SD card so kudos to Alienware for not skimping on a crappy SD card reader in their laptop um is it still muted lebroni asks is is the sound still working guys testing testing SSD clone so to SSD clone I should basically back up my old laptop and then reset my M16 then restore it uh so kilojon Lee I would not recommend doing that if you're moving from one lap to a to another laptop I tried basically cloning my scar 15 uh and then switching it over to the legion um and it cost all kinds of drivers issues wasn't a good idea I thought I would try it and try just swapping all the drivers bad idea Windows ended up basically breaking don't want to do that what you want to do is copy all of your key files into an external SSD um or an external drive and then you'll want to start a new fresh install uh with that new with that new laptop and if you're trying to put a new SSD in there like an upgraded SSD you'll want to put that in there with a formatted so wipe that SSD clean and you'll want to use an ISO Windows install file from that manufacturer because there are now like key drivers uh on the drive on the SSD itself that each manufacturer puts on there that basically makes it so you have to use the windows install file from that support page otherwise it won't work well so sounds good okay sound is all good that's good so Hogwarts is almost done loading now woohoo we are ready you know what that means it's time to get out the robes I'm gonna go ahead and hit play I'll be right back foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] wingardium benchmarko let's go the game sounds really good high quality game audio I love these robes they're so nice they're like really expensive Universal robes they cost I think these were over a hundred dollars for these drops and with the scarf I think it was like 150 or something like that you put on your robe and wizard hat too yes thank you everyone put on your robes get out your wands it's time to cast some spells go on an adventure doggo knows ravenclaws are bad that's not true we are not evil we're just smart okay always misunderstood us Raven and class are okay let's go ahead and get into it here all right so let's get our HW info pulled up we want our we want our CPU displaying correct info for the game Benchmark here I believe that's what we need and then maybe that uh we won't worry about that we'll go to I think that is what we want and we want package power CPU package power okay okay so we got megahertz of the top core the net core one and then we've got our package temp and our package power right there and an afterburner I can go ahead and disable I can disable the CPU stuff sweet okay we are ready to game [Music] foreign so let's go do a quest see what kind of FPS we get uh we're capped at 60 FPS oh we gotta change our settings check our settings so we've got frame generation on dlss is on quality we want no cap to our frame rate of course and RTX is off because that crashes the game though the game did get an update today maybe it doesn't crash now we were clocking 170 FPS we're still getting stutters though um I need to track let's go do a quest well first let's go run through our area of the map that we're supposed to do our benchmarks at over here in central Hall of Hogwarts the most magical you know School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Music] wait are we in the right spot um I don't think we're in the right spot Central Hall this should be better I think all right ah beautiful okay so this area has a ton of NPCs running through it um I'm gonna switch my benchmarking over to hogsmeade eventually but I haven't gotten that far in the game yet so we're gonna do here for now all right so Hogwarts run with frame generation on and dlss on quality [Music] boom okay so 140 FPS I believe that's a little bit lower than what the strix G18 got but we're not in full fan mode Let's go to full fan mode let's get this jet engine launched and I just want to make sure that these are still being applied these power limits oh Hogwarts crashed it did not like us did Asus improve the cooling on the G14 putting 125 watt 40 90 on a laptop that struggled with 6800 s is insane um I believe they did but I'm not sure exactly how they did I need to do a little more research on that um but we really need to wait to test it and see exactly how they've improved it and see how it performs quite frankly I doubt it pulls 125 watts all the time or even very often it's interesting Jared the uh this this laptop scored higher in the 10 minute cinebench R23 test with the I9 3900hx then the G18 did which is surprising and it was mainly because we could raise the power limit manually in Intel XTU above 140 Watts but still all right so we got 140 FPS on performance mode Let's see if it increases any at all with fans on full speed it might not it likely won't but we'll see Amon Smith with a five dollar Super Chat I'll read your question in a second when I get through this benchmark okay so we ended up with five more FPS switching to full speed mode so we probably had raised the power limits just a little bit potentially um all right so we're gonna change take frame generation off and dlss off and let me check your question okay so Emon says can you confirm if the top of the laptop and bottom are metal aluminum or just the top both the bottom and the top are metal um the bottom casing is metal two it feels really premium and very stiff and rigid um overall thoughts on the build quality It's Better Built for sure I think than the G18 like it feels more solid than the G18 so all right so we're gonna turn frame generation and dlss off let's try it again is this laptop better than the G18 uh in some ways it's better and in other ways it's not as good but it's very competitive I think with the G18 especially after seeing the display in person and sitting side by side with it it's very similar display quality more similar than I would have thought okay all right we're gonna go ahead and go forward in three two one overall if I was picking between the M18 and the G18 I'd probably still go with the G18 because it was slightly better display um but it also would depend on pricing and specs on the inside of the laptop okay so our raw performance was 77 FPS all right fantastic uh let's go ahead and just swap frame generation and dlss back to on and let's go do a quest and we'll see how it goes I really like that I have the uh the volume control is just right here to easily and quickly change the volume oh we gotta go this way I really like this tracker tool that like tells you where to go it's like this Golden Light it's pretty sweet thank you what about the room Professor I was thinking the same thing Deke perhaps you could help let you guys hear the audio oh excuse dick ah there you are [Music] I trust your first classes these temps look great I heard as much from professors Heckert and Ronan seems Professor fig taught you questions the CPU temperature is pretty high though 80 in the 80s and I see 90s I'd wager there's a good deal more to your travels here than what you've told me isn't there I see like trying to get a sonnet from Australia regardless you must continue to build upon what you've learned in that regard I've asked your professors to help hasten your progress with some extra assignments Professor Ronan did mention something about that in fact Professor Ronan will meet you outside momentarily to assign your first one now regarding the trip to hogsmeade I mentioned earlier we've arranged to replace the supplies lost on your way here including seeds potion recipes and spell crafts thank you professor and Mr Ollivander will connect you with the perfect wand you've managed your classes well with a borrowed wand but you'll find the magic you cast with your own wand to be far superior I'm eager to get to hogsmeade very well I'd like you to make your first visit to the village with a classmate help you get your bearings [Applause] I'd like to go with Matty excellent choice Miss onai she'll keep you well clear of any of Victor rookwood's undesirables on Route Rookwood um okay let me know if the audio is better now oh foreign [Music] yeah it's my uh it's my cam link that I use for streaming oh it gets out of sync sometimes these speakers sound really good when I'm playing this game there you are they're like Punchy and very immersive spell to teach me Professor indeed I do and an exceedingly useful one but the bands are also very loud it seems as if that might come in handy more frequently than one would imagine as Professor Weasley mentioned I am not the only one who will be teaching you spells outside of class in an effort to catch you up with your peers a number of your professors have agreed to do so as well but first each shall ask that you complete a few preliminary tasks to hone your magic I have arranged some for today see them through and then report back to me we will have you casting Roberto in no time I'll start on the task right away professor rebellious okay so we need to do [Music] we need to go catch another page that's flying around in here a flying page must be around here somewhere so you say it's running hot for this wattage but I would say uh questions I would say that we'll turn down the sorry I'm gonna turn down the volume again so I can talk a little better to you guys um the temps are running warm but we're also under a dual load so it's pretty expected you know it's pulling 80 watts of power to the CPU so yeah the 95 watts to the CPU it shows that this area is very CPU Bound for this area at least be deliberate in your enunciation and movements I want to see some Vigor now one at the ready yes sir remember for one is a conduit of your magic [Applause] you're gonna learn this spell repero okay that's it very good if you would like to practice allegedly symbolized heartbreak perhaps a guilted lover thought it too accurate and lashed out so there's our Hogwarts gameplay test guys um I'm really impressed overall with this laptop's performance just in general it's the CPU can get a little warm maybe but it's kind of expected under this heavy of a dual load um I feel like we're getting a little less stutters than the G18 for some reason um which is good we're gonna go ahead and save this um and let me go ahead and switch over to here all right so that's the live stream for today everyone thank you so much for stopping by I hope you enjoyed it we got a lot of comparison done we did display comparison between the strix G18 size comparison we did out did cinebench time spy and um a display comparison the the display is only 350 nits which is not as bright as the G18 but this display is still better in person than I expected I'm gonna be honest it took me by surprise it's very colorful and it's still bright enough to be a great display I think um but it's not as good as the G18 I don't think not quite as bright uh which will make if you game like a really bright living room or bright environments you're going to notice the difference I think a bit more than someone who's just in a dark gaming room all the time then it's going to be harder to tell even when they're side by side they looked not that different I'm gonna be honest they didn't look that different it was it was pretty close closer than I would have thought um and then for CPU performance this thing has fantastic temps in time spy and cinebench I'm curious how the temps are going to be if we run them both at the same time um and but yeah overall I'm impressed with the M16 overall trying to think if there's any major hiccups the SS the SD card reader was fast the keyboard feels good the backlighting on it is more premium than the G18 the build quality on this feels more premium than the G18 the ports on this are better than the G18 the ssds are only two of them are little short guys and two of them are longer guys if you missed it go back and check when I took the bottom of this chassis off it was a surprising you can't use four full-size SD card slots in this laptop that was disappointing to me um it limits how how big of a SSD you can put in here what else trying to think there's anything else chat uh like the video and come back for the full benchmarks overview of this machine they'll be I'll be testing at least 10 games for the benchmarks to see how it Stacks up against some of the other laptops I think that's everything I have to cover in this uh overview live stream unboxing quick initial basic benchmarking Impressions oh another thing I will say is a downside for the the M16 uh let me show you this so this touchpad I wish it was taller it's not as tall as I would ideally like it is you know when you compare this the G18 touchpad is probably more like that it's about a almost an inch taller probably on the G18 bigger so vertical scrolling is a bit a bit more narrow on on this guy um yeah but I like the keyboard I like the layout I like the design I like the build quality the display is great uh the performance was good performance is great when you do more testing but it good first impression the software was also utter dog beep beep beep it was terrible absolutely terrible Alienware needs to work on the software if you get this thing know that you're gonna have software and Driver problems like I didn't get the full performance of the machine until I went to X until xq and up to the power limits like that's not good that's really bad so hopefully Alienware gets their stuff together um and also I haven't done full windows updating yet so maybe that will fix that issue without you know but currently the only way I got it fixed was manually doing it which is that's not what you want as a laptop user um yeah the Palm rest is smaller too but at least everything was like comfortable to use in the Palm rest so that was good uh like like it this whole thing never got that hot you know not got never got uncomfortably hot to use like my Legion Pro 7 gets much warmer um okay thanks so much for tuning in everybody I'll see you in the next one uh probably live streaming tomorrow but it's the weekend so I might take a day off here maybe a shorter one tomorrow we'll see in the next one everyone bye-bye thanks everyone for uh supported me uh especially through the super chats and whoever uses my sheets on the links that also supports me thank you very much
Channel: GizmoSlipTech
Views: 257,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming laptop 2023, rtx 4000, asus, msi, acer, predator 18, alienware m16, alienware m18, 2023, gaming laptop
Id: c4Csj2stgHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 56sec (14036 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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