'Alien in my backyard:' The UFO community still believes — and science is starting to listen

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I know this sounds crazy all right you know but I'm just telling you what I saw it's about 5:30 20 to 6:00 in the evening and I was out here and I noticed this wavy looking thing above the trees over here on the right and I kept thinking what is that and I thought it was some type of weather phenomenon and it moves forward and it stops between the crepe myrtle tree out here and the wood line and then it pulls forward on this side right between there and all of a sudden there is a an alien appearing in front of the crepe myrtle tree he had a human body but he had a creatures head now I didn't tell anybody about ET not even nobody even that lived in my home and I noticed that there was a sighting of a UFO over on Conway and I thought I bet that's him that's when I connected with MUFON because they actually had covered that story and I've went ahead and finally told my story through the mutual UFO network we systematically investigate reports of UFO sightings of UFO landings there are all kinds of people within this community from every point in the spectrum from people who believe that aliens and 780 humans to people who saw something that they truly believe you was a UFO or so besides what Jeff is gonna show you here today if you're really interested in crop circles that would be a good meaning to come to in cases like these with the balls of light with on-site witnesses seeing them being made that's beyond question but there's so many cases that are not move on actually keeps pretty detailed records of the UFO sightings that are reported every year and for the past decade in Florida that number has fluctuated between as little as a hundred and five sightings in 2007 to as many as 588 in 2015 that sudden spike in occurrences was making the authorities nervous they didn't know what was going on they couldn't explain it and they hated the fact that everybody knew about it you know they've been trying they were so we were still the days when they were trying to keep a lid on all this stuff but there is a degree of skepticism within this community and they do try to study these reports and try to find some explanation most of the time you can close these in three or four days go through the weather or you go through media reports you go through air traffic now if it's around Orlando that makes it difficult because Orlando Lee and it looks like this pile up of planes most of the time I had a lady that it was really upset that this UFO kept going over her house every once in a while and it was the International Space Station here on the Space Coast a lot of them are former scientist former employees with NASA Lockheed Martin a lot of them worked on projects and they'll speak at these meetings and sort of debunk some of the long-standing UFO claims the investigation of this kind of experience has to be done more as a court case I was 13 years old when my Aunt Betty Hill phoned my childhood home and she was telling my mother about a UFO that she and my uncle had observed in the White Mountains the previous evening I saw the evidence I saw the impact that this had had on my uncle he had all of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder this is the sketch that Barney drew of what he observed and he drew this on September 20th 1961 Betty and Barney had the first case scientifically investigated in the United States starting in the late 1960s other people started coming forward who were having the same kind of experiences it was circular craft oval-shaped crafts silent sometimes they would hover over a vehicle with people inside the car a beam would shoot down into that vehicle and the next thing they knew that the vehicle itself would be lifted into the air we had many many many cases so over time science has always been very skeptical of UFO phenomenon UFO claims UFO reports and they have a good reason for it one of the difficulties as the UFO believer community has not come up with any evidence in which scientists and researchers can reach a consensus that indeed this is happening that we are being visited by extraterrestrials often people don't take pictures or the photos that's difficult to determine what it is it's very blurry the videos can be doctored an individual may have witnessed something and believe very firmly that their explanation is the one and only true explanation and they get confirmation bias or I should say confirmation support when they are members of a UFO believers community it's more or less like being in an echo chamber where everyone is reaffirming that yes UFOs exist and that they have been observed and perhaps some people have even been in contact with extraterrestrials we're not people who say well we believe everything that you tell us we believe that you really did see this we have to look into it and there is a lot of scientific evidence that again has been covered up Project Blue Book is the largest study ever done by the US government into UFOs this was published in 1955 after if there was a scientific investigation of thirty two hundred and one UFO sightings and many of these were Close Encounters I am here to discuss the so-called flying saucers the airports interest in this problem has been due to our feeling of an obligation to identify and analyze to the best of our ability anything in the air that may have the possibility of threat or menace to the United States they attempted to categorize all of these different sightings giving common explanations to them we've been able to explain them as hoaxes as erroneously identified friendly aircraft as meteorological or electronic phenomena or as light aberrations I think that from the start for project signing project grudge project Bluebook all of the government has spent its time doing is debunking there wasn't even vestigation it was debunking and people do not like it when the truth is being covered up and so the reports continue to be made to private groups such as the mutual UFO network but this is something that is not cute gray little if he had extremely strong jaw bones very pronounced that was actually one of the first things I noticed his eyes stuck way out of their sockets and he only took maybe maybe three or four steps forward and he grabbed onto a pole and he started to climb as he started to climb he stops and then he swings around and he stared right at me and at that point I I was pretty scared to be honest with you I thought I thought I'm in trouble and mufon told me to put up the hunting trackers this one faces the et tree all right and it also will catch a little bit of the sky up there I look at them every 24 hours and then over here this one is my newest one it's going to take that opening right there so there has has not been anything quite substantial enough for scientists to really get behind this idea and that sort of been the challenge over and over and over again we are starting to see scientists and professionals are to accept the possibility of looking into these reports and maybe incorporating some of that data as they do their research I absolutely do think that there is a shift that people are giving more credence to this than they did in the past and I think that it began on December 16 2017 when the New York Times carried a very important article about the advanced aerospace threat identification program and it was really focused on again looking at UFOs or claims of UFO sightings by military personnel and determining if there was any any truth or and anything behind that following that Harvard scientist avi lobe he is the chairman of Harvard University's astronomy department a very respected of renowned scientist came out with a very controversial theory late last year and it referred to an interstellar object called a luma which was spotted sort of traversing the solar system and he studied it and determined I can't explain what this is the only thing the only thing I could perhaps use as an explanation for for what this object is the way that it's moving is that it has an extraterrestrial origin so when he came out with that it was very controversial a lot of scientists denounced it saying maybe he was looking for attention the public tends to be highly skeptical of ETS of UFO sightings and alien abductions and it's hard to conclude from that unusual shape especially because such a great distance from Earth that it's a sign of extraterrestrials it's very difficult to to come to that conclusion but most scientists I don't think it's something that they're gonna bring out into the public I think there's a lot of reasons for that for panic especially if they look like that alien that was in my backyard something's up there something's flashing through is it the government quite possibly or it could be something else that the government's afraid of so it's it's just something that I think that is interesting I went through a lot psychologically trying to deal with what I saw and he might have been he might have been a nice alien yeah but if that was his happy face then we've got real problems I can tell you that
Channel: Orlando Sentinel
Views: 1,200,663
Rating: 4.6857195 out of 5
Keywords: Orlando Sentinel (Newspaper), News (TV Genre), Newspaper (Website Category), Florida (US State), Orlando
Id: q6ZgzJCkOW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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