Ali G learns about Farms (Rubbish Zoos)

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safe will be your name I'm dr. George Washington what dr. George Washington all right wicked so does vets mainly look after sick animals no we do a lot of preventive medicine reproductive work and everything why was there so many sick animals in Vietnam there there wasn't that many sick animals in Vietnam but when they like millions of Vietnam vets your confusing terminology here okay a veterinarian is a doctor of veterinary medicine he's a person that treats animals for woo so getting it so loads of people went to Vietnam and then treated animals no no no you're confusing the turns I I'm a veteran but I'm also a veterinarian because I serve time as a veterinarian in the military for Lou so why there's so many of those people from the military then later on in life want to start working with animals they don't they can do anything they want to there's no relation between a veteran of the military and a veterinarian respect and you is I'm both oh man that's so confusing I don't understand it so to make this clear to young people out there people who fights in Wars is called veterinarians no Paul I called veterans whatever veterans people or does the animal thing is called veteran a veterans no veterinarians veterinarians this mickey er I am a it's veterinarians when you was a kid did you know that you wanted to grow up and be a veteran well you're still confusing this just forget the word veteran all right Lee how often is animals actually sick and how often is they faking it just so them can get a day off work animals aren't faking it to get a day off work but what does you do if there's like a knock on your door and there's like go out there whatever and he says he's got flu but you know he's lying does he build a farmer they go dead and talk to us it's the farmer at top stars so is there a lot of sex diseases with animals there are a few but not many that's transmitted is that because most animals where connie's know so as you said that the man cows just whip it out and jizz over their babylons or what no so how does they stop getting them preggers so is there any animals that ain't being discovered yet there could be they've just found some in some of the jungles different places that they didn't know exist has you got any photos of the ones they ain't been discovered no all right what about a video or something like well if you had a video they'd have been discovered all right no if they we deal with themselves like they aren't smart enough to operate a video you aren't gonna see that chicken they're taking a video around right he doesn't have enough his brain is not developed enough young man in canoe you saying that don't cuss him I'm not I'm not cussing I say he doesn't his brain is not developed enough he's like just day he's gonna a you say day and be like well upset in it no he's not okay that's why she wanted it Oh like this look at that [ __ ] feel what's that that's your chicken what that thing is a chicken is that a real animal that's a chicken check it out you ever seen anything like that yeah look at it he's got feathers on his feet how come he's wearing that that's the way mother nature that's why his jeans are he was born so where is like the Tigers the way this is not a zoo this is a farm this is like this is more like a farm you as seen probably when I was a kid what about a hippopotamus hip about it there you go to the National Zoo and you can see them what you ain't got they may Eva no this is not a zoo this is a farm you know what a farm is whoa it's like rubbish zoo obviously okay I hope you learned something about animals yo we learn animals you have a lot to learn keep it real okay enough respect okay safe okay so will be your name I'm dr. George Washington what dr. George Washington all right wicked so does vets mainly look after sick animals no we do a lot of preventive medicine reproductive work and everything why was there so many sick animals in Vietnam there there wasn't that many sick animals in Vietnam but when they like millions of Vietnam vets you're confusing terminology here okay a veterinarian is a doctor of veterinary medicine he's a person that treats animals for whoo so uh that's getting it so loads of people went to Vietnam and then treated animals no no no you're confusing the turns I I'm a veteran but I'm also a veterinarian because I served time as a veterinarian in the military for Lou so why there's so many of those people from the military then later on in life want to start working with animals they don't they can do anything they want to there's no relation between a veteran of the military and a veterinarian respect and you is I'm both oh man that's so confusing I don't understand it so to make this clear to young people out there people who fights in Wars is called veterinarians no all are called veterans whatever veterans people or does the animal thing is called veteran a veterans know veterinarians veterinarians this mickey er I hey it's veterinarians when you was a kid did you know that you wanted to grow up and be a veteran well you're still confusing this just forget the word veteran all right Lee how often is animals actually sick and how often is they faking it just so them can get a day off work animals aren't faking it to get it they all work but what does you do if there's like a knock on your door and there's like go out there whatever and he says he's got flu but you know he's lying does he go to farm they go don't talk to us it's the farmer at oxidize so is there a lot of sex diseases with animals there are a few but not many that's transmitted is that because most animals where Connie's know so as you said that the man comes just whip it out and jizz over their babylons or what no so how does they stop getting them preggers so is there any animals that ain't being discovered yet there could be they've just found some in some of the jungles different places that they didn't know exist has you got any photos of the ones they ain't been discovered no all right what about a video or something like well if you had a video they have been discovered all right no if they we deal with themselves they they aren't smart enough to operate a video you aren't gonna see that chicken they're taking a video round all right he doesn't have enough his brain is not developed enough yo man I'm Kinnear you saying that don't cuss him I'm not I'm not guys me I say he doesn't his brain is not developed enough he's like just a he's gonna hear you say too and be like well upset in it no he's not okay that's why she wanted it Oh like this look at that [ __ ] feel what's that that's a chicken what that thing is a chicken is that real animal that's a chicken check your eyes you ever seen anything like that yeah look at it he's got feathers on his feet how come he's wearing that that's the way mother nature that's ways genes are he was born so where is like the Tigers the way this is not a zoo this is a farm this is like this is more like a farm you as seen probably when I was a kid what about hippopotamus hip about it there you go to the National Zoo and you can see them what you ain't got they may Eva no this is not a zoo this is a farm you know what a farm is whoa it's not rubbish soo obviously okay I hope you learned something about animals yo me learn animals you have a lot to learn keep it real okay enough respect okay safe okay
Channel: Daniel Dominguez
Views: 1,479,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ali, Farms, Vietnam, Vets
Id: tkblLU_OA08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2006
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