Ali Abdaal's Facecam Border Secret Revealed (Edit Tutorial)

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stop creating boring face cams and create face cams like this today we're going to create the famous Ali abdal face cam border which I really love and I also inspired my face cam by Ali abd's face cam border and to do this we're going to start off in Premier Pro you might ask why Premiere Pro well we're going to create a face cam first and I'm going to show you a secret how to actually create beautiful facecams in Premier Pro I'm going to use the crop effect to first crop the video like we want something like this then we're going to go to the roughen edges and this is my secret technique I'm going to change a couple settings so I'm going to change it to cut I'm going to change the border to quite high and then we're going to change the fractal influence to zero and as you can see it will get rounded and that's exactly the effect that we want maybe I'll decrease the Border a bit to something like this and I'm quite happy with this I'm going to scale it down change the position position to a position where you want in our example we're going to put it to the right then you need to export this Frame and you do this by clicking here to export frame but you can also do uh command or control e on Windows save it as a PNG so it's transparent face cam base and by the way you only need to do this once after you created this border you can reuse it in all your projects that you ever want so I'm going to save this and press okay now for now we can leave Premier Pro go to after effects we'll create a new composition 4K 25 frames per second now for the duration you have two options one you can Loop it so make sure that the beginning and the end is the same and you make it 20 seconds or something like that or you create a version that's really long and what's nice about this is that you can create a standard in animation for example that it pops in or something like that for now I'm going to keep it simple I'm going to just use the loop feature so I'm going to change it to for example 1 minute I don't want to make it too long so I have a comp that's 1 minute we'll import the face cam base and by the way if you just want to experiment with this yourself you can download this asset in the description down below by joining our slack group for now I'll import the face cam base and I'm going to just drag it over now if we look at this face cam we see a couple things first of all we see a sort of glow effect we see a line that animates a shadow and that's about it so let's first make the line around the Border uh the Shadow and then we'll animate the line as the last part back to our composition we'll grab the rectangle tool and we'll grab the rounded rectangle tool I'll just drag this over and we'll change the roundness and I'm going to change the size change the position just make sure it's the exact same size as our face cam I changed the transparency too by pressing T and you can change the opacity a bit to your liking now the rounding won't be exactly the same same that's also because the effect that we use but this won't be an issue if we use a stroke that's a bit thick I'll try to keep it thin but you don't have to first we're going to change the fill To None we're going to add a stroke we're going to change it to Blue but really light blue something like this then the stroke needs to be thinner making sure that it does cover our image change transparency again and I'm going to put the transparency grid on this is our first step I'm going to add a glow to this so we go to effects glow glow and we can change the color a to a bluish color glow colors A and B colors glow radius bigger and to see what we're doing I'm going to create a layer new solid I'm going to make it white okay and I'll put it beneath this so we can see a bit uh on our layers and check how we're doing with things you can also change the threshold uh also change the radius uh whatever you want or the intensity uh if you like to to have it more dark this also automatically creates our shadow because the glow has a black color but to make this effect even more like the video we can even change the color B also to Blue play a bit with our values glow radius I now have an 11 glow intensity in 1.3 and we'll just add a drop shadow to this by right clicking on the layer layer Styles drop shadow open the drop shadow distance zero size a bit bigger some something like this I'm really happy with now for the line animation we're going to use this secret effect that I think no one uses and that's the Vegas effect we just put this on this shape layer then make sure that this is above the glow for now I'm going to change the color to Red so we can really see the effect and I'm also going to turn off the mask and shape path so we can also just see what's happening over here I'll change the width so you can really see the effect now this is not the effect that we want we're going to change the length and the segment first so um I'll put these segments to one um and the length uh I think should be maybe around maybe 50 or something or 0.5 and as you can see you have a line that basically Fades out at the end I'm going to change the width just making sure that it's a bit bigger than our normal layer and I'm going to change the color to white maybe change the width to to 4.7 or 3.7 now for the rotation which is basically animation I will just press the key frame button we'll go over to the last key frame and we're going to change the rotation to maybe five I think it goes a bit too slow and it goes the wrong way so we uh go to the end and we'll change it to Min - 10 can even go a bit quicker minus 20 change the width to maybe 2.5 and this is perfect now maybe even change our stroke to three and then I'm going to just play it back and this is exactly what we want now of course you're asking maybe what to do after this how do I get this into my editing program well that's really easy we're just going to turn off the face cam base we're going to turn off the white solid so you just have this layer and you just have a background and this is fully transparent you can just export this uh this movie as a transparent movie and I always prefer to do it in the media encoder so add to Adobe Media encoder it always takes a while for media encoder to start and then you can just export it as quick time Apple progress 444 with Alpha now throw it over the video that we created earlier and then you'll get something like this don't forget to subscribe to see more of these videos also definitely let me know if you want to see a specific effect Down Below in the comments and then again thanks for all the positive feedback from the last video and then I'll see you you next time bye
Channel: TomsProject
Views: 5,626
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Keywords: ali abdaal, ali abdaal edit, ali abdaal edit tutorial, edit like ali abdaal, ali abdaal after effects, ali abdaal after effects tutorial, ali abdaal affiliate marketing, ali abdaal facecam, ali abdaal facecam border, facecam border, facecam border after effects, facecam border animated, face cam premiere pro, ali abdaal's facecam border tutorial, ali abdaal's facecam, ali abdaal's facecam border, premiere pro facecam, rounded facecam, round facecam, facecam, facecam tutorial
Id: nwt0oMVoNuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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