Alfonso Ribeiro on Doing the Carlton, Working with Michael Jackson & America’s Funniest Home Videos

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our next guest has been on television and in show business since he entered his mother's egg he is a race car driver a broadway star dancing with the stars champion and former roommate to the fresh prince now he hosts the unkillable america's funniest home videos sunday nights on abc please welcome alfonso ribeiro [Applause] are you sounding good sounding good over there you know what can i tell you something you look great first of all thank you thank you alfonso is a great name it is yeah it is my mama my mama named me that and uh i like it better than carlton yeah yeah i'm sure you do yeah you um don't worry i'm not gonna ask you to do the dance or any of that stuff thank god thank god you must want to kill people when they ask you to do that right you know i won't say kill but i i uh you know i don't i don't have a love for it like they do you know i mean i typically get asked to do the dance pretty much every day of my life if i go outside for real yeah if i go anywhere it's like you know i just randomly hear people do the dance yeah and you're like i'm i'm not dancing for you yeah i'm a black guy i'm just not dancing for you it's not gonna happen what a strange inclination for people to have like do the dance like the weird part for me is trying to understand what's happening in their head yeah right like what makes you think that you're just gonna ask a random person to dance for you and they're gonna be like oh my god i've been waiting for the ass hold on a second let me get into character like it's not it's i don't get it it's not gonna happen i remember seeing you i think because my little brother jonathan liked to uh you know he liked like break dancing and stuff like that yeah and i remember you had those commercials where you were selling that book right yeah it was the alfonso robero break dance board and book right yeah and it had a little cd with some music in it and and we were selling cardboard yeah yeah but it was for kids that were interested in that stuff and i remember we'd watch and you'd be like can you rap you know whatever and we've been like yeah of course well yes i couldn't rap but but i could ask you if you could um the greatest thing about that commercial was that i i actually didn't really know how to break dance is that right yeah i wasn't really a breakdancer my brothers were and they in the commercial they were the ones doing all the moves but we you were a really good dancer thank you yeah i mean no i mean like you were moonwalking in that michael jackson commercial and everything yeah i mean i was uh they i was a good dancer and i could learn how to dance i learned to do pretty much anything right where so i i did a broadway show called the tap dance kid but i got the job having never tapped it how old were you when you did that well it i the the premiere i was 12 but i started at 11 and i learned a tap dance for a whole year and then we premiered on bro this director said like hey i know you can't tap dance but you're going to be the tap dancer you're the guy they did like one month of rehearsals with like five kids and and i came out the the the winner yeah and uh so so like you know michael jackson doing that i could i could i could pop i could do all stuff all that stuff but i wasn't really a trained professional dancer they just would teach me and then i would show up on stage doing it did michael come to see you in the tap dance kid he did he did yeah so we had done the pepsi commercial um you know with him in in la and i flew out here to do it and then he was like i invited him to come to the show right and i'm at home and the phone rings and i answered the phone right because back then you know we'd have cell phones you just had to be home when it rang right right and so the phone rang and it's like hi is alfonso there who's this hi it's michael shut up click are you hung up i hung up on him i hung up on him and then he rang back and was like hey it's michael no really seriously that watch i gave you i was like oh it's michael um he's like i'm coming to new york and i'd love to i don't know why i'm doing the voice still i don't know why i'm in the world wait a minute he gave a 12 year old to watch he gave me like a little like like a transformer watch oh okay that's like a gift for doing the commercial okay um and then so he came and did the show he came to watch the show and sat in the front row and it was absolutely amazing to have he became friendly with him right we did we did we hung out a little bit you know i'd come to la and uh the funny story is so he was doing a victory tour with his brothers and he came through new york and he invited me and my dad and we went and then we went to his hotel afterwards to kind of go hang out right and so he's staying at the hemsley palace in new york ooh big hole yeah right amazing hotel and we get in there and there's literally who's who in the lobby trying to go up to see michael and security's like no no no i'm sorry he's not seeing anybody you know mayor ed koch was there you know nope nope sorry hey alfonso come on i walk through the line i go up and it's he's got this three floors of the hotel and the top floor was a dance studio and so we were in that hotel room until five in the morning with my dad there i was learning i like how you threw michael my dad there yeah yeah my dad there watching very closely i want people thinking because you know y'all dirty mind dirty minds don't think that went unnoticed but i mean we was cool yeah we was cool all wrong so so we went and we danced and he showed me all kinds of his moves and we just it was it was an incredible night that is really crazy to have that in your childhood yeah yeah and then i would come out here and and uh i would go to the encino house and you know he you know i met all the all the animals and you did oh bubbles the champ and everything yeah well i'm not a meat out of me bubbles i meant louis the llama oh oh there's louis vuitton i don't know why i still remember that but it was louie and um he had a bunch of birds and and uh bubbles weren't there that day whatever but uh but i met janet jackson that day and you know i was a 12 year old i did it yeah right but yeah special at that time so french when you did silver spoons i remember and then fresh prince came on like really weirdly like almost the same time as america's funniest home videos which you are currently hosting now yes yes that's how long that show's been on the year 30 32nd season of afv 30 second and and bob did it bob saget was upset he was the original host and he did a special abc obviously loved it and then they created the series and and started running the series and he did that for i think six seasons bob and then tom burton then uh with like dan rather i think and uh right sir richard attenborough yeah yeah and then you and then me and then you've been doing it for how long now i just finished my seventh season seven seasons and these you know people thought i think when youtube came around like one of my first thoughts was well that's the end of america's funniest home videos yes but i think the big difference is is that if you go and you find videos online it could take you anywhere you know you're gonna end up watching videos that you don't really want to see or you don't want your kids to see right and we have done all that work for you so you'll be on your on your phone or whatever watching for two hours and you might see eight or nine good videos but we're putting together you know a couple hundred videos in one hour and you can sit with your family and watch the traditional way of watching tv do you help weed through these videos not at all okay yeah you're seeing them for the first time so i will i will obviously do you know i i prepare the voiceovers right so we do the voiceovers i'll see those videos but i won't watch the whole show because before we you know pandemic right we would have an audience and i wanted to still be able to laugh and enjoy the show so i would all the videos that i didn't have to do voice or voiceover on i would ultimately get to watch those while we were doing the taping and make the tapes finally all makes sense to me it finally makes sense well it's great to see you and the show well if you haven't heard of it it's called america's funniest home videos yeah what they do is they're these videos from america and they're crazy they're funny it's sunday night seven o'clock on abc alfonso robero everybody there you are we're back with parkade courts thanks for watching if you liked that video click the subscribe button and if you didn't like it you will you hurt my feelings
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 284,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Live Audience, Guest, Celebrities, Alfonso Ribeiro, Dancing with the stars, AFHV, America’s Funniest Home Videos, ABC, Moonwalking, Michael Jackson, The Carlton, The Fresh Prince, Hosting, Viral Videos, Dance, Break Dancing, Tap Dance
Id: UGeh1_BfVHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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