Nicolas Cage on Urban Legends About Him, Buying a Two-Headed Snake & Incredible Night Gambling

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David letterman isn't national TV?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Scarns_Aisle5 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Only he could really wear a suit like that! And also be stalked by 2 mimes😅

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/14thU 📅︎︎ Apr 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
our first guest tonight is an Oscar winner a Ghost Rider and one of the most talented and fascinating movie stars of all next he stars as Nick and Nicholas Cage in the unbearable weight of massive Talent it opens in theaters Friday please welcome Nicholas Cage [Applause] [Applause] uh you know thank you thank you great audience well they're excited to see you I'm really this is a big night for me is it this is the I know it's 4 20 and all that yeah but uh this is the first time I have been on National Television on a talk show in 14 years wow I waited for you and your audience well thank you can I tell you something there this is no I'm not blowing any smoke up you right now I've been so excited that you've been you're coming here I've been thinking about it all week and I've got a million things I want to ask get into it and I love how your dress you're dressed like a star well I I uh thank you I was thinking you know I like to pair my clothing with interesting things and I was thinking I I feel like a little brushed aluminum on a dashboard of an old Cadillac and I I went to a store and they had it and this is perfect I know you live in my hometown Las Vegas you've been living there for how long now it's it's been about 17 years 17 years you made the movie Leaving Las Vegas and then you did it you stayed and I didn't leave I went back and I stayed oh Vegas has been good to me it really has it's both a small town and a big city it's probably one of the most unique addresses in the world absolutely if you want to go to the strip and participate you can but if you want to just go with the locals and go to some of the cool restaurants you can do that as well that's exactly how I would describe living there and I love that you live there do you live there for tax reasons or originally yeah um but then I began to learn to love it you know also I've had great experiences making movies there I mean Leaving Las Vegas was great honeymoon in Vegas was great thank you and there's good mojo there for me so I like making movies I I I tried to get um a movie studio built there and then Elon Musk came in and all the money I got for the movie studio I got 80 million dollars they put it into the Tesla corporation which then ironically drained all the water out of the city so wonderful yeah wonderful but I I almost had it I almost had a studio you uh that's a lot of money to spend so you don't have to take an hour-long flight to L.A that's for sure right well it wasn't my money are you a gambler no I heard a story about you and tell me if this is true I have a few of these sure stories I want to know that you had two hundred dollars yes you uh played roulette you turned it into like two hundred thousand dollars no no no no nothing that extraordinary twenty thousand twenty thousand dollars okay yeah but I did it in about a half hour and I was in the Bahamas okay and it was one of those nights do you ever have one of those nights where you feel like the Mojo is with you and you knew you could just do nothing wrong everything was going to go your way way I've never had that I swear to God you will it was one of those nights in my game yes my game was roulette and it was about I would say about 20 years ago and I went into uh what's that big hotel in the Bahamas the Atlantis or oh yeah the Atlantis yeah yeah and I went in I went to the roulette table and I just knew I had it and every number I chose and I often would choose the same number it kept winning and then even the woman that was spinning the ball said nothing sweeter than a repeater and I kept doing it and I said this is Magic I did it I you know it happened and so the next day I said you know this is so special I I'm gonna go I found an orphanage and I lived across in Nassau Harbor and I went I found an orphanage and I said this is I met all the children and I said to the headmistress this is for you for twenty thousand dollars cash in her hand and I never gambled again because it would ruin the magic of that night never gamble again so I uh well I I ended it on a win that's incredible unfortunately those kids went and gambled it all away I have a uh uh magazine GQ Magazine you're on the cover here is this your snake ah no no I don't have any snakes at home no more snakes no more did you at one time have a two-headed snake I I did you did did that does that make any impossibly strange that I had a two-headed snake I did no it's weird it is strange it doesn't make you strange but it is strange I've never seen one what happened and it's odd yeah [Music] why I don't know I was dreaming about two-headed Eagles okay and one night I had this this dream and then the next day my manager at the time got a phone call saying oh wow I've got a two-headed snake that I found in Northridge and I think your client Nick Cage would be interested and I won't mention how much it costs because that's going to go everywhere more than the orphanage got or less it was like four times I bought it you bought I bought it did it have two names or one name no well you know I I the reptiles don't really care about us they don't want us to name them they're not part of their world but but I they would fight and one head was more dominant than the other and I why it was going to the same stomach but I would have to put a spatula between the two heads to feed him and it just got a little too freaky to me so so I took it to the Audubon Zoo and I said this is for you and they had a great time with it I think they did name it I don't know what the name was but it lived for 14 years and it died just recently wow but it was a good it was a good time for the snake and for the folks that visited the zoo do your representatives get a lot of phone calls from people wanting to sell you straight I think I think they they've learned not if they do get the call they learn not to they don't tell you anymore yeah that's probably do you have any pets now I mean yeah I I I have something you you want to talk about the unusual I have a uh what is called an African pied Crow and he's very well dressed Crow he's got black feathers and like a tuft of white feathers this is for all you folks token up on 420. and he looks like he's wearing a tuxedo you see and he likes to say hi to me when I walk in the room he's very smart and then when I leave he says bye I didn't teach him the words he just came with the vocabulary wow and then one day he called me a uh a-hole like a parrot crows are able to say words yeah they do talk yeah wow I didn't know that but they're I know they're very smart my neighbor had one and it would come like visit and jump like right on here yeah he loves to do that and hang on your head yeah I said look if you're gonna go he has a really big environment it's like a geodesic dome it's about 16 feet and I say if you want to go in and say hi go ahead but put these sunglasses on just to make sure your eyes are safe because he does have sharp Beacon talents and things like that but no one's been hurt so when the guests come over you say there's a chance the chromate Peck your eyes out wow I think that's implied but he he he's he's very friendly was there any crossover between The Crow and the two-headed snake there was no cross okay good all right good yeah you don't want that well this is amazing all right we're gonna take a break when we come back sure this movie I absolutely loved it we're gonna see a clip from uh Nicholas Cage's new movie The unbearable weight of massive Talent when we come back we'll be right back you never forget you no you get the hell out of here [Music] you go [Music] Mr cage buddy hey where'd you come from oh yeah turns out we could have just walked around yeah in the unbearable weight of massive talent I do I don't want to ruin anything about the movie I do want to say that you were in that scene are playing uh some version of yourself correct yeah Pedro's playing a guy named Javi a mysterious wealthy man yeah I'm not going to say what he does because maybe that ruins it and you guys both take LSD and you have this journey too that's exactly right in that moment we're both chemically altered on chemically altered on acid did you have any hesitation about playing a character called Nicholas Cage in the movie I have no idea I would imagine you would see it as an actors we like to hide behind a character but as soon as the character has your own name it's a whole different ball game and it almost never happens really it hasn't happened before and hopefully will never happen again um I was terrified I didn't know if they wanted to do some sort of an Andy Sam Hamburg SNL mock Fest and right um and uh Tom the director wrote me a very intelligent letter and I knew from his letter that he was a genuine film Enthusiast and he wanted to make a movie about people funny it was absurd comedy but also some hard string some Nuance some emotion so I I felt that I was in good hands and and I'm very happy I'm happy to tell that Tom what's Tom's last name cormacan Tom is obviously a huge perhaps even like somebody you should get a restraining order against level fan well he yeah I mean I think he just loves movies um I did ask Pedro about Tom at one point what's going on with that guy and he said well he's he's kind of like my character in the movie he's kind of like Javi you know he's obsessed oh yeah that's him well that of course relaxed me I I I I I do hope you guys see in the cinema because I I did see it in South bar at the film festival when everybody was laughing it felt like the old days before the it's hilarious it is genuinely hilarious and the chemistry between you and Pedro is fantastic well he's just a greater he is great and you couldn't ask for a nicer man to work with I mean he's a really nice guy and so that makes it easy you um can I ask you a couple more uh like Legend uh Nicholas Cage Legend questions yeah all right okay here we go I got one I've heard some of this down because Diane Kruger was here a few weeks ago your co-star from National Treasure she said when you guys were working together you bought a a bat cave and I don't mean the comic book Batcave I mean like a cave full of bats yeah is that true I like that you're asking me this question because it it means I have to use one of my favorite words oh spelunking oh yeah I I had an interest in exploring all the elements you know I got my uh on my uh my my certificate on the Great Barrier Reef I explored the element of water air I didn't really get as far as I wanted to I wanted to be a hang glider didn't happen fire I felt like Ghost Rider I had explored the element okay and then I wanted to explore Earth and I thought yeah you know I want to start spelunking I want to start exploring caves and I think we were in the uh in North Dakota in the Black Hills when we were shooting one of the treasure movies and I said I hear there's a cave for sale let's go look at it and I did and it was beautiful and this is good for 420 right and all these stalactites and and it was all like this like milky quartz like crystalline walls and I thought you know at the time I was married and I was like I'd like to be in it looked like nagori sake unfiltered sake and I'd like to buy this and and just go down in the bottom of the cave and get totally naked with my wife and drink foreign in the bottom of a cave in the Earth uh needs to say I didn't buy the cave it didn't happen and there were no bats there were no bats in the cave did you spend the night in Dracula's castle yes yes okay but the fact is that he never spent the night in the castle anyway I think they just say that as a tourist thing but I did spend the night because he was up in the night and he'd be sleeping in the day right well there's that yeah that's that's a fact were you stalked by a mime yes yes and that that is just so weird because that that is one of those things that made me ask the proverbial question why why are you there and there was two of them why are you guys two of them acting out they had the Marcel Marcel makeup and they were like mime slapping each other and I'd walk I'm like what are you who are you people go away please in a way we're all being stalked by mimes right well maybe that's what's actually happening we're all being now stopped by now maybe they were just performing in like everyone else you didn't want to see it yeah wow I think I was their only audience I I plea will you please come back every week yeah absolutely [Applause] if you like that video click subscribe and we'll be together until one of us dies
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 2,373,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Live Audience, Guest, Celebrities, Nick Cage, Nicolas Cage, National Treasure, Oscar Winner, Actor, Ghost Rider, The Unbearable weight of massive talent, New Movie, Las Vegas, Gambling, GQ Cover, Snakeskin, Pet Crow, Diane Kruger, Talk Show, Atlantis Hotel, Two headed snake
Id: _4PKe8WGCPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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