Album in a Day 2021 (w/ Andrew Huang)

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ron it's actually happening it's the first of october it is today first of october is our one day a year band we have not written anything not a note not a lyric nothing and we have to have a 10 track album by the end of the day we have 12 hours to go pile of instruments ready to go our key station and then we have a pedal board this time we're going to try to time it finish one song fully yeah before moving on we have 50 minutes per song jake is shaking yeah i mean we were kind of saying to earlier like any way you break this down this is a completely impossible task but the idea is instead of doing the lyrics at the end of the day where we then have to like relearn the songs and remember what we did and learn the melodies we're going to keep it to 50 minutes and then we have to move on so that's like one difference here other than we're also in canada oh yeah we're in canada yeah we're in canada now like getting here was kind of a nightmare i've taken three separate cova tests so i super don't have kovid yeah no matter what happens we are releasing these songs are going to be on spotify by the time you see this video so i think we're ready to go right yeah this is it oh yeah yeah rock paper scissors shoot bam drums three three two one go all right what guitar are you going to do i'm going to bring the jazz match jazz master up here that's the energy i'm feeling right now i think we just start hard and then go into the wait i just found a weird chord i've never used before okay this will be a fun little like weird verse [Music] and then we'll do just like a regular chorus verse course verse double chorus that's so fun keep moving the yeah that's right totally [Music] end of this yeah i'll know what chord this is what if we cut to the chorus early there like the second verse do we just like don't bore us get to the chorus exactly so how long should it be second verse is half as long and we go into a bridge and you just wail a solo oh yes yeah and then we do the course and then we're out i'm only just feeling like the starting with the chorus is a bit weird maybe just some type of build up [Music] oh twice as long yeah yeah oh no that's that's awesome four on that and then you solo on top of it yeah we'll add the solo later yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah no let's move on yeah okay sweet can i do my guitar part right now then while we're here yeah yeah yeah can i get like a notepad to start writing yeah there's a lot of paper over here but i've been thinking that i was right i don't know it feels right yeah yeah that's right feels so right yeah it feels so right it's good right i'll do this you rob are you able to find a couple spots for me [Applause] 20 20 had me bum in but now i'm strumming and it feels so right yeah and then the second chorus we could go from strumming to drummond and then we're talking about both of us amazing so there's a guitar solo [Music] a wacky solo i love it i got uh some verse ideas oh sweet this is great to be uh like multitasking on this yeah yeah i'm ready to do the bass whenever [Applause] cool you got to do the high tri-tone on the bass dude like full oh just snails [Music] dude i got i got the lyrics seven minutes wow seven minutes already it's 9 39 right now yeah this always takes the longest one oh yeah should we move it to a song an hour because then we have another hour you should keep it to 50 minutes song number one we're already like we're already like can we get more time um should we go in the control room yeah let's go in the control room okay it wasn't feeling right yeah what is that that weezer [Music] yeah oh my god dude i don't know what happened with that [Music] el scorcho is like oh it does it does but it's not it's not quite it's not quite yeah something just last night [Applause] yeah i don't know i mean we didn't you know let's move on if we have more time we'll we'll fix some stuff up but yeah whatever it's a song yeah okay okay it's definitely it's definitely a song i don't like my vocal performance at all okay what am i playing i'm playing this one [Music] oh glitch pedal yeah that's fun yeah we could do something like battle z [Music] [Music] okay i like the that's beautiful yeah is this vocal or i want there to be lyrics on every song this time yeah yeah yeah cool maybe that's the ending we just play this one part we build up that part yeah and then we end with that and it's just a b that's it love it and it can be one of those songs like a midwest emo tune where you just say the same line over and over again [Music] right here of course i would mess with the last note you just start writing lyrics yeah and then rob you just play it from the top and i'll add another guitar okay how much time do we have 20 more minutes 20. it's cool i'm going online and grabbing random words and i'm gonna like stick them together i just like need a way to find inspiration here's a couple words from my email maybe even we're going full midwest demo here get on twitter and look at some random things that people have said to me today i'm ready to go rob okay [Music] temporary [Music] cool all right on to the base got 15 minutes awesome i like this one andrew says he's got the lyrics does he yeah maybe i mean you made it easy for me because you were like let's just repeat one thing yeah but i feel like that's that's what this song calls for i think it's got the vibe [Music] i wasn't really that into all any of that okay how much time do you have not much five minutes okay then we just got to move on vocals everything is temporary even [Music] maybe it's just that one over and over is temporary and then nothing here yeah yeah give it some space yeah i love that actually everything is even here it might be nice right before the instrument changes to have one more line yeah it's got to be so you do the harmonies right now yes you think i'll try and come up with a line [Music] we've got like three minutes guys we gotta move we just need that other line maybe something short that's like uh i kind of you're such a daddy yeah you're such a dead you could say another you're not another um but there's no other there is no yeah yeah that one i kind of like it just being one voice because then the harmonies are going to go up and up and up and up yeah until there's going to be a bunch cool and then it's just that that's the song oh you want to get on piano we can switch to piano for now i don't know i just go for like ballads as soon as i'm at the piano oh crap something's going on i ain't got no control can you hear me rob i'm not getting any piano so he neither is rob so that's what we're trying to figure out right now okay i have two totally different ideas right now yeah this is our halloween song maybe that is give me the rhythm from the top yeah [Music] oh my god a fresh old bag of candy oh no what does that mean no i think it's great oh yeah i got a dirty home bag for you kids yeah we describe in the bag or the candy [Applause] [Music] yeah we need we need a halloween song every year okay halloween yeah let's do that at the end [Music] i got a special bag of candy for you and there's the ending yeah yeah yeah literally just that just end it after that we'll try and record it this time yeah and maybe we maybe we have it oh sorry [Music] sorry are you good with anything from the last take i just feel like we're running out of time just from the top real quick [Music] okay was that okay i feel like i didn't do a great job i did the best i ever did there okay cool then my drums are fine we have 15 minutes we should probably get to the you got to do lyrics yeah bass yeah oh my god i love this song i've got a special bag of candy yeah and then dollar mode yeah i feel like we didn't speed up enough at the end i don't think it's time to change that yeah okay i got a special bag of candy for your kids i've got a special bag of candy here and it's free once a year once a year yeah i just like that we're explaining the concept of halloween a refinance on your mortgage okay i'm gonna get to this because i'm gonna think of mortgage yo we just came up with four orange rounds i know they say nothing rhymes with orange someone please trick or treat it's halloween halloween [Music] wow all right let's go okay next up how much did we go over we are five minutes over we gotta take that off the next one i'm gonna drop it now fretless [Music] yeah i don't know [Music] ah yeah i'm not really i'm not finding anything like yeah maybe i'll just get on a guitar all right we have 42 minutes left i love that little line yeah and maybe we we have some words [Music] oh maybe this is just a strawberry short song that's just like hey sorry i left the oven on yeah i don't know no if it's leave the oven on and like your whole house burned down and everything but you're just like yeah sorry pigs it could just be in the guitar and your voice maybe i'll grab the uke [Music] that's so nice to end like that yeah yeah [Music] nice okay let's get the lyrics this is my apology melody made a birthday cake for made up your party [Music] we didn't establish the burning down of the house it just implied i think it's just impossible [Music] that's song number four all right yeah no i do let's fire this in yeah gotta find a good patch [Music] [Music] do you like that vibe it's very different from anything we've done on one of these albums yeah yeah i would love to hear like a really fat bass riff [Music] it kind of sounds like if you went to a basketball game and like the star player was about to come out yeah but our star player is greg it's really good i'm telling you gregory yes please do not come back to my house yeah let's do that ladies and gentlemen for tonight and this year only your neighbor greg i don't know where we go from there that's divine yeah that's a vibe we have 35 minutes left here [Music] oh i thought it was just two i think maybe we just end it there yeah i'll start doing the announcements it's definitely different doing all the songs like all the way through there's like more pressure more often [Applause] [Music] it's sketchy as hell here to bust a move at the block party your neighbor greg greg [Music] okay i'm gonna go be greg okay if you ask me my name i will respond with craig cause that's me all right can i get the lead guitar on yeah oh yeah straight [Music] i i like that riff yeah oh i'm thinking like do that just for like a bar and then switch back to the other thing like back and forth maybe i'll pause for you to do that yeah and then come back heavy let's start it with just [Music] and then big [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's the ending right there that's oh okay okay and that's coming after the second verse right now [Applause] [Music] that's it that's the song whatever that was yeah the only thing i know for sure is that like in the choruses at the end of it this guy yeah grab yourself some sheet paper oh my gosh what's the song about rob yeah yeah [Music] that works cool what lyrics we got i'm writing a song about your mom it's gonna be like the bookmobile driver she's rolling theme the lakeshore get the government to pay for it as soon as rob was like this is so new metal i was like we gotta do this like zach de la rocha five bringing books to all the grade fours bringing books at one point i just wanna be like it's lit like literature terribly in your area what rhymes with area terry in the area i'm feeling the hysteria yeah for rob's mom's mom in your yeah we should put something here this is a solo oh yeah you can sell it yeah yeah yeah this is gonna be a hit this is the new ravioli i just you know she comments on my stuff every once in a while she's so nice [Music] oh yeah he has to do whammy pedaling oh yeah tom morello [Music] i just forgot where the the solo is i don't know where it is either because there's no vocal to tell me yeah yeah i think we might want to do that first and then have you solo bookmobile we got some books on wheels yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay sweet it'd be cool to do enough overdubs or that sounds like a choir [Music] [Laughter] not in that mic hang on i could go and yell into the drum mic it's hang on man [Music] love it cool i could just go in and yell that's my mom that's what i yell before i do the solo that's my mom excellent is that it i think i think we got it yeah lunch should be here in 27 minutes okay cool start a song yeah we got four to go [Music] yeah let's hit the syncopation on those beats what dude [Music] oh my god my baby hello [Music] she's looking at all these screens that's my girl okay i got focus i'm just trying to think of a verse thing so we know what to do next what i'm hearing is that the riff just continues that's cool the riff just continues but it's the it's the base yeah let's try that yeah oh tritone it's a straight dry jump oh let's do that yeah so we need like a chorus still i guess wait dude play the intro over again one two three four that's fine that's the verse okay yeah okay okay okay i felt like we should go back to a chorus or at least [Music] i like that yeah that's cool food is here all right all right you ready ready [Music] we just need a fun topic [Music] greg is not okay if you take greg gotta record everything good in my face yeah this song is just about going to break 15 more minutes okay yeah we want to like build up that you actually are afraid yeah yeah yeah it's been a little while since i've been here i haven't been back since the incident i'm having breakfast at this place yes a table for one holidays on my plate i'm eating breakfast at this place [Music] should i get on the drums are we going to song eight yeah yeah okay another idea real quick [Music] i did kind of like that yeah that's fine one two three four [Music] what's it missing well we don't know how it ends 20 minutes all right maybe it just ends with [Music] should we do the thing we did a b a b and then that yep [Music] [Music] whatever yeah i don't know all right i'm gonna get a guitar and see what i can do that's right you want to check the rest of this coffee yeah do some jumping just do a jumping jack or two maybe i'll start writing the next thing yeah yeah this guitar is in some other tuning that i've never used before i think it's just an open something some like pretty stuff happening [Music] it's bad not really yeah [Music] it's just so jammy it is jamming but that's i mean that's the nature of this song could you save that and i'll try one more of course i'm not super happy with this one but uh it'll have to do i think [Music] it's cool yeah it's kind of cool i've been to school i've been to something yeah and that makes me cool got a paper this is just an escalator total less clipboard ripoff sorry less really liking this i gotta hit some paper to oh yes look at that [Music] okay this is about this man is inviting you to a dinner party and you should probably reconsider okay i actually really like this one now [Music] how far are we along andrew i have to write two more lines maybe i almost cried for a second it's gone it's gone it's a song about evelyn [Applause] that was the eight song so andrew's song is a knight really wow yeah i thought that song was just a total dud but granddad's dinner party is like maybe my like yeah i don't know what what did you tune this to that's all the d i love that you're using the tuning i put it in yeah yeah no it's really inspiring i'll just play what i have we'll figure out what that last little bit of words needs to be i waited long and love you came [Music] it's like a always new york [Music] [Music] is [Music] yeah i'll figure out a little like just pretty thing to bring us into that thanks man they're both crying i can't do that one i really put my heart into uh grand dad's dinner party too should we try this as like a one take like together i think we just do it all i do like it together as just like a moment [Music] feel like throwing a two me at the end of at the very end miracle to me oh miracle to me i was thinking about that i when if you said to me it's just yeah you think that that all right okay because whether or not there are miracles she's a miracle to you yeah okay we need to get this line because i really would just love to run [Music] nice got it awesome beautiful i gotta hold off the tears to sing this yeah it's just gonna happen until you're done okay i'm ready to go oh my god yes okay love don't you cry don't be afraid [Music] [Music] you say [Music] okay nice okay yeah song nine that sounded great yeah yeah that was really good together like balance yeah do that you come here then with your acoustic and then you can sing you can't do it we can't do that i didn't even think of this until now but i play songs for evie on that all the time yeah oh so to have that be on the song is perfect oh i'm very proud of you oh thanks man i made [Music] that's it so that's what i've been working on that's amazing okay we got one more let's finish with that we did it ballad yes triumph i love that intro and building up but then we we got to get to like full-on rock what's it going to do when it's rocking just keep doing the chords [Music] and then i drop out and it's just you for a little while and then we go back into a chorus and that's the song yeah yeah all right ready one two three four [Music] [Music] oh canada yeah i think we got it yeah totally let's get you on base dude sweet [Music] i'm wondering if we just cut the last piano cord and put it just boom boom yeah i agree just give me that last note and i'll fix it later [Music] that's the base i'm gonna get in there and get the guitar rob what key is this song in andrew a c c [Music] [Applause] next is super distorted guitar and uh i'll do you wrote the chords [Music] uh i was the bridge yeah yeah we could layer these guitars too this is the big finale do me a favor [Music] yeah what's next oh i rhyme to work with work twerk change [Laughter] if this is the ending song then how do we make it feel like we made it yeah here's where the lyrics work and i just changed one word i like that melody i've been eating this whole time so sorry rob there's going to be a lot of chewing bob's asmr channel is like skyrocketing [Music] next year [Music] yeah it's a little weird i think what you want is a mandolin and i have a mandolin right over there you do i sure do i would do it with amanda [Music] i got the chorus i think nice got an hour and a half you're all doing this whoa look at this yeah here's where there's something something the sun it starts to set the very first lyric of the song is something something something we've got an hour left now yeah we've got an hour [Music] woo maybe you can fly that last one i don't know man we might be just keeping that i like the vibrato you got it that's the little richard you led right into his that's freaking that's awesome bad that sounds like the same person but it's totally not okay we have 41 minutes and we've kind of done it you got 40 minutes to listen to each song and go did we nail it did we get everything i don't recall anything where i was like itching too well here's song one and this is what you started with today yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i love that fill i don't even hear that [Music] [Music] it's been coming i think we gotta say it's been coming instead of now i'm coming is that what i said it's been coming and now i'm coming and i'm so excited about it yeah i can't believe that neither of us caught that yeah let's move on next one this one yeah this guy i'm confident with this one just for the sake of efficiency do you want to move because this is a long song and i know it's good sure yeah [Music] [Music] i'm good with that i've got a special candy here [Laughter] [Music] nice is [Music] you know i don't think i did two guitar tracks let me make sure should i get in there and get another guitar performance just to double it left right guitars rob and it's up to you i would like to [Applause] nice okay 18 minutes oh yeah i forgot about this song i haven't been back since the incident was so innocent two more we don't need to listen to the temple again right oh yeah oh no did we want banjo on this song [Music] here you go i waited alone [Music] and love you came it's like i'm always [Music] [Laughter] these two were bawling their eyes out all right four minutes left guys what do we do with it shall we do another song yes get behind the piano that's probably our best bet how much time do we have three ten three ten i got something i got today it's the 11th hour [Music] it's the 11th song ah wait wait sorry hold on hold on what sorry it crashed for a second oh damn it do it again okay it's the 11th house [Music] [Music] oh god we did it congrats buddy album three it's done three great work team all right great job everybody yes thanks everyone we did it the album is called gotta record everything good and it is on every place that albums usually are and andrew's channel we have a full stream of the album along with the video content because we were kind of filming music videos as well with the studio footage so uh and then we have t-shirts too from last year kind of that never came out because the you know we couldn't do it last year so it's been really really cool that uh we were able to make this happen love all of you thanks so much for being a fan of our one day year band we'll see you next year
Channel: Rob Scallon
Views: 1,499,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rob Scallon, andrew huang, recording an album in a day, 10 songs in 10 hours, recording music, album in a day, writing music, writing songs, guitar, drums, bass, making an album in a day, making a song in an hour, song in an hour, song in 60 minutes, writing an album, 30 seconds, Song Challenge, 24 hours, recording, making music, challenge, Scallon, music, song, album, first of october, album in 12 hours, gotta record everything good, album in a day 2021, first of october band
Id: gDoVGhOrM28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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