Fishing For Sockeye Salmon | The Alaskan Grocery Store

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah all right it's 5 50 in the morning we're going fishing [Music] [Music] all right we got our ice we're gonna head down to seward we're going on our first salmon fishing trip of the season we're going after sockeyes [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right guys 11 in the morning we've made it to seward we're gonna get all geared up get our waders on get our poles ready oh this isn't the right bag this is like okay all right it is packed here no surprise since the fishing is supposed to be pretty good we're gonna head out there and see what we can do it's cold so it's an absolutely beautiful area as you can probably tell behind me not the most glorious day and we've been here before there's quite a few areas to fish a lot of people are spread out i'm not sure where we're going to be fishing but we do know that we are here to snag sockeyes which is the second run up here the chinook coming first and then the sakes and the sakes are absolutely delicious okay well the goal today is to catch our limit the limit here is six fish each six of possession so we can't wait till tomorrow and catch another six so all in all perfect day we'd walk away with 12 sockeye salmon we're gonna go a creek over there i think that's where we're gonna start fishing all right looks like there's some action up here a bunch of people are pulling fish up on shore a lot of the times they'll come through in like little schools and people just wait until other people start catching them and then they'll start casting their lines in and uh you can catch a fish very nice gentleman out here just gave us a bigger hook we got the number eights this is the number 10. he was saying that these do a little better out here so we got another hook we can try do anything with that or just leave them for them okay we got our first one beautiful fish five more to go for me [Applause] hey i got the club for you [Music] oh there like that uh my god this one's a shark action was good for a little while but we haven't had anything in about 20 minutes and we got these three nice looking fish we're gonna head over to that other creek over there looks like there's some fish starting to show up over there [Music] hmm thanks can you guess a short [Music] [Music] not on the fence oh i had them pretty good yeah when all three of it was coming out oh i had to work for that one i lost one out there i'm gonna get back out there see if i can get another [Music] there we go so there we go so we're down to one pole because one of them is not working properly so eric's fishing he's gonna get his limit pretty soon i think and then i'm gonna hop in there i just want to show you a close-up of these fish they're absolutely beautiful when they come out and then they kind of darken up a little bit once they've been sitting but they're a good fish sockeye is one of our favorites are you gonna take your tour yeah [Music] all righty fishing's hot they're coming in they're coming good out there [Music] [Music] [Music] so wow [Music] [Music] okay well i had good luck out here i got my six fish we ended up really far from the truck so it's taking a long time to lug these all the way back to the cooler and i'm just using this piece of paracord so it's digging into my hands i'm trying to drag him up the river we're gonna go back to the truck we're gonna take a little break let the dogs out we gotta eat something it's exhausting fishing out here snagging just jerking this uh big weight back throwing it out there again jerking it back very tiring so we're gonna go take a little break and uh hopefully aaron will have a little better luck next time we go out all right eating good out here homemade bagels and egg salad gentle all right we are refueled and refreshed and we are heading back out there to catch my fish [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm sick [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] yes are you okay we did it i caught my limit they're not as big as yours but that's okay they're good enough for me beautiful okay that's it that's a wrap i don't even know what time it is but i don't think it's that late got really lucky today and a lot of people are doing really good out here uh so we're gonna head back we're gonna get to go home today i'm so excited well we're just kind of basking taking things in i guess that's a more better word for this situation it's really really fun out here but it's a lot of work it's extremely hard i mean you're just casting casting casting and you don't give up sometimes it's not as easy as this we came and i think we've been here under five hours but i mean we've definitely done a lot longer than that before to get our fish we came around high tide so it worked out really well for us and again it's just it's a lot of work we only lost one hook my fault and everything else went really good i think we only had i don't think i had any get off i think eric maybe had to get off a lot of people come out here so i'm sure you can see and it gets a little tricky it's called combat fishing this isn't the worst in the world but that's why we always have glasses on because you know we've got these huge trebles and i mean you can only imagine what that would feel like in your face so we like to wear our glasses at all times out here you just got to be patient and know that everyone's out here for the same thing we all want to go home with some sockeyes this guy's on his phone okay okay hey that cooler is officially full of salmon do they fit barely fit yeah it barely fits well that trip definitely worked out great for us we left here about five in the morning we drove 200 miles we caught our fish we drove 200 miles back didn't stop for a nap or anything this trip we got home about nine o'clock last night transferred the fish to a bigger ice chest put two bags of ice on them we got a couple laid out here on the table we're gonna get to work we're gonna fillet all of these fish we got 12 of them to do [Applause] oh my gosh that's a beauty it's a good cross section these are the first red salmon the sockeyes that we've caught down in seward we've caught the silvers there but never the sockeyes these have beautiful red meat i mean this stuff looks delicious arrow's gonna come in here she's gonna use the ice cream scraper she's gonna scrape off the remaining meat that i missed with the fillets look at that one that's a big one yeah the belly's just like too hard you can't you can't scrape it the color of this salmon is absolutely phenomenal it's like a vibrant salmon color i guess we probably all know that color it's like a vibrant orange red color very very pretty we've eaten sockeyes from different places that have traveled further upstream this is probably the freshest sockeye we've gotten before eric's process a lot of salmon and it is they are super slippery we finally ordered a fish mat that is on its way so i hope that helps us in the future these guys usually just slip all around on this stainless steel table we discovered last season that we love to scrape them scrape the carcass and get this mush out of it it makes really awesome patties or dip you could probably make a lot of different things out of it we like to use it for patties i wanted to give one of these bad boys a go it's definitely a little tricky to do i haven't played that many salmon myself and these ones look really awesome there's not really any worms i think we found two so that's really great for us this particular fish was a lady eric's gonna hop back in here because we have a lot more fish to process another girl um oh caviar um maybe make the chicken stay [Applause] okay things are going good had to get back in the groove fellain salmon it's been eight months nine months yeah it's been a while probably enough with about a five gallon bucket full it's gonna be great we're gonna do quite a few things we're gonna freeze a lot of them these will kind of be our fresh eating and freezing ones that we just pull out of the freezer and eat just as fish fillets we're also gonna make some sushi which i've been looking forward to it since almost a year really excited to do that and then what else we're doing i'm probably gonna try some of the eggs i don't know if what we're gonna be doing exactly with them we've done caviar but i don't know i may just want to try some of them that's all yeah and then ariel she's scraping the meat she's got a nice big bucket full of meat and this is kind of what we call fish burger meat we just freeze it like that and vacuum sealed bags then we're ready to eat it i thaw it out and i'll kind of mince it up and we'll form it into burgers and it makes a really good like fish burger so we're gonna need some of those too the extras this time around are gonna be going to the chickens since we don't really have a lot coming out of the garden right now for them and in the future we'll probably use it for the dogs or potentially composting like eric said i'm really excited to have these fresh salmon in my opinion once it's been in the freezer for a while it starts to go downhill even vacuum sealed but i think that we're going to be eating these in the next few months so it'll be perfect definitely it's been a long time since we've had fresh salmon fresh salmon yeah we've been eating our canned salmon look at that it's my best filet yet that's a beauty that's a good looking one you know what's interesting is that was a really small straight fish we're gonna be weighing this fish because that's one of the bigger ones yeah i'm thinking nine pounds it's well i always use my cat as a reference uh seven to eight really yeah it's like small peppy version it's not as big as hundreds yeah spot on it's about seven almost seven pounds yeah it felt it doesn't feel as heavy as pepper or cat so that's what a seven pound fish looks like this is one of the bigger ones we had a few small actually this was the average size there was some bigger maybe two feet long probably 24. beautiful soccer and silver's our favorites and fishing is happens every time we go fishing we go on these long trips and then we're so tired and then as soon as we get home we're like let's go fishing again it's almost addictive yeah it's kind of crazy because we're still recovering we ended up with quite a bit we have almost this five gallon bucket full ariel scraped a ton of meat off all the salmon we're gonna go get some of the carcasses to the chickens and we're gonna get these inside freezer bags [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Laughter] well it started to rain on us but we're chugging right along we got all of our salmon packaged actually surprised how much salmon that we got off of that fish those sockeyes were the biggest we've caught so it's gonna be awesome having that for kind of just like sauteing pan frying just however you want to eat your salmon next we're gonna work on curing some salmon last year when we made our sushi we made something called gravlax and that used salt sugar herbs and vodka it was really good but we're gonna not use the vodka this time we're kinda just gonna do a cure we're gonna do salt sugar we're gonna do some herbs we've got dill and chives and then this is just gonna sit in the fridge for a few days we're gonna flip it about every day and then we're gonna be ready to make our sushi out of this so this is extremely easy to do you're just going to heavily coat it in the herbs and then we're going to heavily coat it in the salt and the sugar and i'm going to lay the other piece on top and like i said about every day we're going to go ahead and flip it so the bottom piece can kind of absorb some of that salt and sugar as far as worms go we did find a few worms in some of our other pieces not many at all so i think what we're gonna do with these is when we slice into them and use them for the sushi we're just gonna keep an eye out and hopefully don't see any worms there if we do we're not gonna eat that piece okay piece of cake gravel axe is done this is going in the fridge the package salmon is going in the freezer well we were cooking outside to celebrate the salmon we caught but it started raining on us so we're back inside we're still gonna celebrate this salmon we're gonna make an awesome dinner we're gonna do salmon burgers or salmon patties basically this is the stuff that ariel scraped out of the salmon i minced it up real fine salt and pepper a little bit of chives we're also gonna try something new and this is one of the colors off of the salmon so we're pretty excited to try that getting some stuff from the garden which is awesome some of the things that are ready out there the tai sai bok choy we got some mustard so we're gonna do a little stir fry we've got some rice noodles over here first thing we're gonna do get these shaped into burgers and we're gonna start cooking some salmon so errol's the one that wanted to try the collar we've heard about it we just never have done it for some reason so she went ahead and took one of those carcasses that we're gonna give the chickens and she cut the collar out of it it looks it looks pretty good supposed to have a lot of good flavor in there so we're gonna do a little salt and pepper on it and we're gonna cook these in olive oil it's okay i'm gonna cook all right sam is looking great let's get started on our stir fry okay sand patties are done the collar is done that looks like it's gonna be really good the stir fry we added some rice wine vinegar some soy sauce salt and pepper cracked a couple eggs in there that's just about done we're getting close to dinner time i wanted to also say that we made some caviar again we've done this before it is a little tedious to clean the eggs but i felt like it was well worth it i'm excited about salmon season and it's really really good we only brined it for four minutes four minutes this time in some salt water so you just clean the eggs in some hot water it takes a while you gotta shake them up a little bit strain them then you put them in the brine and then they are ready to eat i'm actually not going to eat those but you are i am going to have some of this on my stir fry this looks good that patty is juicy this is an awesome time of year it's just fresh salmon which we just don't get all the time in alaska there's a season for it so very excited for this how do you want to eat that do you want to cut it or really something let's just pick at it real quick well there's a bone well i'm just going to pick a piece off and see what it tastes like i think there's going in there i was actually going to eat it like a chicken wing what there we go when it processes the fish he fillets them really well to not really waste a lot of this but there's a little bit of a little meat in there a little meat it's good it just tastes like this it doesn't taste any different than the salmon yeah it doesn't have much i mean it's delicious but not like any different right no maybe a little more tender i would fit seems a little moister a little nice little softer but no flavor difference at all but it's good we've got sakurai salmon at various different places in alaska so we're going to just compare this kind this is a sewered red salmon we love the patties when we discovered um the method of like scraping the salmon out you just end up with like these shreds or chunks in the bag and we started making burger patties out of them it is so good this this is delicious oh my gosh there's something about the fish when they start running and coming up the rivers their bodies changing as we all know they're spawning but they they put on like they get more of fat they get more flavor i feel like and although this is it's delicious i'm not down playing this i can tell the difference it to me is more it's reminding me of like the silver salmon less intense flavor more i don't know to me it tastes like plain no it doesn't taste as strong as sockeye salmon that we can at least yeah well i mean it doesn't fresh salmon never usually tastes like fish this doesn't taste like fish all to me it tastes like a slightly salty meat that's really good i enjoy it yeah absolutely not fishy at all it is good we actually have a season that we call stir fry season it's really short it's when all those mustards and asian greens are growing out there they will bolt soon so two three weeks max we got some noodles for this special occasion for this time of the year yeah we stir fry like every night we just pack a huge bowl full of greens in there spinach kales will be ready pretty soon and we just make stir fries and then next it's lettuce season yep we'll be eating a lot of salad how's your caviar in there it's delicious adds a little hint of salt i really like this uh stir fry [Music] well i think we both agree that this meal was a really nice treat great way to start off the summer season i'm telling you we will see you guys two to three days when the uh cured salmon is done we're ready to make our sushi i like it i like it to me i'm having like deja vu of when we first tried the silver salmon and i was like hmm hmm i know that sounds weird but it's so fun like that or that this it's so fresh that it almost lacks i'm not thinking that at all to me this just tastes like some of the best salmon i've had see i feel like i would really like those copper reds this so so well i don't know about arrow but my favorite food is definitely sushi this is the second time we've made it and it's it looks just as good as we made the first time really excited to try this we let it cure for about two and a half days we're a little impatient on that part because we wanted to eat the eat this meal um and yeah the cure the cured what did you think about it just like that it's good we ate it just like this it's salty it's delicious it's fresh you taste the herbs i taste the herbs i taste the dill a lot it tastes like like a dill sauce it's really good it's really good you could let it go longer but it's good it's it is on the saltier side it's good good texture and then you go along with the sushi we have some seaweed on there we made the sushi rice which is just white rice we do some rice wine vinegar there salt and sugar and for dipping soy sauce with a little bit of wasabi and we got some of this uh caviar cured salmon row with eggs not yet not yet your rice turned out nice too much too much in there i should probably mix it up a little more it's so good that sam is awesome just like last time it's so good it's just it just it tastes like loxor i mean just it's cured salmon it's good but it also has it's reminiscent of sushi as well really really good turned out excellent the color too of course still there oh no last time we made this sushi i made the mistake of not making enough sushi rice so i had to whip up another batch and let it cool this time i made double the amount so we have tons more rice we got a whole another filet and a half of salmon so we're gonna make a lot more sushi here tonight like eric said it's a very special treat for us very happy to have it and just excited to have fresh salmon again yes we will see you guys on the next video see ya caviar i can't i gotta be honest i couldn't even taste the caviar i couldn't even taste the caviar because do you know why because i'm eating it i don't know he went swimming get it oh now okay you gotta be late with them not everyone's a professional sushi eater really ruined that one babe it's okay the zombies in my nose
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 648,380
Rating: 4.8530397 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, cabin life, tiny house alaska, fishing in alaska, cabin living, off grid living alaska, off grid cabin, alaska fishing, garden alaska, homestead alaska, alaska salmon fishing, fishing salmon alaska, salmon sushi, fresh sushi, seward alaska, snagging alaska, snagging fishing, curing salmon, smoking salmon, preserving salmon, canning fish, canning smoked fish, salmon nigiri, smoker for fish, red salmon alaska, sockeye salmon alaska
Id: kVhKwCaPMMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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