Bent Poles & Tight Lines | Pickled Pike Catch and Cook

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[Music] me bye nice [Music] all right guys we got a fish in the boat probably got about a 14 inch maybe 15 inch pike not the biggest in the world but these are really good eating this is probably one of our favorite fish to eat so i'm gonna get this guy on the stringer and i'm gonna try to cast in that same hole and see if we can get another one all right guys another pike the lake we're fishing they're not known for huge ones but they're known to definitely have some pike in here and i'm okay with just catching a bunch of small ones so number two that's what we're catching them on just got this little spoon these were really cheap they came in like a six pack i think for like three bucks so we've had really good luck with these ice fishing and open water fishing so i think we're going to switch ariel over to another spoon like this that's the one i caught my pike and rainbow trout on i know that's the same lure i know i took it all right eric had one get off i don't know if this is the same one it's a nice little guy my first pike for the day he's a guppy [Music] cool okay so we got another one we've actually been having some really good action here a few of them have gotten off so we're gonna try and get our poles back in and get some more another nice little one is he off no [Music] uh all right that's pike number six coming in hot all right guys we're gonna head home with what we've got we have six total and we're just gonna get these processed at home and we're going to be coming back out and fishing i don't know if we're gonna fish here or if we are going to target some bigger pike at nearby lakes but we definitely want to come back out and try to catch more but for now we are going to get our boat loaded up and head home because there is a storm coming in tonight [Applause] all right guys we're back out fishing again this morning we're at the same lake we came to yesterday caught six yesterday so we did pretty good but we did see a couple big ones in the water and we actually had a big one hooked that got off so we're out here again we're gonna try to catch a little bit bigger of pike ariel caught a small one already this morning so i want to show you guys what kind of uh setup we're using on my pole i got a steel leader because these pike have extremely sharp teeth and then this seems like the spoon that's been doing the best for us we have used a few different things and probably try a few different things today i want to try like almost like a bass setup like a weedless rubber worm i'm probably gonna try that later but for now we're gonna get over to that same spot and we're gonna start doing some fishing [Music] so we got our third pike already this is not the monster we're after but he is the biggest one we've got so far today and it seems like the spoons are really working i have like a pink and white one on i believe oh red and white all right we doubled up got two little pike and this is what they've been eating it's like a leech of some sort [Music] whew oh wow nice one that's like a 20-incher sweet guys so we gotta finally got a decent sized one probably about i don't know 20 incher things are super fun to catch okay i just got a fish in the boat and eric has a big one too he's under the boat i know this one was fighting me too give me that you don't need me i got him fish in the boat that's a nice one yeah you keep catching all of them [Music] all right so i switched my setup up this is like a bass setup i actually had it set up with this on there it's like a weedless it's not supposed to get caught in the weeds as much and got another nice pike on it so these guys are really aggressive definitely a super fun fish to catch so we never know how many fish we're gonna catch usually we don't catch anything um so today our plan was if we caught quite a bit we're gonna make some pickled pike we've yet to do that it's great for the small ones since they have lots of bones pike is absolutely delicious just lightly um you know pan fried that's eric's my favorite way to cook it but you really need like a good sized fish like this to make a meal these little guys don't make much so we're gonna be pickling a lot of these i think and stringing them up is fun because they have these really sharp little teeth that can cut you if you're not careful they're kind of spiky more than anything and that's why we have to have well that's why we use the steel leaders we've definitely caught a lot of pike not using those in the past but they have gotten off before [Music] all right guys it's been a great day of fishing we definitely caught some fish we're gonna shoot out of here we're gonna head home we're gonna pickle some fish so [Applause] so here's the fish we ended up with and we are going to be pickling this like we said so what we're going to do is we're going to freeze this for about 48 hours and that's going to kill off any parasites or worms that are in there since we're basically going to be eating this stuff raw so we're going to put this in the freezer we're in the kitchen working on our pickled pike our fish has been frozen for about two days and we thawed it out so this is ready to go in its brine and for our brine all we're gonna be using is four cups of water six cups of kosher salt i'm gonna mix it in this bowl put the pike in there and then this is gonna go back in the fridge for 24 hours and we will catch up with you guys tomorrow when we're ready to put it in jars and pickle it all right guys it's the next day we're going to start working on the vinegar brine for our pickled pike pretty easy to make in our saucepan we are going to add three cups of vinegar one cup of water and then we're gonna use a half a cup of sugar we're gonna do some fennel seed some cumin seed and then we're gonna add a few of these juniper berries in there all we need to do now is we need to bring this to a boil get that sugar dissolved and kind of get some of those spices flavors to come out and then we're going to let this cool down completely before we actually add it to our fish okay our vinegar brine boiled for about 15 minutes we need that to be cold before we actually pour it over this fish so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take it outside stick it in the freezer make sure it gets nice and cold and i'm gonna come back in and we're gonna start working on our fish we've got the fish here in this brine for 24 hours in the saltwater brine that we made yesterday i need to drain the brine off of this and i'm going to rinse it in some cold water and get some that salt off of there okay i'm not sure exactly how many jars we're going to fill but i've got four clean jars here so far and i'm just gonna start cutting this pike up into little bite-sized chunks and then packing it in the jars so i realized we're gonna need more jars we've got a lot of fish here we got six here i got them halfway filled up and then we're going to add a few different things here we're going to do some dill green onion and some lemon and lime slices so we've actually never made this pickled pike before and quite a few different recipes online and we're kind of just doing a real simple one and just using what we had the brine has cooled down we're going to go ahead and put it over the fish cool so i'm gonna get some lids on these jars and they're gonna go in the fridge and i think we're gonna eat in about four days we'll catch up with you guys in [Music] we're back in the kitchen with our pickled pike we are forced to make dinner inside tonight do all the rain and on the menu tonight we have pickled pike tacos and some coleslaw i'm gonna get started chopping up the ingredients and we have to try our pie we're trying the pike pickled fish never had it before and it sounds pretty weird so hoping it tastes good we let this sit for four days and pretty cool to watch actually you can see it changing from that translucent color of raw fish to like a cooked fish so less transparent cloudy yeah let's see what it tastes like we're gonna need two jars probably after you it's a really firm fish oh yeah yes that is good the citrus comes through a lot it's really really good really far really cool crisp fresh and yeah it's good man like we mentioned when we're out fishing this fish has a lot of bones in it the little ones especially so they like disintegrated in there there's no bones so we're keeping the coleslaw super simple it is carrots beets and some cabbage that was actually really tasty i could just snack on that pretty good almost tastes like the pickle sausage never really tried those i wouldn't know right and for the dressing we're going to be adding some mayonnaise and mustard and some of that vinegar we made a while ago super good oh my gosh it smells so good it pretty much just took on the flavor of the banana peppers no it smells like garlic now okay the garlic too it does smell like right now oh my gosh oh a little sugar yeah i really like to put celery seed too but we do not have any we ran out eric's adding a little bit of sugar our coleslaw is done we're going to start on our tortillas which is really simple it's just flour and lard so we first started making tortillas there was a learning curve for us and i think we've kind of adapted our own technique over the years i like to knead the dough for a little while that helps the texture just get a little better and as far as cooking them we've noticed if we want to get a tortilla that's like an actual tortilla you can roll up into a burrito you want to cook it on really high heat just do it on one side for like 30 seconds flip it for maybe like another 15 seconds and it's done all right guys we're gonna eat let's get our tacos assembled and finish it off with a little bit cilantro taco cheers taco cheese this one's for the books what does that mean yep oh yeah honestly i would i would i would use citrus again we don't really buy we try not to buy too much that we can't grow but we cannot grow citrus and i would use citrus i feel like that blends a really nice it it's it's just nice to add something to that pickled mixture you know what i mean something right yeah that's great the fish is so firm it's like it just tastes like cooked fish tastes just like a fish taco the fish how we're eating it the fish is cold the coleslaw is cold and then the tortilla is warm it's great like that we kind of planned it that way and we've got some crunchy beets and carrots in there i like it we both agreed we cannot find any bones or they just like dissolve so it's really weird for how little amount of time it's been pickling and the bones have just completely like vaporized all right so what are your final thoughts on pickled fish i love it it was awesome um if you guys are interested at all making this white just a white fish yeah there's a good fish to use for you don't have to use pike at all um it's just it's really good it just reminds me of like a tropical tropical taco dish my only complaint is we didn't make more tacos which is we can't make more we can but this is this honestly this is really good you guys should try this if you have some fish that's small and has some bones in it maybe even like bluegill or something i don't know try something but this is awesome we got some coleslaw to finish maybe we'll make some more tacos so that's it for today we hope you guys enjoyed the fishing trip and we will see you next time what was that celebration it's like a mix between gz please don't choke what should i say a mix between fergie and remember jesus night when i fell over because you were like
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 245,664
Rating: 4.9333773 out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, alaska vlog, cabin life, debt free living, tiny house alaska, fishing in alaska, cabin living, off grid living alaska, off grid cabin, daily life in alaska, northern pike alaska, fishing for pike, pike fishing alaska, summer alaska, jon boat fishing, alaska fishing, lake fishing alaska, jon boat 5hp, pike fishing lures, pickled pike recipe, pickled pike, how to make pickled pike, garden alaska, homestead alaska, pickled fish
Id: tfShPgofc9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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