Alan Wake 2 - Ending & Final Boss Fight (4K 60FPS)

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nobody lived here anymore was I too late scratch was in there writing his Horror Story there was still time to stop him I needed to get inside I it won't end like a nightmare I can't wake up from I thought I could contain Ellen in my photos but I can't the monster just keeps coming back every night like waves hitting the shore I'm so tired he's here all the time now there's so much rage inside of him I can't stand it anymore God I tried so hard I can't I can't I have made a decision most of you won't understand people call me an artist but I don't care about any of that I just wanted to show the world what I see I can't keep going like a have bean it's time for a perspective shift to go from photographer to subject from artist to art for Alice was dead scratch tortured her until she couldn't stand it anymore until she broke and all that time she thought it was me scratch was still here he hadn't escaped the dark place yet he was scratching my edits out of [Applause] return I had seen this before this was not scratch this was me caught in a loop I had stopped myself trying to fix the manuscript I was the one haunting Alice it was always me I killed her this is the ritual to lead you on your friends will meet him when you're gone is we did bring wake back from the dark place with a song and the clicker but he didn't end up here now he landed on the shore after I faced Nightingale in the overlap hey are you okay no it's my fault he got out with my face scratch that night I found wake here he appeared because of this the summoning that was wake scratch wasn't pretending to be wake they're the same person [ __ ] he's here scratch watch out Anderson EST scratch is Wake with the dark presence inside him he wants the clicker change of plan I'll lure him to the cell when we're inside lock it and blast it with all you got Anderson pin him down with a gun for me to get the light on him on it Dam it Anders back in business you got fuing blood a little help got him got him he's trapped show him K am waiting this is the take your CR Saga okay we're back get him where it Hur get that's no [Music] war [Music] you get him where it hurts Kido yes tiger use the light on [Music] him we lost power he's free I'll get it running just be ready this is theory you pick a family the me devil the lights at the best I got him as long as we got power light are out look out Anderson is my story you got [ __ ] blood in you you're ready to roll show him K here for you we need to work together to get him Anderson the story is All I WR this story esz lights there Anderson there the lights are ready need to rotate the lights get them where it hurts kiddo bad this back you're going to be Sor shoot him you got [ __ ] blood in you you picked a family to mess with devil hit him where it hurts now esz the light the lights Anderson he's coming show TR light if you slow down now I need to get him in the cell scratch will follow me into the cell yes the lights are ready just got to get scratched into that cell you better run why you still can Scrat EST Casey now I'm sorry wait is it you I'm so sorry did it [Music] work casy Casey SP no don't no I hate to be the bearer of bad news folks but it's official here Fest is cancelled today brightfalls feels a little less [Music] [Music] bright Tom we need to get to our next gig we're doing this for you and our lovely Saga you take care of things on this side don't screw it up Tom I'd seen it all play out like a horror movie I've been forced to watch the dark presence held all the cards now over here welcome back wake you are wake now right with the shadow out of you some good news at least bad news is I haven't seen a situation this [ __ ] since the awe in Eagle River the Shadow's now on Alex and Anderson is gone we need to figure out out how to salvage this I'll do anything it takes to fix this agent Estes I'm the reason this is all happening it's never that simple but I should have put you in a box and shipped you off to a containment facility the second I laid eyes on you the only question now is are you able to fix this I can try not the most encouraging answer but we'll make it work scratch the dark presence inside Casey it threw Saga into the lake if she ends up in the dark place she could be there forever it took me 13 years to get out Zayn never did Tor and Odin went in after her right maybe they'll get her out with the power of rock and roll I saw them when I was trapped there they performed in my musical I'm immediately less optimistic about this what's the situation I've never seen an entity break a bureau containment unit like that and now the dark presence is occupying agent Casey when it attacked him in the woods it must have been preparing for this and now he is the clicker scratch will go to brightfalls and use the clicker to bring about the horrific ending he wrote for return but I can still fix this how scratch must have the manuscript if I can read the ending I can rewrite it I need to go after him well you won't get very far without these this plan is a real Hail Mary wake I wish I could help but this is all on you I got you every kind of weapon we have available don't [ __ ] it up I needed a car the FBI vehicle would be at the parking lot I was awake again clearheaded for the first time in what felt like a lifetime I was back exactly where I left a dark Forest outside bright Falls a gun in one hand a flashlight in the other haunted by my own writing Alice taken from me I knew what I had to do stop the horror story from coming true stop the dark presence The Cauldron Lake General [Music] St in the wordss wait what in the [Music] night hey wait it drank water this that what happened h I brought Saga Anderson into the story to help me es Escape she succeeded it cost her everything I'd used Alex Casey in my writing for years the real Casey had been drawn here because of that now he was a victim too Saga Casey Alice all this horror originates from me it's my fault scratch had to be stopped I've driven down this road before been driving on it [Music] forever if scratch had brought the dark place here this would take me back inside in 2010 I had dived in a leap of faith for Alice with no idea that the cost would be a nightmare worse than death it had taken me 13 years to get out now Alice was dead because of me and I was going to make that leap again this time knowing the cost all too well another way to look at it I had brought the dark place here with me I never had gotten out maybe after this I finally could it was a Fool's hope I had no choice I had to do it that didn't make me any less terrified [ __ ] [Music] [Music] it [Music] this is not what I expected a spell findinding p of for the worlds and characters Echo each other in surprising try of tacy of TAC the stage departure is by the I could see the round windows of the writer's room in the phone that's where I had to go to rewrite the ending of return a Sick Sick Story [ __ ] I could get up through the back I had the book now I could write my ending to return I had to get to the writer's room to stop this Horror Story this was an obsessive egocentric nightmare all revolving around a vain monster of a writer and his final Divine work of art the novel return come true it wouldn't stop here it would keep spreading [Music] I had to find another way inside Alice what was that Alice was dead was this a trap or was scratch torturing [Music] me [Music] alash [ __ ] off [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up here for safe the light Alan for now but he's very pushy rose right from the diner how are you here I'm here to save you silly I got your instructions I found every hidden message you left for me in the radio in the wind in the forums on my Alan Wake fan site what no rose I haven't been leaving you any messages oh I get it yes Alan only a crazy person would think you've been leaving them secret messages wink but now you need to get your butt upstairs Alan this [ __ ] won't write itself no matter what and Shakespeare said right upstairs The Writer's room must be in the Attic that's where the windows were really loop around and come to K Tom I have put everything ready for the visitors I'll come to wash the floor of your room next all you need is water and fill it up water is the oldest B water Finds Its way what water brings it takes away it can be clean or dirty it can keep life or drown it AI I didn't expect to see you here but it makes sense can you help me find my way one last time now there's a devil in the fist trap don't be spooked by it so that it won't start beating your Ander BS okay I'll get the door open open for you Tom there you go the matter is a stake now comes the end of the rhyme thank you AI I was here I needed to write the ending I only had one chance to get this right return's ending was an eternal deer Fest that would keep spreading given time scratch would plunge the world into his nightmare I had to stop that from happening I had to write one more chapter for return I needed an ending that took everything already in return and extended it into a conclusion that would save us only the perfect ending would work A Perfect Ending that would save us all I was the only one who could write it everything depended on this on me any second now scratch would burst through that door to stop me every plot thread dangled in my brain it suddenly felt impossible something stirred in the room coming to me an idea in a Story the ending has to fit the genre if it's going to work in a horror story there's only victims and monsters if there is AO they will ultimately pay a heavy price I won't let the horror story take Lan and Casey they were dragged into this they need to survive non-negotiable not just them we need to try to save everyone the ending will have to be dark no matter what the more people we save the greater the cost and the hero must pay the price the scales always need to balance something felt different I'd never seen myself in a vision before but it fit Saga and I were both at the center of this story she was now my co-author this was the beginning of the end we were characters in a horror story charging blindly towards the finale we still didn't have everything we needed this would not work without the clicker [Music] a [Music] no what's going on am I in the field office no it's the Mind place my work it's all gone what the hell is happen happening where is everything nothing's working I can't think straight I can't sense anyone I can't leave why can't I leave the dark presence took K Casey stole a clicker from me the last thing I remember is him throwing me into codon Lake I'm in the dark place I'm lost I don't know how to get out I don't know what to do that wasn't me was it what failed who what's happening to the caseboard the board says I failed them who's them I let everyone down Logan Casey myself this is my fault my daughter is dead my partner was taken over by a monster I'm trapped in the dark place powerless I'm not powerless what is happening here this isn't me Logan I neglected my family for my job I was too thrilled by the cases the Mysteries I liked how dangerous the work was and now that danger has destroyed my [Music] family it killed my daughter no Casey Casey depended on me and I let him down I wasn't watching his back I got wrapped up chasing the wrong lead he needed me now he's turned into a monster he needed me I'm a failure this is what I deserve scratch took Casey and it's my [ __ ] fault I'm a terrible mother I let my daughter [Music] die the story my life my family is just part of a book another white [ __ ] deciding what I get to do how I get to do it he took my daughter from me I'll never be free of this story from him he used her she's not dead God damn it no I'm done with this it just keeps coming back something's very [ __ ] wrong here you're the worst mother ever Casey was being corrupted and I did nothing scratch was wake how could I miss that this isn't what what there's no way out night Springs Logan and David love that show their weekly ritual what's happening why do you hate me I never should have trusted these what is this there's no way out Casey was hurt I should have been watching his back this case this room is any of it even real real it feels like I'm trapped in the nightmare stuck in an echo chamber with all my fears my doubts my insecurities what the hell I spent too much time away from Logan the cult was just the beginning of the Spiral it was so obvious the ccala brothers were behind the cult what's happening to me what no come on I'm cold mom nope nope nope help Logan The Horror Story used her I've had with you CST Maniacs I never should have left Casey at the hotel by himself I hate this but it's all true I had tried to silence these thoughts focus on the case but I can't escape them anymore I'm drowning I need a way out before I'm dragged under [ __ ] no no there has to be a way out I need a way out oh God none of this is real I've lost it I'm not even here the Mind place isn't real a case about supernatural Darkness I'm having a full on psychotic break I dragged Logan away to a tin can in watery she's dead because of me there has to be a way out I need a way out it's over there's no point trying everything is lost there's no way out no way to fix this there's no way out I'm stuck here forever just me and my past my guilt my mistakes I'm not getting anywhere I'm stuck but this is my mind place my mind everything I need is here it it has to be oh the lights no no I'm not giving up Focus Saga the answers I need are here somewhere I just have to look scratch was too much for us I should have made Casey stay behind I saw this online and it made me think of think of you okay what are you doing don't make a big deal out of it Mom no hugs No hugs my badge never should have taken this case Anderson looked after brand left it was well I was in a bad place you dragging to those dinners at your house with your family it really uh meant a lot thank you hey hey just calling to say thanks for your note oh sometimes I just get in my head too much so thanks for pulling me out you're really the best mom really okay talk soon hey Mom I made you a charm bracelet for good luck I made a matching one for me so bring me back something cool from Washington no I'm not reading anymore I am honored by the support thank you while our agency must continue to improve the work we do here protecting communities pursuing the truth it's the most important work there is stop blaming yourself Anderson a knife in the arm is just part of the job if you're going to keep fussing you can get the hell out but leave the whiskey for our job is dangerous Casey himself told me that it's no one's fault fault it is it is no no no I can't let this place make me question myself I know what I'm doing I have no idea what I'm doing I can't do this Logan isn't anyone's plot device she's my daughter and she's not dead she's dead she's dead I didn't save her God damn it no this is all real I know it is it's not too late I can still save them no matter what I do someone will get hurt I don't know what to do I'm afraid I'm My Own Worst Enemy the fears in my head are stopping me from trying from leaving what the [ __ ] God damn it it's okay to be afraid but I can't let this end here I can't I can't I can't I just just I just want it to stop giving up won't make this stop Logan needs me Casey needs me what the [ __ ] I've made mistakes I'll make more but I can do better and I can start by leaving this room I'm afraid it will hurt but nothing will hurt more than not trying to save them it will hurt but I will fight [ __ ] the dark place tried to trap me here the only way to leave is facing it head on Wake called it a nightmare I need to dive into that nightmare and find a way back [Music] [Music] home [Music] Saga wake [Music] up the pay phone was ringing somehow I knew the call was for me hello it's me again you need to go to the Statue a parliament Tower Plaza to make your ending come true you will need what's inside the shoe box there the ending shoe box who is this agent Anderson is that really you sorry this place likes to play tricks Sheriff breaker what happened to you how did you end up in the dark place I was brought here snatched away from the morg by a man named warland door been trying to piece it together for well it feels like a long time now I need to get to Parliament Tower Plaza do you have any idea where it is this place it's like trying to find your way around in a dream I've been trying to map it but it keeps looping shifting like there were many versions stacked on top of each other there is a page describes door finding his way through this place I tried to follow the steps but no luck can I see that page 10 of course in fact it's the page I tried to give you back in the Morgan right Falls huh now that I think about it maybe door brought me here to keep you from reading it here I'm going to keep looking for door The Closer I Get the closer I feel to waking up I need to find the man behind the curtain warland door walk walked across the rain slick tiles of Caldera street plaza he stopped at the door to the construction yard a poster for his talk show Hung there he stepped through willing it to take him to Parliament Tower Plaza I know what I need to do the door to parament Tower Plaza was at the construction yard n is I made it I need to get up to the street and find that statue you let me out you pushed me enough already there's The Shoe Box the clicker and some kind of kind of bullet shining with light how did the clicker get here from Washington you h [Music] [Music] I wish you wer my I hate you you lost the in my the phone again yes hello you don't know me but you need to listen hold on how did you know the clicker would be there this is important Alan's lost he doesn't have the ending he needs your help to finish the story how am I supposed to help him from here okay I'm in the dark place wake is in Washington I could talk to him in overlaps before my mind place is more powerful than I ever knew I can try Alan we need to talk about the ending Saga what is this my mind place I've reached out to you like this before but I understand more about it now you see a Visions too I used to think they were ideas inspiration but they're real just like this now I try to use them to make the Story come true so this is coming from both of us maybe that's how we could communicate in the overlaps we could use this to stop scratch first I need the ending so there's a problem with the ending I don't have the ending it has to be perfect but I don't have time to figure it out I don't know what to do [ __ ] I'm so sorry this whole thing is a [ __ ] mess I agree but we can still figure this out and what exactly does perfect mean the elements of the ending need to come from the story's pre-existing parts to make matters worse this is a horror story so the ending has to be earned set up by the story you can't build a case without supporting evidence that's the only way to make it stick you don't need to tell me this is a horror story right the ending has to fit the genre if it's going to work in a horror story there only victims and monsters there must be a way to bring a hero into the story if there is a hero they will ultimately pay a heavy price I can't let the horror story take Logan and Casey they were dragged into this they need to survive non-negotiable not just them we need to try to save everyone I have an idea how to help Casey he's a real person who why Twisted into a character he isn't my creation so he isn't a suitable host for the dark presence I can write that into the ending to drive that [ __ ] thing out of him well if the ending has to fit the story this is how I see it return is a story about a story that comes true and I'm a character in the story not just a character they hero okay a hero in any case I've been through hell to be here and this is my life it feels earned to me that I Rise Above the story and be there to create the ending yes that's what we're doing here now we're figuring out the ending I need to write this isn't scratch is ending but this isn't your ending either this is our ending you aren't the only one deciding these things anymore you're right I can't do this alone every time I write things only get worse you beat this thing back in 2010 Alan and here you are doing the same again you're a hero too we're in this together then let's bring it home the ending will have to be dark no matter what the more people we save the greater the cost and the hero must pay the price one of the heroes the scales always need to balance [ __ ] it let's go with this are you sure there's no time for for anything better scratch could be here any second then that's our ending I have the clicker I'll find a way to get it to you and I'll get the pages down see you on the other side [Music] Allan Saga I finished it the ending we talked about I have the clicker and the bullet of light let's do this I have to be the one to do it I feel like I've always been on this journey okay it must end here this Darkness what lies under the surface now shifts a play of Shadows catching my eye thrusting my face into the water he's here it's shockingly cold past the mirror of the surface and I will see K see the end scratch down a white searing light of truth that for a flash pierces the shadows and reveals the hidden horror and in that moment of silence the whispered message finally heard come on you [ __ ] come on come on what if there's nothing waiting to be revealed the play of Shadows fool us all subterfuge to get our price of admission Darkness not as a monster but as emptiness we're none the wiser no answers no truths the hero turns to look inside it's destroyed by what he sees and is redeemed Saga said we're both Heroes I'll pay that price so she we are here to kill the monster I pray nothing comes after this nothing was sleep this is how we win is it too easy what if this is still the dark place another dream to wake up from always coming back to the beginning the memory of what came before burned away by this terrible realization maybe it's a mercy forgetting to know nothing when we loop around back to is it over [Music] Anderson this part is just for you after after the haunting started I got in touch with an organization that was still looking into what happened in bright Falls I went to their offices and something happened there after I got home I could suddenly remember everything I remembered being trapped inside that Lake a dark ocean with with Echoes of myself my my my fears my photos inside a dark tide of of Madness the same events and images looping again and again and then I saw a light your light you dove in just as I swam out you never drowned and you're still there reaching out that is what the haunting is I can see you because I've been there too I chose to come back to the dark place that is why I put on this exhibition I had to mislead you so that I could get you to where you need it to be the only way out of your Loop is destruction or Ascension light or dark and we've covered the Destruction part many times over and we're getting to the Ascension bit by bit time means nothing here you'll still need to go through the loop but I will keep showing you the images you need to see the light you need to see until you're ready Ellen I think we're getting close it's not a loop it's a spiral [Applause]
Channel: Shirrako
Views: 69,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alan wake 2, alan wake 2 walkthrough, alan wake 2 walkthrough part 1, alan wake 2 walkthrough no commentary, alan wake 2 full gameplay, alan wake 2 full game, alan wake 2 full walkthrough, alan wake 2 all cutscenes, alan wake 2 all bosses, alan wake 2 all weapons, alan wake 2 full movie, alan wake 2 ending, alan wake 2 final boss, alan wake 2 pc, alan wake 2 ps5
Id: BNE57k-IZTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 1sec (4261 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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