Alaloth - Open World Medieval Fantasy Action RPG

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're going to be taking a look at a title called a lot champions of the four kingdoms as i've had it described to me and from some of the stuff i've taken a look at it seems like it's a hybrid somewhere in between an action rpg like titan quest or like diablo and then they've kind of like mixed that in with like a souls-like flare and so i'm guessing there's going to be lots of looting lots of moving around lots of blowing up the screen things of that nature the game does boast a very very pretty art style for a lot of the backgrounds and whatnot so i figured we'd give it a first impressions video here today and see exactly where the whole thing sits and whether or not it's a good early access for you to dive on into i've been told that the developers are very responsive and they've been basically doing daily patches on the early access to kind of address concerns and whatnot so that would be another thing to keep in mind while i'm making little critiques and talking about stuff that i've noticed inside the game normally this wouldn't be something that i would call out right at the beginning of the game but let's go ahead and take a look at the settings because i think in the case of a lot the settings are kind of egregiously lackluster there's not there there's not a whole lot to fiddle with here and so anyways here's your general options the general options do have some things that i like inside of here the ability to disable rumble the ability to disable screen shake i appreciated that that was included but really the area where i start being like that's a little concerning is if you take a look at the video options really all that we've been given here is a gamma slider and vsync while i appreciate the fact that the vsync has been included it's very very odd that the graphics settings don't open up to have like a lot more things inside of there anti-aliasing you know what i mean anisotropy like resolution settings things of that nature they just don't seem to be here at first i thought maybe i didn't pan on through because there is a slider over on the right side but there's really only these two options inside the video settings which is very very strange for a pc title i get the feeling that a lot of pc gamers like to tinker and like to fiddle with stuff i would count myself among that i like to fiddle with kind of texture options and smoothing options and things of that nature but as of right now they don't appear to exist since this is a first impressions video and i haven't loaded into the game yet all i've really done is taken a look at this title here uh we'll check again once we get inside the game i'll make a little cut right there and see if maybe the options expand a little bit once we actually get inside the game proper but for right now that was a little bit eyebrow raising audio fairly simple splitter and then as far as the controls go they've got keyboard and gamepad i've opted to go in on gamepad here today the game does have mouse and keyboard options but like they're sort of limited like in game you can use the mouse and keyboard to play but ultimately as i understand it there is no mouse control and whatnot inside of menus and that's a bit of a deal breaker for me inside of like an rpg like i like to be able to click and drag i like to be able to interact with like various buttons and whatnot with my mouse while i'm going through like an rpg menu and so for the purposes of this video i decided just to plug in a usb controller it does give you that recommendation at the beginning of the game that they recommend using a controller for the title but you know i'm not going to get into that too deeply that's one of those things with pc games i i tend to expect that there will be like a well-developed set of mouse and keyboard controls and like there will be ui access ability with the mouse so on and so forth i'm not going to get into my whole spiel but definitely one of those things that i was like you know what i'm not going to navigate menus with the keyboard for the duration of an rpg let's just go with a controller let's dive on into a new game let's get it started and let's hit this thing full force uh so it looks like we've got an option uh we can play the single player campaign or we can do a competitive campaign interesting so i guess there is some kind of competitive campaign here i'm gonna go with the single player campaign just largely because like that's how i prefer to play games we get to pick a race we've got orcs we've got humans and we've got elves i say we go with the green skins that's what i say so apparently we suck against ice but we're good against fire and poison what do the humans get they get like nothing and then these guys get poison resistance minus bleeding minus but they get a flat damage reduction to magic i suppose that makes sense uh we can go with our fighting style as of right now it looks like we have pole arms it looks like we have dual wielding we've got sword and board and we've got heavy weapons i'm a big spear guy and i so rarely get the opportunity to play a spearman or like a pikeman or like a halberdier in any kind of rpg that i think that's the option that i'm going to go for over here we have our legacy so there's nashtel okay dara azeem raika and it looks like ogamahalas okay so there are a lot of options here i don't really know if this is gonna have like a large scale effect on our overall campaign like there's a ton of these but this one has a cool viking helmet on it and so i'm gonna go with that one and then our alignment can be good neutral or evil i think i'm probably just going to go like neutral i tend to be a kind of lawful neutral guy when it comes to kind of tabletop rpgs and whatnot uh it looks like we get to pick our deity there is marika who is the oryx blade we have the all father okay so we get more health more stamina and more bleed probability it looks like we get the hawk critical probability and skill cooldown we've got map speed and water maximum carrying weight it looks like we have more health and physical damage reduction we've got golden luck okay i'll probably go with the all father i guess it seems like he gives us the largest docket of thingies so i'll go for that my orc is looking pretty good right now let's see if we can get him fitted up with a hairstyle here that i feel like is acceptable yeah that looks good right there i'll take that can we change the hair color at all i'm fine with the head like i don't mind that it looks like we can be a little bit older or like a little bit younger all right we can also get like a varying assortment of scars get a little scuffed up any good yeah big beard right there let's go how many like there we go that looks good to me that's definitely like a strong orcish green skin right there that looks like a character that i can get behind let's go ahead and confirm it and we've got to enter our character's name can i do that on the keyboard is that an option i can do that on the keyboard very very nice we'll just go with splat of clan ogmalus i guess looks good to me all right let's go ahead and kick it on into gear here the other kingdom simply refer to that kingdom as the orc homeland that's because the name of the kingdom keeps shifting based on the actions of what is perceived as their greatest heroes or tyrants so it tends to shift every generation like the shifting sands of the kingdom itself the desolation of baga was formerly known as the gates of ardor when the tempest swept the land a great hero by the name of baga sought to enter the valley of storms to defeat alalos and claim it for his own whatever his intention the region around the breach became tainted and the second storm swept out from the breach blanketing the land and killing the vegetation it is rumored that baga himself never reached the promised valley but was cast back into his homeland and was swallowed by the splintering earth okay look who decided to show up for practice i guess that soft bed and all those warm meals are taking their toll on you fear you'll lose your touch hey shall we begin exercise those muscles go over the basics so that the next time you face an opponent you won't forget your training okay all right sorry about that i had to make a little edit for whatever reason i was frame capped at 30 frames per second it appears as though like you can toggle the v-sync though and it'll fix up the frame rate which is odd because when the v-sync is off it locks to 30 but when the v-sync is on it locks to 60. a little bit confusing right there not quite sure that i've ever seen so i've seen vsync reduce the frame rate from like 1900 frames to like 60 just to get it into sync with the refresh rate of the monitor but i'm not quite sure i've ever seen a game where the frame rate goes up when you turn on the v-sync either way odd very very strange uh there was also like they really need to re-record that voiceover from that opening cinematic it's clipping like really really really hard like that mic is getting blown out all right so if there's multiple enemies coming at you be sure not to focus on one for too long okay so x is our strike right there okay not too bad good but these light strikes can only do so much against a tougher opponent do a heavier strike and just remember they may be deadlier but it'll leave you exposed and tired okay so on why we've got a heavy attack right there i mean the attack animations look and feel pretty decent i don't dislike them i'm okay with it it still wants me to heavy attack all right let's keep heavy attacking then each fight is unique and it's up to you to decide how to engage the situation as you look at your opponent be sure to notice their poise as you attack it only takes one vulnerability to bring the enemy down there's nothing more reinvigorating than seeing them stumble alright so attack enemies with depleted poise to get increased damage yeah there's the depleted poise right there okay fair enough so when you take a hit you can break someone's guard and then it basically makes everything an automatic critical hit okay i'm fine with that that's easy to remember not too bad the harder you hit the more they stumble now it's not all about the action it's also about reaching your opponent or running away how about you give me some laps and stretch out your legs okay so i guess we'll just run around the map i do like the run animation that looks alright uh good remember fighting's not the only about the attack but about defense a quick dodge will make the difference between life and death all right sounds good uh so i can basically dodge in and out of the way go ahead take a swing at me there champ yeah you're not gonna hit me uh i'm gonna give it to you back though pull arm nope whole arm nope pull arm i got i got a pokey stick and i'm ready to use it i'm i'm dodging it bro wait is it not counting my dodges right now oh it wants me to like perfect dodge gotcha i just figured i'd get out of the way early like just avoid the situation entirely but it wants those perfect dodges dodging is all well and good but that's not always an option for too long you know where i'm going with this raise your arms and prepare to shield yourself okay i don't think that i'm too much in the market uh for blocking with a pole arm but okay i do definitely still take damage through the block but it looks like if you time it properly it negates the attack entirely yeah it looks like the parry basically feeds you up like a free stun right there yeah okay so i can see where they're going with this it seems fairly obvious oh does it just want me to default block it wants me to default black don't expect to hide behind that forever they'll wear you down you got to wait for the perfect moment okay i'm ready for it this time we'll just perfect parry everything up there we go uh the perry window does seem to be fairly generous although once the battlefield gets a little bit more busy i think there's a good chance that it might be a little bit more difficult to pull off all right so let's see here trust in your instincts but be careful enemies won't hold back if you fail your timing strike me so that you can feel your attack slip away as i block it remember when you lose footing it's better to dodge to regain okay your arms are not the only weapon in your arsenal a good kick can leave a blocking person defenseless for a while okay so we've got a right shoulder button right there and we can kick down the shield looks good all right those knives you have while unlikely to cause any damage to an armored opponent will get their attention maybe even separate them from a group give it a shot okay oh yeah i can hook a knife at somebody there you go yes catch my sharp pointed object a good warrior knows how to take a beating when they need to put your arms aside and let yourself be hit and then strike fast against the opponent okay so recover hp by attacking the enemy what do you mean oh i see what they want so like you can't like do it directly after the hit but if there's a pause you can hit afterwards and get your health back uh don't forget your flask if the enemy knocks the wind out of you i trust that you know what you're doing but in the heat of battle we tend to lose sight of our own health okay cool man something bad's gonna happen now right like something bad's always gonna happen at the beginning of every rpg like it's a normal day we're training then somebody's gonna walk up holding our grandfather's severed head like i know my rpg tropes there's gonna be fire on the horizon or something that's as much as we can do today i fear that you'll see combat sooner rather than later but at least you won't be forgetting the basics it's about time you woke up i thought i had to bring the bucket again a letter arrived bloody flying rat got dirt all over but i cleaned it it's from the grand matriarch herself it must be serious if she disturbs the rest of her finest warrior irreverence commands your appearance before the order at the earliest more than that it didn't say i suspect it concerns the recent rumors of warriors being recruited across the land perhaps he's looking for a champion ah so a lot needs to die sure hope so i know many do too we cannot fault the grand matriarch for her choice as she chose a fine example of our kind to lead the charge go now show the world what it means to be a battle-hardened orc wait am i like the king of the orcs right now dude am i like the orkin lord that's different from the orkin man those are two different services child of desolation you carry the shame of baga in your veins you know true pain and that is why you will succeed where others failed you will restore the glory that once was that was taken from us we cannot surrender to the corruption that plagues us we cannot forget what came before ever since baga tried to breach the valley of storms the lives of all orcs have been hell and i won't stand for it any longer the demon alaloth sits in his prison in our fifth kingdom and laughs as he corrupts the land and our children the mothers pondered our actions for generations past and they now come to a conclusion if aliloth is not destroyed soon he will bring all of the plemon under our desolation words mean little when the corruption spreads and while marika by our side like in the ancient times we are completely alone against the threat of aliloth still there's hope for the mother found a way to cleave through the valley of storms and reach his prison when the light goddess fell she was torn apart into four artifacts and was okay cool uh let's just get to the gameplay all right there we go we're outside like the city walls and stuff now we can like wander around and see if we can find good things to do uh the light of vice mill it was typical fantasy fair they were like yadda yadda yadda great evil go out take care of it our clan is ashamed all that kind of stuff as you travel around cities you may find other champions each of them is distinguished by an icon of their lineage since they have not been invested with the mission of defeating a lot they won't be hostile towards you and indeed they will tell you of themselves okay they call you champion a respectable title i hope that you live up to it i am carrick formerly of balgrin although i'm sure i'll be hunted for saying that in their presence apologies i didn't mean to sulk i am grateful for still having a head on my shoulders huh okay well the game's purty i'll give it that it's quite a looker it's not an ugly game by any stretch of the imagination like it's definitely got kind of that old baldur's gate flare like as you're walking around town it's got kind of like that old pre-rendered art thing going on in the background so it is an attractive game to look at visually so what i've learned from running around is that the kingdom got problems there's like blood spiders there's skeletons running around there's bandits rampaging this does not seem like a very very pleasant place to live the good news is i've picked up with a couple of quests while i was out and about town one guy wanted some finger vines so that he can lacquer his ship and leave one guy wanted you to find proof of some kind of betrayal or something and then there was a number of bounties on the board over here that just paid out cash and so i picked up pretty much everything that i possibly could in the interest of streamlining and getting us to some gameplay since that's what really matters but what i will say is that the writing seems to be reasonably decent i didn't pick up any kind of issues with spelling there was no typos it seemed like the prose was okay uh while typical while typical stereotypical fantasy fair there was nothing there that was done poorly with the writing like it's a story you've heard a million times before but it's told well uh this appears to be the world map and it looks like we can move around we can zoom in and we can zoom out with the right stick okay let's go ahead and like it wanted me to kill some spiders or something so let's go fight some spiders you find the crimson spider buried in the sand waiting for its next victim from above you jump at the clueless spider with your weapon drawn the spiders lunge at you from every side feeling starved enough to hunt down a human that stumbled into their i'm an orc though i'm i'm not a human i'm a orc i got tuskies bro i got big old tuskys all right let's go see what we could do here apparently i've got consumables and stuff too i'm gonna throw a knife at him uh eat knife bro okay yeah that hurt that was definitely stingy uh let's go ahead and stay away from the spider i'm gonna kind of like i've got a pole arm so i might as well fight like i have a pole arm just kind of little jabs and pokes you know what i mean although my stamina is getting kind of bad it looks like dizzy dead oh he didn't play any kind of death animation so i wasn't like super sure all right there we go there we go there we go all right let me see if i can perfect parium oh with the perfect parry got my hp back right there we'll just mash through oh there is a death animation okay he kind of like squats and falls over at the end of the fighting area there's always a prize clear the zone from enemies to access loot chests and gain your reward i like money that's good so we got some money it looks like we've got like wait that's my inventory right there okay so basically it said there was gonna be a chest but i thought we were gonna wander around on the map and go open up a chest instead it the chest is kind of like the closing battle summary i suppose as far as our quests go where am i at here wants me to kill more crimson spiders so i guess i will go and do that sounds good we'll farm out a few more of these guys they didn't seem to be that temperamental of a fight like they seem to be pretty manageable so [Music] there we go he's down he's down give him a little poke give him a little pope and give him a little poke oh i missed bad dexter give a little poke okay all right all right zipping out of the way i'll probably go like over here combat actually feels pretty decent in all honesty i had my doubts when there was like no mouse control or whatever but honestly the controller controls feel all right obviously it's not my favorite input method uh but it does feel okay there we go let me get another hit on you i get the feeling that the pole arm is gonna all be about like hitting and running basically oh there was a big smacker right there okay let's go for the combo perfect the spiders are down all right so the crimson spider horde has been vanquished what else do we have in our quest log it looks like we have kill desert ratkins we've gotta patrol the area around balak maul from terrible desert ratkins evil will sneak up on the unfortunate souls that were not fit for it okay and i assume we already got our paycheck right so like what is a desert ratkin also where is that place they were talking about oh those are desert ratkins okay well let us go and fight them sand the sand fooled us you will regret sneaking up on us mortal we will leave your bones to the vultures and feed on your flesh listen rap man i don't have time for skaven nonsense right now i'm gonna get down on that booty you better understand it's about to get raw out here okay these guys attack a little bit faster these guys have a little bit faster of an attack cycle i should probably lock on to something ow ow okay all right don't get too aggressive learn that lesson the hard way that guy's got a shield so i'm probably gonna have to kick his thing out of the way there we go perfect all right now you perfect down he goes i was actually kind of hoping like that there oh cool there's a sword right there the brass knuckler i mean it's a cool looking sword it definitely has like warhammer 40k vibes i'll take the money and obviously we'll take the brass knuckler as well and then i don't think we really need too much else was that enough for our quest to actually trigger like is it done no there's a few more of them we got to take care of okay it doesn't seem like the fight oh it does actually what do we have here a mercenary sent by the pompous bastards to kill us are you the best they could do a weak little champion that couldn't kill a flood dude there's a lot of bad guys on the road out here there's like a serious volume of bad guys this kingdom is having issues with law enforcement oh wow ow dude i got lasered okay yeah i kind of hate what's happening here but i gotta get that wizard that wizard's gotta go first oh no dude i'm locked on hold on all right i don't wanna be locked on anymore i got to get that wizard isolated though i'm going to come over to here and we're going to see if we can get these guys kind of like away from their homies basically i was going to say because that wizard is hitting for like big chip damage like concerning chip damage now we gotta pick off the archer and this is not exactly the heroic posture that i wanted to take like bravely running away like sir robin but unfortunately it is what happened uh i would like to get this archer right here if i can there we go oh 258 to the back ow okay yeah let me get a potion in me then let me uh let me potion it up get a little stab off on you these guys are a little bit tougher than our previous threats there's a big hit right there very nice i mean the game does have like a nice flow to the combat it feels okay like i was really expecting with all the issues wow those guys are chunking me dude why am i dodging in a weird direction run up on me bro come get stuck with the pole arm my man okay yeah oh and you're dead get you with a big old chunky hit right there another big chunky hit that's it i got chunky hits for everybody all right so we've got 36 gold right there and we found a bardish i don't know if that's better than what i have but it might be no i don't want to drop my potion i need my potions i'm actually getting chewed on pretty good right now i'm gonna go ahead and i think i'm gonna go back to town i don't know if that's like a wise decision oh there's also like a mode where you can look around okay dumping lots of tutorial information on me that's okay though because there is a lot to process here like there is quite an open world in front of us i'm assuming that the skulls are kind of like oh i like that kind of effervescent like minty fresh five gum effect they've got on that city right there let all who enter have the mintiest of breath okay so we gotta kill a few more rattlings so with our inventory slots here we have the gift of the all father apparently it's broken strangely enough we do have a cloak and we do have armor and apparently its durability is not broken yet we can get a mount too so apparently there's horses and stuff that we're going to run into later on in the game interesting so like the family halberd is worse than the bardish so we're going to go ahead and put the bardish on i mean that is tempting right there just because like it's full of magic but like let's maybe wait a second until we go like full in on magic i am gonna heal myself in between fights here and like if i wanted to put this on like a pocket slot there we go i could put it on a pocket slot like so i guess you got to select it over over there on the left definitely would like to see this menu retooled for interactivity for pc gamers uh where you can click and drag and like they could actually take the size down of the icons considerably like this is very obviously a game that's been designed with the ui facing towards like console players they wouldn't have to redo the entire thing i would actually settle just for like click and drag and just basic interactivity in the menus i did play around with it during one of the cuts and indeed there is no mouse control in the menu like you have to control it all basically with wasp while moving in between the menus and so you know i just wanted to verify real quick i don't like to operate entirely on conjecture i need to go kill some of these rattlings let's go get these guys down here oh they despawned oh no that's a bummer all right well i guess i'll go back into town dude it is like swamped with bad guys out here there are so many bad guys it's okay though we're back inside the safety of a town they're just like cool with me wandering around with like a giant headsman's axe let's go see what the shops have actually maybe we can upgrade some gear or something or like get some fun stuff i would like to pick up some more health potions what do you guys have going on for health potions here uh looks like mostly just bread it gives me some regen 160 health it's not much that'll give me 80. so i'm guessing maybe health potions are actually kind of rare in this game that or they restock or something when we rest possibly i don't know well i wandered around town i'm in the tavern right now and i don't see anybody that's selling potions at the moment there is a magic vendor that i haven't been to but i did get to take a sleep and verify that it's not like an estus flask oh i like the day and the night cycle though that lighting effect looks really oh there's different people out here during the night time too interesting there was an orc that had a curse on him and he wants me to figure out like how to get rid of said curse oh the vendors closed down at night interesting well not a whole lot going around as far as quests are concerned i think it wants me to focus on the ones that i have there's like four or five quests that we've already picked up on the day night cycle and so let me kind of go through those and let's see what a dungeon looks like in this game like an actual proper dungeon let's go like acquire some finger vines it looks like we have to go over here to do already for a quest and it looks like everything is pretty clearly marked with like where you need to go in order to do certain activities like it puts like a little diamond on it which is definitely appreciated well i'm guessing this is where we have to go we've gotta go to like doe alright that's the only place that looks like it has like a little icon on it but then again the skeletons and whatnot have icons on them too so i think it's actually flagging all of the quests i have in white which made me think that the quest for the finger vines would be in yellow but i can't seem to locate it anywhere on the map well in any case let's go get after these skeletons down here we gotta kill them anyways for like a bounty and so like let's wipe these guys out and get our paycheck real fast and maybe we'll pick up some sweet ass loot along the way too the arena appears to be the same arena each time which is kind of a bummer i was hoping it would be like differentiating arenas it probably is if you go to different maps but what are you guys gonna do you guys are gonna try and do something bad to me huh oh i just got clunked okay i hated every moment of my clunking ooh there we go i don't know if that actually counted there we go break his guard get a little bit of damage off we got the skeleton i'm gonna try to dodge out though oh he's got his block up right now okay let's get out of this corner this corner seems sketchy there we go knock that skeleton out right there that one's down very nice 47 gold as a reward dude i think that hit and run is still like you just thrust with the spear and jump back and it seems to take care of you yeah there we go oh i okay it queued up my action right there i didn't expect it to cue up my action there's a nice little parry we'll get him for some damage and get some extra money out of it and the fight is over we got ourselves gold and a rusty shield sweet dude i'll take it i'll take it i think i need to kill some more skeletors but first let me like eat some food because like i bought food while we were in town so that i could get my health back whenever i took like gnarly damage there we go let me get like a little bit of health back we got a couple more of these little rat guys down here let's see if we can go get them too for the quest and then we got to go to do all ron in just a second because there was an orc in town that had a curse put on him and he wants us to like get rid of the curse okay yeah you get punished pretty hard in this game if you get dodged or parried oh they've got like a little they got like a little horned rat like wizard over here dude ow dude i just got busted up so bad am i still bleeding oh the bleed lasts for a little while huh okay good to know go ahead and give him one of those no cleave on our attacks unfortunately wish that there was but there ain't ow he got me with that one huh all right fair enough dropped another one give him the big swing okay yeah i didn't i didn't want to fight you anyways bro fighting is stupid there we go let me get that perry out uh he blocked me again there we go the parry is really easy to put off i'll be honest with you the perry window is pretty decent i do think they need to tighten up the the hit detection a little bit i've had a couple of swings now that feel like they went through the enemy instead of striking them it might just be a perspective issue as spawned by the isometry of the game it's kind of hard to tell when the camera zooms so far out and i can't like distinctly see uh the weapon passing through the enemy let's go to this place real fast sure we'll enter why not in desert sand on mountain high the banished make their homes away from their oppressors some ran from verkentis accused unjustly of heresy and others escaped from fear and mobs as religion of the eterest fell apart human elfinork live side by side a community of refugees always vigilant but never safe they are the orphans of the mountains the disgraced okay are they cool with me being here like are we are we chill broham i'll be honest with you the heal from that food seems very very lackluster i'll be honest like considering the fact that we have like how much health do we have 1500 160 is not very much that's not a that's not a lot of healing i mean i'm gonna keep on healing it looks like also like maybe the percentage number down in the bottom right doesn't like refresh until we go into the menu and come back out is that what happened right there it is oh my goodness why doesn't that update all by its lonesome that should definitely be up updating in real time in my opinion anyways who are you come to metal in the gods affairs have you you'll find it more difficult than you could possibly imagine if you were to do it on your own luckily for you i might know a way to free your orcish friend from his troubles a potion is only as good as its ingredients and right now i need herbs in order to give the slave what he requires be a sweet child and bring me what i need i need a root of dervish found in the darkest pits of baga where the soul of shame awaits the second lies in the hands of a traitor to its kind and alpha pluck the sacred dandeline underground for coin find him and knock his find him in nod not john madden okay fair enough so i guess we got to go to a place called the well of baga sorry i'm cutting this video a little bit longer because i feel like we haven't even really touched the iceberg covering rpgs is always such a covering rpgs is always such a sketchy affair because a lot of them take so long to get rolling that like with a 35 minute format it just never quite works to my satisfaction level so the well of baga there's the will of baga right there okay so that's where we're going uh so we got to go to the southwest a little bit fair enough i really don't want to fight you guys i'd really rather not uh skeletons i need for a quest so i'm okay with squaring up with some skeletons let's we can we can throw down on some skeletors but like i want to go out to that other area like very very badly uh looks like we got a couple of fighters over here go ahead and light him up real fast just basically thin out the field when and where i can i don't know his attack animation so i'm a little bit worried about engaging too aggressively i do like that they give you a little bit of an outline when you're facing an enemy and it does seem like it has sort of a vague lock-on effect there we go just break his guard real fast sweep the leg metal scraps oh no dude i was facing the wrong way okay we're gonna have to lock on for some of this i think there we go perfect all right you come on let's go you bring it let's do it oh that's a parry right there okay i'm gonna dodge out of that because it seems like it's not going to end well for me perfect down they go little bit of extra cash a little bit of spending money rusty great battle axe okay oh dude there's more you guys huh how do i it seems like they move quicker than i do which makes this a lot more complicated all right so we needed to go down here the will of baga that's it i really like this world map i think it looks pretty good uh yeah let's enter the wela baga we came all the way down here so like why not the well of bhaga so we've got a dervish root oh that's the thing i need it for the quest nice dude okay yeah let's grab those i've got the wrong quest tracked right now though there we go dervish roots are there enemies around here like is this gonna be like are there like treasures and things for me to find as well or is this like purely a quest item acquisition spot looks like i can't pick up any more [Music] i think it may in fact wait what is this into the abyss i stare but is it staring back at me something is happening strange at the bottom of the well okay well fair enough we've got or got the curse the spice festival is in the month of marrick why do i need the spice festival again oh i gotta go to najan madden um during the spice festival apparently it's avahai right now do i have like a calendar um i've got this menu right here i don't know exactly what it is i i have no clue what it is but it appears as though things are happening like globally and judging from what i saw in the codex this is not the only continent either it appears as though there are other continents as well and if that's true that makes the map quite large in fact i'll be honest with you this game's a little bit of a stumper for me like because there are definitely things that are rough and absolutely need to be fixed like post haste but it's also a game where there's a lot of rough edges and things that need to be fixed that has a pretty solid foundation from where i'm looking right now so i honestly don't know what to say about this one in times like that i find it to be easiest if we kind of like chillax for a minute and and we kind of go through it incrementally and sort of like talk about you know this that or the other we'll go through kind of each category and i'll try to arrange my thoughts i think a lot may be one of the weirder rpgs that i've ever taken a look at like there's a lot to unpack here and i get the feeling that there's still solidly some mechanics that we haven't seen special abilities companions stuff like that i've heard the rumors of on the steam forums but taking a look at what we have seen i think that the graphics look great and the animations are fine combat feels like it packs a lump like there's definitely a rhythm and a timing to the combat that may not have been apparent in the video but like when you're playing with a controller you can definitely feel it like there's a moment where you're supposed to dodge or where you're supposed to parry and it's just generous enough that you can pull it off but it's also tight enough that the execution matters and so i think they've got that kind of in the sweet spot and if you don't pick up on the flow of that you're going to get thumped really really really hard the backgrounds look great i think they're a breath of fresh air and they look pretty good even when you place them next to the pre-rendered backgrounds of games like pillars of eternity or tyranny which is saying a lot because i think both of those games had much larger budgets than a lot on the gameplay front i feel like everything is mostly fine we haven't gotten to abilities or anything yet i repeat myself but what we have seen so far all feels decent to good the overworld map looks great uh the dialogue isn't really anything to write home about narrative wise or like lore wise like it's typical fantasy fair but the good news is all of it seems to be spell checked i didn't see any text or typos in there and it seems to be written competently with decent prose travel is less immersive than i would hope for i'm guessing that was probably a function of budget too i tend to prefer transition zones and actually walking around the land rather than just clicking points on a paper map and kind of bouncing in between them but still i think the addition of enemies and whatnot to that experience isn't the worst and it works perfectly fine i really think the main sticking point here for me personally is just the ui implementation it's very very console-y and as a result it feels pretty clunky on the pc because we have access to a much better precision kind of menu navigation tool the mouse at our disposal i'm not going to bark too much on this point because the developers have already said that they are on it and they're working on it and they're going to try to get it all fixed up so that you can navigate menus and whatnot with the mouse and keyboard but there was definitely some work to be done there prior to release to really tailor the interface and ui elements to the pc platform and it was eyebrow raising for me personally alas that ship has sailed uh the graphics options are another sticking point the game has an extremely bare-boned set of both general options and also graphical options that i think could be expanded greatly to include kind of resolution anti-aliasing and isotropy texture quality details that we've all come to expect on the pc platform as well uh while wandering around town the only bug that i noticed was that npcs were t-posing here and there but it was very very rare i only saw like one or two npcs doing it but that's a polish issue that hopefully the early access will see c2 and get pounded out in the future the other thing about the combat is that i noticed i played around with it a little bit more and like it seems like the game gives preference to whoever you have locked on and and so to give you an example if you're playing a game like ex-anima when you swing your sword it doesn't matter if the guy that you are targeting is in the way of the blade or if a guy in between you is in the way of the blade it will still deal damage to the unintended target because the damage dealing part of the model is the blade and the velocity thereof in this game i'm not super sure it works that way it seems like the game gives preferential treatment to like whatever you have targeted and the blade may possibly pass through a guy that's like in front of him i fiddled around with it and it seemed like sometimes that was what was happening and then other times it seemed like it was okay and so it may just be me tripping over the anisotropy that's a very very perspective to present a real-time actual action fighting game from uh just because anisotropy does weird stuff to the human eye and like expectation but i don't know it felt kind of funny sometimes with regards to like actually hitting an enemy but it wasn't anything that disrupted my overall enjoyment it only happened like once or twice where i was like huh shouldn't that the blade of my weapon i think went through the ra the leg of that goblin that was next to the one that i was targeting how come it didn't just damage him you know what i mean so i don't think that like cleaving is a thing that really happens uh but yeah like take this entire video with a pretty solid grain of salt since we've only seen the first 45 minutes to an hour with edits and there's still gems crafting and a bunch of other mechanics yet to unpack that we haven't yet gotten to uh just take it with a grain of salt definitely read through some reviews definitely get some second opinions i wouldn't leave this whole one on me just because i get the feeling we haven't seen enough yet instead hopefully this taste will help out with at least peaking your interest so that you'll research further but for me personally my first hour impressions is that like it's a game with some rough edges and some really really bad ui choices that are unfortunate but the general gameplay makes me feel like it has its heart in the right place and i felt like the flow of the combat loop was fun and well implemented and right in the beginning of the game we've got a pretty solid variety of enemies like seven or eight different type of enemies we ran into so anyways my closing thoughts about the game are i think it's pretty fun i am personally enjoying it but i strongly dislike the console ui that you're kind of fighting with a lot of the time and then i think the journal could be improved a little bit and it definitely has some early access stuff like polish that need to be worked on but like it's a bold little game that kind of reminds me of like a piranha bytes game like with the stuff that's arranged against it like i thought i would not like it but actually by the end of this video i'm enjoying it and like honestly i hope they get the ui fixed up and everything so that i can continue enjoying it uh my name is splattercat i sift through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world indie games every single day so you don't have to today up on the chopping block we were checking out alola loth tomorrow we'll be checking out something else thanks for hanging out with me and giving me the luxury of your time hopefully i did a good job in justifying it and i will catch you all tomorrow with something hot and fresh off the indie skillet bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 268,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alaloth gameplay, alaloth walkthrough, alaloth playthrough, lets play alaloth, alaloth review, alaloth preview, alaloth impressions, alaloth download, Alaloth Champions of the Four Kingdoms, Alaloth champions of the Four kingdoms soundtrack, Alaloth champions of the four kingdoms trailer, alaloth steam, alaloth soundtrack, alaloth music, alaloth boss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 46sec (2686 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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