4 Hours of Skaven Ownage! Total War Warhammer 2 Stream Gameplay!

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one for a few minutes until people start to file a lien you got to give like it's the funny thing that you never know about which is I've got like the graphs and everything on average on average it takes two hours for you to reach your full audience how crazy is that right takes two hours to reach whatever your average views is at least that's what it is for maybe I don't inspire people to sprint like other people do maybe that's what it is I don't know but either way you got to be live for two hours before you reach your peak potential so those of you out there that are thinking about becoming streamers there's a little there's a little tidbit for you little analytical tidbit fo yeah little analytical kid bit to throw out there yeah I did get a haircut I mean did I did I don't know I always find like when you're feeling like down and you're feeling kind of just like in the dumps or whatever got changed something up I don't know buy some new clothes or something change your hairstyle up do something like that usually seems to fix it up maybe I'm just superficial though that might be what it is too you know you do what works man you do what works [Applause] thank you very much for that subscription Val I appreciate that very kind of you it is it's a mohawk yeah Thank You urina I don't know I felt like I had things that had to get off my chest you know what I mean felt like I every now and again key a bottle for too long and so anyways yeah I add it in I don't know the subscription thing was getting my throat it just felt like I felt raspy all the time like and I thought it'd be I thought it would get better but it didn't it didn't I was like my voice will grow stronger like bicep muscles and that's not how that's not how it works yeah I don't like it when it just cuts off like at the back like you're like you're like a 1910 coal Shoveler you look like somebody from peaky blinders I like I'm a fan of the classic mohawk I was a punk rocker I was a punk rocker who broke control [Music] bumbum bumbum that's my favorite part is when the baseball pom pom pom pom pom pom pom I like it when a bass walks and does its own thing while the lead holds a note that shit's dope I was like that stuff bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump hey that's true as he did a lot of drugs though and I think Ozzy plays it up because it was good for business like he when he was on The Osbournes at that same time I saw interviews with him where he was like perfectly coherent but then on the show he'd be walking around like t-rex arse realize oh I think he played it up a little bit too because it made money you know what I mean like he got to put on a show like he's definitely a little burned out but he's not as burned out as he was on The Osbournes I always got the feeling he was playing it up a little bit hey glad you could make it yet Ian glad to have you here I am Moss thought oh I haven't IVA been and I'm you I gotta make I gotta be like in a good like motivated mood to do music that's just me personally like I can't make like some people make their best music when like they're miserable and some people only make good music when like they're at the top of their game I am the latter when I'm like in a bad mood I just I can't move notes around on a midea [ __ ] all day I'm just like I don't care about this I'm going back to bed oh yeah we're a place of total war - today we're gonna be playing a new campaign we are not going to be playing stupid-ass elves nobody likes elves we're not be playing Lizard Men because there's scaly and they smell like a turtle tank we're not gonna plan Dark Elves because those are just elsewhere goth kids we're gonna be playing the only acceptable army in this entire game and that is the Skaven we can be Lords skull who apparently has a giant book on his back and an awesome flail made out of fire since we went ahead and we did quick head taker I think we'll do Lord stroke on this one and so I think this is gonna be pretty this is gonna be pretty cool what does he get us his bonus so he gets plague sensor bearers okay they look all right I don't know if they're like shock troops or what they're supposed to be he's got a plague claw catapult catapults are pretty good in total war I like catapults they tend to help out they're not as good as Trevor Shay's but they're pretty good as cat and they're almost as catapult hey what's up Drummond how're you doing with the stream we've got plague monks over here oh thank you for those biddies Brendan I appreciate that man me too man it's been like a year of this [ __ ] and it just won't seem to go so what did these guys do by comparison so he's got he's anti-infantry damage dealers with frenzy so they're plague sensors I'm assuming they make the other guys sick then what is my leader get so let's take a look at some of the bonuses we get for playing this guy so we've already got that the scape and underworld is actually pretty cool haven't got a plan that chance to play around with it very much but during sieges and stuff like that you can call Skaven units in through the ground inside of people's defenses and stuff it's actually a pretty cool ability Irish dragon what's up man welcome to the stream now four things are things are moving there all right hey what's up hug bringer how you doing welcome to the stream mm-hmm welcome in the stream I got like a sesame seed stuck in my throat or sometimes had a salad construction costs Oh pox culture oh thank you very much for that subscription roll over bumble thank you very much a construction cost minus 50 for a pox cauldron pestilent knave and plague Bailey buildings right costs or minus 75 I don't know what I mean that means looks like our upkeep is lower for plague monks plague monks sensor Bears play claw catapults and plague priests units okay and so the big difference that you've got here is that his like weird frenzied support units are half off whereas this guy gets shock troopers for half off sounds good to me thank you for those biddies Rakowski I appreciate that man very kind of you let's get moving the cheetah and chitter chatter chitter chatter waiting waiting letting my voice go all from the good helping out with the sound effects that's given a ravenous horde of verminous rat named hey what's up Lone Star how you doing Norman welcome to the stream good to have you they know I go to serve the world like I'm infected they mean to whom / rulings but such is the will Lizzie he's not he's not rolling his arse he's not doing the British guy thing right they cool if you roll your R's you sound like four hundred percent fancier the high from the dock Ronnie ravaging takes hey what's up douche bag are you on hey go man a swirling maelstrom that siphons chaos from thus Gavilan covered its vast power with envious beady red eyes the twin-tailed comet is oft seen as an omen but this time its wake has disturbed the winds of magic in the secret holes of the under empire the consulate summer karyam how you doing man walking for the stream dude I need a badass table like that in my house where I can sit with all of my friends and we can hold a green fire but just be like to plan is moving forward twin Club thank you very much for those biddies I appreciate that man there used to be 40 KSK them but they scrapped him they got forget [ __ ] what was the name of the dwarves there was dwarves in 40k in the first edition too and ever since they got rid of the dwarves in 40k that's become the default word for when they wipe uh when they wipe a faction off the map squats there you go forty case gaming got squatted hey what's up apricot how you doing man welcome to the stream good to have you good old hey thanks Ben Jaffe I appreciate those thoughts man hey what's up Rohan how you doing welcome to the stream I'm Judy I need one of those in my front yard nobody would [ __ ] with you if you had that in your front you already could stand on it holding a staff all day this big I'd look out upon you East Bay and I say a pox just like soothsaying from the top of it do the load times in this game are [ __ ] brutal I'm not even lying to you do the low times in this game are absolutely abysmal like they take forever like the first campaign load takes a [ __ ] minute and then after that oh it actually did it fast that time that's weird maybe they patch we're fighting the lizard man we're not fighting elves okay it actually looks like we're fighting with the looks like we're fighting with a lizard man which would be kind of interesting I've never fought the lizard man before so this should be kind of interesting we should we should be able to find out yeah I can see him Sakura I'm gonna find steal the [ __ ] out of those treasures you better believe it hey you have our Geoff thank you very much man I appreciate that yeah I'm just kind of going with it man just trying to hang in there you know what I mean if you like life kind of got me on the ropes right now and so like trying to stay positive trying to stay positive and not give in to just being like a [ __ ] salty bastard all the time but it's tough you know all right so scape and settlements are not ordinarily visible they have to appear they look as ruins humans do they can scout them to see if they're actually abandoned and so we've got food stockpiles over here food stockpiles are how we make sure that like we have growth in our cities and everything like that you get that by murdering people a Brahmin thank you very much for those oh that was a tip tip my hat to you sir it looks like they have weed there oh it's pastures okay let's say lizard man live in that life right now this would Menem live in that life hey I'm jealous thank you very much that's description man I appreciate that very kind of you thank you sir um I think I'm gonna run on off in here and so we've got whitsel okay what's going on in Blake soul wake so what you doing right now Blake so looks like oh my god thank you for that subscription the black Viper so we've got a couple of things we can do inside of here we could do a corrupted spawning pool which i think so is this actually the capital oh my god PHX rocker letting that roll over man thank you very do dat Antonio an average campaign in total war takes a while man it takes like a minute you gotta be it's a lot man it's a lot trying to figure out what's going on with the frame rate right now frame rate seems a little sketchy I got it set to 60 frames and it's 60 frames in game right now but OBS is reporting 35 I don't know how I feel about that hmm let me try something different real fast let me see if something else looks a little bit better there we go that looks better that looks a little bit better you said to change things up ever so slightly change things around and make it look good like I knew it would gonna kill those else cuz I knew I could all right so it wants me to go after this territory over here sabaton the plates of pasta dough thank you very much man I appreciate that too I will do my best to keep up the great work thank you for the thoughts so I'm thinking if we want to hit this place we probably want to come up with a better army I'm gonna move him to the edge of our territory but um but um but um what kind of recruitment can I get done right now I can get some Klan ranch Spears I can get some Skaven slaves I can get some Klan rats I'm thinking it's probably a good idea it looks like we have plague monks and we have a lot of slingers let's go with somebody that can hold the frontline for little bit we need a couple dudes that we can line up out front just be like hey die until I don't need you to die anymore so that we can flank the enemy that's what we need right now we need sacrificial lambs and until we get those I'm just I can't be happy over here we can get a clan barracks so we've got a clan pit right there as far as this goes we actually started with a level two layer so that's pretty good I'll probably go up to what do we have going on here so our public order is good it's looking all right our cash flow is looking all right what does corruption do for us it affects our public order the lower level of corruption the higher the public order we'll be escaping corruption spreads over time reduce oh we don't want corruption okay although I feel like Skaven want corruption what is this over here so we've got a couple of options we got rattling warrens if you guys have any ideas I'm not very good at this game so by all means feel free to a thank you very much cat and box thank you very much man I'm trying I'm trying so if you have any suggestions for what a good play would be by all means throw that out there it won't be back seating today I'm not super good at total war so it's one of those things that I play but the only one I was ever actually good at was I was good at thank you for that subscription foul necromancer anyways the only one that I was ever good at was a Shogun total war but that's cuz Shogun total war was kind of a wash when it came to I think we're gonna need something to keep our corruption down and I don't know exactly how to get that let's see here so that gives us untainted plus one gives us we get exotic animals start our resource production an exotic animal trainer do we get any units out of that later on how can I work my way towards I want to get I need so we've got shields I'm a work on that having shield soldiers probably good I don't want to get butchered by arranged units which is looking like what we're probably gonna have going on for right now so we're gonna give them a turn I'm gonna see what's going on here let the game play for just a minute and see what the enemy decides to do I'm not sure what untainted does I gotta figure out what it does but I think I got a dig through like the tutorial or something like that's the thing about Total War when you put it in the Warhammer universe it's got a bunch of weird modifiers that you're not used to that don't exist in like Rome Total War anything like that and so like untainted +1 let me let me see what's going on here and so I think what I can do is if I go to here nope that's not what I want to close that down go to here and then let's say that I take untainted right there and I click on this what is untainted do for me no don't build it right now I'm too broke for that I can't afford that [ __ ] for nothing so it gives you untainted enables attrition for undead armies oh it makes it so when undead armies come in here so if we go up against vampires or whatever they'll start losing units just by being in our territory because it's like holy consecrated or whatever let's go see what's going on with sabaton I will scout this location real fast and see what's going on with it not a whole lot so they've got sources and they've got skinks skinks are [ __ ] terrible so I don't think that's gonna be a problem and sources look pretty easy too I can break the siege I can encircle them or I can fight a battle let's fight a battle why not I mean normally if I've got that I'll just Auto resolve it so fair warning I tend to auto resolve battles that have like the full meter just because it's not worth your time the AI actually tends to do okay and scam as long as the meter is full if it's like 75% in total war games you might get an upset but like it happens from time to time Guild Wars 2 I played a bit when it first came out but I found it's like the lack of like a real end game kind of killed the game for me back at release like it just felt like there was no point getting any of the gear cuz it didn't affect anything like there was no healing there was no tanking and so it was kind of missing those fundamental things that I like about MMOs and so I had trouble kind of investing in it hey what's up hunter Delta how're you doing climb rats kill the up fing stab stab die die kill kill I love scheming dudes Gavin are so awesome you should read go trekking Felix and once you get to like the second book like half of the book is just Skaven shenanigans written from the scavenge perspective it's pretty [ __ ] hilarious although by like book three or four it's too much scathing I'm like all right it's time for this story line to be resolved alright let's have a look here and see what's going on so that's a pretty good army right there that's a pretty good [ __ ] army right there I can gamble what the [ __ ] does that mean what does gambling mean oh yeah the winds of magic I forgot about that you can wait and see if the winds of magic gets stronger I forgot about that [ __ ] yeah that affects how often you can spell cast or something like that I forgot about that mechanic from the last Warhammer so you can gamble on the winds of magic changing if you want to wait but I think your enemy is to redeploy or something like that if you do it we have people in trees let's just start our deployment here I am going to rearrange this entirely I don't like having my skirmishers out front I like having them kind of off to a flanking in the side so let's find our spearmen here I'll put my spearmint out front we don't have any shields so siege battles are probably not going to be our forte I'm gonna put some swordsmen along each flank and then we'll put support swordsmen kind of in reserve right here and then we want our skirmishers to kind of be back over on this side a dagi thank you very much for those for that subscription man I appreciate that let me get these guys lined up properly though so there we go we've got all of our archers and whatnot that are kind of doing their thing although they're kind of smoosh let's go ahead and move them back to right there we've got our catapults we're gonna put those back in reserve like kind of over here ish I guess and then I'll scooch them over ever so slightly I've got sensor bearers as far as I understand it these guys are like shock troops so we're gonna have them like right in the front it seemed like they had better stats than everybody else and so that looks good to me I'm pretty happy with that deployment and so let's have a look at what we got going on here oh we're actually fighting like an open battle okay go ahead and open up with the catapults on them please whatever you can accomplish let's see what kind of damage we can get done here there it is wipe those dudes out knock them on down get them taken care of there's not a whole lot of cover I might suggest perhaps that we relocate an army over here just for like a flanking maneuver so go ahead and get them moving over there into those trees and see if maybe we can do something clever on this side that the AI won't notice I bet they'll notice but it's like I bet they'll notice we've also got our leader over here and so I'm going to put him back in the main Vanguard over on this side he doesn't have any special abilities that he's able to run just yet but you guys should be firing at will I think yes good fire at will and they are in skirmish mode too in case the line breaks good so what they're gonna try and do is they're gonna try and encircle on this side what we're gonna do though is we're gonna do a full flank charge to stop that from happening and then we're gonna rush the center pillar right there will keep everybody in reserve we've got a flank over here they're gonna rush that side this flank is going to come over here turn and then rush them from behind what attacking flanks for [ __ ] what are you talking about I'll keep these guys in reserve for right now because we don't need them to join the fray go ahead and have you guys attack from right there wow they're already routed not bad not bad okay done okay yeah that's because we had a beat man that's cuz we had him destroyed we had him took we had him shook take a look we got him [ __ ] [ __ ] lizard man lizard man inferior to rat man not as awesome do white stop that stop shooting into my people stop that stop firing it will will has done nothing to you I mean we can in the battle right now I don't really think there's a point to chase him on out of here but war zone time for cocaine so rats they snort cocaine essentially and it gives them more powers like the more warp stone you have the more mutations you accumulate and the more awesome you become in rat man Society and so that's true friendly fire is something they find to be conducive like if you kill off the other guys if you kill off your own team there's less people to your soup your authority a warp stone token so winds of magic goes up by six but we have a chance to miscast okay that's a little sketchy I'm a little I'm a little worried about that but we've got a decisive victory right here we can decide what we want to do and so we can occupy the settlement at level one two three what does that do oh it costs us food so at the base cost of food we can raise the that's kind of an interesting concept then that's kind of cool and then other things we can do up in here we can loot and occupy which means that or we can sack it where's that right there province and stability okay or we can raise it to the ground I see well hey what's up Swedish twig how you doing welcome back to the stream I don't know if I want to deal with all of this over here something in the sacking it might be the better option will have a conquest penalty although that gives us this place look glutton occupy there it is so things are gonna be a little rough over here people are gonna be people are gonna be a little bit upset over here our public order is gonna be a little bit trashy but we got an arcane item okay Lord skulk is now using that we've completed our quest which gives us a thousand bucks an eight warp stone a thousand buboes upon you pestilent Lord seems the reptile things are basking in jumbled temples that should belong to pestilence while we make ready with the first ritual I humbly suggest you attack yes yes all right so they want me to capture an entire province we need to figure out so this is the province capital we need Sentinel of time in order to finish this off and Sentinel of time is down there to the south and so if we finish up the whole thing I think we get like a Public Order bonus or like a tax bonus or something like that so if you have the first game in the second game they're gonna combine them later on with a patch so that you get everything but for right now you can only play you can only play Skaven High Elves and Lizard Men and dark elves not super attractive for somebody like me who likes dwarves and orcs and Skaven but at least I've got Skaven to tide me over until that happens all right so taking a look here what can I do and so overall in Sabaton we've got one turn until that's built I would suggest we do something with public order over here we don't really want it so these places over here like that's axial sorry we don't want to build anything as you guys were saying in chat you don't really want to build anything inside these little areas because these can only go up to like this right here can only go up to level three so you don't want to waste buildings that go higher than level three here so for example something like a a putrid rice bog would be a smart idea or a defense would be a smart idea over here although I think that just gives us a garrison and we can't do it until we get to the next level I need something that handles public order for me so chances are let me take that mission right there so we get recruitment untainted growth scape and corruption goes up we don't look like we have anything that really helps with public order then again we are Skaven after all like Skaven don't really do super great with public order I'll probably go with the second upgrade right here so that we can move along and so that might work out for us I think that'd probably be a good idea I feel like my notifications are in like a really shitty spot I mean like it kind of sucks because no matter where I put them they're gonna be like in a weird spot for the course like this game has a really busy UI and so regardless of what I do it's gonna be in a weird spot at some point in the gameplay I tried my best to arrange it before we started but life is complicated and difficult life is complicated and a vacay that's a new splatter cat song I'm working on life is complicated and a mecha alright so for what the [ __ ] is that Lothar you are currently progressing towards the ritual of prophecy do we like win when we do this huh I wonder if that's our victory condition we've just got to get enough work stone to make us like super awesome Zelda bunny what's up man welcome to the stream curious I'm I'm alright today's a little bit rough you know man what somebody's a little eggy cuz I think I ate something last night I either had dubious chili or I had dubious pizza and my stomach is not dealing with it well yeah Blissett ooh sabaton so our next our next goal is really just to go down here in flux with these people down here what is that what do they have a ball que no in the middle of the territory the winds of magic are blowing blowing who is the question what do they have like garrisoned here what do they have they have skink skirmishers that look like they have blow darts okay we probably want to keep recruiting then although if I have an army here right if I haven't art I think it Otto built a barracks over here like I think in aqsa we already got a barracks by default so if I kill that off I guess I'll demolish it and then a landmark ok I guess I'll put a landmark in the Capitol you guys are saying that's a smart idea so let's do that our public order is [ __ ] right now I don't think it really matters where I leave I don't think it really matters where I leave this army I think our Poe I think our public order is gonna be fluffy regardless of what we do but I will continue making this army larger bigger and bigger in Sabaton can I get a barracks over here yeah I'm gonna put a barracks over here so we can start recruiting again our recruitment if I can't get guys with shields I think we're gonna have like some issues when we come across heavy ranged armies I mean at the end of the day I can just pull some of these guys into other armies but let's get some swords in there too I'm just gonna keep making this a little bit bigger and then we don't have access to slingers just yet so why worry about it resolve or skip notification to end your return what notification I don't see a notification anywhere oh he leveled up that's what happened so we can get pestilent breath we can get tail weapon which makes him just like unanimously stronger I mean with inspiring presence that's not actually a terrible thing to take but like why not go with pestilent breath so that we can be like mer and like burp all over people you know what I mean it looks like it gives people it's got a 50% chance to miss cast holy [ __ ] dude that's like 50/50 man that's flicking let's let's flipping a coin bro but then again we are the forces of chaos so I suppose that's part of chaos route marchers pretty good - lets you march further on a turn then you get looter which makes you get more income and stuff like that I'll probably do that on a secondary character Oh only on overcast so it looks like it gives people poison which looks pretty good actually it looks like it nerfs them pretty hard I'm gonna do pestilent breath I want to breathe fire I want to breathe fire plague on people there's like it's burping on people it's pretty punk-rock right I feel like Skaven have earned that sort of thing oh I don't want to do that here pestilent breath there we go all done for me on my legendary Lord we also have a another thing that it wants me to do do I want to go up to level two yeah we've got the money for it why not I got the money honey if you've got the grime yeah we've got like we've got scape and halitosis now so we can just lie back and just get all up in people's business with our scaping halitosis those that didn't have it this place begin to stir against your rule I mean that's mostly just from our how long do we have until this falls off because our main problem is provincial instability and so that should go away there's a rebellion in 12 turns I'm pretty sure once conquering a place and the instability goes away we should be alright like I don't see a reason to concern myself too heavily with that for right now I'll probably now that our recruitment thing is built is it built do we have shields yet how long do we have on that so there it is we catch you level two until that's done in two turns but you know we're moving along we've got ourselves a corrupted spawning pool which allows us to get a garrison of plague monks censor dudes so that's pretty cool censorship helps in this case over here I'd probably say just build a [ __ ] garrison or something so we've already got the landmark you can take that all the way up to the top pay for us thank you very much for letting that roll over man I appreciate that very kind of you if we take that all the way to the top we get a warp stone reactor which makes us like riches [ __ ] and we get up to there we get really good public order a temple of the Horned rat that seems like it might be a smart idea because our public order is a little bit shitty I don't know what do y'all think we can go with like a rubbish pit but that only goes up to level 3 so we probably want to put that somewhere else this looks like it generates cash for us and so making money would probably be a good idea too this over here only goes up to level 3 so we don't care about that if we were gonna build something over here we could get night runners and then we could take night runners all the way up to the top we get the den of secrets and that would give us gutter runners and death runners which are really crazy good might be an okay idea and what is that right there advanced military yeah you know I'm thinking a taskmaster is probably a really good idea thank you for those bids Brendan I appreciate that hey what's up mo Bali welcome to the stream good to have you I agree with all of you I think the taskmaster is probably the smartest idea given the way our public order is a little bit it's a little bit shitty a Jocelyn thank you very much I appreciate that a butt plug we just started up and so we basically got skating slaves and very basic units our units are basic as [ __ ] they like lots of pumpkin spice lattes they wear ugg boots you know how it goes what is a right view I'm gonna ski I'm gonna click on all of the different things we have because it looks like there's a lot of mechanics we can play around with so you've got a doom engineer I wonder if that leads to doom wheels I want a doom wheel so you get a unique warlock engineer hero who does catastrophic earthquakes in foreign settlements you can get a pestilence scheme priest who spreads deadly plagues on foreign settlements okay we get the thirteenth scheme over here which gives us diplomatic relations our Lords have a chance to get loyalty hero action chances pestilence okay so there's a bunch of stuff we can do right there what do we have diplomacy I you I don't think Skaven are gonna use that much as far as corruption goes it does look like we are corrupting the area quite nicely I mean it's a little bit low but I like the blue color though it makes me happy that's what I'm heading for right now I think we're heading down to complete the province right now he's busy getting more troops and filling himself out so he's got a little bit more strength then what we'll do is we'll fire the shitty units and we'll hire better ones once we get further in although he did come with a pretty generous allocation of shock troops so I'm not that upset about it I'd like to save room for slingers though like when are we gonna have slingers how long do we have till slingers get here a while we've got at least like four turns so I think I'll probably just make do with mass numbers and chaos for right now so we've got spirit guys we've got sword guys let's keep splitting things evenly and just keep making that army bigger until we've got our own big wave anonymous we've been up for like about 30 minutes right now about 30 minutes right now apparently skeg is involved in all this hey thank you for those biddies captain box I appreciate that man I'll see you later thanks for coming or madam yeah motifs are often hard to fathom but the ferocity of their warriors and the sharpness of their claws are in little doubt okay so apparently they're like the magic arm is what it's saying from over there let's go ahead and head off and we are gonna [ __ ] with these guys I'm gonna stay inside my own territory just in case I get attrition when I go over here we'll just go in hey what's going on ty how's it going man welcome to the stream oh well thank you for your support me and I appreciate that it's very kind of you cool over time so it wants me to get a rock guys I split that roll over man three months until that Ghost symbol you're absolutely correct so we want to ensure that one following building we need a nest layer and we'll get six warp stone in a thousand Treasury I think we're already building a nest layer somewhere aren't we where's the nest lair the next one up nest lair is the next one up and we need to population surplus for that to work out for us on this side though we are capable of making clan rat Spears and shields and so I'm gonna do that because that seems like a good thing to have over on this side it looks like if we go to level 3 we can get a garrison here to protect that place alternative options are we can get food generation and growth from a putrid bog I'm gonna go to the putrid bog because we can take that up to maximum level and it gives us a little bit of extra cash to play around with and that sounds good to me let's hit this place let's hit it and let's hit it hard so we've got a settlement garrison right here and we've got an army is there an option to maintain the siege if I could wear them down a little bit I'd rather just maintain the siege because this fight is a little bit too close of a fair matchup for me I'm escaping player after all I'm not a fan of fair matchups I want it to be like two of their sick guys against like a thousand of my really healthy guys if I can help it in circles start to see okay so we'll see jimana thank you for that I appreciate that man so we'll maintain that for right now and we'll hope that they sally out to mess with us so we can retreat it looks like they are indeed going to sadly out to fight with us so I suppose we'll fight the we'll fight the battle we have menace below over here menace below costs you food in exchange for the ability to call units of like clan rats in like in random places and so sure I'll bring that up by one and let's go ahead and fight a battle let's do this thing bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump land rich rats rats they do have a lot of skin so you guys looked at the army's better than i did nerdy nerds thank you very much for those cupcake bit is alright so the winds of magic are good i must start deployment we've got our fart breath which i'm pretty excited about using they've got reinforcements coming from [ __ ] behind us that's not good i don't like that at all I mean here's hoping we can resolve this battle before they even I guess we can use a rearguard strategy to make this happen we can hide them in the forest possibly I don't recall that the rent game they got to surround it I don't like that at all I don't like that for a second alright then well let's start making our let's start making our our lines here so I've got you guys right there give me yeah I was thinking about corner camping over here so I can hit them both at the same time like off on this side that might be a good idea hey grunt grandpa thank you very much for those biddies I appreciate that I was thinking maybe the same thing like let's say that we go over here that does give us high ground to which honestly sounds pretty sexy I'll put my plague bearers out front a nice thick little stack let's go ahead and we'll get some spearmen right over here some spearmen right there with some final spearmen along the flanks out on the side so we can kind of adapt them to what we ever want them to do I'll do the same thing on these sides with the swordsman just to kind of so that they're there just in case and we can kind of rotate this as well to kind of see what the enemy is gonna do these cats over here I'm gonna put them in reserve we'll put catapults over here and we will scooch --mode them over onto this side give me some sling ease back here their range will not be super stellar so maybe I'll put them out front and then we'll do this we'll leave skirmish mode on with them that leaves us with one grouping of Spears over there that haven't been deployed yet I'll probably use them to strengthen this flank since that's where the main bulk of the army is gonna come from and then we've got some Spears over there too and I'll keep them on a left flank Reserve and I think that's everybody except for our leader who I will bring back into the main retinue right there and then we will start our battle go ahead and rotate that ever so slightly that does leave a flank open but what we'll do is we'll put a contingency force right here and that's why we keep reserve troops is so that we can sort of reinforce where we need to they may try to rejoin with the main retinue and I'm okay with that it's mostly skinks anyways so it'll probably be alright as far as these guys go we want them to fire at will as soon as the enemy comes inside hey you have our Geoff thank you very much for those biddies that bitty bomb dropping I appreciate that let's go ahead and move these guys up along this flank right here we will spread as they go that way instead we will expand a flank out on this side and we will use them to fill the gap right here we'll kind of see what the enemy decides to do over there they should start skirmishing very slowly and they should fall backwards very rapidly as soon as that starts happening hey what's up Neil welcome in the stream good to have you Arthas of oblivion welcome welcome and you guys reinforced this side you guys take the Vanguard position on that side please they should start firing very shortly what I'd like to see over here is they have skanks coming in these guys should route pretty quickly in all honesty they should route like really quickly because skanks are basically like a low tier they're like a low tier they're like a low tier slave unit basically they're not really that helpful for anything useful y'all got to work on that glaucoma you got going on you guys are not accurate people so they should skirmish and then fall back through the lines as soon as they start taking a little bit of damage you guys charge right there you guys move up you guys move up we're gonna advance a flank right there you guys move up you also as well move up on this side you attack back there you attack back there you gentlemen attack right there kind of spread these around as the line sees fit I'd like to have my hero right there just to sort of reinforce you guys come in from a flank you guys come in from a flank you guys go fight with their hero and you guys reinforce the centerline and that should more or less be it for us I don't think we have too much to worry about right here I don't think we have too much put some fire on them please put some fire on them you guys do the same thing put some fire on them we're skating after all so we don't really care if we hit our own units it looks like they're routing from that side so this unit is gonna do a cross maneuver straight across the middle of the battlefield right there they're gonna finish off anybody that runs from right here there we go that's what I needed to see so that's gonna help their morale fall off so if they route we're gonna take these units we're gonna hit the backline right there and I think that's another victory for scamming them I think that's probably another victory for scamming them you go over there and help out with their lord you gentlemen rear out and come back over here you guys in case they decide to get their morale back reform lines and go fight with them and for you yeah we're as minutes below hiding at three minutes below over here there we go give me some Klan rats over there that's that good stuff right there you guys go fight with down you guys go fight with them that's not gonna be up for another couple seconds but as soon as their Lord Goes Down we should be solid over here you guys go rush their skirmishers we got plenty of units on this side the fight on this side appears to be actually going kind of shittily young Trayvon Warriors run from the battle my lord round them up and send them back to the fight go ahead and send ourselves back up in there and we've got blessed with filth it appears as though they started a route on that side what are you gonna do you got defeated by skanks sometimes it happens it gives me mesh from below right here to help out with that situation perfect exactly what I'd like to see warriors are rallying basically I'm kind of hoping their leader goes down at some point but doesn't appear to be happening I'll call in guys from below over here in just a minute to to kind of help out with that I'm all about hard charging bro I'm all about hard charging although you guys what are you doing right now ah you're chasing them down huh mmm it's not a good look man it's not a good look I definitely need to slow down the gameplay put it in slow motion so that I can control things a little bit better I think that's how this got out of my hands I think this got out of my hands [Music] the real problem is just their hero over here they would have folded pretty quickly if they didn't have their hero also we're getting skirmish to death on this side which is super fun you guys go over here and box them in please and I want you gents do I have control of this unit yet control of this unit yet control of this unit yet control of this unit yet there we go go over there mm our back lines are kind of having a rough day it's an issue but you know we're skirmishing everybody focus on these guys over here skirmish as much as possible they're shaken a little bit right there but like they're just skirmishing us to death right now we're basically chasing people around luckily the hunger from below helps out a little bit with that makes it a tad easier to deal with their already shook so they're heading over that way why are you guys not like rushing them apparently they're rejoining the fray on that side so I suppose we'll deal with that my heroes sitting back here doing like jack [ __ ] nothing so that's COO as soon as that comes back up we'll start pulling did we kill their leader like what's going on with their leader over here and why is this not a thing that has been handled there's some Klan ranch right there Debbie thank you very much for those biddies I appreciate it there we go run them down and just keep all messing with them and that went off real fast but we're gonna need to regenerate a little bit that battle did not go according to a plan yeah I'm thinking what I'm doing is I'm microing too much I think you guys are right I don't play a lot of total war so maybe just kind of putting them in lines and letting them do their thing as the battle unfolds is probably the smarter idea I don't know what do you guys think we got a pigeon plucker pendant allows me to cast hex but it makes him suck at melee okay all right whatever man sounds good to me we neither enslave or we can eat the captives this is our last capture so I think it's perfectly fine I think I will probably take the enslave right here so we've got the bazaar talisman right there hey what's up Scott cycle thank you man thank you very much I appreciate that support dude okay I'll try to maintain some semblance of order then as we go forward might be a smarter idea so Sentinel of time has got to be a little bit beat up right now I think that was their main army right there and so I don't know if it's a good idea to go in now and hit this thing died time to attack yeah let's just go ahead and handle it there we go so I've done decisive victory there wiped out and they are gone we've got ourselves another chunk of food the fate of those that remain I can afford to occupy at level two which would be kind of cool I'm stuck in my tooth [Music] it's annoying the [ __ ] out of me like I got something I ate a salad I've got like a leaf it's stuck in between two of my teeth and it's just like sitting there and being annoying does cost 20 food and my guess is that it's kind of like when you're playing as orcs you probably want to be a love you - rabbit thank you yay all better my wife brought me floss my wife brought me floss see that's what a good wife does right there she's like the support character to your story like yeah you can bust heads and you can have like a high strength score and good attack power but she's back there being like I cast bless on the party I cast circle of healing on the party huh no I don't think it's like that you know real yo I'm trying to hang in there I'm trying to hang in there doing my thing trying to keep it real trying to keep it cracking I'm a yellow it let's go for settlement - I'm a yellow it the province is secured it is now possible to give a commandment woohoo I can be like I can be like rat Moses I can be up on the hill being like are you [ __ ] savages away with your golden calves put it directly in my bet where should we put the golden calf sir inside my Treasury thank you so we've got control of a province that's gonna give us 2,000 bucks and some warp stone to kind of move that meter along the province my Noah huzzah contesting claim to this territory has been eliminated well you need to tell me how to pronounce it first and then maybe I'll stop [ __ ] it up people on the internet got a thousand different ways they want their names to be pronounced oppose the puppet like they never want to help out like I'll be like hey what's going on name they'd be like you spelled it wrong you said it wrong but they never tell you how to do it yeah be constructive witch criticisms like flight of the conchords said I don't know if I want to split the chaos see it's pronounced Smith yeah I had mostly bad teachers growing up man teachers of the worst like it seems like you get all the bad teachers and there's like never any good teachers and the good teachers always teach classes that are [ __ ] pointless anyways like I don't know history class but like that's cool that that thing happened in like yo essa there we go I'll do that yo essa got you like that's cool that that thing happened in like 1100 AD but how does that affect me today when I walk home from school like that's cool and everything but I don't really see why I need to know like I I don't I don't feel like Barbarossa really helps me right now like when I go home I'm still gonna have pop-tarts for dinner I'm still gonna have a hole in my shoe his barber roasts are gonna fix the hole in my shoe I don't think he is hey Joe thank you very much for that what's up man welcome to the stream good to see you rabbit hey how's it going in scotland huh he's rigging an iron brew right now [ __ ] that grump I'm calling you group from now on I already said it though I ain't got repeated a bunch of times I already said it though I can see how that would be relevant if I was from England but I'd be like well I mean I guess through the chain of events America wouldn't be possible without England was still nice shouldn't I be learning something relevant right now like how to overthrow everything and claim it for the proletariat for workers so Lord Scrope has become more badass and got a sword of might which gives him weapons strength I don't know what that does but cool alright for me we've got event messages over here I'll probably close that off what I'm getting from this is that I should probably go find Lord scroll and like commune with him for a moment he hit level four he leveled up twice so we can go with plague rush over here we can go blessed with filth we can go with wither we can go with vermintide ooh what does that do who I get Clan rats I like that one I can spawn them on the backside of my enemies and give myself an insta flank I like that and then like I don't think he's supposed to be fighting so maybe I won't like give him fighting skills maybe I'll make him just like inspirational he'd be like yo other clan rats yo hair so beautiful right now you keep up the fight bro and they'd be like yeah son yeah I had the same problem in English mrs. Busbee she loved to teach English class in them leather pants bro it was tough man it was tough it didn't help that all the other teachers were ugly so like she was just like the hot teacher by default but still man how am I supposed to learn about like conjugations and like adverbs in [ __ ] when she's wearing another pants bro I'm 14 that basically just means I have a boner like 23 hours a day like I can't focus the blood goes one place or it goes another like you drain all the blood from up here to get it down to there and now I'm all bottom-heavy you [ __ ] you throw me into a river and I just sink and die I just rolled it back again I gotta stop clicking that thing so we got vermintide and we took inspiring presents that sounds pretty good to me although in general as I as I recall a total war you really kind of want to focus on something and get to like the end of the tree as fast as possible so that you can be good at like one thing you don't want to spread it around too much you don't want to spread it around too much her loathsome appearance available at rank six which causes terror that sounds pretty rad so I've got a sort of might now that's pretty cool I'd like to have a retinue but we ain't got a retinue right now we've got kind of a retinol and so dad joke humor hahahahaha joke humor ha ha ha ha ho captain frosty thank you for those bits I don't know if I said thank you for that but thank you again our Public Order is really kind of [ __ ] up right now that being said though we've got a pretty good start going on you got a pretty good start going on I kind of wish I could do a taskmaster thing over here but a rattling warrant is probably a good idea we get a population surplus over here and I think that goes for like the entire area so like if I focus on this is my growth center if I focus on this is my recruitment center and this is all my supplementary stuff might be cool yeah I'm in America I'm on the west coast and so the basic way that it works is in junior high you do California history which talks about how it used to be owned by the Spanish and owned by Mexico and like how we fought a war and you learn about all like the missions and everything else and you go on field trips to all the missions and you learn about California history I heard they do the same thing on the East Coast if you live in like Boston and everything you learn like revolutionary history and stuff like that and then like freshman year you do American history and then sophomore year you do world history junior year you do I think politics and then I think senior year I did economics I think was the way it worked where I lived hey what's up funk how's it going you seem a little passive-aggressive right now man are you okay I'm not trying I'm not trying to be a dick believe I know that I have that naturally sarcastic [ __ ] sound in my voice but I I feel like I say hi to you every Street man I feel like we have discord in our relationship right now we need to sit down have a long talk and like work this thing out so we can get back to the makeup sex like I think people take it like I'm being an [ __ ] and I'm being sarcastic all the time because I've got like a sardonic tone to my voice and that's just what I have man that's just what I have but believe me I want you to be happy I want you to be happy I truly do I want you to be happy bro yeah I was like [ __ ] that noise after algebra I don't think I ever took a math class again after algebra like high school math was the worst I don't know you should be able to wisdom you know you should be able to whisper me at which I think I see no reason why you should be able to so over here what do we want to do I'm thinking rattling Lawrence that's what I'm what are these right here alarm tunnels shrill alarms set off cannot be constructed in major it gives me Garrison's ooh Garrison's are good I like Garrison's I'm gonna go with the rattling Warren's and that we've got tons of money so I should probably spend right now I'll probably do an alarm tunneling Garris in this place because I don't really want to babysit it or like stare at it for the next little bit and we've already got recruitment going elsewhere and so the garrison car I mean I guess I could use this as a rubbish pit and then we could take the rubbish pit up and that would give us untain it in case we could attack by Undead guys but I don't know if we're gonna get attacked by undead guys revolution what's up man all right I'll see you later thanks for coming to the stream um let's stick with that for right now and I'll put a garrison in over here and this place will be a little bit stronger and I think public order gets better when you have a garrison - and we'll take that up to level three as soon as we can and that gives us cave-in slaves singing slingers these guys need to chillax and like get their [ __ ] back together I can probably take these two and merge them so I have to pay the up keys and then I think we're gonna be about due for some new units anyways so that'll make room for the new units our catapult kind of got [ __ ] up a little bit but that made a little bit of room can I recruit anything cool yet can't do anything cool just yet so uh I suppose we'll just march back to oxalá on the next turn but we'll wait here for right now we have a notification what thing does it want me to do why is it concerned with axel right now um hey what's up cray how you doing man welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome rabbit I'm glad I have the ability to put you to sleep yeah that's what I was thinking - catapults are like the shitty version of trebuchet and some rubbish it's some treble shit's oh that's what it wants right there efficient planning we've got so we can go public order +2 that's probably a good idea considering how terrible our public order is right now we can generate more food we can go with marshal planning I think I'm gonna go with public order for right now public order seems like a good plan considering my rat's are currently sharpening their knives and figuring out how to overthrow me and so conquest bonus is pretty bad provincial instability we should be able to get on top of I think and then you know cray-cray take life one day at a time nothing you can do to get around it that's just the way that it goes dirty law what's up man welcome to the stream good to have you let's keep this thing going on so there it is we issued a commandment we get 500 bucks for it yay 500 bucks for being a badass we've also got a non-aggression pact with a following faction the vampire coast we have no interest in dead things besides what can your plagues do to things that are already dead useless make treaty pact no fight with vampires turn on them later of course okay where are the vampires at those don't look like vampires those look like lizard men and then we've got it looks like this area actually is mostly ruins and I think the Skaven I think the scape and get bonuses for areas that are mostly ruins it might be a good idea to push this direction to the sea and unless we push to the sea like they're not really gonna get hit from many directions we'll have a unified front over here and so I think that sounds pretty good they'll be [ __ ] fine just look we've got a plus three now it's gonna get better it's gonna get better I promise it's gonna get way better it's just gonna it takes it just takes some time little rady's wait around a patient my public Lord less shitty but it takes time so I can upgrade those to give me a growth plus 40 and extra food that's probably a smart idea so let's go ahead and do that now rather than later rattling warrens we'll take that up so that our growth continues to be good and as soon as that is done we'll have a better garrison over there on this side we can't really do much until this it's level three and that's where this stuff comes in you lessa I've been a streamer for like three or four years I guess but I never did it like full-time hey what's up homeland how you doing welcome to the stream rabbit we've been up for about an hour right now about an hour right now about an hour really I don't think there's a whole lot to do aside from like hang tight and so if I wanted to go Global recruiting I can finally get some shields and stuff now but they're really expensive so it might be worth it for me to head back to the capital I'll move them over to here so I can actually get like some shield guys oh this gameplay we just started an hour essentially same answer an hour the [ __ ] those why are there t-rexes out in the jungle no oh you little [ __ ] I don't see how we're gonna lose this fight it seems a little unlikely to me he's got one unit like I don't see how this is gonna go horribly but I'll fight it I guess uh yo s I should be going for a while I usually stream for at least four hours so it should be going for a bit a bit bit bit meat is just wine with honey in it right it's like honey wine so what I really need to do is I need to like back up over to here and give myself the high ground make it take a while for him to get here you know what I mean so that I can spawn a couple units of Clan rats and then like he could do his thing but hopefully he won't get here he's like level one and I'm gonna come back and kick his ass anyways when he tries to come over here so I'm just gonna bring my army back and [ __ ] him up hey thank you Atlas for those biddies what's up man welcome to the stream hopefully I can get a couple of turns to spawn some rats why are you guys all sizzly why are you guys all sizzly what the [ __ ] is happening here I don't know go over there then I don't really know what to say they're not all sizzling maybe they just die on their own seems likely like I don't know why they're all sizzle II though like they're losing health right now maybe it's because Oh a summon units decay over time okay that's acceptable well [ __ ] I'll just spawn him on him then it slow him down there we go what's up buddy plan rats fighting you plan rats from the ground you poo you're gonna stab you in the face you're not going anyplace where it's gonna kill you in the Lizardman Raso die die die die die here's morale looks a little shook his morale looks a little shook already it's cuz he's being attacked in his booty hole right now he's being attacked in his rear I knew it see that's how you defeat that's how you defeat enemies man dude they're eating the [ __ ] out of this guy right now goddamn Klan rats you guys are awesome more more Klan rats for the Klan rat Throne victory is in our grass but we're not letting him run kill him slay him don't let him flee the battlefield kill him kill him right now everybody kill him dog pile him I don't want them to have that hero anymore every hero the enemy has is a problem for me so kill the [ __ ] out of him kill him all day long die die die clan rats rule Valhalla Axman thank you very much for those bidets I'm gonna zoom in on his [ __ ] which is getting stabbed right now that's right look at your dumb big old lizard t-rex looking Velociraptor ass getting beat up looking all dumb and [ __ ] are you guys actually like fighting him right now there we go this will make it better he'll have to move through us he has no choice slay hmm you guys said I was gonna get my ass kicked I don't think that's entirely true although you should definitely what are you guys doing like why are you guys marching off to war with him kill him stab him in the face goddammit you guys see this is why I don't trust you guys do what you're supposed to do cuz why don't trust my rats although you guys said I was gonna get dominated and frankly I feel like we turn that thing around pretty good I feel like we did pretty solid right there I feel like we do goodbye [ __ ] I will see you later [ __ ] goodbye go back to your lands [ __ ] oh you're going oh that's really dumb that was a super dumb decision because now I'm really gonna [ __ ] you over so we've got like a non-aggression pact with who clans spital I mean they are Skaven after all I mean I feel like we can kind of stick to our own and probably be alright I don't know sure I mean I'm not gonna help you with your wars but I'll accept your offer because it makes me feel more powerful and I get free money I mean free money is always good right so we've got to have 350 warp stone if we want to make this work I am aware major cities tend to be well I mean the Skaven way is to ally with somebody then stab them in the [ __ ] as soon as they're not useful to you anymore guess what buddy week hurray for Steven ray force Gavin can I get some olives for the Skaven victory here can I get some Ally's for this game and victory I feel like we've earned it we made them look super dumb and we have defeated them in the face holes I might just globally recruit I think I'm gonna say [ __ ] it oh it's on local recruitment now that's good I like that I'm gonna need some shields I may actually just fire all these dudes because like I feel like the shield versions of these guys are probably better right so let's look we have armor of 25 and leadership of 49 how was the armor the same when they have shields though I guess they've got an ability called meat shield that makes everything good yeah my dad texted me about tomorrow he's never going to dinner tomorrow night we're going to dinner tomorrow night in Fairfield I guess or something like that I don't know we'll see what happens hey zathras thank you very much for those biddies oh I kind of feel like so is there any difference between like these guys have better attack but they have worse melee defense better weapon strength okay cool and what's the difference between these two right here like it should just be like universally better right there just like upgraded versions of these shitty little bastards over here I mean none of them have XP if they had so that my argument for people saying that I should use these guys as a meat shield if they had these things right here that they had leveled up yeah I'd keep them because leveled up units are far more useful than just like upgraded units like a guy with a shield in the spear is not quite as good as a guy with just a spear who has like two little Chevron's for his veteran status they tend to fight a lot better because that means they've leveled up so um but none of these guys have upgraded at all so I don't know thanks fella ko I appreciate that man it's very kind of you we've got a saboteur income from sacking settlements has gone up we've killed an enemy in battle our enemy belonging to the southern sentinels has died in the Battle of the Central Valley of time ok cool I don't know if it's time for us to get a second army yet if we get a second army I'd feel a little safer because I'm really worried that what's gonna happen is I'm gonna go off to war down here with these guys and take all their stuff and then these [ __ ] gonna hit me from the north and then I'm gonna feel hella down I don't think you can't upgrade them I don't think that's an option captain frosty thank you for the bits man thank you for the bits where amber 2 is more of the same with Warhammer 1 it's basically just I think Warhammer 2 is kind of an excuse to charge you full price to give you a bunch of new armies when they could have just done it with like a DLC but I'm not gonna hate they've probably worked on the a I saw the AI do some crafty [ __ ] when I was playing it by myself and so I was like oh that's new I've never seen Warhammer army I'm sorry I've never seen total war armies do that before and so I was kind of surprised about that and so I think maybe they made the AI a little bit better Thank You cycle I'll catch you next time thanks for coming to the stream pretty much man they love that [ __ ] over at Games Workshop how can we nickel-and-dime our fan base as much as possible so here's the thing I can stack up money for a couple more turns or I can hire a new hero back over here like a have any warriors around here hey thank you very much Hallman thank you for those biddies skirt the musk of fear all I have is gray Sears and what I want is a head taker like I want one of the I want one of the warrior guys and unfortunately I don't have access to that just yet I don't know if I want to take a Gracie think I have to build a building to do something different and I can't get assassins or anything like that because I need hideouts so maybe I'll wait for it a second there's also I could also hire a lord and then fire him afterwards when I get the guy that I want but our upkeep is really good right now like we've got a surplus that's pretty solid at the moment and I think I could hire another army just to defend us from northern people so like that's all that I'm worried about is I just don't want to get hit from the north right now his recruitment seems to be taking longer that's okay we'll get him lined up with just like some basic units just have him sit there and recruit for a little bit us and no I haven't done anything like that because my desk looks like a nightmare in general that's just like a it's one of those things that I'm like well I don't have like one of those cool-looking battlestations like a lot of people have on the internet mine is just like a super cheap like IKEA desk with a whole bunch of [ __ ] all over the place like there's pills there's like weird nerd statues there's soda cans everywhere it's not a good look it's not a good look what is he doing what does that mean LT of five okay how much take him to the South after he gets done recruiting and [ __ ] these dudes up it looks like they leveled up from kicking the crap out of that Lord who decided he wanted to get Warped stone tokens we got a power reserve so we've got pack leader melee attack is plus four for clan rats that's probably pretty good bro Cephas thank you very much for those biddies sir I'm trying my best dude I'm trying my best thank you for the kind thoughts blat are we gonna be blast masters so we get Warped ire we get respected weapons strength goes up with our shock troops the molder knowledge charge bonus for rat ogres we don't have red ogres I think I'm gonna go with pack leader we'll just keep our basic units nice and strong Thank You Nick no that's very kind man your kind have the tendency to fill out any place they occupy my log in time your fetid presence begins to increase disquiet within a province oh that's not good I need to update my so we've got that right there we're generating food I need the next public order upgrade like bad I'm going to take that up to level 3 as soon as possible so I get the next public order upgrade and it looks like they're raising an army over there for something sneaky little bastards alright we'll move your ass he can't move until he gets done recruiting that's fine I'm a head on into here although I can only I can't really take this stuff over because I'll just sack it I can't take this over because my public disorder bonus is too high right now so Otto resolved that because that's not a battle that's worthy of our time and then over here I think what I'll probably do what is that right there province instability okay what I'll probably do we had so much money for plundering it though or I could just raise it to the ground and then I could rebuild it once I'm ready I'll probably do that just raise it to the ground real fast and then we will rebuild it once we're cool so we've gated trade plan Buster we have achieved victory over lizard-men multiple times we get +5 to morale and we're against lizard-men awesome super rad that's a bonus that I'm actually pretty happy about it's pretty good bonus right there it's not a bad bonus honestly I'm not his net carrot again you're like the only person with a black name no broken song dragons sorry I got the black but you know what [ __ ] it I'm gonna take it off dark mode I can't see people in dark mode let's see oh thank you for that sub I Delia thank you very much dark mode go away where are you dark mode I can only do dark mode through my dashboard now that's unfortunate oh man well anyways um no I'm not very good at this game in fact I've been getting tips from my chat so cash is orc Isis thank you very much for letting that sub roll over I appreciate that man very kind of you I know I like my sub music my sub music makes me happy I'm gonna catch him we've also got the world's edge Armour which gives some armor +4 and an ability called world's edge armor that makes him get plus 60 armor so that's not bad we stole some dwarven armor and now we're keeping it for ourselves that should be the death of the faction down here oh they have gold over there so what can I do with this right here I can rebuild it it'll cost us some money but I can rebuild it without any penalty right did you guys know do you guys know if I get some kind of like public order penalty or anything like that when I'm trying to go through right here because I can't take public order penalties right now that's just what I cannot do at the moment that's the one option that I don't have now the color of his text is black and I've got the black background all right so let's rebuild down here call an eyes at level one so there it is we got the southern sentinels down here they are apparently oh it takes a chunk out of your army when you do that because you need people to settle it in the first place ah I learned a new thing today what do I want to do with this down here I'll probably just go with casually birth leg I'm maybe we'll go with rubbish pits we can take that out to level three right here we don't have rubbish pits anywhere else so I'll do some rubbish pits we got money actually we don't have money good lord where did my money go where oh where can my money be it seems like I've spent it all on [ __ ] ooh so we get a plague Lord we can get a plague priest we get a plague of decay voice with a horned rat we can make ourselves a little bit better right there envoy we get +10 with Skaven all right I'll probably just keep working on pack leader and making my pack stronger because we're running all clan rats right now and so making their male attack a little bit stronger will give us kind of an edge over the enemy I think so it sounds good to me finalise that this dude's got to sit down here and just chill for a little bit there's not gonna be a whole lot that you can do right there so we'll give it some time we'll give us some time to do our thing give us some time to do our thing down there um I passed the turn and hope there's not a giant invading army coming right now cuz if there is it's gonna suck ah there is a giant invading what's not a giant army it's like a little stinky stinky army so he's got Saurus warriors he's got those guys right there I think we can turn this into a win we'll just have to be careful about menís below like it's saying we're gonna lose we don't have like terrible soldiers over here a grump thank you very much for those biddies I appreciate that sir I mean as long as I can summon menace below I actually think this group will be okay it keeps saying that we have no chance of winning but then i steamroll their army Zilla hard and it's like not even that bad so I don't really know what to say about that like we've got an OK army here I don't know on what authority they think we're gonna lose sources are kind of [ __ ] up but I think we'll be ok all those are Skaven slaves right there so they might as well not even count in the first place hey what's up butt plug how you doing man dirty ass skanks we'll fight them some will pull back pretty hard and I'm gonna pull back to the high ground right here so that we have a better chance of taking these dudes skanky slaves I don't know what I want to do with skinny slaves because they're gonna route hella fast and so like I'll put them out in the front and I'll put them on skirmish mode so they can do their thing start our battle off and let's kind of let them close and so the second they come in right here what we'll do is we'll spawn these guys right behind him like I don't know if my better option is cuz they have a leader with their guys right here so they got soros clubs right their sources are big bet like if you don't know what a source is it's based like a giant t-rex dude they're your big guy when you play Blood Bowl if you've got sources they're like basic they're not big guys I'm sorry they're not big guys in Blood Bowl but they are like the best non big guy units you could possibly have in Blood Bowl like they're really good they've got like a five strengths or something like that by default are like a four strength and they cost the same as guys that cost three strengths they're pretty good so my question for right now is I don't know if I should spawn these guys right here and fight them in the midfield just to soften them up a little bit or if I should wait til they get a little further afield to do it I don't know how I want to play that I'm not good at games like this man not good at games all right not good at games it's just something I'm not good at that's true if they come all the way over here they're gonna be tired and they're moving fast right now so they're gonna get tired before they get here too what'll happen is the archers will fall back on their own because they're on a their own skirmish mode that's why they're out there it's because they'll fall back be sure to use it the best advantage yep you guys just be right there just be right there that's your only option so fire it will there we go wait are those Skaven slaves don't do that never mind that was a terrible mistake don't do it you guys go March over there you guys march up through here we'll help out over there you guys just keep firing arrows into the middle of them use the high ground on that side Skaven slaves maybe like hit them from over here and then we'll go like this right here q there you go and you guys hit them from behind you guys do something similar on this flank although we're already routing I think their Lord is causing some serious problems here well at least we'll soften them up for later if the worst happens right here so it looks like they're running and we're giving chase at least on some level dude that ability is so clutch that ability is really really [ __ ] good I can't imagine playing against that [ __ ] like an against a normal player like against the AI it's really good but against like a skilled player who knows what they're doing maybe a nightmare the olessa thank you very much for the sub man I appreciate that that's very kind of you thank you sir you guys need to continue just fighting over here stop running around doing dumb [ __ ] so these cats are broken on this side too they just rallied but they're losing their Morales going down as they're charging up the hill so I'm not really sure what to say about that right there these guys are still trying to do something I don't know if I should protect the backfield flank right here I will just in case I don't want to get charged in my rear so we'll go ahead and nah I've given my voice arrest unfortunately there's being really hard on my voice and so no do not do that thing that you were doing I only wanted them get them yes kill them kill them die die kill them kill kill stab stab all right we should have this thing squared away I think so yeah they're Lords down now so there it is we managed to defend the settlement good stuff I like turning like I like it when the AI says that I'm definitely gonna lose and we turn it around a little bit like you ever have those battles in rome total war we're like the AI is like you're definitely gonna lose they have 6,000 men you have 1,000 men can you turn that [ __ ] into a victory makes me feel kinda like a badass it's always fun so we gained a little bit of food from fighting them and we defeated their army oh I'll probably just take that right there so that we get the leadership bonus let's enslave them we'll take the extra food too and so you know enslave the people who are left over and his armies probably just gonna sit there and have a dumbass look on its face I'm playing a stroke right now pretzel playing a stroke not sure what they were thinking right there that was definitely not their brightest decision away as bait hey what's up snicker hey Don it appears the trap has been sprung you know it is time to recover your book all right rabbit I'll see you later thanks coming to the stream sky shadowing what's up man yeah I need to click on the flags I think you're right I keep clicking [ __ ] wrong and like [ __ ] of Howdy's away from me all night I would finish them if I had an army in the region but I don't have an army in the region this guy's over here just like taking forever because Skaven are all on the fence about being a part of the army right now because they lack patriotism and so got to do what you got to do I guess they're replenishing down here this Army's busted as [ __ ] at the moment and so they need to take some time it's because I donated like half my units over here to this city but we do have like advise people over here so I'm sorry we've got people that are advancing a little bit that's the word that I wanted we got people that have gotten a little bit stronger on that side so it's pretty cool it's pretty cool I don't know what I wanna do right now I kind of want to pass a turn but I think he's gonna come back cuz he's a douche he's a douche yep we're playing as Skaven the only building we're really actively working on right now is that one that won't go to level 3 until we have surplus population and that's gonna take some time so unfortunately I think we may have no choice but to like sit on this [ __ ] and just kind of wait for it almost done with the rubbish pit down there though which will be cool hey what's up niche how's it going man welcome to the stream well thank you disentis I appreciate that man all the good vibes I can get right now as soon as this is done we can bring our public order up by another level too and that'll help out a bit our public order is a little [ __ ] at the moment we are like on the edge of rebellion and I don't know if I can deal with that so let's wait and see what the AI decides to do trick star thank you very much for those biddies I appreciate that very kind of you sir [ __ ] what is that that's a big-ass army that's what that is [Music] [ __ ] there's dwarves and study the enemy positions to find the best avenues of attack oh that's not good well [ __ ] oh cool disentis yeah I got the email I vii had time to respond to my emails yet today woke up spammed out a couple of videos real fast and then started streaming so I'll be handling my my emails tonight yeah go ahead and transfer on over I'm gonna feel a lot more comfortable if I have two armies in this region now that I know there's a big-ass dwarvish army right there on the plus side it looks like the dwarvish army is trying to flex with dam and so if the dwarvish army messes with my enemies I don't really mind about that too much it's just I don't feel like I don't feel too much like dealing with that army cuz that army scariest [ __ ] that's a big-ass army right there and dwarves are really good so it like dwarves are crazy overpowered in Warhammer total war like they are ludicrously overpowered like you can steamroll like I play dwarves and I steamrolled the entire map and like record time by comparison to every other army it's just the dwarves are crazy [ __ ] good in Warhammer total war they are really really good they needed to be nerfed ever so slightly like bring their unit costs up I think it's probably that they can't maintain like the thing is they're really expensive but I don't think they're quite expensive enough at least I don't know how much the game has been patched I played it launched with Warhammer so and the dwarves were just like wrecking balls of overpowered nests first bond we call for peace in exchange for $2,200 how about go [ __ ] yourself I'm paying you 2,200 bucks get [ __ ] by dwarves that's a little bit more concerning this one might be a little bit more sketchy but I think if we have enough menaces below we'll be all right I mean regardless of what happens he's not gonna hold it but if you like raises it and destroys everything it's gonna be a little bit upsetting like on the plus side like I'm playing Skaven right now fun punchy on the plus side he's about to get rekt by dwarves which is the only reason he's sued for peace I mean I would have taken the peace offer if he had been like I'll do it for free or I will pay you money but he wanted two grand for me to stop a war I'm winning I'm just like what what universe do you think I have to pay you to stop a war that I'm winning you must be out of your damn mind alright so let's get everybody assembled up here I really don't want Skaven slaves to be involved in the fight much if I can help it like scav under my favorite in this one in the previous game I prefer orcs although I find that works kind of struggle like in the original like I said I haven't played since launched in the original one stream lag time should be about three seconds I think it's whatever the lowest setting is in the original Total War Warhammer I always felt like orcs word a bit of a disadvantage because their whole like they have to pillage to keep their walk going thing was really powerful if you could maintain it but if you ever had like any sort of like period of peace you were [ __ ] like that was it it all fell apart you lost and so it was a mechanic that could be frustrating at times i'ma let them selves tire themselves out walking up a hill basically I'm gonna corner camp this thing as hard as I can so they're tired by the time they get here and then yeah this one this one should be going up on this one should be going up on YouTube bring the slaves back we'll put each to a flank to decide what we want to do with them these cats can be out front scooch I mean we're hammertoe Warhammer 2 is basically more of the same like if you want more factions that's basically all that it is it's like a faction expansion that they're charging you 60 bucks for yeah I turn off the chat because the you I was already hella busy and so there's not gonna be any chat on it when it goes on YouTube unfortunately it's tough to find a balance with games that have like a crazy [ __ ] busy UI and so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually getting an overlay and what we'll do is we'll shrink the game flavor so slightly so that it's got a sidebar and a bottom bar and then the chat will go in the bottom bar so it's not impeding gameplay and then you can just watch it in full-screen and it still should be just as good but I'm kind of worried when the Skaven slaves when they break inevitably they're gonna cause everybody else to break too because I know they like siphon they siphon morale from each other in some weird way like an aura hey what's up magic cat how's it going so these guys are already wounded which means that when they start to take losses they should these skin cohorts kind of worry me with the javelins a little bit but so he just ran cold-blooded [Music] hey thank you very much for those biddies yeah one and two are gonna be like folded into each other once the full release comes out it's a kitty yay it's a cat he is great he is a cat on your plate I'm gonna [ __ ] up their charge right here just to mess with them a little bit all they don't is that cuz they're expendable is that what the expendable thing does there we go I'll start this thing off and if we can get some morale damage done right here in the beginning to these guys it'll work out a little bit better I mean they are taking losses that's fine they're just summons anyways their only job was to cause a little bit of damage of that charge right there and [ __ ] up their lines that was the entire point well I suppose I'll put these guys up front then now that I know that they don't affect morale they do have a hero which is like a little concerning but so go ahead and break their charge over here with the slaves it looks like they've broken up their lines for some weird reason and so hit them from both sides with a pincer attack sorry I got the wrong unit right here hit them from both sides and chew them on up I don't know what they're doing back here but they're doing something so to delay them until this happens over here and these guys fall apart I'm gonna put another I'm gonna put these guys out here just to kind of Blanca charge for a minute [Music] guide us forward like damn and right about the time these guys fall apart I should be able to do something about the sorest beers over here with another unit hey thank you for the bit snicker I appreciate that so they're getting eaten up pretty badly right there our next reinforcements gonna drop right here and just really [ __ ] with them and I think that should be okay like we're not looking too bad right now like things are looking manageable the enemy is taking losses the enemy is having trouble we do have a flank that's about to fold over there but I think it should be okay so send in the clan rats now right here to hold that give me another unit right there to hit the back of their lines yep just surround them and [ __ ] them up things appear to be going well our summoned units are the only ones that are actually running away these dudes are pretty [ __ ] up with the Souris spears they're gonna do a little damage on this side yo esse thank you very much we do have a weird little bit of like flank 'action happening on this side but they're breaking so I don't think it's gonna matter guard that flank right there I don't know if I want you guys to chase him down or not you guys come back and get that flank right there as soon as their leader goes we should be solid and we are all out of summons so this decides it wants to go side long it's not gonna be a good look but things are not looking too terrible these guys can't decide if they're broken or not their morale is coming back ever so briefly they've run out of javelins and so the skink cohort has joined the combat but they are taking damage as well join that fight right there yeah you don't start with red ogres when you're playing this army unfortunately wish that we did but we don't you guys help out over there and now that you've routed them we've got spearmen running away at the moment but when their Lord routes we should be good yeah I was gonna say we should be rallying right now there it is it's all done God they just really want that territory and like I'm in the process right now of lay I'm in the process at the moment of like recruiting an army to keep these northern attacks from happening so this line just needs to hold over here if it can hold we're good if it can't hold it's just like we're in trouble like I just need two more turns and we'll be solid we do have our garrison is leveling up though which is really bad for him that's like super bad for him I'm gonna go with leadership +4 for another couple turns well he solved that problem for me I don't know if we're at war with them right now I should probably check in the diplomacy menu my guess is that we are probably at war with them dwarves don't tend to like Skaven very much is what it is do I suck at this game I got to be focused it's one of those times where if I don't pay attention I start losing hella dumb battles and then I look stupid on the internet I'm kind of done looking stupid on the internet man I don't look as stupid on it I'm trying try not to look down on the internet amongst your own kind yet the warp stone must be yours prepare for an attack yeah real yo asses thank you very much for those biddies so we've got a mission to go and take the altar of the horned rack over there I guess don't be fooled by their stunted height they're Hardy stubborn creatures and are not to be underestimated in battle chef ROC thank you man I'm glad you like this dream thank you for swingin on through [ __ ] jet lag dude I know that feeling whenever I go to conventions I get that [ __ ] cuz they're always like on the East Coast and stuff so you're just like it's not like super bad jet lag like when I go to Hawaii to visit family but it is what it is you know what I mean um since sabatons getting hit a lot I'm thinking that maybe upgrading the garrison is a smart idea making it a little oh good our public orders recovering fantastic yeah I'm gonna go after that for right now army up sheep is kind of breaking us a little bit but it should be alright so I moved him over to here he's almost recovered keep moving him back this way because I think we're gonna need multiple armors to beat the dwarves they just they are the exact opposite of Skaven like all of their units are really good and really expensive are all of ours are really cheap and really shitty and so they tend to steamroll you pretty hard when they get a big army moving this guy's done next turn so just in case I'm gonna position both the armies right here it kind of looked like kind of lookout for it you know what I mean they have thrice cursed peak over here do they have an O they do they have a pass into our lands that's not good okay they've actually got themselves a nice little Valley over there I don't like the way that looked at all are you like a general contractor like what do you do like what kind of trunk like what kind of contractor does a lot of traveling I don't know what divinity - I kind of feel like the channels burned out on it I've got numbers to back it up and whatnot so I'm like I could like try to finish it but at the same time it's a long ass game and abandonment seems pretty high on it and so it's kind of a hard call Oh a contract air traffic controller yeah that's a stressful job man I almost got a I almost got an apprenticeship to do that when I got out of high school I should have taken it when I got out of high school my dad's friend was like hey I'll train you to be an air-traffic control and I'll pay you like 120 grand a year and I was like nerds no cool i'm in a band i'm trying to be a rock star should have [ __ ] done it man shut up [ __ ] done it and see now now my name in hawaiian is maka that sounds a lot more Hawaiian maka No hey what's up Loki how you doing welcome to the stream Overseers look out and we need an assassins hideout each of what both of those be pretty cool I definitely wouldn't turn him down they'd be kind of awesome to work yeah I heard the like that's what another reason I turn it down until I google around they said the burnout rate for air traffic controllers is pretty high and I don't really think like anybody should give me responsibility for other human lives I just I don't feel like intellectually I'm up to that level like probably shouldn't give me a job where people die if they if I [ __ ] up and people die I probably shouldn't have that job hey what's up rabbit how you doing black wolf not much just kind of playing a little bit over here so I need a assassins hideout and over looters look out build upon the bones oh we got builder very cool okay so construction cost is down and income is up sounds great to me no complaints from me over here in my peanut gallery yeah do you not want a Breaking Bad somebody you know what I mean you got like planes that are like flat and I bet oh [ __ ] it wasn't me that would be my first response it wasn't me I didn't do it I called in sick today I don't know the [ __ ] tongue I don't think I ever want to have a job where people die if I [ __ ] up cuz like I know my work history and I [ __ ] up a lot man like I I'm pretty good at [ __ ] up simple tasks complicated tasks doesn't really matter what's up sig how's it going man what's it going how's it going man so our army is done over here that's probably good I'm gonna send him off this way and like maybe some races must construct buildings before they can get certain technologies yeah I'm aware of that real yo essa was hard to get into but hard to get out of I don't know bro what's hard to get into but I feel like there's a dirty punch line coming and then I wanted to build that thing so that my public order goes up and everybody loves me and thinks I'm the greatest Klan rat leader and then we already have one of those wait how did I get that how did I get a hidden lair for what my buildings feel differently than that I thought they were oh it's because it starts right there nevermind I'm [ __ ] dumb we can get rat ogres dude rat ogres would be kind of useful rat ogres are really good in this game because they kind of make up for one of the weakest points of the Skaven like the Skaven kind of suck at prolonged combat because they're just they're squishy like they're just not good at holding the line unless you have like storm vermin and stuff like that trouble gotcha there was no dirty punchline there I thought there was gonna be a dirty punchline but nope no dirty punchline but rat ogres kind of make up for that weakness they're pretty much indestructible and if you can get them into an enemy's flank holy [ __ ] they do work they do work storm vermin are pretty good though - but storm vermin are pretty high up the chain I think a help it abomination what the [ __ ] is a help hit abomination oh they haven't done the thing yet mr. casual violence thank you very much for those biddies sir I appreciate that it's very kind of you I could get covert shoke points and make it really hard to hit my capital we're only gonna have like a few more building slots though so I want to be careful about what I build so storm vermin are up there that's the part that bothers me is that like can I even get to storm vermin oh I can't I can get to storm vermin at my secondary place okay good so that means I don't need to do storm vermin here so we can go with catapults catapults are good man like I've actually run a what's up one-click plug how's it going man is that like an upgraded version of a butt plug just takes one click okay it's it's hooked to your Wi-Fi I hold on let me login to my butt plug god damn it I can't further if there's a capital at the beginning was it what number was it at the end was at 1972 it was in 1978 [ __ ] I can't remember its plug and play USB powered links directly into your cam so you can put on a nice little cam show for people be like I'm jealous of cute girls always having that as a back-up plan like if you're like a cute lady you can never truly be broke because you can always just become a cam girl you know what I mean like as a dude especially is like a soft six like that's just not an option for me like I can actually be broke like I don't have any opted like it's a last option like prostitution but like it's there you know what I mean like it's still kind of there like it may not be an option you like what it's I'm like well let the world exploit me for money then [ __ ] it you know it's always like it's always like a back-up plan though like I don't have that like I'm not cute enough to Panhandle I got to get like a dog or like a kid or something if I want to Panhandle it's [ __ ] up bro that's true I guess I could become like a burglar plague monks are kind of cool and I get a discount for plague monks but I want rat ogres too though like I feel like plague monks are less useful than rat ogres i'ma get rat overs I want rat ogres dude I read a reddit thread about gigolos that was like actually kind of interesting like I like reddit threads like that where somebody to like gigolos have read it like what was your job like and most of them are like it was mostly just like dudes blowing me and I was like that's a weird turn so apparently like 90% of gigolos just get hired by undercover gay dudes with families and like you don't even have to blow anybody or anything they blow you and then you get paid for it I'm like this economy seems very strange and that's they all agreed on it like every gigolo was like yeah it's pretty much my job man just getting blown by other dudes for money I was like you only have to blow the dude he blows you well [ __ ] I mean data doesn't seem too bad I mean I mean it's still a little bad but at the same time is not as bad as I expected like I expected it was just it's not gonna be like a non-stop train of dudes and like you know like those ladies that hang out at the Walmart and those wheelie carts that are electric they like me cuz they're too big to move around like I thought it was gonna be hella gnarly and is that as it turns out as it turns out apparently some guys want to be gay on the weekend but be straight on the weekdays I don't know I don't think a closet is anywhere to live your life you feel me but I guess have you got kids and stuff it's kind of like a weird situation to be in I don't know let me go get a drink man I'm out of stuff to wet my whistle right now my whistles feeling very unwed I'll be right back enjoy this chair this glorious chair so how the chair do did he do good the chair do solid I need a progress report on how the chair did did he do a good show he pop off as a sub rowdy [ __ ] cuz sometimes that mouth gets running sometimes that mouth you running welcome welcome welcome over I'm back sorry it was like I went out there to get a drink and then I was like but also a snack cuz I'm kind of a little hungry like my problem is here's the thing I eat like eight meals a day like I eat little tiny meals like I'll eat like two oranges and then an hour and a half later I'll have like some noodles then like an hour and a half later I'll have like I eat very small meals like nine times a day and so streaming is kind of complicated in that respect because like I can stream for like five hours and during that time in real life I would have normally had like three meals and so I feel hella hungry but I'm like I don't really want to like I don't really want to [ __ ] like eat on stream at the same time what can I say except you're welcome no I had one orange thing and I dropped it already [Music] [Applause] [Music] oranges are bad amen do these things go bad so quickly I bought these like five days ago and before I can eat the entire bag these are last two in the bag they go bad so quickly they go bad so quickly like I ate that and it tasted like a tomato and I don't think an orange is supposed to taste like a tomato thank you [Music] [Music] she has some deep white people music right there that's some deep country white people music hey real ELISA thank you for those biddies man I know man I'm hoping the rock runs for president I mean I figured [ __ ] it man if we're gonna do this thing just make it the rock I bet the rock could be a dope-ass president walk up on Putin like can you smell that crazy look on his face what the rock hey sticker snaps thank you very much god that was awful I got rinse that taste out of my mouth so I don't know if I should preemptively move armies over here because these dwarves are looking a little rowdy but I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna these armies concern me these armies concerned me greatly Oh everybody loves to rock and I got to love the rock because he's Samoan so I'd be like yeah Pacific Islander president [ __ ] ya bro get us out the sugar fields save us liberate our people hey yeah hey oh I'm glad you like Cataclysm d da that song is hella catchy Doh hah oh it's cuz you get to do the high voice right there is the best part of any songs we need to go falsetto consider expanding your facilities why are you even here you filthy [ __ ] human bastard should my adviser a faction has been destroyed good [ __ ] them what are these right here why are there T Rexes in my backyard like I don't think that's a good thing like have you ever woke up with T Rexes in your backyard you don't want t-rex's in your backyard man hey Kalin how's it going welcome to the stream oh they conquered that place though [ __ ] that sucks and dwarves always have really good public order too so they like never have rebellions cuz dwarves just like accept whatever they get it's a side effect of being a dwarf you just accept whatever life gives you like oh well you know it's written in the book garages so I guess it is what it is I have no say in anything less personal [Music] some slingers would be pretty dope some slang cos strapped with the bangers rocks up and they fangers hey just a cool person thank you very much for the pity's man no I don't need biddies to cheer up the stream is good enough dude the stream is good enough like I always feel better when I stream for a little while I really sincerely do like I uh I don't know streams make me feel better I like the streams are fine it's like hard to be in a bad mood when you have social interaction you know I don't know if I should hire more troops over here but we're kind of broke because I'm like building right now like I'm trying to get the infrastructure of our glorious Republic of Skaven 'dom taking care of them what the [ __ ] is trying to jam me up and cost me money trying to jam me up public orders on the rise over here though so that's good oh we can upgrade that it's only sixteen hundred we might as well chaos wars are [ __ ] terrible blood Bowl I played against chaos dwarves and I was like are you guys even playing the game right now it seems like you're just running around punching people everybody on your team has like agility too so I know you can't pick up the ball so is your goal just to [ __ ] me up the entire game and make it so I can't play the rest of the season they were like yep that's not a job and just kept punching [ __ ] ruining my season killing like my skinks and [ __ ] thank you bs machine I appreciate that it's pretty much the first game man pretty much the first game of new factions [Music] I want to save some room I want to save some room for like some rat ogres so I'm gonna have to fire somebody unemployment is about to go up in the scape and Kingdom is there any place this can be attacked from down here it doesn't look like I think this faction is completely 100% dead down here and I could just go through and reclaim this stuff if I wanted to like I'm pretty sure I could just go around here and claim all this [ __ ] and nothing bad would happen aside for me spending a bunch of money I'm pretty sure probably not on blood well I gets you salty and angry blood Bowl just makes me [ __ ] furious like it's a game with strategy where strategy is pointless like it really is an irritating game in that regard like it takes XCOM randomness to a whole new level where it's just like if on the first turn you're like best guy gets killed with the first punch it's just like well this season's over like your entire season can end in one dice roll and it's just such a frustrating game like that but like I love it at the same time you know what I mean so it's just like I don't know what to do with blood ball anymore I'm gonna put armies down here until these guys [ __ ] off back to their dwarf corner where it stinks of beard and hopefully we'll be okay I'm hoping that they don't decide to run on us because that would actually be a fairly costly war for us mystery meat in a drive to improve combat stamina cross your forces the high quartermaster has been experimenting with new ration combinations his latest concoction is a bowel addling patty of horseflesh pickled fish and forest spiders served with toasted disks of sweetened bread they haven't a clue what they're eating but the troops can't get enough army replenishment is up but due to frequent toilet stops movement ranges down fantastic we're pooping ourselves into strategic logistical pooping we're being defeated by logistical pooping so I think he's just gonna leave so I'm gonna head back down to the south and try to claim all these settlements maybe I should use the smaller army to do it smaller army you do it yeah send them out to the place that has gold and we'll just kind of see what happens and you stay over here as a fan guard just in case this decides it wants to go sideways and [ __ ] with our lives how is our building going how is building looking we got one more turn until that's done we can upgrade that as well I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it kind of run it on a shoestring budget right now but I feel like things are going okay don't you dare come out of that castle you come out of that castle we're gonna have problems so we ensure that we have a following building an assassin side house we got 500 bucks for that so good 500 bucks for completing that vicinities to begin technological research my lord it only remains for you to choose the direction of development what's up with technology I thought technology was just the unit's and [ __ ] that we were unlocking anyways so it looks like the elves are a little bit ahead in their warp stone collection oh we have a warlord who's here but he has bad loyalty he's got okay loyalty to you I kind of want a warlord what do you guys think should I drop the Gracie er for a warlord Ministry of braggy thank you very much for those biddies I appreciate that man thank you for supporting me looks like people want the warlord man looks like people want the warlike grump how's your vape going for you man is it helping you stop smoking how's that going he gets a rat ogre mount wolf [ __ ] the Gracie er then this guy his name is meta storm stabbed that's the dopest name ever I'm gonna name my first kid met a storm stabbed it's gonna be the best name ever a crew tap [ __ ] sent him over to here and have him join up with this army yeah you go join up with him real fast and then we'll send him down so there's a hole let's see here adviser help pages spell browser you guys said it was on my top bar missions and quests lords and heroes provinces knowing factions objectives escaping corruption rights all right neat I'll see you later man no I get what you mean man quit smoke as a [ __ ] especially like I started smoking when I was like 14 or 15 and didn't really start trying to stop until I was like 30 and so 15 years is enough to where you really kind of developed that addiction we're like cold turkeys not super an option like it's an option but it's gonna suck you know what I mean it's gonna suck hard but you probably should you know what I mean I know like in five years they're gonna be like oh yeah vaping is even worse I'm like oh well [ __ ] damn it I tried maybe I'll just have to warlords in this army would that satisfy the nerd castle oh yeah I can get red ogres now dude you better get me a red ogre I'd like to get two red ogres if I can if I can drop out like some of these clan rats maybe like get rid of this dude right here yeah give them the boot and then we'll get two things a rat ogres right there for a little bit of tactical diversity and I think that'll be pretty cool okay so I'll fire this warlord then in order to disband this Lord all units within the army must be selected do I lose my army though no I don't want to disband selection I just want to fire this [ __ ] maybe I'll take these guys and I'll send them over to them it'll probably be fine so where is this tech research people keep saying it's got to have a button around here [Music] did this guy seriously start with ten out of ten oh it's the sword and feather thing sword and feather thing sword and feather thing right here oh well [ __ ] I should probably be working on this we're working apparently on ruthless plans right now all right what does ruthless plans do apparently we're researching it I'm 30 hit and I made it over the hill man I made it over the hill made it over the hill and 40s coming not that much different than 25 I'll be honest with you I had some friends that had like nervous breakdowns when they turn 30 and for me it was just like another day like I turned 30 and I was like all right just another part of my life instead of a quarter of the way through my life I'm now if I'm lucky a third of the way through my life although vigil on expenditure must be maintained for your domain to prosper be sure to keep a close watch on your finances lest ruin overtakes you hold on what's going on here I gotta get a little closer so you guys go to Hume see like wire it used to be able to take these guys away from him then you can move to the next person and now it's not doing that they've changed the way that this works and it bothers me all right there we go thank you I would have never figured that out of yet and said it now I can fire this [ __ ] get out of here and nobody wants your expect you to expensive goddammit and now we have a real warlord one who will lead us to ultimate Skaven victory that's pretty much what everybody told me is like you're always gonna feel like you're 25 in your head no matter how old you get this episode of the nerd castle brought to you by honey nut cheerios I can't taste the nut but I can taste the honey I'm nom nom nom them I eat out of a box like a [ __ ] Savage so just ignore this Jiro's what's up dude that's how you know I'm not gonna be salty today because I got my Cheerios so we have harsh production quotas quotas all right let's research our quotas yeah I've seen people take the bag out and put milk in the bag and just eat it one of your subordinates shows questionable devotion to your toes that [ __ ] consider taking steps to appease or otherwise deal with them oh he's loyal again I thought he was at maximum loyalty oh he's at five I thought he was at like ten that's weird now the bag holds it's just money only got a little bit of cereal left my cousin used to take like a big old Tupperware bowl and pour an entire thing of cereal out into it and then eat the entire thing a cereal out of it with milk we got rat Oguz now rat Oguz I thought I told you I'm on the own yeah cuz we some soldiers we don't really have a whole lot of money right now so like building is probably not an option even though it wants me to upgrade things yeah for four thousand I could get myself to storm vermin but they're gonna be kind of expensive and I don't know if you can afford that right now this on the other hand generates more food it still costs a lot though mm-hmm i'ma wait I'm gonna let the Treasury get a little bit stronger first this place has gold so if I can take this over over here maybe we'll make some money hey what's up Randy how you doing welcome to the stream how do I get loyalty back okay it's not really a whole lot of battles to be fought right now I think I can use the underwear probably to get there in the next go and then we'll take this place and then we'll go down and take something down here maybe we'll get into like a fight or something cornered rats provides what at Urist say I didn't see what Yura said make a quiz wait I'll see you like I want to win fights but there's not really anybody to fight right now maybe I should have sent him north to [ __ ] with the Lizard Men that's a foreign asset who owns this hey Nick know if I could very much for that subscription I appreciate that very kind of you sir who owns this over here lizard-men I assume are they orcs it looks a little orcish the orcs also have like a big-ass army that's kind of scary though and every time I've like beef with like dwarves it like never ends because their garage system can I get there faster with the under way I cannot you can fart the alphabet just like a bowl full F's probably difficult [Music] your army is contacted the seas should retire add them build boats upon the shore I'm pretty sure he can just walk across that rocky spot right there so in exchange for troops I can build a settlement here I can treasure hunt let's treasure hunt deep within the ruins lies in abandoned Skaven boot oh those damn donkeys everything inside is covered with a thin layer of warp dust the floor is littered with bits of machinery and a strange green glow lights a darkened corner just what have the perfidious rats paw been doing here but I'm perfidious rat spawn capital M well thank you Nick no I appreciate that man part of the problem is there's no good games out right now man like it's hard to do like an indie preview channel when there's no good indie games coming out you know what I mean like you go through a couple of weeks where there'll be a ton of awesome games and you'll go through a couple of weeks where there's nothing and like it just feels like you're shoveling [ __ ] onto the channel cuz you still got to work because you still got bills to pay and stuff but it's like I don't know we can leave the machine or you could sell the machinery back to the Skaven we can melt down the machinery or we can study the machinery i'ma let chat choose what do you want to do with the machinery I can't get a copy of escape from tarkov I've requested a review copy of escape from tarkov from like 900 different places and everybody's like nah I'm beginning to think I'm on a blacklist or something looks like everybody wants to study it okay well study it what happened your experts are impressed by the Stevens grasp of technology this is groundbreaking stuff revealing new manufacturing methods that could be used to your advantage our research rate is up by 25% for five turns that's pretty good that's not bad at all that's like really good and then I assume at some point can i still like capture it all I can still capture it too but not till next turn okay we'll do nothing then he'll sit over here and he'll be disloyal until I decide to murder him I have lots of building things I can do right now but I can't afford to do it it kind of depends bro laughs key like a hundred of the little bits will usually do it like if you space them out by one tends to go pretty well I'm assuming I'm at war with the dwarves rights with foreign powers may be managed through diplomacy in my knowledge consider your situation carefully before accepting any agreement is that our strength versus their their attitude towards us is yes as I assumed quite salty language if you must Oh apparently we're stronger than they are which is kind of weird [Music] [ __ ] these Dwarfs then March scape and um we will destroy stab stab kill kill dwarf kin I should probably save I haven't saved like in a thousand years and I'm sure the autosave has not been doing its due diligence we shall call this party face but ultimate save of the nerd castle party face but it's the best thing such an action would surely lead to war as glorious as that is proceed only if you desire conflict my lord we are Skaven this is kind of what we do hey gorilla to hunt for the biddies damn son that's gonna take forever we're trying to take over whack Amole crater and I feel like we've earned it i'ma fall back for a minute until I know so hey thank you for the subscription mark Bohnert thank you very much I want to see what this Army's gonna do these are the dudes that I want to fight right here and I want to kill their main army before I start conquering their stuff because I don't want them to come and siege break me that's the part that I'm worried about is I don't want to go in there and get like three turns into a siege and then lose a fight and lose all my progress so I'm gonna wait until their army decides it wants to BG till the day that it eyes which should be pretty soon should be pretty soon there we go bring your punk ass down here oh he's gonna fortify the city okay I can live with that Lord send your warriors out to slaughter the peasants and burn their villages make the enemy fear you I'm gonna go ahead and colonize this over here technology is done so that's really good and we'll probably want to step in and see what other we can set examples which gives us more leadership sometimes you gotta set an example it is what it is and then over here what have we got a 2pi aatul so it chip eotl oh it's the capital yay well that's good I should probably build a port that's probably a smart idea cuz it'll give me more money so yeah let's build a port and then I can take this up to level 2 if I want to will you stop talking so that I can see things that'll give me income and warp stone let's do it and then we'll kind of just hope that we don't get in at any like major shitty fights for a little bit I'm going to put them in raid mode which I think will give me extra income but that makes me wind it in combat I'm gonna fall back to my border real fast so that I can get reinforcements from Sabaton because my guess is that they're gonna come after me over here so these guys want a military alliance for right now who are they at war with Itza eats a pizza so is Itza like lizard-men it's got to be Lizard Men I don't know if I can take that on right now like I'm trying to I'm trying to make sure maybe I'll take them as vassals I'll accept it yeah hey thank you for those bits grump and thank you for those bits arrow bowmen ready for duty has returned from his absence and is ready for duty what are you talking about I don't want that [ __ ] maybe that just means he's ready for recruitment or something either way I don't want him as long as you're down here you might as well recruit but we've got gold coming from this place which means we makin time on a guerrilla to hunt thank you very much for those biddies I appreciate it we've got a quest to get the altar of the horned rat y'all do that at some point but it's like way over there man that's like hella far on a five-time for that business I may bring this army back over here and get him into a position to disband just in case AEG Mitchell thank you very much for those bits I appreciate that man that's very kind of you thank you very much sir I don't know if they're gonna come after me I'll probably leave him right here to deal with itzá just in case itza decides a storm through right here and the Ministry of braggy thank you as well as soon as that's up we'll build a gold mine over here so we can get some money yeah that's hella cheap so upgrade the scavenge pile um probably just a rattling warrens is probably fine I mean unless there's something else that we really sincerely won over here but we've basically covered our grounds with all of our secondary locations I mean technically I could get some Garrison's over here magic hat-trick star thank you for the Biddy bombs I appreciate that very kind of you thank you very much and we'll try and be less of a dick on the Internet to trick star thanks again man and also magic hat good lord got them biddies dropping left and right right now I came to keep up with it real us so thank you very much yeah I'm gonna try to keep the I keep saying this man this is the conflict of my year right now we're like I said I'm gonna stop being a dick on the internet and so I'm trying to stop being a dick on the Internet like I'm trying really really [ __ ] hard but I don't think that counts like I think what counts as if you actually stop being a dick what's up with you what problem dust thou have this you have like a level up or something why is this thing I have a notification what notification are they talking about I don't see a notification I feel like my comedy toes the line sometimes you know what I mean and so I'm trying to ease away from that hey grunt grandpa oh it's cuz he hasn't moved that's fine I don't really give a [ __ ] about that he's pretty much exactly where I wanted to be so no the hashtag charity things over I ended up raising like 70,000 or 80,000 biddies or something like that alright fever I'll see you later thanks for coming to the stream and thanks for modding I appreciate it everybody say thank you to a mod we've had a lot of trolls lately and Bieber's been cleaning them out real good his clan spittle the one that I allied with oh [ __ ] well that's not good no wonder they wanted to ally they're busy getting their asses kicked can you recruit anything in one turn because if you can I think that's a good idea anything you can recruit in one turn is okay with me you've got shields you've got Spears we don't have any slang goes there you go get you some slave slang goes some slave angers so as far as building goes we can get storm vermin oh thank you for those biddies I appreciate that grump and also cray-cray they give it those bits we can take that up to the next level but that's expensive but our replenishment rate will get really really good I don't really know what to build right there because there's no other buildings aside from the garrison that we can really throw in there to make this work better I mean we already have a garrison those that's not gonna work either yo s I like indie games I think indie games of the future of gaming I think triple-a has dropped the ball repeatedly over and over and over again and shows a reluctance and inability to change and I think that indie allows developers to do things that actually matter and like revolutionize the industry and they never get credit for it until a triple a title steals the ideas that we're developing an indie game and takes credit for it probably something I got a big-ass army right here so I can't really move this army and I know after they get done over here that leaves us at war with it so let me see if I can get itza back on our side here although I don't think we've ever met itza oh I'm not at war with them we'll never [ __ ] mind ok apparently when they killed off those guys we didn't inherit their war so that's cool I don't care that's fantastic that's exactly the sort of thing that I'm okay with and then of course it's gonna be upset because I didn't move my lord my lord is just not moving I'll move him over to here and see if I can bait this guy over come attack meat war fee come get some oh there it is rival power takes up arms against you I'm gonna they're like power ranking 37 and I'm power rating number 6 they're gonna get their [ __ ] knocked off I might even take some of their locations and eat some of their people maybe I can sue for peace with the dwarves because I don't think the dwarves are really that interested in fighting with me right now [Music] it's black very small she gave a tip thank you sir tip my hat to you I appreciate that yeah let's will take peace with the dwarves so that I can focus on Itza and then what we'll do is we'll start moving this army back over here because I don't think they're gonna be able to go through dwarf territory without getting [ __ ] up so we'll start rallying some armies over here and we'll send one army that way one army that way cuz that takes us towards the altar of the horned rat which is our storyline quest which i think is probably something we should be working on you guys move as far as you can and if you can recruit in one turn please I would very much appreciate it if so you've got shields you've got shields you've got Spears you've got swords what you need is some rat ogre lovin right oh good lovin so gentle and so kind I just want a stroke you right oh girl you're so beautiful girl oh thank you for that second tip blackery smalls double double double drop and silver boom there goes the cup boom go to cup when black will be smalls comes in I think we've got everybody just about where I wanted to be and these guys are about to get their asses kicked 4840 man king of the basin smack Dre died if Mac Dre was still alive I'd be like maybe not but Mac Dre did Mac Dre's did I forgot I was gonna wear my Mac Dre all right be sure today and I didn't name me perform rights - grunt - considerable powers Oba to prime the scheme of doom so we've got +3 leadership to all of our troops yay so schemes are like over here and we can do a ski buff do and that'll give us a that'll give us an engineer I guess I don't know what does it cost me 800 bucks it's got a 30 turn cooldown I don't think I need an engineer hero right now well maybe I do is a hero one of your agents is that what that is from the other games they call agents in rome total war is that what he is he's an agent he's a suicide agent what does he do he just runs in and like blows up an army in weakens him oh okay well that's I wanted to hear that with like level up and like duel people and murder them an honorable single scav in combat so we've got murder dissenters I think our public order is good let me look real fast I think our public order is solid right now so I don't think we need any more public order instead we have know your place which raises that carve under tunnels let's get the 10% movement man we need a 10% movement bad 10% movement sounds [ __ ] fantastic and I'll take it kitty you can't be released right now you're trapped sweet Polly Plunkett lay on the glass is this oh they want me to build stuff okay how do I skip a notification so I right-click it oh you skip it there it is found it I found it heavens devil what's up man hustle chose me dude you can't help when the hustle come knocking the hustles like Santa Claus it's coming down the chimney one way or another so you can put some [ __ ] cookies out or you can get cold it's up to you though Nova what's up dude welcome to the stream damn Ryan's a good kid when I was that as I was like family laws are meant to be broken a heavens devil hey how's it going how is it going dude I'm gonna [ __ ] these cats up I can't wait I'm gonna [ __ ] these cats up so hard did you guys just get in a [ __ ] boat all you sons of [ __ ] I know what they're doing you little rat [ __ ] he's like that's exactly what we're trying to do can I use the under tunnels no uh you guys better March and you better March fast Oh welcome Lyman welcome welcome yeah you guys better get over there man they're trying to pull some [ __ ] over on this side they're trying to snipe my harbor over here sweet Polly blah okay um I should probably build a garrison of some kind mmm Oh a gold-mining pit I'm not gonna build anything over here cuz if they raise it it's gonna be wasted money so I'm just gonna wait until that's done and then that's what I mean I call them rat [ __ ] because that's exactly what they're trying to do right now pehle Cove thank you for those biddies hermit what's up man welcome to the stream well come on in let's see if maybe I can scare them away from that tactic by moving a big-ass army into their territory it looks like they got a little army and I got a big army these dudes are about to have a bad day these dudes are about to have a hella bad day so you had a bad day rats ate your face that's what you get being up in my place I don't really have the money for a lot of these upgrades right now so I don't think I'm gonna spend money on anything right now because if I do they might just burn the city down anyways let's see what they decide they want to do y'all better March and y'all better March quick get into the city we're gonna be winded when we start the next battle but we'll corner camp and see if I can get people to feel better Cactus Jack what's up dude welcome to the stream good to have you yo hey buddy I noticed you took your army out of your lands your [ __ ] is now my [ __ ] I need money so I'm gonna sack it maybe he'll spawn some rebels or something well I thought sacking burned the city down okay well that was probably a bad call I'll just go through and I'm gonna go into raiding Stan's who go into ambush Stan's yeah that's good the other trickster is charred looks like it lowers their magic resistance maybe it's a ward hex can I give it to him so that he stops being a salty little bastard and trying to betray me there you get that and maybe you'll be more loyal because I gave you treasure and we've got a level up right there from [ __ ] the city up almost gonna take the final pack leader rank might as well focus and finish it off and so they want me to build I actually made a little bit of money so I can probably get away with upgrading something down here go ahead and upgrade that right there and then that'll be all we can do for right now we've got a new right the 13th scheme what does the 13th scheme do so the 13th scheme diplomatic relations go up with all Skaven on turn lords have a chance to gain loyalty enemy heroes so it's basically like we pay a bunch of money and everybody loves us again so basically we like bribe the world we're like go little rat folks love me and they're like okay and they love us oh we've got a chance of spotting nearby foreign armies okay and an elf thing slave weapons strength goes up and income from all regions oh wow that's pretty good goddamn that's a pretty good follower right there is he already on me yeah an elf thing slave I don't think you want to do this brother oh we have a force do you look at all these skinks dude you're about to get annihilated you out of your minds hey black re smalls thank you very much for that tip tip of my hat to you sir I appreciate it he does have a lot of veterans though that's the only part that worries me but I think we'll be all right yeah go ahead and save just in case the thing is that's like an entire ranged army like I'm not really sure what I think about this I'm definitely not sure how I feel about this entire ranged army we've got allies coming from dude if we can ambush them from the forest oh but they're gonna try and do the same thing to me a bit let me have Klan rat Spears upfront Klan rat swords to a flank one in reserve um they're done Spears we want shields in the front because God knows this is about to get messy this is about to get real messy slang goes swords to this flank and slingers to the front [Music] you to the center contingency you guys way off to the side because I got plans for you [Music] and these poor bastards over here we kind of got a hope that the enemy doesn't try to do something crafty you may use the hills valleys and stranger formations of this place to your advantage commander the terrain can conceal your forces so there is our support army right there but they're not all on the field just yet it looks like they're coming after our our front force which means we should have a really good opportunity for a pincer attack over here I don't know that they know that this army is even here I don't think they do they don't know that this army is here all right you guys walk it in nice and slow you got plenty of time I've still got things that I'm gonna attempt up here to these guys should have a pretty good range advantage because they're up a hill and that should deprive the enemy of some of their javelin range too we've also got the opportunity to get some menace below I should have stocked up on more of that that was stupid I mean I started the battle without looking at it which was a mistake [Music] and actually you guys do this a double time just get there [Applause] hey thank you very much for that subscription lunes Bloodmoon thank you very much man I appreciate that so arrows are out skirmishers are fighting that's good and we should start to see a little bit of damage over here and indeed we are bars starting to move a little bit I'm gonna let them come to me I'm not gonna try to rush this in too hard because these guys are gonna fall back with the enemy under cover of the trees surprise hey what's up infants you know it's one of those things where it's a chronic illness so it flares up and it goes away and you know it's kind of just it's kind of just learning to deal with something that is gonna be a long-term problem you know it's is what it is I'm gonna play the game on slow for right now because this battle actually matters and this is essentially the battle that's gonna break the enemy's spine and so that's what I'm trying to do with it right now our skirmishers should fall back to our main lines but they're skirmishers are going to fall back too which kind of puts us in a weird spot so they're coming in right here I'm gonna go ahead and let my armies do their thing rat ogres are actually kind of far I don't like that bring them up we're gonna encircle a little bit and see what we can do here rat ogres hit that flank right there see I'm a little concerned we're just gonna get skirmish to death because his entire armors his entire army is skirmishers and so I may just take the damage for right now to get these dudes into position right here and then once they're in position right there boom like so essentially I think that'll be all right hey what's up curious how you doing welcome to the stream because these guys are gonna try and kite us non-stop and so when they're trying to kite us I need to get them I need to get them pinched in between two groups so they can't kite like that anymore otherwise it becomes a problem for us rat overs are exposed and yeah they're definitely trying to kite us down right now which is not good you guys join the fray right there they're kind of tripping over each other right now so let's send a few units to the backline here just to kind of scare them a little bit everybody join in on this fight right here if you can these guys are in position to make the push push it push it real good our other army is coming into position right now and so we got a little bit of they're not elves they're just speedy little lizard men speedy problematic little lizard men it's my warlord even in this fight warlord get in there why are you not in this fight right now I need you there you go put pressure on them put pressure on them let's go ahead and ruin their lives right here [Music] you guys split off to here and help out with this back flank and who do I have left over here I got you guys just [ __ ] sitting around you guys jump in on that fight right there [Music] this is gonna be kind of a weird battle because his entire army estranged skirmisher units and so this is going to be really really odd it's gonna be a weird fight believe me [Music] basically it's gonna be like herding sheep [Music] yours so they're all fighting the Lord over there [Music] what are you guys Oh red ogres yeah red ogres go get them hey what's up Lissa heck thank you for the biddies captain frosty thinking for the biddies as well I have trouble focusing during fights dude I hate skirmisher armies it's just those kiting tactics are [ __ ] annoying goddamn cow tactics there you go go get him champs go get him hey we broke the line good so those guys are falling back go ahead and start working on the next ones we got people fleeing combat right now but I'm sure it'll be ok you guys finish them off and then we'll sweep everybody down the hill and do what we got to do it's kind of hard to grab individual units that you want I'm gonna stop rubberband boxing from now on it seems to be a bad plan and it doesn't seem to be working out for me very well kind of wish I had kept some of my little dudes over here go ahead and chase them down real fast because those guys are kiting you anyways well go after them man [Music] you'll finish them off rat overs are getting whittled so bring them back around those guys are running go help out over here shoot them in the booty holes yeah I need you guys to like turn back around and maintain an actual rank please everybody form back up there we go that'll work better these guys are fighting over here and they're pretty much completely consumed hit them on their flank please [Music] I knew this fight was gonna be chaotic and this fight was gonna be a pain in the ass from the beginning because he brought a hundred percent skirmishers in his army oh thank you very much for letting I roll over spectrogram I appreciate that man very kind of you you just got your three months ticket man you got your blue you got your blue name bro so you guys turn as soon as their leader goes down this thing should be over and then as soon as you turn and get in there yep go get them go get them champs break off a couple of these dudes over here probably should have waited to use some of my there we go it's got a redistribute a little bit of violence over here slingers are still slinging over here which is great yeah push through them and fight the guys at the back you please actually all these armies just routed from their warlord send my warlord in your job is to go [ __ ] with that guy now where the [ __ ] is my warlord dude oh he ran off the entire field trying to chase somebody [Music] I don't know if there's a naval combat rank or cursed void thank you very much for those bits see last I checked their Lord was like routing and not looking so great and now all of a sudden he's like perfectly fine so we'll have to wait for this to happen right here then we'll send that over to reinforce on this side hey Sakai thank you very much for those Risa or I'm sorry that's a new sub thank you for that so I appreciate that although he's reinforcing again with shattered troops so it is what it is man it is what it is I got swordsmen up here I suppose my best option is to pull them in it's like a reserve force and see if we can help out over here they'll rally in just a minute and they'll be fine My Lord is probably exhausted which is why it's taking him so goddamn long to get over here I'm gonna try and push them this direction real fast [ __ ] skanks dude Archer thank you very much for that sub I appreciate that sir good you guys know do not follow that debt direction your job is to go down here and [ __ ] with these cats yeah and as soon as they're dealt with which should be like right now we'll go ahead and they're routed so we'll start plucking with these skanks over here and what I want is a strong push in this direction right here so my lord should be in here [ __ ] kids up a little bit there we go that's what I like to see throw those lizards through the air [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [ __ ] you better get back over here stop tracing troops out to the middle of nowhere dude [Music] there we go kill their Lord nice yo get that fool wiped out get that fool wiped out get them [Music] that's fine I should have saved my there it is god that was way more effort than it should have been I hate skirmisher armies dude skirmisher armies little worse like damn dude oh you can put him on guard mode okay I didn't even I'm not a big total war player I'm just playing this because I like Warhammer and so I don't know about all these little tactics and whatnot you know what I mean let's go ahead and we are gonna eat these dudes because we need replenishment maybe they sex many warp tokens so there it is will consume that army my suggestion would be to chase that army down and [ __ ] it up now before it starts to do we got a terrifying mask of I like the terrifying mask of a there's a funny noise to make I don't want to be negative right now but you guys aren't doing super well in this fight man if I don't want to fight him again though that's my problem is I don't want to fight him again like I was hoping it would be auto resolved higher so I could his auto resolve it real fast [ __ ] did it autosave when I came out of that fight it was a 2:38 p.m. that doesn't seem right that doesn't seem right at all there we go so 548 that was 12 minutes ago I think I quick say before I fought then [ __ ] all right fall back to the town it's fine it's not that far just go back over there you'll be good replenish for a minute and then also he can't get new units so you just sit there I just wanted one Oh our mine he's got a level up - hey what's up axe to him now we're fighting with lizard men right now lizard man dwarves and that's pretty much it we're on the opposite side of the map if we were on the other side of the map would be fight now we got dwarves and lizard men on this island I will make this guy a brawler I just want him to [ __ ] [ __ ] up hella hard this dude's gonna be like throw down crew spelled with KR u mm it's expensive but you gotta do what you got to do man he should not be able to replenish here like he's just gonna sit there and be sicker and sicker he might try to hit us I don't know the AI can be kind of dumb sometimes we'll see what happens I think it automatically gives him the mask of he if he doesn't have an artifact on him already and he doesn't so ah that's his game well my head um off then I need that army to go away so that I can just easily sack his entire territory we got cave under tunnels done so that's good new technology that'll give us ten percent movement range so they can outrun our enemies murder dissenters we don't really need that loyalty would be nice though so it's not useful now but it'll be useful later we're gonna sass inside out for devious plans okay so with the public order that's better long-term bonus anyways I guess he doesn't get moving at this turn I don't think there we go we'll try to pinch him on this side all right Ryan I'll see you later man thanks for coming to the stream all right I'll check it real fast I don't see the mask of eat anywhere actually other trichter chard he has basic armor on I thought it was a talisman maybe it's a banner I don't know did he put it on this guy I don't think it would yeah so my armies I've got some Skaven spears got Skaven swords spears and swords without shields slingers I've had some rat ogres and I've got more Spears coming or swords or something and then on this side he should be taking attrition as he's trying to leave I was gonna say he should be losing health because he's an enemy territory right now getting wiped out in enemy territory is never a good thing in total war food basically means that you're you get a bunch of passive bonuses to your entire society and then on top of that you can also trade in food for bonuses at the beginning of combat - like spawn units and weird spots on the battlefield to [ __ ] with your enemy which is actually pretty solid if you're trying to [ __ ] around with the Lizardman because they like to kite you around and so sometimes you got to spawn some in front of them just to ruin their lives I don't know where the mask of E is that oh he has it causes fear he has the pipes of piebald which puts a hex on the enemy I'm gonna give that to him the e seems better yes gaben don't have cavalry you don't really have a whole lot of cash right now but since we actually finding that off my suggestion would be that we get the gold mine because that'd help out a lot we don't have a whole lot of cash right now and a goldmine would definitely be a nice thing to [ __ ] have hey thank you very much real Melissa thank you very much for those bits I appreciate that man hey buddy how are you oh he saw me hey how's it going man Skaven are naturally concealed you saw that [ __ ] he's like ah [ __ ] to the ocean gain access to formidable power um their wealth is legendary and they ask that some of your troops take part in their experiments hey what's up milk how you doing man welcome to the stream good to see you welcome on in I get +1 loyalty with Maelstrom meta storm stab which I kind of need but his armies gonna take attrition which is not a good look then Mulder sent rats to whisper at you again their experiments were failures but if you could offer just a few more rats good lord it's a scav any thing to do it's totally something that Skaven would [ __ ] do is they would totally hand off guys on their own sides for like a new rifle they would totally do that 100% so I'm going to play at Rp style I need to go on stalking mode hey buddy how are you yeah how's it going bye-bye let's go ahead and we'll do replenishment real fast and so there it is we got the Lich bone pendant which gives us magic resistance to get assigned unit hey elf hunter how's it going I like your name a lot and he leveled up which is even better good alright so now I got to decide what I want to do up here with him withers pretty good I like wither whether it makes people fall apart it's a pretty solid ability bless with filth root marcher might be helpful too we got some new stuff up here though - we have warp stone tokens which is pretty good actually because that gives you a wins a power reserves so that you can cast a little bit more I've also got sneaky and we've got Trixie although I think warp stone is good because he is a caster and we're gonna start giving him spells pretty soon and so having the extra mana would be nice all right back into the enemy's territory to take their stuff don't have the cash for those right now so we're gonna have to leave those alone scavenge pit we can afford lots of dead lizards thousands of dead lizards do we just wiped out a max stack army and the leader that went in front of it who was leveled up so this faction is hurting right now they're not feeling super healthy at the moment they're they're feeling a little bit they're feeling a little bit under the weather fun punchy thank you very much I shall go forth and [ __ ] [ __ ] up I will or Florida State universe Florida State University the [ __ ] out of his [ __ ] yay he's loyal again he should be loyal all by himself [ __ ] stop being disloyal you little bastard I think I'm gonna send him up to the north too so he can get some in combat and get himself all nice and yeah you can occupy it we've got a luck stone which gives physical resistance that would be a really good item for this dude down here repair them to gain the full benefit that they can provide and a clan scrye saboteur that's pretty good too God all these are good I like all these abilities these abilities mama my mama make me happy you take the I wanted you to have the thingy the luck stone there we go he's a melee fighter so +10 to his resistance is a good idea make him nice and resilient so that he can just walk over enemies and [ __ ] him up Ella hard this place is gonna have a little bit messed up public security for a while it looks like it's already got a rubbish pit inside of it I guess just go ahead and repair it I don't know got a little bit more cash so we can do something down here let's go ahead and I'm gonna take you go away and I will take the nest lair right there so the nest lair is up but our finances are not super good our finances could be better he also leveled up from sacking the city so we'll take wither necks cuz wither is quite good wither is really good you put that [ __ ] on the enemy like right in the middle of there like centerline they're gonna have a rough time standing up to it they're not gonna have a good day they're gonna have a really bad day Oh my hair it's like long in the middle right now these guys want a peace treaty in exchange for 2100 stuff but like I could take your entire territory and that would be worth way more than 2,100 so [ __ ] are you the war continues the march of war here you can see our fighting rat boys out here in the middle of the enemy territory go get them lads flight raid across the high warlord has pledged 5,000 more troops to revolt sir the centre line and make sure the trenches are full of patriotism and if somebody got these strict traits cool one watches me just keep on going man you'll make it to the North someday and then I'm gonna go [ __ ] this army up real fast before they become a problem to me couple more turns of recruitment and they might be all my rat ogres are hella veterans aww yeah not technology I think we're almost done with that I don't think I have to worry about that for right now I don't really have the money to build anything at the moment so I'm just gonna give that a nice little rest there for a minute Wow the day I turned 18 I got my first tattoo my mom was pretty mad because I was still living at their house she saw it when we were having dinner and she like lost her [ __ ] it's this one right here I got a white tree of Gondor right there and it's just a worst tattoo ever I'm actually I'm waiting to get a cover-up done hey buddy knock-knock he has Terra Don Reiter's the [ __ ] is a Terra Don Reiter that's not good I got a little pendant doh put it on those cats it's just a bad tattoo that's all like I like the design and everything but it's like a bad tattoo s14 you will they're gonna patch it after release and that's gonna put everything back you know I really feel like we should win this fight I really kind of feel like this fight should be winnable then again I don't have any siege equipment so maybe that's the problem let's get some battering rams and some siege towers going and then we will continue the siege Stinkum and oh yeah that's my territory now I was trying to avoid losing replenishment but that's still my area Almighty - thank you very much for those biddies sir I appreciate that and very helpful um we have not a lot to do right now I think the best upgrade we could possibly do is probably to make sure the mine is a lot better like if we can keep the mind nice and profitable it'll make us wealthy over the long term but yeah they have no armies coming and I don't think they can recruit when you're seating them so we should be able to just wait them out and not fight a fight right there we can help we much bigger and smarter than you I don't think you are man can you see the same strength rate that can you see the same thing yeah I'll take it I mean I'm gonna counteroffer you got to pay me first though oh they'll accept 1,200 we'll just keep that going then the counter offered me 600 no pay me more money there we go that's better because the game seems to think that they've got like dinosaur writers and apparently that's a threat to us so as concerning as that is you guys spend the turn in town so you replenish faster and if you can grab one unit while we wait I'd be ok with that you can't grab okay I love grabbing units while I wait but apparently my troops do not um just go with the main building I guess we're kind of broke but it'll have to do over here we could make that but we'll kind of be right on the edge if anything goes wrong and I don't really like the feeling of that bucket let's play this thing let's do it man let's do it let's wear our let's wear our balls on our let's wear our balls on our jacket right now for a little bit our food supply is [ __ ] fantastic at the moment I'm really happy with that I actually feel like the Skaven are really good first Army for new players to total war because their mechanics are not hard to like figure out our work around like orcs not a great first army because like you've really the orcs have like the perfect tempo of attacking versus defending like you have to know when to wait and when to walk with the orcs and it can be kind of subjective and so like the orcs can be a little tough the dwarves can force you into wars you don't want to be in based on previous grudges chaos is just like what the [ __ ] do you even do with chaos cuz they don't even have cities like chaos is I'm not good at chaos that whole nomadic thing just does not work for me I do like the undead the undead are a good early player army I think too the fun car Stein's and whatnot are pretty strong their corruption mechanic can be kind of [ __ ] annoying but I mean I like him alright man I'll see you later take care pickle house you go get a rest in sorry these guys starved out yet how goeth the siege of you bucket I'm just gonna starve them out I'm not gonna fight a battle that seems somewhat dubious like I think I could take them but for some reason the game doesn't think I can take them and that makes me feel a little odd about this situation a while robo as you try to get at least like four hours in this dude what's a peace treaty hey like you are like over a stump right now like the lizards are in the middle of a brutal stump [ __ ] and yet they want to convince me that I should show them mercy I don't think that mercy is a strong point of the Skaven how do you all feel are you feeling bloodthirsty should we kill them or should we show them mercy hey kawaii commie thank you very much for that subscription I appreciate that that's very kind of you eat their children I love you guys you guys are the best [ __ ] your piece hey Anthony sir thank you very much for that in your service my dog be sure to put them to work their unique skills may solve problems that no amount of money or effort would otherwise be able to crack who are you ape [ __ ] the assassin all right apparently we've got a pet the assassin ape [ __ ] the contagious Oh ape [ __ ] the contagious nice that's what they need is they need Warhammer 40k grimdark penguins penguins with Boulter's I play a penguin race I do it in a heartbeat I don't care that it would ruin 40k a penguin race would be the [ __ ] hey US what's up man welcome to the stream good to see you welcome on in I like this city this city looks sexy to me I think I'm gonna take it I might bring apeshit over here to like stab this dude in the neck real fast I know that [ __ ] made me hella mad too when they put in Pandora and I was like what the [ __ ] is this come on it'll be kidding me if they were vassals of the Tao then they deserve to die like all the rest of the filthy xenos there it is we got no your place I don't think there's any more technology we can do right now without getting myself either a clan armory or an assassins hideout do I have the ability to do that so over here how do I get a clan hideout that's a clan armory I should probably work up the back then I think a clan hideout is the hider stronghold no that's not it I'm gonna use this to find what I want a den of Secrets the assassins hideout so it's right there I would need to take my assassin guys up I think I have an assassin Reese somewhere hey thank you very much as fourteen I appreciate that man it's very kind of you thank you for throwing some biddies my way I appreciate that I know I have an assassin stand around here somewhere there it no that's a clan Armory [ __ ] where's my assassins den don't I have an assassin's den somewhere I thought I already I would swear to God that I have an assassin's den around here somewhere but I don't see it did I just never build one I guess I just never built one well that's a shame fastest move then is the armory then I should get the armory back up to where it needs to be hey what's up Vilas how's it going man welcome back to the stream we have these guys by the balls right now so not really gonna stress too much about like this war is essentially over who the [ __ ] are these cats over here who are you guys clans crier okay they're on our side for now I mean they're not on our side but at least they're Skaven like us so we know what to expect you know what I mean treachery okay let's cap KTX how you doing welcome to the stream good to see you techno I'll see you next time man thank you for coming thank you for the kind words - I needed it today thank you very much [Music] biggest donation that I've ever gotten was 2,500 it was back like last November I think I don't know what to do when people donate that much money like I feel like there should be like a thing that I can say but it's like dollars like $2,500 unreasonable weather casualty replenishment rate is way down but recruitment cost his way up the [ __ ] is this dude oh he's on my team yay he's rating that'll be mildly annoying once I take this place over but it's not so bad for now so apeshit you want to stab somebody oh he can't stab somebody in a siege man well now what's apeshit supposed to do damn it I wanted a B [ __ ] to do fun stuff yeah it was a big donation like I don't even know like what to say to that kind of donation you know what I mean like your brain doesn't know how to process it is very very generous though like beyond the realm of generous I think that goes well past generous mm we're gonna have rebellions here pretty soon although I think a lot of the public order problems has to do with the fact that we just conquered it oh because we haven't completely conquered it that's our problem okay well I'll deal with like rebellions over here when it becomes necessary but for right now it doesn't really matter we'll just wait these dudes out all right start a story I'll see you later man thanks for coming to the stream each bit is 1 cent yes bucket let's conquer this thing well I'm glad you like them pancake YouTube's in a weird spot right now with Let's Plays I think Let's Plays are gonna go back to being a hobby that full cycle I think basically what's gonna happen is like they blew up in popularity so it became a job and now I think that's like moving back downwards in favor more specialized content let's say you know that's what happens sometimes that's okay though we don't do what we do for the paycheck we do what we do because we like indie games goddamn do that's a big army you know what I'm just gonna leave them where they're at we will adapt to whatever the enemy decides to do I doubt they're gonna be able to do much so this should be pretty easy do I have to march on them come on foam mixers may be useful in maneuvering before the enemy I think they want me to march on them so let me get everybody into like a unified formation here so I'll put you guys right there and then tap it over ever so slightly please don't double speed there is no reason to double speed what why did that happen that was weird you guys go over there don't double speed it though they're gonna make me come to him a US Army soldier thank you very much for that bitty bomb dude I appreciate that very kind of you thank you very much sir well thank you very much that's my terrible Elvis impression I mean I'll probably just have blocks of troops there's a question to be raised if I actually need to even do this but slang goes out front and then scooch-scooch-scooch there you go I mean honestly I kind of want to do a front heavy charge with like all my rat ogres in here so I'm gonna put the red ogres over there and then who else has not been relocated who else is down here that has not moved at all I can't see through the trees so they got two groups of spearmen that have not been moved around it doesn't matter me and be wherever the [ __ ] you want to be strategy doesn't matter in this fight wait for everybody to rearrange themselves do be deep my my my my my my my my my all right Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac Mac all right so once everybody's in position we'll start moving forward slowly apricot I'll see you later man thank you for the kind words and the reinforcements everything you guys have been really read today and I appreciate it um you guys finishing up you guys want get a position you want to get a position you wanna get visit all right cool everybody's in position let's move forward in accomplish our mission we're here for blood we are not here for food [Music] you guys stop running please just walk it out man I don't want you guys to be tired by the time we get there all right so Center column March actually go right there and why are you got just just chill you don't need a charge you don't need to charge it's fine this bottleneck is a [ __ ] dude I hate this thing I want to fight these guys on the real Z's and they just won't let it happen there you go throw rocks at them how are you guys already routing man goddamn Skaven slaves dude all right whatever just march forward man just marched forward go my warlord charge their central front a do that thing right there go and fight them go and fight them go and fight them everyone fights everyone kills fight win river are my rat ogres that I feel bad they got left out as well you guys are like duking it out over there let's go ahead and get like a second column ready to go god that bottleneck sucks I hate it this bottleneck is the [ __ ] worst so cowards you want to get back in the fight ready you know what chance [ __ ] it get in there everybody deserves the right to [ __ ] up some bad guys today let's do I mean we're the bad guys but you get what I mean chameleons skinks how's my lord doing is he trashing some [ __ ] [ __ ] things up Hey Emperor madness I'll see you later man thighstr come to the stream oh all of it oh cool my poor rat ogres can't even get there look at him they're just stuck in traffic on the 80 man it's [ __ ] stuck in traffic what do you even do about this you guys routing over here oh [ __ ] you better not be better [ __ ] not be there you go [ __ ] those dudes up turn that flank right there you go push your way forward Lord go do your job go [ __ ] some dudes up make it happen Cap'n hello wife looks like I owe you dinner something there oh yeah games not quite out yet games still being released and you guys please turn right here and go take them from that side for those like velociraptors what the ah they hurt oh my god they hurt so much rat ogres work your way over there once you get out of this ridiculous traffic there we go that's what I like to see got some over on Velociraptor action there you go Oh Gers like I got crash dude like I got took out that dude at a terrible day that dude caught pause caught them it's though he want to say anything after that [ __ ] happen he was liable to him sometimes you got something to say sometimes you don't alright chance turn this thing back around an attack over here yup crush crush crush we win the battle crush crush crush kill him all night cattle we're gonna have steaks it's gonna be great huh close victory what are you talking about close victory that was an ass whoopin close victory I mean to be fair they did better than I thought they were gonna do given the severely limited amount of troops they had but apparently there's we're all like hella hardcore shock troops I think I'd like this city I think I'll have it what's going on over here though how's this siege going oh that's for my classic games that TV has a coaxial cable on the back of it and AV cables and s-video cables the [ __ ] and so that's the one that I play like Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis on a blazin Hazen I don't know that's an Iron L either way game thank you very much for that Biddy bomb dude I appreciate that that's very very kind of you no thank you sir let me go take a piss break real fast and I'll be right back okay guys and listen sorry about that everybody yeah you know the chair gets it in his system sometimes and you just get tell it mad you know what I mean I told him not to get so salty about stuff but you don't listen to me that place is probably gonna rebel luckily I've got a backup army so it shouldn't be that bad are you leveled up yeah you got leveled son you got levels bro so we got ruin and decay so strength against Lizard Men weapons strength two percent weight and strength against Wars we are got to deal with dwarves at some point I'm a racist blade master though so that he [ __ ] you it up a little bit harder I did I did wash my hands with what you'll never know so that units not gonna replenish because there's bad weather right now that's what it is and that's true you just whip it out and then you just [ __ ] like and you just like let it go hey you guys army soldier thank you very much for that bitty bomb dude I appreciate that appreciate that very much sir thank you I'm just gonna wait out this siege I see no reason to really [ __ ] around hello hard o Itza has another territory over here well let's go look at that we're about to get some serious territory from this we've conquered a big chunk of the map and frankly these guys I expected them because they're an evil army a fun punchy thank you very much for the bitty bombs that Biddy bomb train woot woot I expected like most of the evil races tend to have logistical problems holding large areas of territory but like the scapin seem to do it perfectly fine as long as you can take the entire province if you can't take the entire province they struggle a little bit with public order but by and large I expected it to be way worse I didn't expect them to be kind of a conquering army I expected them to be somewhat less efficient at this but they're actually pretty good at it I have money now which means I can upgrade things I'm gonna upgrade that because I get new technology when I get an armory so I'm gonna get a clan armory and then [Music] I'll probably upgrade this for growth sounds all right to me how you guys doing over here are you guys solid what's going on over here can I get gold mine three because I want gold mine three I need the money I need the money bad anything that generates revenue is essentially what I need right now if I can't get that thing it's hard on me you know it's hard out here for a pimp all right there we go when you're trying to get the money both around with the catalysed gasp on it's been Debbie yeah hold on I bet yes I guess you you know it's her here for appeal what's a ritual of prognostication that doesn't sound good no don't assassinate my agent oh he succeeded too you little [ __ ] No maybe he's just wounded the winds of magic shriek and Eddie about it in strange formations for a mighty ritual is underway in some distant land the power of the ritual pulls and distorts the vortex yet there remains a chance to intervene find the whereabouts of those the channeler ritual and attack before its completion my lord control of the vortex must not fall into enemy hands I don't even know what that means yeah agents are super broken and I mean it it's always this has always been my fundamental problem with total war agents are more valuable than any army like in Shogun total war if you have like a max level priest or like a max level ninja you have to fight the other factions you could just assassinate and [ __ ] convert your way through their territory and win like agents have always been kind of a sore spot with me with total war so is he actually like dead usually gives you a little pop up used to get like a little video or like a little pop up I guess they got rid of that hostile hero activity he slaughtered a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] how dare you he killed my he killed a B [ __ ] ape [ __ ] was my friend man ape [ __ ] was the only one there when life turned on me I need something public order but I need the altar of the Horned rat before I can really do that cuz we about to have rebellions can I March your ass all the way over here cuz we need public order here over here like really bad so let's just go garrison the garrison this thing real fast and see what happens ok +14 much better that's not losing anything so we'll just do it that way perfectly fine I do wish like we did this adventure go away the world event should be over in like a turn or two I think but I don't know where I check that I want your city and I want it bad but like I don't want to fight for your city because I hate siege combat total war it's boring I just I like the open field combat but siege combat like the AI gets stuck in places like on the walls and [ __ ] that just drive me crazy and so I don't know [ __ ] with it anymore i siege and i auto resolve when it comes to sieges cuz they just drive me crazy I just I don't like them kind of got to work on this warp stone thing unreasonable weather one more turn it'll be alright then we'll be alright you reek of fear yes yes what no I'm good what is that there is still time to prevent its fulfillment if you cannot intervene in time however there may be the opportunity to hire more local forces to strike on your behalf I don't know what this mechanic is because I've never seen it before like do they win in eight turns like what happens when they do this cuz this seems kind of far away from me and irrelevant like that seems really far away so I don't know why I should care about that like that's half a continent away like who gives a [ __ ] hmm okay yeah I don't even know what that means and so like I'm like yeah it's super far away like if it was right here I'd be like maybe I'll do something about this but I want guacamole crater I want it bad guacamole crater sounds delicious I love guacamole is the best but like why should I have to spend my money like why can't the AI spend their money to do it there's lots of other factions like why is it got to be my money you know what I mean like why can't the dwarves do it yeah but plug we still go out like dinner and we go see movies and stuff like that like sometimes you got to get away from the internet you know what I mean oh good he's getting nutrition losses good [ __ ] him hell yeah I take attrition losses you better get sewn you better [ __ ] not you better not [ __ ] you better not I know what you're trying to do right now I gotta get me an agent hold on I got to get me an agent this little [ __ ] thinks I don't know what he's up to I know what he's up to but I can't get any agents though he's up to something man he's gonna go stab my hero and he's gonna kill him it's gonna make me sad he's definitely gonna come stab this guy I almost guarantee it that's not done yet that could be level 4 and I get engineers but like I want my asesino as I see you know hmm you are correct sir I like money I like money a lot all right neck no actually just like neck no thank you very much for your thoughts man I appreciate that everybody giving me well wishes today it was awesome I appreciate it a lot it really did help but anyways I will see you all tomorrow if you never been been here before you're new to the channel my stream every single day at 3 p.m. Pacific time and I just go till whenever I haven't gone for a run in like five or six days now so I'm gonna go for a run and kind of detox you know what I mean I will see you all tomorrow afternoon thank you for stopping on in this will be going up onto YouTube it's been a blast everybody thank you for supporting me and I will see you all later alright I do
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 297,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Warhammer total war 2 PC gameplay, Total War Warhammer 2 PC Walkthrough, Total War Warhammer 2 PC Playthrough, Total War Warhammer 2 PC Review, Total War Warhammer 2 PC Preview, Total War Warhammer 2 PC Iimpressions, Total War Warhammer 2 PC Guide, Total War Warhammer 2 PC tutorial, Total War Warhammer 2 Skaven, Total War Warhammer 2 High Elf, Total War Warhammer 2 Lizard Men, Total War Warhammer 2 Hard, Total War Warhammer 2 Trailer
Id: 1hOHD9C1U4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 31sec (14371 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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