Inside a Huge Japanese Shopping Mall

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[Music] so we are in the countryside of Southern Japan in kyushi right now and since the major cities like Tokyo don't have a ton of shopping malls I thought this would be a great chance to show you guys and see what are the similarities and what are the differences obviously a lot of those will be based on what country you're watching from but let's take a peek today inside of a full-size Japanese shopping mall now this particular shopping mall actually has three floors I believe and two separate buildings and it's got everything from your standard Starbucks and flower shops and bookstores all the way to game centers and food and everything in between so let's start heading down this way with food and clothing stores Galore Japanese shopping mall on first glance tends to feel very similar to a shopping mall in any country until you start seeing these tiny little differences pop up so I want you guys letting me know in the comments what the big difference is yours are for example Beard Papa these shoe cream are really really popular here in Japan but this is a snack that I've never really seen that much in Canada maybe it existed maybe I just never paid attention you got juice bars over here and kicking things off right at the beginning with a Burger King way out there in the distance now this particular shopping mall is owned by a Japanese retailer called Eon and so on the first floor this entire section here is basically an eon Supermarket you know it's been a while since we've done a supermarket video we might just need to come back sometime and do just the supermarket if that's something you're interested in obviously let me know and opposite to the supermarket section over here there's an entire makeup and Beauty section over here as well as a ton of gut triple machines that's something that we're guaranteed to see a lot of today is gachapon machines almost every single shopping mall that I've ever had the chance to go to in Japan is just filled to the brim with gachapon and we've got everything from random little sake bottles I got distracted by the Frog I was talking about the sake bottles looking at the Frog it distracted me there's always stuff that's cute and Squishy random little things like this like I do believe this is the panel for a train or for car lovers I I fully understand why people do entire pieces of content just on gotcha poem because there is so much to see and do but let's head up into the actual shopping mall area itself this section here still counts as kind of the Eon shop and right out of the gate we have women's Yukata the summer kimonos and depending on the shot let's take a look at what kind of prices we're looking at here for this here we're looking at about 3880 Yen the exchange rate you're looking anywhere between like 25 and 40 dollars and that's likely just for the kimono itself not for the entire set the OB and whatnot is often sold separately and then this entire section behind it here is going to be clothes and bags the clothing for sale here tends to not be either super expensive or super fancy like you're looking at the 1380 Yen over there and then also on this floor you'll have towels and linens and water bottles and all of that but let's get into the actual mall section right out here many Japanese shopping centers will have an oddly disproportionate amount of massage places as well don't know what that's about but actually before we get into the ball I want to show there's an entire section in here for sewing knitting all of that this entire bin is Fabrics like you have a bunch of the teammates know yaiba Fabrics in here as well okay okay getting out of this section let's head into the mall itself this feels like something you would find anywhere this is a speed cut place where you get your hair cut in 10 minutes for a thousand two hundred Yen and right across from it is a fancy shop that's all about shampoo and hair products good placement guys and then a kiosk right in the middle with a ton of hats every now and then you'll find some really hilarious English on these but these ones seem unfortunately very normal over the years the level of Anguish in Japan has slowly started to fade away it's still there and when you find it it feels like more of a find and more of a gem than it used to but it's slowly going away and of course you have little vending machines which are super short these ones are tiny and one of my favorite shops is actually over here right here we've got two of my favorite shops right across from each other gu is a really standard Japanese shop Zone blade Uniqlo and it's the place that gets super super cheap really Basic clothing and then three coins here is a ton of fun this is a slight Twist on like a 100 yen shot but instead of 100 yen everything's just a little bit better and is 300 Yen okay so it looks like they have some stuff for 500 yen as well in true 100 yen shop fashion but you can tell this place is going for a very specific aesthetic and they're actually doing pretty good actually a lot of this stuff 500 yen 800 yen I guess the days of 100 yen shops being 100 yen and 300 Yen shops being 300 Yen are slowly disappearing because even these beautiful stainless tumblers right here are 800 yen in fact so far the one thing I haven't seen in this shop is any item for 300 Yen 800 yen 500 in okay all right I think we've got it still a good shot nonetheless but all the fun stuff is going to be up on the third floor so let's head up onto the third floor all right getting off the escalator the first thing we see is a food court pretty standard food court got a KFC here got a whole place for takoyaki here and there's a Baskin Robbins down here which Japanese don't call Baskin Robbins they call it 31 ice in fact if you were to stand in front of a Baskin Robbins and ask people do you know what the Baskin Robbins is they probably wouldn't know where it is and right beside the food court is the first and I'm sure not the last game center that we have right here in the mall that is adorable what are you looking at most of the toys and the prizes in this game center here and the play place in the background I'm getting the feeling that this one is likely for little little kids so I do think we're going to be coming across at least one more game center within here Minecraft diamond pickaxe it seems like there's also a cinema in here this is a pretty big shopping mall in fact down that way there's a bridge that leads out to the second side but we're not done here in fact there's this 100 yen shop Watts is the proper hundred yen shop I've never seen or heard of Watts before let me take a quick peek uh right out of the gate see right at the entrance 550. glad it looks like a lot of the other stuff is probably standard 100 yen stuff okay all right we'll say okay on this hundred inch again fairly standard Center kiosk with jewelry and whatnot but what I'm looking for is a dagashi shop a traditional Japanese candy and snack shop and I feel like with all the kids stuff on this floor this has to be the floor it would be on so we're gonna walk down this way and as we head down that way as we head down that way why mobile is one of the discount carriers here in Japan and then you got a glasses shop down here and I think I see a dagashi shop right here around the corner and there it is the dagashi shop is always one of my favorite things about Japanese shopping malls dagashi if you don't know or like Japanese Penny candies I am and have always been absolutely obsessed with them Super Mario chocolate for 130 Yen guarantee you as soon as I'm finished shooting today I'm coming back to the dagashi shop and just buying up everything I have a very low snack Supply at home right now so I can definitely justify coming here this here is one of my favorites these little box candies but aside from the low prices just the sheer volume of snacks and things that you'll find in the dagashi shop is one of the things that I love the most about it there's a dagashi bar out in Shibuya that is yeah and every suit that I took my friend Charlotte to a few years back I definitely want to go back there it's basically all you can eat dagashi okay let's go see what else the mall has to offer right now we're on this side but there's a whole other side for us to go and check out let's head down that way there's an entire vending machine here just for Pringles apparently you don't just eat them and everything from beef bowls and oatsumami to cream stew these are some of the most Japanese flavored Pringles I think I've ever seen and this shop here it okay honestly from a distance that looked like it said Norm my name Norm but it says norn but what what is norn what what is oh there is a whole second half of this shopping mall here right across this walkway also just a little bit of a peek at the area that is what the streets out in this area look like and it looks like the rain has let up a little bit oh never mind no it hasn't no it hasn't no it hasn't no it hasn't okay we're heading this way we're heading this way it has been raining quite a bit here in Kyushu lately and right in the entrance all of this food stuff is making me very very hungry you know what might even be worth stopping for a quick coffee break this is a really common coffee chain that you'll find all over Japan but not just coffee they also have some good food and snacks as well you know what let's grab a bite here let's take a peek at the menu here you can see we've got coffees are given oh all right so food's here and looks pretty good sandwich is good coffee is good and this feels like a good chance to give some love to our sponsor so this section is a paid advertisement for nordvpn you probably already know nordvpn you might even be using them but if you're not if you're new to vpns the simplest explanation of what they do is they can make your computer or your device look like it's within another country and a 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money-back guarantee so you can try the service completely risk free everything is linked in the description box down below thank you very much nordvpn that is the end of the sponsored segment I'm gonna I'm gonna continue on with my coffee and we're going to jump back into the shopping mall I've been trying to make more of an effort lately to take breaks in the middle of my video shoots to grab food to hydrate everything like that when I shoot videos I tend to get really really focused on what I'm doing and I'd go all the way through no matter how long it takes and I'll go an entire day sometimes without eating or drinking anything and apparently that's not super healthy for you so that is why I'm sitting down and having a nice meal and I'm lucky this place is for the most part this entire section where I am right now is completely completely empty so it's really small and right outside is amuji which is basically a consumer goods job that focuses heavily on minimalism like the name of the place literally means no brand and they've become a brand in that way but everything is very very simple and minimalistic and plain and I've actually never done any shopping at Muji whatsoever their prices aren't terrible in fact this is a tauriketo it's a blanket made out of towel and I'm actually in the market for a power keto right now so I might come back later but on top of that Muji also carries a ton of stationery stuff as well as household items even spices and snacks and whatnot and they even have their own entire clothing line which is fairly popular in Japan a lot of people here wear muzi let's keep moving on there is more to see oh oh my goodness I did not realize that Muji makes jinbei this is like a Japanese summer outfit that you often wear for festivals and whatnot okay all right let's keep going and right beside Muji here there's actually a Village Vanguard a couple months back I did a walk through the Village Vanguard in Tokyo's shimotazawa area we were lucky enough to allow be allowed into the shop before the shop opened so that we can go through and check out the entire place but one thing that I love about Village Vanguard is that each one while having similar stuff is pretty unique they're a subculture shop and each owner or manager of each shop gets to choose a lot of the products that they have so every single Village Vanguard will have unique products that other ones don't have if you're interested in seeing more about this shop I will link The Village Vanguard video up above now back here there's a fairly large bookstore now some bookstores in Japan not all bookstores have books in English and in Tokyo there's an entire area called jimbocho that's all bookstores and it's quite spectacular but one thing that throws a lot of people off of these Japanese these are the standard primary school elementary school backpacks in Japan and a lot of schools they are required but they are incredibly pricey these ones because they're not like a big fancy shop are around 60 000 Yen so anywhere between you know four and six hundred dollars depending on the exchange rate in your country but if you were to go out to their entire dando seru shops that specialize just in making dando seru and they are incredibly expensive you can get them up to like a thousand two thousand dollars and then there's an entire section over here just with Lego and toys and it looks like we even have a game center tucked into the back here wow dinosaurs I don't know about you but Jurassic Park like the original Jurassic Park has always been one of my favorite movies and this game center is kind of small it's just on the edge but it does have a lot of stuff including these little pop-in tubes that are everywhere lately in Japan as in a lot of countries kids love to go out in the summer and catch bugs and whatnot but they even have these Pokeball masterball bug cases for kids to go out and collect bugs in so we started out here in the Eon shopping center and then went through these floors here across the little bridge and now we're in this section and we're still just in the opening section of it but there is a sports shop down here this Sports Authority I believe it's called and this place always has really amazing deals seems there is a gym here but right beside it is yet another arcade and Game Center and with the Pachinko and other coin games this one is definitely a little more adult than the previous game center but there's a whole session here as well with more crane games and everything like that wow it's almost hard to believe that this is all within a shopping mall being from Canada I can't really imagine a shopping mall that would have a game center or arcade of this level inside of it how about your country would something like this be normal in your country or is this just as surprising to you as it is to me because this one is quite large and expensive I am definitely glad to see it and I'm glad to see that it's doing well on a weekday afternoon Japan's had a lot of trouble with its game centers struggling lately and a few major ones have closed once again I'll link a video up above about about Japan's biggest and most famous game center the Sega giggle arcade in ikebukuro shutting down a while back and since making that all Sega arcades have been transferred over to gigo and Sega as an arcade no longer exists so you don't get to see the giant Sega signs in places like Akihabara anymore they're just gone see you later dude but that being said this Sports Authority over here is a great place to grab Sports where I you know it says sports right so sportswear clothing there's a bit of camping gear and whatnot but I managed to get a pair of really decent shoes when I first moved out to this area for an insane price like let me see if they still have shoes on really cheap we've got these Nikes here for about 6 500 yen or even these New Balance down here for about 4 000 Yen I'm I can't even remember I think I picked up a pair of shoes here for like two or three thousand yen but the store itself is enormous and again it's the type of place that you would go if you were looking for any type of sporting equipment here in Japan like the Sports Authority has everything mind you the recycle shops are also really good if you don't need stuff that's brand new so I tend to just lean towards the recycle or thrift stores and they've got this entire section here just for camping stuff all right if I don't get out of here I'm going to be hanging out in the camping section all day so let's keep moving and that looks like a really fun like there's like this whole gymnastics acrobatics hangout Zone here as well right down from the Sports Authority that just looks like a lot of fun what okay Japanese shopping mall might quickly be winning me over we've also got the cinema up there but let's head down and see where the lower floors have there is a fair size nitori which is basically a furniture and home accessories shop but right beside the nitori is yet one more giant selection of gachapon machines you know what I think I might need to just someday build my own collection I've got to pull machines but the real question is even if I do get my own gachapon machines what do I fill them with any ideas if you have ideas of what to fill these futuristic unknown undecided Tokyo lens gachapons with let me know down in the comments who knows my income a weird reality someday there are just so many spread throughout this entire mall they are absolutely everywhere and in addition to the food court there are little cafes like the one we were at or this little Pizzeria and Buffet here spread throughout pretty much all the floors on this mall and then you get ABC Mart which is one of the most major shoe retailers in Japan and I have no idea what this shop is but it's called hide and seek and it looks amazing I am constantly always getting sucked into the stores with all the toys this place looks incredible oh my God it's a Pikachu hair band you cannot tell me that you don't want the Pikachu hair but everybody wants to Pikachu hair back what this place has everything an entire little bucket just for Mario oh wow and look at all the Lego honestly if I'm not careful I could end up spinning far too much time in this store as well so this is gonna have to be another one that I come back to because just like the dougashi shop they have their own dagashi sections I gotta be nice I gotta patronize the dagashi shop so I will save my dagashi purchase for then but I will say hide and seek this is my first time seeing this store and I like it seems they also have all the stationary and school supplies that you need I guess it's an all-around shop just for kids just a kid at heart and there's a little mini hardware store here called Astro product I've never heard of Astro products before but prices seem to be oh my goodness that's the that's a campfire thing that I use this is my little mini portable campfire that I carry everywhere when I'm camping there it is down there and honestly that's not bad I get it on Amazon for maybe three thousand four hundred Yen ish and that is pretty much on par in fact most of the stuff here seems fairly reasonably priced like about 15 bucks for this case or these now I called them rain boots in a recent video that I did and everyone had a Heyday with that well I guess we'll call them rubber boots or I guess in some countries they call them Wellies for 1980 not bad whatsoever what are we looking at on the tools in back for about a hundred bucks I am nothing do we have the prices on here okay about 53 bucks for that one and it seems these are Astro products so it's their own line of tools as well now as far as actual hardware stores goes this one is pretty small it's not like a full hardware store but that's also something that I've been wanting to shoot for some time is take us out to a hardware store because I have a project coming up in Tokyo that's going to require me to hit up a hardware store and start building and filling a place and unfortunately for some reason the vast majority of hardware stores that you'll go into play really really loud music and so I've been struggling to find a hardware store where we are not overwhelmed with the background music but this place here isn't too bad so here's a little mini Peak and you get some International products as well like the gorilla brand stuff Gorilla Glue and Gorilla Tape but a lot of the stuff that you'll find in Japanese hardware stores are Japanese products since there are so many unique construction methods tools and products that are used especially to build places safely to protect them against Earthquakes here and that is a huge roll of carbon fiber coating sticker carbon fiber s coating sticker for only 15 bucks I think there's also a pet store next door let's go take a peek at that there we go this is the back end of everything this is a petmo store and I guess it's your again fairly standard pet store I can't remember the last time I've gone into a pet store in another country but they do have puppies here for about two thousand dollars give or take they are small they are fluffy just as puppies should be what they even have like a little play place for dogs to run around and chase each other that is so cute that is neat okay why are these guys why are they dead why are their eyes crossed out but that is a peek at a Japanese shopping mall there were a lot of places we saw a lot of places I would have loved to spend more time on and probably just as much stuff that we miss but if there's anything that you are particularly interested in please be sure to leave it in the comments below thank you guys so much for joining today don't forget all the nordvpn stuff will be linked in the description box below and I will talk to you guys again real soon I bought a lot of snacks and other stuff how different was that from a shopping mall in your country let me know
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 184,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Japan Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, Mall, Shopping mall, Japan shopping, japanese shopping, japanese shopping mall, japan shopping mall, shopping center, japan shopping center, japanese mall, shopping mall in Japan, shopping in Japan
Id: NhTBEj-sibE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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