FROM RENTALS TO SUPER GARAGE - Namz Boost tells his story | CEOCAST EP. 94

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so what was your first company then what was your first business the first business I did was a Car Hire business it made sense because you probably know yourself so it made sense and looking back no but at the time what is going on people welcome back to the CEO of course the number one podcast for showcasing Business and Entrepreneurship now today you'll not join me on an episode with someone who I've been trying to get into for a year now he's a good friend of mine we've gone out hung about hair and there and whatnot um and you know what I'm guessing we can finally do this podcast a whole year on later make it happen none other than my good friend nam's boost what are you saying bro what's happening bro right I'm good my bro I'm good so like I said it's been a year first person first why you made me wait time time absolutely no no time at all what'd you do with your time literally I'm here man morning to evening and then I go home work home that's that's me for the last one and a half two years now yeah so tell me what what exactly where are we right now before we get into it make sure you subscribe and set the Bell notification to all so you never miss a single episode so you're sitting in boost performance this is my workshop we do quite a lot of things we do engine rebuilds we do Performance Tuning stuff like that basically I'm a lot more tubing it's basically I'm just like what's a lot more gone it's a One-Stop car shop basically something like that everything everything that was my plan on opening this place yeah I want to do everything cars in one place yeah and it's quite you know Monumental because you've got your GTR behind that's the first time on the podcast I've got my baby behind me my CEO customer build which I'm asked about because you can hopefully see on camera leave me some comments below let me know what you think of it but yeah no amazing beautiful Workshop but let's get into all this nums nums how old are you right now um 32 at the moment 32 so you've been active for a while man yeah I mean I've been on quite a few different things over the last few years um this is only going to two and a half years ago two and a half years ago yeah so let's let's dive all the way back then let's talk about your childhood days man let's talk about nams should we say your government name or you leave it up yeah yeah let's talk about nams the kid yeah where did this all start for you what's your upbringing like man I mean um I went to school went to college I went to UNI yeah second year of uni I dropped out yeah is it I wasn't feeling it I wasn't feeling it I would go to every class and sit in there thinking what am I doing here what are we studying uh computer science okay yeah why I don't know that's what I'm saying like starting's not for me I don't know what I was doing I've just obviously done my a levels and stuff when I went to the first year I learned that second year it's like almost every lesson I've been thinking I'll be sitting there thinking like what am I doing you get all that feeling I just had other things in my mind so I just dropped out eventually second year I dropped out and um that's when I had time to myself that's when I started figuring out what to do with my life Fair Play Let's Go just before uni right uh obviously you're I think people are born entrepreneurs what do you think do you think people are born entrepreneurs you think it's just something that people get into I think 100 yeah yeah um either genetically or it's just inside them yeah you either have it you don't so what was your household I'll bring you like then when you were a kid let's just let's say from the age of 10. my dad himself is a businessman yeah um he does like wholesale retail he's got a shop in Green Street he does a lot of other properties and stuff in the background so yeah yeah he's been doing business since I was young I've been watching him do this stuff yeah yeah do you think I've got you into it as well um I wouldn't say that because because um what I've got into is completely different from what my dad does but I'd say like business sense I probably got it from my dad I'm just a lot from him yeah that's what I'm saying probably in your DNA in your blood then 100 say so yeah you know fair play so then coming along from the union is you would have gone to UNI about 18 years old I think I think that's when people go uni I think so yeah and you would have dropped out for second year 20 years old something I'll say about 21 because I think I can't remember what happened back then but 21 22 I dropped out something like that yeah so what was your first company then what was your first business uh so the first business I did was a Car Hire business yeah and um it made sense because um you probably know yourself I thought it made sense yeah and looking back no but at the time we'll get into that later we'll move on yeah so yeah so it um it made sense in the sense that you know when it comes to weddings in these areas um everyone's hiring cars yeah it's a very very busy business um I literally bought one car with a BMW 535 D um I think within a week of advertisement I didn't see that car it was gone out every single day and the shape was a F10 shape now F10 E60 is it okay it's a fully loaded one yeah very nice um was this before the F10 has come out yeah yeah it was it was so I mean it's still the most that was the latest Fire series then the one you got yeah it was a nice very nice spec as well it's in carbon black and he had the white interior because that was flying out literally every day in and out obviously it made sense to add more cars to a fleet and that's when I started adding more and more it literally just went from there and um before I knew it yeah my age I think it was about 24 by then so at that point I thought to myself you know what I need to add more cars and it makes sense I literally started getting more and more and added to the fleet from there pretty much and um before I know it I had about 10 to 12 calls in my fleet within a space of a year and a half was a really fast growth um I ended up having like hard like the RS6 c63s um can't remember what I had now so this is this is where I know you from obviously I've started speaking to you from CEO cost right yeah um but I knew you obviously growing up within the same sort of area about 20 minutes away from each other I knew you from there because I remember going on Prom jobs and stuff like that as everyone does every single Car Hire company within East London and ends up in gallons 100 promises I'm pretty sure I've seen you around there yeah you know I think I saw you know C63 M3 you had a load of cars yeah right you don't have the GTR then obviously not um actually they did um in my early days I had another GTR because that was my personal car I wouldn't went out yeah that was a straight shot for it um yeah basically my personal car and anytime people want to do a wedding show first or anything like that I'll take that one out yeah but um other than that in terms of AMG M and rs I want to cover every model so I really pretty much went for all my favorites pretty much so I'm interested to know Instagram's man what was your experience like in a rental game um I think you know even in the trade isn't it it's a headache man I mean I'll be honest with you the numbers are they're really good monthly you get literally you're cost covered and you make a lot more but when it comes to like one car accident that makes all the difference man and um did you have any accidents out of quite a few yeah um so the problem is see even if the car's insured uh most of these guys in the area they'll pass the keys onto their mate yep go for a spin around the corner stacked it that's right yeah that's like a 10 grand damage done and um he's got 10 grand in their pocket these guys are like 25 26 you know yeah most time Insurance ain't paying like that either I mean yeah it depends on the insurance some exes are really high and then some of these guys they don't have the Savings in their pocket so that's when I have to start vetting them and stuff and I wouldn't start I would selectively give my cars to people not just anyone and everyone yeah um it was doing better like near the end but then um towards that I think that's what happened kovit came 2020. rental game died and everyone in the rental game will tell you the same with like all their cars are parked up no hiring cars everyone's everything locked down all the weddings are done in it yeah this episode is brought to you by Cinemas now if you don't already know about Cinema I don't know where you've been because they've got some of the nicest and most long lasting perfumes out there one of my top favorites is the Arabian Nights oil and just a couple drops to keep you smelling fresh the whole day so they must have got stores all over the UK so chances are wherever you're watching this from they've probably got a 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using it because remember they got the car for like let's just say two days three days um they know they're gonna have to return the car eventually they're gonna have to call me and tell me what's going on so they called me and said oh you know I've crashed the car and then they'll say so many things like oh my mama took the keys into quite often he crashed it like they didn't say anything to get out of it did you have trackers in the course I have trackers and towards the end I had really good trackers as well like I had trackers that you could see like um the speed drop down notifications yeah so exactly like literally imagine I'm sitting on my phone at home and then like someone's put their foot down 80 miles an hour 120 and 80s on yeah I get a notifications saying 80 so it's quite nice I would call them straight away and say look slow down don't make me charge you from there what deposits were you taking how much bug yeah that's like the going rate a grand 1500 yeah but going back to it it'd be like two free grand minimum if I was to do that yeah not only just the class being hit I'm sure you've probably had multiple encounters where people getting tickets and whatnot there's just so many tickets coming to your house and everything like that yeah yeah I remember you yeah at the beginning that was a hit I just keep calling them up say pay the ticket yeah he's like I paid it what two then obviously you learn through the trade isn't it so I started like adding on to my high agreement that um you take all liability and stuff they're signing for it so then they become an admin job I got this much tickets processing the tickets sending it to address yeah charging them admin fee from their card so I was quite relaxed to do that yeah yeah that's how I got it from tickets at the end so you're doing with this with a partner right at the very beginning yeah that 535d that you bought yeah everything was 50 50 at the beginning yeah even the cause the rest of the cars that you bought yeah yeah it was just literally adding on adding one yeah but um as we went obviously we had a few disagreements and stuff and um I'll be honest with you that's when I started realizing that I don't like your business even Partners how did you know him he just from the area man they're like we all just mates basically yeah met him about a few years ago and um yeah it was just the idea me and him for let's do it and they made it easy because when two of you guys were together that's what you know that's that's literally my partner and once I cross lines with him that was it and we just left it at that and I've honest with you that was the best move ever um he went his way I went my way I kept the name Bruce call higher because boosted my brand um I'll tell you more about that later where boost came from but um yeah I kept a Boost Car hire and um fresh Fleet man I had it by myself adding my own cars from there and that worked the best I was getting the full share now obviously and I was already in the trade had the name up there so how did you put away then because obviously that whole time you've gone 50 50 on cards what did you have to sell the whole food yeah pretty much yeah we just um some cars that were on my name yeah because when his name he kept his one I kept my ones and um that was it what was like your daily rate for cars and stuff uh example 535d 150 a day at the time with him it was like off 82 that was about two I think about 200 a day yeah and then there was an Astra there was like we're not with myself eventually I built my fleet up and I grew up myself proper nice fleets so you had um like a disagreement with your partner right I don't know how much do you want to go into in depth about that one um but from that you split ways right yeah so how many years was that into you doing business with him yeah I think it was about I'd say about 10 11 months it wasn't that long I wasn't long at all no okay roughly a month um well we were busy at the time the business was very busy so between the space of uber in the first car yeah how many courses you happened up until like did you say the year down the line seven eight yeah about seven eight years you was buying clothes and buying clothes because we had to like the demand was there you know we had to just um we were winning cars and they're all out literally we're becoming heartless now yeah so we'll become callers we're thinking you know what let's get more cars and we're getting more cars and the demand is keeps coming so yeah it was doing well and obviously until that happened and it'll be part ways and um yeah I carried on by myself and I'll be honest with you that was the best decision like it wasn't even a decision it just happened you know we had a disagreement when he's away he went his way I went my way and um ever since then I don't know back I've been by myself since I'm gonna ask a question here on the behalf of the audience because I know they're probably Gonna Be Wondering right where do you get the money from for buying the car like that do you do you finance them or you buy them straight cash um so some of them were partially with cash some of them are business finance as well okay yeah especially like the higher model series something like the RS6 that was like 61 Grand over that was so I got that on finance yeah six oh that's the that would have been there like 15 player or six six team play yeah at the time yeah blue one yeah that's it okay yeah yeah that's the one that you should see all the time anyway but um yeah it's a good one so when you started your one all the calls you had sold at this point um yes I had a few cars um obviously um I had a few cards from myself from before yeah I kept them rent them out but I wanted to get updated free and then this is I'm saying like how I see it like this here for example if you have a car accident yeah with let's just say um let's just say r42 crash repair damage on that roughly yeah about five six grand and I've seen the maps I thought you know what I could get RS6 yeah I know it's a bit expensive for the car but the daily rate is way more I pushed that out the same amount of days um and I make a lot more money if that has an accident on the front end it'd be give or take about two three grand more to repair front end because uh compared to what car like I offer you do okay because bumpers radiator trim and stuff is not much more extra yeah but you're getting paid a lot more per day how much was it in like 350 a day okay sorry the RS6 actually was 375 a day price it doesn't go together so you have to be a bit low yeah my c63s that was 350 a day because again um it's a bit lower value from the RS6 at the M3 compact again that was 350 as well um fully specked out all my cars are fully loaded fully specked out and like they were a bit different because um if you see a lot of rental companies here they'll get like a CCP they'll get the most basic model I was going for spec so they were really nice I was charging the premium as well yeah yeah how many cards did you build it up to by yourself then eight I'll say about eight cars okay always same thing constantly out yeah yeah how long are you doing it for you by yourself then um so this company a lot of people mentioned this company is called boost Prestige then boost Prestige yeah okay so that was all you that was only yeah yeah how long was that running for them five years yeah five years 2015 to about coffee time yeah how much is your insurance premium self-drive higher I'm sure you know as well per car six grand per year yeah super expensive man and that's what I'm saying like six grand per year the car has to be up you can't afford fruit not to be no exactly you got otherwise now the thing is um at the time I didn't have a unit see um I'll tell you a story behind this unit why I even got a unit because remember I didn't have no intentions to get a garage at the time this was for storage for my car rentals yeah this place was empty when I walked in um I have to park the cars on the street are some nice parking spaces next to my house yeah so all the cars were getting parked in the street uh my BMW M4 I had M4 white one yeah yeah that was stolen is it on the road that's the full loss after that loss on my head well Insurance didn't pay out no they're being funny but there are some clues about the trackers and stuff and um it was a long story one year no payout at the end no payout so yeah that was a complete loss um that happened and at that moment I thought to myself you know what I just took a big hit and I got all these cars lined up you know then my target is next something to myself I have to get a unit so um this unit one of my mates had it he was letting go of it at the same time because I'm looking everywhere I'm not sure if you know but if you're looking for a unit that does more trade anything to do with cars no one wants to know about it boy I don't want it I don't know you just call them up they just wanna have things to do with like you know um risk fire risk and then oh you're saying the landlords and stuff yeah landlords they don't they don't want cars luckily enough people think accident management over here and I was able to take the lead straight off him so I've got a renewed a five-year lease fresh lease on this place yeah and um yeah so I put my car seat I'm pushing them out from here this was my operational business basically how many places how many calls can this place hold I mean it looks like quite a few right now but I'm assuming when you got it first there was no ramps in it or anything no yeah so at the time if you decide that this place is 4500 square feet yeah if you want to put cars in here I'd say about 40 at least if you put four inside all the way to the end yeah yeah I'll say about that much and it was enough of what I was doing because I got all the space outside as well and on the back yeah and even this place in the back it was empty it was it was a crazy place man that was all free I had this place um until covert came basically and that's when the rental all the rental completely died out well the beginning of 2020. um literally coffee time um yeah beginning of 2020 yeah so then what you still had your eight cars in like when cold yeah yeah same course had the same cause and then um basically I had all these consent in there and I know what the time the cars are going to depreciate I don't know how long this coffee isn't going to last for so people voting cards occasionally but it wasn't enough to cover the overheads yeah yeah so at the time I was thinking you know what I ever sell it or but then I think it was like what do I do with this place that's when I thought to myself you know what I always wanted to open a garage like a workshop um you know to do tuning and uh engine rebuilds and stuff like that and that was my opportunity right there I thought you know what let me sell these cars off and start this business and um that's that's literally what this Carriage started this performance that's where it started so I'm assuming with the money you used from you know the money you obtained from selling all those cars is what you basically invested into here pretty much yeah yeah from what I've heard like ramps are expensive I mean yeah and the equipment you're going to need is expensive everything I've invested in this place is literally top of the range like example this rotary ramp here yeah you can get ramps for 1500 pounds these cost four grand each wow what's the difference American good quality three years warranty yeah yeah like top of the range it's holding up a Range Rover so I mean that's good enough in it yeah that's it man when you decided you wanted to open up your cartoon to play slash garage what was the first step that you've done obviously for any garage you need ramps here so I bought the one ramp first year and I got it installed and um I literally started amid a new business boost Technic that's the name I'll name this place first yeah and um I started taking on jobs and literally remember this time I got the rent of this place the rates the build everything on my head undercover somehow so I got some like life skills with mechanical so I started doing my own with my own hands literally they started doing servicing brake Replacements and um also at the same time the mot station I don't know if it's in the camera or not for mots make you know good source of income consistent money in it yeah exactly yeah constant source of money and obviously a multi-failures they provide more income so far I'll get motb in here so I was busy with that like getting that stuff that took about 10 11 months if you like get approved get it installed get the equipment in um that was it that was my motibe had one ramp before you know it had a mechanic come on board and then he started doing basically repairs and stuff when you first opened up I'm sure business wasn't just you know flooding through the door so then how long did it take to get settled in and stuff so yeah when the mechanic came I had a mechanic come through and uh because of him obviously he's more advanced than me he was doing engine rebuilds and stuff I started taking on bigger jobs for the garage um same way as a rental man like booking site coming through um and I got busy and busy and then again with the ramps I added another ramp second third ramp just like the demand became more and more before you know it I grew this place and when I walked in I thought this all the places all the space I'll ever need so I mean there was Cars rammed inside outside that's just for like the Gathering side as well so during that time obviously I thought you know what these guys they're doing the mechanical stuff tuning fitting exhaust and intakes or anything or even car repairs they were doing that at the mot B going on so I thought to myself I should make myself useful I went to tuning cars and um this is the perfect opportunity so I literally go into that from there how did you learn to tune cars um done of course oh is it yeah I only had a clue about everything anyway from beforehand asked you've always read about it in a ways yeah you know when I was young for college and stuff when I'm in like computer class and stuff I'm not really studying I was doing this stuff looking at Cars and auto trader I'm just dreaming about the future in it so that's where I got my like passion for cars from so I mean I was very clued up um even going back to my GTR Mark 5 that I had that was my personal car back then that's where I got the name from for the for my garage and any of my businesses I'm known for that car and that number plate he had boost on it that's where boosts performance boost Prestige all of these conferences it said boost oh on it okay oh just the additional value yeah yeah but this is the name and the reason for that is at the time time and I had um I started from my first car that Mark IV GTI again that was turbocharged um I tuned that up it was remapped I'm telling you at that time to yourself no at the time I was young so we just went to a place called artec in Leicester everyone knows about that for these kind of course um I went there got that car tuned up and then my mark 5 GTI I don't know Madness on that I took the engine put a golf 4 engine in there that was a Mach 5 GTR and a golf ball was brand spanking me at the time what uh Mark 70 uh go for no Mark six goal foreign Turbo another time the newest fastest cars were the W-2 over C63 and the M3 e92 they're like naturally aspirated yeah I'm telling you my car was on par with them and everyone is driving like this to come next to me and say what is that that's GTR is like don't lie like they couldn't believe it yeah there wasn't much tune call at the time and that a few people used to do it now it's very common everyone's got a tune car but that's it man that's where I started shooting cars from and because my car was so fast it made a statement on Instagram as well everyone used to like see the video that's dude like grab a bit nuts at the time to say boost yeah so everyone knew me for Boost like they just say you're boosting it yeah South Fortune was like you know what if I'm gonna name a brand boost makes sense because that's what I'm known for so that's where boost Prestige died from the name the resonate review yeah if you write review exactly yeah so obviously right now we're at a stage where you know your garage is busy and you've got the GTR as well right yeah that's I'm sure that's probably a dream car that you'd always reported from did you get a call with the purpose of that being like a demonstrator for this business yeah a bit of both actually um so I had a GTR before previously but at the time ahead of about three years and that was a liability for me because I remember um I had a rental Fleet as well and I done the maths that that car sitting there I asked to drive that literally maybe once in two weeks just a weekend call yeah and I thought to myself um I'm making good amount of money just from doing rental pushing cars out I can replace my GTR with a rental car but I can still drive around and make money out of it instead of costing me money per month I'll make money from it per month so I got rid of that and that was a good decision at the time because then that's that's why I got the RS6 from GTL has gone rsues came in um but that was about what five years ago so ever since that um GTR was my dream car the auto A5 that was like literally my dream car I would always dreamed for that like previously before that I was like a lot younger it was the R34 GTR Super and stuff like that yeah um so this car this is the last one ever made it's um it's literally a one of one I expected to my own liking in Bayside blue so I've done that because um two reasons personally I love zachar and 200 demonstrated as well like my plan with that car is take the engine out rebuild it Force the internals bigger turbo go for about above a thousand BHP because when you do stuff like this people see it and then obviously they think you know what this garage is serious they've done their car I can see it there's the product I want that on my corner so it works so that's definitely a demonstrator I think one of the biggest things in my opinion that helps you with your garage as well YouTube and more right yeah massively so you know your everyone for people who come to this video right now they probably know you they've probably seen you on YouTube I mean you had a Range Rover rebuild that you've done that's it and that crossover how many views is it a million views my YouTuber even like I started off I had no intention of doing YouTube to do stuff in my gallery it was more of a personal thing yeah so again that obviously recently not my rental so just the one that I bought for a project he had uh problems like the car was misfiring and stuff I thought to myself you know what that's going for cheap the retail value was around 58 Grand I bought for 42 42 Grand misfiring from the auction or something auction yeah yeah I saw the information the car's running and it's just running rough I'm thinking to myself you know what we've done loads of this stuff before I could probably fix that for a few grand yeah put the car in here turns out he needed two new fuel pumps 600 pounds car with mint is it that's it that's it that's it so you spent let's just say 42 and a half thousand pound foot on the card that's worth 52 Grand now more than that like remember the car price went up right by the time I sold it was about 58 Grand up on my hands one I had on me and all the car prices were going up at the time it ended up being 58 it was 53 value when I bought it after that obviously I wanted to drive around for a bit actually on stage two driving the car around and like before I know it come to sell it the car's gone up by another five six grand so how much did you sell it for exactly 57 okay so you profited very good margin I'm telling you there's a lot of good cars there's a lot of money in cars you just have to know what you do with it yeah and on that video I think you got about because I remember the thumbnail entitled you got about 500 000 reviews yeah half a million see that video I unintentionally just filmed it for YouTube because I bought a car so honestly I love artists anyway so I was just showing the car around and then I posted that that went viral and I thought to myself you know what I think I found my support for YouTube what to do because um previously I've done tuning videos and stuff they were doing all right like 30k and stuff but not like the numbers that these people love rebuild videos Man projects they love projects projects yeah look at um there's a great example Matt Armstrong massive massive yeah that's what I'm saying like all he does is rebuilds and stuff people love that stuff 100 so what's the car uh the last call you documented for rebuild was what cls63 cls63 yeah yeah you sold that no not yet no I haven't even put off a sale yet okay fair enough yeah so that was the last one you've done and I remember you speak to me a while ago saying that you're gonna you're looking for another car have you bought anything to bring back to the channel um what was that how long was this you know when I came here that time remarkable or something like that you said you were going to M6 oh that one yeah I didn't buy that there you didn't no I didn't even for like silly money and it didn't make sense okay yeah you have to do the numbers as well in it like just because everyone building on it doesn't mean it's a good buy risk it has to make sense for me like I take into a factor that if it is an engine I could be looking up to seven eight grand out that's if if that's close to retail price I can go to um a private seller knock off grants from him and I've got the I've got a cheaper car without any headache so give me let's use the Range Rover as an example right you got Range Rover evolved how much did you pay for that twenty one thousand twenty one thousand yeah the return that was what thirty two thousand thirty two thousand yeah now that that didn't need a whole new engine right that needed a few things here rebuild basically rebuild basically yeah how much do you spend on that about I think three and a half okay that's sold the owner yeah that's gone that was sort of quick and uh one of my YouTube viewers bought it is it yeah literally I was you know while I'm when I made the video I said if any of you want to buy this car let me know yeah phone calls are coming here I got a few inquiries yeah all on the country actually yeah different different people yeah and one guy from Hackney came and bought it is it how much you sell it for um 31 I'll give it to him because um he gave me a product as well yeah that's why he made sense for me in it yeah um he might take a ground off but he gave me a call worth three grand so yeah yeah but here's what I'm really interested in right because obviously you profit let's just say uh think minimum by five grand you would have profited or something like that well from the Range Rover yeah um it's about seven eight I think uh seven eight profit here's what I really wanted obviously that video got over a million views yeah and that wasn't just the one video I think let's just say the whole total Range Rover build two million views yeah this might be cheeky to ask how much did that benefit you in terms of YouTube channel yeah and how much did that pay you back on the YouTube views so in terms of subscribers my channels show up man I don't know I was just chilling on my phone one hour later it's gone up by another 40kb I'm thinking what's going on man this is ridiculous yeah it's going up it's great all the subscribers are coming in comments are coming in and um yeah my channel grew quite a big large amount and um you know that was my second big project I think after hour six so I thought to myself you know what YouTube itself is a serious platform you know um not only am I showing what I'm doing in this Workshop it's a massive form of advertisement for my business as well at the same time yeah so yeah YouTube has been a one of my best moves as well 100 it's like free advertisement you're showing what you do and I was watching it ever seen at home they're watching there watching your videos people could see on camera as well that you're outgrowing this place yeah yeah so what's the plan to be before um like I said before um when I opened this place I like to call this place a Super Garage the reason for that is I like to offer all the services you can for a car under one so I mean I'll tell you what we do a bit of now so we go mot station we do servicing Diagnostics um engine rebuilds and stuff is the biggest thing we do um tuning cars us are missing out on body works so that's one something I want to get into and also a Dyno you know for tuning and I'm gonna get a Dino Run if you see this place it's packed full of cars so there's no space for it so in two and a half years I'm gonna really agree myself and there's no there's no space for anything like that I can't grow myself even if I wanted to purely down to space let's just say a spray booth now um if I was to fit one right behind where you're sitting yeah that's the whole spray with there yeah yeah um it's losing valuable parking spaces which I use for car stock or even queues for cars for the ramps so going forward my lease expires here about a year and a half this being 4500 square feet I think I need around 15 000 to 20 000 square feet what I don't want to do is move to a new premises and then you know I grow myself over there as well because I want to think about the future so um yeah I'd like to find a place for at least 15 to 20 000 square feet put a spray booth in there and put it down put a Dino Run in there as well and um I think that's me man I'll be happy with that and um I haven't mentioned yet um yeah I mentioned Sterling more group yet not yet but we'll get into that in a second all right I just wanted to ask when you started yeah yeah when you started this when you you know you already had the garage anyway but when you started boost performance did you anticipate the growth that it's had to the point where you're sat right now not at home man no it took me back I'd have been said you like amount of bookings I get even the cars that come through the door like it surprised me you know like um I never thought it would go this way do I mean and in two and a half years the growth rate has been very very fast like more faster than I can comprehend what's going on and you've got a huge array of Clauses what I mean you've got a hurricane right here yeah obviously your GTO is your GTR the M5 um it's got a whole load across G-Wagon here you've done F's um M5 yeah speed then five yeah yeah which uh if you're watching this your M5 was I think I'm pretty sure you can agree that's it but you obviously you rebuilt that so the amount of cards you're getting now is it majority performance cars or is it just performance cars are coming there um I started off with Zach more cars like you know like these kind of cars are volcanoco golfs these are the first cars that were coming in and slowly slowly I started having more customers from the tuning side repair side and um I think you know it is when he came to me doing engine Rebels yeah even outside this way as well after myself if I do engine rebuilds and big engines like V8 and stuff people would think you know what he's building an engine you can do anything to a car if you can build an engine you can do anything and that's the way I think my company is getting a lot of trust from because they're seeing I'm pulling these bills off they're leaving the door they're not coming back and um you have lots of engineerable places like you literally you build an engine one week later the engine's knocking again it's coming back and it's off the road so yeah we're learning a lot along the way and we're growing as we go talk to me about Sterling model group okay so Sterling model group um Western now October I started in January I go into car sales um because I thought to myself you know I got the space for it a lot of parka and car parking space outside um it just made sense you know Carl says like like everything in-house I got the repairs in this house or the mot Bay um so I started buying cars I think in January I started with 10 cars and then like now it's October I've got 30 cars in stock at the moment will cost you about 10 cars tankers so they were like standard cores so example F10 Five series I had a 3 Series Mini Cooper Peugeot 208 like all these oh it's a different range but like the lower yeah okay so I mean everything I do I usually like to start small like take a risk but not such a big risk like last thing you want to do is invest in 100 Grand stock and just sing on you yeah so I've done it slowly I'm Investments were like I don't know two three grand each and I was sleeping them for with about two grand margins about a grand to two um so I started selling them and um again that one as well car sales are doing really good um I've had to reinvest I've now stopped at 30 because of space I've got no space for cars anymore if I want if I if I could I'd keep going I'd reinvest what I've got from the car currently and just keep reinvesting and increasing stock that's what I've been doing this in January and that's that's working really well as well totally where does the name obviously we talked about where the name Bruce comes from yeah yeah where's the name Sterling come from why sterling sterling um I mean I'm honest with you it just sounds nice and it looks good on paper as well it looks pretty that's all it is yeah you want to give a professional image to your brand so um yeah that's really where the name came from um I did obviously do research on names and stuff what I could do and obviously boost Motor Group doesn't really go for car sales yeah you know so that's where the name just it's more of a random thing what's the what's the dream for you stole England you want to open your own big dealership and have a service department in-house and all that sort of stuff like what's the end goal for for you names yeah I mean I see myself moving to the next premises and increasing my stock um let's just say my goal at the moment is about 100 costs but it's not a limit that's just what I'm thinking for now because I'm 30 now it's not going to take a lot to get to 100 but if my space can handle it I'll go for more but yeah something like a Car Supermarket kind of thing yeah yeah transitioning from from Motor Group stuff you got into Hospitality yeah it's a complete switch up that's right yeah and you know from sitting and talking to you and stuff that you haven't ever done that before have you no I haven't see the thing is I wouldn't get involved in something I don't know nothing about yeah um the benefit of this is my brothers what is it firstly just because obviously we ain't told the views oh it's okay so tienco um our idea behind that is bubble tea and the dessert shop yeah that's the idea behind it yeah where does that come from then so it was um I've got four brothers um they basically decided they want to open up a dessert shop and obviously they we all lost each other you're gonna get involved nothing too much of you know what I'm doing this stuff there's four guys there helping me out with it it's not going to take a lot of me to go out there and open another business so I thought why not invest in other things as well you know what I wanted to do was have more sources of income basically pretty much so adding to what I've got already um my brothers and then they have a clue of what they're doing with that stuff so they know what they're doing so I do get involved in there we have meetings and stuff but um going forward we'll have to see where that goes when's that gonna open where is it uh he's in Hackney a very good location actually um dalston Lane okay that's where all the other shops are like you got Starbucks you got um McDonald's and all these other High Street shops right in the bank in the middle someone would say that's competitive competitive though no true but we're gonna be doing we're going to be offering something very different as well yeah so once we open um it's a completely place but the football is massive so we're gonna have to just see how it goes I'm looking forward to it though because again it is something different from what I've done and um you know if that works out you don't know what the future holds you can do the whole franchise yeah you can be big on that one inshallah yeah you know I want to dive more deep into like the way you run things in your life like your morals your ethics the way you handle business how you choose to go into a certain industry and stuff like that so talk to me like what's like some things that you stand by not just in business but just in life um honesty yeah 100 keeping honest and um in terms of business I literally I followed my passion here I enjoy what I do I wouldn't even class this as work even though I'm putting hours in here um it just never feels like I'm working but honestly it's a big one to be fair like you've got to be honest in business yeah just in general if people around you and whatnot like yeah like I mean you're not a garage everyone has transported in the garage no I'm telling you being in the trade I know what I could say to people and I know what I could do and I've seen garages do it yeah and I can't believe it like they literally screw your car up like when you drop your car off they'll tell you your bill is three grand and you get this stuff done and people go ahead um you know I'll keep it 100 with my customers man um because I think honestly takes you very far um I'm going to give you one example yeah customer call me for a c63s I need a full engine reboot I coined him about eight grand got the car come in we tested it the crank was turning we done our checks we got the carbon running within half an hour as a team absolutely fine he said his cars had an engine problem and stuff that's why he's been advised by other garages he's dropped it to me for a reboot uh we got the carbon running half an hour obviously I didn't build him for engine rebuild I could have had a car back for two weeks saying you need this to start and charging the fullback yeah it was a real but truthfully the car would just be sitting there you know yeah exactly yeah I was shocked I had the car running I was staring at him thinking what's going on exactly um I think um what he said was was a hard accident he had a big side rack here yeah all the oil came out and stuff and I think he calls to me the engine was knocking so we done our tests and stuff we didn't find our cars inside uh we turned the crank manually obviously it's probably a bit technical but yeah yeah we got the car up and run my mechanic um Sean he's a senior Tech he's got a lot of experience with beginnings and stuff so he got the carbon running and um I think where the customer showed me the appreciation on that because you know he knows I could have easily kept it and done that but I think these things take you far in business you know in the long run like people trust you and stuff and that's how you build your customer base you get Word of Mouth from there and you know because it goes a very long way yeah building trust and building relationships yeah you know that people other garages if they're telling them engine rebuild they probably would just whacked him for eight grand yeah okay cool on to the next customer whereas this guy now that you've built a trust and relationship with him he'll probably keep coming back to you for XYZ many other things if he gets a car another problem just bring it straight to them because he knows you're honest and you've given them that trust yeah that's what it's all about in business that's it um to be honest being in the trade I've seen that um I say 90 of garages or workshops around the country um they don't really touch engine engines because it's a very high risk area a lot of mechanics they refuse to touch engines completely this is they want to touch anything outside of it but not internally so that itself is a big risk that I had to take here um because me personally remember I'm new to this trade I've been over two and a half years we started doing engines about a year and a half ago and um again we started with the smaller stuff and we thought to most of you know what I'm doing this forced cylinder engines I'm going to work my way up to six cylinders and V8s Vita navitos one day who knows but that's where I took it basically well some of the biggest business lessons you've learned I mean one of them is um I think I'm best suited to myself like doing business like without partners because you make your own decisions and stuff um no one is to tell you how to do it or what to do um you make the decisions and I think I've learned a lot along the way as well um you do make losses here and there but I've always taken risk for everything that I do and you know like 80 to 90 of the time you get paid back you get paid off what you do yeah so um me personally I've done best by myself and I think I'm going to keep it that way moving forward and if for people watching right now what advice would you give to them um I'll say the same thing that I applied for myself which is following your passion enjoy what you do um if you like go into something you don't have a clue about like for example you might see a couple of people are doing certain things and you think you know what I'm getting into that but you don't have a clue about it that's a bad idea I think personally um you should go into something you got you're clued up about and something that you enjoy as well because then you'd have more passion in doing it every day you know you don't wake up thinking I got work tomorrow and stuff this is more about your own thing and you're building it and it's more for the long term yeah so I'd say definitely Follow Your Passion so I think in life I think it's good to set yourself goals and stuff um so like for example um you know what you want to do in life you set yourself goals and work towards them but at the same time when you achieve those goals reward yourself so that's how I did my stuff that GTR behind me that's a reward for what I've achieved um I wouldn't just go buy it in the beginning that doesn't make sense for me let's just say this garage now I remember about two years ago I sat down at my house and I made a big plan for this whole business what I want to do and in that plan was achieving that as well um so you have it within a certain time frame yeah yeah I did it was like an example I think it was around November and April time if I managed to get all of these tasks done by that time I'm going to go buy myself a GTR and um you know if you know where I got all of that stuff done I did it and we normally pick up a car like that and you know you've achieved it with your own hands there's a different feeling so yeah that was um and because that aspect that literally to my own liking this is a special one for me yeah it's different when you pick it I don't have the opportunity to Speck or call myself here but I can imagine you know you just sitting there specking Bayside blue and the thing is like you said earlier in the podcast as well not to get too technical to the audience on that Bayside Blues obviously the R34 color yeah which is the car you originally loved that's right so it's like bringing that Nostalgia onto modern day dream car for you right now yeah I mean I'll tell you more about the car actually um this is the last of the last GTRs ever made Ever After A5 yeah so the thing is yeah um after myself that was always a dream car for me and then I saw basal blue I think wow I think I need to get one like 100 without a doubt on one of these um and I'll tell you how that's worked out really well for me as well um considering that I've seen the R34 GTRs at the time they were going to 100 Grand and above unfortunately that's basically blue and they're only going up if they're gonna stop making this this is also gonna start going up um so again expect it differently like um individual so it's one of one you won't see any in the same spec in the world and um I've done that for a reason for the long run so I know when it comes to selling this car it's gonna stand out and it's gonna have a lot more value so at the time I got that call for 85k this one now the value is above 125. that's in a space of one year it's gone up yeah I believe that because uh one of my mates had a uh he had the same one based at Blue as well okay um and he I think he sold this for about one four years that's what I'm saying it's ridiculous isn't it because he did yeah he had I think he had record seats in his I think Corey yeah someone with the prestige edition yeah it's like the ultimate for the GTRs or the R35 yeah the Comfort Seats like the luxurious seats yeah so I went for 10 interior as well it's a very nice pick yeah you know it's 10 10. Alexa said you're gonna go for fast and break horsepower plus I know it's going to be mad that's the car I want to get after my M4 yeah hopefully yeah don't go back with GTRs man like it's one of those cars like once you sell them and you have other cars you're gonna come back to it everyone has their GTRs told me the same thing they did the same thing they'll get a GTR and then go back to a family car photo Saloon or something come back to a GTR again because they just roll the different so when you sold your first GTR was that your goal I need to get back into a GTO no know at the time it was like three years I had it I kind of grew out of it man I um got a bit bored of it and um that's what I'm saying you know when you get bored of calls you want to try something different I got hold of R6 it's a V8 twin turbo different because it's comfortable we can drive it every single day park it up and drive it again GTR is a different cars they're just raw um you gotta warm them down warm it up and drive it's like it's a proper race car yeah you know it's very jerky it's like you can't drive it every day yeah so again obviously for a while but then after after a while that felt dead I want to go back to our GTR again yeah I want to thank you for your time uh thank you for bringing me down to boost performance yeah and uh well hopefully we can make some more content in the future and whatnot definitely I'm sure we'll probably do some bits on you know Vlog on your car my car whatever the case is definitely do some more clubs in the future 100 what can people look forward to on your channel my YouTube channel yeah um look for more content man I'm trying to find more time that's the thing yeah owning this place has a lot of responsibilities on top of that I'm trying to grow their business at the same time so you know this is why my content is backlogged all the time I mean I'm filming content I'm not editing to get don't get time at the moment for the last one year no gym I used to go gym all the time um literally like I wouldn't flopped him for anything even if I had a bad day or whatever happening I'd go gym this business has changed my life a bit I literally at the moment for the last one year work home work home that's all I'm doing at the moment I need to drag you to the Jimbo yeah that's it because I signed up to the same gym as you're thinking yeah you're gonna go on session it's gonna happen don't worry we're gonna vlogging bro we better get in the first place that's what I'm saying once again I think it's a sick episode yeah um look how long it took two hours to sit down in this place that's how you know I'm busy I am full on the air bro I think the first time we spoke I probably had about 10 000 subscribers um you're on 17 aren't you 75k hit that yesterday or tonight's been away um we're gonna be waiting for ages for you bro yeah literally like obviously you just come back from nowhere oh do you want to talk about this as well actually the fact that you know you've got your whole boost performance chat now as well oh yeah your group yeah yeah so obviously one one thing you've incorporated into life as well to put the passion for Petras together yeah you've got you've put your own Hardware Network together right that's right yeah and recently you've done a trip going to another room which I was meant to come to but I end up going yeah but yeah so what's all that about so I mean like obviously me being a massive petrol head I love cars um I've been to a lot of comets a lot of car cruises and stuff I'm sure you've seen it you know but it's like every time I go there I do go there for the vibe and stuff there's loads of cars there but it's always the same old cars like hundreds of cars in car park even just walking around checking cars out I thought I'll create something a bit different like a bit of a car Community where we get together like-minded individuals put them together and like do events together so the most recent one we've done we went to Nurburgring in Germany and um that was mud that was mad I think it was about 10 of us we grouped up and um yeah we had a big race track in Germany man and um moving forward we're going to do a lot of events even in the UK like race tracks and car meets car cruises that's just to name a few we're gonna have a lot more even road trips as well like Euro trips a lot more in the future so yeah um the reason I've done that is because um especially owning a car like this I want to make like the most use of it and there's only so much you can do by yourself in a car you know so putting a group of guys together who all petrol heads you enjoy that you enjoy it the most and um we've done a call me quite recently as well with some one of my Vlogs and the Tana was insane it was the one in central yeah yeah yeah yeah there was like super cars and all that stuff and like the vibe everyone was telling me like this is one of the best Meats I've come to I was like okay this is starting to look good you know I'm gonna continue this coming forward play fair play so is that for are you gonna turn into business or is it just gonna stay as loud put passion hobby sort of thing at the moment I don't see any business in it I mean like you got like Gumball Valley and stuff um it might become something like that but you know like those packages are like five ten Grand yeah I'll do something more reasonable where people actually pull up and um you know you don't restrict on what cars come with you just anyone is a petrol head is yeah that's it yeah no quality names once again thank you for coming onto your course after a whole year um hopefully we'll maybe do up or two in the future if people want to see it let us know what you thought in the comments below so where can I find you on social media names people want to follow you I've got Instagram yep nams underscore boost yep and uh my YouTube channel same name nams boost without the underscore I think that's it really I don't have any I got Tick Tock as well but yeah that's it I'm gonna link everything in the description below but until then guys um you can follow me on Instagram as well why not and I'll catch you a lot on the next episode of CEO cost peace [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: CEOCAST
Views: 110,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the truth about rental cars, FROM RENTALS TO REPAIRS - Namz Boost tells his story | CEOCAST EP. 94, Namz boost, ceocast, ceo podcast, andrew tate, ceo, cast, why you shouldnt do rental cars, east london entrepreneur, entrepreneur podcast, the downfall of business, why my business failed, how the pandemic killed my business, car tuning business, car repair channel, mat armstrong, reality of business, day in the life of an entrepreneur, how i became successful
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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