Akai Force: Beginners Guides - Matrix

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easy people uh today i'm gonna give you a beginner's guide to the matrix uh that's not the movie with keanu reeves and um [Music] the other people my brains just totally seized up who was in who's in the matrix now neo was keanu and um wow i can't remember anybody else that covey dummy anyway we're all about the matrix so um what we're gonna do is no that's gonna bug me who was in the matrix now what was the other guy's name my gosh he was in event horizon as well i i don't know i'm deep cover that's one of my favorite films i don't know why i've forgotten he's lawrence fishburne thank you lawrence fishburne my gosh anyway this is a beginner's guide to the matrix so i'm going to press empty project and we'll start with an empty project what you're looking at here is this this information here is represented here this information here along this side is represented here these are launch tracks these are clips each one of these here is obviously a track or it might not be obvious but each one of these is a track at the moment i only have two tracks on i have a plug-in track because it even says there and i have an audio track i'm going to delete this audio track and i'm going to delete this plug-in track i was going to delete these but i'm not going to yeah no yeah i'll delete i'll delete them i'll delete them quickly so that you get get what's going on here so that's top one right so you can't do anything in here without having launch tracks at the moment i've deleted all the launch tracks so if i press anything it's not going to work even if i press and i'm going to load in a drum kit right i've got a drum kit in there i can't do anything with it i can't record anything after i try and press record it can't because there's no launch track so keep that in mind just in case anybody didn't know what that that situation was golden rule what you want to do as soon as you start and you only have to do it once and then it's permanent is press shift and launch i'll do that again shift and launch and then tick show arrangement in clip matrix this is your friend because what this means is your you now have the same access that you have in clip mode for the arrangement i hope that made sense what i mean if you were crazy you could just record directly into the arranger without ever using clip mode i've got shift launch and then i can press shift record press record on there [Music] that's now recorded into the arranger um i'm gonna speed that up a bit because of what i wanted to show anyways i'll do it to there and if i press that so you might be going well where is that information well it's it's in the ranges so just go clip and then arrange and then we've got that there i'll do my special going there so we've got screen zoom in press stop scroll back and there you can see all the data that's not the best way of using this and it would be the same truth using um ableton the session mode is the best way to utilize any of these platforms but we're talking about archive force now so if i want to clear that information and say i just want to start a black with a nice blank one i can press delete and launch and that's going to clear the arranger because the arranger is the top panel so remember now that i've got this shift launch in here and ticked on it means this top one is now the arranger and that's a good way and a quick way of working with arranging it means like if you're working on something you've put some vocals down but you want to remix the track you could play yeah you could have your vocal on this and be playing in the arranger and then you could be working with all the rest of the information here so keep that in mind that's a it's quite nifty so um so let's uh let's start with some um launch tracks and you by default as you've seen by default you already have eight launch tracks but if you wanted to create launch tracks you would press edit and then any track button that you want to work on so what i'm going to do just to show something i'm going to insert seven tracks and the reason why it's going to be seven um launch tracks is because this is one two three four five six seven because remember the top one is already taken place by the arranger so that's not used now that's the arranger track so remember you've got that there and then if i press the first option insert that will insert a track there but it'll also populate the tracks above it so that's a quick way of doing that alternatively i could press that and what that'll do is it'll insert eight from there so always remember that insert adds to him adds information doesn't go over the top it inserts the information and um you can do clear and clear is the same as delete so if i press delete and i press that it's the same insert and capture i will show next so like i said i'm gonna just press insert and then we've got seven so we've got seven there um and what i'll do is i'm gonna copy this track a couple of times and i'll do it for four because false it's just quick and easy and what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna quickly make something up um here so [Music] all right so i've got all that there and these are all separate separate pieces of clip information and like i say they're represented there and they're represented here um if i wanted to copy that information straight forward i press copy and then i just copy it to wherever as long as you see a launch track and the launch track is available whenever you see a play button you can copy to any of those lots track so i could copy to there and that's it but let's say i didn't want to do that on and i'll just quickly undo that say i i liked i don't know i'll stop all um a couple of ways of stopping all as well i'll show you that so i'll say i always play spray playing that and i want it and i didn't want to use stop all i could just hit another launch and that's the same as stopping something so let's say i like these three if i do copy that'll copy all this row but if i use edit and launch and i go insert capture that's gonna just only copy the information that i wanted now the thing you have to remember and this is something sometimes people go well how come that ended up there you've got to remember wherever you're pressing it's going to insert the information so just to make triple sure that you understand what i'm saying i'm going to copy this to here so now remember that was on 4 but now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get this uh i'm gonna insert right oh no do you know what i press the wrong one press the wrong one my bad i'm not gonna edit this i'm going to show you in real time i'm going to insert into here so when i press edit and this launch button here it's going to insert and capture these two because that's what i'm going to do insert and capture into there so as you can see that was blank so what it did is it added it in that space and moved it down one so just keep that in mind i'll show that game one more time just just to dribble make sure everybody got that i'm gonna insert into this one where it's got information already there so this has already got this information there i'll just bring that down one so you can see that that information is there it's represented there and i'm going to press that edit and i'm going to insert capture this information here on this track it's not going to copy over it it's going to insert so keep that in mind so yeah hopefully you made that made sense to you again if i want to delete something you can just press delete if i press delete though remember this the difference between pressing delete here and pressing clear is if i press delete i'll delete that launch track so i'll do i'll show you i'm going to press that i've deleted that launch track obviously this is not going to have any effect because i've got enough launch tracks underneath it if i didn't have a launch track underneath it then that there would be an issue because i've just lost that track so i'm going to go undo again but if i go edit and i do this and i clear this doesn't delete launch track it just clears the data from that track so just keep that in mind and um yeah i think that's really it uh the matrix the rest of the stuff is you can copy from i can copy this data to here um if it's of a similar type of track so for example all midi information ie plugins drum programs and midi all of those can be copied so like if i've got piano i've got this drum here and i want it to play on um or a piano or whatever so say i've got this drum program here and i want that to play on a midi channel i can copy that and it'll copy to a middle channel if um say i wanted to create a new track based on just this information so i'll delete these if i wanted to create a new track based on recent gym information i don't have to copy the track i can copy the pad so i've copied this pad and i paste it there i've now have a new track so now i've just got an another track of that copied so um that's a quick way of creating the load of tracks if you want her and then just delete the information from there and um delete is the same uh the other two things uh edit so if i want if i press edit on the on a pad that'll give me all the clip information as well and i'll show me the matrix it's the same similar way similar is i can go and press on one of these and as long as i hold it that was my finger was in the way then i can get all that information up there so i've got copy delete and i can edit that clip directly from inside the matrix on here um or edit the event going directly to here so it's like just going into the clip it's like the same as doing that really um and you've got again [Music] you've got the settings ah come on which is what i did by pressing edit clip but um yeah yeah it just it's just the same way so um yeah i think that's about it i think that that's it if you think i've missed anything within that please tell me i've tried to keep this quick um any other tips that i can i can relay um no no i think it's pretty straightforward to tell the truth well you'll tell me anyway so um don't forget to like and subscribe and until next time as always peace
Channel: nicethings
Views: 1,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai force, akai mpc, filter, lfo, tutorial, beats, orignal, new, arrangement, bass, drums, chords, piano keys, music scale, melody, presets, synth, note repeat, arpeggiator, chord progression, beatmaking, akai pro, hip hop, r&b, soul, funk, ableton, ableton push, grime, inspiration, time saving, ideas, realtime, remixing, djing, looping, dance, edm, sampling, vocals, recording, mixing, mastering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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