Akai force disk streaming test

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so uh there's been an update to the akai force yes sir about time happy to hear about it i was begging like i had called up a kai uh uh new market called autumn folks because i was like yo if y'all don't put this thing out please um i had seen online that there was there was some leaked videos about this situation um and those leaked videos definitely uh had some good information but um it's testing time and so what i'm gonna do is i have a huge a huge uh thing on um [Music] i got a huge uh project in the akai force right uh and that project takes up about 80 something percent of the memory of the ram memory um the reason why is because uh in the akai force one of the things it did um it didn't use at the time it didn't use all the stuff that it's using now because that whole that whole um the thought of being able to use uh the thought of being able to use uh what they call that uh this streaming that right there is what i've been looking for so i have to test it out i don't know about everybody else i'm a very big fan of testing things out so let's go to memory and as you can see if you had one of these forces before low memory right cpu is small the memory is small as far as drives one of the drives is taken up and the other one isn't so i'm going to upgrade to see what's popping you from what i'm saying because if that dis stream thing works on this piece on on this um particular uh thing then yeah that kind force is going to be unstoppable at least in my opinion um i've seen a bunch of people i also own an npc as well i've seen a bunch of people talk about that the kind force is getting features that the npc um is not getting and they're concerned about that well here's the thing the force and the mpc are two totally different situations we're not talking about something that's the same they might look the same they might have the same you know internal kind of looking like things but they're not the same at all um with the arranger and everything that's in here that makes this a different machine with the idea that you can um with the idea that you can uh record directly into this bad boy this makes this is a different machine so i don't know what everybody else is talking about but um this has always been a different machine so the way i look at it and this might just be me um i look at the npc as making like the things that i do with the npcs i i make a beat in the npc whereas with the [Music] force i'm not making a beat anymore i'm doing more than just making a beat i'm being i'm being creative on a different level um and that's what i like about it i definitely like that for it you fell i'm saying so give me a moment and uh we're gonna download the um the update i kind of wanted the way i'm doing it is i if you can see i have hopefully you can see my computer in the camera as well i wanted to kind of like make sure that you can see everything because i don't i don't i'm wanting no secrets no no cat on the secrets you know i'm saying like i'm downloading this stuff now um because uh right now it's uh 1 53 in the morning and i'm doing this because i think this is the best time my children are asleep you know um the mpc definitely um definitely has its points but the npc users need to understand that the fourth the force and the mpc are not the same a lot of people say they are they're not what you're looking at is you're looking at they think of it more this way think of it as the force is ableton with the npc smeared with the npc stuff smeared on top and the npc is more like an mpc with extra features you know i mean especially if you think of it um from the way that uh a lot of people do with their uh a lot of people who have like older npcs that's what these newer npcs do they they have such uh man they have some really dope stuff on this thing this thing is dope it does more than it's ever done ever at any given moment in time so i'm logging into my account uh okay okay force okay so the first thing i'm going to do is down the map version um download that yep her let's put it in a new folder and i fold the force i actually don't care too much about release notes but let's go back to yeah the synth give the synth the one gig of sounds i need that yep all right give me one moment okay so got some hydration [Music] okay while that's doing that let's go ahead and go in here with the control and just control click okay okay so now we're doing that open force update i'm gonna go to menu pretty sure it's something in here boom here we go i think you're gonna throw it on shift yep there we go like you found it [Music] update i'm so happy for this update i hope this does exactly what i wanted to do um but from from all the videos that i've been seeing online it looks like it does a lot already i'm just hoping that um yeah this does exactly what i needed to do and if that's the case then yeah [Music] yep can't wait for this update i waited all day to do this video like i waited all day to do this video you know i mean um i found out that you have to turn on this disc streaming which i'm definitely turning that on i'm definitely turning that on but there's no way i'm not going to have that turned on oh i'm also i just finished uh downloading the simple stuff let's go ahead and open that too as well the synth content it says all right so we got the new plug-in things you know i mean got that um i'm gonna put don't don't don't uh don't show me again because i'm gonna be putting that in there um so let's just let's just go with a blank project for now and let's go in here i want to definitely go into oh wow oh wow they changed it i just oh that looks so good let's go into preferences let's see where the hell we can find that this um situation is that definitely like that it's not in the wi-fi not anymore [Music] oh i just did the i just clicked on to the uh what was that um you know the thing where you can use 32 channels and i mean audio i did that let's see oh this enabled this streaming okay so that's on there so let's uh i kind of like how i just did that that's pretty dope all right let's go ahead let's load this bad boy up oh man it's loaded fast too like 45 already done 49 done like it's loading the hell out of it like it's loading the hell out of it man now granted i do have a one terabyte ssd drive in here so let's just not act like i don't but before the update man the memory was low as hell wow i still use that 80 of now it's 94 of the memory right wow wow so so y'all saw that in the beginning it said 82 80 something percent was failed not saying 90 something percent is failed and um [Music] i wonder can i redo this like maybe it's not the system itself maybe it's maybe it's how everything is going you know what i mean like all right let's go back here all right wow so i got a new new project so we're gonna reload those all right let's see if i can reload them and i'm just going to load them [Music] onto like um let me just load them across here okay let's stop it because i hope it's not recording oh man i love the way it looks now it looks really good i don't want to record stop let's turn that off i'm not recording anything um hmm wow such a new stuff it just feels like a whole new machine oh i get it i know what i'm doing wrong a plug-in channel i'm on a plug-in channel trying to load up some audio that's called newbie alert newbie alert oh yeah that's what i like i really do love this part boom all right let's load that clip well let's try it this way just load it down [Music] sorry i have that in there boom i'm not interested in doing anything other than just loading it you know what i mean and just kind of going down the joint you know i mean that's kind of what i'm about to do so let's go to the matrix wow this looks so good we do it the same way the other project was one [Applause] okay let's go to matrix and make sure that's loaded yep that's loaded this is what i like about this boom let's come here load that boom so here's what you need to know originally on my original um joint that i did the original project that i did what was going on with this right every time you loaded these sounds into the force um i made these files as mp3s so the force does not read mp3s currently and i'm talking about read them natively i'm not talking about um being able to read it and come know what it is and convert it into something else that's what was happening it would read it and it would convert it it would read it and convert it and it would convert it into what's called a a wav file and it would convert it into a 32-bit floating wav file which isn't bad that's not bad at all um [Music] the thing though was uh all the machines whether it's the force whether it's the mpc live the live mach 2 the um the one and the x all have a 2 gig limit of ram so it was loading this stuff up and ran you know what i mean and it was like it was just doing the most let me go back to the matrix um no no no no let's go back my cheeks all right let me load that clip with one of the files it don't matter which one [Music] just trying to make this as quick as possible let's stop that let's go to load um go back to the matrix cool all i'm doing is just creating the clip so that it'll like go down the road with me that's all i'm not doing much mhm [Music] so all i'm doing is like loading all these it's like 32 of them so i'm kind of like going down the road just to see if i can do this i'm saying um i reloaded the old project just to see if the old project would automatically because of the this streaming that it would automatically like what would it do um and it it basically it basically made things difficult but it's okay we won't get past that okay let's go oh this is the quick way to loading i guess it's loading fast like it's loading real fast compared to before i can't front on that part that part is a 100 on the money monster right um and if you can see i'm kind of halfway through all the joints i'm loading so let's go ahead and up that matrix let's put out some more four more up because i'm going four at a time for now right now until i can figure out something better another way i'm doing this right now it's just it is what it is sometimes you know you gotta get used to the tedious work you know what it is and you just you know you go for it it is loading the hell out of everything it's moving so fast i feel like it's moving real fast like it just feels like it's moving fast i don't even know how to explain that so i'm way more past than the halfway mark you know what let me just load all of them and it would look right any better to do that just to load them all and just say bunk it i know this is kind of a more tedious thing than people would like to do but you know it's all good this was the thing i always wanted to do i feel like that like i was saying before the npc is about making that beat i feel like the force is about not only finishing like arranging and finishing that beat but taking it out to be listened to to the crowd by the crowd you know what i mean i feel like you know i mean you're not going to take your ex out you're not going to take your ex to you know i mean even though you know i can understand live users going well you know hey i got a live i can do the same thing that this thing does that's the that's the crazy thing about this it's so like they've integrated these things so well they're so integrated like i could see why somebody think that they should get one over together but i'm i'm here to tell you you can actually record in this full tracks bro like you can take your record you you're not going to want to record in your mp maybe i don't know maybe that's me and then but you know there's always going to be somebody to do it so i mean person that's gonna do it you know i mean there's that person that who just refuses to do who refuses to separate these things because they find it more easy or interesting to kind of like keep everything together but i'm telling you you don't always want to do that you definitely don't always want to do that me personally i've even um i have like one computer that like i'm planning on doing it with computers too i got one mac and i'm thinking about getting another mac just to have one mac that can do all my recording recording stuff and then another mac that does all my like sequencing and sounds and like that that's just how i look at things you know i mean i could be wrong i understand that and i'm pretty sure that people will tell me in the comment section if you think feel that i'm wrong that's cool i feel like this is what i really feel i feel like there's more than one way to skin a cat or a friend of mine has put me on this one there is more than one way to get to 10. you know i mean since that's the case i think we should explore it all and not let not let one way see that's the thing about this that's the number one thing that i hate about music production is that people feel like you gotta have an npc and at one point in time i was like that i've been kind of getting away from that um because you know these people that got machine how can you tell people who have machine that they should that stuff ain't dope this stuff is not dope because they got machine you know i mean that's crazy okay we're almost done we'll do four more i think we're lucha that's the thing i was using to go between everything let's go back to the matrix wow and that's the last of the files so the way that i the way that i'm doing this just so you can kind of see is that i have one track of of audio another track of audio and in between i have my kind of like things that i want to put that are kind of like those are going to help you transition between different things so let's look at that memory usage jesus fire fire hey bro bro bro stop playing understand what just happened so i reloaded the sounds reloaded those tracks onto a new project using the enabled streaming and i'm only using four gigs of memory and eight percent of cpu usage and i'm 32 tracks down and we talk about at least something that each track is at least two minutes i know i know that the first thing you're going to talk about is that roland because even my people are talking about it they're rolling um the roland sp404 mach 2 i want you to understand what's going on i'm using 32 of the launch sections maybe even more with two minute joints between them and i'm skipping pads as you can tell i'm skipping pads because that way i know what's next you feel what i'm saying and yeah oh god wow akai force akai you did it you've made me happy i'm a very grumpy thumpy old dude and you just made it make me happy you just made me happy because it makes sense to have it to have the force use uh this streaming because it allows us to load a crap ton of stuff a crap ton like like a crap ton of stuff like look at this look at this look at this bro and if i go down how many joints am i going down because it tells you how the number on the side here i'm going to go all the way down to the last one i'm down to like 40. think of these as like roll i'm down like 40 rows deep 40 rows deep each sound being at least two minutes a piece and i doubt i don't know if they fixed that floating conversion thing that they were talking about i don't know about all of that all i know is yeah congratulations akai i appreciate it that was my number one thing i told like i literally had to call them i called them up bro i called them up i was like hold up they're gonna hate me i don't care and i called them up and i was like yo why would you make this thing where every time it can see on the nbc is different see that's what people understand it's okay on the npc to convert something 32 over to an mp3 over to 32-bit floating and doing all that stuff like that and all that makes sense because on the mpc two gigs of because you gotta remember a 2000 xl 13 with six if you had if you had 32 megs in the 2000 xl you wouldn't you you maxed the machine out 32 meg let's put this in money terms imagine somebody coming up with 32 dollars and you got 2 000 who's going to do more stuff automatically the dude with 2000 is gonna have a great night the dude with thirty two dollars is probably gonna lead by himself out of the club you know what i mean wow so incredible so incredible wow bro i'm i'm astonished i'm astonished i don't know what to say but thank you akai and um thank you for watching look like look like we proved some stuff and they definitely did it y'all saw my old i'm even gonna i'm even gonna save this hold on let's save this now i'm sorry i'm so used to like at the top or the project where it says i'm i'm so used to clicking that but now it's down here so i is something i'm gonna have to do uh save as a project let's go to the kind of force let's go to i'm pretty sure everything in beats okay name is ghost 2. do it wow wow [Music] so as it's saving just kind of recap so ghost one was the first project when i loaded that project it did not use the enabled disk streaming so that project so when you have older projects that did not have this streaming they're not going to instantly be converted and and i'm okay with that i'm okay i don't care i don't care i'm okay with that learn how to do some work stop making everything you don't have to have everything easy it's okay so the original ghost folder project folder the original ghost project um used up up to 85 something percent on the ram and that's from that's before the update after the update it used 90 the same project used 95 percent of the same ram and did not allow me to load all of the files that were like at least four files missing no two files two files missing um so can you purge like you used to on i like purging i thought purging was the best thing ever unused samples purge all samples let's purge all samples do that boom um now that that's purged don't save because it saved already okay okay so this goes to let's see if we can find the original post nope okay so let's go with um let's go with empty project come here come here let's go here boom projects open is my first ghost open and open so as you can see it says 92 95 80 98 93 two samples were unloaded right that's that project right but that was that was the project before we you before the this streaming was enabled so let's um come here we're purging all i'm so used to purging now it's just ridiculous um bomb don't save we don't need to save we just need to load the other project up okay let's load the other project wow and it loaded faster jesus christ boom wow i did nothing but put we put the samples the same exact way i had the other one wow so okay let's um let's call this tessa win akai is kicking butt out there thank you akai we you you definitely made this uh make this the one this is the one oh my god this is the one you know i mean this is the one so thank you and uh you just made this machine ten times doper just with just that alone you just made this machine so dope like like this machine just got an upgrade it's it's extremely dope now this machine down is is is the dopest thing ever like i can do more stuff with it now i can bro i can oh my god i don't even know what to do now like what do i do what do i do ah because i needed that i needed that you know i mean and y'all did it y'all did it you know y'all didn't complain about the situation y'all went and set everything up the idea which i needed to do yeah yeah and the only thing i need to do right now is possibly uh go into computer mode and uh add that folder and i'm gucci so peace out akai thank you um i hope everybody understood this was a test i had to like be thorough with it uh it was longer that's the reason why i did this all in one take so i'm not i'm not editing the film because i feel like if you edit the film then there was something high and i don't want to hide nothing so just go ahead and uh subscribe leave some comments below let me know how you feel i'm out peace
Channel: Damon Melendez
Views: 1,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UYpsSu7vVU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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