Akai Force Quick Guides: Chord Cheat Codes

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easy people uh here's a quick one hopefully it's going to be a quick one uh truthfully i'm procrastinating i might be doing a project and i just don't feel like doing at the moment so i thought i'd show you this this is my guide to uh chords uh quick cheat chords cod cheat mode cheat mode cheat codes for chords something like that right um this is there's no fad fast rule this is just something for anybody who doesn't really get music theory and doesn't have the time to understand it and this might be helpful so the first thing you want to do is you want to go shift note um well let me go to one of these sounds i've put a couple of sounds here just to make it easy and then loading them up go shift notes go to chords so in the different types of things you have here you go to chords and then you go to scale chromatic and what that means is all of these now are represented by whatever the chord fingering is so if you look down here at the moment it's on f minor so this is f minor which means that would be um g flat minor and then that would be g minor blah blah blah right none of that's important this is important to you like i say is mine is sad i've said this before look through my um all of my stuff miner is sad major is happy right and the the golden rule to most of this is you want to start off with a happy chord followed by several sad chords you can always come back to happy so you can go from a major to minor and then minor back to major you can actually do it the other way around go major and minor depending on what you want but usually if you go major minor minor it'll probably be more coherent it'll probably work out to something um i'm gonna show you proof in the pudding as i always say by just doing something again random and show you that it will be musical it will just sound musical you can use that knowledge to say right well what would it be like if i actually paid attention to the notes i was going to play so i'm starting off an f here no just to prove a point i'm going to close my eyes and go like right whatever so i'm in a now right so i'm going to start with an a major and and all i'm going to use is this key here this key i could use all the rest but i just want to show you what you do so let me move that up up to three so it's like a normal piano another thing what i want to do is i want i'm going to make and pray and play them out long so that i can use the arpeggio or after as you'll see so i'm going to do that and one two three four this is my first so i'm gonna leave that another card i'm gonna do there another card i'm gonna do there another card and that's four bars so that's my thingy so let me move to from a um i want to go down i want it to be descending because i want it to kind of be sad so because i want it to go down i'm going to move the octave down from three to two and because that's at the bottom a i have to go back up to the top to make it down so i'm going to go down again with a minor right so i moved the root note so the only two things i need to do is move that and i'll just show you [Music] as you can see that's all i'm about to do and the only time i need to move the octave is if it if that sounds too high so like if i'm doing some kind of hip-hop tune i might have it like that but i'm gonna just try and do something a little bit more sophisticated but but still using major minors i'm not gonna even use any soul stuff for this whenever you use soul i always say use the seven so wherever you see the number seven bit and the minor it'll always be a bit more soulful but we'll keep two we'll just keep to these triads they're called free notes it's a triad but it's not important forget all that that's music's theory so so all i have to remember is sad is minor he's happy right so i've done it so so i've done the a and then i'm going to go so but i want that i want that lower to because i want it to descend so keep that e and then make move the octave down right three four something else something else and then maybe as a pop tune maybe i may make it go up again so let's see now that one probably won't be happy happier maybe yeah maybe a little lower try d yeah we'll have that so then then then something else one more card shall we keep it like d let's see what's in minor let's see what that is yeah that'll do classic ballad pop type thing right so now i've got that then the reason why i did that they're all stringed out they're all right they're like that is because i can now copy this so i'll go back to my matrix i'm going to copy this to that midi thing and use my super arpeggiator i've shown you if you if you look through my quick guides you'll see the super arpeggiator and that tells you how to do that so now i've got that i'm going to have that play on there but before i do that what i'll do is i set up um i've sell nice string pad because i want to make something kind of smooth so copy that across to there i'll stop the piano playing for the moment we'll have stop that so i've got my nice little nice gentle flowy and i want something so instead of me having to play all i'm going to use this so i've got my my midi which is sending back to these tracks as i've showed you in the super arpeggio so i'll put the arpeggiator on and then i'll go to the track that i want it to be arpeggiated and i'll press record because i'm going to record first thing i come across and here we go what's the arpeggio you're gonna give us okay [Music] let's change [Music] stop that wait a second i've done that um i'll stop that so go delete i just need to stop the arpeggio thing from playing get the arpeggio off go here all right let's see make something up [Music] [Music] [Music] i didn't even press record but anyway and and and now here's the thing all i have to do from here um so let's add one more instrument in just to show you all i have to do from here and i've got myself a tune i'll put in a plugin i'll do um i'll do shift and i'll put in the lead um uh i know i'm going to think too long about this now i'm already thinking too long right hell knows what this one right and then all i have to do is go back to scale because it's in chrome mic so that's fine so go to scales um this doesn't matter at the moment i just need to find the the route for the whole of this track and again i've said it before you can look through the things the quick cheat of this is you just want to find a note that you can press all the way through and it doesn't seem off there's no other way of describing that so i'll go here [Applause] [Music] so so that's a no [Music] make sense just quickly change the battery on that and go there we go back on so so that and then all i have to do is make that this one won't light up the color one so duh and if you hum it you'll practice your singing hey which coincidentally was the first card i really um used so now the only thing i have to decide is i think it's kind of saddish so it's probably going to be minor so all i have to do is remember staying at sardis because i've got the root key so i just need to change that to minor [Music] and then another one for extra cheat my cheat code always switch it to pentatonic so whatever it is if you want it to be happy make it pentatonic major if you want it to be sad make it pentatonic minor and then what that does it takes off for the funny notes what are a bit more sophisticated so now watch [Music] blimey for some reason i mean lights have run out so anyway i'm going to leave right there i'll try this one last one well i only bring the real yeah my lights have gone anyway this one was a quick one so so hopefully um hopefully that's been helpful to you and um and let's catch up again until then um as i always say you can hardly see my phone here but peace
Channel: nicethings
Views: 1,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai force, akai mpc, filter, lfo, tutorial, beats, orignal, new, arrangement, bass, drums, chords, piano keys, music scale, melody, presets, synth, note repeat, arpeggiator, chord progression, beatmaking, akai pro, hip hop, r&b, soul, funk, ableton, ableton push, grime, inspiration, time saving, ideas, realtime, remixing, djing, looping, dance, edm, sampling
Id: Zix6qkWfZXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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