Akai Force Beginners Guides to Audio Pads

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easy people nice things here um back with another beginner's guide uh this one is i i'm either gonna call it audio pads or audio programs because um it's uh it's it's a mixture of both and this one i've probably shown in different ways but i want to kind of do it as its own separate solo guide and what this is is moving audio tracks into a group that you can use um for live use or you can use for arrangements and recordings and the reason for doing this is it helps you free up a load of different audio tracks and additionally it gives you a lot of control over it gives you some control over all your tracks that's a better way of saying it it gives you different types of control over all the tracks that's an even better way of saying it so proof isn't putting a thought the best way of me doing it is to kind of demonstrate that so i've literally just made a beat i've wrote some words down i'm hopefully not gonna faff them up because i wrote them down and now i'm gonna try and say them and when you write stuff down and you try and say oh multiple point when i write stuff down and try and say it i never get it right first time so and because i can't cuss on this i'm gonna just be going heck damn so here we go first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna create some audio tracks so i'm gonna go to advanced and i'm gonna create four audio tracks and another thing i've just realized while i'm talking like i said no edits so i'm gonna have to do this in real time i've got to go and i've got to set up a way that i can get a signal to come back through to here um actually i don't need to do anything except sell some audio tracks so in fact you know what that's the wrong way round this is not the way i'm going to do it i'm going to go after i set this up um three four one two one two one two excellent right so this is what i'm gonna do i'm gonna sell one audio track there and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the audio track and i'm gonna go into effects hold down the top one and that'll just create um i'll do that again just in case you didn't see that if i press on this i'm gonna delete that and show you again if i hold that and keep my finger on and let go it creates a channel strip so now i'm going to go into the channel strip as i always say always use presets no matter what machine you use always use presets somebody spent they did this as a job so unless you do it as a job there's odds on they're probably going to do some pretty decent things with the preset you can always use that as a starting ground like i say always make your life easy because the rest of the music is is hard that is my my mantra anyway so now i've set that up and the reason why i did it that way is because i can just copy that now and um what i'll do is because i'm being fancy i'll name that and i'll just call that fox and then each one will have a box after that fox one box two three and four and so on and so forth it'll probably say vox record so what i'll do is i'll go copy and um i'll do four yeah i'll do four should i do five no i'll do four four's enough so here we go might as well just start doing it so i'm gonna get these words and um i'm gonna say them let's see here we go all right put record on and then so i'll get myself into flavor yo all right here we go this is just a test surely i'm doing it in chest nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interest the lesson is to invest the demo to express the audio going to a pad so you watch us oh no that's not the best way to do it but let's see let's see how that is this is just a test surely i'm doing it in chess nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interest the lesson is to invest the demo to express the audio going to a pad so you watch us yeah i think i could do that bit better i'll do it again here we go yeah yeah yeah summer summer here we go this is just a test surely i'm doing it in chess nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interest the lesson is to invest the demo to express lord right i've got a slowly styles it's it's an example so yeah i'm not here all day so i'll just do it slow so i can breathe it's not for it's not for a hit tune here we go yeah this is just a test surely i'm doing it in chess nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interest the lessons is to invest the demo to impress the audio going to a path so you watch us this is just a test surely i'm doing it interest nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interest the lesson is to invest the demo to impress the audio go into a pad so you watch us yeah that will lame but we'll carry on i'm going to just use that as my guide to doing the next thing so um i'm just going to do them all i'll just do a couple and then you'll see so i'll keep let's go [Music] in the list can't remember the point and keep you in bloody words should do it again here we go this is just a test surely i'm doing it ingest nevertheless is to prove the point and keep your interests a lesson to invest the demo to impress the audio go into a pad so you watch us this is just a test surely i'm doing it in just well just carry on anyway and you'll [Music] [Music] saying here we go we'll just keep going yeah this is just a test surely i'm doing it ingest nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interests the lesson is to invest the demos who i press the audio [Music] this is just a test jolly i'm doing it ingest nevertheless it's to prove a point and keep your interest the lesson is to invest the demo to impress the audio going to a pad so you watch us this is just a test surely i'm doing it ingest nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interest right so we got that whatever that is so the the next thing um i don't need to do it because i did it already i would have renamed each one of these um i'll do it i'll do it just to show you so what i'll do is i'll go select um because select doesn't mean it it stops stops it from playing but selects the pads and then i'm going to just rename the pads vox 1 2 3 and 4 so i'll go here i'll do that again because i'm pressing the wrong buttons it's all going south today but we'll we'll carry on so vox one all right box one so i'll go yourself today go to the next thing and we'll call that fox 2. obviously what comes after 2 is 25 so fox 25 but we'll call it three here so then come on then we'll do the last one and there we have it so i just name them because i like i like keeping things nice and neat if you name a track it'll say but it'll always have the wreck because it's an audio recording so i would say always do it to neaten it all up so i've got all these tracks uh blah blah blah that's good and then all i need to do is add a drum part a drum program so go to drum program and i'll press edit in the pad that takes me to that and then because i'm named them all i have to do is go look for them and like i said before and if you remember i've talked spokes about this before is always prefer always set things up first and then it means you don't have to keep going around and messing about so what's the things i'm going to set up um uh i don't think there's anything i need to set up on this no no i think that's it so just a test surely quiet and so all i need to do is copy that now so that that that that so i've got four and then all i'm doing is i'll select these so i don't want to play so i'll go to two select that go to three select that and go to four so now i've got them track three because now they're part of a program so i can click delete these because i've got them on on a drum program so a nifty way i would say is to do this if you go to the master you've got this thing called simultaneous play here and what that means is if i press a pad i can make an another four pads play at the same time so i've got four pads here so number one is the one i'm going to press number two pad is the next one to it what he's going to play i want to play number three he's the next part to want to play and number four is the next part to that if i had one more could have five there but i've got that so what that means is at the moment these are in one shot mode if i didn't want it as one shot mode you know say i i don't want it to keep playing each time i stop i don't want to have to keep stopping it i put it into um no this is just a test surely i'm doing it in just now this is just a test surely i'm doing it in just now foolishly i forgot that i was doing no um so um if i want to do is now on again i could do it as multiples the reason why i like doing multiples is just in case i've you've got other things and i don't want to change them but you don't have to you could use all because there's nothing else there so i should have gone to no almond there and that's all no one i don't need them in a group because i've just got that but if i wanted to have a mute group maybe add that and then i've got this as another chorus i've got this as something else so i've got 16 voices i could have 128 vocals on here and the greatest thing is i don't have to use a warp because they're already recorded at the tempo that was using that strangely enough look at that that's come up as 106 there and it shouldn't it should be 82 so keep that in mind some there's there's a lot of junk in us sometimes um and this isn't this is just like it's just the nature of things so keep that in mind look at that i know this is in time but if i wanted to fix that time i could just go in there and so for example i'll do select all again i think i'm on multiple anyway and i could go that and that's going to warp them all and then i could say i know that was 80 circle 80 was it 80 i think it was yes it was and then that now they're all fixed and i can turn the whop off because i don't need what but i know that they're all fixed to 80. so that's great so this is just a test surely i'm doing it in just so what's great about this is now if i press shift mixer i've got all control over this so i've got a sub mixer inside of that mixer so i can go to pan and um in fact let me record this in first because i've just been doing some yabbing and record this in two five seven this is just a test surely i'm doing it [Music] [Music] so now what i can do is i can go back in there's your shift mixer and pan out prove the point and keep your interests the lessons the demos who impress the audio going too bad so you watch us this is just a test so the rest of that was whack so i'll just keep it to that no no i couldn't show it on this as well in it i couldn't just well if i trim that clip it'll trim it down to two so that saves a little bubble there you go this is just a test surely i'm doing it in just nevertheless and because it's in that trap [Music] and at the same time don't forget i can add effects just to that or i could add an effect to the whole thing so this is just a test surely i'm doing it just nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep your interest so this is [Music] and what's great about this is this now that i've got that in that situation what i could do is i could just go to clip i'll go to arranger and um shift clip shift to right shift record sets me into arrangement mode so what i can do is i can press launch to launch that [Music] and then i can do a guide thing [Music] so then i've got that and then i could just launch that and say right i've got a rough idea of the tune what i'm gonna do i'm doing it just [Music] so this nevertheless just a test surely i'm doing it just nevertheless it's to prove the point and keep you interested you know what i mean so uh so the idea of that is that has two um there's two ways you can use it you could use it for recording and doing guides and whatever but also lumping in so you've got other things so now i've got four tracks that i could use um to do overlays over dubs whatever cup of tea slice cake whatever you want it for secondly if i was doing this and i was live and say i wasn't the person going to be rhyming or or i wanted to do it with a live band i've got this stuff so so like i've got a full live band playing somebody's on the drums and blah blah blah this is just a test surely i'm doing it in just don't take it yeah whatever i don't know um in an ideal world i've asked for it i've requested it if they can have the follow tempo thing um like is in live 11 ableton live 11 that means you don't even need to have a click drum um a drummer with a click track in their ear they can just drum live so but that's neither here nor there so hopefully this has been helpful and not being crazy chaos um and um as i always say take care stay safe and till next time peace
Channel: nicethings
Views: 979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai force, akai mpc, filter, lfo, tutorial, beats, orignal, new, arrangement, bass, drums, chords, piano keys, music scale, melody, presets, synth, note repeat, arpeggiator, chord progression, beatmaking, akai pro, hip hop, r&b, soul, funk, ableton, ableton push, grime, inspiration, time saving, ideas, realtime, remixing, djing, looping, dance, edm, sampling, vocals, recording, mixing, mastering
Id: krd0Kvi6Ge0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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