Akai Force: Beginners Guides Audio Tracks

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easy people so today is a beginner's guide to audio tracks i'm going to try and be fast i've been always trying to see how fast i can do this for two reasons i want to see how quick i can explain things and secondly because i can't be bothered editing stuff so so there you go so i'm going to try and see if we can get this to be a quick one i've took 26 minutes saying that to you this is about all your tracks um if you look here the audio track is this thing here these square things here eclipse you can have different things in each clip in an audio track keep that in mind number one each audio track clip did i say that right yeah i'll say it again each audio track clip can have different information in that but on top of that in each clip you can have different pieces of audio now that is massive and it has a massive advantage because what that means is you could have a kick here then you could have a snare from somewhere else you could have a vocal sample of somebody saying hello can i have a cup of tea please and that could just be one audio clip and you press that and it'll go kick snare hello can i have a cup of tea please and then in this you could have something else and you could have something else somewhere else infinite right and each one of those pieces of information each audio sample so the kick could be independent of the hello i could out could i have a cup of tea so basically i could pitch that kick up i could have a snare pitch down and then i could use warp on just that the information of hello could i have a cup of tea please um so that's brilliant right that is really brilliant only other thing you want to keep in mind is this you can only have one thing playing after each other you can't have two things playing at the same time on one audio track so basically each audio track can be independent to any other audio track but you can only have one thing playing at one time so it's you can't have a kick and hello can i have a cup of tea please playing at the same time on one of your track hopefully that made sense so i'm going to show you some kind of tips tips tricks yeah one or two two things more than two things i'm going to explain obviously well it's not obvious because i haven't explained it yet but anyway let's get to it so the thing you want to keep in mind this thing over here is your best friend the reason why is that you locate a line and the locator line you can use as an editor so if i move my located line to here and i have a piece of audio i can chop it by using the thing down here which i'm going to get to in a minute so that's your best friend the second best friend you've got in here as well is the shift button well that's not in here that's all for yeah and i'm going to show you why that shift button is your best friend in a minute and the other friends that you meet along the way are copy and paste so let's get to it what i'm go what i've done is i've arbitrary which means random if you don't know i've randomly chose a few um beats here if you look on the matrix i've called this beats and i've chose a few um melodic samples here in these clips which i'm going to call chops so if i just play them that's one that's another thing it's all smooth because i'm feeling smooth today and i've just left it at 90 bpm and then i've got beats here all right quiet you so i've got that i've got that and then i've got that i've got another beats and whatever so what i'm going to do is i'm going to create my own beat out there and what i'll do is i'll go to clip so i've highlighted the clip that i want and i press select to see the clip that i want and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take pieces and put them into this and create my own beat so the first thing i've got here is this thing here with a bit of mountain sound and it's like yeah that's cool so remember what i was saying about the locator being your friend i'm going to scroll through this locator now here another thing i need to do i forgot to just do and mention is you've got all your kind of editing tools here the only editing tool you need to really be concerned about is select once that's on everything else you can use like i said shift is your friend and locate is your friend and you're going to see why so i'm going to move across here and i want a kick so i'm gonna have it go kick something something something i don't know i'm making this up as i go along but i'm gonna i'm gonna have kick and snare and then have things between so i'll i'm gonna ignore no i'm gonna show you this but i'm not gonna use this first i'm just gonna show you why i said about the locator so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make my life easy by just chopping this up moving it with locator pressing split split split not spliff all right and splitting that and then i'm moving again i'm going to split that and i'm doing it by bars um not bars i'm doing it by beats but i'm doing it by half a bar because it's just easier that's that's a small enough piece i could do it by beats but i'll just do something really really quick um i was so i'm doing this on each one you don't have to do this i'm just showing you how you would use the locator to chop so now these are all little pieces to themselves so what i can do is i could select a piece now and i could press shift and copy that piece so i'll do that i wasn't going to do it this way but i am here now by pressing shift what i said is your friend i could press copy and now that information is copied into the the memory of the akai force and then i can use the locator to say well where do i want to put that so um i'm going to do that and i'll zoom in a bit more get a bit closer and what i'm gonna do is let me see how much memory how much i've got yeah half a bar i did half about chops so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna use a bit of that and i'm gonna just paste a bit of that there so i've pasted a bit of that there i want a kick so i'm gonna go to one of these um let me see right there's a kick i already pre-sliced these just to save a load of bother and then i'm going to select that and i'm going to copy this piece here and that's just one bar it's one bar long so when i go back to here i could go select and i can go with this move that down there and then i can do shift again i paste it into there and what i could do is i could either go here and paste it like that again or alternatively because i know it's just one beat and i want it to play that twice i can just press duplicate so now i've got a little little um four bars yeah four bars four beats sorry sorry pressing the wrong one so i've got a little thing there we'll add a bit more let's go and find something else [Music] so we'll have that little so i'm going to bring that i'll i'll chop that into a half again i'll split it so i've got a little split bit it's already selected so i'm going to copy that and we'll just have that right at the end somewhere so i'll go back again and i'm gonna put it there see what that's like um um my locator is already ready so just shift paste so now i've got this yeah and maybe we'll do another one there we go that sounded all right and maybe we'll use the snares as well so copy that press select to go back to that um and we'll move the locator to here and do you see how i'm not having to do a lot of things shift and locator and this is quick how i could make stuff together i liked the on this thing there was a i like that snare there i mean that clap so i'm going to copy that clap do i want all of it no you know what i'm just gonna only have a little piece of that clap so what i can do is i can zoom in and i can say to myself well i only want a little piece of that clap so i can press shift and then i can use this to scroll in smart in finer things so i only want that clap but maybe i just want that i'll do a half so i can split that now and i'll just take that little bit there that was a beat but i could do no that's half of a beat i think is it yeah it is it's half of a beat and i could have by doing shift i could do it even tighter than that so i could do it to sixteenths i think don't quote me on that but i think that's right so copy that i'll go back to shift um not shift i'll select that because i don't want to play i could all all of what i'm saying now i could do when when the music's running and you know what i should have really done it like that but i don't want i don't want anyone to get confused so that's why i was showing that the other thing you can do if your timing is good and you you've got decent timing you can actually drop it in in real time so i'll play this i'll go back to shift and then i can paste this [Music] so if my timing wasn't that bad it wasn't necessarily mad tight but it was it was in the ballpark so i couldn't eat that up so i've got that and then again i could split this here again if my timing's good let's see [Music] so i've got that i'll duplicate that i'm just making this up [Music] so i don't know that didn't really do up for me [Music] maybe up maybe maybe i could move it [Music] no that stinks so like i said you can mess about you can mess about and have a few ideas i can cut that because it's the same as deleting so what i've got [Music] so we'll have a bit of a hi-hat there was a little hi-hat thing there there so i'll copy that and i can if i do the right things um locator make sure i'm on the right ring did i do anything else i wasn't paying attention there oh that was it so now we there we go paste that in there and i'll paste that in here by pressing shift to go to the next one and paste it there um and we'll do one more piece here of something so let's see what do we like no no [Music] i like that i like that we'll have a bit of that so copy that go back to select and um we're in 12 12 minutes already so i'm gonna try and see if i can speed this up another thing i should tell you what it does is if you move something like if i move this now what i'll do is it'll clear that it's not lost you can get it back so if i go here i can get this back by just pressing edit end and now that'll edit the end back but just keep that in mind this stuff isn't lost it's just been shortened or lengthened so now that's been lengthened so somewhere i wasn't really paying much attention but i can just edit that back and that's brought that back so let's go to here we're going to just drop this in and we'll see what that rhythm that makes [Music] yeah that's not bad it's funky so we'll extend that a little bit until that's in there so we've now just come up with our own and i'll extend that as well and remember because i never press snap i use shifts as a snap instead of using that i mean not shift as a snap i used shift as a fine kind of nudge fine everything i've not had to use don't start don't snap and it means like for this i can just tighten up that by moving that into there and that's all tighten up so now everything's nice and flush [Music] and the greatest thing about that is i could just flatten that now into one piece so while i'm here i had gone on slightly longer than i wanted but we'll keep going we'll i'm gonna do this one mad fast so again right so i'm gonna just do a quick half of that whatever this is and this is going to just be it so i'm here don't forget you're always in grid for edit clip is um for the length so how long the the length of the clip is where the clip starts where the loop of the clip starts which i'll show you because now i've gone a bit further than i wanted to be you'd be all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select that by going back to grid and back on select and then i'm just going to um i'm going to go to locator and then i'll move the locator and i'm going to just chop this first pit bit here i've got no idea what this is going to be but we'll just go with it so i'll copy it remember that's in the that's in the like sample memory thing when i've copied it so when i come here and i'll create a new bar all i have to say to myself is where do i want to land this i'm just going to land it here because like i say i'm making this up as i go along so that's one piece so we'll have we'll have that we'll copy this part copy go back to the top one what we're using use that come come back here paste that in here so something right now and that will copy that and this is a good way of coming up with your own chops where you like you you might have a chop that in a way that you would never think of it that might never come to you always keep remembering you want to be highlighting this because i keep forgetting it obviously as i was saying i know i might have said before or if i haven't let's see then that part if i wasn't explaining this in real time i would probably be making far less like mistakes but i think we're here now so paste that in and this is what we've done we've created our own little chops and not anything played this was just out of loops so what have we got [Music] yeah that's got a vibe to it let's go with that so what what's great now leica says copy is your friend why is copy your friend because you can also copy all your tracks so i'm gonna keep this playing while i'm talking i'm going to copy that so now i can use this track here go to mixer i'll probably go in a bit further than i want it to be it'll be all right and then i'm going to go here and i'll put on this which i think is ace is no i'll do before i do that i'll do one more thing i'll put it on i'm gonna put on like a channel strip just because i'm going to compress that which i will do a tutorial on but not [Music] a today that's nice because i like to do that and then go back here and then i'll do one more thing and then i'll call it so i'm going to go to kill eq which i think is ace which [Music] now you see this is the thing about me i get giddy and i want stuff to sound alright so now [Music] i know i've gone too far now but i just want to show you how much you can really do with this stuff i'll do that again i'm going to use killiq kiliq i think is a better in some some ways sometimes it's a lot better to use than what's its name [Music] what am i on about kaliku yeah really cute he's better to use than filter sometimes because you have advantages what you don't normally have and there you go so you've got some kind of groovy thing [Music] whatever and i've just come up with something that was way too long i apologize but i was trying to show you that's the thing about audio tracks um i hope that's been helpful and hopefully that was a beginner's one as well um like and subscribe and comment comment please comment tell me if um if that was helpful or that was right and until next time as always peace
Channel: nicethings
Views: 2,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai force, akai mpc, filter, lfo, tutorial, beats, orignal, new, arrangement, bass, drums, chords, piano keys, music scale, melody, presets, synth, note repeat, arpeggiator, chord progression, beatmaking, akai pro, hip hop, r&b, soul, funk, ableton, ableton push, grime, inspiration, time saving, ideas, realtime, remixing, djing, looping, dance, edm, sampling, vocals, recording, mixing, mastering
Id: -we2eqP46xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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