Airport Secrets That Are Never Told To Passengers

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the transportation security administration tsa is in charge of helping to ensure that all the safety regulations concerning travel are adhered to they're there to ensure everyone follows the protocols and no unwanted items enter the airplane they're specially trained for various situations and some of the tsa agents are military trained especially those working in bomb detection besides being trained for the job they need to do these agents can deal with more serious problems due to their military background this comes in useful especially with difficult passengers who can sometimes become aggressive or present a threat to other people at the airport these people can give the tsa agents a tough time and can have them arrested for their actions many airlines will suggest that you be at the airport two hours before your flight however passengers are not required to follow this rule why well when you get to the airport two hours early and check in you have to wait for the plane in that time you'll probably want to eat or drink or even shop well this is exactly why airports suggest you arrive early this way you'll likely spend more money at the airport than if you were to arrive 30 minutes before your flight the longer you're there the more money you'll likely spend instead of arriving two hours before your flight check in online bring a carry-on to avoid checking your luggage and be security ready meaning don't wear metal or carry prohibited items not only will you pass through security faster but you'll also be able to avoid spending money on things you probably don't need have you ever wondered why all the food and drinks in the airport are so expensive well once you pass the security check you have no other option but to eat the food and drink the drinks that the airport businesses offer and since sometimes people can be stuck in airports for a long period due to delays they have no other options than to eat at the airport food vendors sometimes it can cost less to pay for a meal on the actual airplane than in the airport terminal we'd suggest to smash that like button if you haven't done so already but no we suggest waiting to eat on the airplane the food might not be as fresh and good as at the airport but you'll be able to save money if you're concerned about your bags getting lost or not arriving on time learn how to pack like a pro and take only a carry-on bag when you travel many airlines allow for one carry-on bag and another small item such as a purse this will speed up your check-in process and your bag will be with you at all times checking in your bags can mean waiting in long lines and there's always the risk of your luggage getting lost or stolen by using a carry-on bag you'll be able to save time and make sure that your luggage arrives when and where you do if you want to check in your bag you might have the opportunity to do it for free at the gate wait till you hear a we expect a full flight and we'll run out of overhead bin space message and use the opportunity for a complimentary checked bag to your final destination we all know by now that water bottles aren't allowed past security and if you try to bring a water bottle with you the tsa will confiscate it and throw it away this means you'll need to spend a large amount of money on water on your flight but there's a way to avoid this a trick that's been useful to many is to bring an empty water bottle this means that you won't be disobeying any of the tsa rules regarding liquids after you've passed security you can find the nearest reusable water refill stations mostly located near the restrooms or the old-fashioned water fountains to fill your bottle this way you'll avoid paying for overpriced water and still have a bottle with you if you get thirsty on your flight sure you can always drink water on the plane but there's been some research that proves that airplane water is bad for you airports try to ensure that each item entering the airport gets examined for any threats some threats can be visible through a simple scan while others can go undetected and have the potential to initiate a disaster throughout the years dogs have been trained to detect explosives and illegal substances in luggage even if you don't see dogs at every airport some of the major airports in the world have sniffer dogs and they casually walk past the passengers sniffing their bags or they check the checked luggage once a dog's found something they either stay focused on that item or start barking indicating that something isn't right this helps tsa detect potential threats and any illegal items carried on the plane it also helps with maintaining the airport as a safe place for everyone in the airport airplanes are subject to strict maintenance checks including the engines and their performance as well as the landing gear in the wings if the maintenance worker sees a crack or serious damage they instantly repair it to avoid accidents however if there are any smaller problems which are not safety issues they'll be scheduled for repair another time to avoid flight delays even though an aircraft never takes off before the entire quality check process minor problems won't delay a flight if it's not serious damage or a safety issue if the problem is serious then the aircraft will be held for repairs and another plane will be scheduled to take its route there are several banned carry-on items and each day millions of such items are being taken away by the tsa they simply won't let you board with those items but one thing we often ask ourselves is what happens with those items it's unlikely that you'll ever get to see these confiscated items again since they're sold at auctions once the items have been confiscated they're taken to a special room and held there once in a while the airport will do an auction for those items which can vary from nail files to various knives people can freely walk to the auction and bid on their favorite item and then take it home so the next time you have a prized possession that you don't want tsa to take from you make sure to check it with your luggage instead of your carry-on bag throughout the airport many people who work there have the job of keeping an eye on everyone around them and looking for any suspicious behavior if you ever go to an airport look around you and you'll notice that random people are scanning with their eyes not just you but every other passenger these people are behavior detectors and their job is to monitor passengers and spot anyone who may seem suspicious sometimes tsa agents do this by simply having a chat with the passenger while they do that they keep an eye on your body language and the answers you give them while the chat might seem pleasant it can sometimes be a behavior inspection technique or a subtle test to see if you're a suspicious character if they do find you suspicious you might be taken aside and have your bags checked or they may even ask you to smash that subscribe button and ring that notification bell but no in all seriousness they may even ask you more detailed questions about your trip and the purpose of your journey until they make sure that you're not a threat another part of making sure that there isn't a suspicious person at the airport is the secret cameras these cameras aren't like normal ones they can detect the level of aggression each person has if the camera scans a person and shows mostly the color red it means that the person is most likely to be violent and eventually present a threat to the airport same as the behavior detectors these cameras will take things further and scan people without them even knowing if a person presents huge levels of aggression then they may be taken to a different room and scanned again this is all done to make sure that every person in the airport is in a safe environment you've probably wondered many times what happens after you've checked in your luggage and to be honest airport staff don't really know once it leaves their territory the airport staff are only responsible to know what happens to the luggage while it's still at the airport as soon as the luggage goes into the airplane no one quite knows what happens to it baggage is usually sorted automatically by scanners and according to its destination the airport has the responsibility to scan the barcode and sort out where your luggage is supposed to go after that they aren't responsible for any damage that might occur to it this is why it's also important to tear off any old stickers showing a different destination so the scanner will be able to scan the proper barcode and not send your baggage to a completely different destination bye for now [Music]
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 195,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air line, airline secrets, airplane secrets, airport secrets, airport secrets that are never told to passengers, beyond facts, beyond facts flight secrets, beyond facts planes, boarding pass secrets, bottled water, flight rules, flight secrets that are never told to passengers, flying, plane secrets, top 10, travel tips, traveling by plane
Id: T_Z4DOg-U8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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