Ship Crashes You Probably Didn't Know About!

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the ocean is filled with the remnants of ships that once ruled the waves today these ships lay scattered and forgotten shrouded in mystery and wonder but although their stories may be forgotten these shipwrecks have captivated the attention of many and will unravel What Lies Beneath the waves starting with the Sultana Steamboat is one of the worst and least recognized Maritime disasters in the history of the U.S the sinking of this ship occurred in 1865 just weeks after the end of the Civil War the ship was transporting over 2 000 soldiers recently released from prison camps up the Mississippi River what's shocking is that the ship could carry around 376 passengers and some out this time it was carrying over 2 000 people meaning the ship was dangerously overloaded what caused the ship to sink was the sudden explosion of three of the ship's four boilers causing massive destruction because of the explosion has never been determined but it's believed that a combination of factors including the overloaded conditions and poor maintenance of the boilers may have contributed to the disaster even though this was a catastrophic disaster that hasn't been investigated much a few theories suggest that this shipwreck may be more complicated than it appeared some believe that the sinking was due to the Sabotage by Confederate sympathizers who wanted to prevent the Union soldiers from returning home however there hasn't been any concrete evidence to support this Theory and most historians believe that the disaster was a tragic accident on the other hand some suggest that the U.S government suppressed information about the disaster to avoid public scrutiny of the Union Army's handling of the prisoner Exchange program this Theory would explain why this disaster wasn't well known back then but there's still no way to prove any of these theories so the sinking of the Sultana remains shrouded in mystery Santa Maria is one of the trio of ships that sailed with Christopher Columbus on his way to the new world although all three ships made it to America and declared it the property of Spain Columbus went on searching for Treasures according to the story The Explorer went to bed on Christmas Eve and left a cabin boy in charge of steering the ship it's been said that the ship struck a coral reef off the coast of what is now Haiti and although many efforts were made to save it the ship ultimately sank the loss of this ship was a major loss for Columbus as it was the largest most heavily armed of the three ships the ship has remained undiscovered to this day and many historians have their own theories about what may have happened and where exactly the sunken ship could be in 2014 an archaeological Explorer claimed to have found it but experts concluded it could not have been the famous ship so the vessel remains hidden below the deep seas waiting to be found however many believe that there won't be much left of the ship even if it is found some suggest that the ship may have been attacked by pirates that took all the valuables off the ship others believed that the ship had been sabotaged by whom we still don't know but the ship was carrying a huge amount of treasure so it wouldn't be so wild to think this would be a great motivation for an attack to this day who or what contributed to the sinking of this ship or unknown but that's one of the reasons this shipwreck is so unusual what's unusual about the SS waratah is that this steamship simply vanished without a trace it went missing in 1909 while in route from Durban to Cape Town the ship was carrying 211 passengers and crew on this journey and to this day no one has been able to find the wreckage the loss of this ship has been a mystery for decades and remains to this day there have been several theories about what may have happened some suggest that the ship was hit by a sudden storm or a rogue wave that caused it to capsize in sync others believed the ship may have been overloaded or unseaworthy or that it may have collided with a submerged object causing its demise however even though there are many theories about it there's no conclusive evidence to support any of them since the ship has not been found over the years there have been many searches for the wreckage of the SS waratah but none have been successful some have said the ship has been located but is deliberately covered up to avoid causing distress some have said that the ship may have been the victim of piracy or sabotage but again no evidence supports any of these theories so the sinkage of the SS waratah remains one of the most enduring mysteries in Maritime history and despite numerous efforts to find it its fate remains unknown the MS Estonia was a passenger and car ferry that faced its demise in the Baltic Sea in 1994. the ship was sailing from Talon to Stockholm with 989 passengers and crew what caused the ship to sink is still a matter of debate and controversy after an official investigation it was concluded that the disaster was caused by the failure of a bow visor which separated from the ship and Heavy Seas allowing water to flood the car deck and destabilize The Vessel however this explanation has been challenged by many who believe that there may have been other factors at play the most controversial theory is that the sinking of the ship was caused by a collision with a submarine or a military vessel some claim that there were multiple mysterious submarine sightings in the area on the night of the sinking due to this the government became involved in the investigation and may have covered up evidence of military involvement however the official investigation found no evidence to support this but it does make you wonder what exactly happened although this Theory may not have been the best fit another possibility suggests that the ship may have been attacked and although there is no evidence of this it can't be completely ruled out as everything about the Shipwreck has been sketchy although there's been an official investigation the exact cause of the disaster Remains the subject of much debate and speculation this british-american merchant ship was accidentally discovered adrift and deserted in the Atlantic Ocean in 1872 although the ship was found the weird part was that there was not a single person on board and no clear indication of what had happened to it it was later revealed that Mary Celeste had left New York and was headed to Genoa Italy with a cargo full of alcohol when the incident happened the mystery of this ship has fascinated people for years allowing them to propose new theories that could explain The Disappearance of the crew the most logical Theory suggests that the crew abandoned the ship due to a leak or other mechanical problems and those on board tried to make their way to land another theory suggests that the crew may have been victims of piracy which is a theory that's largely been brought up and a lot of shipwrecks at that time since the ship was found its Fate has been a mystery theories about this ship range from sea monsters to Pirates but none have been concrete enough to explain the unusual event it was revealed that the ship's cargo was intact so Pirates could be ruled out in 2002 there was an investigation that showed that the sea was stormy when the Mary Celeste was sailing meaning that it's likely that the ship encountered some rough Seas which allowed water to enter the ship we can go on and on about what may have happened but the reality is that we may never find out what exactly happened with Mary Celeste one of the most well-known shipwrecks throughout history has been the Titanic for those who've already seen the movie you think you know what happened however this shipwreck has been a mystery to many over the years the Titanic was the largest and most luxurious ship ever built with its state-of-the-art technology and believed to be Unsinkable yet it struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage and sank in the early hours of the morning on April 15 1912. despite the extensive investigations conducted at the time there are still many unanswered questions surrounding the sinking of the Titanic there have also been quite a few conspiracy theories surrounding it that still managed to Captivate people's imaginations some theories dive deep into how the ship was swamped with Titanic's sister ship Olympia and deliberately sunk as part of an insurance scam another more outlandish Theory suggests that the Titanic was cursed by the spirit of an Egyptian mummy being transported on board although these series sound intriguing none of them has been proven which means that the mystery surrounding the unfortunate sinking of the Titanic continues to live as many are already aware it remains that the Titanic sank due to a collision with an iceberg and the most famous wreck in the world currently lies 13 000 feet below the surface of the North Atlantic bye for now
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 6,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beyond facts, titanic, mystery, ship, ocean, ship crash
Id: tWATxi9bW70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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