You Probably Didn't Know This About Ships

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did you know that big ships are actually faster than small ones but this is nothing compared to the surprising fact that one specific color can protect entire ships although not every ship has one the bulbous bow is a critical component of modern ship design it is situated at the front of the hall and may appear strange but it serves a very practical role it was developed in the 1930s and has since become a standard feature on most large ships including cargo ships tankers and cruise ships it's highly effective in improving a ship's performance and reducing its fuel consumption which helps to reduce its environmental impact this protruding bulb-like structure is located at the front of the ship's Hall just below the water line it works by creating a wave that helps reduce the resistance of the ship as it moves through the water when a ship moves through the water it creates waves at the bow and Stern these waves create resistance that slows the ship down and requires more energy to maintain speed this feature help the ship to create a wave that interferes with the bow wave reducing the resistance and making it easier for the ship to move through the water in addition to its environmental benefits the bulbous bow has significant economic advantages by reducing fuel consumption ships can save on operating costs which ultimately translates to cost savings for customers if you have observed ships in your lifetime you probably noticed that most of them are painted red below the water line what if we told you that there's a reason for that well the red color isn't only for exterior appearances the red paint protects the hull from marine organisms such as Barnacles algae and other types of marine life these organisms attach themselves to the ship and once on there they can cause serious damage to the ship resulting in increased drag and reduced speed which can further lead to higher fuel consumption and greater operating costs but why the red paint why the red color in particular this is due to the use of anti-fouling paint containing a copper-based biocide the copper in the paint is a deterrent to marine organisms preventing them from attaching to the hull and causing damage it gives a red color to the paint which has practical benefits such as making it easier for divers and inspectors to spot any damage or potential issues with the hull as the contrast between the red paint and the surrounding water water makes any damage more visible in conclusion the red paint not only looks good on the ships but it also protects the ship from harmful organisms inside the water that can hurt the ship's Hull each ship that cruises around the world produces trash when it comes to huge Cruisers they entertain thousands of passengers and are staffed by a substantial crew with all these people on board you can bet there is a lot of waste produced on the ship throughout the cruise so how do ships get rid of trash if you guessed that a large portion of it ends up in the oceans you'd be correct ships generate a huge amount of waste including food waste plastic paper and other types of waste the international Maritime organization IMO regulates the handling of waste on ships and requires ships to follow specific guidelines for the storage treatment and disposal of waste even though a lot of waste ends up in the oceans there are certain procedures that a ship has to follow when it comes to eliminating trash from the ship the solid waste generate rated on board is separated into different categories such as recyclable non-recyclable hazardous and food waste the waste is then sorted in designated areas until it can be properly treated or disposed of at the next Port of Call according to the IMO no waste should be thrown into the ocean sewage and waste water generated on board are also regulated by the IMO and must be treated before being discharged into the sea if you have ever seen a large cargo ship or a cruise ship glide effortlessly through the water you might wonder why it seems to move much faster than the smaller vessels in the area well in reality the largest ship is generally much faster than the smaller one and this is a result of a combination of factors one of the most important factors is that large ships have much more powerful engines and propulsion systems allowing them to generate more thrust and move through the water more efficiently due to this large ships can achieve higher speeds with less effort while smaller vessels struggle to reach the high speeds that big ships achieve another factor is the actual size of the vessel think about it the bigger the ship the longer the water line length this is the length of the part of the hull that's in contact with the water and determines the maximum speed a ship can achieve a longer water line length allows the ship to take advantage of the greater water line length to achieve higher speeds in addition such big ships also have a more streamlined Hull design which helps to reduce drag and improve the ship's speed the whole shape affects how the ship moves through the water and such a streamlined Hull design can help it reduce resistance and improve the speed making it faster than the smaller ships however there are exceptions to this meaning that smaller vessels can sometimes be faster than the bigger ones ships worldwide are built almost the same way but depending on their purpose they can have some key features separating them from the rest one important feature that is seen in all modern day ships is the ship stabilizers they reduce the amount of roll and Pitch experienced by ships at Sea they're important for several reasons including improving passenger comfort and safety reducing crew fatigue and protecting cargo from damage they work by using a combination of fins gyroscopes and other mechanisms to counteract the natural rolling and pitching movements of a ship at Sea the fins used for this are located on the port and starboard sides of the ship and can be extended or retracted as needed to adjust the stabilizers to counteract any rolling or pitching that occurs the ship stabilizer has many benefits not only do they help reduce the amount of motion but they can also help prevent cargo from shifting or being damaged due to excessive rolling or pitching lastly they can help help improve the safety of a ship by reducing the risk of capsizing or other accidents these stabilizers are crucial for any ship especially the large ones responsible for transporting many passengers or a huge amount of cargo now you've all seen ships that operate on water but what if we told you that some can also operate on land these unique vessels called hovercrafts are extremely versatile and useful for various applications they use a cushion of air to lift them above the surface reducing friction and allowing them to Glide over water or land hovercrafts can come across the water or land due to a flexible skirt that surrounds the bottom of the vessel which allows it to trap a cushion of air beneath the hovercraft and lifting it above then the vessel is propelled forward using an engine or propeller system to further move through the water or land due to their versatility these hovercrafts are well suited for several operations they're often used as search and rescue vehicles as they they can quickly move across water and land to reach people in need they're also used in Military and law enforcement applications and tourism and recreational Industries they are one of the most unique vessels in the world right now and although many consider them to be a vessel some say that they resemble an airplane since they hover over a cushion of air however since they're mainly used in the open sea one can certainly say that their ships and that can easily switch between being a vessel or a vehicle imagine a huge cruise ship cruising across the ocean can you even imagine how big these ships are now can you probably imagine how much fuel such a ship needs to go through its Journey well each ship no matter the size requires large amounts of fuel to power its engines and propulsion systems this is what allows them to travel long distances across the world's oceans the fuel ships typically use is the heavy fuel oil produced from crude oil refining processes once the fuel reaches the ship it's stored in large tanks on board the ship and is used to power the engines and the generators the process of obtaining fuel for a ship can be complex and involves multiple stages firstly the crude oil must be extracted from the ground and transported to a Refinery once the oil is produced it must be transported to a port and then loaded onto a ship the fueling process itself can be time consuming a large amount of fuel must be carefully loaded onto the ship using specialized equipment and this process can take several hours to complete in recent years the growing interest in alternative fuel sources for the ship has skyrocketed and many shipbuilders have taken a closer look into using environmentally friendly and more sustainable fuels than the ones already in use this could further help reduce the shipping industry's environmental impact and cause the ships to be more sustainable in the future bye for now
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 1,248,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beyond facts, cruise ship secrets, ship industry, engineering, top 10, you didn't know that, ship, cruise ship, cargo ship
Id: N5-oRGei88o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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