What Pilots Think of Plane Spotting | Aviation Reddit

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my glider has four configurations of wing tips winglets and wing extensions can you beat that well i mean my plane has four engines does that count reading aviation threads coming up hey 74 crew welcome back if you don't know me my name is kelsey i'm a 747 pilot my channel 7-4 gear is all about aviation i've recently had some people send me pictures of reddit threads to my instagram account and i've seen other youtubers do reddit thread videos and i thought well sure they do it i can do it i'll be honest i don't get on reddit to answer a lot of questions if i go on to answer questions i usually go onto the 74 gear forum and answer people's questions there so i don't get on reddit a lot but when i started looking for things for this video i did end up answering some of these questions but let's get into it what's your favorite airplane to fly and why well i think you kind of know i5 747 i really enjoy flying that plane it's a really easy plane to fly which is surprising because of the size you would think it'd be more difficult but it's a really easy plane to fly and it's fun sometimes also the dreamlifter you pull up somewhere that you don't go all the time and you have 20 or 30 people out there taking photos of you i don't know it's just cool to see how people would love to be doing my job and it reminds me that hey this is really such a cool job even in the tough times or times where i'm really irritated about doing something it reminds me hey this is a really awesome job opinions on captain joe so i've met some youtubers obviously there's some that i haven't met you see me post pictures of some people on instagram uh joe is really genuinely a very very nice guy you know sometimes you hear about people where they have a stage presence and they're super friendly and then in real life they're uh a dick when i met joe we were on we were both on a layover in anchorage and we ended up i saw him he was there we saw each other we had a juice and uh we hung out this is a photo of us uh no he's genuinely really a very nice guy we hung out and had a juice and talked for i don't know an hour and a half or something like that and then i took off your decision on an engine fire failure at a low altitude when landing so this is actually something that i thought about a lot when i was a new pilot and here's the reality there's no one set situation that it's always going to be one thing but if you're coming in to land and you have a fire or some type of a failure there's no reason if you can safely make a landing there this is my opinion and you know follow your company procedures or your checklist or things like that but in a lot of cases if you have an engine fire or something that you think is going to be very dangerous to the safety of flight you're better just to get on the ground quicker get on the ground stop obviously declare an emergency get the fire trucks out there and all that type of stuff now if there's something where you're that is going to cause the plane to not safely be able to land well then you've got to make the decision there so there's no one set thing but if if you're on short final and your engine blows up and you know the plane is on fire or something like that absolutely you need to land the plane don't go run checklists and do things like that get on the ground safely because again i always talked about safety is the most important thing and so if you think that that is the safest choice then get on the ground at the end of the day that's kind of the easy easy decision to make is what's the safer offering if it's safer to get on the ground then get on the ground what are some of your aviation goals mine is to get my atp and a 747 type rating at the same time i don't care if i have to pay for it i will do it how else do you think you're going to get it if you don't pay for it so look flying 747 is awesome i agree having that type rating is great if you fly the plane having the type rating and not flying the plane just kind of looks silly if you ask me it's great to have goals but the reality is is there's a reason that there's a flow to doing things if you try to make your atp check ride which is what your final check ride is really for your your flight training your airline transport pilot rating if you make that a 747 type rating it may make your life a little bit more difficult if depending on where you're at and i don't know where you're at but if you're in the us you might end up doing your your regional airline will have it all set up for you to be able to get that check ride get your atp done complete your check ride you'll get a bunch of sims usually eight to ten sims in order to do that if you do what you're talking about here you may end up having a lot of extra training that you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to pay a lot of money to do this because you're saying you'll even pay for it well no airline is going to hire you with not even having an atp to fly a 747 i don't know of any airline that would do that i'm not saying it's not possible but not likely so i i would just go through the flow and i mean having the goal to fly a 747 that should be your goal having the typewriting and never flying the plane that's you know no one's going to be really impressed like oh i got a type rating congratulations how much time have you flown in the plane well zero no one's going to be impressed by that turbo fans vs turboprops what's the difference it's kind of a longer thing to explain i actually made a video about it i'll put a link to it up here but uh i come i don't know watch that video that's the easiest way to understand it pilot on a scale of one to ten how nerve-wracking would flying through this turbulent speed have you ever experienced worse and then uh it's a tick-tock video so here's the thing when you're a pilot and you're flying through rough air you know usually you'll hear the engines pull back i made a video about that as well talking about if you're nervous while you're flying i've never been flying and been scared about turbulence because i know what's going on as a passenger i understand you're not in control so it makes more sense to be scared when you're it's kind of like driving usually you're not scared if you're in control but you might be watching the other person driving like a maniac and you think like oh my gosh what are they doing i'm pretty sure this is how i die i'm pretty sure this is how i die it's the same thing with flying the aviation community is so toxic rant you know there's some truth to that uh pilots or whiners i've talked about that in a lot of my videos when i got into aviation i i talked to my uncle about it and i said man these pilots are always complaining about this that or the other thing and he said you know these guys grew up when it was the 60s and 70s when being a pilot was just oh my gosh you were a sky god and so it's a little bit different now and they're having a hard time with it so i don't know what to tell you it's true there are a lot of people there's people i mean look at some of the facebook groups and stuff where they post videos of me and they talk about all the bad things that they think about me and it is what it is you're always going to have people that are going to be toxic no matter what profession you're in but yeah there are a lot of toxic people in aviation are you even an ab geek if you don't have at least one fascination about your pilot becoming unable to perform their duties and you having to save the day you know i've thought about this uh one time i was flying on a 747 on british airways i was going from london i think to seattle to go pick up the dream lifter and it was kind of cool to go up and talk to the guys for a little bit and know hey if something really went bad like i could do all the things that you guys would need me to do to fly this plane i wanna fly the plane i think everybody has thought about that possible scenario uh it's obviously hopefully never happens because you don't ever want to be in that situation ad geek professional pilot whatever where that other person is injured because it's going to add a lot of stress to your decision making on what's going to go on getting rid of pilots aviators have read it in your opinion how long before we see single-seat heavy aircraft flying in the u.s how about unmanned heavy aircraft that's a really good question actually i don't think it's going to be any time in the very near future and and here's why the the technology for the security and the encoding for what type of data transfer would be necessary for that to happen is not likely i think if it does happen or when it does happen because it it definitely will happen in the future it will probably start with cargo and it'll probably start with something like l.a to hong kong something that's over the water where if there is a crash or the plane does lose some type of connection and crashes into the water that it won't really matter i mean you'll lose your amazon package but it won't be a huge deal uh i don't think it's going to be any time in the near future though because to have it flying over land or to get people comfortable with getting into a tube with 300 other people and there's nobody up there or you know i'm sitting in my pjs in some you know living room somewhere hanging out in a lazy boy flying to plane while i you know watch tv or play video games or make youtube videos that no one's going to feel really comfortable with that so i think it's going to be a while before it really is it takes over but it will definitely happen and i think it will be cargo first shout out to all the fire crews you have our back when things go wrong love you all unconditionally and want to thank them personally these guys are eg pk golf apron after we experience major engine malfunctions on climbout then full failure on landing just over a week ago 100 i'll tell you like i i've seen you know fire guys i when i had to declare an emergency before they're there it's one of those jobs that it's kind of very cool in a way but imagine you're at an airport and you're a firefighter there's really not a lot that's going on and then when there is something going on it's super super tragic you know if you have a plane that crashes on the runway and there's a fire like that's a super tragic situation and you know it's not like a normal firefighter who's maybe in new york who's fighting fires all the time where they get a lot of experience there's not a lot of plane crashes so you could be a firefighter at an airport and have no plane crashes in 15 or 20 years and then you could have one on your last day and you have you're the senior guy there and you've never really fought a plane fire before so uh you know big shout out to those guys they do a lot of training and they're there and you know if you really are in a jam that's the thing that i think make firefighters such huge heroes is that your plane's on fire and and they're rushing into you when you're a pilot and you're having to land a planet's on fire and they're like you're a hero you're like well kind of but you're also trying to save yourself these guys are leaving the comfort of wherever their firehouse and racing into the burning plane to get you out so to me that that's really where you're putting your own life at risk like that that really makes you a hero so yeah i agree shout out to all you all you firefighters out there i really appreciate everything you do and all the first responders i think it's super awesome my glider has four configurations of wing tips winglets and wing extensions can you beat that well i mean my plane has four engines does that count bangkok airport is it haunted was browsing the internet and came across the fact that bangkok international airport could be haunted in fact the government asked 800 priests to come to the airport and assist in getting rid of ghosts upon opening the airport this is quite an interesting topic okay i guess we'll go a little fast and loose with the word interesting i've flown into bangkok as a pilot i've flown in there as a passenger i've never experienced any ghosts is it haunted i i i don't know but um if you're a pilot it really shouldn't matter i've never seen ghosts anywhere on final or on the ground ever thought about how weird of a hobby plane spotting is on a first date her so what do you like to do for fun me i watch airplanes take off and land and uh move around uh well he's got the uh right so you know he's got the pilot uh the reality is yeah that is a little bit strange if you think about it i you know a lot of times when we're taxing out i've seen guys that are lining the fence there that are taking pictures and i've seen people take pictures of me when i'm landing or taking off and i think it's pretty cool i think you know if you really love aviation and for whatever reason you don't become a pilot i don't think there's anything wrong with it because you're blending two things that you love you could love photography and you can love aviation you guys have seen my pictures i'm definitely not a photographer so if you love those two things it's kind of a cool blend if you if you're honest uh they the fact that they sit out there in some terrible weather for hours taking photos i'm not that tough i don't know i i grew up in southern california so if it's not like 75 and sunny i really don't want to be outside so you know is it a weird profession i don't know if you love photography and you love aviation makes sense to me why do so many turbo props look the same uh that's kind of a weird question i i don't know that there's only so many ways that you can do that but i mean you've got single engine turbo props and two engine turboprops four engine turboprops so there's a bunch of different variations to how you can make that but there's only so much of a variation you can make on the engine you could say this the same thing with you know a boeing or an airbus you know there's a lot of people that would look at a 737 and an a320 and think oh those look the same i mean you know winglets are a little bit different and engines might be a little bit different things like that but you know they're they're similar because there's a the most efficient design and they're going to kind of copy each other i don't i don't know perceptions of boeing and airbus i'm a newbie in aviation blah blah blah blah so do people generally prefer one over the other and why do pilots generally have a preference one is better to fly does everyone hate boeing i hope this question makes sense i i think it's just a personal preference i remember when i was in flight school i talked to a guy who flew for united he flew the airbus and i asked him i said do you think the airbus is better than boeing what's your thought on it and he said no i think they're both good in different ways so it really becomes down to preference so obviously i fly the boeing i'm used to the yoke if you put me in the airbus probably would be pretty ugly and vice versa so you're going to have people that have their own styles and the computers are different the way you fly it is different there's a lot of differences in how those planes are flown so you get used to one and i think you just kind of stick with that i don't think that there is one that's like hey this is a better product than that product like safety wise i don't think that they're i think they're just two different types of products i don't think that there's one that's better you might have one that's more fuel efficient than the other but it's kind of like the technology is always changing i don't but you know if you're asking for like safety which should be a pilot's main priority i don't think that you you're gonna ever hear a pilot say no you know airbus isn't safe or no boeing isn't safe i don't think that that's true pilots have some balls what do pilots think themselves after landing aircraft such as the 737 747 etc do they just go about their day like they didn't just land a damn fine piece of engineering i'm genuinely curious as i'm addicted to flights fs 2020 but i've never gotten a chance to fly in real life although i really want to uh you know when i land when i go land a plane i don't walk off like you know what's up you know sometimes we'll we'll talk trash to each other in the plane but as soon as we get off the plane that's basically it do you you feel cool i think at the very beginning the first couple times because you're like dude i just landed the 747. that's pretty cool but i you know it like anything it wears off if you've enjoyed me reading some of these comments but want to see some mean comments about me check out this video up here if you want to see me explaining some aviation videos check out this video up here i look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 600,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey, reddit threads, reading reddit threads, pilot threads, aviation threads reddit, 74 gear reads aviation threads, 74 gear reddit, pilot Kelsey reddit, 74 gear real pilot, 74 gear age, 74 gear forum
Id: IyO0YSJhFyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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