Aviation Youtuber Makes Up Fake News | Pilot Roasts

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well this dude's about to get roasted we're  gonna be analyzing scary airplane moments   caught on camera are you ready coming up hey 74 crew welcome back if you don't  know me my name is kelsey i'm a 747 pilot   my channel 74 gear is all about aviation i  personally find it very entertaining when   people who are totally uninformed lack all common  sense make comments and explain things in aviation   so if you like watching people get totally  roasted who lack all common sense and don't   know anything about aviation but explain it in a  way that they do you're going to enjoy this video   let's get into it in the world that we live today  people commute and travel all the time from one   place to another and because of airplanes things  have gotten way way much easier just so you have   an idea roughly a hundred thousand flights take  off and land every day all over the world however   like anything else in this life traveling by  plane has a price some people for example panic   when they're in an airplane many things can go  wrong and sometimes it can get very much scary   or even dangerous and today we're gonna be  analyzing scary airplane moments caught on camera   are you ready oh i'm ready in fairness to this guy  like a lot of my videos this video is chopped up   i had to make it short because what he's doing is  using a lot of different clips and he does say in   here statistically that aviation is safe and it  is safe to fly but he's doing it in a way that's   designed to induce fear by the way that they're  talking in the pictures that they're showing   there are a lot of people who are scared to fly  which i totally understand or not control the   plane or you don't understand the turbulence or  any of those types of things and what happens is   when people make these types of videos who don't  know anything about aviation it is designed to   prey on people's fears and to make them feel even  more nervous because a lot of people when they're   trying to learn something or they're about to  do something they're uncomfortable with like   let's say you hate traveling but you have to  go to a destination wedding for your kid right   well then you're going to be nervous so what are  you going to do you're going to jump online and   try to research some things about how to stay  calm and then you start researching things about   aviation and planes and then you end up on some  guy's video like this and he starts talking about   all these different things in a way that's scary  and it preys on your fear and makes you more and   more fearful now you should know that i fly mostly  cargo 98 of the flying that i do is just boxes so   it doesn't really matter to me whether you fly or  not i honestly don't care but i think traveling   is one of the best things that anybody can do in  their life you can experience different cultures   see the world and things like that so when i see  somebody doing something this that's making people   scared to fly i think okay you're making all these  people uncomfortable to fly i'm gonna make you   uncomfortable making these videos so let's break  down all the smart things this guy has to say   about aviation on a monday afternoon passengers  knew there was something wrong when they felt   the plane fuselage began to shake violently and  also heard popping noises coming from outside   the boeing 757 that they were in this is when  all of a sudden one of the plane's passenger   observed that the walls were cracking  open this is what was captured on camera at first flight attendants were checking the crack  on the wall and they were saying that it was only   on the inside however i feel that they were only  trying to calm everyone down the last thing you   need on a situation like this is a passenger  freaking out this is when the plane pilot was   called in to check on the problem and he said  that they should land immediately they made an   emergency landing and everything was fine however  if they did continue with the flight schedule   there is a big chance that the plane would  crack open in half in your opinion how would   you react if you were on this flight so in your  professional opinion as a passenger you feel the   plane would have cracked in half is that correct  there is a big chance that the plane would crack   open in half next time you get on a plane i want  you to notice if you're sitting next to the window   i want you to notice that the side of the plane  that the side that you're sitting on the walls   are plastic and they're sectional they're little  pieces that are all set up along the side of there   it has nothing to do with the hull or the outside  of the aircraft those two things have nothing to   do with each other that inside area right there  that you see next to your window that's really   just for aesthetics on a regular freighter  plane meaning it's just boxes we don't have   that nice plastic coating there doesn't  matter if it's loud it doesn't need to be   insulated none of that stuff there's also not  wires and other things that are moving along   those wall areas that plastic that they're showing  right there that thing that's broken that's just   one piece of sectional popping out from the second  piece of the sectional that has literally nothing   to do with the outside of the aircraft they're two  totally separate things as you can imagine if you   had one gigantic plastic piece that ran along the  whole inside of the airplane as one single piece   it would be very expensive to make it it would be  very expensive to replace it so what they have is   different sectionals that are in there which means  that if they need to get into one section of the   plane they don't have to remove this gigantic  plastic piece that all got built into one piece   would be difficult to transport difficult to  install difficult to take off when they need to   do repairs and maintenance things like that so all  those different sectional pieces is basically what   it is it's just a sectional piece of the inside  of the aircraft and the whole interior is usually   made of kind of a tough plasticky thing i don't  really know i don't design these aircraft but   that's basically what it's composed of you can see  here this is just a clean line look right here on   the line here you'll see it's just one straight  line which means it's showing it's just one part   of this completely separate piece right here  the outside of the plane the hull of the plane   is not something you're going to be touching  or being against as you can imagine it's very   cold while we're flying up at 34 or 36 000 feet  so there's some insulation that's there and it   also helps reduce the noise so having that there  is part of just your comfort now there's a couple   things to know in the event that something like  this happens obviously the first person is going   to come look at it it's a flight attendant the  passenger is going to tell the flight attendant   either the lead flight attendant or maybe the  flight attendant with the most experienced   they're going to come over and take a look and  see what's going on and they're going to do that   so that way they can relay that information to the  pilots because we need to know what's going on as   well we're not back there and i always talk about  how important it is to have flight attendants that   are willing to communicate with the pilots and  this is a great example of that she's coming   over to take a look at the situation so then she  can relay to the pilots hey this is what we have   back here this is what it looks like or sounds  like or smells like or whatever the situation is   then from the flight deck we can make the decision  to go back there and take a look you saw there's a   captain that came back there which is typically  what it's going to be the captain's going to go   back and have a look and see what the situation  is so then they can make their determination of   safety of flight or something like that however  the guy who narrates this video says this they   were saying that it was only on the inside however  i feel that they were only trying to calm everyone   down here's the thing to realize if you're a  passenger one the pilots are on the plane too   we don't have a special parachute we don't have a  death wish we're not doing anything that we don't   feel is safe so if there's something on there  that we're looking at and we see that there's a   big problem then we're going to make an emergency  landing i'm 99 sure that this pilot didn't walk   back up on the flight deck declare a mayday mayday  mayday we have an emergency and make an emergency   landing no they probably made a precautionary  landing they would have seen that okay this is   broken or whatever the situation is they don't  want the passengers there who knows what really   happened or they could have just said we'll just  continue our flight i had a situation like this   years ago when i was flying just passengers we  hit some turbulence so bad that the ceiling panels   actually fell down off the ceiling the ceiling  panels however have these wires that are there   so that way if they do fall off they don't fall  onto people so we hit this really bad turbulence   we get a call from the flight attendant said hey  some of the ceiling has come down now once we got   up to our cruising altitude i ended up having  the flight attendant come up in the flight deck   i went into the bank just to see what was going  on so we could see what the overall situation was   now i ended up just i think putting the ceiling  back up i if i remember correctly it was a long   time ago i either put it up or i decided that it  was only coming down a couple inches so i decided   to leave it there because it was hooked up with  wires so it's not a big deal the thing that's   important to know is that that plastic coming off  completely off the ceiling has nothing to do with   the safety of flight so we continued the flight  we flew to our destination i think we had like a   hour and 20 minute flight something like that  we just landed in it wasn't a big deal at all   so it's important to realize that that plastic  has nothing to do with the outside of the aircraft   that's also something you may not know the whole  of the aircraft has leaks in it so you might hear   something or see something it sounds like there's  something that's going on where there's possibly   a leak now if you were to hear a big hole in  the aircraft the pilots are going to know we're   going to see that the plane is depressurizing  so the pilots in that scenario that there's   some big hole back there we're not walking  back there to be like hey what's going on no   everyone's putting their oxygen masks on and now  we're going to be getting down to 10 000 feet and   trying to land as soon as possible that's what's  going to happen in real life there was a big hole   we're not walking back there like hey the plane's  depressurized and all these things are happening   let me just go see what this looks like that's  not what would happen so when the narrator of this   video says this they made an emergency landing  and everything was fine i would say this guy's   completely wrong and it's highly unlikely that  they declared an emergency and made an emergency   landing if anything in my mind based off of that  i probably would have continued the flight unless   i had like a nine or ten hour flight to go do  and then i didn't want and i didn't feel that it   was going to be comfortable or safe or there was  multiple areas of the plane that that had happened   and that would be more for the comfort of the  aircraft so usually what would happen is the   pilots would go up they'd get on the phone they'd  call the company they tell them what's going on   hey we got parts of the the inner part of the wall  has broken open in a few different areas of the   plane what do you guys want to do and then the  company will make the decision you know what we   don't want our passengers to be flying with part  of the walls broken or whatever the situation is   just go ahead and come in and land at this airport  depending on where you are on your route of flight   however that wasn't really a safety issue if  you're looking at it from that aspect there's   really no safety with that plastic being open even  if that plastic came completely off nobody'd be   able to sit in that area but it wouldn't be a big  deal safety wise typically if you ever see your   pilots coming back to look at something in the  middle of flight it's more for curiosity's sake if   there's something that's a real emergency a real  emergency we'll know we have all the instruments   up there we can see the pressurization and all  the things that are going on with the aircraft   so if there's a real emergency we're not going  to be coming back there's times where we have   to come back and look at the wings during the  winter and make sure there's no snow or ice or   things like that usually that is something that we  have to do for safety reasons before takeoff but   once we get into flight we can pretty much see  everything if there's something that's like this   we're coming back just mostly out of curiosity  just to take a look at it just so we can see   what's going on communicate with the other pilot  like hey this is a situation and then we can   relay to our company or our airline hey this is  a situation that's going on and then together we   can make a decision about what to do at first it  seems like a normal turbulence and you can see by   most people's reaction that they're not very  much wild by it but it's all about to change wow what is going on what is going on normally when you don't have a good visual  reason for a turbulence such as bad weather   it's because you have two different bodies of air  moving at different speeds and i guess this is   exactly what happened to justine robinson's plane  okay so turbulence ranks really high on people's   fears and i totally understand it's like being on  a roller coaster when it's not what you signed up   to be on i personally i don't like being in  roller coasters turbulence however doesn't   bother me nearly as much as if i were to get on a  roller coaster if i was going to get on a roller   coaster you'd probably hear me screaming something  like the people in this video because i don't like   doing it well i probably wouldn't scream like them  but i would be upset that i made the decision to   get on the roller coaster another thing to know  is that your pilots typically when we're flying   we don't want to be in turbulence either we're up  there so we can be talking and if we're getting   bounced around our coffee's getting bounced around  maybe the book we're reading is getting bounced   around we can't do anything and now we've got to  pay attention what's going on and like i've said   pilots typically are kind of lazy we don't want  to be doing all this work because that cruise   portion of the flight there's really not a lot to  go on we're listening to the radio responding the   radio watching the some of the controls that are  going on but there's not a lot of mental effort   that's involved in that situation however once  you start getting into a bunch of turbulence now   you start trying to find out where the smooth  air is you're trying to change it to altitude   make a directional change you're trying to do  something to get out of that because nobody   wants to be getting slapped around in the back of  a plane realize that different areas of the plane   it's going to be worse so if you might be sitting  at the back of the plane it's going to feel a lot   more violent the level of shaking that's going on  than different areas of the plane it's just going   to be more uncomfortable for some people than  others i'm gonna tell you a quick story about   when i was flying this plane right here and if  you aren't familiar with it this is a dream lifter   it's not a passenger aircraft it's a modified  747 where they basically ripped the middle of the   plane out and built this huge dome to take wings  and fuselages of other aircraft inside it she is   a big girl and that's a modified plane it's not  a normal well-designed plane that's designed for   your everyday passenger so i was flying that plane  a few months ago we were crossing the atlantic we   were headed out to italy and as we were crossing  the atlantic we hit some moderate to severe   turbulence and what that basically means is you  can't control the some of the altitude variations   that are going on and what was happening is  all the planes were getting diverted and they   were getting changed to different altitudes  in different directions to get around this   massive pocket of turbulence we had emirates with  us we were flying we had a few other airlines that   were nearby and we're all getting vector to sent  to different areas to get around this big pocket   of turbulence air traffic control was getting  all these reports from people now obviously when   you're flying passengers no passengers that are  flying on emirates aircraft want to be getting   slapped around their drinks are getting spilled or  whatever the situation is you're not enjoying it   and it's the same for us so i'm in a plane that's  completely modified that whole middle section that   plane's been ripped out and we are getting slapped  around a lot the thing to realize though is that   every aircraft has a speed and at that speed or  a range of speed that when you're at that speed   that thing can take any level of turbulence abuse  that you could ever imagine i mean way way worse   than anything you could ever imagine i always talk  about the safety margins that aircraft make and   the designers make to make sure that these planes  don't break apart in turbulence and it is way   beyond anything that you will ever experience as  a passenger so if you're ever in this really bad   turbulence or feels like very bad turbulence just  realize it is really nothing as far as for what   the plane can actually take it's not a big deal  my point here is is that it doesn't matter the   airline or the type of plane or anything like that  you're typically going to experience turbulence   if you're traveling a lot just the other day i was  flying over greenland and we had a bunch of wind   i guess down into the floor and it was blowing up  the wind just across the floor of the sea up the   mountains in greenland and it was getting up and  we were at maybe 34 000 feet something like that   and so we were feeling it all the way up there and  it was pretty i'd say light to moderate turbulence   which for some people feels like extreme ex this  is so crazy it was bumpy but it wasn't that bad   and we were just flying across it we didn't even  change our speed but you will notice that when   you're flying as a passenger for the most part  when you start hitting turbines you'll hear the   engine start to come down or wind down a little  bit that's just to make the plane fly slower the   easiest way to explain it is imagine if you were  driving over a bunch of speed bumps if you drove   over those speed bumps really fast it's going to  feel a lot worse than if you were going over it a   little bit slower so typically the pipes will slow  that down and that's more for passenger comfort   i've talked about it a bunch when i'm flying  a freighter and we start to hit turbulence   unless it's so bad and we're going really fast  if those two scenarios okay fine then we slow   it down otherwise we just keep going because  the only people that are on there are pilots   or mechanics and they know everything that's going  on so we just go fast even if if they're getting   bounced around in the bunk area while they're  trying to sleep we just go ahead it's just   bad luck but when you're flying as a passenger  typically your pilots are going to slow it down   and that's just to make your ride more comfortable  now i mentioned before i mostly fly boxes but   sometimes i forget when i am flying passengers  and there was a time where we had some turbulence   where i didn't slow down the plane at all and  i forgot to put the passenger seat belt sign on   and so one of the flight attendants in the back of  the plane calls up and says hey it's really bumpy   back here can you put the seat belt sign on and i  was like oh oops and then we slowed down a little   bit so sometimes i forget because for me what my  level of comfort is is different from than what   i understand a lot of people's level of comfort  is when i was flying passengers only we hit some   bumps we'd slow it down always every time but  since i mostly fly boxes sometimes i forget okay   we need to really keep in mind what people's level  of comfort is and so you'll notice if you ever hit   turbines the planes will slow down a little bit  you'll hear the engine slow down a little bit   just to make your ride more comfortable that's it  the plane is going to take any turbines you could   possibly imagine it's going to take it and not  even phase that aircraft at all all of a sudden   you look to your side through the window and  you see an object but you have no idea what it   is it's not a plane it's not a chopper it's not  anything like you've ever seen before in your   life well interestingly this has been happening  quite a lot in the past few years and to this day   three of these occurrences have been registered  on camera the first one was caught on camera by   kerry for rides when he was flying over the agent  sea and at first people thought that this was some   sort of plane having problems with the exhaust  system which later was refuted that maybe it   wasn't just out of curiosity what exactly is an  exhaust system on a turbine engine and at first   people thought that this was some sort of plane  having problems with the exhaust system so while   he tries to figure out what this alien spacecraft  is i will tell you what a contrail is a contrail   is basically when an aircraft is flying based on  the environmental conditions meaning temperatures   outside and a few other factors the plane will  leave a trail behind it doesn't always happen so   sometimes you can see two planes that are flying  and they look kind of like at a similar place in   the sky but they'll be at different altitudes  and as you go up and change your altitude the   temperatures will change so you could have two  planes that look like they're flying similar and   one looks like it's spraying something or having  a trail and that's why different temperatures   different engines things like that you'll get two  different results that's called a contrail now   i was hoping i was going to be able to go through  my life without having to explain this basic   concept but in case this guy who made this video  ever ends up on this video i guess i should kind   of explain this imagine that here you have a plane  that's flying away from you and it has a contrail   the thing that i just explained earlier where the  trail is going on behind it and then you fly along   like this and you're looking at this guy that's  flying away like this and you're flying along here   isn't it going to look like that thing is moving  but it's just flying and you're moving so it looks   like it's moving is that the same as movement  no that's not the same thing so now with your   understanding of what a contrail is and what i  just explained about the two flights does it seem   like maybe that's what's going on instead of some  crazy dangerous thing that's in the sky all right   let's see what other scary aviation stories this  guy has now if there's one type of airplane that   usually you'll find hundreds if not thousands of  forced landings it's assassina and on april 25th   assassinate 172 was forced to make an emergency  landing on highway 10 in quebec canada due to   an engine failure video was posted by oldie four  nier and well this is what he countered on camera they were able to make a successful landing even  so it is a very dangerous thing to do because   you're on a highway and you don't know if everyone  that's driving there is actually pay attention to   the fact that an airplane is about to land it's a  really dangerous thing to have an engine fail and   then land on the highway where do you suggest that  he goes and lands i think the pilot did a great   job landing on the highway i think it was the  safest choice of places for him to land if that   highway was clear great he landed right there and  he didn't have any problems so i wouldn't say it   was dangerous and i think it's a little unfair to  blame cessnas here for having the higher risk the   reality is is any plane that only has one engine  is going to be at the risk of having an engine   fail and with the engine failing you don't really  have anything propelling you through the sky   that's why on a commercial jet that you fly  on as a passenger there's two the plane can   take off just fine with one so if you're rolling  down the runway and all of a sudden you hear your   engine explode and then the plane goes up in  the air the pilots know what we're doing it's   what we train for all the time i mean there's so  much training that goes into that exact scenario   so that way we don't ever have a problem with  handling everything you might remember the united   situation that happened i think ua 328 i don't  know i'm just guessing here but they they had that   engine failure on takeoff it wasn't on the ground  but it was on the takeoff portion of the flight   they were able to come back in and land i did a  video where there was a plane that ate a bird at   like a hundred feet and they came back in around  and land there's a lot of different scenarios of   a plane flying just fine on one engine when you  have two if you have one engine and that dies well   then you have a problem if you want to see the  video of the plane that ate a bird on takeoff and   shut down that engine and flew around landed  on just one it's in my viral debrief check   it out right here and if you want to see me  roast some other people who also don't know   anything about aviation but continue to  put out content all the time on tick tock   check out this video up here i look forward to  hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 473,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey, roasting, turbulence, scary flight, YouTube roast, mean comments
Id: jYMb2JxZGPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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