Helldivers 2 Youtuber Clickbait Tier List (S TIER is Real)

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good welcome do the health average 2 YouTuber clickbait tier list if a name is an S tier I think they clickbait too much if they're an F tier they don't clickbait that much very simple very straightforward getting started we have Odo handsome charming young fellow they sell white powder on internet using Code Odo plays 10 you get 10% off crazy stuff eov vision.com I think Odo clickbaits a little bit although some titles there's no clickbait whatsoever rail gun buff vers amatons no clickbait whatsoever but as you go on a little more Sensational the number one team killer insane thermite tips and stuff thermites are insane sometimes it's teetering the line but that's bad mostly as bad as it gets and we have worse support weapon is that even true rail gun folks disagree they think it's the HMG the star war the machine gun fair and true so can he say that I don't think so bit clickbaity fair enough go and close it out we'll put Odo in C tier they clickbait maybe more than some folks might like cuz there's any clickbait at all is a little too much for some folks I think C tier is a a very solid ranking and by the way the closer you are to C that means the more egregious the closer you are to this this letter here the more egregious you clickbait versus other people that' be more important later on then we have stylosa okay some folks like stosa fair enough actually wait Cloud plates I I mean they're they they do content they they definitely do content they don't they don't just sit there yapping for 8 minutes about things that don't matter not at all that that wouldn't be them they don't just use Reddit post to make content and not have anything meaningful to say nope they would never I think that they make awful content this is very biased they're an S tier I I had to mute their Channel bro I I gave them benefit of Doubt when they first started making content and I realized quickly this is a waste of my time if you like watching them freaking love that for you keep doing it I can't stand them it's not because they're Australian I promise it's just them it's because it's them then we have what's on the list I didn't close out did I that may sound kind of mean buty you watch that video you tell some of yall might like it mind don't tell me stylosa honestly not bad but every time a new patch comes out brother says this hold aage 2 wait hell divers 2 every weapon buff and Nerf huge patch update this right here is an update ladies and gentlemen I don't think that was a huge update bro these weapons barely got changed adjudicator still feels bad I think the crossbow got nerfed why is there an AR next to it I mean I won't I won't has too much on that but not you can't just say every new patch is a huge buff that it's not even true you're hyping up a patch to a point that's it's false now we shouldn't be giving patches this amazing statement of huge Buffs and Nerfs in fact it was kind of Me overall the quazar Nerf was a huge one technically but in reality not much really change it's still good to use and the weapon Buffs and Nerfs weren't that big a deal they were just slight ch changes that some of them made no sense it was just it's anything it was a weird patch and it's not the first time you did this either if I go through the catalog here we have health average 2 wait that's just different here it is Health aage 2 huge weapon Buffs and Nerfs huge armor Buffs what you can't just keep saying it bro it's not true there was Nerfs and I guess in this case sluger did get nerfed a lot but even still there was maybe one major Nerf in that patch it just seems a little disingenuous okay but otherwise you do a good job so I'll put you I think you're above me you're above me you you click a bit more than I do for being honest here but not not too bad though all right your OverWatch takes were I I didn't like them all right the support one made no sense but I digress I can't say this person's name ta taku taku that's how I say it taku usually isn't that bad clickbait I see the thumbnails a lot I usually don't watch their videos this one I click to be like what is he doing the most I I click on videos be like what load out is he saying it's the best because I have my own thoughts on that that's not bad though but the rail gun one took me for a loop here the buff rail gun is an absolute monster it barely changed against catons it a legit nothing meaningful change against the amatons you one- shot hulks you've been doing that bro and you know it you know what you're doing you're a good player why you got to clickbait like that huh it gets views I get that hey I get that and it bothers me it gets views because it makes me want to clickbait y'all are encouraging bad behavior I hope you know that right now but he says this the buff ran is an absolute monster I get added in his Discord on cool down you need to calm down with the ATS they add me for the most ridiculous stuff I appreciate the interactions but chill you say that and then you say the R Gun is struggling right now barely anything changed dude you can't be saying that and then this in my defense I kind of the same thing a little bit but I made my suggestion right before they released the new gunships a new Factory Striders when you factor in the factory Striders and gunships ra gun is terrible it can't kill tanks that easily and it also can't kill gunships and it can't kill factor sters that easily those three things are important they make ra gun trash that's when I made video that's when I made my video saying ra gun solo diver meta I made it right before that happened in my defense so you click baai a little too much bro also the kills I get it for the video you can keep doing that I'm not saying I'm not saying to change what what you're doing I'm just saying you know the kills are misleading too and you know that you're focusing plan is to have a bunch of hunters to have more kills for your kill count and I respect that but just saying I know what you're doing so taboo I think you clickbait you clickbait more than us that's for sure you know I'm put you I'm putting you in I think you're a bit of an a tier bro especially with that rail gun stuff that was just downright dirty you know it I'm sorry bro raging Reaper all I had to say you say everything's the best that is how is every single video got the best in title best oh we didn't no no best here best best best best best best best best best best best best how how is everything the best bro how is everything you do the best it's crazy to me what In fairness I think I think you're beer bro not everything can be the best that's crazy that's crazy to me beer I think that's fair everything is the best I guess geez Louise then we have will is gaming uh this this person drives me absolutely insane based on just one video based on one single video I can't find it exactly but this person shows some leak content here and there I have certain feelings about leak leakers especially folks that show Le content in YouTube videos for heal aage 2 I think it's scummy it's disingenuous it is disgraceful that's just me little harsh whatever this video was a lie I'm scared to play the clip because they might dmca me it'd be kind of weird if they did right they shouldn't do that but they show the crossbow breaking factories the the factory Fabricators that spawn on Bots that aren't the boss dude they shoot they shoot a crossbow at it and it blows it up and I was like oh that's cool you can't do that and this is misleading as all get out when you show leaks like that and you said hell d 2 new war bond Democratic detonation weapon testing are they good you're showing leaks brother you're showing leaks that's messed up and you didn't even disclose that so I think that you're you're scummy for that beyond belief that's that's disgusting you you didn't disclose it maybe in the video itself but on the thumbnail and the title there's no disclosure of testing leaks scumbag so hey based on that alone and I dislike that video screw you bro ridiculous that tilted me when that happened that day will is gaming bro disgusting you're actually S Plus tier for that I put you above Cloud place that's what you get I saw that and I was hyped I was like oh my God you can do that that's kind of cool cuz I'm down with small little neat things like that for weapons I don't require weapons to be broken beyond belief I just like neat text and that seemed kind of quirky and ridiculous so I was like I'm I'm done with that and it turns out crossbow was pretty bad the only thing that crossbow is good at was breaking eggs and they took that away too they took that explosion radius away from the crossbow now it's even worse at that anyway moving on we have ventic what is with you people in making your whole Channel un leaks why that's not how you build I mean you you'll get views but I don't think you're really that's not how you build an audience unless you plan to show Elite content for every game you ever play so this is more of a a moral conundrum for me but also the buff new center revolver changes are incredible I I I mean technically maybe you get fast reload that's all that really changed bro it's nice just this a people are over sensationalizing certain things and I get it to a degree it's part of the game and maybe I'm in the wrong business cuz I don't like doing it but I I have to sometimes too I just try not to and I don't talk about certain things I especially don't make a video for certain things when they're not that big a deal and the revolver changes are not that big a deal like not not for a solo video Even though this case like 35 seconds what a big it's only 35 seconds air launcher bug confirmed fair enough put to the test blah blah blah stress testing the new Eagle airto a missile maybe I shouldn't be showing you guys this cuz there's a lot of stuff here one thing they did do they're stress testing the the rocket isn't this which one of these was a leak new airburst rocket launcher is insane one of these is a leaks one or two shots based on placement of What the freaking drop ship I think that both of these are actually leaks what yeah I find that scummy cuz a these two videos they're not you're not disclosing their leaks in the actual video right right here at all and people look at at this and they watch the gam playay and say to themselves oh man that looks awesome that looks amazing I'm going go ahead and buy that in the game oh I bought in the game and now it's garbage I think if you make leak content like this you are scummy it's just really lame but some folks love it so who Am I who am I to judge and finally we have thick pH wait ventex your s tier above CL yeah I think you're above Cloud place I'm I don't hate these people I don't like Willis for that for what he did I don't like what they did I don't despise these people though note that uh let's go ahead and review the last person on the list here thick filt otherwise pretty good not clickbait that much at all honestly except one video this like I said when folks make a best build I'm interested I'm like what are they saying cuz I making the same videos similar ideas in the sense of best this best that and I might I'm not mad about that but you said the what is it machine gun turret or the G one the one that shoots a lot it can get you 50 plus kills easily that was a lie brother that was a lie I tested it it gets maybe 27 maybe 30 against the smallest mobs possible not even shooting chargers only shooting mostly Hunters Wilbur and maybe Hive garden stuff it gets maybe 30 ain't no 50 easily for that reason I got to place you down here you also said it shaked up the meta you said the new patch shaked shaked up the meta I disagree I think it didn't change much at all the quazar is still good the quazar still good R Gun didn't change much nothing really changed at all honestly nothing crazy changed Rus got a little bit better though I think what happened was Rus is now in a tier and quazar went from s tier to a tier depending on your play style if you like backpacks then quaz quazer still s here for you so for that reason I'm putting you in the same category I might put you see I'm biased so I'm put myself above you wait I'm putting you ahead of me because I'm biased but I'm not saying you're click baiting a lot I'm not saying that there is for sure more folks that could be on the list here but I'm not trying to start beef with every single person that makes content for the game that's not the goal we have a surprise contestant entry from loaded crisis I did not know about this person until a person in Discord told me uh their thumbnail are egregious oh my God hell aage 2 Co responds to Sony this is crazy full details wow hell aage 2 are changing it back changing what back there's a person in the Discord a community manager said they're going to try and work something out there is no confirmation of changing anything what the f held average 2 official response is here reviews are dying and more I mean that was more accurate than the rest but still what what are these thumbnails crazy Health aage 2 CEO has just responded to us what this is offbrand cloud plays or maybe on brand however you view it massive changes that's if you say massive changes it's already a red flag there's no massive changes in Hell aage 2 unless you mean massive Nerfs and even then they're getting kind of laidback on that yeah I think that you're above Cloud plays there bud that's just me though I I don't that's that's gross I think that that stuff is disgusting it's just a level of disingenuine that shouldn't exist you're making content for folks to watch you're wasting their time when you make content like that these are folks I see thumbnails for the videos of daily and I'm just like hm is that clickbait or not and sometimes I get interested to click it and I sit there going to myself I shouldn't have watched that that did not really do anything for me not everyone Cloud plays and Willers for sure though but that's just me if you like watching any of these folks content keep doing it I'm not saying any I'm not saying you should stop watching their videos I'm just saying that there might be some disingenuousness happening here to a large degree and I didn't even discuss the quality of their content but I'm a bit of a stickler for not wasting time I'm been trying to get to the point where I waste as little time as possible any who enough yapping rate the session Z to 10 thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 35,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 tier list, helldivers 2 clickbait tier list, helldivers 2 youtuber clickbait tier list, helldivers 2 cloudplays, helldivers 2 stylosa, helldivers 2 ohdough, helldivers 2 thiccfila, helldivers 2 takibo, helldivers 2 willis gaming
Id: Hno5c2POz4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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