24 Hour Air Fryer Challenge

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[Laughter] [Music] i love it i love it all right here's the deal for today for the next 24 hours i'll be in this kitchen but i won't be using the kitchen i will be using strictly this puppy right here you've seen this in many other videos this is my air fryer and i love this thing because it's efficient it's easy to use and it spurs creativity at least for me especially when i limit myself to something like this i gotta get weird with it and that is what will hopefully be happening today so every single meal in the next 24 hours breakfast lunch dinner dessert munchie i don't really know what's gonna happen i've got a bunch of ingredients with a very rough idea of what i want to make so outside of that let's have fun today let's experiment let's get weird and survive no you know what we're going to thrive off this air fryer for the next 24 hours like i mentioned before there are a few things that i had in mind and the first thing i just want to bang out is just a little bit of prep probably for tomorrow's breakfast which is gonna be a pantry granola granola is the easiest thing to make in the world but i've never made it in the air fryer so i'm just gonna grab a few things from the pantry and that's what i like to do with these granolas just kind of use whatever you have on hand make them unique every time but use the same base technique once you get that down perfect granola every time so we're gonna get some oats involved oh it's obviously the base that's the most important ingredient chia seeds chia seeds throw a little quinoa in there why not and some coconut flakes this came from the other side of the pantry to make a granola filling it's quite simple and you can alter this in whatever way you want but you need a fat i'm gonna use coconut oil and pour that into a glass bowl that will fit in my air fryer then of course you need some type of sweetener i'm using maple syrup love the flavor of that and then just a little bit of cinnamon for flavor and salt to bring out all of those flavors i like my granola salty i'm gonna throw that in the airfryer at 350 for five minutes just to melt the coconut oil and incorporate everything and just give it a stir halfway in between to incorporate and then you can mix that right into your dry ingredients [Music] so obviously i'm not using recipes but i'm just going by consistency so that granola has soaked up all of that liquid but it's still you know it looks moist it's not super dry that's what you're looking for but you don't want extra liquid on the bottom of the bowl so what i'm gonna do now is dump it in here i have some parchment paper or it would fall right through those holes in the airfryer all right this is a bad idea now you never want to blast your granola it's a low heat slow cooking process so i'm going to set it for 290 and we'll check it in 15 minutes all right 15 minutes later okay see some browning all right so it's browning on top this is a lot of granola packed in there obviously a cheap tray would be much better but we're gonna do what we have to do all right so i realized that this basket is just a little too small for granola where's this one much better so what i'm gonna do is transfer don't get me wrong i can do it it's just gonna take so much longer now we can really even that out to a much thinner layer all right feeling much better about that and it frees up this air fryer to work on something else so i turned the granola down to 270. it's been about 30 minutes and here's where things start getting a bit slippery you really gotta watch it at this point because it can go from beautifully brown to burnt very quickly so that's looking brown the toaster nut the toaster nut roasted coconut is officially called toasted nut for now on so i'm just gonna cook this for probably another five minutes we should have perfect actually there's one more step i gotta add raisins [Music] i want to take a quick break away from air fryers to tell you about today's sponsor which is house and house was created by a couple from california who really wanted to put the spotlight on apertiffs but do it in a unique way so they made an aperitif out of the local ingredients they had in california so it's really a one of a kind farm to bottle product that i've been enjoying all summer long my favorite flavor is definitely the citrus flower which uses lemons and elderflower and right out of the bottle it's just delicious tastes like a high-end cocktail you don't really have to do much and the idea behind an aperitif is that you're supposed to sip on it the alcohol content is similar to a wine so really just pouring it on the rocks is great but if you want to take it to the next level i like adding a little bit of soda water and some mint which has been such a refreshing summer drink for me and really just an easy way to up my cocktail game without having to put in much effort and the first 100 people who buy two bottles of house using the link below in the description and the code word pro home cooks will get 10 off their first order plus free shipping so check that out now back to the airfryer i wanted to prep one more thing for tomorrow you've seen me experiment with bread in past airfryer chia seed chia seed but one thing i want to try is pita dough and i think i'm gonna have it for lunch tomorrow so what i'm gonna do is prep a really quick pita dough recipe this works for pizza as well it's really simple it starts off with one and a half teaspoons of instant yeast followed by one and a half cups of warm water and one tablespoon of sugar then i mixed in my dry ingredients and i'm going with bread flour and just about four cups plus one and a half tablespoons of salt and just incorporated that all together and covered that up with a wet rag and just let that sit out for a few minutes i'm gonna go with the no knead approach for this pita dough so all i'm going to do is just perform some stretch and folds wet my hand and then stretch and fold it probably every 10 minutes for the next half hour or 45 minutes until the dough starts looking much more supple much more smooth and then i'll pop it in the fridge overnight to ferment and see sticky right now but that will transform you know time is flying right now it's already 3 20 and i really haven't eaten much i had breakfast before i came to the studio but i've just been prepping food so it's time for a substantial meal and i've got a substantial piece of food right here this is a pure steak a rib eye and i've never done just a pure steak in the airfryer i want to see how that turns out so i'm just going to season that up with a heavy coating of salt and pepper on both sides and just let that sit for about 30 minutes before it's ready for the airfryer and then i needed something to pair with that steak and i was doing some online shopping and i came across some plantains which looked interesting i was kind of hoping for the yellow but they didn't give me an option it was just said plantain there was no green or yellow and the green showed up in the mail so the green are the starshare plantains used for plantain chips and that's exactly what i'm gonna do to pair with this steak so i took the plantains sliced them right in half took them out of the skin and then sliced those again and coated those in some oil and threw those in the airfryer all right so these plantains are gonna get twice fried twice fried in quotations i'm gonna start out 360 for 10 minutes all right then over here i'm gonna take my steak pop that right in and this baby has a steak button which is just the highest temp and it's telling me six minutes maybe that's when you turn it so you know what bad move i'm gonna preheat this for six minutes first and then put in the steak all right everything's ready to go see what the preheat did oh wait i didn't even oil this come on i'll just give it a quick canola canola already starting to cook now we'll hit the steak button and go for it let's see what you're made of air fryer perfect that's the first fry right there i'll reserve that and check out the steak what is going on what okay that is the weirdest crust i've ever seen it's still gray so it didn't get much of a crust at all but it got crispy on the outside feels a little rare in there let's put it back on the steak setting for four more minutes all right that's much better it's still not the best thing i've ever seen that's for sure a little gray but feels cooked [Music] definitely not a hard crust on there but i mean as far as cooking pretty damn good that looks like a medium to me let's give this a sample [Music] tastes like a steak to me i don't know i mean it's not perfect but it's pretty damn good for a quick little airfryer with a steak setting damn i'm hungry okay so moving on so i have the plantains that are fried once i'm gonna take them out put them on a clean towel and then push them out with my hands so they flatten a bit and then use a rolling pin and this is a great technique to really flatten out your plantains get them paper thin because we need a vessel to hold this steak then i'm gonna throw them back in the airfryer i only can do a few at a time now give them a little spray and set it and forget it all right let's do 375 this time for eight minutes all right plantains oh yeah yeah yep those look insane i think they're done so i'm gonna salt these up and do one more batch and we're good to go all right there's one more element to this dish we've got some tomatillos here it needed some type of sauce or salsa so i'm gonna make a salsa verde a roasted salsa verde so what i'm gonna do is de-shell these tomatillos slice up an onion and coat that in a little bit of oil get that in an air fryer roasting on high heat for let's try 10 minutes roasted veggies here we come to finish the salsa i'm going to let you in on a quick tip this is when i'm too lazy to make guacamole but i want guacamole what i'll do is i'll add avocado to my salsa and you get a very similar effect of having salsa and guacamole when you're eating the actual food so i scoop out some avocado onto my salsa add a little bit of cilantro i didn't have any citrus so i added some apple cider vinegar not ideal but it definitely needed some acidity and because i'm only using an air fryer there's no blender here this is a hand chopped salsa so hungry right now that is a bite beautiful bite i was thinking it needed one more thing and that one thing was definitely hot sauce just a few drips let me try again i've made a lot of yummy things in the airfryer but as far as complete meals go that's definitely one of my favorites just delicious all around [Music] would you look at that 7-eleven right now and i'm hungry but i want dessert the sweet tooth is kicked in fully digested that incredible dinner so what i want to do is a little summertime treat i'm going to make a galette something i've never tried in the airfryer and the peaches are peaking right now i have two that i've been saving like in the fridge just in perfect condition ready to go and i have a pre-made pie crust in the fridge as well so the first thing i'm gonna do is slice off the skin of the peaches because it's slightly bruised i added the sliced peaches to a bowl and added a bit of sugar a little bit of corn starch which will create a nice syrupy glaze in your galette a tiny bit of vanilla extract a little bit of salt and just a little hint of apple cider vinegar again just because i do not have any lemon on hand when i went to roll out the pie crust it completely fell apart i don't know if i just didn't let it sit at room temperature enough but it was all right i just smushed it all together and rolled out another crust and it actually worked perfectly and i cut a smaller circle because i want this to fit in the airfryer and not take up too much room so it still gets a nice browning and then finally i tucked in the edges and just pressed everything down to make sure that all of those seams were nice and compact and then hit the crust with a little bit of egg wash and sprinkled on some sugar and then i put that back in the fridge for about 15 minutes just to cool that butter down again i am amped for this thing right now so i have the air fryer preheating at 380 degrees just want to get that up to temperature and then i'll throw this thing in and i don't know i'll give it like 10 minutes and see what happens from there no idea how i am going to put that right there okay oh my god there we go 389 minutes check it after that alright i'm gonna check it two minutes left okay we're browning maybe a little yeah too quick too quick on the browning turn it down to 3 30 6 more minutes looks pretty good [Music] you know i'm really happy with the way this turned out i specifically made it smaller because i've had issues with the undercrust of food items in the air fryer not cooking through if you don't give it enough room and this i mean that's perfect that really held up nicely a little disappointed that i don't have ice cream or whipped cream right now but i guess i just have to really enjoy the flavor of the peaches here wow that's certainly satisfying the uh the sweet tooth slice two don't mind if i do all right so that's gonna do it for day one i think i'm satisfied no i know i'm satisfied i think yes no we're good that's it for day one tomorrow's gonna be let's see i'm gonna wake up i'm gonna make that parfait with the granola i've got some yogurt and then just really focus on lunch lunch is gonna be fun i've got a few surprises i'm using that pita of course but i gotta get some ingredients for the inside so that's what i'm gonna be focusing on tomorrow so i'll see in a few hours [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right 9 57 next morning par september 1st new month parfait bowl was incredible the granola really turned out well so air fried granola works like a dream so i had an idea for lunch which would be the last meal of this 24 hour run and i really wanted to do falafel i've never done falafel in the air fryer always wanted to try it that's why i made the dough for pita bread and then i woke up this morning and i'm like wait a minute i can't make falafel because i can't use a food processor and i'm certainly not chopping these chickpeas out by hand i don't even know if that's possible would be an interesting challenge but not interested in doing it right now and then this email came through let me show you this so this just came through yesterday it's from amy and she's a big fan of the air fryer videos but wants me to teach her how to make pepperoni rolls she says she was born in new york and she is an affinity for pizza and pizza rolls now i've been searching for like a new york pepperoni roll thinking that these are a popular thing i've never really heard of it and nothing is coming up there's like a west virginia famous pepperoni roll but there's no popular pepperoni roll that i know of maybe i'm wrong but the the idea has been planted so and i have the ingredients which is pretty awesome i made that dough so that's what lunch is gonna be not falafel not pita we're going with pepperoni rolls so my logic for this pepperoni roll preparation is treat it like a cinnamon roll pretty simple stuff i've got the dough from the fridge i was proofing overnight so i'm just going to flour up my board and start rolling out that dough and just keep flouring up the surfaces because it was a bit of a wetter dough to make sure that it's not going to stick to the table and i rolled out the dough until it was about an eighth inch thick pretty thin and then i started stacking on my ingredients i started with some pizza sauce hit it with the pepperonis since it's a pepperoni roll and then i had a fresh ball of mozzarella you can use shredded moths it'd be a little easier but i just pulled pieces off this mozzarella placed it all over the roll and then finally i had some hard cheese similar to a parmesan and i just grated that on and started rolling it up just being very gentle with it because again this dough is soft making sure those pepperonis rolled up nicely and didn't just break through my roll once it was rolled up i sliced it into pieces and lined my air fryer with a piece of parchment paper and placed those in my air fryer making sure to give them a little room to proof those look insane never made pizza pepperoni rolls that is um but i don't know they look promising so what i'm gonna do is throw them in the air fryer not to cook just to proof i'll let those sit for about an hour we'll see if we can get them to puff up a bit before they go into the air fryer for real all right it's been about an hour they've expanded a little bit they're now pressed up on each other i think i'm ready to go for this now i've had mixed results here with pizza and bread rolls in the air fryer i'm going to start off with 350 for 10 minutes if we need to crank it to brown it will do that there's something about the smell of cooking pepperoni it's just so good but we're we're warming it away oh there we go [Music] i love it i love it all right definitely not cooked through so so i think i'm gonna remove the parchment paper so they brown on the bottom i put it in there originally so the whole thing would remove uh pretty easily but now i don't know i'm just i'm over it back in for eight more 358 minutes all right two minutes left but i can't resist here we go oh come on [Music] well those came out pretty damn good look at the char on the pepperoni that's what i was smelling when those things were cooking the final airfryer meal a nice pepperoni roll lunch [Music] sorry i had to finish this these are awesome my favorite part about these is the texture it's like a cinnamon bun it's soft but then crispy on the top so it just has a nice uh feel when it's going in your mouth feel it's going in your mouth i don't know i love it i mean look at all of the layers of goodness in there these are awesome um i gotta say all the recipes in the last 24 hours came out great almost forgot my cocktail love experimenting with the airfryer thank you again to house for sponsoring this video make sure you check out the description and use code word pro home cooks to get your discount today this stuff is delicious i really appreciate when people are pushing fermentation to new levels and make sure you click on these videos right here if you want more airfryer content see you in the next vid [Music] you
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 932,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air fryer, air fryer recipes, air fryer ideas, pro home cooks, 24 hours air fryer, best air fryer recipes, creative air fryer, pepperoni rolls, steak and tastones, salsa verde, air fryer pizza, air fryer steak, air fryer granola, easy granola recipe, peach galette, air fryer galette, air fryer pie, peach pie, beginner air fryer, new
Id: aEcIkbZfXp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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