Crispy Fried Crab & Cheese Rangoon (Saturday Meal) (Legacy)💋

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to another Saturday meal and this time we are going to make them Kraft cheese wonton which is Mario fans fragrance ok I'll put a twist on mine's every time I do some guys you know that so to begin in the video you saw all the ingredients alright so I'm going to use two of original cream cheese Philadelphia and you need to let the cream cheese the soft at known temperature okay and it's really easy super easy and you're just going to fluff this up a little bit mix it up okay now you can add garlic powder in here if you want or onion powder if you hear if you want but I'm not doing that so I'm going to use my chicken rub and I'm going to add probably about a teaspoon you don't need much you're going to mix this in here now everybody makes their it's different so you don't mean I'm different twist it up here alright so this is what I use now if you're going to make crab and cheese montage why go get the imitation crab ooh why get the real deal okay get this alright cuz you be a cheap bed lock yeah if you want some real crab a cheese wonton and get this alright this right here hope I'm in focus okay and this is what I get alright you got that and I use one candidate and what I do is open it and I squeeze try to squeeze the heck out of it because you don't want juice into this alright because when you go to deep fry you really don't want to pop it anywhere you want to go through it and make sure there is no Sheldon so it's pretty dry okay and then in this one I have two more openness - I have two jalapenos smart hands chopped and I have you just need the green part of the scallion I have three scallions that are chopped just degree part I'm going to put this in here now you don't have to put jalapenos if you don't have to do that at all and that's the noise from the barrier no no no I was waiting for us for the garden you didn't tell me to go get it well I'm concerned little Wiseman is now I could have made some sweet and sour sauce but right now guys it's hot up here and let's just doing too much right now for me as I said in the last video we got a bunch of wild fires up here wild fire why apart way up over and the smoke is coming through the city and it's just bothering me really bad okay and you just want to mix this up and then you see how it's kind of on a dry consistency because that's kind of what you want and you just want to mix it up now from here as I always say you go back and adjust the seasoning if you feel that you need more or whatever and then this is a good time to do it okay and I'm just going to taste a little bit I think I need a little more chicken rub so there's about my two teaspoons because you want us to be flavorful right here you stop and make it as a crab bit after I was this painting actually I'm like I actually eat that with potato chips right here so we added maybe about two pretty good pinches of salt we use the real sea salt okay let me show you what I used as an active pink refined salt yeah this is what I use to give it more flavor all right let's get the wrapping these better boy the you guys really need to see it because I'm not Jaime wrapping she doesn't did I know right okay now I'm going to take about these many of the white foam place it in the middle okay roll it a dollar isn't that a dollop mm-hmm fold this in over pull this in over okay and you got a little cup of water here do that roll it roll it you're done one more time sign is in there okay this much however much you want place it in the center try to offset it might add a little more okay flip the corner over push it back a little bit press this side now this side down bring this over bring this side over together with the end with water then just throw it throw it there you go all right I'm gonna get finished rolling these to get my pocket on and we'll come back end of this the one kind of represents 20 sheets in there so it made 20 and I had enough of the crab and cheese stuffing left to make at least another what 10 then more 10 more so mr. Marvin is eating it as a dip especially every day like that okay I'm single ship somewhat what is Savi's everyday yeah though wasabi Doritos tastes pretty good so you just want to put in a hot oil and I just want always like how do you know turn it up a little more so you didn't want to cook until they become golden number and then you're done and then after this gets just about done I'll come back and let you see how I look then I'll come back and mix up a hot knife but this is my last batch and you just kind of want to move them around so they can cook evenly get brown and I let these cook for maybe about two to three minutes okay and you can tell when they done when they float to the top but you just want to move them around alright so take a month all here if some we're probably burst on you but that's okay it's probably because one I'm I didn't have a rep correctly alright I'll come back and show you how to make the hot mustard in a hot day so I'm back so I'm using F&B oriental hot mustard guys this up it's hot so basically it just follows the direction on the can so I'm going to use to these and very little water it all depends if you want it then or if you want it kind of pasty like so I'm using three of these right here okay that's why me pasty like so and a little war just keep playing with it until you like it till you remind you of the hot mustard at your restaurant that you like here within the week you can smell this is a spot too is that the way that burns your old movies yes so I'm almost using a whole thing of 1/4 cup here so miss smartypants like to put this with you guys believe it or not she likes to put this in curved shrimp fried rice I think that is so gross why am i gross that's just gross excited I need to eat a real hot mustard gonna be the nice water down one well let me see you put this in the new doesn't be cleaning up yep this is different to do it okay and this is how you make the hot mustard that's all it is substandard you want a little dinner in it add a little more water it's your discretion alright I'll be back with the finished items over here is my crab and cheese one Tom regum if you will this is make minds made the hot mustard the sweet and sour sauce I could have made it but it's too hot in here anyway I cut it open and you see what the insides look like guys these takes heavenly they really do now this can be for meal for light snack however you want to eat it this is what all glass of sweet tea some lemonade and all that other good stuff so guys give me a thumbs up share share share me share me with all all your social media don't forget to like it please thumbs up and yeah you guys make this I mean you could be for a wedding it could be for a baby shower it could be for what did you like which is fast it could be for any old holiday every day is a holiday to me so yeah so this is Carla's holiday there you go so as I always say stay blessed oh god I keep forgetting it stay love be love as I always love you and bless the love and smarty-pants to say blessed be but you just told me no go over there shaking your head now you saying blesses beaten because your love and loving and everybody loves everybody and your love I'm in love we're all in love well was just a loving loving loving country and jasa okay I'll see you [Music] you
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Views: 28,114
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: carlissspices, Deep fried crab and cheese rangoon, Crispy fried crab and cheese wontons, Crab and Cheese Rangoon, Homemade crab and cheese rangoon, easy to make crab and cheese rangoon, How to make crab and cheese wontons, soul food, How to make crab and cheese rangoons, Crab and cheese rangoon recipe, Crab and cheese wontons recipe, Crab and Cheese dish, Creamy Crab & Cheese Wontons, easy to make crab and cheese wontons, crab rangoo recipe, Crispy Fried Crab & Cheese Rangoon
Id: RWHOOk4sceI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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