Air Fried Lemon Pepper Wings Recipe | Better Than Wingstop

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one question wing stop who these are homemade delicious lemon pepper air fry wings super crispy super delicious if you want to know how to make this stay tuned guys i got you all right guys let's get started i have a list of all the ingredients that i will be using today for this recipe we're just going to give these dry seasonings a mix and then we're going to toss them into this bowl of chicken and get this to get get these chickens tossed up in that season and get them well coated like i say like i know and we're gonna make they make sure these chicken wings are very very flavorful make sure they're absolutely delicious ain't no bland chicken over here we're gonna make sure we season up these bad boys right make sure to season up nice and correct and let me know in the comments is it drums or flats last video it seems like it was overwhelmingly flat let me know let me know now we're gonna move on to our little flower mix i'm just tossing a little bit of salt and pepper into this half a cup of flour give that a little bit of a toss as well and when we coat our chicken in this flower we're doing a very very very light coat not a heavy coat we're not looking for that that deep fried chicken look it's just a light crunch that we're looking for so as you can see i'm gonna dust off a lot of that excess flour we want that to be a very very thin light coat of flower on our chicken wings guys just like so and guys believe me when i tell you you're gonna love this recipe you're not gonna see the inside of a wingstop ever again after you try this because what's the point because let me tell you you can make i don't even like let me be completely honest with you guys i don't even eat out no more what's the point of eating out guys when you can make food at home that tastes ten times better what you're gonna get ten times higher in quality ten times better and taste at your house you guys can do it i believe in all you guys it's super super easy all of these dishes man what's the point and your pockets are gonna feel a lot more heavier because you ain't gonna be wasting no more money eating out all the time now we're gonna move on to the air fryer if you're interested in this one it's a pretty good one i'll leave a link in the description where you could cop it off amazon and i'm just going to load my chicken into the air fryer in a quick tip about air frying chicken you don't want to over pack your air fryer i kind of did and i ended up taking back half the chicken out of the airfryer because you kind of you don't want to stack them on to each other just the way the air fryer works if you want your chicken to cook really nicely you want to just have a single layer of chicken in there you don't want to overlap the chicken just just a tip guys because like i said i ended up taking some chicken out just because i ain't like how it was going but regardless this came out perfect came out delicious you guys are going to see and as far as the temperature i'm going to be using the preset for chicken on this airfryer which is 380 degrees for 25 minutes and halfway through the cooking process you want to make sure to give these bad boys a flip and this is how they look when they're done my goodness let me tell you how tempting it is to just forget about that lemon pepper seasoning and just dive into these bad boys right here because man when i took them things out they smelled so good they were so crispy so juicy oh my goodness i ain't gonna lie i couldn't help it i had to snack on one while i was making a video because they they were looking that good let me tell you just like the way they are like they're delicious like you could add in another sauce so you could just eat them plain like that but guys resistant temptation we got to get that lemon pepper seasoning on these things resist guys try try your best i know it's hard so let's move on to the lemon pepper so you see on the screen the list of ingredients that i'm gonna be using i got my melted butter i'm gonna toss these dry ingredients in there give it a nice little mix and once i have all that mixed up oh it's my favorite part this is absolutely my favorite part i get to dump this lemon pepper butter on top of this crispy chicken wings and give it a nice beautiful toss man look how good this looks oh my god i wish you guys could taste this matter of fact you guys can taste this you guys are going to try this at home and you guys are going to love it give it a nice little toss nice and easy oh look at that slow-mo i had to slow down a little bit for you guys because those look is so good guys look at that looks beautiful presentation is amazing yo you're gonna really impress your family with this one you're gonna impress your significant other you're gonna impress everybody with this one here because like i said you ain't going to be going to wing stop no mo after trying this i tell you that now and i promise you that now super delicious super easy i know you guys are going to love it hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like down below subscribe if you're new right that notification bell i'll see you guys on the next video it's your boy whip it up with jay and i'm out you
Channel: Whip It Up With Jay
Views: 2,465,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lemon pepper wings recipe, air fried chicken wings, air fryer recipe, chicken wing recipe, wingstop recipe, lemon pepper wings asmr, how to make lemon pepper wings, chicken wings 7 ways, easy lemon pepper recipe, lemon pepper chicken
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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