Air- Brake Test & In-cab inspection CDL Class A NJ

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[Music] way-hey in this video we're going to be showing you how to properly perform a cap check engine start or in other words how to do an air brake test with an in-cab inspection if you are taking your test in New Jersey the way the examiner is going to ask you to do it is please perform a cap check engine start that's your cue to start this test now at our school we give you this sheet this is a step by step sheet on exactly what to say and it follows the rules directly on what motor vehicle want you to do also it's what you should follow in everyday life when you are inspecting your vehicle and an air brake test should be done daily so so first we're going to start off with a safe start so you're going to want to make sure that your transmission is in neutral and then you're going to want to make sure that both brakes are pushed out okay from there you're going to put the clutch all the way to the floor and then you're going to turn the engine on turn the key on first let the let the computer start talking and then you turn the engine on all the way slightly off the clutch just in case and the first step of this air brake tester of cab dragon start is we're going to have to make sure that the air compressor is working by building the air pressure and your from 120 to 140 psi at this point we were looking to fill up the air tanks now I can make it go faster by pressing on the gas I'm going to give it a little bit of acceleration I'm going to make sure that my rpms do not exceed 1500 rpms and the over 1500 is just a waste of fuel and waste out of efficiency so I'm going to rev it up just 1500 and then I'm going to hear the sneeze coming out and became that air tanker cool and that was a sneeze right there saying that the intakes are full my pressure is good mayor thing so for the next step is I'm going to put this transmission to the first gear so I'm going to put the clutch all the way down put it in first gear and this truck is all the way torques left and backwards his first gear okay from here I'm going to shut the truck off and back come off the clutch slowly then I'm going to turn the key back on now this is a very very important part that you turn the key on so your dashboard works properly no electronics are working most people forget to turn this key on and then for the test that is an automatic fail this key has failed more people than you know so don't fall into that trap so after I'm in first gear and the key is on I'm going to release the parking brakes so I'm going to push in the yellow break first I'm also going to push in the red so what's going to happen is now I'm taking the air out of the air tank and I'm putting it into the brake chambers and brake hoses to see if there's any leaks inside either my emergency brake system okay the reason why we put into first gear is because we are releasing our parking brakes that means the vehicle is not moving because it is in first gear after the air pressure has stabilized around 100 psi I'm going to wait one minute and I cannot lose more than three psi and a combination vehicle okay now for the test you are going to have to wait a full minute so you are going to have to take a stopwatch out or your cell phone and put on your timer to wait that full minute for this purposes of training we're not going to wait the full minute we're just going to say okay my minute has passed I did not lose more than three psi of air pressure in the one minute with note with my brakes release which means that everything is good to go I do not have a leak inside my emergency brake system now I'm going to do what we call an apply brake test so I'm going to put my foot on the foot brake I'm going to hold now for one minute and with my foot on the foot brake holding down for one minute I cannot lose more than 4 psi so now I'm going to check my air gauge and I cannot lose more than 4 psi in that one minute again for the test you are going to have to wait the full minute and you are going to have to tell the examiner when you are starting the clock so it's a good idea to take out your cell phone or a stopwatch and actually start the clock so the examiner can see it so the minute has passed now and we have not lost more than 4 psi in that 1 minute which means that our service brakes are free from any leaks now we're going to come off of the brake and we're going to check to make sure that the warning light buzzer works so we're going to keep pumping on the brakes until we get to 60 psi at 60 psi the low air warning light and buzzer should come on you're going to be hearing it pretty soon so it does not break I am losing air pressure so you can see here both my hair tanks have passed 60 psi my light is on I'm going to point to my light on the dashboard just like so and you can hear the Buzzard warning me that the low error warning is on all right so that system is working now I'm going to continue to pump my brakes between 20 and 40 psi and both my parking brakes they'll pop out automatically so for this part of the test you want to make sure that you do not touch the brakes at all all right I'm going to keep pumping as you can see both Clark and brakes still top out at this point I'm going to put my transmission back into neutral because we're going to have to perform another safe start my transmission is now neutral then a double check that makes for both cocking brakes are pulled out I'm gonna start the engine off the clutch slowly again always press the clutch when you're starting your engine I'm going to let the air pressure those above 60 psi so the blinding light color will cut off and then and only then we perform that we call innate having special [Music] okay now that my low air warning Sigma has shut off now we are going to perform an in cat inspection while the hair pressures still building to 120 psi for the next part of our test okay while it's building up to 120 we are going to perform an in-cab inspection this is a proper inspection of the entire cab okay so you can work this out as a system this does not have to be done in any particular water you can follow the sheet that we give you or you can just follow along alright so I like to start off with things that are right in front of me so first we're going to check to make sure that the steering wheel has no more than two inches of play okay make sure that the clutch has no more than doing some play now we're going to make sure that the horn is working and I'm going to move on to my gauges so there's a lot of gauges on this in particular model but according to motor vehicles you'll really have to get forward which is I'm going to check my oil pressure gauge to make sure that it is working properly it's at 40 psi my water temperature games cannot exceed 200 degrees which is not my volt meter is between 12 and 14 volts which is fine then my air pressure is building up 120 which is great so for all the mandatory signals that you must know okay I'm there I'm going to move on to my life which I have my turn signals my left right turn signal is operating properly right turn signals also operating properly my four-way flashers are working properly my headlights are working properly by being the indicators working properly from there I'm going to check my gear shift I'm going to make sure that my gear shift is secure better move on I am over here going to make sure that the heater and heat Ross is working properly 90 Frost and my eater of both working properly okay my parking brakes are applied one part now I'm going to check my window my windshield and make sure that the windshield is clean free from cracks or damage and free from any obstruction or illegal stickers while momma Winchell of Technology wipers my windshield wipers arms and blades are operating properly and running smoothly next I'm gonna check my mirrors so my marriage are properly adjusted to my CV boom and there also play lastly I'm gonna check my emergency equipment which is I'm going to have three red triangles underneath the passenger seat I also have a fully charged fire extinguisher and six spare fuses inside with my dry moves as well so that's all underneath the fastener see right there and then lastly I'm gonna check my seatbelt so my seatbelt to secure no gun turrets and Lance's proudly and operates bomb so that concludes playing can inspection okay so at this point to our that I need your seatbelt because now we're going to perform the tug test and the tech test means that we're going to be checking to make sure that each individual brakes are working properly to make sure that the tractor brakes are working and the trailer brakes are working so from here we're going to release my trailer brakes I'm going to put it into first gear now I'm going to come off the clutch slowly to get a little bit of a tug to check to make sure my tractor brakes are working properly and as you can see it did now I'm going to keep it in first here keep my clutch on I'm gonna apply my trailer brakes and release my tractor brakes I'm going to come off the clutch slowly again in the vehicle and then move as you did which means that my trailer brakes are working properly now I'm going to release both rates I'm going to pull up five ten feet to make sure that my service brakes are working prop what I'm going to do I'm going to leave it in first gear I'm going to pull a five ten feet I'm going to make sure I'm touching who still well slightly and then I'm going to press on the clutch and the brake to stop the vehicle and the stand will cannot move to either side so we're going to do that you can see the stairwell then I moved either side and our vehicle stopped properly okay from here I'm going to put into neutral you're going to pop out the grace five have the great I'm going to shut the engine off and that includes a cap check engine start also known as your air brake test [Music]
Channel: Driving Academy | CDL Truck Driving School
Views: 671,718
Rating: 4.8547044 out of 5
Keywords: Air Brake test, incab inspection, CDL road test NJ
Id: rj2MN282evc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2017
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