Class A CDL Skills Test "Parallel Park Conventional" Video #10

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this is an overview for the parallel park conventional basic skills maneuver now the standardized instructions are as follows drive straight ahead past the entrance to the parallel parking space with your vehicle parallel to the parking area then back into the parking space now you are allowed to free pull ups and may exit the vehicle a maximum of two times to check behind the vehicle during this exercise your vehicle must be completely within the space when completed now when you're through set your parking brake and sound the horn do you have any questions now pause the video for just a brief moment now you're going to see the vehicle drive forward the vehicle is positioned just a couple of feet away from the parallel parking space and you want to stop when the rear of the trailer has just passed that forward set of cones that'll be right about there and now you're going to back up now once again because the trailer goes to the right you want to steer all the way to the left and you're going to articulate the vehicle the same as you did for the offsets you're going to take both drive axles as they line up to the midpoint of the landing gear and then counter steer back to the right until the tractor is straight with the trailer and you want to aim for the back portion or the back wall of the parking space you want the driver's side of the trailer and tractor when it's straight to be aimed for a the center portion of the back row so now you'll want to continue to back until the rear of the trailer the very back axle on the driver's side is on the boundary line of the parallel parking space you don't want to go into the parking space too deep at this point once the trailer is positioned in that area then you're going to steer hard to the right and position the back portion of the tractor inside the space once again you don't want to go all the way in you want to bring that back axle now we're looking at the driver's side up to that line that yellow line which is the boundary of this parking space then counter-steer all the way back to the left now you're going to put the front of the vehicle in and when you're finished everything should line up now remember don't go in too deep so really what you're doing is you're putting the back part of the trailer in you're putting the drive axels in and then you're finishing with a steer axle you have three axle groups once you put those all in you should be parked now there's no need to do an additional pull up what I would suggest is once you feel like you're in the space is to get out of the vehicle for the second time remember to steer or to point your tires straight shut the door behind you and then just check the position at the back of the trailer and once you're back there also look at the right side and also the left side just to make sure everything is within the boundary lines of this space is 12 foot wide your parking area is the length of the vehicle plus an additional 15 feet so in this example everything is in the space so thank you very much for watching
Channel: Mike Logan
Views: 1,480,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDL, Skills test, CDL class A, Trucking, CDL testing, Commercial drivers lisence, CDL skills test, learn to drive trucks, truck driving, CDL Class A, truck driving school, CDL testing updates, learning to drive trucks, Truck driving, tractor trailer, truck driver, pretrip inspection, Class A CDL, semi, Tractor trailer, class A, Class A CDL Test, CDL school, truck driving training, commercial drivers lisence, Class A pre trip inspection, Parallel park conventional
Id: MzcQG26ViEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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