CDL CLASS A Pre-Trip Inspection 2020 (Updated) - Driving Academy How to Pass CDL Your Road Test

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hey it's Jonathan founder of Driving Academy in today's video we're going to be going over the 2020 version of the pre trip inspection now here our driver Kevin we are pride ourselves and making sure you have the latest information that you need so we can show you how we can actually guarantee that we get your license and guarantee we get to a job in this nice truck driving field now in today's video I'm going to be giving you the latest and greatest technique that you're going to need to know if you want to be able to pass this pre trip inspection for those of you who don't know us or don't know what how to give yourself a CDL you first have to go pass a road test now the road test is going to be two and a half hours long and the pre-trip inspections are gonna be the first part of that test usually this portion takes about an hour to complete and in this video I'm going to be going over a full pre trip inspection on one of our vehicles that we use here at the school so you have a good idea of exactly what to say for your inspection and if you have any questions about this inspection or getting yourself a license throughout any part of this video all you have to do is one simple thing give us a call 9 0 8 5 2 5 3 6 0 9 or visit our website below CDL Driving Academy comm and then fill out the form there were more than happy to help you out this inspection I'm going to be doing is something going to be an inspection that you're going to need no matter what state of the US that you live in because all the inspections are gonna be the same exact way alright so let's get started right away so from the front of the vehicle if you're going to be starting off in the front of the vehicle the examiner can tell you to start off in a different part of the vehicle so we're assuming that we're still doing the whole inspection we're starting in the front there's no particular order that you guys have to go through everything this has to be mentioned and half they mentioned in the right vocabulary so pay attention to the words that I'll be using because that's definitely gonna be the difference between you passing and you fail it so from the top down we're going to talk about our clearance lights up top so our clearance lights we're gonna have to say that that they are clean and functional they are the proper color amber and they are not broken or damaged in any way we're gonna come down our windshield windshield wipers are secure we mounted rubbers good seals and and operating smoothly as we come down more we're going to have our headlights our headlights are clean and functional they're not cracked or broken and they're the proper color which is clear our fog lights over here are clean and functional not cracked or broken and the proper color is clear as well over here we're gonna have our mirrors our mirrors and mirror brackets are securely mounted our mirrors are adjusted properly and clean and secure and then if we look underneath here we're going to be looking for puddles on the ground or dripping fluid on the other side of the engine or transmission and I don't see any of that happening from the front now if you noticed I didn't talk about the grille or the license plate that those things you can say but you don't have to say as a requirement so here at our school we like to keep things as simple as possible so you have a higher chance of passing the first time all right so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to open up the hood and let's see exactly what's underneath there alright so now that we opened up the hood we're going to be talking about different things inside the engine itself now you have to understand that every engine is going to be a little bit different which means the components are going to look different they're going to be in different parts so I'm going to be describing this engine that we have for our vehicle here so the first thing I'm going to be checking for again is puddles on the ground there's no puddles on the ground and there is no dripping food on the underside of the engine or transmission also all my hoses in this engine are in good condition and not leaking as well from here I can check my power steering fluid my power steering fluid this is my bit stick here it is at safe operating range and it is above the refill mark my parish dinner this is gonna be my oil level dipstick right over here I'm gonna check my other level I must check it with the engine off itself the oil level it has to be above the refill mark and safe operating range for the test itself you do not have to pull it out if you choose to you can just make sure you clean up after yourself as we come down here on the items that we can easily see over here is going to be our Parish steering box this is our power steering box that is mounted securely has no leaks or damage to it and there's no missing nuts or bolts the power steering box a power steering hoses which is all the hoses leading from the box to the power steering fluid are all in good condition and not leaking as well over here on the bottom we're gonna have our steering linkage this is our pitman arm our drag link and our tie rod is in the bottom there we can't really fit our pitman arm drag link and tie rod are not worn or cracked the joints and sockets are not worn or loose and there's no missing nuts bolts or Cotter keys alright from there we're gonna be talking about different engine components now in the back here where all these colorful hoses are going to it's gonna be our air compressor our air compressor is going to be gear driven it is operating properly not damaged or leaking and it is mounted securely over here behind this thick hose here is going to be our alternator our alternator is going to be belt driven it is operating properly it's not damaged or leaking and it is mounted securely now because it is belt driven we got to talk about the belt the belt has a one three-quarter inch of play and it has no cracks or frays behind this frame here we cannot see it is gonna be our power steering pump our power steering pump is also going to be gear driven there's operating properly not damaged or leaking and mounted securely not because it's not belt driven we don't have to talk about the belt at all alright and that's everything that we have to talk about on this side of the engine itself let's go over to the passenger side of the engine and we'll see what we got there alright so now that we're on the passenger side of the engine we're also going to be checking the hoses on this head as well all my hoses are in good condition I'm not leaking we're just gonna do another check on the floor and make sure there's no puddles on the ground and there's no dripping food on the underside of the engine or transmission over here we're going to have our coolant level or coolant reservoir now over here we do have a sight glass because we have clear plastic so we're going to say that the adequate level and there's above the rifo mark if you did not have a sight glass you would have to describe what you would have to say and by removing the cap now you remove the cap when the engine cold you definitely want to remove the cap an engines hot it's going to cause a lot of damage and then you check from the inside and see exactly what kind of level you're at also on this side we're going to have our water pump or water pump is going to be behind this frame right here our water pump is going to be gear driven as well it is operating properly it is not damaged or leaking and it is mounted securely as well and that's pretty much everything you have to talk about when it comes to your engine you don't have to talk about the turbo you don't have to talk about every little nut and bolt or cranny inside there we're just giving you the basic things that you need because we know that you want to pass your test as easy as possible and as quick as possible again if you have any questions about this whatsoever give us a call 9 0 8 5 2 5 3 6 or 9 we're more than happy to help you in any which way that we can we have a whole bunch of courses available including courses I can guarantee that will get you that license so now the next thing we're going to do we're going to go back to the driver side and we're going to be checking the suspension the brakes the tires and everything like that so follow me all right so now we're going to get some people say the most difficult part of the test and that's going to be a suspension your brakes and your tires the reason why it's the most difficult part of the test is you have so many of these throughout the whole vehicle so if you miss one of those items on this front axle and you miss the same item on every active moving forward you've missed that item three or four times and that's going to be very hard to pass after that so it's very important that you get this life down and perfect so what we're going to do is start off with the suspension so over here we're going to have our leaf springs our leaf springs are not missing shifted cracked or broken our spring hangers going to be this right here our spring hangers are going to be securely mounted to the frame not cracked or broken our u-bolts are right here and these things are going to be not missing any nuts or bolts and there's a filly mounted to the axle right here we're going to have our shock absorber our shock absorber it is securely mounted and is not leaking and on the bottom and on the top of the shock absorber we're going to have our bushings our bushings are not missing or damaged and they're securely mounted to the frame and axle itself so that's everything for the suspension the front-end of course every truck could be a little bit different so make sure you check out your truck in particular now we're going to talk about the brakes so our brakes have five different break items over here we're going to have our slack adjuster and push rod our slack adjuster and push rod cannot be missing any parts you cannot lose more than cannot move more than one inch with the brakes released when pulled by hand so the brakes release pull by hand when you push this thing back can I move more than one inch over here we're gonna have our brake chamber our brake chamber cannot be vented cracked broken or leaking and it cannot be missing any clamps or nuts or bolts and this is what the clamp would look like right here next we're gonna have our brake hoses lines and coupling so our brake hoses is this item brake lines and then brake couplings or where they connect cannot be cracked worn or leaking now behind the tire we're going to also have our brake drum and our brake lining so right here is our brake drum which is this piece right over here and our brake drum cannot be cracked or broken can has to be free of contaminants it says the BRE oil in grease and our brake lining itself has to cannot be worn dangerously thin so as you can see this this brake pad looking a thing right over here and we're visible it cannot be worn dangerously thin alright so that's everything for the brakes itself and now we're going to go into the tire now this is our front tire so we're gonna check our tread depth is no less than four thirty seconds of an inch our tread is evenly worn there's no cuts or damage to the tread or to the sidewall of tire itself right over here we're going to talk about our rim rim is not cracked or damaged and has no signs of welding repairs these are our lug nuts here all of our lug nuts are present there's no signs of looseness such as rust trails are shiny treads they're now crack their distorted lug nut or bolt holes itself over here we're going to have our hub seal our hub seal this is going to be at at adequate level and it is not leaking over here on the bottom we're going to have our tire pressure valve so this is this is our cap stem and valve are all present not correct and not leaking and then we'd be checking the tire pressure with an air gauge and it has to be in this tire anywhere from 90 to 100 psi so now now that we're done with the tires are going to be talking about the mirrors itself our mirrors and mirror brackets are secure and the dust properly and there's no broke broken or loose fittings itself our door opens and closes properly from the outside the seal is intact and the hinges itself are secure over here we're gonna have our flashing light or turn signal light there's going to be yellow in color clean and functional and I cracked or broken over here we're going to have our steps it is solid clear of objects and securely mounted to the tractor frame we're gonna say the same thing about these steps here there are solid clear of objects and securely mounted to the tractor frame itself now we're going to come over here to the heart of everything this is where everything connects alright so now we're going to talk about the air electric lines so my air electric lines are not cut chased spliced or worn on my electric line there's no steel braid showing through now we're going to talk about the connectors so my air electric line on the trailer itself my gladhands are secure they're not leaking and they're in place my electrical plug is firmly seated and also in place my connections on my trailer are also on my tractor are also not leaking and they are in place as well next we're going to talk about our frame so we're going to talk about our frame member and crossmember which is the bar going across it makes it nice and secure is going to make sure that we are there's no cracks holes or damage to the frame or crossmember itself this piece here is gonna be the catwalk or catwalk has to be solid three of any objects and secured to the tractor frame which it is underneath here if you follow me there's going to be our driveshaft this big metal piece right here this is our driveshaft it is secure it is not bent and the couplings are at the end the couplings can should be free of any foreign objects you don't want any squirrels or anything climbing up in there and then having rope killed right that's definitely not a good plan for you so we've got our drive shafts we've got our frame itself next thing we're going to talk about is our exhaust which is on the other side of the vehicle our exhaust is going to be securely mounted free from any leaks or damage there is no leak such as rust are such as carbon soot or rust itself if there is a leak it's usually going to be on the bottom of the exhaust itself right so you want to make sure that you check in that now on this tractor we don't have a fuel tank on the driver's side so when we talk about the other side we're going to be talking about the fuel tank there all right so as we're going Pass we're going to have our header board this is our header board which is the front of the vehicle it is on an inkless trailer like this it has no holes bulges or hole or cuts on this I'm going to secure enough and strong enough to secure the cargo itself right so now we're going to be moving forward and again any lights or reflectors you are going to have to talk about it so this is reflective tape is clean and functional it is the proper color and it's not damaged over here we're going to have a reflector it is yellow or amber I should say it is clean and functional and it does also not too damaged well this is damaged but we still got a little bit left on there right so as we're going through let's talk about these tires over here we're going to have our splash guards a splash guards are going to be securely mounted to the frame itself it's clearly mounted now we're gonna have our tires itself so our tires and tread depth is on the back tires it's going to be no less than two thirty seconds of an inch the tread has to be evenly worn no cuts or damage to the tread or to the sidewall of the tire our rim has to be free of any kind of welding repairs or welding damage or any damage whatsoever over here we're gonna have our axle seal our axle seal it has to be free of any leaks and if there was a sight glass we would have to check for an adequate level over here we're gonna have our lug nuts they are all present securely mounted not cracked or distorted they show no signs of leak there's no signs of looseness such as rust trails or shiny treads itself and the bolt holes are also not cracked or distorted underneath one of these holes here is gonna be our valve cap and stem our valve cap and stem cannot be damaged or missing or leaking and we would check the tire pressure on both of these tires because there is a door here with a tire gauge it has been 90 to 100 psi itself now because there is a dual tire we are going to have spacers in between these tires or so in this case we're going to have bud spacers our butt spacers have to be evenly centered the tires have to be evenly separated and has to be free of any kind of foreign debris inside in between the tires itself so we would do a manual check by putting our hands through or just getting in there and checking that yourself on the back here we're also gonna have splash guards or in this case mud flaps there also are securely mounted to the tractor frame alright now in between the tire we're gonna have to talk about our fifth wheel connections so follow me underneath the vehicle and let's see what's gonna be happening all right so if you look wondering where the hell are we are we in some kind of dungeon no we're not we're actually underneath of a trailer this is the place that most people have never been so welcome so why are we under here we're gonna have to check this piece right here this is where we actually connect the tractor in the trailer so the here we're gonna have our fifth wheel so if we start from the top down or however you want to start we're gonna have our locking jaws in the middle right here a locking jaw has to be fully locked around the kingpin itself hasn't been secured right over here on the top of our fifth wheel skid plate has to be properly lubricated and the fifth wheel has to be secured to the platform over here we're gonna have our fifth wheel platform our platform itself is properly secured has no cracks or damage and it's secured to the frame itself over here we do have a sliding fifth wheel which means that we can actually move a fifth wheel back and forward and in this case you have to make sure that all the pins are secure and in place on this sliding tooth thing we're gonna have our trailer apron or trailer apron is securely is not damaged inside here we're going to have our king pin our king is coming down from the trailer is also not bent or damaged itself we're gonna have to make sure that there is no gap between the fifth wheel skid plate and the trailer apron so as you can see there is no sunlight now on the side here where are we are gonna have what we call a release on our release arm has to be in the engaged position which means and thus it has to be locked in place right so while we're down here as well there's a few other things that we can check we can check these taillights which are going to be clean and functional they are of the proper color and they're not cracked or broken back over here we can also check our air ride suspension which is part of our suspension system they cannot be damaged or leaking and now from back here it's gonna be hard to see so let's go back to the tire and we have to talk about the rest of our suspension and brakes alright so now that we saw underneath there so now let's talk about what we can see here and what we cannot see so when it comes to the rest your suspension we're gonna have our spring hangers which is right here our spring hangers I have to be mounted here to the frame they cannot be cracked or damaged or broken our leaf springs are going to be on the bottom here our leaf springs cannot be missing shifted cracked or broken we're also gonna have a torque arm back here that we cannot see where Turk arm cannot be missing or damaged in between in the middle of the leaf springs we are gonna have our u-bolts or u-bolts cannot be missing and it cannot be loose or missing any nuts or bolts as well we're gonna also have bushings back there our bushings cannot be missing or damaged has to be securely mounted to the tractor frame and we're also going to have our shock absorber our shock absorber cannot be leaking and it has to be securely mounted now back over here we also cannot see there's gonna be those five break items the same break items that we had up top there which is going to be your break chambers your brake hoses lines and couplings your brake drum your brake lining and your slack adjuster and push rod you're gonna have to say the exact same thing that I said over there for the front that you're gonna have to say in the back don't skip this because this is big points on the test right so make sure you watch what I said in the front so you know exactly what you're talking about doesn't move forward again any kind of reflective tape that we see we're gonna have to make sure that they are clean and functional proper color and not damaged or broken same thing with any light that you see on the top of the trailer as well so now we're gonna have to talk about the landing gear itself so our landing gear is secured it is fully raised the support frame and the landing pads are not damaged itself and the crank handle is secure all right says move forward this is to hold your tire you don't really have to talk about this this is if you have a spare tire some trailers have this over here this is a door tie if your trailer has the door tight you are gonna have to say that the door tight is secure over here we're gonna have another light which is gonna be a turn signal light which is clean and functional amber in color not cracked or broken over here we're going to have a side door if your trailer does have a side door you are gonna have to open and close it you're gonna have to make sure that you open and close it from the outside and open and close properly you can't talk about the hinges itself and the seal if you choose to however it's not in the book so I'm the test you would have to open and close this door make sure it's open and closing over here we're gonna have to make sure that the door chain which is this right over here is also securely mounted as well alright so as we go down the side of the trailer we're gonna come back to these less tires here now these tires are going to be the same tires that we talked about on the drive and the drive tires so let's just go over them real quick you're gonna have your dry tread depth it's not going to be less than two thirty seconds of an inch the tread is evenly worn there's no cuts or damage to the tread or to the sidewall of the tire the rim is not damaged or or has any welding repairs on it my valve cap and stem are not missing or damaged my my axle seal itself is not leaking and because there is a sight glass in this vehicle we'd have to make sure that it is an adequate level my lug nuts itself are all present there's no cracks or distortions on lug nuts or the the bolt holes and there's no signs of looseness such as rust trails or shiny threads now when it comes to the tire pressure we are gonna have to check the tire pressure on both tires with a tire gauge itself and that must be ninety two hundred psi just like the rest of all now over here we're also going to have a spacer because they're dual tires in the middle so the space that has to be evenly centered the tires have to be evenly separated and there should be no debris or foreign objects in between the tires itself so we definitely check for that over here we're gonna have our splash guards or mud flats and again it has to be securely mounted now behind here we are gonna have our suspension system and our brake system so again what we can see we can see our spring hangers our spring hangers not crack they're broken our torque arm is not it securely mounted and it's not damaged all right at least Springs it's gonna be behind here but which we cannot see can I be missing shifted cracked or broken our u-bolts cannot be loose or missing any bolts our bushings cannot must be free from damage and must be present and all my mounts should be secured to the vehicle frame and axle we are also going to have our brake system back there as well now on this trailer we do not have air ride suspension so we don't have to talk about that part of the suspension system but all the five break items that we have in the front we're also going to have here so you're gonna have your brake hoses lines and couplings you're going to have your brake chambers your sack adjusters and push rods that's going to have your brake drums and your brake linings as well right so that being said if we come along to the back of the trailer now we're towards the back so any kind of reflective tape again same thing clean and functional of proper color and in good condition over here we're going to have our taillights or turn signals and brake lights are also clean and functional they are red of the proper color and not cracked or broken over here we're also going to have lights on top which is going to be our clearance lights they are red the proper color and clean and functional as well now this door we would have to open and close this door of course you don't have to open it all the way but we do have to make sure that the door opens and closes from the outside so the way to open and close this door this is a rollup door you would have to open and close from the outside I don't want you to see what's in there because that can get me in trouble I'm joking it's just cones or here we like to call cones actual people because when you run these things over it's like you're running over somebody so let's make sure we keep the cones nice and safe properly from the outside and all my locking mechanism is working properly itself right so that's pretty much the back of the vehicle itself now the examiner in most cases will is going to ask you hey is there anything different on this side of the vehicle so I'm according to this vehicle the only thing that is different is going to be that fuel tank so let's go and talk about that alright so now that we're on the passenger side of the vehicle we're talking about the fuel tank which is the only thing that is different on this in particular vehicle itself so my fuel tank is secure the straps are are connected to the tractor to the tractor frame itself the cap is on tight and there's no leaking from the tank or from the lines itself and that's it everybody that is the CDL pre-trip inspection for 2020 if you listen to exactly the instructions that I gave you in this video then there should be no issue that you won't pass your test if you want some extra help you want some hands-on you want our exclusive script that we give to our students that we added a few things there that I'm light have not said here because I can't give everything out for free right then you definitely want to give us a call because we have an exclusive script that we give to our students this will looks like there of course it's going to be blurred out because you can't really see it but if you definitely want that that's going to definitely increase your chances of getting yourself a license and passing the test the first time so if you're interested give us a call 9 0 8 5 2 5 3 6 0 9 we're located in the Linden New Jersey we have plans of expanding nationwide and our main mission is to help a million people just like you get on the road to freedom with the CDL license so if you want to be part of our crew and you want to be just like these guys here who are now currently getting on the road to freedom this is what you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to give us a call 9 0 8 5 2 5 3 9 and you can come have fun with some of our students here or love them what they do every single day we help them get on the road to freedom by getting the license with the only school around I can actually guarantee that we get your license I don't know how our guarantee process works again give us a call and we also have free lifetime job place and we are preparing plans and we are open up seven days a week which means we can work around any kind of schedule you do have so again give us a call 9 0 8 5 2 5 3 6 or 9 or visit the website below CBL Japan Academy comm again that CDL Drive mechanic accom I hope you enjoyed this video check out all the other videos that we have on here we're getting close to 400 if not more and make sure you give us a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel thank you and have a great day let's go have some fun you
Channel: Driving Academy | CDL Truck Driving School
Views: 1,469,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDL, truck, trucking, drive, driving, license, pre-trip, inspection, road test, CDL Class A Pre Trip Inspection, CDL Class A, CDL Pre trip Inspection, Pre trip Inspection
Id: tZBEVTx_nLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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