Ai News - Google Gemini AI Tool WILL Make You Money!

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you see this little button right here clicking that button could make you insanely rich and yeah I have solid proof and you may have noticed a lot of news recently about Google Gemini Advanced and the Google Gemini AI after putting this thing through the ringer for many many hours last night I can conclude without a doubt that this is a game Cher in your ability to make money online and first I have a little question for you does Google actually create content I mean Google is a multi- hundred billion a year business but what is it that they actually do they're not creating a whole bunch of content I would say that's probably less than 1% of their entire business they're not out there creating a bunch of products or anything like that the vast majority of their empire comes from doing one thing really really well it's not the creation of content or information it's the categorizing restructuring and making the information easy to access so wouldn't it be safe to say that if Google can make hundreds of billions of dollars categorizing and making information easy to use and find then we should be able to do the same thing and pocket tons of money and in this video I'm going to show you exact ly how it works start to finish I'm not here to sell you some course or get ad revenue or anything like that in fact the amount of money I'm going to make from you watching this video is like 3 cents at best so get ready because this is going to be real world information that's going to help you make money online using the new Google Gemini advanced in a super simple way yes this is something anyone can do without a bunch of experience without a bunch of money and dare I say in some cases without even having a website so if you struggled with SEO and blogging and faceless videos posting things on social media and all the other stuff the gurus tell you to try pay close attention to this entire video because what I'm about to show you can and will make you money when used properly guaranteed and all you got to do is follow along and we're actually to put this to the test if you watch this video and you think this is good information that can help you make money go ahead and type amazing strategy as a comment below however if you think I'm talking out of my well then you can go ahead and put a comment and tell everyone before they watch this video how terrible it is sound fair enough okay we're about to get started but first let's consult with the experts as you've probably known there is nearer a smarter Human Than someone who comments on a video so what I decided to do is take a look at my last video where I showed you how MSN Bing co-pilot could make you tons of money and in the two weeks since I created that video using that strategy and information has made me over $40,000 for my business so I know for a fact that this stuff works but let's see what other people are saying co-pilot Pro ain't making me a millionaire sitting on my couch well I'm sorry Daryl but copilot doesn't sit on your couch it's actually embedded in your windows beware of any get-rich quick promises involving magical AI systems people well this really isn't much of a getrich quick kind of deal what we're doing is quite simply what Google is doing we are categorizing information structuring it differently with the use of AI and using that to put money in our pockets it's actually very simple co-pilot Pro nice try buddy but I ain't falling for no get-rich quick schemes again this is a method not a scheme very important that you look at the distinction or what Jose had to say money doesn't grow on trees and AI systems aren't Magic Money Trees well I beg to differ money in fact does grow on trees in the form of fruit plants and vegetables which can be sold and converted into money and if you don't get this concept you're going to have a hard time making money online because the fact of the matter is money is just a unit of measurement so if I can use the Google Gemini AI to categorize information and get paid for Shar in that well I think this business model is as legit as they come so let's dive in the computer and I'm going to show you some shockingly simple ways to use Google Gemini AI in ways never thought possible before yes ladies and gentlemen this will give you a complete plan outline and paint by number system to make money online it's actually super simple smash like button let's dive in and get started all right so this is the new Google Gemini Advanced now this version will cost about $20 a month but I think they give you like a month free or something like that you can also use the free version right here it's just not as powerful the $20 version is going to help us make a lot more money because it is much more creative intuitive it thinks different and it can give different outputs based on what we give it so it's going to really help help us in this categorizing of information and understanding exactly what's going on as you can see here I actually had it go through and do an outline based on a complete video we did over here for the Simple Sites intro video it's like an hourong video it did all the notes and the outline and pretty much everything and it stayed on point in a really easy way but that's not what we're going to use to make money this is just to show you a video that we'll talk about towards the end and where you can get it and learn more about this strategy so that you could go out there and use it to make money so we can see here it'll generate an image help write code walk through solving a problem CSS and different things like that so a lot of coding a lot of thinking and a lot of interpreting of data and lot more robust than chat gbt is right now I think this is going to be a real GameChanger now what we're going to use this for to make money is primarily the creative engine a lot of people when they try to make money online they strug struggle with coming up with ideas of what they're going to do or they can't stay on task or they just don't know how to structure everything in an overarching way to actually get the money and that's what we're going to talk about here where we can literally go out there and find a product say on ClickBank offervault or any type of affiliate marketing product that we can promote and make money for example right here we have live chat jobs we have e formula get paid to use Facebook or we could even go through and find different things like maybe accounting and see what kind of accounting things there are here's something that puts money in your bank account manifestation social media advertising hypnosis and on and on we go lots of different things where we can get paid now what we're going to do is we're going to try to find something that's kind of going to stump the AI and see if it can overcome it and give us a marketing plan and create everything thing in that marketing plan so that we can get paid let's go over here and try something like software and services we could see here something like Vin checkup Forex gold vertex Wall Street video creators and on and on we go here's something that creates images I've actually made a little bit of money with this one ebook creators let's try this one for Vin checkup a lot of people are looking up their vins to see if the cars are good and all kinds of crazy stuff like that which Taps into the used car market and can actually make us a lot of money but first before we get started let's go through and see if there's any offers over on offer Vault let's type in VIN number and we could see here Ben verified has a VIN number lookup services that pays $24 over at Max Bounty so armed with this one that pays $993 a sale and this one that pays $24 a sale and Car Loan offers that that pay as much as $185 a sale this is a market we can make lots of money in but the question is how are we going to get that money and that is when we turn to Google Gemini since this tool has the ability to parse data and figure out things and be creative and make a whole marketing plan I'm going to go through and say something like this please come up with a full online content marketing plan for a product where people can enter a vin number on a car and see the car details much like Carfax enter let's see what Bard comes up with so we see right here at the get-go it's giving us objectives and everything like that then it goes and gives us our target audience use car buyers car dealerships insurance companies we're going to focus just on car buyers then we can see it actually gives us a Content marketing strategy with different content that we can create to get people interested in this product which we know pays US money now again we don't need to do SEO Google search rankings or anything like that we can actually put this content in front of people that are looking for used cars or maybe we go out there and do a press release and include info on the latest VIN number or car dealer scam or the state of the used car market and if you know anything about the used car market lately yeah it's pretty whack so this is something that can work really good we see here how to decode a VIN number the benefits of a VIN lookup before buying a used car accident history versus damage severity what your VIN report reveals then it says we can even do comparison articles like the hypothetical product we have here versus Carfax now this is where it gets really really good because I can go over to a keyword tool the Hoth free keyword tool right like this and I can see how many people are looking things up versus Carfax let's remove the dot because I don't think people put that in their search and we can see here auto check versus Carfax 2900 searches a month bumper versus Carfax Carfax versus CarMax and on and on we go with thousands and thousands of people each and every month looking up product X versus Carfax so the ideas here are actually really good It also says to go through and do infographics and visuals a breakdown of a VIN and the data it contains like first three letters mean Dodge second letters mean truck or whatever it is flowcharts on the used car buying process statistics on the impact of concealed vehicle history on the used car values this is super detailed we can even see videos short tutorials on how to use the VIN checker mythbusting on car buying misconceptions explainer videos on complex aspects of V vehicle history data and then it even goes through and tells us what to do with social media email marketing distribution channels and on and on we go this is literally giving you the keys to the kingdom but wait there's more I can go through on any of these and say now for number one blog come up with 25 unique titles just like the examples you did so far it's going to go through and come up with 25 different articles that I could create that's going to sell this VIN number program like that how to read a VIN number VIN number lookup for dummies and it even categorized them into each section and what they're doing comparisons and reviews datadriven titles and on and on we go all I would need to do is open a new Gemini like this and say please create an article outline on free VIN lookup sites are they worth the risk enter it's going to go through and create the outline and then I can go even further and have it create the entire article yep all of this at the drop of a hat super easy bada boom bada bang we are ready to go then I can say now please make a table of the top VIN number sites how much they cost benefits features ECT and it'll go through and make a table that I could put in my content remember the key is in using this to help you think differently faster and more robust this is going to replace having a full-time person they're helping you with everything this does all the work for us and we can see it does a perfect little report right like this that I can export to Google Sheets like that then it breaks down what the different features are so as you can see what Happening Here is not only are we getting the overview of what kind of content to create but it's actually creating the content for us and using different tools like grammarly video creation tools and different things like that we can create content around one specific offer for example if all I did all day every day was make content about using VIN number lookup sites and how they help you buy a car and then of course lead to all those other offers like loans and car buying and leads and all kinds of things like that or even this one that teaches you how to buy cars at government auctions the sky is literally the limit and what we want to do is focus on something very specific let Google bard Gemini Advanced do all the dirty work and the creative stuff to get us a list of things that we need to create then we can go through and put this on press release sites Tik Tok Facebook we can do SEO and get traffic via a Blog we can make videos on YouTube talking about VIN numbers and different things like that VIN lookup and you can see here 24,000 views 72,000 171 and all of these people are looking to buy a car this one here has over 441,000 views for people looking to get a free VIN checkup now now of course the results are not typical implied or guaranteed the average person trying to make money online makes nothing and we need to research and make sure these offers are super helpful for our visitors but at the end of the day this is what I've been doing for like 25 years to make tons of money and using tools like Google bard Gemini and other AI tools you can speed up the process and make money even faster let me show you another example this one impressed me like crazy let's say we went to offervault and typed something in like bugs for people that want to get rid of bugs in their house we can see here $27 a sale $18 a sale and of course over here on Amazon there's all kinds of different bed bug products that they can buy and we can sell as an affiliate and make tons of money in addition to that if we use the Hoth keyword tool and type in bed bugs you're going to see that this is a very very popular term that people are looking up all the time like crazy in fact over 400 50,000 people a month are searching for this keyword bed bug bites how to get rid of bed bugs early signs I mean this traffic is huge in fact if you were to look at Pinterest you could see that Pinterest ranks for all kinds of keywords related to bed bugs you could quite simply put pictures up link them to your product and make money it's actually very easy and you could utilize other sites to get traffic rather than having your own blog however as you'll see in download my with this entire training video that I'm going to give you you definitely want to have your own blog at some point if you're serious about making money online so we'll have information on that in just a little bit but we can see that this stuff works like crazy now going through I actually did a test with Google bard Gemini and I said tell me some content marketing strategies for promoting a product that gets rid of bed bugs we know we can make money with Terminex and other things and and all these bed bug products that we saw on offervault Amazon and everything like that we can even go through and have a list of bed bug affiliate programs much like my assistant found me this morning right over here like this where they have commission structures and prices for all kinds of different bed bug products the sky is a limit there's lots of money so what I did is I said make a Content strategy it went through and had some high impact content types like The Ultimate Guide to getting rid of bed bugs signs you may have bed bugs and what to do this is perfect for press release sites and things like that debunking bed bug myths what works and what doesn't the hidden cost of infestations I mean this is stuff that's actually doing a really good job of being creative and creating content ideas that are not only based on what people are searching for but also based on getting people to take action read the content and then buy something which is going to put money in our pocket and we could see it gave us infographics videos downloadable resources and then it says hey if you want to sell this stuff focus on these key considerations this is super powerful distribution and promotion tells us where to put the content and then it gives us additional tips then I went through and I said what are the things you can help me with blog post outlines infographic creation script writing for videos if you wanted to do Tik Tock videos or YouTube videos or whatever it is as we can see tons and tons of views related to bed bugs then I went through and I asked for some ideas for infographics you know the kind of stuff I could put on Pinterest to link to the stuff that makes me money it went through and said make some visual identification guide maybe bed bugs versus termites or whatever or where they hide different treatment myth versus facts and it literally goes through and does all the work for me it even tells me where to edit my stuff then I went through through and asked it for 50 different article titles again it does the work tells me the titles categorizes them and literally everything then I asked it to go even further on ineffective methods don't bother five things that won't get rid of bed bugs essential oils and bed bugs hey this is pretty good let's try essential oils bugs essential oil bug spray bug bites bug repellent this is something people are looking up which means that this report that Google Gemini came up with is actually going to be yeah kind of a Zinger this thing could put money in my pocket like crazy the truth about tea tree oil and bed bugs and on and on we go I can even go through and have it tell me the types of visuals to create let's say please expand on this and make 25 ideas for infographics to sell the bed bug product it's going to go through and expand on this and give us ideas that are literally so out of the box that even I after doing this 25 years might have missed some bite guide is it a bed bug bite where bed bugs hide room diet life cycle this is actually really good info and if you double down and make good content and focus on good products that help people out this is the kind of thing where you could go through and build an entire business around bed bugs and you could see it just keeps going and going and going and if you want to learn more about this strategy and how to create content with AI check out download and let me know if want a follow-up video where I'm going to teach you in more detail how to use Google Gemini advance to make money online check out download and the videos in the description you can get this entire video that's going to give you an overview of how content marketing works and how to use AI for Content marketing so that you can make money
Channel: affiliatemarketingmc
Views: 14,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google gemini advanced, google gemini, gemini, bard, ai, make money ai, chatgpt, ai news
Id: _wHVxTSqtQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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