I Tried to FIX the 7 WORST Formula 1 Tracks

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come on now let's be honest we're all guilty of it we f1 fans do love our moan sometimes don't we to be fair everyone does and i think speaking on behalf of most of you lot one of the biggest bug bears us f1 fans have with the current state of the sport is the track selection now of course there are many universally adored bangers your spars suzukas silverstones into lagos for example all great tracks that most people like and with 23 races next year at 23 different circuits hopefully most of them are decent okay but there are a few outliers and that's the purpose of today's video to take those worst tracks and within the realistic confines of what could potentially happen so we're not talking about widening of monaco because you know yachts you might need to you know pave over some grassland or maybe knock down a a little building or two maybe but surely it's worth it right obviously dirt yeah is a massive problem for f1 in the current spec and will continue to be into 2021 the new regulation changes which should hopefully add more mechanical grip less aero focus is medium speed corners mainly that the current f1 cars really struggle to follow in right you've got to look at where cars can overtake at the moment so turn one into argos look home at spa the first chicane at monza what do they all have in common they're all heavy braking zones so generally speaking i'm just adding heavy braking zones where i can and of course this is just a bit of fun like i'm not an expert far from it i reckon the f1 esports guys could actually do a really good job at this video this is what i think okay take it for what it is my not very expert opinion okay first of all what are the seven worst tracks well four of them i was pretty confident with and so i went to twitter to get your opinion as well of the five and a half thousand of you who responded to the poll on twitter ninety percent agreed that france la castellet russia at the sashi autodrome abu dhabi at yas marina and spain at catalonia are four of the worst tracks four of the absolute bottom as for the other three to make seven well they were the ones that were most suggested in the comments of that poll so let's start with le castelle i probably pronounced that wrong of course i have circuit paul ricard in france now this one has the most flexibility because there's loads of space around aesthetically it looks very pretty okay it's a very pretty track but it's amazing that they've literally got the ability and the space to do whatever they want and they've still managed to make a dead track that's an achievement in itself surely anyway the whole final sector is pretty meh as his turn is kind of three to seven so that's where i focus my attention for this one you can see i've pushed corner 3 back and made it sharper so it's more of a heavy braking zone to hopefully create more overtaking here a nice little right left section and then a long right hander which again medium speed not great for overtaking but the whole point of that is to add more speed for this long straight down here which should hopefully make turn eight even more of an overtaking zone than it already is i've also sharpened off turn 11 so again the idea is that that becomes more of a solid breaking zone at the moment there isn't really an overtake opportunity there but this will create that this isn't an overtaken thing on the final corner i've added here this is more just a bit of uh driver skill kind of final corner in the lap kind of gone wall of champions s because what makes the wall of champion so great if you ask me is the fact that it's right at the end of the lap if you bottle it at the end you're gonna lose time and and it pushes the drivers to push hard maybe stick a wall on the left-hand side here like there is it the world of champions just that that is on the right-hand side you know what i mean and there we have my new version of france i've yet pretty much removed most of the medium speed corners here which again hopefully would solve the problem next we have sochi of course come on it was always going to be here wasn't it i would say this is definitely the worst track on the f1 calendar pending of course saudi arabia uh soon to be announced and i'm sure tilker will do an amazing job with that it's 90 degree corners galore here but then it was built on the old uh russian winter olympics site so there were restrictions when tilke built this of course between corners five and eight there is a big ice stone called the einstein bolshoi so i can't just draw a bit of track through the middle of that instead i've rounded off turn eight to make then turn nine a bit more of an overtaking opportunity and even more so by adding a little chicane which again means you have to lose more speed going into that and that could potentially be you know somewhere where someone shuts it up the inside maybe then for the final sector i've killed off all the dirty 90 degree corners and gone with a much more flowing section you carry a bit more speed through here and then for the second to last corner it's a heartbreaking zone again having a hard braking zone right at the end of the track as well you know you could get some risky lunges up the end towards the end of a race you know what i mean and of course because you're carrying more speed through the final corner it should make the first corner a better overtaking opportunity now for everybody's least favorite season finale yes it's abu dhabi look it's a beautiful track it's a beautiful venue it's very dramatic and interesting and nice to look at but the track design is not great and from overhead it looks a bit like a submachine gun which is pretty cool but then the actual track itself is wank so not so cool the first change is the most obvious change because nothing needs to be done the strip of tarmac is literally there anyway remove the turn five six chicane please please remove it you're destroying a fantastic heartbreaking opportunity they literally already have the track there so so all they need to do is just cone it off okay actually i remember seeing someone on twitter uh say that the drivers should just drive straight at that part and just keep going straight and eventually the efio will just give in and just comb it off you know that's an easy one but the less easy one is to address the car park that is the final sector because there's the big hotel well the hotel and the marina of course like monaco similar monaco problems you can't there's not much flexibility here but i do think i found a way of improving it and adding another overtaken opportunity because we know sector three generally there is no overtaking in sector 3. if we round off turn 14 that you can carry more speed and then take what is currently turned 17 um but you get rid of a couple of corners before that you just build more speed and then it's a heartbreaking zone into a right and then the track finishes as is because there's nothing you can do to the rest of it but i think this works okay i think this works i ain't got the money to do it but i'm very confident that the people who host the abu dhabi grand prix they've got a bit of cash they could do this if you're watching do it please just hit me up i'll help you okay and now spain circuit the catalonia is a historic track not touched by tilke the main problem really is the f1 test there that i feel like that is the biggest issue it wouldn't be as bad as it is the problem is as well though there are a lot of medium speed corners which is the worst thing for an f1 car first of all i've done exactly what i did with abu dhabi which is literally utilize a piece of tarmac that is already there you don't have to do anything it's free get rid of that chicane just curve it off and then people can carry more speed into term one happy days now i looked around a few different places where i could have made an alteration i was initially thinking kind of turns uh like term four but then i was like no actually that kind of works there's some been some iconic moments gone down there it can be quite close so turns seven and eight are pretty nothing corners aren't they we don't see any overtaking here so my suggestion is to drag this out and again add hard braking zone hard left hander to then turn into a right hander because then it preserves the braking zone down here it just works surely i think every track should try and have three clear overtaking zones if possible so that's what i've tried to apply to these but now for the final three tracks first of all we have a track that i don't agree with because i love it i get why people don't but i still think you're wrong it is of course monaco okay it offers the best practice sessions the best quality session yes the race doesn't tend to be amazing wheel-to-wheel but when you appreciate just how much effort and focus and how much difficulty there is for the drivers to consistently lap monaco when you're constantly on the edge and the fact that it's just different which is nice we've got tracks like catalonia which are just long wired boar fest we have monaco which is short narrowboarfest that's fine and of course strategy i think plays a much bigger part in monaco because again there's no margin forever if the strategists mess up that's your race gone but of course the fact that it's a narrow historic street circuit through the middle of monaco limits me massively i can't just widen the track i can't just add random breaking zones out of nowhere you look at it and there's you think oh there's quite a lot of breaking zones but it's such a small track that again is the width that is the problem the only thing i can think is this little loop-de-loop i put up here so instead of turning right into turn 8 you look to the left and there's a roundabout there according to google maps so why can't the f1 cars go left around the roundabout which allows them to carry a little bit more speed down through the tunnel and into turn 10 because turn 10 is one of the very few not clear overtaking positions it's one of the best places to overtake i think at monaco one of the most common places to overtake even though it's so narrow so if drivers carry more speed through that section i think it makes it more of a clear overtaking possibility honestly though other than that there's nothing more i can do sorry but i'm not sorry actually because i love it track number six we have singer paw now of the three additional ones i'd get this one um but also i've been to singapore i've i've not actually been for the race i went to the the pits were just empty so i was just walking around the pits which was pretty cool i love singapore again for the same reasons as abu dhabi it's got the bright lights it's got i think the racing is better than abu dhabi for sure at singapore but i i get it's not the most exhilarating race right turn 10's just a bit of a nothing corner now so bun that off and bring back the single porcelain please and as for an overtaken opportunity because of course turn 10 won't be an overtaken opportunity anymore i will make the final corner a banging little overtaken opportunity get rid of turns 19 and 20 extend that out into a long straight again looking at maps the land is there yeah sure you might have to destroy a youth olympic park that sits in that space but they could just build that somewhere else it's fine it's fine and what i'd then do is tighten up the final corner to make it into another hard braking zone again right at the end of the circuit although to be fair to make that work they would have the slight issue of it being in the river but again it's it's not by much and they could just build that out a little bit humans have got the ability to do this okay we could just build that out a tiny bit imagine final laps someone's right on someone's ass and they're going into that final corner and they could make the pass right there and then number seven last but by no means least and again another one i didn't agree with personally because i rate it i i would say this is a solid b tier track but it was mentioned a few times so we're looking at it it is china turn one's great it's got some fast flowing medium speed corners to be fair so i guess that is the issue and that's what i've tried to address that kind of medium speed section where overtakes don't generally happen because there are plenty of long straights with you know sharp bits so i've reworked this whole section to create again a hard breaking zone but then that will also make turn 11 a better overtaken zone because you should be carrying more speed into that and that's literally it and again because this is a purpose-built racing track there is already some of this tarmac in place not all of it but some of it so they could definitely make this a thing for sure so there we go all seven done on screen now in their original form in their kind of mid transformation so you can see where i've changed the bits and then in their final form so please do let me know in the comments below what you think i'm gonna make a concerted effort this year to be much more active in the comments like i was originally with the channel because i do love it it's hard to keep up but i will do my best but with this video in particular i'd love to know like have i missed opportunities here are there things that i could have changed that i didn't have i ruined some of the tracks maybe again i'm not an expert this is just a bit of fun if anyone else wants to take on this video idea uh feel free you know i don't own it ultimately and it would be cool to see especially i think people who've got experience with racing games more more than i have i used to back in the day we won't talk about forza free any of the f1 e sports lot feel free crack on crack on you lot enjoy it it's a free world it's 20 21 there's new vibes you know what i'm saying my name continues to be tomo this is my f1 youtube channel thank you so much for taking the time yet again have a good tara
Channel: Tommo
Views: 666,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tommo F1, Formula 1, Formula One, F1 2020, Formula 1 2020, f1 youtube, f1 youtuber, formula 1 youtube, formula 1 youtuber, f1 tracks, sochi autodrom, catalunya, abu dhabi, le castellet, circuit paul ricard, russia f1, abu dhabi f1, catalunya f1, sochi f1, shanghai f1, monaco, monaco f1, sinagpore f1, sinagpore grand prix, monaco grand prix, chinese grand prix, spanish grand prix, abu dhabi grand prix, french grand prix, russian grand prix
Id: TU6_BSrvaHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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