Every F1 Driver's Weakness

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as someone who's been severely addicted to F1 for way too many years now it feels kind of wrong to try to list down the flaws and the weaknesses of every single F1 driver in the 2024 grid but at the same time every single driver needs their bit of criticism from the F1 Community to be better now a lot of these drivers are extremely skilled so it's really hard to try to find a weakness that they have so I've decided to take more of a creative approach on finding some of these weaknesses even if it was well kind of easy when it comes to some specific drivers but anyways here are every F1 driver's weaknesses Max Max ven is by far one of the hardest drivers to come up with a weakness for he's one of the most dominant drivers to ever exist in Formula 1 history and was faultless during the 2023 season those are the words coming from Lewis Hamilton's mouth which he gave by showing the finger to the FIA but just before you think that there's no one that can stop Max V steppen you are very much mistaken I swear to God the only driver who can beat Max vapen is his dad quite literally my my dad did that once to a mechanic with a fork now other than Yos vapen another weakness Max carries is his patience you know how Max and his engineer GP almost always have an entire couple's therapy session mid race well most of the time it has to do with Max being impatient and yelling for his life while GP literally sounds like he's having the calist vacation in the Bahamas but regardless Max's patience could really cause him to make mistakes on track although we didn't really see him make as many in the past couple of Seasons impatience goes towards any driver but because Max has a character that is super duper competitive on track and he would literally do anything to win a race even if it means getting on top of leis Hamilton and Hamilton have crashed out and they are both out as Hamilton came so this means that a little hint of impatience will have a potential to cause mistakes in his driving despite Max being such a skilled and developed driver last but not the least we have a competitive teammate people say that there's a reason why Red Bull has been pairing Max with drivers that are good but just not near his level Max needs a team player not a rival in the same Machinery we learned that back in 2016 where that Dynamic definitely worked Max would have had honestly more trouble during the 2023 season if ceko was a lot more competitive instead of acting like he's driving in Chinese F4 remember when everyone was saying that the Red Bull title fight was going to be absolutely insane well that didn't last longer than Nick deza's seat in F1 just imagine if Charles lle and Max vapen became teammates or anybody else like Lis Hamilton or Fernando Alonzo this would either result in the most anticipated final title decider in Formula 1 history or the most teammate collisions in the sport it's Friday then it's Saturday Sunday what Lando Norris is also a very talented driver but finding a weakness for him was relatively pretty easy one of his weaknesses is unlucky strategy calls either by him or his team Lando could have gotten his first race win in Russia 2021 but after stressfully deciding not to pit for inter intermediates in the rain Lando bottled that win harder than a pirate riding the location for his treasure in another instance where it wasn't Lando's fault during the Dutch Ground Prix of 2023 McLaren decided to stay out in the rain and without a doubt that immediately became the worst call to make I have never seen a worse strategy cup stay out stay out stay out wait sorry I have seen worse of strategy calls but I've never seen a strategy call so bad from McLaren the funnier part is that Lando was literally told that he was faster than the intermediate Tire Runners while getting overtaken by them we are faster than in cars what the are you stupid it seems that Mclaren has been channeling their inner Ferrari recently now because of these incidents Lando Norris has acquired an allergy to race wins which is another one of his weaknesses which really just feels like a curse I swear by the time is the year 201100 Lando would still be trying to go for his first race win straight up driving his McLaren looking like this every time Lando would ever come close to a race win another driver would Edge him out by just a small margin or he just fumbles the bag completely it's a curse this guy's weakness is literally a curse another weakness Lando has is that he is a PR team disaster like obviously he may not be making as much of a mess compared to Bianca Bustamante who I might make a video on after her recent dramas but there isn't a single media moment where Lando isn't saying anything remotely sus the McLaren PR team is always on high alert when Lando comes around the corner and I swear bro even needs to be stopped from answering an interview cuz he is just too expressive they can give you a good massage in Amsterdam I've thanks it's happened we need to know who's going to come out in front as we see L stroll hitting the barrier all right so now we we have the interesting case of Lance stroll right away Lance's weakness is that he drives like an absolute imbecile a lot of fans say that he's never leveled up his skills from the Seven Seasons that he's been in Formula 1 and based on his performance in the 2023 season Lance drives like he's never touched a car before also remember that drive to survive clip where Lance said this under pressure Diamonds Are Made Under Pressure yeah nah the moment he got a car worthy of competing for podiums he bottled it almost every single time heck he's so good at screwing things up that he nearly messed up Alonzo's first race by kissing his cheeks we can see the Mercedes on the left hand sides and he just went too fast into that corner Lance has never been able to remotely keep up with Alonzo who is pretty much fighting for the constructor's championship by himself so it's pretty much a skill issue for the guy this brings us to another one of Lance's flaws which are his inconsistencies literally once every year Lance manages to drive as good as Ed and Senna but throughout the rest of the season his biggest inspiration is Nicholas latifi sporting message expecting at least is on the intermediate tires and they're the same picture let's also not forget the fact that Lance is turning into a wannabe Kimmy reikenen he gives the shortest answers in his post-race interviews but the difference between him and him is that this one gives short answers after driving like an absolute monkey wait you know what I I wouldn't even say monkey they probably drive better than [Applause] stroll now niik hulkenberg is one of the most underrated F1 drivers out there whom I occasionally kind of root for from time to time but I'm not going to ignore the fact that this man is literally allergic to podiums Nico you have come so close on more than one occasion but you managed to Fumble it out of bad luck or just a driver error this is just as sad as watching McQueen lose out to Jackson storm another weakness that a lot of fans see in nio is that he just doesn't have a competitive car especially with his current run at H the guy has been putting that track tror of a car into Q3 on more than one occasion but because the race bace of that car was an absolute pile of garbage and it eats tires up for breakfast Niko hulkenberg just plays posum as he's forced to lose that positions because the car just can't seem to keep up we've seen niik pull some amazing drives in his time as a reserve driver for racing point and his run at Renault the man has so much talent and skill but just can't seem to get close to Victory either because he has a bad car or horrible luck or just blatantly pull out a driver error when he's right there near victory another weakness to point out is that Nico is not fully committed to F1 I feel like he's honestly just there to do what he can but doesn't exactly plan to stay in the sport for any much longer so there's really not much room for driver development which is honestly just completely fair I mean the man already has a family and is already reaching an age where most drivers already retire and Chuck Chuck lir he said you know I I I fed it shair is the next driver on this list and it's honestly just he's the probably the funniest driver to do I swear I'm I'm not even going to do this on script lle is just the easiest driver to come up with weaknesses for his number one weakness is Ferrari not even their strategy just straight up Ferrari I don't think anymore now I I stopped thinking a long time ago because the team has screwed up in way too many ways for me to classify it as just being their strategy calls even if they can sometimes be absolutely abysmal Charles being in Ferrari is both a blessing and a curse for one instance he can have the fastest car on track then be absolutely screwed over by the team's pit stops dog water strategy calls and his unreliable race engineer def traffic when we go out very important copy his loyalty to the team has got to be one of the most honorable but one of the stupidest things I've seen in a while it's like committing to your partner who constantly cheats Monaco is another weakness for Charles every time he races there it's either he kisses the barriers or gets another mid result last year at 2023 it wasn't too bad though with Ferrari finally making decent strategy calls for the team probably to recover from Monaco 2022 stay stay out stay out [ __ ] [ __ ] why what the final one is Charles just not knowing what the car's limit is in the 2023 season and in many other Seasons where Charles is just pushing to the absolute maximum he sometimes ends up forgetting the car's limits and just pushes way too far as a result something like this happens in the middle fastest middle of anyone St for a second not good there a yellow I understand Charles might just be trying to push the car to its limits but if he keeps kissing the barriers it's going to make it very difficult for him to get a good race result and make it more difficult for the team to have to repair the car almost every time he gets pole positions at the expense of losing the car costing the team repairs and sometimes he has this in the race where he's pushing way too hard and just makes mistakes he needs to know how far he can push and not to force the car to do lap times it simply just cannot do now other than needing to know the car's limits Charles also needs to know his own he has limits despite the huge talent that He has as long as he finds The Sweet Spot between pushing and not pushing too hard Charles can easily be an even more skilled driver in [Music] F1 now Sergio Perez's weakness is that he drives like he's Racing for a Chinese F4 team on a serious note though his driving style of preferring an under steery car with a predictable rear paired with a Red Bull that's not designed to be driven effectively through that style is his main weakness a car that simply doesn't fit his driving style is what's stopping czecho from performing well in F1 as he really needs to work on his adaptability and flexibility as a driver as Alex Alban said in an interview the Red Bull car is so fine-tuned to whatever is the fastest and that means that the car is prone to over steer Teo and his driving Style just can't seem to extract the car's potential whereas for Max his driving style fits absolutely perfectly with what the car is designed to be this is very Sim similar with Daniel Ricardo and McLaren except czecho hasn't been paid millions of dollars to leave folding under pressure is another one of Sergio's weaknesses as quickly after the first few races in the 2023 season his chances of snatching the championship from Max went from slightly possible to below zero heck I'd even say negative and his chances of getting sent back to Mexico went from 0er to 100 this is common with being Max's teammate not being deported to Mexico I mean instead it's very common for teammates to find it very difficult to try to keep up with Max if they have a driving Style that just doesn't suit the car so czecho is forced to take more risks and is extremely pressured to stay in competition against Max especially with the pressures that are often present in the Red Bull family and the hype generated from fans and the media and of course let's not forget another one of czecho main weaknesses which is devastating and it's something called border patrol get it cuz he's cuz he's [Music] Mexican now I know a lot of you guys are expecting something very very critical when it when it comes to Logan Sergeant but let me tell you guys something Logan Sergeant is without a doubt the best Formula 1 driver to ever exist in all of history I mean just take a look at his statistics his points in 2023 one but how many points did eron Senna Michael schumacker and Sebastian vetto get in 2023 exactly absolutely none therefore I conclude that Logan Sant is the best Formula 1 driver to ever exist with no weaknesses whatsoever but unfortunately he doesn't know what a kilometer is henceforth while he probably crashes a lot bro doesn't even know the speed that he's going at now with not just Logan driving like he's mentally ill and showing his everdying love for the barriers in almost every single race another flaw he has is that his whole personality revolves around him being American I mean don't get me wrong freedom and all that is cool but like damn it's almost like that's all he's got you know I get that it's his first year in Formula 1 but Oscar piastri has literally shown more personality despite him being a more reserved person now this doesn't have to do with Logan's driving at all but Logan's lack of Personality makes it hard to relate to him as a driver and become a fan favorite although based on what he has to offer fans even if it's barely that much I still kind of like the guy so the penalty was for being out of position in the grid box at the start of the rice like in my previous video I want to restate the point of ego being one of estaban's biggest flaws as a driver he defends to such a dangerous degree against his teammates compared to other drivers which puts himself at risk and the team's result in Jeopardy this is likely because he wants be seen as the better driver in the team which I generally don't disagree with wanting that but what estan does to achieve it is just straight up unacceptable estaban's ego to be seen as the superior driver in the team is a deep rooted issue making his decisions on track to lack intelligence and common sense now before you go after me in the comment section for butchering estaban and any other driver on the grid this is the perspective of literally the majority of the F1 Community which I am simply pointing out so before somebody decides to put out a comment that is more absurd than estaban's defense please watch the whole video because I am not reading all that likeability is another issue with okon which is mainly caused by his ego and behavior I used to be a huge fan of him until his behavior started to take the spotlight in the 2023 season he came into a collision with Alonzo during the qualifying session and without hesitation he immediately put the blame on Alonzo during and after the session this man thinking that he's in the right is more deluded than me thinking I have a chance with women being a Formula 1 fan 's like ability is preventing him from reaching his full potential in F1 not just by being a good driver but by being loved by fans F1 is not just about skill but also personality there's a reason why teams invest so much time planning their PR activities for their drivers so they can gain more fans and traction so if Alon would have that kind of behavior it's preventing fans from finding a reason to like him why do you think that it's you obviously feel that you're being targeted maybe it's cuz I'm black now a lot of people think that Lewis's main weakness is Max ven or Fernando Alonzo or Toto wolf but once again you guys are 100% wrong leis Hamilton's greatest weakness which I think everybody knows by now is Michael Massie no Mike no no Mike was so right without Michael Massie Lewis probably would have already retired with his eighth World title but because of the controversial Abu dhab 2021 and probably the entire 2021 season Lewis is still hunting for that eighth which probably explains the finger on a serious note though as much as I like every driver on the grid and also L Hamilton his main weakness is his race starts remember when Lewis got pole in the Hungarian Grand Prix well you probably don't because he lost that lead almost immediately like this just makes you think what is going on inside his head couldn't get Pierre gazley in the end well you know what Lewis I I don't I don't blame you at all man I don't blame you at all Baku 2021 is another Infamous moment where Lewis's weakness of race starts decided to show he's not necessarily bad at it but he's bloody inconsistent at least we got f1's most iconic scream after that restart though immediately jumps across Le Hamilton's going to get the lead Le Hamilton takes it away but he LS trying not to complain on radio is another one of ls's bad habits remember when Lewis kept calling out drivers for track limits while he got himself a 5-second penalty for it well you probably do because this time Lewis kept complaining on his radio throughout the entire race which was probably the only entertaining part of the whole thing anyway but a lot of people say that Lewis could have put that energy into locking in and actually focusing to the max in the race total wolf even had to tell him to stop talking about the car and drive itou the car is bad we know please drive it I mean not going to lie I kind of don't blame LS for complaining since that car was an absolute dumpster Fire Plus Toto probably couldn't do better anyway hey Toto I'm just filming Just For [Laughter] documentary Toto run out of talent po once again most un sportive driver of the grid my Kevin Magnuson is probably one of the most inconsistent drivers on the grid in 2022 he performed pretty well scoring P5 in the first race but in the 2023 season he's significantly underperforming and has been getting out driven by Nico hulkenberg although some people may argue that Kevin is the most consistent driver but instead he's the most consistent at underperforming Kevin can also sometimes be your average drunk driver he can sometimes be Reckless on track but thankfully we haven't seen much of that in the 2023 season let's not forget Kevin's big rival which he sees as his number one friend a pole position the moment Kevin got pole position in the South Pao Grand Prix back in 2022 9 months later a New Soul came into the world keep this man away from his poll positions if he has as many polls as leis Hamilton he'd probably have enough kids to run 15 Chinese sweat shops now I know a lot of you guys are wondering why the hell did I not include the other 10 drivers and you know what that's that's kind of valid but the answer to that question is that I I just kind of got tired making this video guys I mean it's already like around 20 minutes long and if I were to include the other 10 drivers that would make it 40 minutes I do not want you guys watching an entire ass documentary about me constantly just butchering F1 drivers I mean don't get me wrong it's kind of fun especially when it comes to like L troll or something but obviously some of you guys might want to see the other 10 drivers being you know Daniel Ricardo Carlos sence Oscar piastri Alex Alban a lot of fan favorites so what I'm going to do is make this a part one and part two series I'd figured that's probably the best way to go with this video but yeah I'm going to see you guys in my next video where I'm going to make the poorest jokes that wouldn't make anybody laugh so see you guys in the next [Music] one
Channel: Rick'sF1Addiction
Views: 753,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Formula 1, F1 drivers, Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, F1 World Champion, Abu Dhabi 2021, Lewis Hamilton, F1, F1 competitiveness, Fernando Alonso
Id: nB85lAnquH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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