I tested Formula 1’s First KART Track (Does it suck?)

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behind me is the first Formula 1 licensed car track in the entire world and at over $100 for 30 minutes of track time is it actually worth it well in this video we're about to find out the technology in these cars and the track itself is beyond anything I've seen before so to experience the best this place has to offer I purchased the most expensive booking option available and spoiler alert I can tell you already that both the qual and Raz you're about to watch are going to be incredibly intense with some shockingly fast drivers on grid so while we evaluate this facility let's see if we can finish on the top spot today you join me in London England inside the Tottenham hot for soccer stadium in England they call soccer football anyway this is the first ever location for f1's own brand of cart tracks called F1 drive and let me just tell you the second you step through the door you instantly can tell that this isn't your average rental car and track if you've ever been lucky enough to be an F1 padic Club the VIP ticket option at F1 races you'll immediately recognize the vibe here Moody lighting Swanky couches motion simulators Galore hell even carpeted floors in the spectator area the attention to detail is insane take this little pit garage for example where they actually work on the carts or the driver change area even the briefing room feels more like an IMAX theater than anything else someone has spent an absolute Fortune to make this place feel the part and even if this track has all the glitz and glamour off the track does it actually stack up when when we're on the track cuz for me the cing is what matters most well before we hop into our qualifying session we've got to talk about the tech unique to these F1 cards on our dashboard we've got the biggest and crispiest display I've ever seen on a go-kart it shows us our profile picture it tells us our lap times or sector times if the track has a yellow flag and whether or not we can use ERS or DRS yep these cards have ERS and DRS buttons just like F1 cars so we'll need to devise a strategy to maximize them the actual carts themselves are the bisc cart Eco volt GTS which are fairly common around the UK these days but F1 clearly has some custombuilt software that no one else has some of that software is really cool but as you'll soon find out some of that software really isn't hello everyone it's cofy here welcome to F1 Drive London the official F1 cting experience but just before we head out on track we get this video Lesson on our dashed which gives us key points around the circuit how the session works and how to use ERS and DRS buttons graphically it looks pretty amazing I have to say and I'm sure it's actually quite helpful for newer drivers too now rather annoyingly it took a God awful amount of time before we actually went to green flag oh my God this is painfully slow why is it so slow oh there we go okay finally flag all right that's much better that doesn't feel too slow actually now as is typically the problem at entertainment based facilities you're going to have a real mix of driving Talent so this is going to be a common theme for this video but also as you see in a second there's some pretty quick drivers on track too so the race is going to be pretty interesting all right ERS boost let's try that maybe not the best place to deploy that oh we're already down to zero so it did it did a full depletion before we can actually wait to engage it again it looks like there's almost no tire screeching screeching so maybe I need to uh get more temperature in or maybe that's just the way this track is so far this feels like fast enough to have fun definitely nothing to write home about but DRS engaged I'm not really noticing a huge difference definitely lock up the brakes pretty easily oh yeah there we go I wasn't activating it at the right time but then a few laps later we experienced our first yellow flag I've got 100% IRS H yellow so it's an automatic slowing down of the cards on yellows and green okay notice how the cart didn't immediately go back to full speed this will be important later maximize the exit here now this straight in sector 3 is actually going to be the best overtaking opportunity we have we got a long break Zone where we could definitely try a lunge but you also notice there's some quick drivers on my heels now oh yellow already come on this is the story of uh entertainment based rental carding facilities is unlimited yellows hopefully I mean this is just qualifying hopefully by the race everyone kind of knows what they're doing and we won't have too many yellows this is annoying though that it goes it takes like 2 seconds after it says green before it lets you speed back up and like I said before you'll see why that's important in the race oh G God this is excep bad yeah this guy I'm in the same boat Bud oh this is this is crazy when when you paid over $100 for 30 minutes of carding and so far I mean how how many minutes of green flag running have we had I don't even know so far the cards feel pretty decent but like I feel like you hit the top speed pretty easily oh this is going to be yellow I got the black and white what the hell what the hell the rest oh now I'm a generally pretty patient person but this amount of yellows was even getting on my nerves very easy to over scrub the fronts in the under steer and then lose acceleration oh my God this is a safety car simulator and then this incident showed us a major flaw with this system these people really don't see you till the last second a now the track is yellow but because everyone's speeds are slowing down at different times two carts manage to overtake me during the full course caution then on the flip side once we went back to green notice how everyone accelerates at different time times see he his didn't go green on time so that's going to be terrible in the race oh on P1 now but only by 210 so we've got actually a fairly competitive grid going on here apart from these [Music] people this guy doesn't see me still doesn't see me okay I haven't really used much of the RS yet cuz I just don't have enough clear track to really take advantage of it I can actually smell the tire wear God they must chew through tires at this place oh it tells us we have the fastest lap that's actually quite useful I wish more metal carding tracks at least had your lap times on the on the display but it looks like we're finally going to have a bit of clear track ahead and hopefully we can maximize it because we've fallen down to P3 this guy looks quick enough hopefully I can get some quick times in behind him using a bit of the break to rotate the car we haven't had this much Clear track so this has to be the lap us active oh apparently I'm third right now your ass active maybe it's more of a top speed boost cuz I don't feel much of it the lap is looking decent so far but I've this driver way faster than I expected to so hopefully it's enough to put us on pole oh this guy's blocking me a little bit now but while we close out this lap I want to tell you guys about my rental cting course which is coming out this spring it's guaranteed to make you faster so be sure to check it out it may even be live by the time you watch this and with that we're on pole for the time being but let's see if we can hold it the thing is with ERS and the DRS like there's a bit of strategy the track is pretty decent the cars are not bad either it's basically the same ones that a lot of the other at least tracks in the UK are using these days and they're really good the batteries last a long time but unless they've got like some sort of League where only kind of like competent drivers are there then I don't see how this becomes enjoyable for this amount of money at least DS all right please just one full La of green I think this is going to be the last lap no oh but luckily I wasn't the only one struggling to get clear track and we've got pull look at that we got our pictures up on there that's funny you got Joe and Lucas there second and third shout out to those guys not a bad last [Music] time okay so qualifying done uh I'm on poll by a smidgen um but I mean the amount of yellow is ridiculous I mean it's just like almost not even enjoyable at that point I mean has all the makings for the cards to be good the track to be decent enough but yeah the yellow flag situation and the slowing of the cards down during the yellows is just it's too much too much so I mean let's see how it works in the race and hopefully it's a little bit better now that everyone has one session under their bels so that brings us to the race 2x two standing F1 style start and 15 minutes to the Checker try and build some temperature in on this out laap I mean I don't think you could do much when the car's not running at full speed but we really want to try and get front temp in cuz the carts are naturally a bit under stei yeah I don't think this is getting any temperature in at all but better than nothing okay pole position on the outside so oh my God the grid spots are tight too so I think I'm going to lose P1 for sure we're going to start off with three right hand Corners so the odds I keep this are pretty low I just need to make sure I keep my hand straight and I don't give the guy the inside had too much room oh here we go oh jump start and I've lost it as predicted we're not in the worst position in the world but we can definitely get back in lead if we maximize our button strategy oh it's already yellow and I just use my a us no oh come on look how much time I lost cuz of the yellow oh you're joking all right we'll just have to make it up oh the Hell remember what I said about the yellow flags before well you're going to see that's quite the topic for the rest of this race just like in F1 we'll have to strategize with the DRS because detection points are a thing here oh I have no DRS for it to activate properly we'll need to be within 1 second of the cart in front of us at the detection point so that really shakes things up oh here goes the lead come on come on come on and boom we're back in the lead but can we keep it without DRS all right we're back in the [Music] lead oh my God what the hell is this whoa what the hell is that Jesus Christ the elbows are coming out for sure and this is one of those things I love about Ransom carding in the UK is cuz there's always fast people almost every time you go rental guarding here oh yellow right when I had the momentum what the hell you can actually hear the shock in my voice because I just didn't expect to have this level of competition today and in just a couple of laps we're already down to four now normally on a tight track like this I'd say it's going to be nearly impossible to get back to the front but because we've got this DRS and ERS strategy to play with we might just have a chance well well we're definitely getting racy that's for sure ERS erss come on back up into P3 we're back up into P3 already but the leader who races road taxes competitively is running away with it we need to get around P2 ASAP getting pushed along here what the hell remember what I said about the yellow flag system what yeah oh my God this yellow flag system is clapped yeah we just lost a place under yellow flag which obviously wouldn't be the case anywhere else at least it makes for the race the race is going to be fun that's for [Music] sure oh my God I'm us I'm losing way more on yellows even though I'm Full Throttle I don't even know where the yellows are coming from DRS come on here we go he doesn't know I'm coming boom and with some well-timed safety cars we're back up in the P2 green but now that we're a few minutes into this race lap traffic is going to play a big fact you rest [Music] trying to use this traffic to our advantage we got a guy on our butt that traffic is holding up the leader and therefore bringing all the carts behind me into The Fray as well that is until this happened Jesus seemingly all on his own the leader locked up the brakes and I had no choice but to boning Jesus now the car in P3 has the lead this is chaos I think this is the guy who's in P1 oh no no no oh this yellow system is ridiculous that's going to be the theme of this video I think oh yeah look sorry bud so although I had felt I had been pretty unlucky with the yellows up to this point it seemed like it's finally worked in my favor but will it stay that way we're mp1 need to just try and GAP them before the yellow screw me over you're us see I don't feel much of a boost there all right I don't have any DRS now so whether they catch up to me lap time wise will be something we'll have to see yellow okay I've got a bit of a gap says 4 seconds on the board that might be enough to hold us to the end green go go go go go go oh I definitely lost a lot of time there as annoying as the yellow flag system is it's definitely making this race interesting and I'm having a blast trying to hold this Le oh look how much I'm I'm losing to the yellows man it's crazy I don't know how many laps left might have to go Uber defensive here I know the race is coming to a close so I need to try and keep p to out of my DRS range DRS active oh wow they got screwed over I thought he was just in my blind spot maybe it's working like a virtual safety car system and it holds them back if they gain too much time I don't know I doubt it's that advanced anyways let's just keep our head down push learn the track a bit more that was a bit overcooked but actually it f kind of fast see like it feels like I'm at top speed but it kind of just like regulates the car and it doesn't let you slow up to or it doesn't let you speed up till like right at the end of the straight it feels like while we watch one of my fastest laps of the race I've got an admission to me us since this video has gone live I've already been back to F1 drive but this time it's been with other race car drivers and YouTubers and let me tell you it made the world of difference It produced one of the best indoor cing races I've ever had and I don't say that lightly so if you're interested to see that race make sure you're subscribed and you have notifications turned on because I'll be dropping it very very soon all right we're we're kind of building a little bit of a gap here says I have 2 point or 3 seconds to the cart behind and it's actually updating relatively quickly so maybe the system is more advanced than I thought please don't be sketchy thank you doesn't look like I have DRS on lap traffic either yet but maybe I just haven't clipped them at the right point of the detection come on but unfortunately DRS is not working on lab traffic do have DRS oh I'm losing so much time to this oh my God they don't see me oh my God and now P2 is right back on our heels oh I lost so much time your ass all I need is the perfect lap with no mistakes and hopefully I can build up a bit of a buffer so you'll see heading into this corner I'm driving just over that Crown in the middle of the road so I have a bit of banking to maximize the exit that was nice to there much straighter on exit here I wonder if the exit looks much better of course I don't have DRS but the straight line speed is feeling pretty good with that exit rotate the cart with the braks boom and finally with a good exit out of the last corner and we're on for the fastest lap of the race use the RS it's probably not the best place to use it but I want to try it yeah it definitely made us under steer more into that corner do you see that but we're not completely out of the woods yet because we've got more lab traffic to deal with oh come on see it's saying DRS Zone but then it's I don't have it active according to the dash so I think one more lap to go oh he's right behind me oh no this's going to be yellow oh oh [Music] no please yellow just one more time one more time don't screw me green green green green Green okay we're good see it does look like it started him later so maybe the virtual safety car isem actually really good I don't know if someone knows anything more about how the system actually works let me know but I didn't actually get screwed like I thought I was there ERS and checker flag all right that was actually a pretty fun race I have to give it to it was it worth more than $100 debatable really debatable I mean it's definitely fun and worth the experience like I do like the strategy element of it so I don't know let me know down in the comments is this worth nearly double other rental carding places that are similar to this let me know and let me know down in the comments whether you want an F1 drive to come to your [Music] city I don't understand behind you and went yellow it just wouldn't let me go
Channel: Cameron Das Racing
Views: 865,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cam das racing, cameron das f2, cameron das f3, cameron das karting, formula 1, f1 onboard, crash, f1 drive london, drive to survive, f1 drive onboard, f1 karting, f1 karting tottenham, f1 karting london, challenge, rental karting, karting onboard, karting tips, karting tips for beginners, karting tips for pros, cameron das racing, go karting, go kart racing, karting crashes, racing, pov, onboard f1, f1 2024, k1 speed, teamsport, best kart tracks, f1 highlights, tottenham
Id: FmGGqthTOUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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