Ahsoka Tano COMPLETE Life | Part 3 (Canon)

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this master placoon who found me and brought me to the temple where i belonged you never would have made it as obi-wan's padawan but you might make it as mine more than you realize i understand wanting to walk away from the order i know what do you want with anakin skywalker he is the key to everything anakin welcome back to part three of the complete life of ahsoka tano in the previous episodes we saw how she started as a naive warrior fearless but with a simplistic view of the force and the war her exposure to many different populations with differing views on the jedi order and the republic and even meeting with the separatist monterey family all helped to show her how complicated the galaxy was with anakin and obi-wan she would be brought to mortis and become infused with the force energy of the daughter the embodiment of the light side of the force over these adventures she would also see a darker side of her master a trait that others in the order felt was rubbing off on her as both master and apprentice were fond of using fear and threats of physical violence to save the day everything changed when she was betrayed by her close friend baris hoffy framing her with the temple bombing causing the council to expel her and making her an enemy of the grand army of the republic skywalker was the only jedi to defend her working tirelessly to reveal the true culprit but the damage had been done she saw how the public was coming to hate the jedi how the jedi were turning against the order and the republic and how they so quickly turned on her in an instant her lifetime of dedication was destroyed and with it her unrealistic view of the order ahsoka once proudly saw the order as the embodiment of moral perfection and each jedi an undeniable force for good despite afi's crime ahsoka was troubled by the validity of her thesis that perhaps the jedi order was just another type of organization a political organization at that as they were increasingly pulled away from their role as peacekeepers it crushed her to think that for all the wisdom and kindness in the souls of members like plo yoda kenobi and anakin that if she looked on the order without her biases they were all just functioning as warrior politicians as she said when she devastated anakin with her choice to leave she wasn't sure if this was a mistake or not but that she had to find out on her own she had to follow her instincts the force was calling her to something else and while tana was out there operating on her own alone in this crazy war-torn galaxy yoda was deeply troubled by his role in all of this it was his idea to parasoka and anakin all those years ago seeing it as a necessary test for them both ahsoka would be with someone that would understand her recklessness and strong-willed spirit while anakin would understand why his behavior was so frustrating to everyone else both would come to learn and respect the chain of command and for anakin he would be forced to learn how to overcome his fear of loss a kind of immersion therapy where each battle held the promise of death for the padawan that would become one of his closest friends and which would have to end with her graduating tonight and eventually jedi master leaving anakin's side and each of them taking on new padawans at least that was the plan but this outcome was the worst possibility of all the order having falsely accused anakin's padawan expelling her and forcing her to run away at the most dangerous time in memory yoda feared his plan worked only to devastate these two making each feel more alone and upset with the jedi order we see how this haunts yoda during his trip to the font of the midichlorians home of the living force mirrored to the cosmic force world of mortis qui-gon jinn spoke to yoda through the force encouraging him to come here and learn the secrets of retaining your identity after death persisting in the force and aiding the light like we saw in mortis here yoda would be tested with a series of intensely realistic visions in one of them he rushes into the burning jedi temple seeing dead jedi strong about no sign of life from masters or younglings he's confused and saddened but he hears noises and rushes over to ahsoka writhing on the floor in pain she begs yoda for answers fearful of what will become of her now that she will die alone in the force no longer a jedi but the council expelled me why would you do that will i still become one with a force when i die that one padawan ahsoka [Music] the pain in yoda's voice shows how deeply he was hurt by her expulsion a vision of what little soka's final moments might be if she died out there in the galaxy at this time of war no master and no order to look after her he would then be provided with another vision of an alternate reality where the war never happened he's filled with joy at seeing ahsoka hanging out with the other jedi even his old padawan dooku was there but despite the happiness that this vision filled him with he knew this was not true and as this adventure does provide yoda with the tools to survive his bodily death he also comes to realize and accept that the death of the jedi order is imminent just as qui-gon spirit lived on even after his body became ash the spirit of the jedi would not die it would live on in the galaxy in the hearts of those like ahsoka while no one knew where she was her legacy was still helping the republic in an instance in which padme and anakin were allied to commander throne padme tells him of the tactics of the marx table this was ahsoka's name for the maneuver over ryloth where the ship was tilted to allow fighters and bombers to deploy from all sides of the venator thrawn employed this so successfully that it would be a maneuver he would come to rely on many times during his naval career and on udapal we see that kenobi's trying to help anakin cope with this i miss her okay is that what you wanted me to say she made the decision anakin well what choice did we give her the moment there were any suspicions about her loyalty the council turned their back on her he stressed that while mistakes were made on all of their parts it was ahsoka who made the ultimate decision he even goes so far as to say that she failed as a jedi part of the jedi way is not letting emotion cloud your better judgment and that's precisely what ahsoka did even in her most critical moment and we even see how her decision makes anakin wonder what his master would think if he ever left the order something ahsoka knew anakin had considered at times you took me under your wing and practically raised me i'm your padawan just like ahsoka was mine how well would you sleep knowing i failed you not very well i imagine meanwhile citizen ahsoka was simply trying to lay low and make ends meet just days before the end of the clone wars we find her traveling through coruscant on a junky old speeder bike when it malfunctions she's sent sputtering out and crashing into incoming traffic as she plummets towards the infamous 1313 where a mechanic hears ahsoka talking about everything that was wrong with the bike sounds like you know a thing or two about engines trace would let her use the shop to get the speeder bike working but the questions into her background were making the falling pattern one nervous i need to get out of here why you running from something walking out of the shop to clear her mind she stares at the gazante class that was doing surveillance in the area a republic ship and a reminder of the life she left behind composing herself as she goes in to see that trace had completed all of the repairs for free and she says that whatever ahsoka's afraid of topside she can hide from down here things are simpler below the surface no jedi tearing things apart for the sake of some war i'm sure you have your problems up there with the jedi running around starting wars policing everything but they're interrupted by debt collecting thugs and once the fight looks like it's turning against trace ahsoka steps in and shows everyone that she's not just another helpless soul of the lower levels catching the attacker's fist and scattering them with a painful display of her martial arts skills where did you learn to fight like that my older brother taught me the thugs were there because of trace's older sister rafa as always she was behind on payments but promised a big score was coming rafa was much more cynical than her little sister how'd you end up with this smooth milker when they see a toilet customer put an order for an illegal droid she puts trace and ahsoka to work tana warns trace that she must put the restraining bolt on each and it hits her at this model of binary load lifter droid was the same as the one that went on a rampage which made her late to the ceremony with yoda to get an extension of her padawan braid a tough memory to suppress but when one of the droids without the restraint activates the pair are forced to chase it through the multiple levels of the coruscant underworld trace proves resourceful and brave trying to deactivate the rogue droid but as it falls limp and tumbles into the abyss ahsoka's quick thinking catches it but it proves too heavy though she was trying to abandon her jedi life she had to call on the force to save trace's life pulling the forklift and droid onto the ledge when they meet back up with rafa she sees how the older sister manipulates trace always with the promise that salvation is one job away buying her loyalty with credits and guilting her into thinking that rafa's always doing what's best for her though ahsoka was angered by this abuse she thinks she cannot get involved saying instead that she should just do the finishing touches on the bike and get going in the shop hanger ahsoka would help work on trace's starship the silver angel a craft that was cobbled together from scrap parts and the way ahsoka handles the repairs impressed the mechanic making her ask what academy she went to what was it called uh skywalker academy rafa returns to tell her that she just hired out the ship for a job the details of which are not explained and as they make their way off world trace breaks out of the civilian lane and gets hailed by a venator have you lost your mind this is military airspace ahsoka knows the low craft is not really a concern and urges trace to just go back into the lane ignore the calm and keep moving while on the bridge of the venator we see that anakin detects a disturbance in the force no it's nothing they'd be able to make the jump to hyperspace but as soon as they arrive ahsoka is alarmed rafa never told them what they would be transporting and as soon as she saw it was kessel she had a clue once they sit down with king yoruba's major domo ahsoka gets right to the point calling out their claim that it was just medicine many things can be made out of spice and they're not all good but the mission continues sending them to the mine to make the pickup and ahsoka has to point something out to trace trace those are not droids they're people once the silver angel is loaded up rafa promises that it would be as simple as dropping the stuff off on obadiah tano knows that the pikes are gangsters who are known to backstab people killing transporters skilling their ships all kinds of bad things happen while rafa and ahsoka argue trace goes into a trance obsessing over the fear that she will lose her ship the only thing that she was proud of that she spent years assembling and in a panic she dumps the spice both rafa and ahsoka are upset with her when they arrive ahsoka comes up with a plan to trick the pikes but ultimately has to rely on a jedi mind trick they're nearly able to pull away but a powerful tractor beam and security ships quickly shut down any hopes of escape the trio are tossed into prison to await execution and when ahsoka talks about how morally wrong it was to work with drugs and gangsters rafa had enough of the high morality we got a regular jedi here what if i was mom and dad saw it coming they got raphael but they weren't so lucky afterward the jedi came back and one of them came over to me but not to worry the force will be with you that's it then she was off just after this the guards would come to take rafa away to be tortured for information on the spice's whereabouts when that didn't work it was trace's turn the younger sister is a bit more crafty faking that she fainted to grab a blaster and shoot her way out with rafa still unconscious ahsoka is able to manipulate the lock and free them they have to sprint through the prison complex and when the bridge to the city was retracted ahsoka would again have to hide her calling on the force making the impossible leap and sprinting off before irafa could ask any questions they would race through the city to try and find a way off world blaster fire would erupt through the streets which caught the attention of a hooded mandalorian they were able to get onto a speeder but the sisters were recaptured after this getaway vehicle was shot down what is she doing here her presence could compromise our mission they were set to be executed but just before the blaster could fire ahsoka would rush back onto one of the defense craft and scatter the pikes rescuing the sisters and making a break for the gates but as they open the syndicate proves why they were one of the most powerful criminal operations in the galaxy they've had people try to rip them off before and the trio were tossed back into custody where ahsoka shocks everyone send them to go get it and give them one rotation if they don't come back i'll tell you where their family's from though her move freed the sisters rafa decided that they would need to find a way to go back and rescue her while ahsoka had already used her force abilities to free yourself again and stumbled upon an armory crate's full of blasters and explosives and this fallen padawan could not resist her jedi instincts since i'm here might as well do some good leaping through the facility placing thermal detonators she notices the pikes having a hollow meeting with an important hooded figure someone who seemed to be ordering them around and she catches the glimpse of the red-skinned horned being darth maul was somehow ruling over the syndicate but before she could listen anymore the fallen sith detects the presence in the force and ends his transmission continuing her quest to cover the place in thermal detonators she stumbles upon a terminal with the transmission log luckily she's able to see where maul's message originated from despite many official reports it was clear maul was still on mandalore although it appeared she was able to sneak away before anyone saw her she's quickly ambushed by the guards and a pike leader meanwhile the sisters were on another part of obadiah trying to charisma their way into loading up spice to exchange for ahsoka's freedom their scheme was starting to work but the trandocian dock master wasn't about to be played a brawl breaks out resulting in flying fists kicks throws and a couple pipes to the head but the sisters were ultimately victorious and they arrived back at the prison just in time to free ahsoka though the crime boss mark krim wasn't having it while he explained that this jedi was using them and they were all seen as republic agents the only move was to kill them was a jedi so you're not a jedi i was trained but i left you can do that just then one of the explosives she laid went off and using the confusion they were able to escape back to the silver angel destroying the pike defense craft would force them all to trust each other completely as they pulled off difficult maneuvers through the cavernous terrain with their survival spirit and her jedi training these three were able to safely make it out of this crazy adventure though still torn that ahsoka deceived them they also can't be upset with her why would anyone walk away from being a jedi it's complicated and we see that even with the cynical rafa she actually wishes the galaxy was full of jedi like ahsoka you might not think of yourself as a jedi but you act like one or at least how i want them to be while they were talking a group of mandalorians emerged from the shadows ahsoka recognizes bo katan's helmet and voice instantly the last time they met deathwatch was trying to kill her but this warrior hoped this jedi would become their ally death watch is gone and now you and i have a common enemy she's given five minutes to respond confiding in the sisters that this was what she feared that somehow she would be pulled back into the clone wars but if i go down this path i'm afraid where it might lead at the same time her master was on urbana fighting through the endless swarms of clankers he kenobi the 501st and the 212th were able to pull off another victory in what would prove to be the final moments of the war and as anakin was rubbing in the fact that he had saved his master again admiral yolaran contacted them with a code usually employed by saw gerrera from onderon subspace frequency this was an odd request from the admiral and so racing back to the bridge of the venator in orbit skywalker's curious to find out what was the big deal what's so important you brought us all the way back here hello master bogatan was the head of the night owls the faction of death watch that separated from pre-vizila when maul took the throne of mandalore these mandos had been conducting extensive recon on the sith and thought they could eliminate him with the help of the republic ahsoka knows how much the jedi order fear maul unsure if he was the ultimate sith lord behind the entire clone wars or somehow a different threat from dooku entirely but a sith lord on the throne of mandalore would be a concern to the republic as well it all makes sense now what if ahsoka hadn't left the order then she wouldn't have been where she needed to be that's one way to look at it i suppose notice anakin's smile as he awaits the return of his apprentice and r2 could not contain himself rushing out to welcome ahsoka back but her master's excitement was cut short ahsoka i'm so glad we'll have to catch up another time and we see how hurt and confused he was at this reunion not going as he envisioned vokatan gives the details to kenobi showing that they know the strength of the death watch reworked mandalorians and the exact location of the sith with their extensive knowledge of the city palace layout etc they just needed the added firepower and troops that the republic could supply and this should be a relatively quick and easy victory kenobi's cautious and despite bogota's pleas he simply states that he will relay his plan to the council the mandos would leave as well with ahsoka and anakin finally alone together to talk after all this time you two certainly haven't changed is that a bad thing come on i have a surprise for you as they head down the passageways of the venator ahsoka is uncomfortable with the clones still treating her as a superior we see the boys of the 212th were saluting her not just the 501st who she fought along the most but all the clones throughout the grand army of the republic knew of the heroics of the little tigruta and no official change in status would change their respect for her arriving at a hangar ahsoka's stunned by what she sees the blue painted boys of the five of first were now sporting orange painted helmets in the style of ahsoka's face markings she had felt abandoned by everything and everyone besides anakin but as she walks through their ranks she sees just how much the 501st and rex loved and missed her as well glad to have you back commander rex thank you but you don't have to call me commander anymore sure thing commander as anakin is about to reveal his next surprise the clacks and alarm sounds and the personnel all scrambled to their battle stations kenobi rushes in to tell them that the cis has just launched a major attack on coruscant grievous had captured the chancellor and this may prove to be the final major battle of the clone wars the republic falling or the cis losing their leadership in a massive portion of their fleet giving the gar the chance to roll this into a surrender from the separatists but ahsoka's unimpressed shocked that they would turn their back on the mandalorian people and leave maul in place i understand that as usual you're playing politics i'll divide the five first make a new division under ahsoka's command kenobi agrees with this unconventional yet practical solution anakin would have to let ahsoka rush off into danger again after only having reconnected with her for a few moments but he was full of confidence in her thanks for the support as always and before they separate he has to give her his gift opening the simple wooden box we see her lightsabers have been refurbished the chrome shining on her standard and shoto sabres though we see anakin could not resist putting his own touches on them she ignites them and is surprised to see a change from her iconic green and yellow combo to a bright blue like the blade of her master they would have to depart and we see the very last words between anakin skywalker and ahsoka tano anakin good luck while many jedi masters taught that there was no such thing as luck this pair knew that luck was a pretty good way to describe the mysterious ways in which the force worked and with that they were off the masters to coruscant and the once padawan to the civil war-torn world of mandalore as soon as the trio of venators emerged from hyperspace the laat transports and carriers with atte walkers would flow from their hangars maul's puppet ruler prime minister almight hails the invading forces and bogota makes a declaration of war ahsoka likes what she sees and knows the difference in leadership styles from beau's late sister sateen cries you're nothing like your sister the republic forces start taking heavy losses to the super commandos and missile firing jet packs which allow them to fly in squadrons and act as incredibly nimble anti-aircraft forces many gunships were lost and even boarded but bo katan's mandos were trained in this art as well even the clones were sporting jet packs for this invasion though rex has to tell ahsoka that they don't have one for her i don't think to bring you a jet pack don't need one racing to the surface you can hear in rex's laugh that he loves to have ahsoka back as this invasion was a lot like the invasion of test and later when she led the jump onto skytop station tana would leave from ship to ship as they made their descent hijack supercommandos and use their jetpacks all in a graceful and deadly display of her abilities the maldalorians on the landing pad would be easily eliminated and ahsoka would have to inform wrecks of his loss the red and black painted traitorous mandos would put up a hard fight for the city killing many clones with their unique arsenal of shields and explosives but almond gives the command to gar saxon to retreat into the sewer systems with this portion of the capitals taken rex and ahsoka are still cautious about this victory knowing that maul's machinations are always complex we must ensure maul doesn't escape bogatan and her forces would storm the throne room making quick work of almic and his guards the coward would attempt to insult her and her late sister satine but katan stays focused and demands the location of maul almight admits that the sith wanted the republic to invade though he noted they brought the wrong jedi beau's horrified to find out that she has sent ahsoka into a trap but the sewage ways are blocking the com system deep below the city tano is leading orange and blue troops of the 332nd company through the maze of passageway while mall supercommando track their every movement in a split second ahsoka was able to detect their presence in the force and is able to guide an incoming rocket off its path though it does work to separate her from the troops the clones would be killed while trying to pursue the enemy and once in an opening ahsoka would be surrounded by mandalorians ahsoka's calm was able to be detected by rex in another part of the tunnels as the clones blast many of maul's guards away he calmly engaged her in saber combat before using the force to hurl rex against ahsoka and run away they tried to chase after him but for now he was lost in the combined forces forward base rex ahsoka and bo reach out to kenobi he mentioned a name darth sidious and obi-wan tells the story of how he had learned the name from dooku on geonosis just moments before the outbreak of the clone wars and that other evidence had indicated that this third even less understood sith lord was the true puppet master all along dooku could no longer provide any details on this since anakin had just killed him if they were to learn more of this darth sidious mau would be the only hope ahsoka hopes this means they will get reinforcements but kenobi explains that he cannot and anakin 2 is on a special mission he is to spy on the chancellor the man that was a lifelong friend and mentor and ahsoka can't believe that obi-wan would ask her to try and support this to contact anakin and talk him out of his protest to side with the council and what defend the council's actions i hardly think i'm the best person for that their conversation is interrupted when rex runs in to report that maul's forces have just launched a counter-attack she runs off but turns back to kenobi for one last remark tell anakin i will what she wanted to say is unclear with that she rushes with rex back to the sewers arriving on the scene she recognizes one of the troopers i'm here trooper sterling isn't it the wounded clone is in panic telling ahsoka that maul has slashed through them and took jesse alive with the fallen sith we see that he was able to use the force to pull information out of jesse learning all he could about this ahsoka tano what is this they know that searching this maze of tunnels is hopeless instead she rex and bo head to the main detention center to interrogate almick he explains that maul was going mad plagued by some impending event and that a name kept coming to him it was not sidious but before he could say it gars accident is able to fire two rounds off into the prime minister's chest with his final breaths ahsoka is able to get the surprising answer what name the assassin would be pursued but he too would escape and with maul we hear him giving a rousing speech that would lead these mandos to their death and if you die you will die as warriors topside the leaders of the combined force look upon the war-torn city where republic forces are rounding up civilians to put them in camps this is said to be for their protection to evacuate them from the war zone babokheton knows man delorean's sensibilities would not accept this for long forcing ahsoka to calm her down the republic forces will depart once we capture maul they would debate as they walked into the throne room where maul was seated upon his throne but would rush forward firing her blaster pistols but this was no challenge to the darksider the zebra would return jesse leading ahsoka to tell rex to leave with him and once the city erupts both maul and ahsoka agree beau should go to lead her mandalorian forces now alone with this elusive sith tano tries to apply him for information though maul is open about everything explaining the role of sidious and maul's plan to defeat him the time of the jedi has passed they cannot defeat sidious but together you and i can the war comes closer to the palace ahsoka has made her decision a rejected padawan and apprentice would combine their forces to destroy the true sith master but she has one final question what do you want with anakin skywalker he has long been groomed for his role as my master's new apprentice you lie the one thing she could not believe was that her beloved friend and master could ever fall to the dark side if maul was wrong about this he could be wrong about anything maul sees that this door was closed and the room is filled with the flurry of double-bladed red saber strikes and dual blue blades both with their own difficult and rare fighting styles they seem evenly matched forcing maul to flee through the palace window scaling the hanging skyscrapers and springing across the rooftops he makes it into the metal beam lattice structure that supports the dome and covers the city we could have destroyed sidious only for you to take his place again they would engage in safer combat this time maul would get the better of her stripping away ahsoka's blades and trapping her on a separated beam just one saber strike and she would fall to her death but they had never fought before this day and he didn't realize this was one of the most quick and agile fighters the order ever produced moving past him and grasping his blade she is able to get him onto the wrong side of the beam and slice through it causing him to plummet to the city below ahsoka calling on the force to suspend him in the air as the la-80s closed in on maul screaming and wishing to die rex would be the one to fire the stun bolt that finally brings the elusive sith into custody ahsoka and rex having come a long way from the first meeting on christoph's the following morning bo katan would return ahsoka sabres as they took over the battlefront they discussed how things will need to change in the coming time of peace your people need a new kind of leader rex would inform ahsoka that the council was ready to hear her report and she asked about skywalker right away though her old master was there when rex left when they return anakin is gone while the council congratulates tono on the victory a great service to the republic you have done i did my duty as a citizen not as a jedi no not yet it is interesting to note that she's considering to return to the order just not yet when she asks for more information on skywalker and the chancellor's recent actions she's shot down by mace windu in a way that was shocking even to rex i'm sorry citizen these matters are for the council to discuss while the other masters cut off transmission yoda stays smiling with big hopeful eyes as he talks to ahsoka seeing if there was anything else he could help her with a message for skywalker perhaps no master thank you i'll tell him myself when i see him as they leave rex is confused as to why she did not tell the council about sidious and skywalker but she gives no explanation for her reasoning though we can likely assume she feared how the council would treat her old master after hearing about maul's vision she knows firsthand how quick the council was to jump to conclusions tana would accompany rex and the 332nd company as they transported maul back to coruscant all while the fallen sith was safely entombed in a mandalorian-made device that can negate the powers of force users ahsoka having proved a valuable ally to the true mandalorians we were trained to be keepers of the peace not soldiers but all i've been since i was a padawan is a soldier the republic couldn't have asked for better soldiers nor i a better friend they salute each other but are interrupted by a communication maul and ahsoka hear anakin's fall to the dark side as he chose to protect the chancellor instead of windu as she goes to tell rex that she's worried about anakin she sees something is off her friend's trembling and the other clones raise their blasters to her i'll do it rex what's happening fighting the control of the inhibitor chip he's able to give her a clue to understanding this apparent betrayal what fight him the bolts would come flying at her but years of being outnumbered by clankers prepared her for this moment the bolts would all be deflected with her confident flurry of the sabers sending them into the ceiling above melting away an opening for her to escape through rex would command his men to go and execute maul and ct7567 would say something he never would have expected to come out of his lips any and all jedi leadership must be executed for treason against the republic in his chamber maul was helpless squirming at the thought that after all his efforts he would simply be gunned down by a couple of coruscant guards but his savior was the expelled jedi she knocked the clones out and cautiously set him free choose your words carefully no no it was not my doing ahsoka has not put it together yet but maul sees this was his master's plan all along brilliant brilliant back on his feet maul is eager to explain how they can ally and rush to defeat sidious but this was not her intent i'm not here to team up with you i need a diversion and you're it maul would wreak havoc throughout the ship while ahsoka tried to find a way to look up anything she could find about fives rushing into a terminal room as luck of the force would have it she finds her old r7 droid and once it and the other droids are activated we see that even the astro astromechs have not forgotten her loyalty ahsoka was kind to the droids under her service and with their help in anakin's codes she's able to access a concealed file one where rex is reporting on what happened in the death of clone trooper fives there's a possibility that the inhibited ships the gamma knowns put inside us have a purpose that we don't yet fully understand the mall was killing clones by the dozens allowing ahsoka and the droids to launch their plan rex was captured and brought to the med bay medical droids would do their best but even the facilities on kamino could not initially locate the chip an atomic scan was required in the case of fives but with the clones working their way through the door ahsoka would have to rely on the force the chip was spotted and surgery began while the troopers were blasting away at ahsoka her skills were able to block most but she was fading one bolt struck her and it looked as if it was the end until blue bolts started firing toward the clones rex is forced to fire on his brothers to save his innocent commander are you okay yeah yeah kid i'm okay he's happy that she's alive and glad to be free of the chip but tries to get ahsoka to realize how evil this plot is that every single clone trooper in the entire grand army of the republic had these biochips placed in their brains all for their eventual plan to turn on the jedi order her brothers could not be reasoned with or expected to do anything but try and kill her despite this she refuses to use lethal force knowing they too were just victims of darth sidious rex would fire his pistols in the barrage of stunned bold fire while ahsoka used the force to knock them unconscious with his stolen calm link maul is able to track ahsoka's movements throughout the ship he could not allow it to arrive on coruscant and makes a run for the main reactor and hyperdrive systems his immense strength in the force allowing maul to rip apart these massive structures causing chain reactions across the entire ship and pulling them all out of hyperspace ahsoka and rex make it to the bridge but open the main hangar to find that they're on a crash course with an unidentified world with rex's traitorous choice jesse was now the acting commander and those soldiers my brothers are willing to die and take you and me along with them she knows how torn rex is one of the most loyal troops in the entire army who had to watch traitors like slick and pong krell and now he would be hunted and killed by his own brothers rex had to come to terms with the fact that the republic was ruled by an evil sith lord and that he would be the one seen as a traitor by the entire gar but for ahsoka there was only one choice besides i don't want to hurt them though with their droid allies they had a plan rex would try to present her as being captured while the astromechs prepped shuttle and got in position to drop the troops into the repair bay once they sprung into action mall would rush onto the shuttle while the troops were busy with their traitors rex tried to hold them off but he was being overwhelmed forcing ahsoka to use your savers to carve them away to the repair bay this brought them right back into the area of the troops though the trusty droids struck again while the ship was in flames the pair raced past all of the damaged fighters and bombers eventually rex spotted a y wing that was still operational and ahsoka would force push rex onto the bomber and try to deflect the bolts until she saw a chance to join him but more systems were failing as the venator was being ripped apart in the atmosphere causing another explosion that sent everyone off their feet desperately she tried to use her sabers to climb her way back to rex and just as it was released another explosion separated ahsoka and sent the y-wing tumbling into the stream of smoke and debris rex's excellent piloting and ahsoka's calm and athleticism and perhaps a little luck from the force allowed her to make it to the turret gunner seat years earlier during the battle with the malevolence ahsoka's first time in real starfighter combat was in turret gun of the y-wing now erects as the pilot they would safely make it down to the surface it would be some time before any republic forces would make it to their location giving rex and ahsoka time to collect all their brothers giving them each a proper funeral a graveyard topped with the orange tano trooper helmets and close 501st friends like jessie it is unclear if rex used the y wing to shuttle ahsoka off world and then return or if they were able to repair a ship for her to flee with but she would bury her blades alongside the mass grave while rex would tell the empire that he was the only survivor that ahsoka and all of his brothers had died in the crash without anyone to report of how rex defied order 66 he would go back to the military service in the empire and when darth vader came to personally inspect the site we see he was able to locate the buried blades relics from a past life symbolic of his dream come true that ahsoka would forgive the council's error that she would return as his padawan anakin's gift was seized by vader though his attention is drawn upward light shines through his helmet and we see the blue eyes of a man thought dead as he gazes on the bird used to symbolize the daughter the light side of the force the being that he no that anakin had once so desperately pleaded with to save ahsoka's life meanwhile ahsoka was trying to find the most obscure rock in the galaxy to call home she would choose the planet dibesca in the outer rim a world that was far from any hyperspace lanes that had no political power valuable natural resources or even a large enough population for the empire to worry about having to oppress she would go by the name of ashla as it was the jedi's ancient word for the light side of the force and was still with the bendu called the light side and what the lasat species called the force anti-basca she would be taken in by the farty family working as a mechanic in one of their many businesses she would be here for nearly a year even discovering that one of the farty children was force sensitive one day when the children were nearly crushed by a large crate ahsoka used the force to change its course when the kids all saw this amazing power ahsoka convinced them to ignore it but later when she saw the youngest child hidala farti levitating some small rocks with the wave of her hand she wondered if or how she could help her but ahsoka would be forced to abandon this new life on the very first empire day the one year anniversary of the end of the clone wars the new order and for ahsoka a holiday that celebrated the death of countless friends during order 66 the farty father warned her that imperials would be visiting them for empire day celebrations and that security would be boosted across the entire planet so ahsoka took his tip but felt bad that she had to steal one of his ships in order to leave the planet hoping that the little girl would not display any of her force talents while the imps were looking from here she would discover the farming moon of raita also in the outer rim her skills with all sorts of droids and machines meant she quickly found a job here as well working for rations and a place to stay in an old abandoned home she makes many friends here and would set up a stash house and hideout up in the caves that surrounded the main city all went well for a while but the inevitable march of the empire stomped over reida as well it was discovered that the entire world would shift its farming to produce the disgusting protein gel rations that the stormtrooper army ran on to facilitate this overhaul the empire would start giving production quotas to the businesses and stormtroopers would control the civilians enforcing curfews and making sure they could all account for their whereabouts tano was tired of running and started to prep her friends by having them store supplies and food up in the cave systems even setting up her ship in an opening in the mountainous terrain in case they needed a quick evac as the ports were quickly becoming totally locked down her farming friends are tired of the imperial rule some even want to chase him off with explosives but ahsoka tells him that the best move for now would be to make the world useless to the empire slow down production of the crop and find ways to reduce the yield to the point that the imps just abandoned the whole operation but some could not wait this long tebola picked a fight with the imperial officer in the local bar a dispute which ended with the stormtrooper opening fire on him the first civilian ahsoka would witness being killed by the new empire ahsoka would now stockpile materials that could be used to make explosives water purification devices and more rations but it's clear that even with this incredibly small-scale rebellion there were already numerous factions with certain farmers too eager to blow up stormtroopers as tensions grew ashley told her allies that she was a resistance fighter during the clone wars evoking the kind of background like the undrawn rebels that were trying to chase off the cis some of these rebels were intent on bombing the imperial administration building and more of the civilians were imprisoned while the imperial military presence was increased ashley found ways to bomb their tanks in order to render them immobile while also saving some of the prisoners though another of her friends was killed by stormtroopers the imsan made it clear that they were going to execute all of them in the streets and ashley had to call on the force to push them all back allowing her and her rebels to flee to the cave hideout her friends were upset that she hid these abilities not only that she lied to them for so long but that her powers could have saved all those that were already killed in this uprising with a survivor of order 66 detected she just solidified the imperial presence on re-eda more civilians were arrested and tortured for information but her friends told her that she should flee off world while she still had a chance she promised to return but for now would head back to the farty family though her access defiance drew the attention of senator bale organa who was secretly looking for embers of rebellion but her actions also drew the attention of an inquisitor the sixth brother who was tasked with hunting down survivors of order 66 and any force sensitives that could be corrupted into future inquisitors studying the reports bail organa suspected this was ahsoka tano and had captain ramus antilles work with r2d2 to track her down the farty family on tybeska took her back in knowing why she had to steal the ship but happy to have the excellent mechanic back and the kids love to have ashley back as well when she talked to the force-sensitive child hidala she told ashley that she had since the shadow was watching them for now ashley would focus on laying low and completing whatever odd jobs came up for the family but she had the growing suspicion that they were dabbling in illegal smuggling one of these missions earned her the ire of the black sun crime syndicate which was under the crimson dawn organization secretly ruled by maul this black sun agent attacked ahsoka's ship and though she was able to survive the encounter she was stopped by a second ship that ambushed her before she could jump to hyperspace her craft was trapped by a tractor beam her freighter was then boarded by two men but she was able to knock them both out with batons now she had a way out and boarded the ship of her would-be captors only to find r2d2 on board astonished at the sight of her little droid friend from what now seemed like another life he was excited to see her too and explained that they were on a mission to bring her to bail organa but ever cautious she tells r2 to give her means to track his location and then she can monitor the senator and meet him on her own terms the astromech would help her repair her ship before she made off for a nearby moon to get some sleep and plan her approach senator organa was aboard his cr-90 corvette named the tantive iv ahsoka was able to track them down in remote space and by using a pressure suit she was able to make a stealthy space walk to the senator's personal quarters surprising this long time ally to the jedi order and asking why he was seeking her out referring to her as pata montano he states that he has been working to grow a rebel alliance that there are groups scattered across the galaxy that are trying to resist imperial rule but that without a proper leadership in place to focus these efforts he fears these individual embers will be snuffed out before they can grow into the infernal necessary to destroy palpatine's death grip on the galaxy she was skeptical at first but with his assurances that she would not need to take a battlefront role and that he would use his resources to help protect any sensitive children ahsoka discovered they had a deal the first child on her mind was hydala farty but to make it even better the first mission organa wanted help with was a growing rebellion on raeda she could help to try to make things right on the farming world and learn more about this inquisitor that had shown up there in search of the tikruta that used the force on a group of stormtroopers organa showed ahsoka footage of this being wielding a red lightsaber killing her rebel allies on that world all as a means of drawing her out though she wants to rush there and free her captured friends the senator is able to convince her to rest first and that night she has a vivid dream of when she was a youngling completing the gathering when she discovered her first kyber crystal when she woke up she immediately went to work finishing the construction of lightsaber hilts that she'd been crafting from spare parts on her way to rada she passed by the planet ilum only to find that the empire was constructing an enormous mining operation judging by the security it appeared to now be a high-level military project a complete strip mining of the most sacred world to the jedi order devastated and confused by this discovery she was forced to continue on with the mission on raeda she would set down her craft miles away from the city and hike in to reconnect with the rebels but she discovered that only one of the rebels evaded arrest or execution a woman named mayara was still free she was starting to set the crops on fire but ahsoka told her to hold off on this for now to hang back while she tried to sneak into the imperial admin building to free the only other survivor detecting her presence in the force the sixth brother emerged taunting ahsoka for failing to be a jedi and living like a rat on the run he rushes forward with his intimidating spinning double-bladed red light taper though without her sabers the force has always been ahsoka's greatest weapon the battle was intense and just as it seemed that she would be killed ahsoka calls on the force to flow through her hands as the blades were about to strike her down the red sabers flickered surged back into the hilt and exploded killing the sixth brother an interesting move by ahsoka who we must remember was healed by the spirit of the daughter and as we saw with the father these strange and powerful force wielders could effortlessly overcome the power of a lightsaber blade even though this being was an agent of the dark side she still felt sympathy for him knowing that he was just one of the countless pawns corrupted by darth sidious that he was once an innocent child like the farty girl before the dark lord poisoned his mind with this victory ahsoka now had a pair of kyber crystals and her incredible power in the light side of the force allowed her to exercise the dark side from these sacred stones turning them from the red of the sith to the white of the one who fully embodied the light placing them in her newly constructed hilts and going to town on the stormtroopers that guarded the rebel prisoner with their ally extracted she contacted organa who sent in a squadron of a-wings to start blowing apart all the imperial buildings in the city while she and these two rebels helped lead the full evacuation of the farmers their numbers were less than 100 at this point but the imps were not about to be defeated so easily hover tanks opened fire on organa's transport craft and though asuka was able to disable two of them with a final shot the gunner was able to land a shell in a group of fleeing civilians causing her to call on something darker within her to implode the vehicle while captain antilles squadron of a-wings continued their strafing the amps forces were almost completely destroyed and almost all of the population made it off world back on the tantive 4 ahsoka sees organa speaking with his adoptive daughter princess leia unaware that this was the daughter of her two closest friends her master anakin and her mentor padme who in many ways had seen ahsoka as their adoptive daughter the farmers were going to be settled on alderaan but they decided that they could best help the rebellion if they set up a new farming colony while also training as warriors and pilots and ahsoka decided that she would dedicate herself to helping grow these emperors into the flame of the phoenix taking charge of the intelligence networks for the rebellion and working to grow new cells and plant powerful spies her name would become fulcrum the name used by several of the third party groups during the clone wars who wished neither to ally with the cis or the republic though optimistic her actions on raita had now got the intention of the grand inquisitor and even darth vader was having visions of fighting ahsoka in a future confrontation on a sith world fulcrum would work for the next 12 years to grow this rebel alliance and one of her most trusted allies was harrison doula the leader of a cell she called the specters the rest of her crew did not know of the larger rebellion or the mysterious hoodie figure that secretly gave hera many of her objectives so what's the deal is fulcrum just another smuggler like vizago why all the secrecy one of ahsoka's most common ways to aid these cells would be to locate material often from old republic or separated spaces and set them up for rebel pickup if you look on this main crate that hera says she must be the one to move there is a stylized version of ahsoka's face markings that acted as fulcrum's call sign though even with sabine we see how this method of secrecy could cause tension in these rebel cells making recruits unsure they were actually helping the good guys something that is a serious concern for sabine the mandalorian who is coast into designing weapons that would end up being used on her own people you know what happened when i was a cadet at the imperial academy on mandalore i trusted the empire followed its orders blindly tana would be the one to search the cyborg mind of zebo who worked at the imperial information office and was able to download the empire's five-year plan for the outer rim [Music] heading and later we see that she advised the spectres to leave kanan jairus to not risk the young ezra bridger in a dangerous rescue attempt hannan knew the risks accepted them i'm sorry but you must focus on your next objective the spectres would ignore fulcrum's advice sneaking onto the sovereign to free kanan jairus a fellow survivor of order 66 the grand inquisitor who is also searching for ahsoka would be defeated in lightsaber combat with kanan as the dark side assassin chose to fall into the explosions of the star destroyer instead of facing the wrath of vader or the emperor they were able to make it off tarkin's ship with the inquisitor's tie but the planetary forces over mustafar were powerful as multiple imperial star destroyers unleashed clouds of tie fighters just when all seemed lost a stolen gazante class and then several cr90 corvettes emerged they would be able to blast away the fighters and provide cover while they all made their jump to hyperspace his valuable jedi prisoner lost and his flagship destroyed ahsoka's old enemy tarkin was thoroughly outraged the specters were happily reunited on their flagship the ghost and they would learn that their heroism was inspiring others across the galaxy and that their rebellion was a lot bigger than they ever realized there are other cells or a cell did you know we were so um no with this shocking news they would also meet fulcrum fulcrum ahsoka my name is ahsoka tano why did you come here because of you and your apprentice she was watching ezra's career with great interest and tells him that this will mark the start of his new life in this growing rebellion now four years before the battle of yavin ezra has constructed his own unique lightsaber with the blaster built into the hilt a style unheard of just a generation before but a sign of this new era ahsoka would see the boy practicing with his new weapon and thought it was a good time to teach him that the jedi's strength does not come from their devices so you're not powerful without it hey she removed the kyber crystal and chucked it into the tall grass igniting her blade she challenges him asking why he feels so powerless now and we see that ezra is shocked at this style of teaching she leaps towards him slicing the blade at his head down by his feet and thrusting at his chest while ezra scrambles to dodge eventually he realizes that this was a lesson on being able to focus by being calm in the force he can invade her strikes and locate his crystal a blaster saver might be nice but in times like these the force would be his ally more than ever later we would see that imperial minister tua wanted to defect contacting the specters via contact on lothal and promising to give over imperial secrets i assure you my intentions are sincere to prove it i will trade secret imperial information she even hints that there is a greater reason for the empire coming to the remote world of lothal outwardly it was just to set up a weapons facility but the true purpose was something only palpatine's inner circle was aware of as the rebels debate what to do about this supposed defector ezra has already sensed that she was telling the truth ahsoka smiles as she sees the padawan step up taking the initiative and telling the minister that they would come to extract her their mission would result in a firefight that resulted in the minister's death as the amps blew up their own shuttle to prevent its escape when chopper came to the rescue with the civilian transport the atdp walkers were able to shoot this down and force the rebels to flee on foot they set up in an abandoned home this entire mission was being watched by darth vader the sith lord recently sent to lethal to tighten up the imperial's control of the capital city a stormtrooper raid would force them on the run again seeing their only move was to risk sneaking into the imperial factory to steal the ship while making their way out they can't pass up the opportunity to steal some powerful shield generators but as they're loading them onto the sentinel-class shuttle kanan detects an incredible coldness in the force darth vader would introduce himself to the spectres for the first time his crimson blade ignited he makes his way to these two jedi and easily hurls away the master before turning to the paddlewand smashing the boy against the leg of a walker and turning the boy's own blade against him the blue blade coming closer and closer to ezra's throat luckily their allies are able to detonate explosives on the walkers creating an enormous explosion that sent several of them falling on top of the sith covered in flames and a pile of scrap metal for a second the jedi thought they had a victory but as soon as the wreckage started to lift into the air and the dark lord rose to his feet they knew it was time to run the rebels would evade the imperials long enough to contact lando calrissian as soon as they dock with jun sato's flagship chopper starts bleeping that a tracking beacon had been activated the spectres rushed to the bridge to tell sato and ahsoka and right on cue a thai advance comes screeching out of hyperspace rebel a-wings are scrambled but this sith was the best pilot in the galaxy weaving through the interceptors blasting some to pieces and opening fire on the pelticlass flagship hera scrambles to the ghost hoping to use the superior shields of firepower to destroy the thai advanced ahsoka wants to join and they detach just as vader had completed another strafe knocking out the shields and engine systems the turrets on the ghost would prove a challenge for the thai chasing it away from the fleet and requiring the sith to put his skills into evading the incoming fire ahsoka picks up on something in the force and wants to reach out to identify this ace pilot force is strong with him even ezra was picking up on this cold presence noting the feelings of fear and anger and hatred coming from this being vader would sense the jedi's probing through the force and would use it to try to strike fear into them while also learning more about who they were and this would answer a question both of them had been seeking the answer to for 15 years the apprentice lives the confirmation of her greatest fears this connection to such a deep darkness overwhelmed ahsoka and knocked her unconscious a trio of imperial star destroyers would emerge from hyperspace and capture the rebel fleet the peltic class flagship was blowing apart from all the damage forcing the crew to abandon ship their escape pods made their way to the two cr90s as they were able to turn around and make the jump while vader focused all his attention on the ghost hera was one of the best pilots in the galaxy as well and sees that their only shot would be to try and pass right through the space between two of the isds jumping just before they could engage the tractor beam catching the tie advance instead of this rebel freighter when ahsoka regains consciousness she immediately wants details on the sith lord they engaged on lothal i haven't sensed the presence like that since the clone wars though we see ahsoka's deeply troubled at who she suspects the sith lord to be unsure how exactly this could be possible meanwhile on the star destroyer we see vader contact darth sidious and the chosen one shows that he has no doubt about who he just reconnected with i believe the apprentice of anakin skywalker lives are you certain it was her and they know that she may lead them to other survivors of order 66 to other lost jedi such as kenobi for now the emperor states that inquisitors would be dedicated to hunting down ahsoka tano and her two new jedi friends after this devastating loss and disturbing discovery of darth vader ahsoka knows they must push even harder to expand the rebels strength they must spread out and develop stronger alliances but they also agree that they should find a suitable location for a permanent base as up to this point it was always a flotilla that would float around and obscure parts of the galaxy during the briefing ahsoka sees how ezra is bold in front of her superiors reminding her of herself as a young padawan unafraid to voice her opinions against her master the council and even the supreme chancellor she tells him that she knows of one man that could prove an invaluable resource a great military commander with a vast knowledge of the outer rim he could assist us in finding a base the spectres would be tasked with finding ahsoka's old friend and to help them she gives the crew the head of an old separatist tactical droid these droids were great at finding things calculating and she explains why she will not be joining them the sith lord there are questions questions that need answering as they depart she turns to her fellow survivor of order 66 and tells kanan that he needs to trust this man kanan and ezra wonder why that had to be stressed but they make their way to the desert world of celos as they get closer the droid picks up on a repeating signal and ezra spots something on the horizon pulling up over it they see that this is an old republic tank kanan grows nervous and as they depart he tells his padawan to stay on guard when old men come walking out zeb is unimpressed and as soon as ezra mentions the number 7567 their leader says that was his birth number kanan instantly knows these must be clones activating his lightsaber at the sight of jedi killing troopers jedi they've come for revenge wolfe is having a hard time snapping out of it but rex is able to talk him and gregor down and when ezra says it was ahsoka who sent them the old captain is happy to call them friends asuka i fought by her side from the battle of christophsis to the siege of mandalore and a friend of hers is a friend of mine he says that after the war was over the empire put him and his clone brothers on increasingly more meaningless duty eventually reduced to traveling around and assessing old cis and republic military sites as well as obscure worlds on the fringes of the empire this was a sad end to his heroic service but the list he compiled would now help the nascent rebellion find a suitable base he agrees to help give them over but when sabine goes to download them she sees that this terminal had sent a message out to the empire she storms back to confirm kanan's fears that the clones had set them up still loyal to the empire but rex is genuinely confused denying this though noticing that wolf is suspiciously quiet and we learned why it was that ahsoka had lost contact with rex wolf what did you do i i contacted the empire they were interrupted by a probe droid and though it would be taken out by a perfect shot from rex's trusty dc-15 the amps were now on their way the fighting would be tough pitting the older att and clone troopers against atats and stormtroopers but these old vets still had spirit and were fine with going out with a bang while they rushed at the legs of one atat and fired on the second it was a gallant effort but rex was resigned to his fate until he saw the specters come flying out of the back of their transport landing on the imperial walker and blasting away at its ally giving rex the next shot that would bring the atat crashing down the imperials would flee while rex had decided to join kanan and head over to the rebel fleet after just finding out that her old master had become consumed by the dark side of the force she would find that at least her old captain was doing great you got old had to happen sometime rex one of the first places they searched from rex's list is a derelict republic medical station here they would be ambushed by the seventh sister and fifth brother who after a long fight were able to capture ezra and sabine and we see that catching skywalker's old padawan is their prime objective the jedi of old are dead not all of them we know about ahokitano zed would be able to save the day by using the phantom to fire on the inquisitors though they tried to pull the ship back by calling on the force sabine's blasters were able to break their concentration once back on the ship everyone's confused how they could know that ahsoka was alive let alone that she was aiding the rebels there were no leaks she was always in code it could have only come from the connection through the force with darth vader later we would see these same two inquisitors boarding a civilian transport killing the passengers and stripping a child from her grandmother back with the spectres we see that ahsoka was paying them a visit what i have to say is jedi business then i guess i qualify you qualify more than i do she says that ever since the run-in with darth vader she has been monitoring his outgoing and incoming transmissions she isn't sure what they were planning exactly but knows that the inquisitors are not just hunting down rebels but also some civilians to investigate further she gives one set of coordinates to kanan while she goes to look into the other they land on tacobo and track the coordinates down to a housing complex in the city meanwhile using a rebel a-wing ahsoka is able to find the passenger ship that was just attacked once she boards she sees the hallways are scarred by lightsabers and spots a single survivor who explains why she thinks these red blade wielding monsters kidnapped her the red blades they knew that she has it while the spectre spread out to search the buildings zeb and chopper find an inquisitor tie on a landing pad nobody was around so they got closer to investigate and hear the cries of a child coming from inside they would set the baby free and trusting her to chop her while kanan and ezra had found a mother that was saying she was attacked by a pair with red sabers as well but she got the infant away by sending him off with the droid zed would also find this child but the inquisitors were on his tail chasing him through the streets and into one of the large buildings meeting up with the jedi they're able to race through the structure and jump to the street below landing on a speeder and leading the inquisitors away from ezra and chopper the door to the spaceport would be locked down cutting off their escape and allowing these inquisitors to show off how well they fought together their unique saber design and fight style proved too much for kanan and their powers in the force are greater than ezra's as the battle seems like it will come to a quick end the doors to the landing pad opened out of the blinding light emerges ahsoka her dual white blades ignited and ahsoka tano takes the high ground jumping over the dark pair and raining in blows from above followed by a string of perfectly timed parries dodges and force pushes the brother would be incapacitated first then ahsoka sits calmly on the ground the seventh sister charges her but ahsoka was too skilled at wielding the lightsaber gripping the inquisitor's saber hilt deactivating it and sending her flying into a pole still alive but defeated at tano's feet she demands the inquisitor's surrender but the sister just laughs as she sees hordes of stormtroopers rushing to their location the sister calls her blade to her and ahsoka knows that escape is now her only option calling on the force to power her leap onto a nearby building and then on to the phantom overhead once safely on their way back to the rebel fleet ahsoka tells kanan that she's seen the kidnapping of forced sensitive children before though she never determined what the sith intended they're force sensitive i've seen this before a sith lord attempted the same thing back in the clone wars later the spectres would still be working through rex's list of suitable bases but they keep finding themselves hunted down by the inquisitors so kanan contacts ahsoka to propose a plan and we see that once on board she was watching a recording from kanan's holocron anakin skywalker he was my master kanan said he was the greatest warrior of the jedi had in the clone wars ezra thinks this is so cool that she knew skywalker imagines the adventures they had during the clone wars and asked if she knows what happened to him the last time i saw him he was rushing off to save the chancellor then everything changed kanan proposes that they take the fight to the inquisitors but they're all unsure how to go about this times like these that anakin and i would turn to someone like obi-wan or master yoda they always had the answer well almost always and kanan says that they were able to use the lethal temple to come in contact with yoda before so why not pay to visit again as this location seems to be a nexus in the force a powerful location that could bridge forced users across the galaxy once they land ezra defers to the two older jedi explaining that she needs to stand on this symbol in order to open the temple but she passes it was my choice i left the order it's probably best if you two open it and once inside ahsoka asked how it was that they contacted yoda before and they admit that it was yoda who reached out to them while kanan was in meditation the trio would focus on the force allowing their minds to become one with its will it is unclear if ahsoka pieces this together but the symbol on the circle outside the temple was a symbol of balance used by the ones the beings who dwelled on mortis and like that metaphysical world this temple was one massive test chamber turning the visitors deepest held fears into horrible realistic visions like when ahsoka anakin and obi-wan first landed on mortis and each hear or saw things that no one else experienced kanan was now seeing an illuminated doorway calling to him but no one else was seeing this he figured it must be a vision intended only for him and stepping inside he finds himself in the jedi temple on coruscant inside the lightsaber training dojo with a temple guard conducting the lesson meanwhile ahsoka and ezra are still awaiting their visions and the padawan asked tano more about yoda he was wise kind but when i was young he seemed happier as the clone war dragged on he carried a great burden a deep sorrow she opened her eyes to see that ezra was gone and she feels the presence of her old master you were selfish no her vision playing on her doubts about her decision to leave the jedi order all those years ago you abandoned me you failed me do you know what i've become tears flowed from her eyes as she strikes out toward the voice collapsing to the temple floor as she realizes this was just a vision but it confirmed what she already knew deep down that anakin had fallen to the dark side her beloved master was now the tortured and twisted sith lord so consumed by his anger emanating nothing but pure fear and hatred the man that was the only one to stand up for her in her toughest times had become a cold and evil void in the force ezra was communing with yoda through the force and he explains how the jedi let their fears corrupt them during the clone wars but this lesson was interrupted by inquisitors they were using their sheer will in the dark side to rip this temple open glowing red lines and circling the entryway and we see that once kanan shows his complete faith in the force he is officially united by the guard who takes off his helmet to reveal he was the grand inquisitor before he was corrupted he was once a jedi like canaan a high-ranking temple guard and kanan jairus his real name caleb dune he was only a padawan when the clones killed his master during order 66 and one insecurity was that he was just one padawan teaching another but this vision from the force showed that kanan should be proud of how much he had grown as the temple is collapsing we see ahsoka was recovering from her vision and despite it proving her worst fear she was more certain than ever that she could save anakin there's still a way illusions of temple guards would appear and encircle the inquisitors blinding them with pure light as they make a run for the exit ahsoka detects another presence in the force looking back to see a smiling yoda these two giving each other nods of assurance each having great faith that even in the time of powerful evil the light would be restored once safely away from lothal ezra says that yoda told him that in order to defeat the sith they must find malachor though the young padawan has no clue who this malachor person is malachor isn't a person it's a place and we see that vader would personally arrive to search this ancient jedi site congratulating the inquisitors on their find while they didn't mention the fact that they were stopped by a mere hallucination of jedi temple guards the rebel alliance had been able to finally set up a permanent base on the incredibly remote world of avalon and after the long-fought fight with the local giant spiders ezra was getting some well-earned rest looking up at the sky to see a small green and white bird the full nature of this creature known as mori is not fully understood being at least a servant of the daughter of mortis or the actual incarnation of the daughter ever since she transferred her life over to ahsoka while looking at the bird ahsoka comes into his vision telling them that they have to get ready for their mission to malachor my experience just when you think you understand the force you find out how little you actually know and as they walk away we see the morai was still watching over them ahsoka kanan and ezra would make their approach via the phantom and in transit she would speak with the very concerned rex who urges her to wait that once he finishes some duties with the base he could bring reinforcements even joking that he could order her to listen to him you know i could have ordered you to take me along you don't exactly outrank me anymore when they land the surface appears to be completely barrened except for a few columns sticking out of the ground as a near one ahsoka tries to read the old sit tongue while ezra is called to the pillar once this jedi places his hand on this ancient sith device it descends and the surface begins to shatter sending them tumbling down to an enormous sith complex what is that a sith temple the padawan asks ahsoka what she meant by saying they're here to gain knowledge what kind of knowledge the forbidden kind to defeat your enemy you have to understand them as they make their way toward the main pyramid across an ancient battlefield between the jedi and the sith who were frozen in the moment of their deaths they were ambushed by the seventh sister an explosion sends ezra of falling to an even lower level and after some searching he's approached by a mysterious frail sounding man you seek knowledge the padawan had sense enough not to trust a stranger he met under a sith temple but for now he would have to go along with this being the hooded man saying that the inquisitors were his enemy and that he hated the sith for what they did to him ahsoka and kanan had lost sight of the inquisitor but chopper was able to find their ship a red saber would come spinning at the astromech but he was able to dodge it and then get inside of the tide and take control of it and open fire on the sister when the rebels arrive they're able to take her prisoner though they don't understand why she was on the planet before they even arrived the inquisitor was not tracking them but whomever came in the derelict ship that the rebels had noticed here as well meanwhile deep inside of the temple ezra was able to retrieve the sith holocron the old masters revealed to be maul who urged the boy to trust him and when the padawan leaps down the fallen sith had to call on the force to bring him back to safety relishing the fear in the boy as ezra knew his life was in maul's hands outside the structure we see the fifth and eighth brothers were coming to their sister's rescue followed only seconds by maul's reunion with ahsoka after 16 years ma the shadow and we hear that maul's rejection of the darth title is genuine darth maul lives formally darth now just maul instead of explaining how he was allied against these inquisitors he decides to prove it activating his sabers and joining the lightsiders for this fight the inquisitors knew that combined they were far too much to handle running off to regroup and call in reinforcement ahsoka is not that easily convinced however asking maul what he's getting at mom what game are you playing the end game lady tarnow with more probing maul explains that with the inquisitor's report vader would surely be on his way the one they call vader will be here soon much like his plan back on mandalore in the final moments of the clone wars maul was hoping to use these jedi allies to take down his sith target this time not anakin but the fully corrupted sith lord darth vader maul informs them that they can activate the knowledge of the holocron by placing it at the obelisk on the pyramids peak the one sith has plenty of remarks on the weakness of the jedi order and they are even attacked by one of the inquisitors though this was easily repelled this whole situation makes kanan uneasy with trusting ezra at maul's side but like the time when ahsoka was kidnapped by the transocean sport hunters she knew that this was a test for the master kanan had to know that ezra respected him and his training he'll be fine yeah now you know that because you taught him maul and ezra would be ambushed by the seventh sister while the brothers engaged ahsoka and kanan maul quickly resorts to an old sith technique choking the sister and holding her in midair ordering ezra to strike down this defenseless opponent using the anger of battle to make him act against his jedi teaching but the boy passed his first temptation maul kills her helps him kill the rest of the inquisitors blind's kanan tells ahsoka that ezra is his apprentice and that they are activating a giant battle station maul rants but ahsoka stays focused on her saber skills and while kanan gets his revenge on maul ahsoka scales the pyramid to save ezra the ancient sith voice tells the padawan that this device had the power to end life though it is not certain what this means it's obvious that this power cannot fall into the hands of the empire and the voice says that if ezra will not use his battle station perhaps he that approaches will from the opening the padawan sees darth vader descending from his tie advance he moved closer and ignited his lightsaber i don't fear you then you will die braver than most with a few slashes ezra's blade was destroyed and key knocked to the ground helpless before the sith lord ahsoka would save the padawan's life allowing the boy to scurry away while she moved to face his ghoul who had haunted her mind for years now it was foretold that you would be here our long-awaited meeting has come at last i'm glad i gave you something to look forward to she thought she was certain that this was her beloved anakin but when she felt this intense darkness in person she doubted this conclusion i was beginning to believe i knew who you were behind that mask anakin skywalker was weak i destroyed him when she states she will get revenge for anakin vader tries to challenge this very unjedi-like statement revenge is not the jedi way i am no jedi ahsoka full-on sprints at the sith an incredibly aggressive flurry of jumps strikes kicks and force pushes that take all of vader's skills to counter the dual white blades bashing against the single crimson blade of the dark lord the fight leads them away from the obelisk allowing the jedi to remove the holocron breaking the process and setting off a chain reaction that was destroying the entire complex vader had been able to force push ahsoka off the edge but as he was pulling ezra and the sith holocron towards him ahsoka races towards vader screaming as she swung her blades at the dark lord's head vader was quick to intercept and the sabers save his life but his helmet was cut through though just the sliver of his eye and face were revealed the way he spoke her name confirmed that she was right i won't leave you not this time somehow this was her master and with her promise which addressed one of anakin's most painful memories her old master pauses for a moment perhaps deciding if he could ever return to the man he once was but ultimately the dark side retakes control then you will die the jedi would try to help her but she aimed to contain them both in the temple explosion force pushing her rebel allies back as the pyramid cap closed to separate them the spectres would race away on the phantom as the entire pyramid was consumed in an enormous ball of energy on the flight back ezra and kanan were devastated at the sudden loss of their friend and mentor when he returns to chopper base the padawan looks at rex and sees he had already received the news hanging his head low at the loss of the little one while back on malachor we see that the morai watches as vader staggers away damaged but not dead and the bird soars down into the temple we see a cryptic vision of ahsoka walking through one of the hallways deep below this temple this little bird perhaps the daughter herself would never turn her back on ahsoka now just two years before the battle of yavin the rebels had grown into a fully formed alliance magnitude stronger than they were fulfilling the vision ahsoka and vale organa had been working toward for over a decade while the spectres prepared for a battle to liberate ezra's homeworld of lothal the padawan and sabine discovered palpatine's true interest on this obscure world an excavation team had discovered a curious and ancient mural they find blocks that appear to be removed from an ancient site similar to the deepest parts of the jedi temple on this world minister varus haydn was the type of imperial that most would have never seen one tasked specifically by the emperor to investigate sites that may increase the dark lord's power over the force when the minister makes his report he notes that the only thing this is similar to is an obscure story from some jedi during the war the symbols and iconography are reminiscent of a report i discovered in the jedi archives the mortise guards and when ezra had to beam get closer he knows that the only thing that looks familiar is the bird well i've seen a bird like that before whenever ahsoka visited us on avalon it was always nearby after some time and some application of the light side of the force he sees a mural come to life the ones pointing to the doorway that is opened up by the loth wolf with sabine captured the entire base went on high alert as ezra was trying to figure out what to do with the incredibly hallucinogenic experience when the minister calls it the gateway sabine yells for him to go through it placing his full faith in the force ezra leaps into the unknown he would erupt into the same endless space of stars hearing voices from the past present and future all as one in this world between worlds this was the same place ezra was slipping into when speaking with yoda in the lethal jedi temple after some wandering aimlessly across the walkways that led to countless doorways he's drawn to the sound of an owl [Music] he never would have made it you might think it is mine hey i've seen you before yeah whenever ahsoka is around you are always close by and the portal begins to glow eventually showing us that it is connected to the sith temple on malachor looking back through time we see how intense the fight between ahsoka and her old master had become that she had plunged her blades into the pyramid floor shattering it but just as vader was about to strike down the former padawan ezra reaches through the portal to pull her into the world between worlds and vader falls through the surface perhaps landing on some deeper part of the temple complex which saved him from the blast we must conclude that ahsoka new vader would strike her down here but only cared that by sending him falling to a lower level she could save her old master whom she knew to be the chosen one that would return balance to the force but in this realm of the cosmic force ahsoka's utterly confused what happened where am i you were fighting vader she looks up to see her trusty companion again looking over her morai she's an old friend i owe her my life as they walk around this mysterious place she asks ezra how he discovered this place when she learns it was initiated by a wolf that spoke his master's true name she explains that this may be how kanan is finding a way to help his padawan even after death perhaps kanan's will is still at work through the wolf how could that be well kanan is part of the cosmic force now but what ezra gets from this is that kanan was trying to show ezra a way to save him i can change things i can stop kanan from dying and though she would not know it ahsoka ends up having to talk ezra out of the very same dream that led her master to the dark side he says he cannot give up the chance to save kanan that he could use the portal to simply pull him to safety like he just did with ahsoga but she warns him that this isn't that simple kanan died holding back a blast that would have consumed all of the other specters including ezra as impossible as it seems the padawan must give up this chance to save his master if he's taken out of this moment you all die you don't understand what you're asking me to do yes i do you can't save your master and i can't save mine instead he's forced to re-watch kanan's final moments ahsoka explains what this is supposed to teach ezra kanan found the moment when he was needed most and he did what he had to do for everyone they turn away from the portal and ezra states how happy everyone will be to see ahsoka again but she states that she cannot go and from another portal they hear the cackle of the lord of darkness notice that morai is also reacting to the presence of the sith that embodies the dark side the sugar mine at last similar to the ritual we saw sidious perform with count dooku he speaks in some ancient language and he's able to blast blue flames through the portal ahsoka would need ezra's help to contain this infernal of the dark side magic and one city is positive for another attack they make a run for it but as they split up ahsoka makes a promise to ezra when you get back come and find me i will i promise he would return to the lethal portal and we see the flames were actually destroying the bridges between worlds ahsoka would run back to malachor knowing there was still much to learn there and when she recovers she walks through the same doorway that we caught a glimpse of after the fight with vader with the help of the spectres ezra would be able to seal the portal the trio of the ones animating and receding while the father brings the entire structure down but hera discovers something even stranger they follow the wolf that ahsoka believed to be guided by canaan's spirit ezra fainted after closing the portal but awakens to find that they had traveled to the jedi temple in astonishment they look over a flat plain not a trace of the lothal temple remains as if removed from this timeline this structure having something to do with the portal to the world between worlds as ezra was able to slip into the cosmic force plane when speaking to yoda that whole structure completely vanished but the only thing remaining is a mortise symbol of balance the circle on the ground that the jedi used to enter and which was only seen in the jedi temple on ilum and in the cosmic force planet of mortis where the ones resided the spectres would go on to free lethal being the first world to throw off a major imperial presence though in the fight they would lose ezra who disappeared with grand admiral thrawn when pergol pulled his star destroyer into hyperspace after the imperial complex was destroyed the spectres discover ezra's pre-recorded message explaining why he took this option and reminds sabine of what he last said to her don't forget right i'm counting on you but for what years later after the battle of endor and the collapse of the empire sabine would realize that ezra wasn't just counting on her to protect lethal he somehow knew ahsoka would come to sabine recruiting her to come find him ahsoka appears as if she has spent this time studying the deepest mysteries of the force the little one that was once so reckless and aggressive when she became a padawan at 14 is now a 40 years old one of the most calm focused and wise force users to have ever lived she spent decades studying the light and the dark was restored to life by the daughter who embodied the light itself and had traversed the world between worlds ahsoka was right in trusting anakin as she knew after her vision in the jedi temple and as anakin said on mortis when he was trying to save ahsoka's life there was always hope there is no hope yes there is there's always hope there's still a way she would learn that her beloved master returned to destroy the emperor the embodiment of the dark side and fulfill his destiny by bringing balance to the force but now she would take sabine aboard an old republic t6 shuttle as they depart on the next adventure soon we will learn more of ahsoka's journey but for now we will have to pause be sure to subscribe to see more videos like this and so you don't miss the eventual conclusion to ahsoka's story if you want to connect with us on social media find ways to support this channel for free pick up cool star wars books and merch or check out our patreon or paypal be sure to check out the links in the description below special shout outs to our patreons especially our 25 tier chris garcia cass costello carlos velez and c7 go but most important of all remember there's always hope and the force will be with you always thank you guys for uh being patient with us this took a really long time and we had to coordinate a lot and it's been kind of crazy but i appreciate it this is the first documentary series we do with my voice it's been crazy thank y'all peace [Music] you
Channel: MetaNerdz Lore
Views: 1,023,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ahsoka, ahsoka tano, ahsoka vs darth vader, ahsoka vs maul, complete life of, complete life of rex, complete life of captain rex, star wars complete, star wars complete timeline, star wars complete saga, star wars complete history, star wars lore, ahsoka tano montage, ahsoka tano life, ahsoka tano clone wars, clone wars, ahsoka tano rebels, ahsoka tano history, ahsoka clone wars, ahsoka clone wars season 7, ahsoka clone wars ending, who is ahsoka
Id: 9bqIatt0z0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 6sec (5046 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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