Aging and Angry Spirits | Long Island Medium

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[Music] one question I get a lot is does spirit age and again my own experience I've had souls that will come forward and they'll say tell my mom how big I am your daughter is validating because she keeps showing me that she's grown up that her soul has grown because she says please tell my mommy how big I am and she stood next to you and through the course of channeling we'll find out that maybe the child died at a young age and now they'll show me them them like twelve years old the age that they would be here in the physical world and your great grandmother is departed is that correct she actually stepped forward and said I have your most precious gift but then she just placed her in your arms so I would have to say yes spirit does grow validating that your daughter even have to be 19 days old she is still with you [Music] people asked me we'll do you ever Channel negative energy I mean of course I get negative things because unfortunately people pass in a negative way was there a lot of tragedy in your family one right after another yes oh let's face it if someone passes in a tragedy or negative somebody was murdered I mean that's horrible and what's with the head was there something was there a shot to the head shot to the head correct okay because I felt a right to the head I kind of have rules that I've set up with my spirit guide spirit guides or energies that are assigned to our souls that walk through all of our lifetimes with us here in the physical world when I'm here tonight to do is to validate for you that your loved ones are still with you and that they're safe in a peace before every reading I put out my rules or intentions of what I would like to be given during the session I only ask for good things so if you feel the spirit brings up or talks about something negative it is to help you or to be prevented because that's the only way that we want to know about something negative is if it can help us I used to always see people standing there and that's very frightening so I said one day to my spirit guides I don't want to see them like that I want to feel them or so now I see shadows and I feel the emotional bonds
Channel: TLC
Views: 1,796,334
Rating: 4.8226452 out of 5
Keywords: Aging, and, Angry, Spirits, Mediumship, Long Island, Drama, Ghost, Ghosts, Scary, Haunted
Id: 6d-9mGN4lu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2011
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