After Effects Tutorial: Particles Logo & Text Animation | Simple Way - No Plugin

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[Music] hey what's up guys my name is wasi and welcome to my brand new After Effects tutorial in this tutorial we are going to create really amazing particle logo animation so let's see what we will create today this video is sponsored by mixkit mixkit is a free website for online video creators you will find here tons of free asset like stock video stock music sound effects video templates and lots more all asset are 100% copyright free and no attributes and sign up request where to use or download mixkit asset click the link in the description box to visit mixkit and download your free asset today if you want more tutorials like this then please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel okay so let's get started okay so first create a new composition let's call it logo animation and I'm going with 1920 1080p frame rate 24 and duration 7 second long then click on okay now import our project files you can download these project files from Link in the description box now select our logo then place it into this timeline now make this layer smaller a little bit and place it [Music] here now right click to PR compose select moile attributes and rename it to logo then click on okay now create a new solid layer so right click new then click on solid and rename it to noise then click on okay now go to effect and pet window and search for fractal noise now select this effect apply onto this uh noise layer now contrast set it 2,000 brightness uh set it minus 700 and then go to beginning of this animation then set a key frame on brightness and then go to around 4 second um 4 second five frames and brightness set it [Music] 680 okay now select this logo layer then track mat set it noise and click here switch to Luma mat okay now select this two layer then right click then choose precompose select move all attributes and rename it to main then click on okay now again create a solid layer rename it to texture add fractal noise on it and um contrast set it 500 and then go to transform and scale value set it 14 then go to beginning of this animation then set a key frame on brightness and set it value to 24 then go to around 5 seconds and brightness value set to minus 250 okay now right click choose precompose and select mobile attributes rename it to texture then click on okay now turn off visibility of this layer now go to effect and reset Window search for um set channel then select this effect and apply on to this main [Music] layer Source layer one set it texture and then green to Source set it lightness okay now add CC Ball [Music] action then set it twist property set it red twist angle set it minus 180 grd spacing set it zero ball size set it 2 to0 select this layer then right click then go to transform and click on flip vertical now move it on [Music] Center [Music] okay now add [Music] tint you can choose any color you [Music] want now add glow glow thr C 90 radius C 33 Okay go to Project window and create a new composition uh let's call it reflection then click on okay [Music] now go to Project window and select this logo comp and place it into this timeline and move it on Center then right click choose precompose select mobile attributes and rename it to logo Center then click on okay now select our llection map layer then place it into this timeline then change the layer track map to logo Center then add CC uh [Music] glass go to surface bump map set it logo center soft set it 50 height set it 100 displacement set it Min - 160 then add CC [Applause] globiz then go to blob and blob layer set it logo Center and softness set it uh eight but I always set it 15 okay now go to Project window and select our logo Center comp then place it into this timeline now select this reflection map layer then change the layer mode to [Music] screen perfect now go to logo animation then select our reflection comp and place it into this timeline now select this two layer and make them 3D by clicking here now align [Music] it perfect now go to around 3 second 12 frames then select this reflection comp and drag it here then press T then set a key frame on opacity set it zero again go forward few frames and opacity value set at 100 now select this main layer then press T and set a key frame on opacity and go forward few frames and opacity valocity zero [Music] perfect now create a n object now select this two layer and parent it to n one make this n object 3D by clicking here now press P then uh set a key frame on position then go to beginning of this animation and Z value set it Min -15 stop 0 now select this two key frame then press F9 and open graph editor and simply change the graph curve to something like [Music] that looks good to me okay now add um light [Music] LS okay let's stream the layer by holding control shift and [Music] D now select this layer and change the layer mode to [Music] screen okay now add a text so right click new then click on text type your text here make it smaller now press p hold down shift then press T now select key frame on opacity and position now go backward few frames then opacity value seted zero and change the position something around here now select these key frames and press F9 then open graph editor and simply change the graph curve to something like [Music] that looks good to me okay let's uh create a adjustment layer let's add [Music] sharpen set the value to 10 and then add CC Force motion blur and that's it our animation is complete press zero to ramp view this [Music] thank you very much for watching this tutorial have a great day and I will see you in the next video till then peace [Music] out [Music]
Channel: FLIMLION VisualFX
Views: 21,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, particles text effects, after effect tutorial text animation, particles, particle text animation, particles effects, text animation in after effects, after effects particle logo, after effects particle, particle logo animation, particle intro after effects, particle tutorial, after effects, trapcode particular, animation, logo, effects, tutorial, after effect, adobe after effects tutorial, flimlion visualfx, logo animation in after effects, logo animation
Id: S2aDDtFzcAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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