After Effects Tutorial: Particles Logo & Text Animation | Simple Way [2024]

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[Music] hey what's up guys this is wasi from flamand and welcome to my brand new After Effects tutorial in this tutorial we are going to create really amazing particle L animation inside of AD after effect so let's see what we will create today if you are new to this channel hit the Subscribe button for more amazing content and don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoy this video okay so let's get started okay so first create a new compostion let's call it logo animation and as always I'm going with 90 20 108p from 30 duration 10 second then hit okay now import our logo you can also use text now select our logo then place it into this timeline then press s and make your logo bigger like this then uh right click then choose precompose then select mobile attributes and rename it to logo then hit okay now press s and decrease the size like this then right click recompose select mobile attributes and rename it to logo particles then hit okay now go to effect and preset window and search for cc Ball action now select this effect and apply onto this layer now uh ball size set it 70 and grid spacing set it four now go to beginning of this animation set a key frame on scatter and Scatter value set it minus 1024 then go to around 1 seconds then scatter value set it - 3 55 then go to around 1 second 24 frames then scatter Val set it uh - 300 and then go to around 3 seconds set it zero now press U on your keyboard now select all key frames then right click then click on Easy E then open graph editor then select this point then double click on it then click on this uh option then click on okay now change the graph gra to something like this [Music] perfect okay now twist property seted rectangular and then set a key frame on rotation and twist angle rotation value set it Min - 79 and twist angle set it 38 then go to around 3 seconds then rotation set it zero and twist angle set it zero then press U on your keyboard select this key frames open then right click then click on is is then open graph editor and then change the graph curve to like [Music] this perfect okay now create a new camera so right click new then click on camera then hit okay now create a new object so right click new then click on new object and make this nde object 3D by clicking here now select this camera one then pain it to n one now go to beginning of this animation and um press r on your keyboard set a key frame on Z rotation and Z rotation value set it 276 then go to around 3 seconds then rotation value set it zero now again go to beginning of this animation now press P set a key frame on position increase the Z value like this then go to around 3 seconds and Z value amount set zero now press you on your keyboard select this key frames right click easy EAS open graph editor and then simply change the graph Cur to something like this perfect okay let's add Eco on this layer and Eco time set it minus 0 .2 number of EOS set it 20 and DEC set it 77 and Eco operator set it maximum now you can see a nice motion blur okay now add deep glow okay now um exposer set it 4 then go to input and increase the threshold amount like 39 let's ramp view this looks good to me let's add brightness and [Music] contrast increase the brightness little bit and increase the contrast as well okay now go to Project window and create another composition let's call it glossy logo then hit okay now select our logo then place it into this timeline now uh import our reflection map you can download these files from Link in the description box below now select this reflection map layer and place it into this timeline now change this layer track M to our logo layer like this now add CC glass on it now go to surface then bump map set it logo and then softness set it 50 height set it 100 and displacement set it minus 160 now add CC [Music] bobiz then open blob blob layer set it logo then softness set it 10 cut hour set5 perfect now go to Project window and select our logo comp then place it into this timeline now select this reflection layer then chck change the layer blending mode to screen like this now go to around 3 seconds then press t on your keyboard set a key frame on oppacity then go to around 4 seconds and oppacity value set it zero okay let's ramp the vi [Music] this looks good to me now go to logo animation comp then select our glossy logo comp then place it into this timeline then press s and make it smaller and align it perfect now select this layer then uh move this layer forward like this now go to toolbar and select ellipse tool then create a mask like this then go to Mark properties then set a key frame on Max path go forward few frames then double click on this Max path then increase this path like this [Music] and increase the feather amount [Music] [Music] okay looks good to me now select this logo particles layer then press T set a key frame on opacity go forward few frames then opacity value set it zero [Music] perfect let's exess the key frame okay let's import our shock wbes you can download this files from inv elements okay now select this uh shop uh seven layer then place it into this timeline and simply change the layer mod to add now right click go to time and click on time reverse layer okay let's trim this layer [Music] and adjust the timing a little bit like this now uh select our shock web uh layer one then place it into this timeline let's stream this layer like this and change the layer mode to add and ex the position like [Music] this select this layer and make it smaller a little bit like [Music] this look good to me okay now create a text so right click new then click on text let's type your text [Music] [Music] here now create a new object so right click new then click on N object now select this uh glossy logo and then this text layer then pain it to n 2 now go to around here then select this n layer then press s set a key frame on scale then go to end of this uh animation and increase the scale value like this now select our text layer then press T set a key frame on opacity value set it zero go forward few frames and value set it 100% okay looks good to me let's create a adjustment layer now add sharpen on it sharpen amount C 10 then add [Music] noise and amount of noise set it five okay our animation is complete let's try and viw this [Music] looks good to me if you want to change the logo then simply go to Project window then select this logo comp then double click on this comp then import your new logo like this then simply drag it into this timeline turn off this first logo and then simply go to our main composition [Music] and here you go and you can change the text as well select the text double click then simply add your text here so yes our animation is complete that's it for today's video I hope you like this tutorial if you have any questions then do let me know in the comment and don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe my channel and I will see you in the next video till then stay safe peace out [Music]
Channel: FLIMLION VisualFX
Views: 3,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects tutorial, particles text effects, after effect tutorial text animation, particles, particle text animation, particles effects, text animation in after effects, after effects particle logo, after effects particle, particle logo animation, particle intro after effects, particle tutorial, after effects, trapcode particular, animation, logo, effects, tutorial, after effect, adobe after effects tutorial, flimlion visualfx, logo animation in after effects, logo animation
Id: hvG3RxdZJP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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