After Effects Tutorial - Historic Photo Video Slideshow Animation in After Effects

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hey guys what's up I am Nick Hill from do promotions calm and welcome back to a brand new After Effects tutorial very first tutorial of 2020 I hope you have agree 2020 so in this tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to create a historic slideshow animation inside of After Effects without using any plugins just hundred-person After Effects and a few images and you know tips and techniques and a lot of different things so this tutorial is gonna be a bit long here 2025 minutes I don't know but it's gonna be super super useful so make sure you stay tuned throughout the video so you learn something new today so that said let's jump into After Effects and get started now before we begin with this tutorial I would like to take a minute and introduce you guys to my very own case graphics pack which contains over 2,000 plus ready to use animations plus it comes with animation studio which is a free extension for After Effects making the pack super easy to use the pack contains 18 different animation categories and 250 plus sound effects making it all in one graphics pack to know more about this patch check out the link in the description below with that said let's get back to After Effects and get started alright guys here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition just like we always like to do call this main keeping them capital fixing my OCD enemies 1920 into 1080 25 FPS 10 seconds long let's keep the background color black as well so here we have our main calm let's create one more composition which is gonna be our media placeholder where we can drag and drop in any image or video whatever that we want to use with this project so placeholder hit OK let's create one more composition this is gonna be our media in anime chin comp again gonna fix my OCD with cap but keeping them Capital Media Inc okay and then go into the media placeholder comp I have few images that we will be using for this complete animation and by the way you can download the complete project file including all the assets from the link in the description below so yeah here we have the image this is an image that I just got from the where you can download free images to use in your projects if in case if you didn't know that so yeah that looks good let's go into the media in composition and drag and drop in the media placeholder just like that now if I go into my video folder your I have two ink footages so if I just preview this you can see we have this really nice footages that we will be using for this animation so I can just drag and drop them just like that and then go into effects and preset and type in in word double click so now we have the opposite of the colors that we had and then I can also just sharpen this a bit so let's add a sharpen double click to apply that up may make this 15% and finally I will add some curves adjustment to this just to you know make the completing a bit compact and by that what I mean is I'll just you know create a curve like that just pull this one just a bit up so we don't have any kind of smooshy edges so we have a very you know strong and solid edge just like that now if I select the media placeholder and chain the track matte to luma matte you can see we have this really nice animation now if you don't see this track mark option you can hit f4 on the keyboard to reveal that option so there you go there you have it maybe I'll place this one right over your and I can simply just select this hit ctrl D to duplicate it let's move this let's actually crop this by maybe one second so let's go to one second select this and just crop that up and move this one right over here let's put this just like that and then hold alt and select the second in to hold alt and just drag-and-drop it so it's gonna basically replace that so now we have two ink footages so force hits and then the second hit right over here maybe I need to move this a bit so you can see the first set and the second hit that is looking pretty good let's select the ink footages and maybe I'll move them a bit into the center and there we have a nice ink animation maybe I'll move this up it just like that locating pretty cool now let's go back into our main comp and drag and drop in the media ink composition and there you have your animation but we don't have a nice background to showcase it so let's create a very cool background so I'll hide this for now go into images and let's use the paper texture first of all as a background and you can scale that down if you want to but I like to give it somewhere around there and going to fix and preset n type intent so we can add a different color to this swap the colors and let's make this a nice darker gray just like so hit OK now let's drag in the map that we have let's try and drop it like so let's copy the tint from your hit ctrl-c ctrl-v and as you can see we have this really nice 10 maybe I'll make it a bit more greyish and this one a bit more like a lighter gray then what I can do is select this select the ellipse tool and just double click and let's feather that up create a really deny look also we can you know scale that down and let's increase the feather actually also we can go into the expansion and play around with that to get the desired look and I think this is looking pretty do data as of now maybe increase the feather to 600 and yeah I think that is looking pretty good maybe make this a bit more taco just a touch also the background as well so let's select this and made a bit darker so as you can see if I had control shift edge to hide all the layers layer control you can see we get this really nice look let's set this to full so we can see it more accurately okay so that is looking great let's turn on the media ink as well on top of that as you can see now I can just simply duplicate this so hit control D duplicate it select the second one hit s and scale that up a bit just like so and let's copy the tin from you hit control C paste it on the second one hit control V and let's make this white swap the colors so we get a really nice black and white look at the background maybe displace this maybe around 10 frames should be good so we have the black and white and then the color maybe I can you know change the color of the map because I think it's getting a bit more blended so let's made a bit more darker gray and also scale that up a bit you know something like that just touch okay so that is looking perfect but you know it's not looking that great the animation is pretty simple so what we gonna do is create a new camera so it's gonna be a 50 millimeter camera hit okay so it's gonna say that the camera and lights do not affect the 2d layers so we need to convert all the layers in the 3d so hit f4 and turn on the 3d option for all the layers also I'm gonna add a nice grunge on this you know hit f4 and said this to soft light you can do this later but I just want to do this right now play around with that adding some really nice and old field to this okay so now what I can do is let's select all the layers hit P and we can position them into 3d space and also achieve a little bit of parallax between the elements now before that let's actually create a new null object and create a camera controller so let's call this C control for cam control make it actually align this first of all into the center and make it 3d let's click right here go into columns and add a parent and link option and parent the camera to the null object so now we can easily you know animate the camera using the null so first of all all we have to do is animate the position basically so let's go at the very beginning create a keyframe go to 6 seconds now I want to keep my slideshow animation just only about 5 seconds so I'm gonna keep the animation so on so I'm going to keep the camera animation to 6 seconds if you want to keep your slideshow around 10 seconds then make the camera animation 11 seconds I don't know why I'd do that but I just like to have some breathing space for that keyframe so I'll go right over you at six seconds and let's set this to 500 so now we have a nice and simple scale animation not scale basically a zoom animation hit ctrl shift H again to hide the control layers and now we can start you know placing our object into 3d space to achieve that nice parallax first of all let's hide out everything so I'll just ctrl a and you to close them up let's change this to yellow or red something like that okay let's hide all of this and let's start from the paper I'm gonna set this position really nice and back to around maybe 1500 and you could hit s and scale the paper up then select a map hit peace at this - maybe 1300 and scale that up then select a media inc but both of these hit P and said this to around maybe 600 let's see if we get a nice parallax I think we need to keep it at 500 okay there is a little bit of parallax now we can go ahead actually Oh first of all let's turn on the grunge hit P make it 3d and so the position around 200 so we really nice look as you can see okay now let's go into our images and you're a half old paper image that we will be using to create the reveal animation so let's drag and drop that just like that let's position it into the place that we want also I can just simply copies the tin from you so hit control C control we make it 3d hit R and rotate this a bit just like so hit s actually at P and position this really close to the camera maybe something like minus 600 or something oh let's keep it - 1000 and then hit s and scale that down you place it into the position that we want something like that hit ctrl D and now I can place the duplicate right here so now we can see a little bit more power lags between this so if I just place them no something like that you will be able to see a nice parallax but obviously we need to change the colors or fix this so I'm gonna make this a bit more darker copy the 10 hit ctrl C and paste it on the second paper as well alright and also I'll increase the scale of the another scale actually with the position of the ink reviews let's make it something like that okay that is looking good now let's go to 4 seconds and place the papers where we want it to be so something like this and for this one I'll keep it somewhere on there okay so select them both hit P and create a keyframe on the position go back at the very beginning and actually select one of this sand is bring them really nice and close so that it overlaps one on top or further also I'm gonna scale this a bit let's see what we have okay so that is looking pretty good maybe I want the ink reveal to start a bit later in time so I can just move them on one second no see that is looking pretty great so let's close them up let's see like the papers hit you so we can see just the keyframes select them hit f9 to easy ease those keyframes go into the graph editor select this point and drag in to the left just like that also make sure you're walking in the Edit speed graph and let's see the animation so far yep that is actually looking very nice maybe I'll go right here and just play around with the position smooth them a bit just like so that is looking great now let's add some particles so I can go into the video and I can drop some particles on this make them 3d as well hit f4 chain the blending mode to screen so we can see them and bring down the opacity to around 20% so we have some nice particles in the background now let's create a new adjustment layer called this cc for color correction and select that go into effects and preset and type in sharpen let's give it a sharpen off 20% that is looking great also I can add some curves adjustment on this you know just to punch up the colors a little and finally I will add a photo filter on this to give it an old look you can see a warm filter adds a nice you know old for me tone to this you can of cause increase that depending on the look you want to go for but I think 20% is good enough or let's go over 28 so that is great as you can see before and after a lot of difference now the last thing that we need to add is a title to our animation so let's create a new composition call this title here okay hit ctrl key and change background color to a bit more different color because I will be using black color for the text bars so let's select the text tool and for the font I will be using urania I hope that is how it's pronounced really good phone for this kind of look and call this type is something like the example let me make it small hit ctrl D there you go let's select the rectangular tool and create shapes from that put this at the back so there you have your shape let's select the shape and the text I'll then align them properly just like so you can see a shape layer hit you two times unlink this and you easily change the size of that that is looking great let's hit control D again hit you two times and let's increase the size and let's place this right over here make sure title is a bit more smaller just like that now let's go into effects and preset and type in typewriter effect it's a free built-in animation effect that comes with After Effects all I have to do is drag and drop it just like that and there we have our typewriter effect I can hit you and just bring the keyframes a bit closer and that is all I have to do with the second one as well you bring that keyframe right over your this one right over you so we have a really nice animation let's also animate the bars that we have so I'm gonna select this and we can animate this you can place the anchor point in the center and if you don't have the move anchor point script you can simply hold ctrl and double-click on the Pan behind tool so it's going to move the anchor point into the center hit s create a keyframe make sure to unlink this go back and set this to zero select the keyframes at f9 go into the graph editor and tweak them just like that so we have this really nice animation but what I want is I want the scaling to happen from the left to the right so to do that we will need Anchor Point tool but if you don't have the move Anchor Point tool what you can do is select the layer sit down on the snapping and then select the Pan behind tool and snap this to the left just like that and now we should have something like done I can move the text a bit forward in time that is looking good let's select the unleash and the force text let's place it right here and then I can just simply hit control D to duplicate this type in a EUR that I want an increase the size also we don't want the animation typewriter animation so I can simply delete the animator and also make this a bit more gray same for the other text as well and simply plays this turn on the stern of the snapping that is looking cool let's animate that as well so select this @p and create a keyframe on the position hit T create a keyframe on the opacity hit you so we can see both the keyframes go back in time let's move this down and set this to zero select this head f9 go into the graph editor and pull this just like that so we have this freely nice and simple title animation as you can see me move the keyframes a bit and let's go back into the main comp drag and drop in the title make it 3d so hit f4 make it 3d head P and let's say this is really close to the camera and bring down the scaling so this really nice animation let's @p actually and let's bring that even closer now I want the title to start after the opening of the paper so I can just move put this back and there you go you have your very cool-looking historic slideshow in After Effects using some very simple technique so that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you want to download the free project file the link will be into the description also make sure to follow me on instagram at dope motions we are about to reach 25,000 followers on instagram and i am posting like every single day from now so make sure to check it out a lot of work is going behind creating some amazing content on instagram as well so yeah it's gonna be fun and yeah i'll see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 92,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, video slideshow after effects, old photo slideshow, photo slideshow after effects, historic slideshow, after effects cc, after effects 2018, after effects cs6, after effects cs6 tutorial, dope motions, after effects animation, after effects template, slideshow after effects, after effect tutorial, slideshow, after effect slideshow, parallax slideshow effect after effects, picture gallery, adobe after effects, visual effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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