3D Picture Gallery Slideshow in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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holdin close call in time lettin moon slowly take over our name this card's never been clearer than their a little lights float around I mean Firefly that never touch the ground see you're free today I'm going to show you guys how to create a 3d photo gallery inside of After Effects without using any third party plugins this is gonna be very easy very simple even if you are very new to After Effects still you can create this using this really simple steps I am Nikhil from doop motions and without any further ado let's get started [Music] alright so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'll call this media where we can drag and drop in our pitches photos or videos whatever that you want I'm going to call this media a 1 for the width and height I'll keep it 800 by 800 pixels 30fps and 1 minute long should be good hit OK now what I'm going to do is select the rectangular tool make sure the stroke is set to 30 pixels and make sure the comp is selected double-click on the rectangle tool to create a shape just like that now to add some details what I can do is I can select the text tool and I add in some text so I'll type in something like photo frame for the font I'll go with an X black should be good and bring down the size really really small just like so maybe increase the spacing a bit and set this to block I place it somewhere around there maybe around 12 pixels okay that looks good maybe I said this - next up bold that looks much better so I'll place it somewhere on there looks good to me let's hit control D to duplicate it and pull this at the bottom and I'm gonna call this maybe I'll add some timing so I can add zero zero and I'll place this one hit ctrl D to duplicate it and drag it holding shift so we can keep it right here and I'll select this one and I I can type in maybe play just some random details that would look good with our photo all right this is looking good let's drag in some images so here are a few images that I have downloaded from the unsplash.com so I'll drag and drop and maybe this image this looks good I'll scale that down just like so so now we have our image let's actually select this layers and hit ctrl shift C to pre compose them and I'll call this frame there we go here okay so that is looking good let's create a new composition which is gonna be our main comp so I'll call this main I'll select a custom sdtv 1920 to 1080 preset make this 30fps and one second long so I can hit 60 dot to keep it 60 seconds long that is 1 minute okay there we go let's add some background to this so I'll hit control Y to create a new solid called this BG for background hit OK and add some gradient ramp so I'll go into effects and preset and type in gradient ramp there we should have it where it is there we go let's select it and drag and drop it onto our BG set this to radial ramp and for the color I can go with a nice yellowish color I can swap the colors as well and bring this into the center and drag it up it just like so so we have some nice gradient on our background by the way gradients are so much trending these days like everyone is using gradient in the UI UX design and they definitely look really nice oh yes that makes sense to use a gradient here ok so that is looking good let's drag and drop and our media placeholder but before that we to add more images right so what I can do is hit ctrl D to keep on creating some copies so I'll maybe make ten copies looks good let's select them all and double click to open that up and then I can delete the image and I can add a different image so let's start adding them I'm gonna just drag and drop it hit s to scale them down and just bring down the size place it into a nice position and I won't do the same thing with every image you all right so all our free comms are ready to roll you can also add a video if you want to but in this case I'm just using the images so let's close this up and drag in all the images are all the media composition into the main comp we can close all the other compositions we don't need to see them and let's create a new camera I'll keep it a 2 loaded camera 50 millimeters looks good hit OK and turn all the layers to 3d now if you don't see this 3d option you can hit f4 on the keyboard to make it visible so now all the layers are 3d let's create a new null object I'll call this position hit control D to duplicate it call this Vega and make them 3d as well now I can parent the camera to the position null object and pan the position null object to the vigil layer let's select the vigor hit P to bring down the position properties hold alt and click on the stopwatch so now we can add any expression that we want I'm going to add some simple wriggle expression to give it a nice handle feel to the camera so wiggle open parenthesis 1 point 5 comma maybe I'll go ahead around 10 should be good so now you can see we have some nice handheld movement camera movement to our project simple and easy so that is that now what I can do is I can start arranging the images into the 3d space so to do that I can go right over here in the view section and switch to two views horizontal so now you can see our camera this is our camera and this is the point where it's going to focus so now what I can do is I can select maybe the image 2 and place it into the z space in a different position so I can drag it and place it just like so and you can also you know move it wherever that you want so maybe I'll play somewhere on there a little bit more back in C space select the third one let's oh let's try that out and I'll drag it maybe something like that and I can easily adjust it from right over here so I'll place it maybe something like that and you don't need to be very precise while doing it you can be a bit random so I'll select this one and let's place it maybe somewhere around there or I can adjust from right video third place is just like that select the fifth one and place fifth one maybe to the right and track it right or you may be a bit closer to the camera that looks good let's select the sixth one bring this way back in the z space o select it and let's place a move around there bring this back something like that self 271 let's drag that baby out you put back and place a right over your at the top just trying to fill up the spaces you know so that it looks nice the more images you add the more cool or more nice it's gonna look so you can play around with this stuff you something like that and I'll please do something like so there we go let's select eight one Oh the ninth one place it somewhere around there let's try to keep it maybe right here and you can you know later on change the position so you don't need to worry about it and the tenth one I'll go with maybe right here maybe out of the frame basically just like so alright so now we have them arranged let's go into the position and let's start animating this so right over here I'll go to around maybe let's zoom in actually and let's go to you one second and 15 frames select the position hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go back and let's zoom in like all the way up so really close like maybe there until our image is visible select the keyframes right click go to keyframe assistant and easy ease going to the graph editor and if your graph editor is not looking like this don't panic just right-click and make sure you are working in the Edit speed graph and not in the Edit value graph I'll select this point and drag this handle holding shift just like that to the left this one a bit as well so now we have this really nice animation which looks really really cool I can also add a new solid so hit control Y which is going to be our fade in so fade in I'll call this hit OK and I'll go to around maybe 15 frames hold alt and close square bracket to crop that layer hit T to bring down the opacity create a keyframe bring that keyframe at the very beginning and then set this to zero so now we have a simple opacity animation or fade-in animation basically something like that so it looks very nice select it keep them assistant Easy's or you can simply hit f9 on the keyboard so that is that being pretty nice let's select the position or null object and hit you so we can see the keyframes so I'll go right over here and hit and I'm gonna hold shift and page down so if I had shift and page down it's gonna move the time indicator 10 frames forward if I hit it again 20 frames forward and maybe around 20 frames or let's go at maybe 30 frames select this keyframe hit ctrl-c ctrl-v to paste the same keyframe go 50 frames forward so I'll hold shift and click on the page down button 5 times 1 2 3 4 5 and then I can move it to another image so now what I can do is I can actually switch back into our first view and let's actually move this oh maybe let's go back in the horizontal view and I can actually hold this and move it to any other image so I think I'll move it to around maybe this image zoomin just like that and then I can easily manipulate this or change it now you can see that image is coming in the middle but you don't need to worry we can zoom in really close just like that and then select this image and put this back in z space also you can turn on the title action save just to be a bit more precise and keep it in the middle and yeah that is looking pretty great now to make sure that our image is always in focus try to align this line with the image so I can just bring this a bit back there we go so now we have a really nice and simple movement but as you can see this image comes in between that is this one so what I can do is I can easily just it adjust the position still it's coming in between so please it a bit or what I can do is actually I can select this image and bring it a bit to the right so this should solve our problem let's go right over here and then drag our position just like so now let's see yep this is working pretty good now again I'll hit key to jump to the keyframe hold shift and click on page down three times to hop three 30 frames forward in time selected ctrl-c ctrl-v to copy be the same keyframe let's jump in 50 frames forward and let's move to another image so I'll move to maybe this one so what I can do is I can just select it drag it and displace it like that and then it can adjust it from right over here there we go so now we have this really nice and simple animation let's again go 30 frames forward in time 1 2 3 select the keyframes hit ctrl-c ctrl-v to copy paste the keyframe let's go 50 frames forward in time 1 2 3 4 5 and let's move to another image and I'm gonna repeat the same exact process again so maybe this time I'll hop in to this image now we can adjust this so I'll just make sure it's in the center just like that and there we have a really nice animation so let's repeat the same exact process again and again you so now we have few images online as you can see but the space looks pretty empty so to fill this up what we can do is first of all let's get rid of two views let's switch to one view again I'll go right over here this looks pretty filled up so I'll hop on to the second image and right away you can see there is no image you know in the background so what I can do is I can select or duplicate any image that I want so I can select this hit control D to placate it and place it into the z space I can also push this back in z space so I can hit P to bring down the position properties and I'm gonna basically push this back to create a nice depth of field right now we don't see any depth of field because our camera properties of depth of field is off so I can select the camera properties here hit a two times and turn on the depth of field let's increase the aperture to around 300 and now we have some nice depth of field maybe I'll go over 350 get much more depth yep so now if I go back to our fourth frame you can see we have this really nice depth in our scene I think 350 is a bit too much so I'll go by 300 that looks really nice as you can see so I'll go right over here let's add some more images to add some depth so I can hit control D select some random image you know but don't scale them down you can push them back in z space to make them smaller or bigger so in this case I'm gonna make them smaller so I'll push them back and Z spacing in place up here select this one hit control D and this is the same exact image I can delete it select this one hit control D with this right over your P scale this back and this time I'll push this keep it actually something like so that we get some nice depth as you can see now it looks much more interesting same thing I'm going to do with some other images so I can select it hit control D bring this right over here and push this back in z space let's hit control D again place this one your head P and push this back in z space and yeah I think this is looking good let's go ahead this this is looking pretty good actually so I can select this at control D I place this right here and everything else looks good this looks very empty empty so I can control D duplicate it put this one here select this one control D duplicate it oh this is the same image I can delete it select this one control D in this case I'm duplicating the image but you can create more free combs or more composition of media and add more media to it so you can basically add more images that is what I mean to say so yeah that is looking good let's add some more images right over your head ctrl D and place this one control te place this one here maybe you put forward in z space like that to create much more depth control D same image I can hit control Z control D to duplicate it and push this path in z space so yeah there we go let's move forward any of that was the last one so right now you can see we have our scene ready to row now one more thing that you can do is turn on the motion blur that is going to make the things look much more natural so let's actually preview this with the motion blur so it's gonna take you know a bit more time to preview this so as you can see with the motion blur things are looking very natural and organic you can see looks pretty good actually so let's particularly do some color correction to this let's go into layer new and add an adjustment layer called this CC for color correction and the first thing that I'm gonna add is a toner so I can add a CC toner by the way I'm using the effects console so if you're new to After Effects you don't know what is FX console basically it is a free After Effects script to you know I can quickly search effects your but if you don't have the script you can go into a fix and preset and just type in there if you want to so for the highlights I'll go with a nice reddish color just a touch for the mid-tones I'll make it some nice orange and for the shadows I'll go with a dark blue color oh maybe let's actually go with the populist blue and blend this by around 70 person should look good yep you can see before and after it gives this really nice wall feeling to this then I can add some curves to this bring this down to add a bit more contrast and punch up the highlights a bit I can switch to the red Channel and increase the redness a little bit just a touch and finally I can add some sharpen to this maybe around let's go 25 yep there we go looking really really nice and the last thing that I would like to add is a light leak so I'm gonna drag and drop it set this to screen so I'm gonna hit f4 said the blending mode to screen bring down the opacity to around 70 percent and add a curves adjustment then I can duplicate this at control D and rotate it by 180 degrees and by the way though and by the way you can download the complete project file from the link in the description below so make sure to check it out and I think the CC toner is a bit too much I can go right here and make this maybe 80% that looks good maybe bring down the light leaks opacity a bit so I'll hit T and bring it down to 50% there we go looking much better and there we have a nice 3d photo gallery animation inside of After Effects without using any plugins so that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then please do make sure to subscribe to the channel make sure to let me know in the comment section below if you enjoyed this tutorial and if you want me to create some more photo 3d photo gallery animations and also make sure to follow me on Instagram harder broad motions till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay raw steak me [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 988,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects cc, after effects 2018, after effects cs6, after effects tutorial, after effects cs6 tutorial, dope motions, 3d photo, after effects animation, after effects template, slideshow after effects, after effect tutorial, slideshow, 3D picture gallery, 3d photo gallery, after effect slideshow, after effect 3D slideshow, parallax slideshow effect after effects, 3D gallery effects, picture gallery, 3d picture gallery slideshow
Id: l5-tc_aUOSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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