3D Film Reel Slideshow Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial - Photo Slideshow

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this after effects tutorial is sponsored by skillshare hey guys what's up i am nikhil from dopemotions.com and welcome back to this brand new after effects tutorial in today's video i'm going to show you guys how to create a 3d flimstrip slide animation inside of after effects using some very easy steps and techniques this kind of animation can be a really cool way to showcase your photos or videos that you may have captured during a vacation or a trip or just to showcase your photography skills basically it adds a sense of emotion and feeling to your photos when you present it through this kind of animation style so without any further ado let's jump into after effects and get started all right so here we are in after effects let's start by creating a new composition let's go with 1920 by 1080 for our main comp i'll call this final for our final composition 10 sec is long head okay now first comp we need to create is our real design so here i have few assets and you can download the complete project file from the link in the description below it's absolutely free so here you can see we have a flim strip which we will be using for this tutorial so let's create a new composition called this reel that is a film strip you can call it whatever that you want and for the width i'm going to set this to around 5000 and i'm going to hit ok let's drag and drop in the flim reel png that we have just like so so here we have it now i want to extend this to the right and the left of the composition so to do that i will be going into effects and preset and add a effect called cc reptile let's drag and drop it there we go let's increase the right side just like so let's go to around 1700 and also go with 1700 for this one as well then let's go back into our project panel and create image placeholders you can also use videos if you want to i'll call this m underscore one for media underscore one let's set this to 1920 by 1080 and then you can use any images that you want to use i will be using this nice images that i got from unsplash looks pretty nice let's select the composition hit ctrl d two times to create more two copies so we have media one two and three let's open them up as well and i can delete the image let's add a second image i can just set s and scale that down reframe it let's go into m3 delete that and drag the third image let's scale that down and reframe it if you need to then i'm going to go back into my main real composition and let's drag and drop in the image compositions that is media one two and three let's put this at the back all right for the second one i'm gonna drag this right over here and for the third one i'll drag it right over here now as you can see obviously we need to re-frame this so i can jump into image comp let's move this a bit let's see so our framing is proper for the first one i'll move this a bit the second one a bit as well all right so i like the framing now let's set the first one and create a mask so i'll select the rectangle tool and simply just create a mask like so there we go i can select the second one and let's create a mask like that also i'm going to move this a bit to the right using the arrow keys so it fills up the reel properly i can hit v select this mask point oh make sure you select the mask path select the mask points and using the arrow keys you can bring down the mask just like so and finally for the third one let's select it select the rectangle tool to create a mask and simply create a mask like that there we go now if i want i can also add some nice text to this which i will be adding so let's select text tool and for the font i will be going with integral you're free to use any font that you want i'm going to go with an integral bowl let's type in some text i'll call this capture memories capture first of all let's make this white so we can see what's happening here and let's increase the size bring down the kerning to zero okay so capture hit ctrl d to duplicate it call this memories and bring down the size let's increase the kerning a bit there we go so that is looking pretty nice let's create some duplicates of this hit ctrl d pull this at the top let's add this right or [Music] oh make sure i move this just like that maybe i'll place it maybe somewhere on there for a different position call this record movements got moments and finally i'll duplicate this again so it control d put this at the top and i can just move this like so oh so something like that and let's change the text call this friends forever looking good hold on a second before we proceed further with this tutorial i just want to take a minute and talk about today's sponsor skillshare because you know i want to make some money so i can buy a new monitor because i just broke my old one anyways skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey skillshare offers thousands of inspiring classes for creatives and curious people on topics including illustration design photography video freelancing and more skillshare offers class designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold you can check out this animation course for motion design on skillshare to learn more about motion graphics and animation skillshare is also incredibly affordable especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops the first 1000 people to click the link in the description below will get access to two free months of premium membership to skill share now i can also add some detail to the real at the moment it looks pretty you know blank so what i can do is let's select the text from here hit ctrl d and let's pull this right over here make this black and add some details like let's say play bring down the kerning bring down the size maybe something like so and place it into the position that we want hit ctrl d let's place this one right here hit ctrl d again and place this one oh just like so now if you want you can add some more detail if you want to but i think that looks good for now let's move forward with this tutorial let's go back into our final composition and drag and drop in the main real comp just like so let's add a new camera to this 50 millimeters should be good hit okay then let's create a new null object i'm going to align the null object into the center and to if you don't find this align tab you can go into windows and there you can just check it on let's select the null now to center the anchor point you can hold ctrl and double click on the pan behind tool that way it's gonna center up the anchor point make it 3d so i can just click on this icon and then parent the camera to the null object if you don't see this parent option you can click right here columns and then you'll find parent and link let's call this c control that is cam control so you can easily control the camera movement and let's push this back into the z space just like so it's somewhere around there and i'm going to go at one second and 10 frames and let's animate the flim strip so i'll select the film strip hit r and let's rotate this a bit just like just a touch maybe -4 or something and create a keyframe on the position so select it hit p create a keyframe on the position go back and let's bring that out of the frame just like so so basically we have this nice simple animation but we also want to add a nice simple handheld feel to the camera so i'll select the cam control hit p create a keyframe on the position sorry hold alt and click on the stopwatch and let's add a wiggle expression to add a nice handheld feel to this so 3 comma 7 works good and let's see how it looks so the wiggle is nice but the movement is not the way i like it to be so what i'm going to do is select the real hit u so we can see the keyframes so i'm going to select the keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor right click and select edit speed graph and let's select this point and drag the handle to the left just like so and now we have this nice animation as you can see looks pretty cool now we want to add some nice background to this as well so i'll create a new solid hit ctrl y let's call this bg for a background put this at the back then i can go into my assets folder and let's drag in the texture that we have let's put this and hit t and bring down the opacity to 60 that looks much better also we can add a nice drop shadow onto our reel so i'll go into effects and preset type in drop shadow double click and let's bring down the distance to zero and increase the softness really high or maybe i'll add a distance of um you know i'll say this to 90 and let's add a little bit of distance something around there looks good bring down the opacity really low something like so and play around with the distance a bit so you know we have a nice a little bit of depth into the scene but i think i'll increase the softness really high you know something like so all right and now what i'm going to do is select the real hit control d let's hit u and get rid of the position animation hit r and rotate it in a different you know direction let's hit p and push this back in the z space just like so really far away and i can place it maybe somewhere around there also one more thing that i want to do okay that is looking good also one more thing that i would like to add is select the reel that is this one make sure you turn a diff let's go ahead and add a different color to our main reel so i'll keep it something like an orange or maybe a yellow should work good and for this one i'll go with a nice red color so this is our main reel and this is the background reel animation that we are doing so let's go ahead and add a cc reptile on this one as well so i'll delete the drop shadow from this and let's add a cc reptile on this reel let's increase the expand left to around 1000 so if i move this you can see we have this extended reel maybe i'll increase this to around 3000 that should be much better so you can see we have a nice long strip so i'll keep it around there maybe increase this to 5000 okay so i'll keep it as it is for now then let's duplicate this hit ctrl d and i'm going to hit r and rotate this in a different position so i'll keep it somewhere around there and also hit p bring this a bit closer to the camera hit r and let's place it just like so maybe a bit closer so it's kind of a you know abstract thing you can take your time and place it accordingly the way you want i think this is looking good let's select this again hit ctrl d hit r and uh let's rotate this in a different position hit p and push this back really back maybe in the z space let's position this let's increase this that is the reptile repetition basically and i'm going to place this something like so now if i go into my camera hit u2 times to reveal the properties and let's actually go into the cam camera options let's turn on depth of field and if i increase my aperture to around 250 and the blur amount to 200 let's see what we get we get this really nice depth into the scene if i hit ctrl shift h to hide this you can see we get this really nice depth now i can also add a little bit of fake blur um basically fake feel of depth by adding a blur to this texture so i'll add maybe something like a fast blur just a little of 10 should work good repeat edge pixels so as you can see it's looking pretty nice we have this nice camera movement as well maybe i can duplicate this hit ctrl d hit p and push this closer to the camera be nice and close and rotate this so i'll rotate oh make sure i hit ctrl shift h so i can see the parameters that we have so right over here i can rotate this and let's place this somewhere around there so we get a nice sense of depth as well i can hit ctrl d again and maybe add one right here and rotate this in a different position maybe just to add some randomness you know something like so so the final frame is looking pretty nice let's create a new adjustment layer call this cc for color correction and the first thing that i will be adding is the triton color all right and bring down the bring up the blend with original to around 65 percent that looks much better as you can see it ha it adds a nice warm feeling to this i guess let's go around maybe like 75 looks much better and finally i'll add a curves to this one of my favorite effect just to add some nice contrast and a sharpen as well so let's set this up to 20 that is looking much better so we have our first animation now let's add the second animation to our main slide so i'll select the real hit u i'm gonna go to two seconds let's pull this keyframe to one second actually let's go to two seconds create a keyframe by hitting on this diamond kind of an icon go to three seconds move the position just like so and as you can see our reel ends right here so i can add a cc repetile again and increase the left side okay i need to remove the drop shadow let's place this below the cc repertile so i'll place it or frame it just like so and also we'll add a little bit of rotation so select this hit r create a keyframe on the z rotation hit u and let's go right here let's rotate this in a different uh direction so we have something like this now one thing that i want to do is select all the keyframes and hit f9 for now and later on we will add a smooth animation so something like this maybe it's a bit too much i'll go something like two then let's go to four second create a keyframe on the position and the z rotation go to five second and let's pull this to our third image and increase the span from left as well and let's rotate this just a bit maybe something like zero should be fine we have a nice rotation so the first animation the second and the third so select all the keyframes hit f9 and let's use the keyframe wingman which is a free script you can do this manually as well but using keyframe freak keyframe wingman is much more sensible for this because all i have to do is select the keyframes and if i just select this again just to show you guys what it does you know we can easily tweak the complete graph editor and we don't need to actually you know do this manually so it saves a lot of time i've mentioned the link in the description if you want to go ahead and download it again it's free so that is looking pretty nice now the start animation i don't want the i don't want this kind of animation for the start so i'll go into i'll hit f9 go into the graph editor and this time i'm going to tweak this to the left so there we go something like that looks much better as you can see also it looks a bit too fast to me so what i can do is select all the keyframes hold alt and stretch them out just like so so we have a really nice animation as you can see so it stays there and then we have a further movement pretty nice let's add some final touches to this so i'll add a light leak again you can download the complete um project file from the link in the description below i'll hit f4 let's change the blending mode to screen and bring down the opacity to 50 so we have a really nice light leak as you can see i can hit ctrl d to duplicate it let's put this just like so looking very very nice now final thing that we need to do is animate the background strips so i'll go to around one second let's select all the reels hit ctrl shift h so i can see the control layers hit p create a keyframe on the position go back and let's pull them out one by one so first one i'm going to pull this out just like that so like this one maybe pull this out this one i'll pull this out like so so you can hold shift and pull that out this one let's pull this out this one let's pull this out or maybe and pull it out in a different way no i think the strip way is much better so i'll pull this out just like so okay so that is looking much better let's select the keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor and let's pull this points to the left so now we have this really nice animation as you can see i can also stretch the key keyframes according to the first main real slide so i can pull this just like so and let's see what we have as you can see it's looking very very nice pretty cool now one last small detail that i want to add not a detail basically a small movement that i want to add is i want the background strip to keep moving continuously so in order to do that i'm going to select one strip let's solo that up you know and add an effect called transform and basically i just want to animate this position like slowly you know so let's go at the very start create a keyframe on the position of the transform property go at the very end and let's give it a little bit of movement so now it animates in and we have a small movement in the position maybe a bit more i guess all righty right that's looking good let's select this hit ctrl c and paste it make sure your time indicator is at the very start select all the other reels let's solo them up hit ctrl v and let's see what we have so you can see we have a small movement and it gives a sense of depth as well into the scene so let's preview this really quick and there we go looks super cool very easy to create and you can add in your own photos your own images now one last thing that we need to do is right here you can see our images are getting cropped up and as you can see i want this look at the edges as well so to fix this i'm going to go into my reel hit ctrl k and let's increase the width a little bit unless and until i can see those edges and hit okay let's go back into our final comp and um there we go maybe i'll go into my wheel again let's see if it's getting cropped yep so to fix this i can select my third image hit ctrl shift h let's select the mask and using the arrow keys i can just fix this same i can do this right over here as well if i hit m select the mask select the points and let's bring them in let's go and a bit hit ctrl k again let's bring down the size a bit and make sure there are no uh spaces in the edges boom there we go looking perfect so that is a wrap for today guys i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you are still here please do consider subscribing to the channel and also press that bell notification icon so you never miss any new update on the channel also if you want you can support us on patreon the link will be in the description and follow me on instagram at dope.motion and i know that is just too many things to do so make sure you just go right now and do it because why not it's free anyways so i'll see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 66,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Photo Gallery Slide Animation in After Effects, after effects 3d photo slideshow, after effects tutorial, after effects animation, slideshow animation after effects, dope motions tutorial, after effects slideshow, motion graphics, adobe after effects, slideshow in after effects, after effects slideshow tutorial, photo slideshow after effects, slideshow tutorial after effects, after effects cc, dope motions slideshow tutorial, film reel slideshow
Id: r7o9O3N0TLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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