Answer to Question for After Effects: How to remove unwanted objects from a moving shot.

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another request I've had is to show how to do some uh object object removal within a moving shot um I'm going to show this little clip here that was for this Western commercial first of all grab this clip here I'm going to just edit it down to the portion that I need you got this little jib shot here where they start walking out in the streets about here I'm going to put endpoint play through this actually let's let's make this a little bit more difficult because I'm I'm going to have this where they first come walking on I'm going to put an inpoint scroll through this to the end of the shot here where the jib stops outp point I'm going to drop that into my timeline here and I've got this clip now to fix so one thing I want you to notice with this clip here is they walk through by the way Tia over this window brings it full screen I've got this jib shot here it's supposed to be like 1800 sort of Western commercial those shot but we've got some issues with this shot we've got these kind of modern-day signs and we also have this telephone pole so I'm going to show how to do a removal on this to make it look like there is no telephone pole and I will'll leave the mountains behind and uh the sky behind and we will put and fill in these areas here with this kind of colored wood to replace those signs to make this look not so modern day uh to get rid of those modern day elements here but this adds a little bit with the Photoshop uh kind of Photoshop sort of way to go if this was a static shot you'd be able to just basically stick something over that stick something over that but this is a moving shot so we're going to have to do this with some motion tracking and uh replace some of those objects here going to right click on this clip replace it with an After Effects composition send it over to after effects to fix this after effects opens I'm going to call this uh jib fix just saving it to my desktop it should be saving these to your production folders here's my shot right there inside of the file and what I'm going to do first of all is is I'm going to replace this I'm going to replace this telephone pole here so what I've noticed here I'm going to hold down alt and scroll up here and look at it we've got a mountain going back there and we've got the sky going back there so I'm going to need some uh mountains and sky going to look around in this shot so what I'm going to do first I'm going to track this uh the mountains back here now notice the mountains move at a different speed of things in the foreground notice how more mountain is revealed and this moves at a different speed than the foreground things in the background move at a slower rate than things in the foreground so I'm going to to do a track here I'm going to select this clip I'm going to scroll up to this here to the mountain and I'm going to arrange for motion tracking pull this little arrow down and go Motion tracking I'm already there and I'm going to click track motion brings up this little Crosshair I'm going to move this up here to where the mountain is right over there and make sure when you grab these you grab it right here in the center I've alt scrolled up to you got to alt scroll up to it and grab it here in this middle section not in this outer section here oh and you got to make sure not to move these frames at all right away just grab it right here in the middle section and not the Crosshair I'm going to put it right on let's try that mountain tip and see how that works there I'm going to make it about that big and then it kind of feathers off from this point to this point let's track that and see how it does I'm going to zoom out a bit I'm at my home position here but let's hit track and see how that tracks there so far so good let's see if it makes to the end this wire might cross there let's see if that's an issue no didn't seem to be an issue that wire didn't cross that point that I chose so the tracking worked really well it tracked that mountain and I go up to layer new null add a null object there's the null and I'm going to edit my target here choose the null as my edit Target and don't forget to hit apply and hit okay and it has now applied that tracking data to a null object and that null object moves with the mountain there so now I need to make an object to replace and use that tracking data there so I'm going to hit shift question mark to zoom out I'm going to duplicate my bottom layer here controll D And I'm going to borrow a portion now I'm going to make this into its own layer I'm going to right click and go to time and we're going to freeze frame this whole thing so it's freeze framed on this image right there I'm going to grab this mountain so I'm going to grab this mountain portion I'm going to attach it to this mountain right there I'm going to grab a mask I'm going to alt scroll up and we've got some mountains there I'm going to grab my pen tool and I'm going to click I'm going to use a little bit of the sky so I'm going to click up here into the sky click there click there there and there and I've grabbed a little chunk of mountains there shift question mark yeah if I turn off the bottom layer watch this notice I've grabbed out of this Ste frame a little chunk of mountain there so I'm going to select this layer here I'm going to go up to my Pan behind tool which is changing your Anchor Point click on that because I want to scale this and I'm going to grab my Anchor Point and move it in the dead center of this so it scales based on it scales and rotates based on that Anchor Point instead of a Anchor Point over here which make it go kind of weird so now I'm going to turn on my bottom layer again alt scroll up to this V for my arrow tool grab this clip here this freeze frame that I just generated move it over and let's put it right here but I'm going to make this larger and make go like that I'm going to grab this top corner here and scale this to kind of blend in with those mountains there right on the corner there bring that over right about there I need to rotate this a little bit H for hand I'm going to move this up V for my arrow actually W for rotate and I'm going to rotate oops and I'm going to rotate this just a little bit about right there so it's on the same kind of level plane as the mountains there and I'm going to position it right about there I'm going to change my mask shape a little bit so it kind of keeps those trees in so I'm going to hit V for my arrow tool and move that over move this mask over hide those wires as much as possible while retaining the tree but notice it's eating into the building here which is fine but now let kind of Blended in and has gotten rid of um this bottom portion now we have to get rid of that top portion and uh let move this up a little bit we can borrow the sky even a little bit more here but then it starts getting into other telephone wires from the other shot there we go I'm going to go under this mask feather The Edge a little bit just soften it kind of blend it in uh looks like about five pixels will do it and there we go we got a little bit of the cable there but we're not going to notice that I'm going to have to do the same thing now I've got that mountain there we're going to do the same thing for the sky and replace this portion here so I'm going to click the bottom duplicate it right click go up to time Freeze Frame it and I'm going to grab some of these clouds here and move it over this thing here so let's uh now this thing is a freeze frame here I'm going to rename this one because this one is my mountains and this one is going to be my sky so here with my sky this free frame of the sky now I'm going to alt scroll up to it and I'm going to use my pen tool and kind of select a big portion of the sky here avoiding the trees right about there so now hit V for my arrow you'll notice I've got that little chunk of Sky shift question mark to zoom out I want to move my Anchor Point up here so I'm going to grab my Pan behind tool grab my Anchor Point put it right in the middle of the sky there there zoom up to it V for my arrow tool I'm going to grab the edge of the scale frame here I'm going to move it this way and start expand it out because I'm going to kind of reverse that and blend it in to those kind of blend it in those little clouds right there H for hand move it over make this larger see if we can kind of make this larger W to rotate kind of blend these in and get it to go over there there we go we got rid of all the telephone pole there now I'm going to go to ma my mask on this object here and go to the mask on this object here and I'm going to feather the edges feather those edges just soften it up a little bit see this needs to be moved down a little bit more to cover the rest of the telephone pole and there we go and those kind of blend in and we've gotten rid of the telephone poles completely but now this is a moving shot of course I could feather that a little bit more let's feather that a little bit more soften it up so now when we move here notice as we play through this that those those images right now they're just like stuck right on the middle of the screen there they don't they don't move with the mountains so all we have to do to make a move with the mountains is we're going to grab our mountains and we're going to parent it to the null with the tracking information the sky parent it to the null and now as we play through it that sky and Mountain moves with the background there we'll probably have to change that color a little bit to match those Mountain colors which is fine but there we go and those move with it but now obviously they're pasted over the building so now we need to put a mask over this building here and it's moving mask as well so what we're going to do actually I'm going to select this we're going to call this one my Mountain null because we're going to do two nulls here for another uh track here but uh this one's called the mountain null so now I want to put a layer over this to kind of mask I want to I'm going to use an object as a layer I'm going to do file new solid and I'm going to choose a new color solid here it's going to mask over the whole thing I'm going to grab this and scale it down just large enough to cover this area right there and we're going to create a mask to cover these buildings here so what I'm going to do now is going to turn down the opacity of that layer just so I can kind of see what I'm doing here so make it kind of an onion skin here I'm going to alt and scroll up to it let's turn off these mountain and sky so I can really see what mask I have to create here so I'm going to grab my pen tool and we're going to click click make a little teeny bit of bezier curve click and drag to make a bezier curve click let's alt scroll up click making a mask here to be the shape of my building that's going to be big enough alt scroll out H for hand move it and a g for my pen tool and click there we go and I've got that mask for that object right there so let's turn the opacity now that I've got the shape there I'm going to basically I'm going to feather the edges there a little bit feather I'll feather it by about four pixels and I'm going to uh expand the mask by about four pixels as well and quite hasn't reached the edge of the building there so I'm going to do six pixels and there we go starting to kind of eat into it and let's feather it by about like two more pixels there there we go so now that mask kind of uh touches the edge there eight pixels expansion there we go now it's kind of eating into the building there so now I've got that mask now we have to make that mask also move with the building as well well so that's quite simple but the building is in the foreground and if we can't Target it to the mountain because it'll move at the same rate as the mountains we need it to move as the same rate as the buildings in the foreground those are going to be F faster so I'm going to select my background image we're going to track motion and I'm just going to grab a little portion of this building right here right there let's see if the H well this tracks I'm going to expand it so it uses more of the building to track and hit play to track it and it's lock into it pretty good okay that's done I'm going to go up to layer new null and I'm going to call this one the building null hit return to change it building null the beginning of the shot and I'm going to edit my Target and we're going to apply that to the building null hit okay and apply hit okay and now that tracking data that null is the building null tracks to the building movement so you got two different nles one on the background you can see that mountain moving at a different rate than the one in the foreground now I can grab this solid and I can parent it to the building null now watch this it moves with it it changes shape a little bit just because the perspective changes so I can if I really want to fine-tune this I'm going to go under masks mask path turn it on for the beginning and then go to the end so I've got a key frame at the beginning I turned it on for the beginning So that's its beginning point at the end I have to grab these little null points if you grab it if you grab one null it's going to select all of them so you have to deselect them by clicking in here somewhere now grab this null or this this um node and move it up move this one up go H for hand G from my pen tool and just kind of reposition these make sure that they are locking and that actually looks pretty good there so there and it does a little bit of an animation changing the shape for the perspective shift and now that mask locks pretty good to the building there it moves with the building so now I can use that as a mask to show through to the mountains and Sky below so what I'm going to do is I'm going to select all my sky mountains and Mountain null I'm going to put these all together in one layer right click on them go pre-compose we'll call this mountain layer and it's going to put and we're going to move all the attributes into the new composition hit okay and now that's all put into one object there now this is going to be directly below this dark red solid that I've created and I'm going to if it's not already you hit toggle modes and switches go to the track mat this mountain has to be right below the layer that it's using as a mask I'm going to pull this down until it to track mat it Alpha mat it to the layer above it the dark red solid boom it uses that mask now and now look at this the sky's been replaced the Mountain's been replaced you have that mask there there we go mountains move with it we have to change that mountain color a little bit but we can do that later we can just do that with an effect add a brightness to it which is fine and change it a little make it a little bit brighter okay next I want to remove these signs here I've already tracked the building at a certain rate right so what I can do now is I'm going to have to duplicate once again this bottom layer right click go to time going to freeze frame and with this one freeze framed right there I'm going to cut out a portion for this uh building over here use my pen tool click a good portion of this uh chunk of the sign right here so now I've got the sign right there it's a freeze frame of it but now I'm going to double click on it because I'm going to use my clone tool opens it up as the layer here I'm going to use my clone tool to kind of paint on this here and I'm going to go up to this little clone tool right there click on it hold down alt this works just like Photoshop and click a little bit over to the left here I alt clicked right there so now that's the part that's going to start copying from now I'm move over and click and start painting and look at the cross here to the left is just like Photoshop where it's borrowing from this area over here to paint over here and to do that again kind of change my position there and you just have to kind of keep painting here you can change your brush size and your Feathering down here on the brushes here you can go down there and fine tune it if you wish to right now this setting works fine but otherwise you can make it larger you're going to keep painting to get rid of this entire sign here so once that's done I'll go back to my composition here and the sign has now been wiped out there and it's um and that's just that layer right here I'm going to rename that I'm going to call this right sign hit enter and now it's vanished and because it's done it just for that individual frame right there I'm going to right click and put this in its own composition and and move all the attributes to the new composition hit okay I'm going to right click on this one and tell it because I did that clone tool for just that one ending frame so I want to right click on this and freeze frame that thing as an entire comp there go time and freeze frame it and now it will freeze frame that that clone for the entire comp instead of just that one frame on that clip so now I'm going to grab my parent and I will parent this to O my parenting and parent this to the building null and now that sign moves with the jib there we go and we've got one more sign to go here let's I'm going to do the exact same process on this one I'm going to go to the clip duplicate it freeze frame it I'm going to do the sign and then I will come back after the sign is done but it's exact same process on here and show you the last step all right now that that's done I've done the same pre comp thing I'm going to Target that to my building null and now it moves with the jib shot so now that moves moves so I parented it and now that uh painted out sign moves with the with a jib shot there didn't do such a great job on the side oh well you guys get the concept so there we go we've got that sign replaced as well but now the only issue here is these guys cross in front of it they cross in front of this and notice that sign Cuts them out a little bit so now all I have to do is grab this bottom layer duplicate pull this up to the top put on top and I'm going to do a little bit of rotoscoping there so right there as he passes through I'm going to start this clip right about there I'm going to just put this clip in as long as I need it alt left bracket to put an endpoint play through it alt right bracket key that's far enough right there I just have to rotoscope for this portion right there so let's go to the mask here get them right in the middle there kind of create a mask right there I'm going to grab my pen tool zoom up alt scroll and kind of create a mask over him create a mask over him cover for his entire head and hair here there just enough to kind of cut out over that sign there so now basically we have this little object over this to kind of keep him to cover make it look like he's in front of the sign so now we have to animate that mask go down to masks mask here turn on my mask path and I'm going to go one two three four five about five frames back grab this mask move it back luckily the shape of his head doesn't change out that much the perspective does doesn't change all that much move five frames back grab it move it back over here and there we go looks pretty good actually so let's go to the end here to raise past the sign move this and animate it there might have to change the shape because the shape does change a little bit but that that works just fine right there actually got to fix it in between here a little bit about there and fine-tune it looks pretty good going to feather it a little bit by about like three pixels and eat into it at massic expansion I'm going goga2 here maybe and then see how that works let's see how that works actually that's pretty good there so he walks in front of it shave question mark look at the whole thing and here's our shot who's in front of the Mask oh his head cuts off but I'd have to just do another another layer and cut off the top of his head just when he moves through it and I am done it's quite a bit of work but this is what people have to go through to clean shots up after you get used to doing effects uh this this comes a lot quicker a lot more naturally uh only thing I need to do is change the mountain color there a little bit maybe blend the clouds in but but there you go so if you have any questions please post them and thanks for watching
Channel: chinfat
Views: 127,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe After Effects (Software), How-to (Website Category), removing objects, special effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2015
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